Chapter 2 Review QuestionsYour Results:The correct answer for each question is indicated by a?.1INCORRECTChemistry is the discipline that studiesA)various forces of the physical world.B)electrical charges.C)the composition of matter and how it changes.D)the interaction of elements and living organisms.Feedback: Incorrect: Chemistry studies the atomic and molecular composition of changing matter2INCORRECTThe smallest complete units of elements areA)neutronsB)electronsC)atomsD)protonsFeedback: Incorrect: Neutrons are subatomic particles3INCORRECTWhat are the components of an atom that determine its electrical charge?A)protons and neutronsB)electronsC)electrons and protonsD)neutronsFeedback: Incorrect: Electrons are negative and protons positive4INCORRECTThe number of protons in the nucleus of an atom ___________ the number of electrons in its outer rings.A)equalsB)is less thanC)is more thanD)has no relationship toFeedback: Incorrect: In a neutral atom, the protons equal the electrons.5INCORRECTThe defining characteristic of stable elements isA)a high atomic weightB)a low atomic numberC)the maximum number of electrons in its outer shellD)a positive electrical chargeFeedback: Incorrect: Atomic weight is independent of chemical reactivity6INCORRECTWhen atoms combine with other atoms, theyA)share an electron with another atomB)lose an electronC)gain an electronD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Bonds can be formed by sharing, gaining, or losing electrons7INCORRECTAtoms that have gained an electrical charge by gaining or losing electrons are calledA)elementsB)moleculesC)compoundsD)ionsFeedback: Incorrect: Ions are atoms or molecules with a charge8CORRECTHydrogen bonds are found inA)protein moleculesB)gaseous oxygenC)carbohydrate moleculesD)inorganic molecules exclusivelyFeedback: Correct Answer: Hydrogen bonds between H and O or N give proteins their three-dimensional form9INCORRECTTable sugar, baking soda, natural gas, and alcoholic beverages are examples ofA)natural substancesB)elementsC)compoundsD)particlesFeedback: Incorrect: Compounds are new combinations of elements10INCORRECTChemical reactions mayA)form new bonds between atomsB)break existing bonds between atomsC)combine atoms in new combinations to make new compoundsD)accomplish all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Chemical reactions always result in new combinations; bonds are broken and new ones formed.11INCORRECTWhen two or more atoms or reactants bond to form a new, more complex structure, the reaction is calledA)creationB)synthesisC)recombinationD)hydrationFeedback: Incorrect: Synthesis is the creation of a new molecule from reactants12INCORRECTThe acidity of a solution is determined byA)a high hydrogen ion concentrationB)a pH below 7C)a low hydroxyl concentrationD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: pH is a relative measure of H+ or hydrogen ion concentration relative to OH-13CORRECTWhat is the pH of a solution whose H+ concentration is 0.0001?A)4B)-3C)3D)2Feedback: Correct Answer: pH is the logarithm to the base 1014INCORRECTWhich of the following substances is most acidic?A)cow's milk - pH 6.6B)apple juice - pH 3.0C)cabbage - pH 5.3D)distilled water - pH 7.0Feedback: Incorrect: A pH below 7 is considered acidic15CORRECTOrganic substances are least likely to dissolve inA)waterB)alcoholC)etherD)lipidsFeedback: Correct Answer: Organic compounds are usually not very soluble in water16INCORRECTIn the human body, water plays an important role inA)dissolving solid substancesB)moving chemicals around the bodyC)absorbing and moving heatD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: The polar nature of water allows living reactions to take place17INCORRECTWhich of the following inorganic substances is a metabolic waste product?A)oxygenB)carbon dioxideC)inorganic saltsD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Oxygen is an essential compound18INCORRECTMost of the energy needed by cells is supplied byA)proteinB)carbohydratesC)lipidsD)inorganic saltsFeedback: Incorrect: Proteins are not as commonly used for energy as carbohydrates19CORRECTThe structure of plant starch is chains ofA)monosaccharidesB)disaccharidesC)glycogenD)none of the aboveFeedback: Correct Answer: Monosaccharides such as glucose comprise large polysaccharides called starches20INCORRECTLipids include all of the substances below exceptA)fatsB)steroidsC)phospholipidsD)amino acidsFeedback: Incorrect: Proteins are comprised of amino acids21CORRECTA fat that has all of its carbon atoms joined by single carbon to carbon bonds is said to beA)saturatedB)unsaturatedC)polyunsaturatedD)completeFeedback: Correct Answer: The presence of double bonds indicates a degree of unsaturation22INCORRECTA phospholipid typically hasA)phosphorus atoms substituted for carbon atomsB)no glycerol portionC)two fatty acid chains and a phosphate groupD)three fatty acids each of which contain phosphate groupsFeedback: Incorrect: Phospholipids such as myelin contain fatty acids and a phosphate group23INCORRECTWhich of the following are steroids?A)cholesterolB)estrogensC)testosteroneD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Steroids are lipids derived from the parent cholesterol24INCORRECTWhich of the following is not a function of proteins?A)control of the speed of chemical reactionsB)combine with carbohydrates to form receptors on cell surfacesC)serve as structural materialsD)provide insulation to conserve heatFeedback: Incorrect: Enzymes are protein derivatives that control rates25INCORRECTThe element sulfur is sometimes found in which one of the following molecules.A)carbohydrateB)lipidC)proteinD)nucleic acidFeedback: Incorrect: Proteins contain C, H, O, N and sometimes sulfur.26CORRECTThe bond that contributes to maintaining the special shape of a protein is a(n)A)hydrogen bondB)electrovalent bondC)ionic bondD)peptide bondFeedback: Correct Answer: It is usually the H-N or H-O bonds that allow proteins to have complex three-dimensional forms27INCORRECTWhen hydrogen bonds within a protein break, the protein is said to beA)dehydratedB)denaturedC)bothD)neitherFeedback: Incorrect: Denaturation is a process that destroys the functional form of a protein28INCORRECTProtein synthesis rate is controlled byA)nucleotidesB)nitrogen atomsC)genesD)enzymesFeedback: Incorrect: Enzymes control the rate of all reactions29CORRECTSome forms of Alzheimer disease may be caused by protein misfolding.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Some diseases may be caused by misfolded proteins that are not infectious.30CORRECTMatter is found in various forms, gases, liquids, and solids.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: The classic forms of matter are solid, liquid, and gas31CORRECTThe atomic weight of an atom is determined by the sum of its protons and neutrons.