Introduction to Balancing Chemical Equations Worksheet

[Pages:4]Name ______________________________

Date ______________________

Section ____________

Introduction to Balancing Equations

The Law of Conservations of Mass tells us that the total amount of matter is neither created nor destroyed during any physical or chemical change. Therefore, the mass stays the same before and after a chemical reaction.

Chemical equations demonstrate this principle because they are always balanced. The total mass of the reactants must equal the total mass of the products. You can check to see if an equation is balanced by counting up the number of atoms- it has to be the same on each side of the equation.

To balance an equation, you can adjust the coefficients until there are the same number of each type of atom on both sides. You are never allowed to change the smaller numbers that make up the chemical formulas.

See! This is balanced!

N2 + 3 F2


2 NF3



Balance each equation using the law of conservation of mass. There is a chart above each problem

to help you. Use the chart to make sure that you have the same number of atoms on each side.



Reactants H O

Products H O

ccnhtoaiumentmfregSbfye.eieccatMrieohdsannejukdtdsnseo-tunionsIm'nuftgbremtteehhaareetttocianht, the chart.

Rememberchange the

you can't formulas!

____ H2 + ____ O2 ____ H2O





Products P O

____ P4 + ____ O2 ____ P2O3

You should do this in pencil!

2015 Adventures in Science

3. Reactants N H

Products N H

____ N2 + ____ H2 ____ NH3

5. Reactants C F Br

Products C F Br

___ CF4 + ___ Br2 ___ CBr4 + ___ F2

7. Reactants Ag N O Cu

Products Ag N O Cu

4. Reactants K Cl

Products K Cl

____ K + ____ Cl2 ____ KCl

6. Reactants Ga F Cs

Products Ga F Cs

___GaF3 + ___ Cs ___ CsF + ___ Ga

8. Reactants Ba S Pt F

Products Ba S Pt F

___ AgNO3 + ___ Cu ___ Cu(NO3)2 + ___ Ag

9. Reactants Na P O K H

Products Na P O K H

___ Na3PO4 + ___ KOH ___ NaOH + ___ K3PO4

___ BaS + ___ PtF2 ___ BaF2 + ___ PtS

10. Reactants Mg F Li C O

Products Mg F Li C O

___ MgF2 + ___ Li2CO3 ___ MgCO3 + ___ LiF

2015 Adventures in Science

Name _________A__n__s__w__e__r__s_________

Date ______________________

Section ____________

Introduction to Balancing Equations

The Law of Conservations of Mass tells us that the total amount of matter is neither created nor destroyed during any physical or chemical change. Therefore, the mass stays the same before and after a chemical reaction.

Chemical equations demonstrate this principle because they are always balanced. The total mass of the reactants must equal the total mass of the products. You can check to see if an equation is balanced by counting up the number of atoms- it has to be the same on each side of the equation.

To balance an equation, you can adjust the coefficients until there are the same number of each type of atom on both sides. You are never allowed to change the smaller numbers that make up the chemical formulas.

See! This is balanced!

N2 + 3 F2


2 NF3



Balance each equation using the law of conservation of mass. There is a chart above each problem

to help you. Use the chart to make sure that you have the same number of atoms on each side.













ccnhtoaiumentmfregSbfye.eieccatMrieohdsannejukdtdsnseo-tunionsIm'nuftgbremtteehhaareetttocianht, the chart.

Rememberchange the

you can't formulas!

__2__ H2 + ____ O2 __2__ H2O












____ P4 + __3__ O2 __2__ P2O3

You should do this in pencil!

2015 Adventures in Science

3. Reactants N 2 H 6

Products N 2 H 6

____ N2 + __3__ H2 __2__ NH3

5. Reactants C 1 F 4 Br 4

Products C 1 F 4 Br 4

___ CF4 + _2__ Br2 ___ CBr4 + _2__ F2

7. Reactants Ag 2 N 2 O 6 Cu 1

Products Ag 2 N 2 O 6 Cu 1

_2__ AgNO3 + ___ Cu ___ Cu(NO3)2 + _2__ Ag

9. Reactants Na 3 P 1 O 7 K 3 H 3

Products Na 3 P 1 O 7 K 3 H 3

___ Na3PO4 + _3__ KOH _3__ NaOH + ___ K3PO4

4. Reactants K 2 Cl 2

Products K 2 Cl 2

__2__ K + ____ Cl2 __2__ KCl

6. Reactants Ga 1 F 3 Cs 3

Products Ga 1 F 3 Cs 3

___GaF3 + _3__ Cs __3_ CsF + ___ Ga

8. Reactants Ba 1 S 1 Pt 1 F 2

Products Ba 1 S 1 Pt 1 F 2

___ BaS + ___ PtF2 ___ BaF2 + ___ PtS

10. Reactants Mg 1 F 2 Li 2 C 1 O 3

Products Mg 1 F 2 Li 2 C 1 O 3

___ MgF2 + ___ Li2CO3 ___ MgCO3 + __2_ LiF

2015 Adventures in Science


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