SPECIFICATION NO. MU062Contract No. 01-1-14-7288Rev. July 10, 2015/ch/tr/jmSALT LAKE CITY CORPORATIONREQUEST FOR BIDHVAC EQUIPMENT PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICESCITYWIDEBID NO. BIDM15022 I.INTENT OF SOLICITATIONSalt Lake City Corporation (the City) is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified contractors to provide certain heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) preventative maintenance and repair services on equipment at the City locations, groups 1 and 2, listed below. This bid and the resulting contract will include services for the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (RDA) at the Gallivan Center. Additional locations may be added by amendment throughout the term of the resulting agreement as agreed to by the parties herein. Group #1. These locations will be serviced by the selected contractor.1.Public Utilities Shops at1530 South Jefferson Street2.Public Utilities Main Office at 1530 South West Temple Street, 3.Public Utilities Engineering Building at 1548 South West Temple Street, 4.Public Utilities Water Reclamation Plant at 1365 West 2300 North5.Public Utilities City Creek Water Treatment Plant, 2200 N. City Creek Road6.Public Utilities Big Cottonwood Water Treatment Plant, 4101 Big Cottonwood Rd.7.Public Utilities Parley’s Water Treatment Plant, 6650 E. Parleys Plant Lane8.Public Utilities Little Dell Dam, for access see lead operator at Parleys Water Treatment Plant9.The Gallivan Center, Gallivan Hall at 50 East 200 South10.The Gallivan Center, Stage Building and Parking Storage Areas at 239 South Main11.The Gallivan Center at 49-69 East Gallivan Avenue, managed by the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (RDA).12.Police Crime Lab and Evidence Building at 1525 South 4710 West.Group #2. These locations will continue to be serviced by City employees for the foreseeable future. However, the City would like to receive pricing proposals on these locations and include them in the resulting agreement on an optional basis that will allow the City, at its discretion, to elect to have one or more of them services under this agreement in the future. 13.Plaza 349 at 349 South 200 East14.Public Safety Building* at 475 South 300 East15.Facility Services Central Plant at 251 East 500 South 16.Facility Services Shop at 248 East 600 South17.Public Services Maintenance Facility for Fleet Mgmt., Refuse and Streets at 1990 West 500 South18.Parks Maintenance Facility at 1965 West 500 South* The City Public Safety building is “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED) certified. Qualifications. Contractor’s employees working under the resulting Agreement must have:A minimum of journey level certificates or equivalent technical experience and training The ability to service large commercial equipmentManufacturers’ certifications, if available, for the equipment listed in Section II. K. of Exhibit “A” of the sample agreement. Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) successful background check.Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprinting if working at the Public Safety Building or Crime Lab Building per Homeland Security requirements.For a more complete description of product and service requirements refer to Exhibit “A” of the attached SAMPLE AGREEMENT. II.WRITTEN AGREEMENT REQUIREDThe selected contractor shall be required to enter into a written agreement with Salt Lake City Corporation (see Attachment “A”, Sample Agreement).Bidders are advised to read thoroughly the Sample Agreement as the selected bidder will be required to comply with its requirements. BIDDER’S SIGNATURE ON THE REQUEST FOR BID SHEET SHALL SERVE AS AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT THAT BIDDER IS WILLING TO ENTER INTO THE AGREEMENT IF AWARDED THE CONTRACT. If bidder has any exceptions to the Sample Agreement, the procedures stated under Paragraph VII, EXCEPTIONS, must be followed.III.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTSBidders should review the required insurance coverage and notice of policy cancellation requirements that will be part of the resulting contract(s). Such insurance information is provided under Paragraph 5 of the Sample Agreement. Proposed pricing must include associated insurance costs. The selected bidder will be required to provide insurance certificates meeting all requirements at the time of notification of conditional selection.For some policies you will be required to obtain and provide to the City copies of endorsements wherein your insurers agree to provide the City with at least 30-days prior written notice of cancellation or material change of the policies. Please note the following:Salt Lake City Corporation requires 30-Day Notice of Cancellation?This requirement applies to any policy that names Salt Lake City Corporation as Additional Insured (i.e., not required for Workers’ Compensation)?Insurance policies will need to be endorsed to provide either “Notice of Cancellation to a Third Party” or “Notice of Material Change to a Third Party.” A copy of the endorsement must be provided in addition to the Certificate of Insurance.?A Certificate of Insurance will not alter the terms of the policy. Without the proper endorsement, policies do not provide Notice of Cancellation to third parties.?For insurance that is cancelled due to non-payment of premiums, we accept that a 10-day Notice of Cancellation is the industry standard. IV.SUBMISSION OF BIDSCompetitive sealed bids will be accepted in the Purchasing & Contracts Division until 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Reference the Request for Bid cover sheet for the bid submission address. BIDS RECEIVED AFTER 10:00 A.M. WILL BE PLACED IN THE FILE UNOPENED AND WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. All bids must be submitted on the forms provided by Salt Lake City Corporation. The bid form must be signed by a representative of the company having the legal authority to bind the bidder contractually. Bidder's signature on the face of the bid form indicates bidder's agreement to be governed by Salt Lake City Ordinances and Administrative Rules and to comply with all terms and conditions set forth in this solicitation. V.CONTENT OF BIDAll bids submitted must include at least the following information:A.Bid Cover Sheet must be signed and returned.B.Exhibit "B", Price Schedule, of the Sample Agreement must be filled out completely and returned. All bids must be in U.S. dollars.C.Exhibit “B-1”, Other Required Information, of the Sample Agreement must be filled out completely and returned.D.Published price list(s). Bidders are encouraged to provide lists in electronic format (i.e., disc, CD Rom, etc.).BIDS RECEIVED THAT DO NOT CONTAIN THE ABOVE ITEMS MAY BE REJECTED. PURSUANT TO REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY’S “ETHICS POLICY”, PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT ANY GIFTS OR PROMOTIONAL ITEMS WITH YOUR BID. CITY EMPLOYEES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ACCEPT SUCH ITEMS REGARDLESS OF THEIR VALUE. VI.SUBMISSION DEEMED AGREEMENTSubmission of a bid, proposal or other offer or submission constitutes the bidder's or offeror's agreement to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of the bid or proposal package, or other solicitation documents. In addition, submission of a bid, proposal or other offer or submission by fax or E-mail constitutes a waiver of any claim to confidentiality, or any protest based on such a claim. By the submission of any bid, proposal or other offer or submission, the bidder or offeror represents that the matters stated therein are true and correct. VII.EXCEPTIONSIf a bidder takes exception to any term, condition, or requirement set forth in this Request for Bid or the Sample Agreement and any of its exhibits and attachments, said exceptions must be clearly identified and included in the response to this Request for Bid. Exceptions or deviations to any of the terms and conditions must not be added to the bid pages but must be submitted in a separate document accompanying the bid response and identified as “Exceptions.”. Should the City omit anything from this bid request which is necessary to a clear understanding of the work, or should it appear that various instructions are in conflict, then the bidder shall secure written instructions from the Purchasing & Contracts Division at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time and date of the bid opening shown in Paragraph III above.VIII.NOTICE TO BIDDERSThe City may not consider bids from individuals, contractors, firms or corporations included in the following categories:A.Any organization or individual currently in arrears or in default to the City on a previous debt or contract.B.Any organization or individual currently in default as surety, or otherwise, for any obligation to the City.C.Any organization or individual who has previously failed to faithfully perform a contract with Salt Lake City Corporation.IX.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe City’s designated contact person for questions or additional information concerning the products and services specified in this Request for Bid, or for?additional information concerning Request for Bid procedures and regulations (i.e., submission deadline, forms required, etc.), or Americans with Disabilities (ADA) accommodations, is Tiffany Rydalch in the Purchasing & Contracts Division: telephone (801) 535-6347; TDD (801) 535-6021; e-mail (tiffany.rydalch@ ).All questions requesting clarification or interpretation of any section or sections of this specification can be submitted in writing on or before 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 2, 2015. Bidders are encouraged to submit questions on-line through BidSync, . Questions received after the date above may not be considered or receive a written response. If questions prompt the need for changes to the specification, the City will issue a written addendum to the original specification. Any Q&A information and/or written addendums issued by the City shall be available for interested bidders to view and/or download within three (3) working days following the above referenced deadline. It is the responsibility of the bidder to view and/or download Q & A information and addendums prior to submission of their bid.X. REGISTER FOR NOTIFICATION OF BID OR RFP ADDENDAIt is the bidder’s/offeror’s responsibility to register for notification to receive any changes, corrections, question/answer documents, and addendums issued for RFB (bid) or RFP (proposal) documents.To receive notification of question/answer documents and addendums added to a current Bid or RFP the bidder/offeror must complete a one-time registration by providing their company information through BidSync at . Once registered bidder/offeror can select (click on) any Bid or RFP project listed on the City web site or the BidSync web site, log-in, download the project documents, and request to be on the notification list for that project. Failure to register and log-in to a Bid or RFP for documents and notifications constitutes an automatic waiver of bidder’s/offeror’s right to receive a direct notification of any changes, corrections or addenda for a Bid or RFP.XI.AWARD OF CONTRACTBidders are advised that award of a contract from this bid will be made in compliance with the City’s Value-Based Procurement Program, which takes into account certain factors in the Bidder’s work environment.? For more information about this Program, please read SLC Administrative Rules, Procurement Rules Chapter 19, at the following web address:? .? The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids submitted in response to this solicitation, to waive any informality or technicality, or to accept bids deemed to be in the best interest of the City. ERNING CODE AND RULESThe City’s procurement processes, including this competitive solicitation, are governed by Salt Lake City Code 3.24 and Salt Lake City Administrative Rules for Procurement. ATTACHMENT "A"(SAMPLE AGREEMENT)CONTRACT NO. 01-1-14-7288Rev. /_SAMPLE AGREEMENTHVAC EQUIPMENT PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICESFOR SALT LAKE CITYTHIS AGREEMENT is between SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION, a Utah municipal corporation (“City”), and ?, a _ (“Contractor”), and is dated as of the date the City Recorder attests the applicable City signature (which date shall be the recordation date).RECITALS1. Contractor desires to provide certain HVAC preventative maintenance and repair services at various buildings for City and Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (RDA).2. City desires to engage Contractor for such services.AGREEMENTIn consideration of the promises and covenants hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows:1.Contractor shall provide certain HVAC preventative maintenance and repair services on equipment at various building for City and RDA as described in Exhibit “A” for a term of five (5) years commencing as of the date of this Agreement. After the term has been exercised, City shall have the right to extend this Agreement for an additional term of up to four (4) months by giving Contractor written notice at least ten (10) days before the expiration of the last annual extension, provided, however, that City may terminate such additional term by giving Contractor at least five (5) days prior written notice of such termination. This is a non-exclusive contract and City reserves the right to acquire the services or equipment, at its discretion, from other sources during the term of this Agreement. All financial commitments by City shall be subject to the appropriation of funds approved by the City Council and the limitations on future budget commitments provided under applicable Utah law, including the Utah Constitution.2.For services provided to City, Contractor shall be paid as specified under Exhibit “B” (Price Schedule).3.For such consideration, Contractor shall furnish all materials, supervision, labor, and equipment to complete the requirements of this Agreement. 