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Atomic weight is protons plus neutrons32CORRECTThe protons carry a positive electrical charge and electrons carry a negative electrical charge.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Protons are positive and electrons, negative33CORRECTUnstable elements achieve stable structures by gaining, losing, or sharing electrons in their outer shells.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Chemicals react to gain electrical stability34CORRECTA ion is an atom that has developed an electrical charge by losing or gaining an electron.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Ions are either positive cations or negative, anions35CORRECTOne pair of shared electrons forms a single covalent bond; two pair of shared electrons form a double covalent bond.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Covalent bonds may involve 2, 4, or 6 electrons and be single, double, or triple36INCORRECTA molecular formula depicts how atoms are joined and arranged in molecules.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: A molecular formula may only show the relative numbers of atoms, not the structures37CORRECTSynthesis requires energy and is important to the growth of body parts.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Syntheses in the body, such as proteins, always requires some form of energy38CORRECTA catalyst affects the speed with which a chemical reaction takes place but is not consumed by the reaction.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: The most common catalysts are the enzymes39INCORRECTElectrolytes that release hydrogen ions in water are called bases.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: Acids release hydrogen atoms or H+40CORRECTWhen electrically charged ions disassociate in water, the solution will conduct electricity.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Ions always conduct electricity1INCORRECTWhich of these is a measurement of gravitational force?A)massB)matterC)weightD)valanceE)electronegativityFeedback: Incorrect Answer: weight is the gravitational force acting on an object of a given mass.2CORRECTNeutrons are subatomic particles thatA)are located in the nucleus and have a positive charge.B)are located in the nucleus and have no charge.C)are located in the nucleus and have a negative charge.D)are located around the nucleus and have a positive charge.E)are located around the nucleus and have a negative charge.Feedback: Correct Answer3INCORRECTMost of the volume of an atom is occupied by theA)electrons.B)neutrons.C)protons.D)protons and neutrons.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Most of the volume of an atom is occupied by the electrons.4INCORRECTThe simplest type of matter with unique chemical properties isA)an electron.B)an element.C)a neutron.D)a proton.E)an isotope.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: An element is the simplest type of matter with unique chemical properties.5INCORRECTThe atomic number of an element is equal to the number ofA)electrons in each atom.B)neutrons in each atom.C)protons in each atom.D)protons plus electrons in each atom.E)neutrons plus electrons in each atom.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of protons in each atom.6INCORRECTWhich of the pairs below are equal to each other in an atom?A)neutrons and protonsB)protons and electronsC)neutrons and electronsD)atomic number and mass numberE)mass number and electronsFeedback: Incorrect Answer: The number of positively charged protons equals the number of negatively charged electrons in an atom.7INCORRECTGiven that manganese (Mn) has an atomic number of 25 and a mass number of 55, an atom of manganese hasA)25 neutrons.B)25 electrons.C)30 electrons.D)55 protons.E)80 neutrons.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the atom.8CORRECTSelenium (Se) has 34 protons and 46 neutrons in each atom, therefore its atomic number is __________ and its mass number is __________.A)12, 46B)34, 46C)12, 34D)34, 80E)46, 80Feedback: Correct Answer: The number of protons is equal to the atomic number, and the mass number is equal to the number of protons plus neutrons.9INCORRECT14N and 15N areA)different elements.B)atoms with different atomic numbers.C)isotopes of the same element.D)identical except for different numbers of electrons.E)identical except for different numbers of protons.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: 14N and 15N are isotopes, elements with the same number of protons and electrons, but different numbers of neutrons.10INCORRECTIn the human body, which element makes up the largest percentage of atoms by number?A)carbonB)fluorineC)hydrogenD)nitrogenE)oxygenFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Hydrogen atoms make up the largest percentage of atoms by number in the body.11INCORRECTGiven that the atomic mass of magnesium is 24.31, which of these statements is true?A)24.31g of magnesium contains 1 mol of magnesium atoms.B)24.31g of magnesium contains Avogadro's number of magnesium atoms.C)24.31g of magnesium contains 6.022 x 1023 magnesium atoms.D)24.31g of magnesium has the same number of atoms as 12.01 g of carbon..E)All of these are true.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: All of the statements concerning magnesium are correct.12INCORRECTThe chemical behavior of an atom is determined largely byA)its number of protons.B)its outermost electrons.C)the size of the electron cloud.D)its mass.E)its weight.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The outermost electrons of an atom determine its chemical behavior since those electrons will be shared with or transferred to other atoms, resulting in chemical bonding.13INCORRECTChemical bonding occurs when the __________ are transferred or shared between atoms.A)outer protonsB)largest neutronsC)outermost electronsD)innermost electronsE)outermost protonsFeedback: Incorrect Answer: The outermost electrons of an atom will be shared with or transferred to other atoms, resulting in chemical bonding.14INCORRECTIonic bonding occurs whenA)a cation and an anion are attracted to each other.B)two cations are attracted to each other.C)two anions are attracted to each other.D)two atoms lose protons.E)two atoms lose neutrons.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The attraction of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions results in ionic bonding.15CORRECTAn atom that gains an electronA)becomes a cation.B)becomes a different isotope of the same element.C)has a different atomic number.D)becomes an anion.E)explodes.Feedback: Correct Answer16INCORRECTA calcium ion (Ca2+)A)has lost two electrons.B)has gained two electrons.C)has gained two protons.D)has lost two protons.E)has gained two neutrons.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: A calcium ion has lost two electrons as noted by the 2+ charge.17INCORRECTWhen two hydrogen atoms each share an electron with an oxygen atom (H2O),A)polar covalent bonding occurs.B)nonpolar covalent bonding occurs.C)ionic bonding occurs.D)metallic bonding occurs.E)it is called a james bond.