19354805715 PINCO EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 201710:00AMPINCO ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 44809 BEECH AVENUELANCASTER, CA 9353400 PINCO EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 201710:00AMPINCO ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 44809 BEECH AVENUELANCASTER, CA 93534AGENDASIGN-IN: ADOPTION OF AGENDAAdoption of September 14, 2017 Executive Committee Meeting Agenda. MOTION: Bakersfield City SECONDED: Delano PASSEDADOPTION: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 8, 2017MOTION: Delano SECONDED: Standard PASSEDPUBLIC COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR:Public Business from the Floor – Agendized Items and Non-Agendized Items: The public is invited to address items on the PINCO Agenda or any item that is within PINCO’s jurisdiction as constituted. Without taking action or entering into a dialog with the public, PINCO Board members may briefly respond to statements made or ask clarifying questions about topics not on the PINCO agenda. Individual speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each with the total time for public input on each item limited to fifteen (15) minutes. All persons requesting to make comments are asked to complete a public speaking form prior to the meeting. You will be asked to provide your full name, who or what you are representing and the topic as an item identified on the agenda or as a non-Agendized item.NONEUSDA FOOD PURCHASE RECOMMENDATIONBackground: PINCO’s Commodity Sub-committee met on August 25, 2017 to discuss USDA Foods offerings and forward a recommendation to PINCO Member Districts in a second purchase to use the remaining $1,057,068.00 of PINCO’s 2017-2018 entitlement; the proposed purchase amounts to $472,148.00 leaving an estimated $584,920.00 of entitlement to use this year. The recommendation reflects the immediate need at PINCO’s poultry processors and opportunities with quality proteins, fruits and vegetables. Scheduled arrivals of these commodities allow Member Districts time to utilize product through the second half of the school year. Notwithstanding revision(s), it is recommended PINCO’s Executive Committee approve the Sub-committee’s recommendation for PINCO’s Advisory Committee to authorize purchase of the proposed USDA Foods.MOTION: Bakersfield City SECONDED: Delano Motion to remove the Blueberries from the Commodity Sub-committee’s proposal and present at the September 21st Advisory Committee meeting; Proposed USDA purchase was moved to an E-Vote due to rescheduling the Advisory Committee meeting to September 28, 2017 ensuring PINCO met the September 22, 2017 deadline for the USDA purchase.USDA PURCHASES: DEVELOPMENT OF PROCEDURE(S) WITH SHORT-SCHEDULE OFFERINGSBackground: CDE and USDA Foods offerings schedules have become more fluid based on market conditions, excess balances and the ability to “complete” load criteria. That said, there can be as little as 48 hours to decide on a purchase for the entire Cooperative. PINCO’s current procedure in purchasing by “majority” at scheduled meetings and E-Vote cancels out opportunities Member Districts would otherwise approve. It is recommended the Executive Committee develop a procedure/list of preapproved USDA Foods PINCO could purchase on behalf of Member Districts in the event timelines do not allow for standard voting. MOTION: Lost Hills SECONDED: Standard PASSED Discussion- Assign and develop a procedure and short offering list.USAGE AT PROCESSOR- JENNIE-O AND ADVANCE PIERRE (CHICKEN)Background: PINCO Member Districts and Staff have experienced challenges with its new poultry processors, Jennie-O and Advance Pierre. Some of the primary issues include:Use of white/dark meat drawdownsMember Districts at risk of negative balance due to small allocations/no 2016-2017 carryover Meeting minimums It is recommended the Executive Committee, Bid and Commodity Sub-committees explore and review issues to determine options and steps forward to ensure Member Districts enjoy full use and value in diverting to these processors.DISCUSSION- Lead District will contact Jenny O to provide presentations. There are concerns about billing issues with bacon being billed lbs. versus cases.PROCEDURE/POLICY REVIEW: RELEASING OF LOADS AT PROCESSORBackground: Sunny Fresh/Cargill refused two of the four truckloads scheduled for diversion in 2017-2018 based on PINCO’s carryover. PINCO has received one of the two truckloads with the second load not scheduled to arrive at Sunny Fresh until May 31, 2018 (the date may change, but we have to go with it for now). Advance Pierre Chicken is also a concern on the held-load Policy; we only received 3 loads and one can’t be released until April. PINCO's Advisory Committee has Policy stating that one load must be held out until all the loads scheduled arrive at the processor. In this situation, PINCO is only working off the 2016-2017 carryover and one truckload until the end of the year. It is recommended the Executive Committee make an exception with Sunny Fresh allowing immediate use at Sunny Fresh of these eggs and purchase more as needed in the event USDA offerings open up. Additionally, it is recommended the JPA/Policy Sub-committee review this policy and develop rules of exception(s) to present to PINCO Executive and Advisory Committees.MOTION: Bakersfield City SECONDED: Delano FAILEDExecutive Committee requested more information regarding the cancelation of eggs before recommending release of the May 31st truckload. Additionally, it is recommended the JPA/Policy Sub-committee review this policy and develop rules of exception(s) to present to PINCO Executive and Advisory Committees.Discussion- Lead District will find out the status of the 2 refused truck