4.Contractor shall indemnify, save harmless, and defend City, its officers and employees, from and against all losses, claims, demands, actions, damages, costs, charges, and causes of action of every kind or character, including attorney's fees, arising out of Contractor's intentionally wrongful, reckless, or negligent performance hereunder. Contractor’s duty to defend City shall exist regardless of whether City or Contractor may ultimately be found to be liable for anyone’s negligence or other conduct. If City's tender of defense, based upon this indemnity provision, is rejected by Contractor, and Contractor is later found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have been required to indemnify City, then in addition to any other remedies City may have, Contractor shall pay City's reasonable costs, expenses, and attorney's fees incurred in proving such indemnification, defending itself, or enforcing this provision. Nothing herein shall be construed to require Contractor to indemnify the indemnitee against the indemnitee's own negligence.5.The following insurance requirements apply to this Agreement:A.GENERAL INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL POLICIES.(1)Any insurance coverage required herein that is written on a “claims made” form rather than on an “occurrence” form shall (i) provide full prior acts coverage or have a retroactive date effective before the date of this Agreement, and (ii) be maintained for a period of at least three (3) years following the end of the term of this Agreement or contain a comparable “extended discovery” clause. Evidence of current extended discovery coverage and the purchase options available upon policy termination shall be provided to City.(2)All policies of insurance shall be issued by insurance companies licensed to do business in the state of Utah and either:(a)Currently rated A- or better by A.M. Best Company; —OR—(b)Listed in the United States Treasury Department’s current Listing of Approved Sureties (Department Circular 570), as amended.(3)Contractor shall furnish certificates of insurance, acceptable to City, verifying the foregoing matters concurrent with the execution hereof and thereafter as required.(4)In the event any work is subcontracted, Contractor shall require its subcontractor, at no cost to City, to secure and maintain all minimum insurance coverages required of Contractor hereunder. (5) All required certificates and policies shall be endorsed as needed to provide that coverage thereunder shall not be canceled or modified without providing, in a manner approved by the City Attorney, 30 days’ prior written notice to City or 10 days’ prior written notice for cancellation due to non-payment of premiums.B.REQUIRED INSURANCE POLICIES. Contractor, at its own cost, shall secure and maintain during the term of this Agreement, including all renewal terms, the following minimum insurance coverage:(Note: Unless other limits, types of insurance, or terms are agreed to by the City Attorney’s Office, the following are the insurance requirements that will be required for this Agreement.)(1)Workers’ compensation and employer’s liability insurance sufficient to cover all of Contractor’s employees pursuant to Utah law, unless a waiver of coverage is allowed and acquired pursuant to Utah law. In the event any work is subcontracted, Contractor shall require its subcontractor(s) similarly to provide workers’ compensation insurance for all of the latter’s employees, unless a waiver of coverage is allowed and acquired pursuant to Utah law. (2)Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance with a policy endorsement naming Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured on a primary and non-contributory basis in comparison to all other insurance including City’s own policy or policies of insurance, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence with a $2,000,000 general aggregate and $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate. The policy shall include contractual liability insurance for the indemnity provided under this Agreement. These limits can be covered either under a CGL insurance policy alone, or a combination of a CGL insurance policy and an umbrella insurance policy and/or a CGL insurance policy and an excess insurance policy. The policy shall protect City, Contractor, and any subcontractor from claims for damages for bodily injury, including accidental death, and property damage that may arise from Contractor’s operations under this Agreement, whether performed by Contractor itself, any subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. Such insurance shall provide coverage for premises operations, acts of independent contractors, products and completed operations. (3)Commercial automobile liability insurance that provides coverage for owned, hired, and non-owned automobiles used in connection with this Agreement in the minimum amount of a combined single limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence or $500,000 liability per person, $1,000,000 liability per occurrence, and $250,000 property damage. These limits can be reached either with a commercial automobile liability insurance policy alone, or with a combination of a commercial automobile liability insurance policy and an umbrella insurance policy and/or a commercial automobile liability insurance policy and an excess insurance policy. If the policy only covers certain vehicles or types of vehicles, such as scheduled autos or only hired and non-owned autos, Contractor shall only use those vehicles that are covered by its policy in connection with any work performed under this Agreement.6.Contractor shall obey all federal, state, county, and municipal laws, ordinances, regulations, and rules applicable to its operations. Said laws include, but are not limited to, the Equal Employment Opportunity laws, the Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) laws, Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Utah Immigration Accountability and Enforcement Act. Any violation of applicable law shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and Contractor shall hold City harmless from any and all liability arising out of, or in connection with, said violations including any attorney's fees and costs incurred by City as a result of such violation.7.City may cancel this Agreement for any reason, and without any liability therefor, upon giving Contractor 30 days prior written notice. Such notice shall be sent to the last known address of Contractor.8.City may, without prejudice to any right or remedy, and without the necessity of giving the 30 day notice provided in paragraph 7 above, terminate this Agreement for cause in the event Contractor fails to fulfill, in a timely or satisfactory manner, any of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and fails to cure such failure within seven days after written notice from City of such failure.9.If this Agreement is canceled or terminated as provided herein, City shall pay Contractor on the basis of actual services satisfactorily performed as calculated by City.10.Contractor, for itself, its successors and assigns, as part of the consideration herefore, covenants that no person, solely on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or non-job related disability, shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination in the furnishing of services hereunder, unless the characteristic is a bona fide occupational qualification.11.REPRESENTATION REGARDING ETHICAL STANDARDS FOR CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES AND FORMER CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. Contractor represents that it has not: (1) provided an illegal gift or payoff to a City officer or employee or former City officer or employee, or his or her relative or business entity; (2) retained any person to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, or brokerage or contingent fee, other than bona fide employees or bona fide commercial selling agencies for the purpose of securing business; (3) knowingly breached any of the ethical standards set forth in City's conflict of interest ordinance, Chapter 2.44, Salt Lake City Code; or (4) knowingly influenced, and hereby promises that it will not knowingly influence, a City officer or employee or former City officer or employee to breach any of the ethical standards set forth in City's conflict of interest ordinance, Chapter 2.44, Salt Lake City Code.12. GOVERNMENT RECORDS ACCESS AND MANAGEMENT ACT. City is subject to the requirements of the Government Records Access and Management Act, Chapter 2, Title 63G, Utah Code Annotated or its successor (“GRAMA”). All materials submitted by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement are subject to disclosure unless such materials are exempt from disclosure pursuant to GRAMA. The burden of claiming an exemption from disclosure shall rest solely with Contractor. Any materials for which Contractor claims a privilege from disclosure shall be submitted marked as “Business Confidential” and accompanied by a concise statement of reasons supporting Contractor's claim of business confidentiality. City will make reasonable efforts to notify Contractor of any requests made for disclosure of documents submitted under a claim of business confidentiality. Contractor may, at Contractor’s sole expense, take any appropriate actions to prevent disclosure of such material. Contractor specifically waives any claims against City related to disclosure of any materials required by GRAMA.13.If work is performed at City’s Department of Airports, the articles in Exhibit “C” (Terms and Conditions Department of Airports) shall apply.14.Contractor shall at all times comply with all federal, state, and local environmental laws and regulations as the same may apply to Contractor's acts and responsibilities in connection with this Agreement, and use due care with respect to such acts or responsibilities. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the indemnity obligations contained in this Agreement include, but are not limited to, the obligation to indemnify, save harmless, and defend City as set forth herein with respect to environmental matters, which may include, among other things, all fines, judgments, actions, penalties, administrative proceedings, demands, damages, mitigation, remediation, and any decreases in the value of City’s property as a result of Contractor's acts or omissions pursuant to this Agreement. Upon the occurrence or discovery of any matter having adverse environmental impacts, which matter is the act or within the responsibility of Contractor, Contractor shall immediately notify City's Sustainability Program Director and promptly take, at its sole expense, all necessary actions to comply with all relevant environmental laws.15.Contractor is not an employee of City for any purpose whatsoever. Contractor is an independent contractor at all times during the performance of the services specified herein.16.All notices and requests for price changes shall be directed to the following addresses and, if work is performed for City’s Department of Airports, to any additional addresses that are set forth in Exhibit “C.” City:Salt Lake City CorporationCity Contracts Administrator, Purchasing(For U.S. Postal Service delivery)P.O. Box 145455Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5455 -OR-(For hand delivery or express courier delivery)451 South State Street, Room 235 Salt Lake City, UT 84111RDA:Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake CityProperty Manager(For U.S. Postal Service delivery)P.O. Box 145518Salt Lake City, UT 84114-5518 -OR-(For hand delivery or express courier delivery)451 South State Street, Room 418Salt Lake City, UT 84111Contractor:?…17.This Agreement may be assigned by either party but only with the prior written consent of the other party.18.Contractor's obligations are solely to City and City’s obligations are solely to Contractor. This Agreement shall confer no third party rights whatsoever.19.This Agreement embodies the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and shall not be altered except in writing signed by both an authorized representative of Contractor and by City’s Mayor or the Mayor’s designee. The terms of this Agreement shall supersede any additional or conflicting terms or provisions that may be set forth or printed on Contractor’s work plans, cost estimate forms, receiving tickets, invoices, or any other related standard forms or documents of Contractor that may subsequently be used to implement, record, or invoice services hereunder from time to time, even if such standard forms or documents have been signed or initialed by a representative of City. The intent of the parties is that the terms of this Agreement shall prevail in any dispute between the terms of this Agreement and the terms printed on any such standard forms or documents, and such standard forms or documents shall not be considered written amendments of this Agreement.20.This Agreement shall be enforced in and governed by the laws of the state of Utah.(Signature page follows)The parties are signing this Agreement as of the date stated in the introductory clause.SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATIONBy _______________________________Title ______________________________ATTEST AND COUNTERSIGN:_______________________ _______________City Recorder Recordation DateAPPROVED AS TO FORM:_______________________ Senior City Attorney?By ________________________________Title _______________________________ACKNOWLEDGMENTState of _____________________):ssCounty of ___________________)The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this _________ day of __________________, 2015, by ________________________________________, the (Name of person signing Agreement)__________________________ of ?, a (state) (type of entity). (Title of person signing Agreement)_________________________________________NOTARY PUBLIC, residing in___________________________________ CountyMy Commission Expires:_____________________CONTRACT NO. 01-1-14-7288EXHIBIT “A”SCOPE OF WORKHVAC EQUIPMENT PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICESI.GENERALA.Contractor, if doing business under an assumed name, i.e. an individual, association, partnership, corporation, or otherwise, shall be registered with the Utah State Division of Corporations and Commercial Code.NOTE: Forms and information on how to get registered may be obtained by calling (801) 530-4849 or by accessing corporations. .B.Contractor shall assume full responsibility for damage to City property caused by Contractor's employees or equipment as determined by designated City personnel.C.Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safety of Contractor's employees and others relative to Contractor's work, work procedures, material, equipment, transportation, signage, and related activities and equipment.D.Contractor shall possess and keep in force all licenses and permits required to perform services under this Agreement.E.No guarantee of the actual service requirement is implied or expressed by this Agreement. Service requirements shall be determined by actual need.F.Prior to notice to proceed, Contractor shall submit its company safety program to the Department’s Safety Program Manager addressing specific work activities and associated hazards. The safety program shall be in compliance with Utah Occupational Safety and Health Administration (UOSH) regulations, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) regulations, Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) regulations and any other federal, state, or local regulations. The safety program shall include requirements applicable to the scope of its work, the protection of its employees, employees and owners of buildings and property adjacent to the work area. The safety program shall include the operations of Contractor’s sub-contractors, at any tier, and include environmental protection, safety, occupational health, respiratory protection, hearing conservation, fire prevention protection, and hazardous materials handling requirements as applicable. The safety program documents shall be reviewed and approved by the Department’s Safety Program Manager prior to notice to proceed. II.RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTORThe responsibilities of Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, the following. Staffing. Provide a highly qualified staffing level that will provide the desired level of customer service as set by the City representatives for HVAC program support, maintenance, and repair at designated City facilities. Contractor’s responsibilities include, but aren’t limited to, the following:Maintain and service all equipment described herein using personnel with journey level certificates or equivalent technical experience and training.Maintain manufacturers’ certification, if available, on any large commercial grade equipment listed in Section II. K. of Exhibit “A”, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following commercial grade equipment:Fulton boiler and power flame burners over 2 million BTUTrane water and air cooled chillers over 400 tons.Trane and Mcquay roof top units over 100 tons.Provide certified technicians with sufficient refrigeration, mechanical, and control experience and training.Provide sufficient personnel to accomplish the required services as scheduled.Employees must pass a Bureau of Criminal Identification (BCI) background check before being allowed to engage in services for City under this Agreement. Said employees shall visibly display their City Identification card on their person at all times at City sites.If any of the employees incur legal problems that would cause them to fail the BCI check, Contractor shall immediately report it to City. City shall solely decide whether or not the person will be allowed to work for City under this Agreement.Employees shall be fingerprinted and cleared by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) before being allowed to work at the Public Safety Building and the Police Crime Lab and Evidence Building per Homeland Security regulations.Locations. Provide all required equipment, materials, tools, labor, and supervision to service and maintain the HVAC equipment for City at the following locations. City reserves the right to stop service at one or more locations and to have Contractor provide service at any City site, even if it is not listed below. Additional locations must be approved by City designee. Group 1Contractor shall service the locations listed below in group 1.Public Utilities Department, Shops, 1530 South Jefferson StreetPublic Utilities Department, Main Office, 1530 South West Temple StreetPublic Utilities Department, Engineering Bldg., 1548 South West Temple StreetPublic Utilities Water Reclamation Plant, 1365 West 2300 NorthPublic Utilities City Creek Water Treatment Plant, 2200 N. City Creek RoadPublic Utilities Big Cottonwood Treatment Plant, 4101 Big Cottonwood RoadPublic Utilities Parley’s Water Treatment Plant, 6650 E. Parleys Plant LanePublic Utilities Little Dell Dam, for access see lead operator at Parleys Water Treatment Plant.The Gallivan Center, Gallivan Hall, 50 East 200 South (managed by City) The Gallivan Center, Stage Building and Parking Storage Areas, 239 S. Main (managed by City)The Gallivan Center, 49-69 East Gallivan Avenue (managed by the RDA)Police Crime Lab and Evidence Building, 1525 South 4710 WestGroup 2The City is currently providing the service for the sites listed in group 2 and anticipates that it will continue to do so. City may, in the future and at City’s discretion, elect to have contractor provide service at one or more of these locations.Plaza 349, 349 South 200 EastThe Public Safety Building*, 475 South 300 EastFacility Services Central Plant, 251 East 500 SouthFacility Services Shop, 248 East 600 SouthPublic Services Maintenance Facility for Fleet Management, Streets and Refuse, 1990 West 500 SouthParks Maintenance Facility, 1965 West 500 SouthAdditional sites for preventative maintenance must be added by amending this Agreement.*Leed Certified. The City Public Safety building is “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED) certified. LEED is the internationally recognized rating system designed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The system sets high environmental preferred standards using practical and measureable green building designs, operations and maintenance. The preventative maintenance on this building and any future LEED certified buildings must meet those LEED standards set for energy and atmosphere, and indoor environmental quality.Reporting requirements are imposed on City with respect to the Public Safety building for maintaining the LEED certification. For all LEED certified buildings, Contractor shall submit the report of cleaning chemical types and quantities used within one (1) week after cleaning. Reports shall be submitted to the City Facility Division designee.Disposal. Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of all removed oil, lubricants, fuels, and other liquid materials in an environmentally safe method. All codes and regulations concerning disposal shall be followed. A copy of the environmental disposal records for refrigerants containing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) shall be provided to City along with invoicing. F.Parts. All replacement parts shall be Original Equipment Manufacturers’ (OEM) parts or City approved equal.G.Preventative Maintenance. Contractor shall perform preventative maintenance service which will include, but not be limited to, the following.Perform preventative maintenance service according to recommendations set by the manufacturers and meet any applicable standards of national standard organizations.Develop a routine maintenance program to effectively maintain, to the satisfaction of the City representatives, all aspects of HVAC systems in City defined facilities.Service shall be performed on a quarterly basis each year, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (Utah time). Schedule each service visit, which is subject to City approval, with City representative in each area.Schedule quarterly visits in conjunction with seasonal maintenance perform all the appropriate tasks as noted for the season for each piece of equipment.Provide each City designee a schedule of dates for the service to be performed.Perform maintenance according to the schedules listed in Exhibits “D-1”, “D-2”, “D-3”, “D-4”, “D-5”, “D-6”, “D-7”, “D-8”, “D-9”, and “D-10”.Contractors may accomplish the preventative maintenance tasks in one visit or several shorter visits to the site. During each preventative maintenance visit, Contractor shall thoroughly inspect the equipment and make all needed adjustments. If the need for a repair is found during the preventative maintenance service, Contractor shall get approval from the City designee for that location to go forward with the repair. If approved, Contractor shall provide the repair and bill City at the “time and material rates” stated under Section II.B. of Exhibit “B”.H.On-call, Repair, Replacement and Maintenance Services. On-call, repair, replacement and maintenance services shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following requirements.Contractor shall respond in a timely fashion to City’s calls for repair services and shall have its representatives at City’s affected site within four (4) hours after receipt of such notification by City. All HVAC equipment at all City sites is included in the repair service even if they do not receive preventative maintenance under this Agreement and are not listed in Section II.B. of Exhibit “A” and shall be billed as outlined in Section II.B. of Exhibit “B”. Contractor shall perform emergency service after regular working hours, on weekends and City observed holidays. On-call, repair, replacement and maintenance service shall be provided on a 24/7 basis.When on-call, repairs, replacement or maintenance service require replacement parts, provide and install the replacement parts and City shall pay Contractor for the replacement parts. All replacement parts shall be new.Payment for on-call, repair, replacement and maintenance services shall be based on actual labor hours to perform the repair plus cost of parts as outlined on Section II.B. of Exhibit "B”.Repairs and replacements required due to improper maintenance shall be performed at the expense of Contractor and corrected within forty-eight (48) hours of notification by City.Reports. Contractor shall submit a detailed report of service performed to City representative in each location at the end of each service visit. The reports shall list each system checked, services performed, and shall note any problems detected during the inspection.Security. Contractor shall comply with the City’s security requirements for each site. Workers shall check-in with City designees at each site before doing any preventative maintenance or repair work.Admittance to the Crime Lab and Evidence Building will be by appointment only and workers must be escorted by City employees while on the premises. K.Equipment and Location. The equipment in this section is subject to change throughout the term of this Agreement.Public Utilities Shops, 1530 South Jefferson Street. The equipment at this location is currently under warranty and can only be serviced by a Mitsubishi certified representative. Service for this location will be included in the contract when the warranty expires.EquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Multi-split, Y-series, Variable Refrigerant Flow Zoning (VRFZ) systemMitsubishiPURY-288TSKMU-APURY-240TSKMU-A1Public Utilities Main Office, 1530 South West Temple Street EquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Rooftop Heating and Cooling UnitsTraneSFHB2506HL10F31004, Serial #E26142035D 1BYC170G3LI0CD, Serial #E14143368D 1BYC170G3L0CD, Serial #E14143356D 1BYC170G3L0CD, Serial #E17143101D 1b.Rooftop Air Conditioning Unit (small)Lennox12ACB24-4P 13.Public Utilities Engineering Building, 1548 South West Temple EquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Rooftop Heating and Cooling UnitDay and Night580DJV048115AAAA2b.Forced Air FurnacesWhirlpool(Illegible)2Public Utilities Water ReclamationEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Administration Building Air Handler Heating and Cooling UnitCarrier400B060800Volts: 208/230Watts: 12,000BTU/Hr: 40,9563b.Administration Building Cooling Condenser associated with Item (a) above.Carrier88EH0488600DL, Volts: 4603 Ton AC capacity22A2060A4000AB, Volts: 4604 Ton AC capacity1487A22021, Volts: 208/2305 Ton AC capacity111c.Administration Building Computer Room Air Conditioning UnitFriedrichSS14N10-4(Window mounted)1d.RAS Pump StationsElectric Unit HeaterTaskmasterF1F5103CA1N, Volts: 208kw: 3.3P3P5125CA1N, Volts: 480kw: 2523e.RAS Pump StationsAir ConditionerMitsubishiPUY-A36NHA, Volts: 208/2303 Ton AC capacity2f.MCC-9AElectric Unit HeaterTaskmasterP3P5107CA1N, Volts: 480kw: 7.51g.MCC-9AAir ConditionerMitsubishiMU09, Volts: 115,1 Ton AC capacity1h.Snail BuildingElectric Unit HeaterTaskmasterP3P5130CA1N, Volts: 480kw: 301i.Chlorine BuildingElectric Unit HeatersDayton2YU76, Volts: 480, kw: 202YU69, Volts: 208/240, kw: 7.5/103UF95, Volts: 480, kw: 30111j.Switchgear No. 2Electric Unit HeaterDayton2YU62Volts: 208/240, kw: 3.7/510 Ton AC capacity1k.Switchgear No. 3Electric Heating and Cooling UnitBardVolts: 480, kw: 152 Ton AC capacity2l.Blower BuildingEvaporative CoolersUnited Metal ProductsU251620, Volts: 460CFM: 16,0003m.Blower BuildingElectric Unit HeatersTaskmasterChromaloxP3P5107CA1N, Volts: 480kw: 7.5No information available15n.Energy Recovery BuildingElectric Unit HeatersTraneUHSA-0905-8C-AAEcfm: 1400, BTU: 67,700USHB09611AA0000000Acfm: 1400, BTU: 67,700UHSB09617AA0000000Acfm: 1400, BTU: 67,700UHSA-0905-8C-AAGcfm: 1400, BTU: 67,7001111o.Energy Recovery BuildingNatural Gas HeatersModineNo information available2p.Energy Recovery BuildingCooling UnitsUnited Metal ProductsYorkCAH-000-81 (Evaporative Cooler)Volts: 460, CFM: 40,000DF102N15A4AAA4AVolts: 460, 10 Ton AC capacity11q.MCC-4AElectric Unit Heater QmarkMUH104, Volts: 480, kw: 101r.MCC-8AElectric Unit Heater / Air ConditionerBryant551BEX960000AKWHVolts: 460, kw: 26,500BTU/hr: 90,4095 Ton AC capacity1s.Gravity ThickenerElectric Unit HeaterQmarkMUH254, Volts: 480, kw: 251t.Flare BuildingElectric Unit HeaterHLA12-208160-3.0-24TVolts: 208, kw: 3.0Explosion proof1u.Gas Booster BuildingElectric Unit HeaterChromaloxFTEP-3, Volts: 480, kw: 3.0Explosion proof1v.Digester Control BuildingElectric Unit HeaterDaytonChormalox2YU76, Volts: 480, kw: 20Volts: 480, kw: 3013w.Digester Control BuildingAC UnitFujitsuALU24C3A, Volts: 208/230BTU/hr: 24,0001x.Digester Control BuildingGlycol ChillersCarrier30RAN018-E611QKVolts: 46015 Ton AC capacity2y.Operations BuildingNatural Gas Heaters / Air HandlersYorkArcoaireFrigidaireP4HUC20N09201A, Volts: 115BTU In: 115,000, Out: 93,000H1RA060S46G, Volts: 4604 Ton AC capacityP4HUB12N08001A, Volts: 115BTU In: 100,000, Out: 80,000AC018M1021A, Volts: 208/2303 Ton AC capacityH9MPO100J2081, Volts: 115BTU In: 100,000, Out: 100,000H4a460gka100, Volts: 208/2304 Ton AC capacityFG6RA060C-12A, Volts:115BTU In: 60,000, Out: 48,000FS3BA-036KA, Volts: 4603 Ton Capacity11111111z.Heavy Equipment BuildingNatural Gas Unit HeatersDaytonModine7AA51, Volts: 120, BTU: 50,000PA130AB, Volts: 115BTU In: 130,000, Out: 100,100PD125SA0111, Volts: 115BTU In: 125,000, Out: 112,500151aa.West Maintenance BuildingNatural Gas Unit