Night of the SPYDERs (1 of 1)

Previously on Arron Redbeard Adventures

SPYDER is a group of elite assassins, put on hire contract, they have encountered Arron many times before with him both protecting the target and being the target. Arron almost disbanded the group, when he arrested the SPYDER leader, but the SPYDER escaped prison and rescued all of his assassins. Arron has since kept his distance, realising that they are an easy lead to those that hire them; will he come to regret that choice?

The Anti-monitor, a creature from an anti-matter universe escaped from its captivity, and began its quest to consume the multiverse, in the ensuing battle Arron’s Heli-carrier was destroyed and many lives were lost, the battle ended when Lex Luthor used a device stolen from Arron to merge the universe with another and banish the Anti-monitor to an empty universe, killing over 65 billion people from the universe it merged with. Feeling guilt for his role in events, Arron retreated from Earth, hoping to find himself, in the process he replaced the destroyed Heli-carrier with a new base, the Ephemeris-Omega, a space-station capable of monitoring the universe.

Arron Redbeard Adventures

Scene 1

Drax Plc, Planet Siosis, April 19th 2015 19:00 UTC

: I was called in to investigate some financial discrepancies in the business, should’ve known I’d been set up. (He is grabbed by webbing, and thrown into a wall) Dark Spider, last I heard the Violet witch killed him, guess he survived after all. (He runs electricity through the webbing but with no effect)

Black Spider: I saw that coming, my suit is now electrically insulated, you’ll never hit me (he jumps to avoid Arron who is now shooting at him with his pistol, he grabs the pistol with his webbing, and swings it out of Arron’s hands) now what are you gonna do? You got no guns (he dodges a punch from Arron, he easily blocks a number of Arron’s attacks then punches Arron backwards, Arron jumps back onto his feet)

: He still hits like a girl (he throws smoke on the ground) defence 03 (Arron robots attempt to attack him from all sides, but Dark Spider jumps to the ceiling, he runs as the robots attempt to shoot him, with all the shots missing, he then latches onto one of them with his webbing, and chucks it into another, blowing both up in the process, he repeats the tactic until all but one the robots are destroyed, then he jumps back down to the ground Arron attempts to kick him in the back, but he catches Arron’s foot, and throws him down, he prepares a knife to stab Arron but he is forced to dodge as Arron attempts to kick him in the chest) good job I made some modifications to the building’s systems (knock-out gas is sprayed out of the air vents of the room, Arron puts on a gas mask, Dark Spider jumps to the ceiling, then shoots webbing at the floor, and pulls hard to remove a part of the ceiling, gas escapes into the lower levels, Dark Spider throws the ceiling portion at Arron, Arron easily avoids it but the last Arron robot take the impact and is destroyed)

Dark Spider: I’m much stronger than I used to be (he drops down through the hole he created)

Arron: And you’ve just made your mistake, gas was being pumped into that room as well (Dark Spider coughs before passing out, Arron stops the flow of gas, Arron jumps down the hole and stands with his foot on Dark Dark Spider’s body as he begins to recover) so which moron hired SPYDER after me this week?

Dark Spider: I’m just the first you know, big night tonight Arron, you’ll be seeing a lot more of us tonight (Arron punches him unconscious) Anarax, I’m done here (he is teleported away)

Scene 2

Ephemeris-Omega, 19:25 UTC

Anarax: How’d it go?

Arron: It was a set up; Dark Spider was waiting for me

Anarax: Take it he didn’t fare so well?

Arron: Not for lack of trying, if I hadn’t booby-trapped the air-vents and evacuated the building… He was better prepared than the last time I fought him, better equipped, it must be big bucks he’s after.

Anarax: He tell you who hired him?

Arron: No, but I managed to swipe this off him (he holds a PDA) a little too well encrypted to hack into it on the go but I’ve cracked it now, email from the SPYDER leader, forwarded from an anonymous contractor. “You have 1 night to eliminate Arron Redbeard, reward for the hit is 300,000,000 credits, a body will be required as proof of the hit’s success”

Anarax: Who was the message forwarded to? (Arron takes a holo-image and spreads it out)

Arron: A little bit of tech ‘borrowed’ off Tony Stark. But the news it reveals isn’t good. 16 assassins, 12 straight off SPYDER, and 4 from Earth

Anarax: Well, that’s Dark Spider, he’s locked up, 1 down, 15 to go (she touches Dark Spider’s image and drags it to the recycle bin) there’s Multiplex, you fought him only a year and a half ago

Arron: One of his copies must’ve avoided prison. Shift and Jumping Jack I met on at the training guild when I was infiltrating SPYDER.

Anarax: Joanne, the SPYDER leader’s Daughter has been hired

Arron: She began using broad-swords last I heard. She’s a gifted fighter, so are most of the assassins from Earth, Lady Shiva taught Black Canary, not one to be trifled with. Neither is Deathstroke, can access parts of the brain most humans can’t, guns, swords etc.

Anarax: Few new ones on the list too, let’s bring up their profiles (she enlarges the profiles of the unknown assassins) not much known about this one, Sarah Woods?

Arron: Intergalactic woman of mystery, that’s unlikely her true name, but the word is she can sense emotions, that makes her exceptionally dangerous. Glavidia, a technological psychopath, exceptionally dangerous with her technology, CYPHER, another techno-path, this time a sentient computer virus

Anarax: Good job our anti-virus is up to date, but what would a virus want with money?

Arron: It can control people like drones, I’m guessing with the money, it can get people to upgrade itself and get past that anti-virus

Anarax: Says here Ymanshi was an assassin, before she became the queen of Outpost X15 on Aridia

Arron: I’ll have to make sure she comes to me for the fight; she has diplomatic immunity on her own soil.

Anarax: This snake-woman

Arron: Copper-head, one of the splice jobs of a Doctor named Kuvier, before his untimely demise (image of Copperhead breaking his neck with her feet) one assassin I don’t recognise is this one, Deadpool, he didn’t exist prior to the universe merge.

Anarax: The merc with the mouth. He could be an interesting one. Then there’s Karlark.

Arron: He’s strong and he can inject poison into you through his bite, Solaris might be more interesting, he can use electrical energy to enhance his speed or strength.

Anarax: Shocking, and finally Brulet, toxic skin and super-sight and hearing, odd combination

Arron: Lethal combination, Brulet can see or hear or hear attacks from miles away.

Anarax: Every single one of them wants you dead tonight

Arron: And they’ll put innocent lives at risk to get to me, unless I get to them first. We need to find out who hired me, but I can’t risk infiltrating SPYDER, it’d be too easy for one of the assassins to jump me.

Anarax: Then I guess that’s my job (Arron smiles)

Arron: Meanwhile (he begins typing at the holo-keyboard) let’s bring up all the news channels I can get (he enlarges the screens so they cover the whole base) and search for the names of the assassins on any one of them, see what comes up.

