
-25400-22860000-34290083820 00 Children with Disabilities When War and Fighting Happens in the World388620013335001128395793750026035006667500-3683001841500477520029019500-368300282575Children with Disabilities in Situations of Armed Conflict00Children with Disabilities in Situations of Armed Conflict-2057400-342900 About this report 00 About this report -262890021844000We are called the United Nations Children’s Fund or UNICEF for short.-331470026797000We work to make sure that all children in the world are safe and get their human rights.Human rights are rights that everyone has.-297180038798500For example, the right to be safe, healthy and go to school.This report is about children with disabilities when war and fighting happens in the world.This report looks at:-297180022288500What happens to children with disabilities when there is war and fighting. The rights that children with disabilities have.What we want to happen next.-2286000-342900 What happens to children with disabilities when there is war and fighting 00 What happens to children with disabilities when there is war and fighting -331470019812000There are many problems for children with disabilities in the world.For example, they are often poor and left without the support they need.-308610014732000 These problems often get worse when war and fighting happens.-32004009715500People may hurt children or treat them very badlyMany bad things can happen to children when there is war and fighting.This includes children with disabilities.-2857500-57150000For example, people fighting in wars may do things on purpose, like:Hurt or kill children. -25146006540500Leave weapons lying around that children may pick up. -297180013017500Make children fight in wars.-251460018542000-30861006096000Make children have sex or do sexual things. For example, make them touch someone’s private parts.-285750013144500Take children away from their families.-2743200-11430000People fighting in wars may do things on purpose, like:Attack schools and hospitals. -274320018986500Stop children getting the help they need.This can cause problems for children for a very long time.-34290009969500For example:If children already have a disability or health problem it might get worse.-285750061214000Many children get a new disability or health problem because of what happens to them.Children may be upset and scared for a long time and need a lot of support to cope.-2857500-45720000It can be hard to get the right services and supportServices are things like doctors, hospitals, schools and transport.-2857500-889000Services might stop running or be harder to use when war and fighting happens.-27432006477000For example, people who are fighting might attack schools and hospitals and buildings might be damaged.This can make life even worse for children with disabilities and their families.-1257300952500-3200400444500For example:Children with disabilities can find it harder to get the healthcare and support they need.This can cause them more problems later on.-2743200-22860000Children with disabilities might become poorer.For example, their families might have to start paying for healthcare and support.But they might get less money from the government to help them.-27432005016500Children with disabilities might not be able to go to school. They might have to stay at home or try to earn money.-27432008509000Children with disabilities can find it hard to get away from danger-285750065786000People might have to leave home very quickly when war and fighting happens. For example, people who are fighting might come to where they live.-2743200-57150000-1371600-45720000-3429000-57150000Some children with disabilities might find it hard to move fast.They might not have the wheelchairs or equipment they need.-28575007874000Their families might leave them behind if they are scared and need to leave quickly.-274320014732000Many people have wrong ideas about disability People might not know how to support children with disabilities. -285750038163500People might think it is bad to have a disability. They might think that people with disabilities are less important.This can stop children with disabilities getting the right support.-2057400-228600 What rights do children with disabilities have? 00 What rights do children with disabilities have? -308610019812000-377190019812000-205740019304000Children with disabilities have the same rights as all other children.For example, they have the right to:Be safe and treated fairly.Get the right support.Take part in the community.-320040015240000There are two important documents about the rights of children with disabilities.-22860001778000The documents are called:The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Or CRPD for short. -285750020256500The Convention on the Rights of the Child. Or CRC for short.Many countries have promised to do what the documents say.-2400300-80010000Children with disabilities have the same rights when war and fighting happens.But they often don’t get their rights.More work is being done to change this. -27432005842000For example, there are some new rules for countries to follow.The rules will help children with disabilities get the right support when war and fighting happens.-285750012763500There will be some new information to help people with this in 2019.-491490019113500But there is still much more to do.-2057400-342900 What we think should happen next 00 What we think should happen next -32004009398000We think that governments and organizations in the world should work on the following things:-32004004826000-9144001809751 001 -251460050038000Make sure that governments follow important documents in the world about the rights of children with disabilities.-9144001327152 002 Make sure that children with disabilities and their families can have a say about: -2743200-698500What to do while war and fighting happens. What should happen after the war and fighting stops. -28575004445000Children with disabilities should get the support and equipment they need to have their say.-2857500-45720000-914400-1143003 003 Make sure that organizations find out what children with disabilities need and what is happening to them.-297180018796000-914400-1143004 004 Give staff information and training about children with disabilities, their rights and how to support them.The training should be for staff who support people when there are wars and other big problems.-30861002349500-9144001428755 005 Get better information about how many children have a disability and what they need.-914400-1143006 006 Make sure that services are easy for children with disabilities to use.-29718008699500For example, schools, healthcare and information about how to keep safe.But make sure children with disabilities get support just for them if they need it.For example, they may need special equipment to help them.-2857500-68580000-1028700-1143007 007 Check how easy services are for children with disabilities to use.For example, toilets, food places and schools.Sort out any problems with this.-32004006858000-1028700666758 008 Do more to keep children with disabilities safe from violence and other bad things.More violence can happen to children with disabilities than to other children.-297180013271500-102870009 009 Write reports about what happens to children with disabilities or children who get a disability because of war and fighting. This will help people make good plans about keeping children safe.-480060020637500-11430008191510 0010 Make sure there are good rules about how to keep children safe if war or other problems happen. This includes children with disabilities.-1943100737235Most pictures by The Picture Communication Symbols ?1981–2016 by Mayer-Johnson LLC a Tobii Dynavox company. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Thousands of resources available for free at 00Most pictures by The Picture Communication Symbols ?1981–2016 by Mayer-Johnson LLC a Tobii Dynavox company. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Thousands of resources available for free at ................

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