HeatersModinePD100SE0130, Volts: 115BTU In: 100,000, Out: 90,000PD125SE0130, Volts: 115BTU In: 125,000, Out: 112,50026ab.West MaintenanceNatural Gas Heaters / Air HandlersLennoxG23Q5/6-150-6, Volts: 115BTU In: 150,000G23Q4/5-75-6, Volts: 115BTU In: 75,00011ac.East Maintenance BuildingNatural Gas Unit HeatersModinePD125SA0111, Volts: 115BTU In: 125,000, Out: 112,500PD75SA011, Volts: 115BTU In: 75,000, Out: 67,500PD200SA0111, Volts: 115BTU In: 200,000, Out: 180,000211ad.East MaintenanceNatural Gas Heaters / Air HandlersLennoxYorkLennoxG12Q3E-137-6, Volts: 115BTU In: 137,000D1NP030N03606AVolts: 208/230, BTU In: 45,000No Model No., Volts: 208/230BTU In: 180,000, Out: 117,000111aeStorehouseNatural Gas Unit HeatersModinePD125SA0111, Volts: 115BTU In: 125,000, Out: 112,500PA130AB, Volts: 115BTU In: 130,000, Out: 100,100PD200SA0111, Volts: 115BTU In: 200,000, Out: 180,000211af.StorehouseNatural Gas Heaters / Air HandlersCarrier58SSB060-BC, Volts: 115BTU In: 71,00038TH024300 Volts: 208/2302 Ton AC capacity1ag.LaboratoryNatural Gas Heaters / Air HandlersTraneYHC036E4RXA18C2A1A2B00000Volts: 460BTU In: 60,000, Out: 48,0004 Ton AC capacityYHC07284RYA0100A1A2B00000Volts: 460,5 Ton AC capacityBTU In: 120,000, Out: 96,000GFAA25P, Volts: 460, BTU: 4,50010 Ton AC capacity212ah.Influent Pump StationNatural Gas Heaters / Air HandlersCarrierLennoxHastingsReznorModine50HY-004-331, Volts: 208/2305 Ton AC capacityLGC00H2BH26, Volts: 460BTU In: 400,000, Out: 384,00020 Ton AC capacityGF-100E, Volts: 115BTU In: 100,000, Out: 76,000UDAP75, Volts: 115BTU In: 75,000, Out: 62,250HD75AS0111, Volts: 115BTU In: 75,000, Out: 67,50011313ai.Influent Pump StationElectric Unit HeatersDaytonQmarkNo model no., Volts: 208/230,kw: 2.52YU62, Volts: 208/240kw: 3.7/5MUH104, Volts: 480, kw: 10112aj.Filter BuildingAC Roof Top UnitAAON3849RK-13-3-EI-1C1-DA0NADEKK0050AVolts: 460, 3 Ton AC capacity1ak.Aeration BasinElectric Unit HeatersMarkelCHMS, Volts: 480, kw: 602Public Utilities City Creek Water Treatment Plant2200 N. City Creek Rd.EquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Natural Gas HeaterMechanical RoomMain BuildingTraneGSBA25GFKF0N1KQ1C400ADEFL58Serial # F05F05685250,000 input BTUInstallation 1/20061b.Natural Gas HeaterMechanical RoomMain BuildingTraneGSAA15GFKF0N10N10100AEFLWZ58Serial # F05F05689150,000 input BTUInstallation 2/20061c.Natural Gas HeaterPoly Feed RoomReznorYDAS200Serial # BHK79U2N81556X16,600 BTUInstallation 1/20051d.Natural Gas HeaterShopModineSCE160-6-2Serial # BEE66X2N031952,300 BTUInstallation 10/2005 xx1e.Natural Gas Heater Coagulation BuildingModinePD 30AE0130Serial # 38011021705-963430,000 BTUInstallation 1/2005 xx1f.Natural Gas Heater Filter Building SouthModineBD150AE0130Serial # 15101011705-9632150,000 BTUInstallation 1/2005 xx1g.Natural Gas Heater Filter Building NorthModineBD150AE0130Serial # 15101011705-9633150,000 BTUInstallation 1/2005 xx1h.Natural Gas Heater Filter Building South Basement ModineHER125B23301Serial # 0510AB1205-2317150,000 BTUInstallation 1/2005 xx1i.Natural Gas Heater Fluoride Building ReznorNo information available for this unit.16.Public Utilities Big Cottonwood Treatment Plant4101 Big Cottonwood Canyon Rd.EquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Roof Mounted HVACMain BuildingTRANEYCH060C4HBBE,Compressor 3 Ph, 60 Hz, FLA 1.3-480 Volts .40 HPEvap.1 PH, 60 Hz, FLA 3.1-460 Volts, .75 HP1b.Unit HeatersMultiple units throughout the facilityREZNORSCA100-6-S-2-H,115 V, 1 PH, 60 Hz, Natural gas10c.Unit HeaterChemical Storage roomREZNORNo Information available for this unit. High up in rafters, Possibly same as above1d.Unit HeaterClarifierHastings6F200M2E, 200,000 BTU Hr. Max., 6000 BTU Hr. Min. Input, 152,000 BTU Hr. Output1Public Utilities Parley’s Water Treatment Plant6650 E. Parleys Plant LaneEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Unit Heaters Basement/ Pipe GalleryHastingsHSB86S, 60,000 BTU, Hot water circulating, 110 Volt2b.Unit Heaters Basement/ Pipe GalleryHastingsHSB475, 31,000 BTU, Hot water circulating, 110 Volt3c.Unit Heaters Basement/ Pipe GalleryHastingsHSB108S, 84,000 BTU, Hot water circulating, 110 Volt2d.Unit Heaters Basement/ Pipe GalleryHastingsHSB635, 46,000 BTU, Hot water circulating, 110 Volt2e.Unit Heaters Top and Bottom valve houses, Mountain Dell DamHastings150,000 BTU, Gas Fired, 110 Volt2f.Unit Heaters West Basement/ Pipe GalleryTRANE185, 17,400 BTU, Hot water circulating, 110 Volt2g.Unit Heaters First FloorTRANE60WF, 60,500 BTU, Hot water circulating, 110 Volt13h.Unit Heaters Flash mixer room, Third Floor Chemical Storage roomTRANE126, 125,700 BTU, Hot water circulating, 110 Volt5i.Unit Heaters Third FloorTRANE90, 86,700 BTU, Hot water circulating, 110 Volt4j.BoilerBasementRITE225WG, Serial # 29570, Power flame unit Model # C2-G-20A, Serial # 1104153781k.BoilerBasementRITE225WG, Serial # 29571, Power flame unit Model # C2-G-20A, Serial # 1104153791l.Multizone TRANE Central Station Climate Changer, Type 17, Serial # U66332, 2 hot water circulating pumps, Circa 19651Public Utilities Little Dell DamFor Access see Lead Operator at Parleys Water Treatment PlantEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Electric HeaterDiversion StructureQ-MarkMUH03-21, 208/240Volt, 25 AmpTo gain access to this facility see Lead operator at Parleys WTPb.Natural gas HeaterDOCS Building, BasementModinePV125SE0130, 100,000 BTUTo gain access to this facility see Lead operator at Parleys WTPc.Natural gas HeaterDOCS Building, Main floorReznorEEDU15-6, Tunnel ventilation heaterTo gain access to this facility see Lead operator at Parleys WTPd.Electric HeaterDOCS Building, Main FloorQ-MarkUnable to get information due to mountingTo gain access to this facility see Lead operator at Parleys WTP9.Gallivan HallGallivan Center, 50 East 200 SouthEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Air HandlerEnergy Labs(not legible)1b.Air SeparatorsB&GRolairtrol RL-4Rolairtrol RL-32c.BoilerRaypackMVB17531d.Coils Energy LabsHC Air HandlerCc Air HandlerIc Air Handler3e.Chillers, Rink Chiller Startup: Late Oct to Early Nov. Service: Dec, Jan, Feb Shutdown: Early MarchClimacoolCarrierUCW050 ,R410-A30HXC206 CACL11f.Domestic Expansion TankArmtrol St-30v1g.Domestic PumpB&GNBF-8s/LW1h.Exhaust FansCook70 SQN-B80 SQN-B135 SQN-B311Cook150 SQN-BGC 52011i.Expansion TanksB&GB&GSnyderD-120D-40128L111j.Gas Fired Water HeaterModineHSB-47HSB-2411 k.FansEnergy LabsCookELPF 300 Supply Air Handler402 QMX Return Air Handler11l.Fan CoilGreenheckLFC-65-FC-101m.Heat ExchangerAlfa LavalPlate1n.HoodCookTRE4o.PumpsB&GB&GB&G80-3x3x7B1510 5BC2-1/2 BB222B&GB&GB& GB&GGrundfos60-2x6-1/460-2x760-2x5-1/490-2ACR1S-211112p.RadiantRittlingRittlingRuntalBG5-1c-2 3/4x4-3224R4287’193’ 86’q.Storage TankAO SmithT-1401r.Sump PumpHydromatic118 System1s.VAV BoxTitusV8 ESV-3V10 ESV-3V16 ESV-3129Gallivan Stage Building and Parking Storage AreasGallivan Center, 239 South MainEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Air SeparatorsSpiroventSenior2b.BoilerBryanF350W-G1c.Electric Unit heatersQMarkMUH03415d.Exhaust FansPenn, DomexPenn, DomexVarious BrandsXQ94LAQ10L126e.Expansion TanksTaco CPV170-32f.Gas Fired Water HeaterMor FloAmeri Model 90-343-T1g.Heat ExchangerAlfa Laval(no visible number)2h.Heat PumpsFHPFHPMcQuayMcQuayEPO24-H2C-FREEPO30-1HZCCch,ccg,ccwCCW060EMTSS/CCW090CMTS2141i.Outside Makeup Air UnitMCQuaySHB/161B1j.PumpsTaco Taco TacoTacoTacoTacoTacoAuroraPentairTaco1911c1N1FE 2508FE2008E2E1F2LOAVL 25071615 C3N2CM1207SA55JXFSN-374892E15360CF11-N1-5FE3PH3453001ON-40707-1300011682EE2222421111k.Sump PumpWeil82333l.Supply Air FanGreenheck40TCF1Gallivan Center managed by the RDA49-69 East Gallivan AvenueEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Air SeparatorsSpiroventSenior2b.BoilerTeledyn LarsHH 1010 IN 09 F1c.Electric Unit HeatersUnknownUnknown4d.Exhaust FansGreenheckGreenheckBSQ180SDE 1411e.Expansion TanksUnknownUnknown2f.Fan CoilsUS Coil & AirMCquayWHB-30 Csc 108 CH11g.Heat ExchangerAlfaNo visible number1h.Heat Pumps Ht&CLMCquayCcw060emtss/ccw090mts11i.PumpsMakup pumpTacoTacoTacoBaldorUnknown1911c1n1FE 2508Fe2008e2e1f2loaUnknownUnknown22211j.Sump PumpWeil82333k.Supply Air FanGreenheckCF1Police Crime Lab and Evidence Building, 1525 South 4710 WestEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Roof Top UnitLennox, TraneLennox GCS16-030-75-IP GCS16-048-75-IG GCS16- 513-125-6G GCS16-060-120-2G GCS24-813-130-16 GCS16-653-125-5G GCS16-120-270-G GCS16-513-125-6GTrane YHC047E4RLAOE00B0A2 10b.Swamp CoolerAdobe AirED143D8c.Laboratory ExhaustPennBarryD102d.Unit HeaterBerkoHUHAA5482e.Multi-Indoor Inverter Heat-Pump SystemMitsubishi ElectricMSZ-GE90NA-8MXZ-2B20NA-13Plaza 349, 349 South 200 EastEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.CRAC CondenserLiebertCDF205LA2b.CRACLiebertDH199AUAAEI2c.Boiler PumpArmstrong1.5E4280 BF2d.Rooftop Air Conditioning Unit (Large)McQuayRPE100CLY2e.Multi- Split System (condenser unit)MitsubishiPUY-A36NHA32f.Multi-split (Evaporator)MitsubishiPKA-A36KA & PDA-A36DA2g.BoilerRITE Engineering2751h.Air Conditioning UnitBARDW36A1-COZXPAXXJ1Public Safety Building, 475 South 300 EastEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Cooling TowersBaltimore Aircoil CompanyPT2-1009A-3M41PT2-1009A-3L1b.Air Cooled ChillerTraneCGAM 100 Ton1c.Water Cooled ChillerMultistack4 MS080TC1H2W2AA-132A1d.BoilersFultonVTG-30002Facility Services Central Plant, 261 East 500 SouthEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Cooling TowerUS ELE MotorsG38372A ( 3 Cells)1b.ChillerTraneCUHE-050G, CVHE -500, CVHE4503c.Steam BoilersUniversal Boilers WOR with Power flame BurnersBF300512d. Plate and Frame Heat exchangerArmstrongSIOMA 1061Facility Services Shop, 248 East 600 SouthEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.FurnaceAmana, Lenox, ColemanGSI115B35B, GS6 130 DM, EVCON3b.RTUTrane4YCZ6060A1120BA47CC3018A1040AB2c.Swamp CoolerShop CoolSC35002Public Services Maintenance Facility, Fleet, Streets and Refuse, 1990 West 500 SouthEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.CRAC CondenserLiebertD-4922b.CRAC Data AirDAGDE-1634-B2c.BoilerINOV8Power FlameGE515/8C1-GO-122d.Air Cooled ChillerCarrier30RBA0606-0978C1e.IDECUnitechWhisperAir: EPFN 150EPQN222, EPFN182, EFN300, EFN2705f.Make-up Air UnitModineWHA18-184, 144KWISS, HFP400TMRLN73F47Parks Maintenance Facility, 1965 West 500 SouthEquipmentManufacturerModel Number & Other InfoQtya.Air CondenserLennoxHS6813V-EL6b.Air ConditionerLennoxG81-220V-36c.Gas Heater ModinePa13019DETAILED PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE A.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for the eight (8) locations for the Public Utilities Department is described in Exhibit “D-1”.B.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for the two (2) City operated locations for the Gallivan Center is described in Exhibit “D-2”C.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for (1) RDA operated location for the Gallivan Center is described in Exhibit “D-3”.D.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for the Police Crime Lab and Evidence Building is described in Exhibit “D-4”.E.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for Plaza 349 is described in Exhibit “D-5”.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for the Public Safety Building is described in Exhibit “D-6”.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for the Facility Services Central Plant is described in Exhibit “D-7”.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for the Facility Services Shop is described in Exhibit “D-8”.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for Public Services Maintenance Facility is described in Exhibit “D-9”.A complete listing of the required maintenance and service for the Parks Maintenance Facility is described in Exhibit “D-10”.IV.DISCLOSURE OF CITY RECORDSBecause City shall own the documents generated by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement, Contractor shall not, without written approval by City, disclose publicly said records. Contractor understands that the information obtained in the performance of this Agreement is confidential and may be shared with employees of City or others only on a need to know basis.V.PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FOR OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTSWith the written approval of the City Contracts Administrator, Contractor may respond to calls from other City departments to provide the specified services. Requests for additional City buildings to be added for preventative maintenance shall require amending this Agreement with a full listing of the facility location, the equipment subject to service and the preventative maintenance service required, as agreed upon by the parties. All products and services shall be provided at the rates stated in Exhibit “B”. Invoices shall be sent directly to and paid by the department or division originating the request.VI.VALUE-BASED PROCUREMENT PROGRAM COMPLIANCE. [Note: If the contract is awarded using the Value-Based Procurement Program, this section will be included in the final Agreement, but only the practices utilized in the award process shall be required to be maintained or become subject to liquidated damages as described below.] This Agreement was awarded pursuant to City’s Value-Based Procurement Program, Salt Lake City Procurement Rules Chapter 19. In consideration for the award of this Agreement, and in order to preserve the benefits sought by City in making this award, Contractor agrees to the following:A. Practices to be Maintained. Contractor offered to City the following practices as practices enhancing its work environment at the time when this Agreement was awarded, and Contractor shall maintain such practices in Contractor’s work environment for the entire term of this Agreement, including any extensions or renewals hereof: 1.Nondiscrimination. Contractor has adopted and will maintain during the full term of this Agreement a written company policy stating that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or sexual orientation (defined in the policy to mean being lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual or heterosexual).2.Apprenticeship Programs. Contractor conducted an apprenticeship during the twelve (12) months prior to submitting its bid in connection with this Agreement that was consistent with the requirements of Utah Code Title 35A, Chapter 6 and the requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, and Contractor will maintain its apprenticeship program during the full term of this Agreement.3.Drug Testing. Contractor has adopted and implemented a written company policy creating a drug-testing