Anarax: All emails sent to SPYDER assassins are filtered through the SPYDER mainframe, it’s been moved again, but I think I can find it.

Arron: Prima is at your disposal Anarax; it’ll allow you to get close enough to bypass their defences before you teleport in. Good luck. (Anarax heads off, as an alarm sounds and a screen starts flashing) so who’s first? (He heads off and finds the flashing screen) Shift

Scene 3

Bank of Eunoga, Planet Unabak, 19:00 UTC-1

Shift appears in the bank, 3 guards try and shoot at him but he transports himself behind a guard and kicks him in the back, the other guards turn around and shoot, but he transports himself behind each of them, repeating the process until all the guards are knocked out.

Shift: Too easy, but the show’s just starting (he looks to the security camera) I hope you’re on your way

Arron: Behind you (he throws a punch but Shift transports himself behind Arron and tries to kick him in the back, Arron ducks and grabs his foot, and tries to slam him against the ground, but he transports himself above Arron, he tries to slam Arron’s back, Arron flips to his feet to avoid the slam, Shift throws punches at him, but he blocks them easily and slams his head against Shift’s, knocking him backwards)

Shift: Oh no you don’t (he transports himself above Arron and tries to choke Arron with his legs, Arron grabs his legs and electrocutes him with his gloves, forcing the legs apart, he throws Shift backwards, Shift transports himself behind Arron and dives toward Arron, Arron jumps and kicks Shift in the back to the ground, Shift transports himself away)

Arron: OK, enough of this (Shift appears and attempts to attack Arron again, Arron throws a flash grenade at the ground, dazzling him as he throws an attack at Shift from every conceivable direction, eventually knocking him unconscious) you were only recently a graduate from the academy Shift, you still have a lot to learn (he puts an inhibitor collar around Shift’s neck, then wakes him up) I want information, now! Who hired you?

Shift: They don’t tell us that any more, they haven’t it years

Arron: OK, Jumping Jack then, he was a friend of yours at the academy, where is he setting up?

Shift: Like I’m gonna tell you anything. (Arron activates the shock function of the inhibitor collar)

Arron: You sure about that?

Scene 4

Jack-Launcher Building, Planet Surithos 21:39 UTC+1

Jumping Jack has a gang of armed henchmen patrolling the building

Jumping Jack: We’ve got control of the building, if you see anything, shoot it. I’m going to make sure he comes (he enters the elevator, the armed guards begin their patrol, one of the guards stumbles into Arron)

Arron: (Putting a finger to his lips) shhh (the guard turns around ready to shout, but then Arron puts his hand over his mouth and chokes him into unconsciousness, he drags the body into the shadows)


Jumping Jack: (Clears his throat) Attention Arron Redbeard, I have hostages at the Jack-Launcher building on Sarithos, come and rescue them if you dare (the elevator goes up) huh? (The lift reaches his floor, opens and inside is a pile of his unconscious henchmen, with a note attached, Jumping Jack picks up the note and reads it “behind you,” he turns around and Arron punches him in the face, and traps him in the lift)

Arron: The police will be here soon, you should have enough air in there to last until they get here. (He presses a button and is teleported back to his base)

Scene 5

Tharitos Omega, 21:00 EST

Arron deletes the profiles of Shift and Jumping Jack

: 3 down, 13 to go

Computer: Warning, unauthorised coding detected

Arron: CYPHER, engage fire-walls.

Computer: Fire-walls succeeding in keeping unauthorised coding from areas of primary importance, communication systems have been…

CYPHER: You’ve got good protection here; I’ll have to work on that with that 300-million credits.

Arron: What do you want?

CYPHER: I’ll be watching you wherever you go from now on; you are not safe anywhere

Arron: (Sarcastically) yeah, I’m terrified. Now if you wouldn’t mind getting out of my systems before I force you out.

CYPHER: (Screams) I’ll be back

Computer: Unauthorised coding has retreated out of these systems

Arron: Hmm

Computer: Incoming call from Hera, Josane

Arron: Josane, how’s the investigation into UltraCorp going

Josane: Pretty good, boss, UltraCorp’s CEO is right, someone is fiddling the finances here, I’ll have to keep digging, but we could blow this thing wide open soon

Arron: Good work, I’ll be in touch, out

: Since I started advertising in the private sector for the low key jobs, work started flooding, I have a reputation. Josane’s a runaway from a dead planet; I hired him to go to places while I’m busy. He’s a good kid.

Computer: Incoming call from Jackson, Oliver

Oliver: Who have you managed to piss off this week?

Arron: What’s happened, Ollie?

Ollie: Multiplex, he’s trashing the defence base, says he wants you.

Arron: Did you tell him I no longer work there?

Ollie: He won’t listen (An alarm goes off, one of the news screens starts flashing; Arron turns to face it)

Reporter: (From heli-copter) we’re live at Dagona Bridge where a hostage situation has broken out, we’re taking a closer look, is that Sarah Woods? Don’t know. We’ve been told the police believe there are explosives on the bridge, which she will detonate if they get closer. It’s a stand-off, but who knows how long she’ll keep the hostages alive.

Arron: Keep Multiplex busy, I’ll be there as soon as I can.

: If Sarah’s got hostages, they have to take priority

Scene 6

Prima, 21:00 UTC

Anarax pilots the smaller-base, into the orbit of an unknown planet

Computer: Analysis indicates that this is the planet where the SPYDER mainframe is located

Anarax: Designation?

Computer: Unknown

Anarax: That’s encouraging

Computer: Planetary defences currently operating at 35% capacity, bypassing the security in 3, 2, 1, security bypassed, preparing teleportation. (Anarax is teleported down to the planet surface)


Unknown Planet

Anarax arrives on the planet surface

: Atmosphere’s breathable, that’s a plus, not that I need it (she activates her internal scanners) it’s here (she walks to the SPYDER base) nice of them to leave the door open, almost as if they were expecting someone, hope I don’t disappoint. (She enters the building, and enters an arena, with lots of cheering fans; Joanne enters from the opposite side of the arena, swords at the ready)

Joanne: I wanted the organ grinder, not the monkey

Anarax: Too bad, missy

Joanne: I could fight Arron to a standstill

Anarax: In your dreams

Joanne: What makes you think you can beat me?

Anarax: Oh, I don’t know; why don’t you come and find out? (Her hands convert to weapons, Joanne charges at her, broad-swords ready to strike, Anarax creates electric shields from her weapons and blocks each sword attack, Joanne tries to strike below, Anarax merely jumps out of the way, her hand convert to laser weapons she fires, Joanne easily deflects each shot away with her swords, Anarax converts her laser to continuous fire, Joanne runs to the edge of the area and uses her momentum to run along the wall of the arena until she gets close to Anarax; she jumps and kicks Anarax down to the ground, lands on her and holds one of her swords across Anarax’s neck)

Joanne: Game over

Scene 7

Dagona Bridge, Planet Ogana, 21:29 UTC

Police Captain Jefferson is at the bridge commanding his forces

Jefferson: OK, if you get a chance, even if she blinks, rush her, we control both sides of the bridge, she won’t stand a chance

Arron: She’d just kill the hostages and try again elsewhere

Jefferson: You don’t have any authority here.

