
Watch the Tropfest film ‘CA$H COW – A 63% TRUE STORY’ at the hyperlink below:

Once you have watched the film, answer the following questions below.

Note: you must type up your answers on a word document and by the end have it sent to your allocated English Studies teacher.

1. In the opening scenes of this film, what does the camera do, or more importantly how has the camera position or move)?

2. What makes the title humorous?

3. The camera is known to be ‘shaky’ in some scenes/shots of the film. Why do you think it is doing this and what is the effect of it?

4. We see several close up shots on the actors/characters in the film, what is it trying to show in regards to the character?

5. Just by watching the film, would you consider it a real-life story about a person who actually played Cashcow on television? Explain why or why not?

6. List out the emotions you see in the film or being shown through the characters. Then explain if you as the audience felt these emotions shown from the film or character?

Watch the Tropfest film ‘Let It Rain’ at the hyperlink below:

Once you have watched the film, answer the following questions below.

1. From the first scene, how do you know that the film is humorous?

2. List out the references to gangster movies included in this film.

3. What do you think the title is referring to?

4. Looking at the way the characters are dressed, are you (the audience) able to instantly recognise or identify what type of film this would be? If so how and why?

5. What makes the balloon scene important in the film?

6. When the only female character in the film appears, how is the entire mood of the film changed?

7. Towards the end of the film, what do you think it is saying or showing about the men after meeting the only female character in the film?

8. What do you think happens to all the men at the very end of the film, with the last scene of him holding up the balloon?


Today Tonight & A Current Affairs


1. After watching an episode, list the main topics that these shows like to discuss.

2. How do these shows present their facts (is it in a good or bad way)?

3. From these shows, do you feel fear, anger or informed? Explain your response.

4. At the start of each feature story, how do they set their introduction? Discuss the camera work, how they show images, the narrator’s voice etc.

5. These two shows are known to be biased, do you agree and explain why.

6. “Controversy helps generate attention.” Do you agree with this statement and how do you think it applies to Today Tonight & A Current Affair?

7. From the shows presented, would you say that the reporters are too persistent in their actions in getting responses, or that it is breaching a code of conduct? Explain your answer.

• What is Media? (Brainstorm)

• Research a famous celebrity (Discuss one of their controversies – what it is, who’s involved, when and where did it happen, why did it happen and how)

• Digital Media: Look at the following characteristics of a website; what are some things you see or hear? How does it make you respond or feel?

1. Look at the title or heading, how is it displayed or created?

2. Besides the news article, what other things or aspects do you see on the page/website? List and discuss these and the effect in detail.

3. Why is the name and/or picture of the author for the article displayed? Explain its significance.

4. Did you feel informed about this article? Explain why you did or didn’t.

5. Identify what the main subject of the article was about, who was involved, when and where did it happen, why did it happen and how?

6. Compared with Today Tonight and A Current Affair, how are the articles and news stories presented or shown in contrast to what is shown on TT and ACA?


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