program for pre-employment, and for testing based on “cause,” consistent with the requirements stated in Utah Code Title 34, Chapter 38 (private employees), Title 34, Chapter 41 (local government), or Title 67, Chapter 19 (state), and Contractor will maintain such implemented policy during the full term of this Agreement.B. Practices Subject to Liquidated Damages. Contractor received the award of this Agreement because Contractor offered to City practices in Contractor’s work environment that complied with the following sections of Salt Lake City Procurement Rules Section 19.4: 1.Section 19.4A Policy of Nondiscrimination Factor 2.Section 19.4B State-Compliant Apprenticeship Program Factor3.Section 19.4C Pre-employment and “For Cause” Drug Testing Program Factor4.Section 19.4D Local Small Business Factor C.Contractor agrees that City paid to receive the benefit of these practices in Contractor’s work environment in an amount not less than ______________ ($________), being the amount by which Contractor’s bid exceeded the lowest bid considered for award, plus Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500), being a reasonable estimate of City’s time to administer the requirements of Chapter 19 which benefited Contractor (collectively the “Program Benefit”). Contractor agrees that Contractor shall pay to City the Program Benefit as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, if Contractor fails to maintain all of the factors listed immediately above in this subparagraph for the entire term of this Agreement. City may collect any liquidated damages payable to City from any sum that City may owe Contractor, and may recover such damages from any payment bond or other security provided by Contractor to City.CONTRACT NO. 01-1-14-7288EXHIBIT “B”PRICE SCHEDULEHVAC EQUIPMENT PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICESI.GENERALA.Prices stated include all costs associated with the performance of the services specified, including materials, supervision, labor, insurance, transportation, delivery, fuel or other surcharges, demurrage, and related costs. No other charges shall be allowed. All prices and fees are stated in U.S. dollars.B.City is exempt from sales, use, and federal excise taxes on these products and services. Exemption certificates shall be furnished upon request.C.Prices stated shall be firm for the initial 2-year term of this Agreement. Requests for price adjustment thereafter shall follow the requirements specified in Paragraph IV, Option Renewal Period Price Adjustment. Any stated discount percentages shall be firm for the full term of this Agreement, including any renewal terms.II.PRICING FEESPreventative Maintenance Program.The total annual price to be paid for preventative maintenance services per location as defined in Exhibits “D-1”, “D-2”, “D-3”, “D-4”, “D-5”, “D-6”, “D-7”, “D-8, “D-9” and “D-10” shall be as follows and shall be invoiced and paid at the end of each quarter in four equal quarterly payments:#Exh.ADDRESSCOST1.D-1Public Utilities Shops1530 South Jefferson Street$__________/Year2.D-1Public Utilities Main Office1530 South West Temple Street$__________/Year3.D-1Public Utilities Engineering Building1548 South West Temple Street$__________/Year4.D-1Public Utilities Water Reclamation Plant1365 West 2300 North$__________/Year5.D-1Public Utilities City Creek Water Treatment Plant, 2200 N. City Creek Road$__________/Year6.D-1Public Utilities Big Cottonwood Water Treatment Plant, 4101 Big Cottonwood Road$__________/Year7.D-1Public Utilities Parley’s Water Treatment Plant, 6650 E. Parleys Plant Lane$__________/Year8.D-1Public Utilities Little Dell DamFor access see lead operator at Parleys Plant$__________/Year9.D-2The Gallivan Center, Gallivan Hall,50 East 200 South$__________/Year10.D-2The Gallivan Center, Stage Building and Parking Storage Areas, 239 South Main Street$__________/Year11.D-3The Gallivan Center, managed by the RDA,49-69 East Gallivan Avenue$__________/Year12.D-4Police Crime Lab and Evidence Building,1525 South 4710 West$__________/Year13.D-5Plaza 349,349 South 200 East$__________/Year14.D-6Public Safety Building,475 South 300 East$__________/Year15.D-7Facilities Services Central Plant,251 East 500 South$__________/Year16.D-8Facilities Services Shop,248 East 600 South$__________/Year17.D-9Public Services Maintenance Facility,1990 West 500 South$__________/Year18.D-10Parks Maintenance Facility,1965 West 500 South$__________/YearThe above fees include: all labor; transportation; tools and materials for regularly scheduled maintenance on all equipment listed; completion of all service check points as described; and the cost of normal-wear replacement materials and components such as lubricants, gaskets, filters, belts, pads; and, other materials listed in Exhibits “D-1”, “D-2”, “D-3”, “D-4”, “D-5”, “D-6”, “D-7”, “D-8”, “D-9”, and “D-10” and any other exhibits, “D-11” and higher, added by amendment during the term of this Agreement. The fee also includes the cost of all water treatment chemicals. On-call services.All City-authorized repairs for all City-owned or rented equipment shall be billed at the following time and material rates. All City-requested maintenance for all City-owned or rented equipment shall be billed at the following time and material rates except for the units located at the sites participating in an annual flat-rate preventative maintenance program as identified in Section II. A. above. TitleHourly Rate for Weekdays, 8:00a-5:00pHourly Rate for After Hours on Weekdays, Weekends, and City Observed Holidays1.Manager $_________/hour $_________/hour2.Journey $_________/hour $_________/hour3.Helper $_________/hour $_________/hour4.Other:___________________ (level) $_________/hour $_________/hour5.Replacement Parts:At no time will the price of parts to the City exceed the following:OEM Parts – Price shall not exceed themanufacturer’s most current published listprice, less the stated discount: _________%If more than one discount applies, list below:Brand and Product Line:% Discount % % %Ancillary Parts – Price shall not exceed the*ARH price directory most current publishedlist price less the stated discount:_________%(*Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, and Heating Price Directory)Contractor shall supply City designee with current OEM and ARH published price lists at or before commencement of service under this Agreement and as requested by City during the term of the Agreement.C.Other Charges:State other charges, if any, to provide the services specified:Explanation of Charge: Cost to City:__________________________________________________________/_______________________________________________________________/_______________________________________________________________/_______________________________________________________________/_______________________________________________________________/_____III.WARRANTYParts: Time________ monthsLimitations: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Labor: Time________ monthsLimitations: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________IV.OPTION RENEWAL PERIOD PRICE ADJUSTMENT.Prices stated are firm for the first 2-years of the term of this Agreement, after which time price adjustments may be made. Any request for a price adjustment shall be made 30 to 60 days before the beginning date of each successive year of the Agreement. Contractor may calculate and make a written request to City that the prices for the next renewal year be increased by the lesser of three percent (3%) or the percentage increase, if any, in the latest published Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), “US City Average” published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Federal Government for the most recent twelve (12) month period, and City shall respond to such request. If publication of said CPI index should cease, such percentage increase shall be determined by reference to a similar index, or as agreed upon by the parties. Contractor shall send all requests for price adjustment to the City Contracts Administrator at the address listed in Section 16 (Notices) of this Agreement. V.INVOICING AND PAYMENTCity shall pay Contractor for all products and services provided by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor shall submit a written invoice, in duplicate, for services rendered and City shall pay the invoiced fee within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice by City. Contractor shall list the City contract number on all invoices, quotes, correspondence, and documentation relating to this contract.Invoices shall be submitted to the City department or RDA receiving service. EXHIBIT “B-1”OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATIONBIDDER: Please complete the following and return with your bid response.I.Early Payment Discount. Identify any early payment discount or discounts that you are willing to offer for the purchases contemplated herein, such as “2/10, net 30” where City can take an immediate 2% discount if the payment is made within 10 days after receipt of the invoice or pay the full amount within 30 days from such receipt. (Cash discounts of less than 1% or discount periods of less than 30 days will not be considered as factors in the award.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________II.Electronic Payments. The City has developed a process by which vendors can receive payments and remittance advices electronically. The electronic process will (1) allow vendors to receive collected funds the day following the City's weekly "check write," and (2) will provide an electronic remittance advice on the day of the "check write." The remittance advice will be sent via e-mail through the internet to as many as three separate e-mail addresses. The remittance advice will contain exactly the same information that would have been included on a check stub. Also available is a vendor web page that allows a vendor, with proper user name and password, to see its history of payments from the City.The City is encouraging bidders to accept electronic payments using the above process. Please provide information relating to: (1) your ability to accept electronic payments and remittance advices; (2) your policy, if any, regarding electronic payments and (3) your discount, if any, for electronic payments.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mark box if your company does not accept electronic payments.III.Interest in sustainability, recycling, and other environmental matters. The City has an interest in doing business with suppliers that have implemented formal sustainability plans and have operations with minimal adverse impact on the environment. Please state whether your firm has a formal sustainability plan, program or policy and, if so, please attach a copy to your proposal. Any sustainability plan, program or policy should address recycling, re-use of materials, and reduction of waste. Please describe any environmentally-friendly measures such as alternative fuel vehicles, recycling measures, and energy reduction measures used by your firm in its operations.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mark box if your company does not have programs in place at this time.IV.REPRESENTATION REGARDING ETHICAL STANDARDS FOR CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES AND FORMER CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (Note: After reading the following two paragraphs, check the box in the space provided below the paragraphs to show that you agree with the following representation.)The bidder represents that it has not: (1) provided an illegal gift or payoff to a city officer or employee or former city officer or employee, or his or her relative or business entity; (2) retained any person to solicit or secure this contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, other than bona fide employees or bona fide commercial selling agencies for the purpose of securing business; (3) knowingly breached any of the ethical standards set forth in the City's conflict of interest ordinance, Chapter 2.44, Salt Lake City Code; or (4) knowingly influenced, and hereby promises that it will not knowingly influence, a city officer or employee or former city officer or employee to breach any of the ethical standards set forth in the city's conflict of interest ordinance, Chapter 2.44, Salt Lake City Code.Pursuant to the foregoing “Ethics Clause”, it is the City’s policy that City employees are prohibited from personally accepting gifts, incentives, and marketing or promotional items from suppliers and that suppliers shall not offer such items to City employees. Such offers from suppliers are inappropriate and may result in suspension or debarment of the supplier from the City's procurement processes.Check the box below: We have read and agree to honor the City’s “Ethics Clause” set forth above. V. VALUE-BASED PROCUREMENT PROGRAMThe City has determined that the City obtains better value from contracted services when certain practices enhance a Contractor’s or Consultant’s work environment. The City has implemented a Value-Based Procurement Program (the “Value Program”) to obtain the benefit of those practices, and this procurement process and any subsequent contract are subject to the Value Program as set forth in Salt Lake City Procurement Rules Chapter 19. A.The Value Program is a program that provides beneficial consideration to Bidders that offer certain practices in their work environment. The Value Program is set forth in the Salt Lake City Administrative Rules, Procurement Rules Chapter 19, which can be found at the following web address: . Participation by a Bidder is voluntary, and failure to comply with this section V shall not render a bid non-responsive. However, if the Bidder fails to comply with this section V at the time of submitting a bid, the City shall consider such bid as though the Bidder had no factors under the Value Program. In such a case, (i) the Bidder will receive no benefits allowable under the Value Program; (ii) the Bidder will NOT be allowed to submit additional information; and (iii) the Bidder waives any and all rights to raise a protest related to the Value Program. B.Bidders participating in the Value Program shall provide the following information. The Bidder hereby certifies that its answers to the following questions are true as of the time of submitting this bid:Certification1. Has the Bidder adopted a written company policy stating that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or sexual orientation (defined in the policy to mean being lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual or heterosexual)?Yes: ______ Initial No: ______ Initial2.Has the Bidder conducted an apprenticeship during the twelve (12) months prior to submitting this bid or offer that is consistent with the requirements of Utah Code Title 35A, Chapter 6 and the requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training? Yes: ______ Initial No: ______ Initial3. Has the Bidder adopted and implemented a written company policy creating a drug-testing program for pre-employment, and for testing based on “cause,” consistent with the requirements stated in Utah Code Title 34, Chapter 38 (private employees), Title 34, Chapter 41 (local government), or Title 67, Chapter 19 (state)?Yes: ______ Initial No: ______ Initial4. Does the Bidder (i) have a fixed office or distribution point within Salt Lake City boundaries, (ii) possess a Salt Lake City business license stating a Salt Lake City address, (iii) employ no more than thirty (30) full-time employees (meaning employees working at least forty (40) hours per week for fifty (50) weeks per year), and (iv) have annual gross revenues not in excess of $1 million (must meet all four requirements to respond “yes”)?Yes: ______ Initial No: ______ Initial C.The foregoing information certified by the Bidder will be used in the manner stated in Salt Lake City Procurement Rules Chapter 19 to evaluate “responsibility” if bids or offers are close. An award, if any, will be made in accordance with Chapter 19. In general terms, Chapter 19 may apply based on the amounts bid and other factors. If it applies, the City must first consider all matters relating to responsiveness and responsibility except the Value Program. The City then further evaluates responsibility under the Value Program, and awards the Agreement by determining which Bidder can demonstrate the most points among the following factors: FactorPointsPolicy of nondiscrimination ? pointSponsorship of state-compliant apprenticeship program(s)? pointUse of a pre-employment and “for cause” drug testing program? pointLocal small business? pointD.The City reserves the right to review or audit any information provided by the Bidder under this section. The Bidder shall provide or furnish access to any necessary records or other information in order to permit the City to verify these certifications. The Bidder shall provide or furnish access to such records and information no later than three business days after the City issues a written request for the same.CONTRACT NO. 01-1-14-7288 EXHIBIT "C"TERMS AND CONDITIONSDEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS1.AIRPORT'S RIGHT TO DO WORK. No provision in this Agreement shall relieve Contractor of the responsibility for negligence, faulty materials or faulty work. Contractor shall, within twenty-four hours notice (either verbal or in accordance with formal written procedure) by City's Director of Airports or his/her designee, commence to perform any corrective work required by said designee, unless work to be performed interferes with a function of the Airport in which case the Director of Airports or said designee shall assign the time the work is to be accomplished. If Contractor should neglect to perform the work properly in accordance with this paragraph or fail to perform any provisions of this Agreement, the Director of Airports or said designee, after twenty-four hours notice (either verbal or in accordance with formal written notice procedure) to Contractor, may without prejudice to any other remedy it may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from any payment due Contractor. In cases of emergency, as determined by the Director of Airports or his/her designee, after delivery of notice (either verbal or in accordance with formal written notice procedure) to Contractor, may perform such work or contract the work without delay and may deduct the cost thereof from any payment due Contractor.2.SAFETY. Contractor shall take all necessary safety precautions and comply with all applicable provisions of Federal, State and municipal safety laws and building codes to prevent accidents or injury to persons on, about, or adjacent to the premises where Contractor's work is being performed. The Director of Airports or his or her designee may stop work if safety laws or safe work practices are not being observed.3.FAA SUBORDINATION CLAUSE. This Agreement and all provisions hereof are subject and subordinate to the terms and conditions of any existing or future agreement entered into between City and the United States of America for the improvement or operation and maintenance of the Airport, the execution of which has been or may be required as a condition precedent to the transfer of federal rights or property to City for Airport purposes, or the expenditure of federal funds or passenger facility charges for the improvement or development of the Airport. The Agreement will be subject to any ordinances, rules or regulations which have been, or may hereafter be, adopted pertaining to the Airport. If the Federal Aviation Administration or Transportation Security Administration or their successors require modifications or changes in this Agreement as a condition precedent to the granting of funds for the improvement of the Airport, or otherwise, Contractor agrees to consent to such amendments, modifications, revisions, supplements, or deletions as they may affect any of the terms, conditions or requirements of this Agreement, as may be reasonably required.4.NONDISCRIMINATION.A.Contractor, for itself, its heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest, and assignees, as a part of the consideration hereof, hereby covenants and agrees to comply with all requirements imposed pursuant to 49 CFR Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation, and as said Regulations may be amended.B.Contractor, for itself, its personal representatives, successors in interest and assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, hereby covenants and agrees that no person, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subject to discrimination in the furnishing of services hereunder.C.In the event of a breach of any of the nondiscriminatory covenants pursuant to Part 21 of the Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, as amended, City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement as if it had never been made or issued.D.Contractor does hereby agree to include the above clauses in all subcontracts and cause subcontractors to similarly include clauses in further subcontracts.E.Nothing herein contained shall be construed to grant or authorize the granting of an exclusive right forbidden by Section 308 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended.5.RULES AND REGULATIONS. In conducting its operations hereunder, Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws of the United States of America, the State of Utah, Salt Lake City, and lawful rules and regulations promulgated by their authority, including the Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration with reference to airport security; and all applicable lawful rules, regulations and ordinances of City now in force or thereafter prescribed and promulgated by authority of law. Said laws, rules, regulations and ordinances include, but are not limited to, the Equal Employment Opportunity laws, the Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Utah Identity Documents and Verification Act, all fire codes, Airport rules and regulations, and security regulations. Any violation of applicable law shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and Contractor shall hold City harmless from any and all liability arising out of, or in connection with, said violations including any attorney's fees and costs incurred by City as a result of such violation.6.AIRPORT SECURITY. Contractor shall at all times be subject to regulations imposed by FAR Part 1542 “Airport Security,” as amended. Contractor agrees that it shall be solely and fully responsible for any and all breaches of security resulting from the negligence or intentional acts of omission or commission of officers, employees, representatives, agents, servants, subtenants, consultants, subcontractors, successors, assigns and contractors of Contractor. Without limitation, Contractor shall be strictly liable to pay any civil penalties assessed by the Transportation Security Administration against Contractor or the Airport in connection with the actions of Contractor and its agents and employees, and the obligation to indemnify City under this Agreement includes the reimbursement of any such payments made by City on Contractor’s behalf. If required by the Airport for the performance of this Agreement, Contractor's personnel assigned to provide service at the Airport shall obtain an Airport issued identification badge prior to providing service, and shall maintain the qualifications required to possess the badge during the period of this Agreement. If such personnel become unqualified to hold such a badge, Contractor shall promptly provide replacement personnel qualified to hold such a badge in order to perform the services required under this Agreement without interruption. To qualify to obtain the identification badge, Contractor's personnel shall:A.Undergo a fingerprint-based criminal history records check as required by 49 CFR Section 1542.209. Contractor's employees to be used to provide services shall be able to pass this check with no convictions for a disqualifying offense as outlined by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).B.Successfully complete a TSA required two-hour security training course offered by the Airport. 7.HAZARD COMMUNICATION STANDARD. Contractor shall at all times hereunder be subject to regulations imposed by the 29 Code of Federal Regulation 1910.1200, “Hazard Communication Standard." Contractor shall be solely responsible for any and all violations of the Hazard Communication Standard resulting from the negligence or intentional acts of omission or commission of officers, employees, representatives, agents, servants, contractors, subcontractors, successors, assigns, and suppliers of Contractor.8.NOTICES. In addition to the notice addresses set forth in the main body of this Agreement, notices to City provided for herein shall also include the following, which shall be sufficient if hand delivered or sent by first class, certified, or registered mail, postage prepaid, to the following address:Contracts ManagerSalt Lake City Department of AirportsSalt Lake City International AirportP.O. Box 145550Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-55509.AIRPORT’S RIGHT TO ACQUIRE INSURANCE FOR CONTRACTOR.A.??????????? The Airport $5,000,000 per occurrence insurance requirements for commercial general liability and commercial automobile liability takes into effect only if Contractor is required to obtain airfield Security Identification Display Areas (SIDA) driving privileges.? B.??????????? In the event that Contractor shall at any time fail to furnish City the certificate or certificates required, City, upon written notice to Contractor of its intention to do so, shall have the right to secure the required insurance, at the cost and expense of Contractor, and Contractor agrees to reimburse City promptly for the cost thereof plus ten percent (10%) for cost of administration.CONTRACT NO. 01-1-14-7288EXHIBIT “D-1”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEPUBLIC UTILITIESI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the eight (8) named locations for the Public Utilities Department.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the systems and equipment listed below, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified: A.SEMI-ANNUAL INSPECTION: HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING1.Air Compressora.Drain tank and check traps.b.Change oil and check oil pressure.c.Check belt and sheaves, and change as required.d.Change suction filter as required.e.Check unloader and check valve.f.Check high pressure safety valve.g.Check motor operating conditions and lubricate.h.Check PE switch, starter, and alternator.i.Clean as required.j.Record compressor run-time.2.Refrigerated Air Dryera.Check refrigerant pressure.b.Check refrigerant temperature.c.Clean condenser and cover grills.d.Check drain top and bypass valve.e.Clean as required.3.Filter and Pressure Reducing Stationa.Check particle filters (change as required).b.Check oil filter (change as required).c.Check pressure valve settings.d.Check low-pressure safety valve.4.Time Clocksa.Check operation and settings.b.Check solenoid air valve and clock bypass switch.5.Boiler, Chiller, Converter, Pumps & Zone Controla.Calibrate all controllers.b.Calibrate all transmitter and receiver gauges.c.Check all PE switches.d.Check all control valves.e.Check all pilot positioners.f.Check all auxiliary devices.6.Fan Systems and HVAC Unit Controlsa.Review sequence of operation.b.Check all dampers and lubricate.c.Check pilot positioners.d.Check all control valves.e.Calibrate all controllers.f.Calibrate all transmitters and receiver gauges.g.Check all solenoid air valves, PE switches, and air valves.h.Check all auxiliary control devices.i.Clean and wipe down panel face.B.ANNUAL INSPECTION: HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING1.Room-Terminal Unit Controlsa.Check all room stats.b.Check all control valves.c.Check operation of unit coil steam traps.d.Check operation of all dampers and lubricate.e.Check all PE switches, solenoid air valves, and limit controls. 