Arron: No, but I’m the only one who can approach her on that bridge without her blowing it up

Jefferson: And why’s that?

Arron: Cause I’m who she wants. She’s SPYDER, and I have the universe’s biggest ever contract on my head tonight.

Jefferson: Then we should just hand you over

Arron: That’s the plan. (He treads slowly onto the bridge) Sarah, it’s me

Sarah: I could sense your fear from the moment you arrived; you’re more scared than my little piggies here

Arron: Let them go, I’m the one you want.

Sarah: Keep walking and I’ll think about it

: There are no explosives on this bridge; it was a bluff to keep the police away, she needed the hostages alive for my arrival.

Sarah: That’s it, keep coming. Such courage, don’t you think piggies? Unlike you lot. (She turns to Arron) stop. Drop your weapons (Arron takes his cross-gun and sword and lays them on the ground) chuck them over the bridge, with the gloves, body armour and glider (Arron nods, and chucks all of his weapons over the bridge) good, now keep walking, fear increasing, keep walking, keep walking, stop, that’s close enough (she takes a sniper rifle and aims its laser targeting beam at Arron) goodbye (she shoots, Arron is instantly out of its path and all it hits is the bridge, she shoots several times more with the same result) try that again and I shoot a hostage. I only need one of them alive

Arron: It doesn’t matter, I’m close enough (he is instantly in front of Sarah and grabs the gun straight out of her hands and disarms it) we’re even now, neither of us are armed.

Sarah: Yeah, right (she jams a knife into Arron’s stomach, he leans over in pain and she kicks him in the face, knocking him onto the ground) I guess I win, your bleeding husk is worth a fortune (she takes the knife out, Arron smiles and head-butts her backwards, revealing that his disarmed form was in fact a holo-graphic disguise) how? I felt your fear.

Arron: It was a good bluff.

Sarah: Then the hostages will die now

Arron: With what? Your gun has been destroyed, and I could easily stop that knife.

Sarah: Oh really (she takes a second gun from her pocket and shoots one of the hostages dead, Arron grabs her shooting arm, and dislocates it)

Arron: Run! (The hostages run off the bridge)

Sarah: You dislocated my arm (she laughs) shouldn’t of done that (she easily relocates her arm) healing factor, don’t you love them

Arron: Great… (The remaining hostages are off the bridge, Sarah starts shooting at Arron; Arron crosses his arms in front of his chest, activating the shield which blocks the shots, Arron maintains the shield with one arm as he prepares his disk blade launcher and uses it to disarm her, her gun falls off the edge of the bridge, into the river)

Sarah: Fine then, we play it hand-to-hand (She throws a punch at Arron, but he blocks, then she kicks him in the face, spins around and kicks him again, she jumps and kicks him a third time until he is on the ground, Arron tries to wrap his legs around her, but she jumps out of the way, Arron jumps to his feet, Sarah tries a high spin kick, Arron leans backwards, she ties a low spin kick, Arron jumps and lands behind her, she turns around before Arron can attack, and tries to punch him, he catches the punch then activates the electric function of his gloves, shocking her backwards, as she recovers Arron kicks her off the edge of the bridge with a rope tied to her foot, she uses the rope to launch herself back onto the bridge, she gets her knife and manages to cut the rope off before Arron kicks it into the water)

Arron: I’ve got a secret for you (he whispers something into her ear)

Sarah: No! You must be lying. I can sense your confidence, you’re not lying

Arron: Your biggest weapon is your mystery, but you can’t be entirely untraced, your past leaves marks, I’ve traced them and now I know everything. How much is your mystery worth? More than the price on my head? (Sarah hesitates, Arron instantly responds and cuffs her, before throwing her to the police) mistake, Janelle: your secrets are out. (Captain Jefferson arrives to arrest her) you shouldn’t have killed that hostage, Janelle, I might not have given the Captain this (he hands Captain Jefferson a memory stick) you’re finished. (He presses a button on his glove and is teleported away)

Scene 8

Galactic defence force HQ, 22:00 UTC

Multiplex has trashed the base, knocking out all of the guards; Ollie is still up fighting the Multiplexes

Multiplex: I don’t want you, I want Arron, where is he?

Ollie: Busy fighting off another of your fellow assassins, probably

Multiplex: I’ll show him to prioritise someone else over me (he splits into 4 and together succeed in knocking Ollie to the ground, they prepare to kill him when Arron knocks two of them out from behind) ah, I was wondering when you’d get here (Multiplexes arrive from across the building to surrounding) surrender and die (Arron fires a mag-net launcher at them but with little effect)

Multiplexes: You didn’t think we wouldn’t see that coming this time? Our body armour is covered in magnetic repulsor tech; you won’t be trying that trick again.

Arron: Pity (the Multiplexes try and rush him, Arron’s body armour begins firing lasers which knock out several Multiplexes, making the rest easier for Ollie and Arron to punch back)

: Multiplex never really could fight. (One Multiplex remains and begins splitting his form again this time into 4096 copies, they all begin to break down)

Arron: You may be able to make multiple forms, but you all share one mind, and you can’t maintain focus with that many of you wondering about (they start recalling each-other, bringing their numbers down, until eventually only one remains. Dazed, Arron quickly punches him to the ground and knocks him out)

Ollie: Any idea who put the bounty on your head?

Arron: I’m working on it. How’s Rovata?

Ollie: She retired earlier this year

Arron: Oh, so who’s in charge now?

Ollie: Guy named Siliseas, good guy, you’d like him. Had to evacuate him though, he could’ve been hurt

Arron: You’re not telling me something (he hears something above them) hmm

Ollie: You know since your retirement, I’ve been the galactic envoy for Earth.

Arron: As you were after the events of 2013 for a few months, what’s your point? (He hears the same noise above them again) Copperhead, she’s here, isn’t she?

Ollie: I’m sorry; she threatened to kill hundreds if I didn’t set up a meeting between you and her

Arron: It’s alright, it seems everyone has it in for me today (Copperhead drops behind Arron, and tries to attack, Arron grabs her by her left foot and throws her over his shoulder, she quickly rushes in and although Arron tries to block, she climbs all over him, she tries to kick him from behind but Arron throws him back again, Arron stumbles, weakened) what did you do?

Copperhead: I killed you; you just don’t know it yet.

: I see it now, I’ve been poisoned, some kind of neuro-toxin, must be a new strain, I’m immune to most.

Copperhead: The weakness to the limbs is just the start; soon you’ll get hallucinations, then paralysis, then blindness, then death.