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Because oxygen does not share electrons equally with hydrogen atoms when covalently bound with them, we describe the bond as a polar covalent bond.18INCORRECTWhen a positively charged hydrogen atom of one water molecule is attracted to a negatively charged oxygen atom of another water molecule,A)covalent bonding occurs.B)hydrogen bonding occurs.C)ionic bonding occurs.D)metallic bonding occurs.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: hydrogen bonding results from the attraction of the positive end of a polar molecule to the negative end of another polar molecule.19INCORRECTPotassium chloride is formed when a potassium ion (K+) is attracted to a chloride ion (Cl-). Therefore, potassium chloride isA)an atom.B)a molecule.C)a compound.D)a metal.E)all of theseFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Potassium chloride is a compound since it is composed of two different ions held together by the force of attraction between their opposite charges.20INCORRECTIf potassium chloride is placed in water, it willA)form strong covalent bonds with the water molecules.B)dissociate into separate ions.C)not mix with the water.D)become nonpolar.E)form covalent potassium chloride molecules.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Potassium chloride will dissociate into separate ions in water, positively charged potassium ions and negatively charged chloride ions.21INCORRECTWhich of these substances is nonpolar?A)canola oilB)glucoseC)potassium chlorideD)sodium chloride (table salt)E)sucrose (table sugar)Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Canola oil is a lipid and nonpolar. Sodium chloride is an ionic compound that is polar.22CORRECTWhich of these substances is an electrolyte?A)canola oilB)glucoseC)fructoseD)sodium chlorideE)sucroseFeedback: Correct Answer: Because sodium chloride can dissociate in water and can conduct electrical current, it is known as an electrolyte.23INCORRECTA synthesis reactionA)may be a dehydration reaction.B)results in catabolism.C)may be a hydrolysis reaction.D)breaks down a larger reactant into two or more smaller products.E)all of theseFeedback: Incorrect Answer: A synthesis reaction takes two or more smaller reactants and combines them to make a larger product.24INCORRECTAll of the synthesis and decomposition reactions that take place in the body are collectively referred to asA)anabolism.B)catabolism.C)dissociation.D)electrolytes.E)metabolism.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Metabolism refers to all the synthesis and decomposition reactions that take place in the body.25CORRECTThe gain of an electron by an atom is calledA)anabolism.B)catabolism.C)oxidation.D)reduction.E)synthesis.Feedback: Correct Answer: Reduction refers to an atom gaining an electron.26CORRECTIn which of these types of reactions does an equilibrium occur?A)decomposition reactionB)synthesis reactionC)exchange reactionD)reversible reactionFeedback: Correct Answer27INCORRECTChemical events in cells are regulated primarily by mechanisms that control either the concentration or the activity ofA)acids.B)bases.C)enzymes.D)lipids.E)sugars.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Because enzyme function is so essential to cell function, mechanisms that control enzyme concentration or activity regulate cellular chemical events.28INCORRECT__________ energy results from the relative positions and interactions among the charged subatomic particles of a substance.A)ChemicalB)ElectricC)ElectromagneticD)HeatE)MechanicalFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Chemical energy (a form of potential energy) results from the relative positions and interactions among the charged subatomic particles of a substance.29INCORRECTUltraviolet light is an example ofA)chemical energy.B)electric energy.C)electromagnetic energy.D)heat energy.E)mechanical energy.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Ultraviolet light is an example of electromagnetic energy.30INCORRECTIn which of these reactions is energy released?A)hydrolysis of ATP to ADPB)production of ATP from ADPC)photosynthesisD)production of glucose from CO2 and H2OE)all of theseFeedback: Incorrect Answer: The production of glucose from CO2 and H2O requires energy.31INCORRECTOsmolalityA)reflects the number of atoms in a solution.B)of normal body fluid is about 300 osmoles.C)influences the movement of water into and out of cells.D)indicates the percent of solute by weight per volume of solution.E)reflects the percent of solvent in a solution.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Osmolality reflects the number of particles in a solution.32INCORRECTIf the number of hydrogen ions in a solution is increased, theA)solution becomes more acidic.B)solution becomes more alkaline (basic).C)pH of the solution will be increased.D)solution is a buffer.E)pH of the solution remains unchanged.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: A buffer refers to a weak acid or base that functions to prevent fluctuations in pH.33INCORRECTPotassium hydroxide (KOH) dissociates in solution to produce K+ and OH-; therefore it is classified asA)an acid.B)a base.C)a buffer.D)a neutral substance.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Because potassium hydroxide dissociates into K+ and OH- ions, it is a base. The OH- ions can bind with the H+ ion in a solution, increasing the pH.34CORRECTWhich of these is a monosaccharide?A)sucroseB)starchC)glycogenD)glucoseE)celluloseFeedback: Correct Answer35CORRECTWhich of these molecules does NOT consist of glucose molecules joined together?A)celluloseB)glycogenC)maltoseD)sucroseE)starchFeedback: Correct Answer: Sucrose consists of a glucose molecule joined to a fructose molecule.36CORRECT__________ constitute 95% of the fats in the human body.A)PhospholipidsB)Prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienesC)SteroidsD)TriglyceridesE)VitaminsFeedback: Correct Answer:37INCORRECT__________ are the building blocks for proteins.A)Amino acidsB)Fatty acids and glycerolC)MonosaccharidesD)DisaccharidesE)Nucleic acidsFeedback: Incorrect Answer: The building blocks for proteins are amino acids.38INCORRECTThe __________ structure of a protein results from the folding of the helices or pleated sheets.A)primaryB)penitentiaryC)quaternaryD)secondaryE)tertiaryFeedback: Incorrect Answer: The tertiary structure of a protein results from the folding of the helices or pleated sheets.39INCORRECTEnzymesA)are always composed of monosaccharides.B)function by raising the activation energy required for a reaction.C)can control many different reactions.D)generally decrease the rate of chemical reactions.E)sometimes require cofactors to be functional.