2.For Items A1 through A6, and B1 above, Contractor shall provide the following listed materials when necessary and indicated under type of inspection above: a.Beltsb.Suction Filterc.Oil Filterd.Particle Filtere.Oilf.Lubricant - oil and greaseg.Drain Trap Gasketsh.Clean up materials.C.HOT WATER BOILERS1.Pre-Season Inspectiona.Inspect fireside of boiler and record condition.b.Brush and vacuum soot and dirt from flues and combustion chamber.c.Inspect firebrick and refractory for defects. Patch and coat as required.d.Visually inspect boiler pressure vessel for possible leak and record condition.e.Disassemble, inspect, and clean low-water cutoff.f.Check hand valves and automatic feed equipment. Repack and adjust as required.g.Inspect, clean, and lubricate the burner and combustion control equipment.h.Reassemble boiler.i.Check burner sequence of operation and combustion air equipment.j.Check fuel piping for leaks and proper supports.k.Clean external surfaces as required.l.Clean boiler room.2.Seasonal Start-Upa.Review manufacturer's recommendations for boiler and burner start-up.b.Check fuel supply.c.Check auxiliary equipment operation.d.Inspect burner, boiler, and controls prior to start-up.e.Start burner and check operating controls. Test safety controls and pressure relief valve.f.Perform combustion tests and adjust burner for maximum efficiency.g.Log all operating conditions.h.Review operating procedures and City's log with boiler operator.3.Quarterly Preventative Maintenancea.Review City's log. Log all operating conditions.b.Inspect boiler and burner, and make adjustments as required.c.Test low-water cutoff and pressure relief valve.d.Check operating and safety controls.e.Review boiler operation with boiler operator.4.Seasonal Shut Downa.Review City's log. Log all operating conditions.b.Shut off burner and open electrical disconnect.c.Close fuel supply valves.d.Review boiler operation with boiler operator.5.For Items C1 through C4 above, Contractor shall provide the following listed materials when necessary and indicated under type of inspection above:a.Refractory Patch and Coat Materialb.Gasket - low-water cutoffc.Automatic Feedd.Hand Holee.Man Holef.Asbestos Ropeg.Hand Valve Packingh.Lubricant - oil and greasei.Oil Burner Nozzlesj.Electrodesk.Filters - oil and airl.Beltsm.Clean up materialn.Contact CleanerD.PUMPS1.Annual Inspectiona.Lubricate pump bearings per manufacturer's recommendations.b.Lubricate motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendations.c.Tighten all nuts and bolts. Check motor mounts and vibration pads (adjust as required).d.Visually check pump alignment and coupling.e.Check motor operating conditions.f.Inspect electrical connections and contactors.g.Check and clean strainers, and check hand valves.h.Inspect mechanical seals. Replace as required or inspect pump packing and adjust as needed.i.Verify gauges for accuracy.j.Clean external surfaces as required.2.Semi-Annual Inspectiona.Lubricate pump bearings per manufacturer's recommendations.b.Lubricate motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendations.c.Check suction and discharge pressures.d.Check packing or mechanical seal.3.For Items D1 and D2 above, Contractor shall provide the following listed materials when necessary and indicated under type of inspection above:a.Beltsb.Motor Mountsc.Vibration Padsd.Sealse.Packingf.Lubricant - oil and greaseg.Contact Cleanerh.Clean up materialsE.CONDENSING UNITS1.Air Cooled, Start-Up Inspectiona.Review manufacturer's recommendations for start-up.b.Energize crankcase heater per manufacturer's recommendation for warm-up.c.Remove all debris from within and around unit.d.Visually inspect for leaks.e.Check belts, pulleys and mounts. Adjust and replace belts as required.f.Lubricate fan and motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.g.Inspect electrical connections, contactors, relays, and operating/safety controls.h.Check motor operating conditions.i.Check and clean fan blades as required.j.Check and clean coil. Straighten fins as required.k.Check vibration eliminators. Replace or adjust as required.l.Check compressor oil level, acid test oil, and meg hermetic motor.m.Change oil and refrigerant filter drier as required.n.Check and test all operating and safety controls.o.Check operating conditions. Adjust as required.p.Clean external surfaces as required.2.Mid-Season Inspectiona.Visually inspect for leaks.b.Lubricate fan bearings per manufacturer's recommendations.c.Lubricate motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendations.d.Check belts and sheaves. Adjust and replace belts as required.e.Clean and straighten fins as required.f.Check operating conditions. Adjust as required.3.Water Cooled, Start-Up Inspectiona.Review manufacturer's recommendations for start-up.b.Energize crankcase heater per manufacturer's recommendation for warm-up.c.Visually inspect for leaks.d.Vent system of trapped air.e.Inspect electrical connections, contactors, relays, and operating/safety conditions.f.Check vibration eliminators. Replace or adjust as required.g.Check compressor oil level, acid test oil, and meg hermetic motor.h.Change oil and refrigerant filter drier as required.i.Check operating conditions. Adjust as required.j.Clean external surfaces as required.4.Mid-Season Inspectiona.Visually inspect for leaks.b.Check operating conditions. Adjust as required.5.For Items E1 through E4 above, Contractor shall provide the following listed materials when necessary and indicated under type of inspection above:a.Beltsb.Lubricants - oil and greasec.Contact Cleanerd.Cleanup materialse.Caulkingf.Panel Gasketingg.Refrigerant filter drierh.Vibration eliminatorsF.GENERAL ROOF-TOP HEATING AND COOLING UNITS(Note: All swamp coolers are maintained by City)The maintenance for roof-top heating and cooling units shall include filter changes as needed and T-stat calibration. Maintenance shall be as follows:Spring start-up of cooling system.Summer inspection.Fall start-up of heat.Winter inspection.5.Air Cooled a.Review manufacturer's recommendation for start-up.b. Energize crankcase heater per manufacturer's recommendation for warm-up.c. Remove all debris from within and around unit.d. Visually inspect for leaks.e. Check belts, pulleys, and mounts. Adjust and replace belts as required.f. Lubricate fan and motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.g. Inspect electrical connections, contactors, relays, and operating/safety controls.h. Check motor operating conditions.i. Check and clean fan blades as required.j.Check and clean coil. Straighten fins as required.k.Check vibration eliminators. Replace or adjust as required.l.Check compressor oil level, acid test oil, and meg hermetic motor.m.Change oil and refrigerant filter drier as required.n.Check and test all operating and safety controls.o.Check operating conditions. Adjust as required.p.Clean external surfaces as required.G.FANS AND CENTRAL FAN SYSTEMS1.Fans, Annual Inspectiona.Check and clean fan assembly.b.Lubricant fan bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.c.Lubricate motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.d.Check belts and sheaves. Adjust and replace belts as required.e.Tighten all nuts and bolts.f.Check motor mounts and vibration pads. Adjust as required.g.Check motor operating conditions.h.Inspect electrical connections and contactors.i.Lubricate and adjust associated dampers and linkage.j.Check fan operation.k.Clean external surfaces as required.2.Fans, Semi-Annuala.Lubricate fan bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.b.Lubricate motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.c.Check belts and sheaves. Adjust and replace belts as required.d.Check for operation.3.Central Fan Systems, Annual Inspectiona.Check and clean fan assembly.b.Lubricate fan bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.c.Lubricate motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.d.Check belts and sheaves. Adjust and replace belts as required.e.Tighten all nuts and bolts.f.Check motor mounts and vibration pads. Adjust as required.g.Check motor operating conditions.h.Lubricate and adjust associated dampers and linkage.i.Check fan operation.j.Clean outside air intake screen.k.Check and clean drains and drain pans.l.Check and clean strainers. Check hand valves and steam traps.m.Check filter advancing mechanism. Lubricate and adjust as required.n.Inspect filters.o.Check heating and cooling coils.p.Inspect humidifier.q.Clean external surfaces as required.4.Semi-Annual Inspectiona.Lubricate fan bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.b.Lubricate motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.c.Check belts and sheaves. Adjust and replace belts as required.d.Clean outside air intake screen.e.Check filter advancing mechanism. Lubricate and adjust as required.f.Inspect filters.g.Check heating and cooling coils.h.Inspect humidifier.5.For Items G1 through G4 above, Contractor shall provide the following listed materials when necessary and indicated under type of inspection above:a.Beltsb.Lubricants - oil and greasec.Contact Cleanerd.Cleanup materialH.TERMINAL UNITS1.Unit Ventilation, Annuala.Brush and vacuum grills, coil, fan, and unit interior.b.Lubricate fan and motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.c.Check belts and sheaves. Adjust as required. Replace belts as required.d.Check and clean drains and drain pan.e.Check and clean strainers. Check steam traps and hand valves.f.Inspect filters.g.Check unit operating conditions.h.Lubricate and adjust dampers and linkage.i.Clean exterior surfaces as required.2.Radiation, Annuala.Visually inspect fins/cast iron. Clean as required.b.Check and clean strainers. Check steam traps and hand valves.3.Induction Units, Annuala.Visually inspect coil. Clean as required.b.Check and clean drains and drain pans.c.Clean discharge grill.d.Check and clean strainers. Check steam traps and hand valves.e.Clean exterior surfaces as required.4.Reheat Coils, Annuala.Visually inspect coil. Clean as required.b.Check and clean strainers. Check steam traps and hand valves.c.Inspect electrical connections, contactors, relays, and operating/safety controls.5.Boxes, Dual Duct and Variable Air Volume, Annuala.Inspect box for duct work connection.b.Lubricate and adjust dampers and linkage.6.For Items H1 through H5 above, Contractor shall provide the following listed materials when necessary and indicated under type of inspection above:a.Beltsb.Lubricant - oil and greasec.Contact Cleanerd.Cleanup materials.I.COOLING TOWER EVAPORATIVE CONDENSERS1.Pre-Season Inspectiona.Remove all debris from within and around unit, and flush as required.b.Check and clean strainers, bleed overflow and drain.c.Lubricate fan and motor bearings per manufacturer's recommendation.d.Change oil in gear reducer assembly as per manufacturer's recommendation.e.Check belts, motor pulley, and motor mounts. Replace belts and adjust as required.f.Inspect electrical connections, contactors, relays, and operating/safety controls.g.Check motor operating conditions.h.Clean float valve assembly and check for proper operation.i.Clean and paint external surfaces as required.2.Quarterly Inspectiona.Inspect fan, motor, and belts.b.Check oil level in gear reducer. Add oil as required.c.Check intake strainer, bleed, and overflow.d.Check operating conditions. Adjust as required.3.For Items I1 and I2 above, Contractor shall provide the following listed materials when indicated under type of coverage above.a.Beltsb.Lubricant - oil and greasec.Contact Cleanerd.Cleanup Materialse.Paint Materialf.CaulkingJ.WATER TREATMENT1.Quarterly Inspection, Cooling Towera.Operate all chemical bleed and feed equipment to assure proper operation.b.Chemically test the system water for proper bleed rate and treatment levels.c.Adjust the controls to obtain proper operation.d.Visually inspect the open portions of the system for evidence of corrosion, scale or slime, and algae growth.e.Slug feed biocide and antifoam to control slime and algae growth.f.Furnish to City a written report of the test and inspection results, including recommendations.g.Inventory the remaining water treatment chemicals and reorder as required.2.Quarterly Inspection, Open Steam Boilersa.Operate all chemical bleed and feed equipment to assure proper operation.b.Chemically test the system water for proper bleed rate and treatment levels.c.Adjust the controls to obtain proper operation.d.Furnish to City a written report of the test and inspection results including recommendations.e.Inventory the remaining water treatment chemicals and reorder as required.3.Semi-Annual Inspection, Closed Systemsa.Chemically test the system water for proper bleed rate and treatment levels.b.Adjust the controls to obtain proper operation.c.Furnish to City a written report of the test and inspection results including recommendations.d.Inventory the remaining water treatment chemicals and reorder as required. Contractor shall provide all necessary chemical materials at no additional cost to the City. K.ICE MACHINE (Optional, not mandatory)1.Semi-Annual Inspection and maintenance.a.Clean condenser. b.Clean evaporation plate.c.Replace water filter as needed.CONTRACT NO. 01-1-14-7288EXHIBIT “D-2”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEGALLIVAN CENTERI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the two (2) named locations managed by City at the Gallivan Center.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the systems and equipment listed below, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:BOILERInspect gas-train safety devices.Inspect low water cut-off.Inspect safety relief valve.Inspect make-up water system.Inspect wiring connections.Inspect associated valving and 3-way valves.Inspect water pressure gauge.Inspect and adjust burners.Inspect flue and diverter.Inspect controls system.Check in-line gas pressure.Test unit operation. Lubricate the water-circulating pump per the instructions found on the pump.YEARLY: Clean internal surfaces, burner assembly, breaching, and flues.CHILLER. Serviced monthly during operating season: Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb., and Mar.Check oil level in compressors.Check suction pressure, discharge pressure and oil pressure.Check liquid line-sight glasses.Measure system super-heat and system sub-cooling.Inspect expansion-valve for proper operation.Check setting and function of each control.Inspect the condition of compressor and control contactors.Check tightness of all connections on chiller starter panels.Check and test all safety shutoffs and set points.Thoroughly inspect all pipe and tubing for wear and friction contact.Check operation of 3-way valves on condenser, chilled water, and cooling-tower loops.Clean and inspect “Y” strainers.YEARLY: Test condensing and chilled waters for inhibitor, glycolic acid and reserve alkalinity levels to insure they meet manufacturer’s ranges and if necessary inspect condenser tubes and clean.C.EXHAUST FANSInspect and clean the fan and blower assemblies and housing.Lubricate fan and motor bearing.Inspect and adjust belts (replace when required).Inspect electrical connections and contactors.D.HEAT EXCHANGERCheck suction and discharge pressures on condensing and cooling tower loop.Check temperatures.Clean strainers in associated piping.E.HEAT PUMPSLubricate moving parts.Inspect air filters.Inspect all valves.Inspect and clean condensate from drain pan.Check performance measurements of volts, amps, water and air temperatures.Inspect electrical connections and contactors.OUTSIDE MAKEUP AIR UNIT (MOUA)Inspect and adjust tightness of all setscrews.Inspect and adjust belt tension. Replace and realign when necessary.Inspect and lubricate fan and motor bearings.Inspect electrical connections and contactors.Inspect and lubricate associated dampers and linkages.Inspect and brush clean the fan assembly.Inspect and replace filters if necessary.Inspect and cycle controls system.Clean drain pans and drains.Clean wet-side strainers and screens.Visually inspect and brush or vacuum clean heating and cooling coils.Inspect sheaves for excessive wear.Inspect vibration isolators and motor mounts.Check all moving parts for wear. PUMPSInspectInspect electrical connections.Inspect packing.Inspect and correctly align pump and motor.Inspect and lubricate as needed.Inspect associated valving.Inspect drive coupling.Inspect vibration isolators.Take suction and discharge pressure readings.Check and replenish oil. Clean strainers associated with cooling tower loop.Check motor bearings while operating for any sign of abnormal temperature rise. Check glycol make-up pump station and controlling devices.H.SUMP PUMPClean tank and refill with water.Check and clean check valve.EXHIBIT “D-3”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEREDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, GALLIVAN CENTERI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment for the one (1) named location for the Redevelopment Agency at the Gallivan Center.