: If I can get back to Ephemeris I might have a chance of whipping up an antidote, but I’ll have to have to get past Copperheads first, wait, Copperheads? (He looks around and sees multiple Copperheads) great, hallucinations, and without Anarax to filter them for me, I’m helpless against it (Copperhead kicks him backwards)

Copperhead: I can have a little fun with you (Copperhead kicks him from all sides) pity your body armour means I can’t actually break anything (Arron coughs up blood) but this is so easy, this bounty is mine (she continues to kick Arron)

Ollie: That’s it; I can’t just watch this (he grabs Copperhead from behind, Copperhead launches her feet over her head and kicks him down, she pins him to the ground)

Arron: That was a mistake, Copperhead, now I can tell who’s the real one (he fires a single laser shot from his body armour which knocks Copperhead out) get an inhibitor collar on her before she comes to.

Ollie: Wait, I managed to whip a batch of the antidote for her neuro-toxin (he injects the anti-dote into Arron) advantages of being in league with her

Arron: Did you have to let her kick me about so much?

Ollie: Had to be convincing. (He places the inhibitor collar around her neck) I’ll call in Belle Reeve. (The lights begin to flicker) oh, what now?

Computer: Warning, malicious coding detected.


CYPHER: Round 2, Arron. Recently I came into computers at Ultra-corp, managed to find a little spy in the works.

Arron: Josane, don’t you touch him

CYPHER: Do what I say, or I alter the building’s defences to kill him

Arron: What do you want me to do?

CYPHER: Teleport to Canary Wharf, London, Earth.

Arron: You can’t sort things out from here, can’t you? (Ollie nods) good, cause apparently I have a date at Canary Warf (he presses some buttons on his glove and is teleported)

Scene 9

Canary wharf, 22:35 UTC

Arron arrives on the top floor

CYPHER: (Through PA system) it’s amazing how primitive these Earthlings are, every single one of is connected to a computer in some shape or form, particularly these guys. Bluetooth headsets, so easy to hack into, I can practically get into their brains, in fact I can (they people on the desks all get up at once) can you take them all out? (Arron throws gas pellets and knocks out the employees) cheap escape, but I’ve got control of the entire building, up come a few more (the elevator starts rising) they’re coming (Arron walks to the elevator, touches it and activates the shock function in his gloves, the stair-way door is kicked down) whoops (the employees attack Arron, Arron manages to avoid most of their shots, and manages to knock all of them out) there’s nearly 50 floors in this building, you’ll run out of energy before I run out of drones

Arron: True, but Ephemeris-Omega has connected with these systems and is uploading anti-viral software as we speak. So I advise retreating now, oh, and we also linked with Ultra-corp, so you can forget about killing my friend over there

CYPHER: This is not over…

Arron: Ephemeris: link me to Josane, now

Josane: (On com-link) you know Ultra-Corp can intercept communications

Arron: I suspect they already know you’re onto them. Take care, Josane, any sign of trouble, get back to the Ephemeris; there’s a dozen SPYDER assassins after my head tonight, don’t get caught in it. (A rope is wrapped Arron’s leg) what the…? (He is pulled through the window and notices he is being suspended from a heli-copter with Deathstroke aboard) great (he tries to undo the rope, Deathstroke starts shooting, Arron crosses his arms above him, blocking the bullets)

: Deathstroke’s shooting means I can’t undo the rope, or cut through it, or connect to Ephemeris to teleport myself away, and activating my glider would be obsolete, wherever Deathstroke wants me, he’ll get me there (they pass over a warehouse district, Deathstroke drops him onto the roof of one of the warehouse, Deathstroke jumps from the Heli-copter and onto the roof, his sword at the ready, Arron recovers and draws his sword as well)

Deathstroke: You’ve fallen into the trap (he activates a black-out zone) no teleports. (Arron activates his gun-jamming signal)

Arron: No guns (they clash swords, each able to block each-other’s efforts until Deathstroke kicks Arron backwards)

: There was no force in that kick (he looks around him and sees he is surrounded by explosives) damn (the explosives detonate and he falls into the warehouse, Deathstroke jumps through and attempts to strike, but Arron backflips onto his feet out of the way)

Arron: This your base or something, Deathstroke?

Deathstroke: 2 months a year I carry out contracts in London, though with this one I might just retire early.

Arron: You’re just one in a long list of pains in my ass tonight. I’ve taken down 6 of them

Deathstroke: You’re not scaring me (he strikes with his sword, Arron blocks and the sword shatters, Arron punches him backwards, Deathstroke quickly charges back, Arron blocks his attacks when Deathstroke plants an explosive near his stomach) game over (he backs off and tries to detonate the bombs, nothing happens)

Arron: And here I heard you were smart (he rips the bomb off his body armour and chucks it aside, he then runs at Deathstroke, Deathstroke counters the attacks easily, and twists Arron’s arms behind his back and kicks him in the back down to the ground)

Deathstroke: You’ve given me a bit of a work-out. I like that, but like the other guy I’ve hunted today, you could never win. (Arron chuckles) what?

Arron: I wasn’t fighting to win, Deathstroke, I was fighting to stall you.

Deathstroke: For what? (Deathstroke has the bomb strapped to his back) please, I can disarm this bomb with my hands tied behind my back (Arron is quickly behind Deathstroke, and ties his hands behind his back)

Arron: Let’s test that theory, you have 30 seconds (he deactivates his jamming signal and activates the trigger on the bomb) 25 (Deathstroke works to free himself from the ropes, eventually succeeding) 15 (Deathstroke reaches behind to start disarming the bomb, Arron seizes the opportunity and lays a series of punches on Deathstroke that knock him out) 3, 2, 1 (nothing happens) you shouldn’t have trusted that I’d keep my word (he injects a serum into Deathstroke’s body)

: Deathstroke has a low-grade healing factor, that serum should break down in a few hours, that’s plenty enough time, wonder who the other guy is (a voice comes from nearby lockers)

Unknown: Uh, hello, is anybody there? Would you mind letting me out? (Arron forces the locker open, and finds Deadpool, devoid of his arms and legs)

Arron: You?

Deadpool: Yeah, me. But don’t worry, I’m ‘armless, see (he chuckles) yeah, well, they’re in the other locker, would you mind?

Arron: You’re one of the assassins the mystery guy hired against me, why would I help you?