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Sometimes require cofactors in order to be functional.40INCORRECTWhich of these are NOT a part of nucleotide molecules?A)ribose or deoxyriboseB)nitrogenous organic basesC)phosphate groupsD)purines and pyrimidinesE)peptidesChapter 3 Review QuestionsYour Results:The correct answer for each question is indicated by a?.1INCORRECTThe shape of cells in the body vary based on theirA)maturityB)functionC)location of reproductionD)ability to reproduceFeedback: Incorrect: The morphology or shape of cells correlates directly with their functionality2CORRECTThe organelles are found in theA)cytoplasm of the cellB)nucleus of the cellC)both cytoplasm and nucleusD)neither cytoplasm nor nucleusFeedback: Correct Answer: Organelles such as lysosomes are usually found within the cytosol or cytoplasm3INCORRECTWhich of the following statements about the cell membrane in the bilayer model is incorrect?A)The membrane forms a boundary around the cellular contents.B)The membrane allows some substances to enter and leave the cell but not others.C)The basic structure of the cell membrane is a lipid-protein bilayer.D)The interior of the cell membrane allows water soluble substances to pass through it.Feedback: Incorrect: In this model, the inside is not water soluble4INCORRECTCarbohydrate molecules bound to proteins on the surface of the cell membrane function inA)controlling substances entry and exit from the cellB)providing a reservoir of energy for intracellular functionsC)recognition of self versus non-selfD)as hormone receptorsFeedback: Incorrect: Glycoproteins are recognized by the immune system5CORRECTFlattened sacs and elongated canals that may contain ribosomes are part ofA)endoplasmic reticulumB)Golgi apparatusC)mitochondriaD)lysosomesFeedback: Correct Answer: The rough endoplasmic reticulum contains the ribosomes for protein synthesis6INCORRECTThe organelle that plays a central role in the transport of new molecules from inside to outside the cell is theA)endoplasmic reticulumB)Golgi apparatusC)mitochondriaD)lysosomeFeedback: Incorrect: The endoplasmic reticulum is an internal transport system7INCORRECTEnergy released from glucose and other nutrients is made useful to cells by theA)endoplasmic reticulumB)Golgi apparatusC)mitochondriaD)lysosomeFeedback: Incorrect: The main usable form of energy is mitochondrial ATP8INCORRECTThe "garbage disposals of the cell" are theA)endoplasmic reticulumB)Golgi apparatusC)mitochondriaD)lysosomesFeedback: Incorrect: Lysosomes contain enzymes that break down substances9CORRECTThe organelle essential to reproduction is theA)centrosomeB)celiumC)microtubuleD)vesicleFeedback: Correct Answer: The centrosome form the spindle fibers in division10INCORRECTVesicles that have a role in secretion are formed by theA)Golgi apparatusB)endoplasmic reticulumC)bothD)neitherFeedback: Incorrect: The Golgi apparatus and reticulum function in secretion and transport11CORRECTThin, threadlike processes within the cytoplasm that function in various kinds of cell movement areA)microfilaments and microtubulesB)cilia and flagellaC)bothD)neitherFeedback: Correct Answer: Examples of microfilaments are the actin and myosin proteins essential to muscle contraction12CORRECTThe nucleolus is a small, dense body composed mainly ofA)RNAB)DNAC)invaginated cytoplasmD)chromatinFeedback: Correct Answer: The nucleolus produces the rRNA molecules13INCORRECTChromatin fibers coil into rod-like structures known asA)ribosomesB)lysosomesC)chromosomesD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Chromosomes are the visible, condensed form of chromatin14INCORRECTPassive mechanisms that transport materials across the cell membrane are all of the following exceptA)diffusionB)filtrationC)osmosisD)endocytosisFeedback: Incorrect: Diffusion requires no ATP15INCORRECTThe mechanism in which molecules or ions spread randomly from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration isA)filtrationB)osmosisC)exocytosisD)diffusionFeedback: Incorrect: Filtration occurs through a membrane because of gravity or pressure16INCORRECTSubstances such as which of these can diffuse readily through the cell membrane?A)oxygenB)carbon dioxideC)bothD)neitherFeedback: Incorrect: Oxygen and carbon dioxide are small enough to diffuse across membranes17INCORRECTMolecules that are too large to pass through the membrane pores, such as glucose, and are insoluble in lipids enter the cell usingA)active transportB)filtrationC)endocytosisD)facilitated transportFeedback: Incorrect: Facilitated transport uses a carrier molecule to transport molecules such as glucose into a cell18INCORRECTThe substance that moves through the cell membrane during osmosis isA)glucoseB)oxygenC)sodiumD)waterFeedback: Incorrect: Osmosis is the movement of water from hypotonic areas to hypertonic areas19INCORRECTOsmosis is a special case ofA)filtrationB)diffusionC)facilitated transportD)pinocytosisFeedback: Incorrect: Osmosis is just the same as diffusion, but only for water20INCORRECTSolutions with a higher osmotic pressure than body fluids are calledA)isotonicB)hypertonicC)hypotonicD)supersaturatedFeedback: Incorrect: Hypertonic fluids have a higher concentration relative to what they are being compared with, which are consequently considered hypotonic21CORRECTWhen fluid is forced through a membrane by hydrostatic or blood pressure, the mechanism is calledA)filtrationB)facilitated diffusionC)controlled by electrically gated channelsD)hormone mediatedFeedback: Correct Answer: Filtration is the movement of particles through a membrane or filter, because of gravity or pressure22INCORRECTProcesses that require energy to move substances into and out of the cell without crossing through the cell membrane includeA)endocytosisB)pinocytosisC)phagocytosisD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: All of these are processes of membrane changes that engulf particles; all of these require ATP energy.23CORRECTThe phase of the cell cycle in which cell contents grow and duplicate isA)interphaseB)metaphaseC)prophaseD)telophaseFeedback: Correct Answer: In traditional cell division, the DNA and contents double during the interphase24CORRECTChromosomes first appear duringA)prophaseB)metaphaseC)anaphaseD)telophaseFeedback: Correct Answer: During prophase, the chromatin threads are condensed and become visible bodies called chromosomes25INCORRECTWhich of the following series of events of mitosis is in the correct sequence?A)telophase, anaphase, metaphase, prophaseB)prophase, telophase, metaphase, anaphaseC)anaphase, prophase, metaphase, telophaseD)prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophaseFeedback: Incorrect: Mitosis and meiosis proceed from interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase26INCORRECTThe process by which cells develop different characteristics in structure and function is calledA)maturationB)specializationC)hybridizationD)differentiationFeedback: Incorrect: Differentiation is the process in which a single cell will produce many diverse populations such as muscle and bone27INCORRECTWhich of the following are characteristic of cancer?A)hyperplasiaB)dedifferentiationC)metastasisD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Cancer cells spread to distant areas (metastasize), display excessive growth (hyperplasia), and exhibit properties found in earlier stages (de-differentiation)28CORRECTA defect in an individual's response to infection, because disease fighting cells do not stay in the injured area, can be due to a problem with cell adhesion.