loads.UPDATE: FLOOR REPAIR AND TENANT IMPROVEMENT DISCUSSION WITH R&R GENERALBackground: After determining the expense of repairing the freezer floor too costly given remaining term of lease (June 30, 2019), Lead Agency contacted property management company R&R General to negotiate with the Landlord to repair the freezer floor and other areas of the Warehouse experiencing damage from wear/use; loading dock and truck aprons. In the meantime, PINCO Staff are taking the necessary steps to ensure safety and product integrity until repairs are made. R&R’s cost of these repairs would be far less than PINCO’s which is under public regulation. Additionally expense(s) could be negotiated into the remaining term of the lease reducing the financial burden of Member Districts. R&R General is currently reviewing the aforementioned areas and will contact Lead Agency once they have determined what level of involvement they wish to take. Lead Agency will communicate and schedule PINCO Executive Committee to meet with R&R General as developments INFORMATION ONLY- Lead District will schedule a meeting with Property Management, Executive Committee and Building Committee at end of the month. VENDOR ISSUES/CONCERNSBackground: Lead Agency to report on issues and concerns raised by PINCO Staff and Member Districts on vendor follow-through with services and terms of agreement with PINCO. DISCUSSION- Gold Star bought A & R Foods during the summer. Districts are seeing shortages of condiments and Rock n’ Ola.INVENTORY ADJUSTMENTSBackground: Concerns were raised from the outcome/process of 2016-2017 inventory adjustments. Each year, PINCO makes adjustments to Member District inventory(ies) in situations where one Member District’s inventory is offset to shore-up a gap with another Member District. Inventory Adjustments are necessary given there are 39 separate inventories that must be kept and honored in line with the J.P.A. for reporting purposes (last year, 40); this end-of-year practice has been in place for the past nineteen years with varying numbers of cases each year. Effected Districts are impacted by having products “switched” at equal monetary value that may/may not have the same nutritional component value. Inventory Adjustments take place the last week of June limiting time between inventory counts and making the necessary adjustments prior to audit (typically the last one-two business days in June). Lead Agency to report out on issues/causes requiring inventory adjustments; PINCO Staff is committed in reducing risks causing the need for inventory adjustments and welcomes input from Executive and Advisory Committee Members in this areINFORMATION ONLY- Lead Agency and PINCO Staff to continue developing protocol/training and to notify impacted Member Districts by e-mail after the July 4th Holiday. PINCO PROCUREMENT CODE OF CONDUCTBackground: At the April 14, 2016 Executive and Advisory Committee meetings, PINCO Member Districts received a proposed PINCO Procurement Code of Conduct from the Lead Agency in response to USDA/CDE issued guidelines on procurement standards. Lead Agency recommends PINCO’s Executive Committee review the proposed document to revise as necessary and forward to PINCO Advisory Committee for ratification.MOTION: Bakersfield City SECONDED: Panama PASSEDBCSD Motioned to JPA Policy Committee to develop a Procurement Policy and Code of Conduct to present to the Executive Committee. STUDY: PINCO STAFFING EXPENSEBackground: Request has been made for Executive Committee to study PINCO payroll and benefit expenses, including Chairman.DISCUSSION- Lead Agency provided clarification on salary information.MANAGEMENT SERVICES: COST/EXPENSE ASSESSMENTBackground: Request has been made to form an Ad-hoc Committee to study PINCO administrative and operational expenses in its capacity as Management Services Contractor. DISCUSSION-Futures Committee to develop an evaluation tool.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE VACANCY: PROCEDURAL QUESTIONBackground: Question raised as to procedural steps taken in the event Executive Committee Member(s) were not present at a scheduled meeting and if a succession plan needed to be developed/adopted. DISCUSSION-JPA/Policy Committee to develop a succession procedure. REPORTS FROM PINCO SUB-COMMITTEES CommodityFood Show Facilities/Transportation JPA/Policy Bid SunshineREPORTS FROM EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS/LEAD AGENCYUPCOMING MEETING DATES: 2017-2018PINCO Executive CommitteeOctober 12, 2017 PINCO Administrative Offices, Lancaster General BusinessJanuary 11, 2018 PINCO Administrative Offices, Lancaster Commodity Update/RFP PrepMarch 8, 2018 PINCO Administrative Offices, Lancaster 2018-2019 RFP Re-CapApril 5, 2018 PINCO Administrative Offices, Lancaster General BusinessMay 10, 2018 PINCO Administrative Offices, Lancaster General Business, BudgetJune 7, 2018 2017-2018 PINCO Advisory CommitteeSeptember 21, 2017 PINCO Service Center, Bakersfield General BusinessOctober 19, 2017 PINCO Service Center, Bakersfield General Business/Agreement Re-cap December 6, 2017 Antelope Valley Fairgrounds, Lancaster Pre-Show Meeting/Industry ReceptionDecember 7, 2017 PINCO FOOD SHOW, AV FairgroundsDecember 14, 2017 PINCO Service Center, Bakersfield Food Show Re-Cap Pre-Planner MeetingJanuary 18, 2018 PINCO Service Center, Bakersfield Mid-Year Vendor Review/RFP March 15, 2018 PINCO Service Center, Bakersfield Bid AwardsApril 12, 2018 PINCO Service Center, Bakersfield 2018-2019 Buying GuideMay 24, 2018 PINCO Service Center, Bakersfield Budget/CalendarJune 14, 2018 PINCO Service Center, Bakersfield Year-End General SessionADJOURN: MOTION: Bakersfield City SECONDED: Eastside PASSED ................

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