Deadpool: Because I might just thank you if you did; Boy Scout’s honour. (Arron retrieves Deadpool’s arms and legs, and attaches Deadpool’s left arm, Deadpool then uses his left arm to attach his legs and his right arm) and I’m back together again. (He sees Deathstroke’s unconscious body) you excuse me a moment (he begins to drop his pants as he shoves the camera away, he then proceeds to fart over Deathstroke) serves you right, Slade. (He brings the camera back, with his pants back up) now, where were we? Ah yes, murder. (He gets out two pistols and begins firing at Arron, Arron easy blocks the shots) I know I gave my word, but I never was that good in the boy scouts (he charges, firing at Arron, Arron knocks both guns out of his hands) whoops (his voice goes deeper) now you’re making me angry (he engages Arron hand to hand, then eventually kicks him back, he gets out his machine gun and starts firing, Arron blocks) HOLD IT! (Everything freezes) look, I know you’re new at writing me, but you know how to write him, he has a gun jamming signal, he used it in the last fight scene, why doesn’t he use it again?! Not that I want him to win or anything, I just… OK, UNFREEZE! (Arron activates his jamming signal and Deadpool’s guns stop functioning) so now he does it; ah well, plenty of other ways to kill (he draws his sword and starts swiping at Arron, Arron blocks and the sword shatters) now you’ve done it (he unleashes a flurry of attacks on Arron, Arron manages to block all of them, Arron drops flash pellets) ah, my eyes, I can’t see, I’m blind (he turns aside) Spielberg would love this sh*t (Arron attacks Deadpool, Deadpool manages to block every punch Arron throws, he swipes a knife at Arron before Arron kicks it out of his hands) no fair, how am I supposed to kill you without any weapons?

Arron: You’ve already lost

Deadpool: How’d you figure (he notices his body is covered in miniature explosives) ah f*ck (Arron triggers the explosives) you (an explosive knocks him back) only (Arron punches him) won (an explosive knocks him back) this (Arron punches him) because (an explosive knocks him back) the (Arron punches him) writer (an explosive knocks him back) is (Arron punches him) prejudiced (an explosive knocks him to the ground, where Arron punches him, Deadpool laughs) that was incredible. I don’t think I can kill you, you’re too much fun. Give my employer word he can keep his credits, I don’t know what credits are anyway (he teleports away)

: He had a teleporter the whole time, of course he did. (He sighs) that kinda night

Ollie: (On coms) we got a residual message in our systems, probably from CYPHER

Arron: Where does it want me now?

Ollie: Beijing, China, Earth

Arron: Hmm (he presses a few buttons and is teleported away)

Scene 10

Beijing, April 20th 06:40 CST

: Beijing, I don’t miss this place, what does CYPHER want now (advert boards all begin flashing up) she’s hacked into the ads, brilliant (the boards all read “Round 3 – 5 bombs, disarm them, or die with the city”) its trying to appeal to my morality, forcing my hand. But I can disarm a bomb easily enough (a countdown is displayed on the field, 10 minutes till the bombs detonate) great (he activates his glider and begins searching the city for the bomb, a montage of him flying and disarming the bombs is shown and with only seconds to spare he disarms the final bomb) well that was easy (the ad-boards read “I’ll be waiting for round 4” it must’ve been keeping me occupied whilst preparing something else

Lady Shiva: Not a bad performance

Arron: Shiva

Lady Shiva: I was watching your attempts to save this city. You’ve completed the first test, pass all 3, and you’ll be spared, fail any one of them, and I’ll kill you.

Arron: Can we just skip the crude cr*p, I’m really not in the mood

Lady Shiva: It is interesting, what made them so afraid that they’d send 16 assassins after you in a single night, and for such a high price. You either earn my respect, or you will die. The money will be adequate consolation for my time.

Arron: So what’s the second test?

Lady Shiva: This part of town is notorious for its drug dealers; take down the leaders of the 3 main dealerships, and then we’ll talk. You have 30 minutes. (She drops smoke and disappears)

: I knew we were in a drug zone, I could smell it, here’s hoping my sense of smell leads me straight to them


07:23 CST

: You’ve, few drugs come out of China, without him knowing, until now. (He slams Yokuvek’s head against the desk, knocking him unconscious)

Lady Shiva: Do you know how long he will spend in prison now? Not a second.

Arron: What’s your point?

Lady Shiva: There is only one answer for someone like him (she stabs him through the heart with his sword) that, until you see that, you will never earn my respect.

Arron: I tell you Shiva, I don’t give a damn. The only reason I haven’t teleported off the planet is so I can stop you.

Lady Shiva: Makes me wonder why they’re afraid of you, your arrogance will be your demise. The second test is complete. Your final test awaits


League of Assassins arena 07:27 CST

Lady Shiva: When Talia abandoned the League of Assassins; Ra’s al Ghul has given me control over the few of her assassins still loyal to Ra’s.

Arron: Why do you do this, Shiva? I’ve read up on you, you hate Ra’s.

Lady Shiva: Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. The third trial is a simple one, defeat me, by fair means or foul. (Arron traps her in a mag-net)

Arron: This trial is over, I’ve wasted enough of my time with you, Miss Shiva, there are still 7 more assassins waiting for me tonight.

Lady Shiva: Your 3 trials are over, you have passed. You are free to leave (as the mag-net deactivates, Arron is already gone) hmm (she smiles)

Scene 11

Unknown Planet, 00:00 UTC

Joanne has Anarax pinned down with a sword against her neck

Joanne: Any last words?

Anarax: Yes, Prima (she is teleported to her feet on the other edge of the arena, she converts her hands to multi-barrelled laser guns, and fires them, Joanne manages to dodge or reflect most of them but she is overwhelmed by the sheer number of shots and knocked to the ground)

SPYDER: Alert, SPYDER main-frame is being hacked, initiating counter-measures.

Anarax: (Mimicking Joanne’s voice) override, let it through

Joanne: How did you?

Anarax: I’m rarely on the battle-field; you don’t the half of what I can do

Computer: Hack complete, Prima now downloading all SPYDER intelligence

Anarax: Too busy being speechless to countermand; whoops

Joanne: You lousy b*tch (she throws both her swords, Anarax catches them with her bare hands, and shatters them)

Computer: Download complete

Anarax: Well, I guess that’s me done then, oh one other thing (she fires a single shot which hits Joanne and knocks her out) anyone else want a go? No? Good. Prima (she is teleported up)



Computer: Files are heavily encrypted

Anarax: Decode, prioritise on emails from the last 24 hours, but do everything, never know what you might get

Arron: (On coms) Anarax, come in

Anarax: So, how’s your night been?

Arron: Well, after successful hits on Shift and Jumping Jack, a hostage was killed as I took down the now not so mysterious woman. Then I was tricked into coming on board the Galactic defence station to fight Multiplex, was poisoned by Copperhead, hung upside down from a heli-copter by Deathstroke, had to re-attach Deadpool’s left arm, and got bored nigh to death by Lady Shiva, oh and CYPHER’s trying to get me as well, how’ve you been doing?

Anarax: I found SPYDER’s database on an unknown planet, Joanne was waiting, kinda surprised her when I mimicked her voice, broke her swords and knocked her out with one shot. Prima’s just decoding the files.

Arron: Excellent. 10 down, 6 to go

Anarax: What’s our next move?

Arron: I want you to track down CYPHER and isolate her. I’ve just got a lead on Ymanshi, well when I say a lead; she’s got a fleet attacking Ephemeris-Omega right now

Anarax: Shields holding?