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Cells have chemicals in their membranes that tends to help keep their proper integrity and function29INCORRECTAll of the structures described in the composite cell can be found in every cell regardless of function.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: Not all cells have all features, such as the mature erythrocyte which has lost its nucleus30INCORRECTThe cell membrane is an inert structure that separates one cell from another.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: The cell membrane is a living, vital part of a cell31CORRECTThe cell membrane contains many kinds of proteins, each with a special function.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Membranes contain enzymes, structural proteins and receptor proteins32CORRECTProteins that traverse the cell membrane serve as "channels" that permit entry of specific ions into the cell.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: The movement of substances through a membrane occur aided by membrane channel proteins33CORRECTNutrients are received, processed, and used in the cytoplasm of the cell.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Nutrients such as glucose and amino acids are actively metabolized within a cell34INCORRECTFlagella are found on the free surfaces of epithelial cells; cilia are longer, more abundant, and move cells within the body.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: Cilia do not move cells but move particles on their surfaces35CORRECTMicrotubules are composed of a globular protein, tubulin.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Tubulin is a name of a protein found in structures such as the microfilaments36INCORRECTThe cytoplasm is the site of ribosome production.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: The ribosome is the site of protein synthesis37CORRECTThe cell membrane is a selective barrier that controls which substances enter and leave the cell.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: The membrane uses energy to selectively move molecules in or out38CORRECTDiffusion continues when the concentrations of a molecule or ion are the same on both sides of a membrane.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Diffusion occurs until the forward and reverse rates are equal39INCORRECTGlucose passes easily through the cell membrane by simple diffusion.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: Glucose enters a cell by facilitated diffusionYour Results:The correct answer for each question is indicated by a?.1INCORRECTThe largest percentage of molecules that make up the cell membrane areA)carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins.B)carbohydrates, water, and nucleic acids.C)phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins.D)nucleic acids, amino acids, and fatty acids.E)water, carbohydrates and cholesterol.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins make up the largest percentage of molecules in cell membranes.2INCORRECTIn the fluid mosaic model, the double layer (bilayer) of molecules found in the cell membrane is made up ofA)cholesterol.B)phospholipids.C)carbohydrates.D)nucleic acids.E)proteins.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Phospholipids make up the bilayer of cell membranes. Cholesterol is embedded within the bilayer.3INCORRECTAlthough the basic structure of the plasma membrane is determined mainly by its __________ , the functions of the plasma membrane are determined mainly by its __________ .A)carbohydrates, lipidsB)carbohydrates, proteinsC)lipids, proteinsD)nucleic acids, lipidsE)proteins, lipidsFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Lipids determine basic structure, and proteins determine many functions of plasma membranes.4INCORRECTWhich molecules in the cell membrane are mostly glycoproteins?A)carrier moleculesB)channel proteinsC)marker moleculesD)receptor moleculesE)enzymesFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Marker molecules are mostly glycoproteins.5INCORRECTWhich of these conditions decreases the rate of diffusion?A)increased concentration gradientB)increased viscosityC)increased temperatureD)decreased size of solute particlesE)all of theseFeedback: Incorrect Answer: An increased concentration gradient would increase, not decrease, the rate of diffusion.6INCORRECTWhich of these substances diffuse directly through the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane?A)glucose and amino acidsB)Na+ and Cl-C)O2?and CO2D)whole cellsFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Because O2?and CO2?are soluble in lipids, they can diffuse directly through the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane. Glucose and amino acids, because of size and polarity cannot diffuse directly through the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane.7INCORRECTA 10% salt solution is __________ to distilled water.A)isosmoticB)hyperosmoticC)hyposmoticFeedback: Incorrect Answer: A 10% salt solution is hyperosmotic to distilled water since it contains a higher concentration of solute particles than the distilled water and therefore it has a greater osmotic pressure.8INCORRECTYou place blood cells in an unknown solution and observe them with a microscope; you notice that most of the cells have crenated. Therefore, you conclude that the unknown solution isA)isosmotic to the cells.B)hyperosmotic to the cells.C)isotonic to the cells.D)hypertonic to the cells.E)hypotonic to the cells.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The unknown solution has to be hypertonic to the cells since water moved out of the cells via osmosis, causing them to crenate. Water moves from a high concentration to a low concentration, across a semipermeable membrane, towards the hypertonic solution.9INCORRECTSolution A has a greater osmotic pressure that solution B. Therefore, solution A contains __________ solutes and __________ water than solution B.A)fewer, lessB)fewer, moreC)more, lessD)more, moreFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Solution A contains more solutes and less water than solution B because the greater the concentration of solutes in a solution, the greater the osmotic pressure of that solution.10INCORRECTIn question 18 above, if the containers for solution A and solution B are connected, with a selectively permeable membrane between them, water movesA)from solution A to solution B.B)from solution B to solution A.C)equally in both directions.