Elements of Fiction: What Do You Remember - Mrs. Baker's ...

Elements of Fiction: Review

Use the word bank to fill in the below statements. Some words will be repeated.

1. How characters are developed and built throughout a story is called ____________________.

2. A character/force in conflict with the central character is called a(n) ______________.

3. The author’s main idea, message, or comment about life is called ____________.

4. The feeling a story creates for a reader (spooky, happy, etc.) is called


5. When a narrator tells a story, this is called __________________

point of view

6. Events that happen early in a story that help predict future events are an example of __________________.

7. The turning point of action or high point of events in a story is called the ________________.

8. The struggle between two or more opposing forces in a story is called ______________.

9. The time and place of a story is called ________________.

10. The events of a story, when woven together, are called the __________.

11. Man versus Himself is an example of _______________.

12. Something in a story that stands for something else is a ________________.

13. _______________ is sometimes revealed indirectly by the clothing, music, cars, and scenery of the story. (hint: two words fit this definition…see if you can pick both)

14. A turn of events that is the opposite of what we or the characters expect is called _______________.

15. The author’s attitude toward his/her subject or audience is called __________.

16. The way that the reader feels at the end of a story. This is the result of the climax and outcome of the story. _____________

17. When a character tells his/her own story, we call this first person _____________________.

18. The central character in a story is called the _______________________.

19. A comparison that used “like” or “as” ________________________.

20. A direct comparison between two unlike things ________________________.

21. Highly descriptive language that appeals to the senses ____________________.

22. Giving a nonliving thing human or living qualities ________________________.

simile personification antagonist imagery

plot setting characterization conflict

theme point of view irony symbol

foreshadowing mood climax conflict

effect third person protagonist metaphor


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