Arron: Yup

Anarax: Then I’ll assume you can handle it and get to work. I’ll contact you once the files are decrypted. Maybe then we’ll know why you’re being targeted?

Arron: (Chuckles) I’m not the target here, no-one gives an assassin one night to do a murder. This is a distraction, keeping the media and me away from what’s really going on.

Anarax: Like what?

Arron: No idea, but whatever he or she is after has to be worth big money, more than the bounty on my head.

Anarax: Oh no. I’ll have to call you back, something’s just come up. (She turns off the com-link) Prima, connect to Josane

Computer: Connecting

Josane: What part of open to interception don’t you understand!

Anarax: You’re in danger, Josane; get out of there and find somewhere to hide; I’m on my way in Prima.

Josane: What’s happened? I heard about the assassins.

Anarax: Yeah, and Ultra-corp is the only company worth the kind of money that this scheme would need to be profitable.

Josane: I can handle myself. (He hangs up)

Scene 12

Ultra-corp, Planet Jova, 01:00 UTC

: Yeesh, I’ve been bombarded with calls tonight and I bet they’ve intercepted

Karlark: Well look who it is, the undercover Brat

Josane: Did SPYDER run out of good assassins? I know they’ve been quite busy, so they send the guy with the poisonous bite after me. I’m petrified here.

Karlark: For Arron, I wouldn’t split the take with anyone, for you, I’d be happy to share it with a couple of friends. (Solaris and Brulet come out of the shadows)

Josane: Fun (he cracks his knuckles, Solaris draws power from the lights above them, he fires lightning bolts at Josane, Josane is hit by both blasts, but he powers through and punches Karlark backwards, Karlark tries to bite him, but Josane kicks him in the face, Solaris tries to shoot him again, Josane takes them again, Brulet comes from behind and grabs his shoulders, Josane falls to his knees screaming, Solaris fires more lightning bolts and Josane, Josane continues screaming)

Brulet: I don’t understand, he’s absorbed enough Toxins to kill men with twice his strength

Josane: Perhaps I’m stronger than you take me for (Anarax fires a laser blast that knocks out Brulet, Solaris absorbs more energy and runs off)

Anarax: You’ve got 2, I’ve got 1; Arron’s done about 9, 4 more to go. (He helps Josane up) jeez, how much punishment did you take back there?

Josane: Nothing worse than I had before

Anarax: I know you’re stronger-willed than most, and have a large degree of physical resistance but listen to me. You don’t want to test your upper limits, because if you exceed them, it’ll kill you. Arron and I didn’t give you this job so you can kill yourself.

Josane: The anti-monitor took my home, my friends, what do I have to live for, exactly?

Anarax: That is what you need to find out. Now, I need to know everything you’ve found. We were hired by a finance director to root out a potential embezzler in Ultra-Corp.

Josane: Yeah, but I’ve searched their files, every record in the place, all the finance data, I can’t pin it on anyone, there isn’t any conclusive evidence

Anarax: And yet someone’s concerned enough to send assassins this way

Josane: They weren’t the first; I got tied up by CYPHER earlier; that was fun.

Anarax: Let’s check them out again, maybe you missed something

Scene 13

Ephemeris-Omega, 02:00 UTC

Computer: Warning. Multiple shield breeches detected (Ymanshi’s face appears on the screen)

Ymanshi: Last warnings, surrender, or this base will be destroyed. My men are planting bombs on your space-station now, we only need retreat and they detonate.

Arron: Your ego always was your problem Ymanshi. But you’ve come after me on a night when I ran out of pity hours ago. This entire communication has been broadcast to every television on Aridia. Your name has just been put to shame.

Ymanshi: It’s an illegal broadcast, from an enemy of the state.

Arron: Enough people will believe it to create mistrust in your nation, people will rebel against you, councils will form; royalty will be booted out of their position, and left to die, hunted alone. I’ve seen it on a dozen worlds. That’s the price of your actions Ymanshi.

Ymanshi: If I have to leave, I’ll detonate the bombs, and take you with me

Arron: You detonate those bombs, there’s no guarantee I’d have an identifiable body. I’ve read the letter; you need my body to collect your reward. You have nothing to threaten me with.

Ymanshi: Not like I have anything left to lose. (She presses a trigger and her fleet is destroyed)

Arron: Sorry about that, I took the liberty of relocating your bombs, one advantage of an active teleporter. I know your crew is unmanned; you wouldn’t risk having to split the take. But by the time you can replenish your forces, the night will be over.

Ymanshi: Then I guess it’s personal (she teleports aboard the ship, Arron immediately punches her in the back, breaks her arm and knocks her unconscious)

Arron: You were warned. (He takes Ymanshi’s file and deletes it) 5 more to go.

Computer: I am receiving an alert from Prima; CYPHER has been isolated as instructed

Arron: How’s the decryption of the SPYDER data

Computer: 51.8% complete

Arron: Where is CYPHER isolated?

Computer: Planet Janix, computer systems in Atraxi building, in Cyranox have been cut off from all internet access.

Arron: Excellent

Computer: Warning, reports also indicate that Glavidia is within the vicinity of the Atraxi building

Arron: (Sighs) of course. Ephemeris, prep the teleporter.

Scene 14

Atraxi building, Cyranox, Planet Janix, 02:45 UTC

: The Atraxi are the planetary police force, armed with the latest weapons, no wonder CYPHER and Glavidia want me here (words begin appearing on a holo-computer screen, they read “so glad you are here” Atraxi officers begin shooting at Arron, Arron blocks) they can’t take me on directly, all wireless signals are inactive here, so each of her drones are connected to computers by wires, ingenious. (Glavidia breaks down the door) and here we go (wires from the computers begin disconnecting firing themselves at Arron, Arron spins around blocking shots from the Atraxi and wires fired at him controlled by Glavidia) can’t activate my jammer, I’m having to flail my arms in every direction so I don’t get shot, those things will penetrate my body armour at this range (a message appears in huge font on a holo-screen, “Glavidia, leave now”)

Glavidia: I think not, it’s only a few hours shy of dawn. (Arron pulls on a wire pulling Glavidia towards him, he punches her down, and focuses his attention on blocking the attacks from CYPHER’s drones, Arron quickly finds cover and prepares his disk blade gun; he steps out from cover and fires his blade, cutting the wires connecting the Atraxi officers to the computers, Glavidia recovers and blows up one of the computers, killing the officer sitting next to it, and knocking Arron backwards, she holds up two plasma-coils and begins firing, them, Arron uses his reflexes to dodge them

: OK enough (he presses a button on his glove before he continues avoiding shots, a message appears on the screen, “thanks”, Glavidia stops attacking, Arron breathes heavily)

Glavidia: (Cypher controlled) Tired?

Arron: It’s been a long night CYPHER, as you well know (he presses the button on his glove again)

Glavidia: What did you do?