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Because water moves from a high concentration to a low concentration through a selectively permeable membrane in osmosis, water will move from solution B to solution A.11INCORRECT__________ depends upon a pressure difference on either side of a partition.A)Active transportB)EndocytosisC)Facilitated diffusionD)FiltrationE)Secondary active transportFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Filtration depends upon a pressure difference on either side of a partition, liquid moves from the side with the greatest pressure to the side with the lower pressure.12INCORRECTWhich of these transport processes does NOT require ATP?A)active transportB)endocytosisC)exocytosisD)diffusionE)secondary active transportFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Of the choices, diffusion is the only transport process that does not require ATP. Active transport, endocytosis, exocytosis, and secondary active transport are all transport processes requiring ATP.13INCORRECTGiven these observations concerning a transport process into a cell:?1. ATP is required?2. does not exhibit saturation?3. solid particles are transported?The transport process involved isA)active transport.B)facilitated diffusion.C)secondary active transport.D)phagocytosis.E)pinocytosis.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The transport process involved is phagocytosis, it requires ATP, does not exhibit saturation, and involves the transport of solid particles. Active transport does exhibit saturation.14INCORRECTGiven these characteristics of a transport process:1. moves with the concentration gradient2. does not require energy3. requires carrier moleculesWhich of these processes is described?A)diffusionB)facilitated diffusionC)active transportD)exocytosisE)phagocytosisFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Facilitated diffusion moves with the concentration gradient, does not require energy, and does require carrier molecules. Diffusion also moves with the concentration gradient and does not require energy, but it does not require carrier molecules.15INCORRECTFormation of a secretory vesicle, fusion of the secretory vesicle to the cell membrane, and release of the contents of the secretory vesicles outside the cell describesA)diffusion.B)facilitated diffusion.C)active transport.D)phagocytosis.E)exocytosis.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Exocytosis is the membrane transport mechanism involving the formation of a secretory vesicle, fusion of the secretory vesicle to the cell membrane, and release of the contents of the secretory vesicles outside the cell.16INCORRECTWhich of these processes involves a sodium-potassium exchange pump and two carrier molecules?A)active transportB)cotransportC)diffusionD)endocytosisE)facilitated diffusionFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Cotransport is the process that involves a sodium-potassium exchange pump and two carrier molecules.17INCORRECTMicrotubules areA)composed of actin filaments.B)essential components of cilia, flagella, centrioles, and spindle fibers.C)responsible for changes in cell shape.D)smaller in diameter than other cytoskeleton components.E)all of theseFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Microtubules are composed of protein tubulin and are essential components of cilia, flagella, centrioles and spindle fibers.18CORRECTWhich of these organelles function as intracellular digestive systems and contain enzymes?A)lysosomesB)rough endoplasmic reticulumC)Golgi apparatusD)nucleusE)secretory vesiclesFeedback: Correct Answer19INCORRECTThe production and export of milk from mammary gland cells involves which of these cell organelles?A)Golgi apparatusB)rough endoplasmic reticulumC)smooth endoplasmic reticulumD)vesiclesE)all of theseFeedback: Incorrect Answer: The production and export of milk from the mammary glands would involve the Golgi apparatus, the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, and vesicles.20INCORRECTDuring embryonic development, some structures are formed and then degenerate; the cell organelles responsible for the breakdown of these structures are theA)Golgi apparatuses.B)lysosomes.C)mitochondria.D)rough endoplasmic reticulum.E)smooth endoplasmic reticulum.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The lysosomes, organelles containing hydrolytic enzymes, function as intracellular digestive systems able to break down cellular structures.21INCORRECTAs a result of exercise, there is an increase in the number of __________ in muscle cells.A)nucleiB)mitochondriaC)lysosomesD)Golgi apparatusE)smooth endoplasmic reticulumFeedback: Incorrect Answer: There is an increase in the number of mitochondria with exercise due to increased ATP demand.22CORRECTWhich of these organelles is surrounded by a double membrane layer that contains many pores?A)nucleusB)rough endoplasmic reticulumC)Golgi apparatusD)lysosomesE)both a and dFeedback: Correct Answer23INCORRECTIn which of these organelles is chromatin found?A)lysosomesB)rough endoplasmic reticulumC)Golgi apparatusD)secretory vesiclesE)nucleusFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Chromatin, which consists of dispersed thin strands of DNA, histones and other proteins, is found in the nucleus of cells.24INCORRECTSubunits of ribosomes are manufactured in theA)cytoskeleton.B)endoplasmic reticulum.C)Golgi apparatus.D)lysosomes.E)nucleolus.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The nucleolus is the structure in the nucleus of cells where subunits of ribosomes are produced.25INCORRECTWhich of these organelles contains DNA?A)Golgi apparatusB)lysosomesC)mitochondriaD)rough endoplasmic reticulumE)smooth endoplasmic reticulumFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Besides in the nucleus of a cell, DNA can be found in mitochondria.26INCORRECTAerobic respiration produces __________ ATP molecules, __________ require oxygen to be available, and produces __________ as end product(s).A)2, does not, CO2 and waterB)2, does, lactic acidC)36-38, does not, lactic acidD)36-38, does, CO2 and waterFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Aerobic respiration produces 36-38 ATP molecules, requires oxygen, and produces CO2 and water as end products.27INCORRECTChemical reactions that convert glucose to pyruvic acid in the cell are calledA)aerobic respiration.B)anaerobic respiration.C)the citric acid cycle.D)the electron transport system.E)glycolysis.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Glycolysis is the set of chemical reactions that convert glucose to pyruvic acid. Aerobic respiration is the breakdown of organic molecules to form ATP in the presence of oxygen.28INCORRECTA sequence of nucleotides in DNA that provides a chemical set of instructions for making a functional protein is called aA)codon.B)anticodon.C)peptide bond.D)mRNA.E)gene.