Arron: I reactivated the signal my sub-stations were using to stop wireless broadcasts within the building; you’re stuck in Glavidia’s tech-helmet.

Glavidia: The one that allows her to manipulate technology

Arron: The one that allows her to see, you know she’s blind. You might be able to control someone holding a gun, but Glavidia’s a more complicated state of affairs. I do my research when I come after assassins. Glavidia needs to make connections with machines that as a virus you cannot. You may have control of her brain, but you can’t make her feel, and in the end, you could never win this fight (he puts his hand against Glavidia’s tech helmet and activates the electricity function, she falls, Arron checks her pulse

: She won’t be waking up from that in a while, but with CYPHER trapped in the helmet neither will be able to claim the bounty on my head tonight (the Atraxi officers begin to recover, Arron teleports himself away)

Scene 15

Ephemeris-Omega, 03:30 UTC

Computer: Prima has completed full decryption of SPYDER files.

Arron: Show them to me (a holo-screen appears detailing the huge list of emails coming out of SPYDER in the past 24 hours, Arron analyses every single one of them with his inbuilt systems) Anarax was 3 steps ahead of me tonight, she already saw this coming, that’s why Prima is in orbit around Jova) if Ultra-Corp is involved, Josane is our best lead.

Computer: Alert, Prima has detected power fluctuations in the Ultra-Corp building, electricity supplies in the local area are unaffected; the problem appears to be internal

Arron: Solaris.

Scene 16

Ultra-corp, planet Java, 03:30 UTC

Josane takes Anarax to a records office

Josane: All the records found for the last 5 years are stored on the hard drives, I was told.

Anarax: Don’t believe everything you’re told, these databases hold nothing from the last 2 months.

Josane: Which is why I accessed them directly, no discrepancies there either (He gets out a portable holo-computer and shows Anarax the documents)

Anarax: These are forgeries. UV scan isn’t consistent with known Ultra-corp documents (the lights begin to flicker)

Josane: It’s Solaris, he’s close. (Lightning is fired in every direction, blowing up all the computers, Lightning strikes Anarax; she falls to her knees) Anne, you alright?

Anarax: Just need a moment to convert that to power.

Solaris: You don’t have a moment (he prepares to strike but Josane kicks him in the face, he falls onto his back) I don’t understand you, kid; you’ve taken more punishment than anyone could survive, yet you’re still fighting, how?

Arron: Maybe he’s tougher than he looks

Solaris: So glad I ditched the other 2.

Arron: Brulet and Karlark, where are they?

Josane: It’s alright, they’re already down.

Arron: That makes you the last one. All the rest are defeated, surrender now!

Solaris: So no competition, fantastic (He throws a series of quick, hard, punches too quick for Arron to block, Arron points to his right, Josane nods and runs out of the room and to his left) where’s the brat going?

Arron: He’s 27 years old; he can do what he likes. (Solaris pins Arron against a wall, and begins punching him, Solaris is blasted in the back by a laser cannon fired by Anarax; Arron launches himself off the wall and punches Solaris multiple times)

Solaris: You’ve drained me, I need more power (he begins absorbing more power; Josane gets back with a glass of water and throws it at Solaris, Solaris falls to the ground, electricity sparking all over his body)

Arron: One thing about electricity, it doesn’t mix well with water. (Solaris passes out) that’s all of them.

Anarax: So now comes the question of who hired them and why?

Arron: You were a few steps ahead of me, Anarax, Ultra-corp is involved.

Anarax: We thought the embezzler might be embezzling a fortune from the company tonight, and wanted the attention of people elsewhere

Arron: I ploughed through Ultra-corps finances when we took the job, they don’t have that kind of money; they got a couple of mill in cash, rest is invested in stock, buildings, and the usual. We were hired by director of Finance Thaddeus Brock to covertly rat out a embezzler, and as it happens he’s here (he fires his blaster which hits a man cloaked, revealing himself) did you really think I could fall for a cloak.

Thaddeus: You have nothing

Arron: I have a theory, a pretty good one too. You had a pretty stable position here, but you wanted more than that, you wanted control of the company, and it’s profits. So you created mistrust in the company by hiring me to rat out an embezzler, share prices dropped dramatically, but when my colleague managed to pull the company’s financial records you realised he was close to discovering the truth. Knowing that I was the boss you put out the hit, the intention was to distract me long enough that you could buy the company before my partner could report back to me. You knew I’d send Anarax to SPYDER, so she couldn’t relay the message, and just to make sure, you tipped off the assassins that someone I cared for was here, 4 of them responded to the call, especially when you turned off the anti-virus.

Thaddeus: You have no proof

Arron: Not entirely true. I have the emails between you and the SPYDER

Thaddeus: Worthless, you can’t prove anything. But your theory’s absolutely correct, which is why you have to die. (Atraxi officers teleport in and point their guns at Thaddeus) how?

Arron: You just confessed to hiring the assassins, one of whom killed an Atraxi officer (Police Captain Jefferson and his forces also teleport in) and one who killed a hostage on a bridge. (Each of them was sent a video-link to the cameras in my eyes) you’re busted. (Ollie troopers from the Galactic defence force teleport in)

Atraxi officer: For every death that has occurred by your actions tonight, you have been found guilty, your sentence is death.

Jefferson: No, he stands trial for what he’s done

Ollie: He stands trial in the Galactic court.

Arron: I’ll be taking my fee in due course. Let’s go (Anarax, Arron and Josane are teleported back to Prima)

Scene 17

Prima, 04:24 UTC

Josane: Arron, something doesn’t quite add up to me

Arron: I know, if the money he seeks isn’t all in cash, how could he pay the assassins?

Anarax: He must have a partner, which means the night’s not over.

Josane: Another member of Ultra-Corp

Arron: No, but I think I know whom. It’s rather odd that Joanne was guarding the mainframe

Anarax: She said she expected you

Arron: No-one else did. Joanne’s a talented assassin, having her as the guard of a mainframe is a waste of her talents, and the SPYDER leader knows it. I think it’s time we had a talk with him, all of us. Let’s dock Prima back with Ephemeris-Omega and head back out.

Scene 18

Leader’s home, Planet SPYDER-alpha, Ulagoth system, 05:00 UTC

The SPYDER leader is enjoying his breakfast when the door to his apartment is broken down, Arron, Anarax and Josane walk through

Leader: I was wondering when you’d finally arrive

Arron: I know you put up the capital for the assassins; I filtered through some more emails and found you private meetings with Thaddeus Brock, in the days leading up to tonight.

Leader: I see you’ve brought backup, smart move. Ultimately pointless though.

Arron: What was this about?

Leader: My retirement. SPYDER is finished; your ruthlessness has assured that. You’ve ruined the lives of Ymanshi and Sarah Woods, you left CYPHER, Glavidia and Solaris in comas, Dark Spider, Shift, Jumping Jack, Karlark, Multiplex and Brulet will spend the rest of their lives in prison

Anarax: You gave them up.