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: A gene is the sequence of nucleotides in DNA that code for a functional protein. A codon is the triplet nucleotide sequence on mRNA that codes for a particular amino acid.29INCORRECTTranscription takes place in the __________ of the cell.A)cytosolB)Golgi apparatusC)mitochondriaD)nucleusE)ribosomesFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Transcription takes place in the nucleus of the cell in eukaryotes.30CORRECTmRNA is copied fromA)DNA.B)tRNA.C)ribosomes.D)polypeptide chains.E)rRNA.Feedback: Correct Answer: mRNA is the complementary copy of DNA formed during transcription.31INCORRECTIn the DNA molecule, adenine always pairs withA)cytosine.B)guanine.C)uracil.D)thymine.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Adenine always pairs with thymine, and cytosine always pairs with guanine in the DNA molecule.32CORRECTThe __________ on a tRNA molecule pairs with three nucleotides on a mRNA molecule.A)anticodonB)codonC)exonD)intronE)geneFeedback: Correct Answer: The anticodon is the triplet nucleotide sequence on tRNA that is complementary to a codon sequence on mRNA.33INCORRECTRegions of DNA that do not code for portions of a protein are calledA)anticodons.B)codons.C)exons.D)introns.E)genes.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: Introns are the sequences of DNA that do not code for portions of a protein. An anticodon is the triplet nucleotide sequence on tRNA that is complementary to a codon sequence on mRNA.34INCORRECTDuring the process of translation, __________ tRNA molecule(s) occupies the tRNA binding site(s) on a ribosome.A)oneB)twoC)threeD)sixE)hundreds ofFeedback: Incorrect Answer: Two tRNA molecules occupy the tRNA binding sites on a ribosome.35INCORRECTPart of a proprotein is cleaved off to make a functional protein. This describesA)posttranscriptional processing.B)posttranslational processing.C)transcription.D)translation.E)mitosis.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The cleavage of a proprotein, forming a functional protein, is an example of posttranslational processing.36INCORRECTReplication of DNA takes place during theA)G0 phase.B)G1 phase.C)G2 phase.D)S phase.E)M phase (mitosis).Feedback: Incorrect Answer: DNA replication takes place during the S phase of interphase. The G0 phase is the phase that cells enter when they exit the cell cycle.37INCORRECTDuring the process of DNA replication,A)one new DNA strand is formed.B)the production of new nucleotide strands is catalyzed by DNA ligase.C)short segments are spliced together by DNA polymerase.D)each new DNA molecule has one strand of nucleotides from the original DNA and one newly synthesized strand.E)all of theseFeedback: Incorrect Answer: During the process of DNA replication, two new strands are produced. Each new DNA molecule has one strand of nucleotides from the original DNA and one newly synthesized strand.38CORRECTBy the process of mitosis in a human cell, __________ daughter cells are produced, each of which has __________ chromosomes.A)2, 46B)2, 23C)4, 46D)4, 23E)8, 23Feedback: Correct Answer: In human cells, mitosis produces 2 daughter cells each with 46 chromosomes.39INCORRECTWhich of these processes is associated with meiosis, but not mitosis?A)DNA replication prior to divisionB)cytokinesisC)crossing overD)prophase-metaphase-anaphase-telophase sequenceE)all of theseFeedback: Incorrect Answer: DNA replication prior to division occurs in both mitosis and meiosis. Crossing over occurs only in meiosis, not mitosis.40INCORRECTThe process of meiosisA)includes meiosis I, II, and III.B)results in the production of sperm cells or oocytes.C)produces 4 diploid cells.D)produces gametes that are identical to the parent cell.E)produces new cells for growth or tissue repair.Feedback: Incorrect Answer: The process of meiosis results in the production of sperm cells or oocytes and includes meiosis I and II, there is no meiosis III.Chapter 4 Review QuestionsYour Results:The correct answer for each question is indicated by a?.1INCORRECTThe proteins that control the reactions of metabolism areA)amino acidsB)catalystsC)enzymesD)substratesFeedback: Incorrect: Enzymes are protein catalysts that increase reaction rates; proteins are comprised of amino acids2INCORRECTThe process that provides the biochemicals required for cell growth and repair isA)anabolismB)catabolismC)metabolismD)synthesisFeedback: Incorrect: Metabolism is a combined term for synthesis (anabolism) and break down (catabolism)3INCORRECTA by-product of dehydration synthesis isA)carbon dioxideB)oxygenC)waterD)amino acidsFeedback: Incorrect: Dehydration is the removal of water from a molecule4INCORRECTEnzymes are needed to promote metabolic reactions in the body becauseA)there is inadequate oxygen to promote the chemical reactionsB)the temperature in cells is not high enough to promote the increase in chemical reaction ratesC)both of the aboveD)neither of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Normal cells are assumed to have sufficient oxygen5INCORRECTVery small quantities of enzymes are needed becauseA)they are very large protein moleculesB)a phospholipid layer provides insulationC)very rapid production of enzymes is possible when they are neededD)they are not consumed in the metabolic reaction they facilitateFeedback: Incorrect: Enzymes are re-used in reactions6INCORRECTEnzymes can be denatured (destroyed) byA)heat and radiationB)chemicals and extremes of pHC)electricityD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Since enzymes are proteins, they can be denatured by factors such as abnormal pH, electricity, chemicals, radiation and heat7INCORRECTThe form of energy most often used by the body's metabolic processes isA)chemicalB)lightC)mechanicalD)electricalFeedback: Incorrect: Energy reactions are chemical in nature8INCORRECTThe first stage of cellular respiration is ___________ and occurs in the __________________ .A)aerobic, cytosolB)anaerobic, Golgi apparatusC)aerobic, cell membraneD)anaerobic, cytosolFeedback: Incorrect: The first series of reactions is anaerobic and does not require oxygen (glycolysis)9CORRECTThe second phase of cellular respiration is __________ and occurs in the ____________.A)aerobic, mitochondriaB)aerobic, cytosolC)anaerobic, Golgi apparatusD)anaerobic, cell membraneFeedback: Correct Answer: Following glycolysis, glucose end products enter the mitochondria if oxygen is available (Kreb cycle)10INCORRECTThe final products of glucose oxidation are all of the following exceptA)waterB)carbon dioxideC)energyD)oxygenFeedback: Incorrect: Glucose oxidation ends with carbon dioxide, water and ATP energy11INCORRECTThe average human diet should consist largely ofA)proteinB)carbohydratesC)saturated fatsD)unsaturated