Leader: Most of them already proved that they weren’t a match for you, others I had confidence you would defeat. SPYDER cannot operate as a business without them, SPYDER will fall

Arron: And what do you gain from that?

Leader: SPYDER has no debts. I shut down the business now, and I own all its assets

Arron: SPYDER holdings owns planets, you would make a fortune

Leader: And start a life anew.

Arron: With your daughter.

Leader: I have failed her too often, she has become the assassin I dreamed she would become, but I lost her at the same time.

Arron: You want her to end it.

Leader: Yes (Joanne comes out of the shadows)

Joanne: I knew you’d betray SPYDER eventually father and I’m not gonna let you shut it down (she draws her swords)

Leader: I’m sorry I failed you, daughter. (She attempts to strike him with her swords, but he blocks and the sword shatters)

Arron: Enough (Arron points his rocket launcher at them, Anarax points her laser cannons at them)

Joanne: This is a family thing, if you wouldn’t mind stepping out (she activates a force-field between her and them)

Leader: You are making an enormous mistake challenging me.

Joanne: You made the mistake (she attacks but none of her attacks have any impact on her father)

Arron: Josane, go for it (Josane walks to the force-field and begins to force his way through it)

Joanne: Why don’t you fight back?

Leader: I’m not a psychopath, Joanne, I won’t hurt my own daughter, and you cannot hurt me. (Josane gets through the force-field, but falls to his knees)

Joanne: How on Earth did you? (The force-field deactivates)

Leader: I have never seen anyone do that.

Josane: And you likely never will again.

Arron: You both have a lot to answer for. Any arrangement we’ve had in the past is over.

Leader: You seek to take us both in? Then let’s do it (he throws Joanne another pair of dual swords) try us. (Arron attacks the SPYDER leader, but no punches have any impact, Anarax shoots Joanne with her lasers, Joanne deflects every shot with her sword)

: I’ve fought the SPYDER leader before, his skin absorbs all impact, but this the only chance we have to end this madness (the SPYDER leader, tries to punch Arron, but Arron dodges, he points his rocket launcher with the rocket touching him, Arron fires and the SPYDER leader is blasted back into the wall, he stands up and brushes off the dust, Josane begins to recover, he stands, watching both battles, Josane walks behind Joanne and manages to dislocate her shoulders, forcing her to drop her swords, Anarax manages to stun her unconscious)

Leader: 3 on 1 now, I like these odds (he swipes Arron backwards, Anarax fires but does little damage to him, Arron quickly recovers as Josane charges at the Leader, the Leader grabs him by the neck) you hurt my daughter; you will regret that (Josane pushes two devices into the SPYDER leaders head which produce high frequency sounds, he is forced to release Arron, and weakens)

Arron: Let’s keep the pressure on him (Anarax converts her hands to sound generators she fires them and the SPYDER leader falls to his knees, Arron finds a sound-upgrade in the SPYDRR leader’s desk-cabinet, he attaches it to his cross gun and fires it at the SPYDER leader, eventually all the noise knocks him out)

Anarax: I can’t believe we got him at last

Arron: He wanted to end it. We could’ve just left, but… Couldn’t risk his daughter changing his mind. Nice work. Let’s get these guys to the authorities, it’s over

Scene 19

Ephemeris-Omega, 06:00 UTC

Anarax: Do you think SPYDER’s gone for good

Arron: Unlikely, someone will try and set it up again, but Galactic law now have frozen his assets, they won’t be using the SPYDER leader’s resources

Anarax: Only leaves 1 final question, what is his real name?

Arron: I honestly have no idea. Perhaps we’ll find out when he shows his face in court. In other news we got the payment from Ultra-Corp, they’re quite grateful that we solved their mysteries, share prices will be rising spectacularly when the markets open.

Anarax: Good

Arron: I need to have a word with Josane before I turn in, where is he?

Anarax: Where do you think?


Training deck

Josane is training at the highest level; he is hit by a powerful laser but powers on through until it is turned off

Arron: When I hired you, I did it for a reason.

Josane: You saw potential in me

Arron: More than that. You’re the last survivor of a world, and you went through hell to get here. I did much the same thing. I have failed to save lives of people I care for because I chose to be distant, I’m not gonna make that mistake again. I know what you’ve been doing. Taking hits from the assassins you could’ve easily avoided. I saw the agony you were in when you forced your way through that force-field.

Josane: What of it?

Arron: You seem to enjoy the pain, and that path will kill you.

Josane: My life’s never been worth living

Arron: Nonsense. As of tomorrow, I’m going to send you to Black Canary’s therapy clinic. 3 hours per day, no arguments.

Josane: I could just leave; I’m not Anarax, I don’t have some underlying love for you.

Arron: If you insist, set the co-ordinates, you can take the teleporter wherever you wish. (Josane sighs)

Josane: (Smiles) I’ll go…

Arron: Good. Now get some sleep, we’ve all had a long night. (Everything freezes and Deadpool appears)

Deadpool: And that folks, is the end, now onto the credits (he pulls the credit bar onto the screen)


Written by: Antony Rowe

Deadpool: This guy’s a dick, he wrote me like a tool; who’s next?

With extended thanks to: Greg Ford, Jacob Ward

Deadpool: The co-writer and the Wipeout guy, never heard of them


Mike Erwin as Arron Redbeard

Deadpool: Keep dreaming Jak

Grey DeLisle as Anarax Meranos, Janelle Hernandez

Deadpool: (Wolf whistles) hot stuff coming through

Nolan North as Josane, Jefferson, Deadpool

Deadpool: Who the f*ck is Nolan North? Ha, just kidding Nolan, good job, and massive pay-check, 3 characters

Josh Keaton as Dark Spider, Jumping Jack

Deadpool: How many spider-guys does this guy play?

Phil Lamar as Shift, Brulet

Sylvia Aimerito as Computer

Jason Marsden as Multiplex

Deadpool: Him again? Tiny little dick he has; only kiddin’ Jason

Tara strong as Ymanshi, Glavidia

Deadpool: What role doesn’t this lady play?

Fred Tasticore as Deathstroke

Deadpool: Hey, I used to have drinks with this guy, total lightweight

Rosa Salizar as Copperhead

Deadpool: She played the hot chick; I’d like to meet her for Tacos

Keith David as SPYDER Leader, Atraxi Officers, various

Deadpool: Various? What does that even mean?

Kevin Michael Richardson as Karlark, Solaris

Deadpool: All these guys with so many roles, where are the women?

Lindsay Duncan as CYPHER

Deadpool: And finally another woman, I’m loving this gig.

Troy Baker as Ollie Jackson

Deadpool: This guy does everything in voice acting, he must be getting laid soooo much

Finola Hughes as Lady Shiva, Joanne

Deadpool: Gives me the creeps

Deadpool: And that’s the end of the credits, I’ve been Deadpool, you’ve been suckered into reading this. Goodnight


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