fatsFeedback: Incorrect: Carbohydrates are commonly required for energy12CORRECTThe initial phase of the metabolic pathway of carbohydrates producesA)2 pyruvic acid moleculesB)36 citric acid moleculesC)acetyl coenzyme AD)4 fumaric acid moleculesFeedback: Correct Answer: Pyruvic acid is the end product of glycolysis13CORRECTThe most important product of the citric acid cycle isA)hydrogenB)oxygenC)carbon dioxideD)glycogenFeedback: Correct Answer: Hydrogen is used by the electron transport chain to produce most of the ATP14INCORRECTA triglyceride molecule consists ofA)cholesterol and oxygenB)glycerol and three fatty acidsC)ketones and waterD)phosphorus and lipidsFeedback: Incorrect: There are many triglycerides, but they all have one glycerol and three fatty acids15INCORRECTWhen protein is used as an energy source, protein molecules first undergo a process calledA)dehydrationB)deaminationC)lysisD)none of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: Deamination is the removal of a NH2 group (amino) from an amino acid16CORRECTProtein is needed primarily to accomplish all of the following exceptA)supply energyB)create new cell partsC)make enzymesD)create hormonesFeedback: Correct Answer: Although proteins are used somewhat for energy, that is not their main function17INCORRECTThe rate of an enzyme-controlled pathway is determined by aA)chemical on-off switchB)regulatory enzymeC)rate-setting hormoneD)substrate-lysing substanceFeedback: Incorrect: Enzymes control all reaction rates18INCORRECTWe inherit traits from both our parents becauseA)DNA contains genes that are the carriers of inheritanceB)the sex cells from each parent join at conception to bring together genetic information unique for the new individualC)messenger RNA carries the genetic codeD)our species, Homo sapiens, reproduces sexuallyFeedback: Incorrect: We are all hybrids of our parents19INCORRECTThe "backbone" of DNA is composed of alternatingA)strands of thymine and cytosineB)phosphate and sugar moleculeC)nucleotides joined so that phosphate and sugar portions alternateD)alternating organic bases and nucleotidesFeedback: Incorrect: The basic DNA chain is comprised of phosphates and the sugar deoxyribose, with bases attached to the sides20INCORRECTWhich of the following base pairs of DNA is correct?A)thymine and cytosineB)guanine and adenineC)guanine and thymineD)adenine and thymineFeedback: Incorrect: Adenine can base pair with thymine and guanine with cytosine21INCORRECTGenetic information must tell cellsA)what elements to combine in synthesizing proteinB)the kinds of bonds between elements that must be formedC)how to position amino acids correctly in polypeptide chainsD)the position of phosphate and sugar molecules in the DNA "backbone"Feedback: Incorrect: Genes become expressed as the proteins that are produced; proteins are amino acid chains22INCORRECTRNA molecules differ from DNA molecules in all of the following ways exceptA)RNA molecules are single rather than double strandedB)RNA molecules are found in both the nucleus and in cytoplasmC)there are two forms of RNAD)RNA molecules contain thymine and uracilFeedback: Incorrect: RNA cannot contain the base thymine23INCORRECTWhich of the following statements about RNA is (are) true?A)RNA polymerase moves along a DNA molecule and separates the DNA strand exposing the nucleotides.B)A triplet of nucleotides in mRNA that specifies the amino acid to be formed is a codon.C)bothD)neitherFeedback: Incorrect: Both statements are true about the RNA polymerase and codon24INCORRECTThe function of DNA is toA)direct the activities of the cellB)direct the synthesis of protein by the cellC)bothD)neitherFeedback: Incorrect: DNA regulates division and metabolism25INCORRECTDNA molecules are replicated during what phase of the cell cycle?A)prophaseB)anaphaseC)interphaseD)metaphaseFeedback: Incorrect: Replication is completed in interphase before any visible activity occurs26INCORRECTDNA of the parent cell must be replicated accurately so that the new cell canA)maintain life functionsB)build cell partsC)metabolize nutrientsD)all of the aboveFeedback: Incorrect: DNA controls all cell activities27INCORRECTThe occurrence of mutations may beA)spontaneousB)a result of exposure to ionizing radiation and toxic chemicalsC)bothD)neitherFeedback: Incorrect: Mutations are changes in the base sequences and may either be induced or random28CORRECTEnzymes are specialized proteins that control each of the interrelated reactions of metabolism.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Enzymes are catalysts that are necessary to make all reactions proceed at a normal rate29INCORRECTA protein is a chain of less than 50 amino acids.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: Usually proteins have 50 amino acids or more30CORRECTHydrolysis occurs during digestion.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Hydrolysis is the breaking of food bonds by the addition of water31CORRECTEnzymes recognize the specific shape of the substrate with which they react.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Enzymes form a lock-and-key fit with specific substrates32CORRECTEnergy can be mechanical, chemical, and thermal.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Although energy has many forms, the usable ATP energy in cells is chemical in nature33INCORRECTThe major difference between burning substances outside cells and oxidation of substances inside cells is in the amount of heat produced.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: The main difference is the rate of the reaction34INCORRECTAnaerobic respiration requires oxygen.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: By definition, anaerobic means without oxygen35CORRECTThe function of ATP is to store energy in its terminal phosphate bond.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: The last phosphate bond is the one broken when energy is utilized36INCORRECTThe end product of carbohydrate digestion is glycogen.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: The end product of carbohydrate digestion is glucose37CORRECTThe primary use of carbohydrates is as energy sources.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Although other molecules are used for energy, carbohydrates are preferred38CORRECTProduction of the high energy terminal phosphate bond of ATP depends on oxygen.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: ATP can be produced anaerobically, such as in glycolysis39INCORRECTKetone bodies are a product of glucose metabolism.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Incorrect: Ketone bodies such as acetone are products of lipid metabolism40CORRECTGram for gram, fats contain more energy than either proteins or carbohydrates.A)TrueB)FalseFeedback: Correct Answer: Fats have potentially more energy than other molecules ................

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