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the following systems and equipment, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:Water Source Heat PumpSemi-Annual Inspection.Replacement of the filter with a standard capacity pleated filter.Check the UV lamp.Check the control system and devices for evidence of improper operation.Check the water coil for proper operation.Check the condensate drain for slime build-up. Treat with algaecide, if required.Inspect the condensate drain for evidence of plugging and clean, if required.Check the fan blades for evidence of dirt build-up and clean, if required.Visually inspect all areas of moisture accumulation for biological growth.Check the drive alignment for wear, seating, and proper operation. Repair and adjust drive alignment for proper operation, as required.Inspect the drive coupling.Inspect vibration isolators.Check amperage on compressor.Check amperage on fan motors.Inspect electrical connections.Inspect and lubricate field serviceable bearings.Check the motor bearings, while operating, for any sign of temperature rise and record any temperature reading above 160 degrees.Check the motor contactor for pitting or other signs of damage.Check the refrigerant system charge to ensure proper operation.Check the glycol make up pump station and controlling devices.Check the drain pan, drain line, and coil for biological growth and clean, as needed.Check the operation of condensate pump and realign and lubricate, as needed, for proper operation.Check the set points on thermostats.Inspect all associated valving to ensure proper operation.Check the suction and discharge pressure readings.Quarterly Inspections.a.Replace filter with standard capacity pleated filter.Check the UV lamp.Check the control system and devices for evidence of improper operation.Check the condensate drain for slime build-up and do treatment with algaecide, if required.Inspect the condensate drain for evidence of plugging, and clean, if required.Visually inspect areas of moisture accumulation for biological growth.Check the refrigerant system charge. Check and replenishment oil, as needed.Hot Water Boiler.Annual Inspection. One annual inspection in the Fall.Inspect and service all water and fire side surfaces. Inspect the refractory to determine if replacement is required.Examine for code compliance.Identify and correct all installation deficiencies.Inspect and test all safeties and interlocks for proper operation.Test the operation of the boiler control system over a range of loads.Test all shutoff valves and three way valves to confirm they close and do not leak.Overhaul the low water cut off system.Service the gas burner operating controls.Inspect all the gas train safety devices.Check all in-line gas pressure.Inspect the flue, breaching and diverter system.Clean the flue, breaching and diverter system to the extent necessary based on inspection and Contractor’s professional opinion.Check the flue gas temperatures and content.Do a combustion efficiency analysis with correction as deemed necessary.Inspect the water pressure gauge.Check the entire system for leakage or defects.Do a comprehensive check of all safety relief valves.Verify the proper water treatment.Verify the proper pump operation.Lubricate the water-circulating pump per manufacturer instructions.Check of the operation of expansion tanks.Check of the burners and burner assembly.Adjust the burners and burner assembly, to the extent necessary based upon inspection.Clean the strainers, as necessary.Update the relevant service logs upon completion of the Annual Inspection.Regular Operating Inspections. An operating inspection will be conducted three times per year.Test the safety relief valve.Blow down the boiler.Check the feed and make up water systems.Test the low water fuel cutoff.Check the pump operation.Service the Variable Frequency Drive (w/a).Check the burner operation.Check all the operating and protective controls for proper operation.Inspect all the wiring connections.Clean the strainers, as necessary.Update to the service logs to reflect the service that was provided.Makeup Air Unit (MOAU). Contractor shall provide the following quarterly maintenance.Inspect and adjust all screws to the proper tightness.Inspect and calibrate the belt tension, including the replacement and realignment of the belt, when necessary.Inspect and lubricate the fan and motor bearings,Inspect all electrical connections and contactors.Inspect and lubricate all dampers and linkages.Inspect and clean the fan assembly.Replace the filters with standard capacity pleated filters.Inspect and calibrate the controls system.Clean the drains and drain pans.Inspect and clean the coil.Clean the wet side strainers and screens.Visually inspect and clean the heating and cooling coils.Inspect the sheaves for wear and cracking.Inspect the vibration isolators and motor units.Do a complete check of all moving parts for wear.Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger. Contractor shall provide the following quarterly maintenance.Inspect for evidence of build-up or fouling on heat exchanger surfaces.Inspect the suction and discharge pressures on condensing and cooling tower loop for proper function.Check the temperatures.Clean the strainers in associated piping.EXHIBIT “D-4”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEPOLICE CRIME LAB AND EVIDENCE BUILDINGI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the one (1) named location at the Parks Maintenance Facility. Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the following systems and equipment, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:Roof Top UnitAnnual1.D-BurnerExamine burner flames for proper appearance during the heating season.Examine the burner for any deposits or blockage which may have occurred.Clean burner as bustion Air BlowerCheck prove switch.Clean combustion air blower assembly.Flue Passageway and Flue BoxClean Flue baffles.Clean flue collector cover and flue collector baffle.Pull tube baffles from heat exchanger and clean tubes.Evaporator CoilInspect and clean coil evaporator coil.Clean using mild detergent or commercial coil cleanser.Check condensate drain pan and line.Flush coil and condensate drain.Check connecting lines and coil for evidence of oil leaks.Condenser CoilClean condenser coil with detergent or commercial coil cleaner.Supply Air Blower WheelAnnually inspect supply air blower wheel for dirt or dust.Check amp-draw on both condenser fan motor and blower motor. Fan Motor rating Plate.Indoor Blower Motor Rating Plate.Swamp CoolerSpring MaintenanceRemove cover.Check the motor’s fan belt tension.Install cooler pads according to manufacturer’s recommendation.Check water distribution to make sure pads are saturated correctly.Check the water level and adjust float.Check float valve.Check all other working parts, including the pump, motor, and fan belt.WinterizeDrain pan and remove all build-up.Thoroughly dry the tray and inspect it for signs of cracking.Shut off water source.Cover unit to prevent outside air infiltration.Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV)QuarterlyInspect and/or replace filters.Inspect blower including shaft and blower wheel.AnnuallyClean the energy exchange core.Laboratory ExhaustQuarterlyCheck for particulate accumulation on intake filters. Clean or replace if accumulation results in pressure drop of airflow outside of established operating limits.Check air filter and housing for integrity and correct as needed.AnnualVisually inspect each unit for correct operation. Check all electrical connection for tightness. Check the rotation of the fan wheels adjust as needed. Inspect and lubricate belt drive assemblies. Check the voltage at the fan to see if it corresponds with nameplate. Make sure that wheel does not rub against inlets and duct work. Check bearings and shaft and lubricate bearings and shaft, as needed. Adjust all belt drive ventilators and pulleys, replace belts, as needed Slide motor on mounting base to maintain belt tension. Do not get belt too tight. Unit HeaterCheck unit, make sure that it's clean, from dust, paper and debris and clean, as needed. Check filter and replace, as needed.Remove dust from fan blades.Clean the fan-coil unit's main and auxillary drain pans to ensure the unit drains condensate properly. Check the condensate drain pan and drain line to assure the condensate drains properly.Clean the drain pans of any moisture or debris.Replace all panels and filters.Check and tighten all set screws, bolts, locking collars and sheaves.Inspect the unit cabinetry for chips or corrosion. Clean or repair to provide unit protection.Inspect the fan wheel and housing for damage. Rotate the fan wheel manually to be sure movement is not blocked by obstructions.Inspect the coil fins for excessive dirt or damage. Remove dirt and straighten fins.Clean and tighten all electrical connections.Inspect the strainer option for debris trapped in the filter screen.Muilti-Indoor Inverter Heat-Pump SystemQuarterlyOpen access panel. Check running amps on motor and compare to nameplate data-write on work order and report if too high.If the unit is belt driven, check for any cracks and frays. If bad, install a new one. Check the coils for any blockage, derbis or holes and clean, as needed. If unit is direct drive, check for any loose item that might cause the unit any problems. Check bearing or bushing for noise, slack on the shaft, and any higher than normal heat. Check blower wheel for slop on the shaft, loose vans, or debris that might be in the way of the wheel. Lubricate any parts, as needed. Change out the filter. Secure access panel and repair, as needed.EXHIBIT “D-5”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEPLAZA 349 BUILDINGI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the one (1) named location at Plaza 349.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the following systems and equipment, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:CONDENSER UNITSemi-AnnualCheck control system and devices for evidence of improper operation and repair. Adjust or replace components to ensure proper operation.Check control box for dirt, debris and loose terminations. Clean and tighten, as needed.Check motor contactor for pitting or other signs of damage. Repair or replace, as needed.Check fan blades for balance and particulate buildup. Clean and repair as needed to ensure proper operation.Check oil and refrigerant sight glasses, if present. Inspect unit for signs of leakage.Check enclosure for corrosion or degradation. Clean and repair, as needed.Direct coupled fan and motor assemblies. Check bearings and lubricate field serviceable or replace motor, as needed.Inspect air-cooled condenser surfaces. Repair and clean, as needed.Check pipe insulation and repair or replace, as needed.HVACFilterscheck and replacegrille area unrestrictedwipe section cleanclean coilBlower SectionClear debris from blower wheels.Check belt tension and condition and replace, as needed.Check and lube bearings.Check sheave and pulley, replace if worn.Check motor mount.Motor amp draw: L1, L2, L3, compare to nameplate amps.ReheatInspect elements.Check wire connections inside reheat box.Reheat amp draw 1, 2 and 3Steam Generating HumidifierCheck drain valve, drain lines and trap for clogs.Check water make-up valve and all hoses for leaks.Clean strainer.Replace humidifier bottle, as needed.Check operation of humidifier.Check humidifier amp draw L1, L2 and L3Infrared HumidifierCheck drain lines and trap for clogs.Check pan for mineral deposits and clean, as needed.Clean reflector.Check water make-up valve for leaks.Check humidifier lamps, replace if burned out.Check wire connections inside humidifier box.Check humidifier amp draw L1, L2 and L3.Condensate PumpCheck for debris in sump.Check operation of floats for free movement.Refrigeration PipingCheck refrigerant lines, clamps secure, no rubbing or leaks.Check for moisture on sight glass.Water-Cooled CondensersCheck water regulating valve operation.Cap tubes, not rubbing.Check water for glycol leaks.Record water temperature.Leaving pressor SectionCheck oil level.Check for oil leaks.Check compressor mounts, springs and bushings.Cap tubes, not rubbing.Check wire connections inside compressor pressor operation for vibration and noise.Suction pressure circuit #1, circuit #2.Discharge pressure circuit #1, circuit #2.Discharge pressure circuit #1, circuit #2.Superheat Circuit #1, Circuit #2.Low pressure switch cut out circuit #1, Circuit #2.Low pressure cut in Circuit #1, Circuit #2.High pressure cut out Circuit #1, Circuit #2.Check amp draw.Check circuit #1, L1 L2 L3Check Circuit #2, L1 L2 L3Electrical PanelCheck fuses.Check contactors for pitting.Check wire connections.ControlsCheck and verify control operation (Sequence).Check humidifier high water alarm operation.Check operation of the air safety switch.Check setting/operation of the filter clog switch.Check/test changeover device(s).Check/test water detection device(s)Air-Cooled Condenser / Dry-coolerCoil clean.Motor mounts tight.Bearings in good condition (motor).Piping support/clamps secure.Check wire connections.Stat settings.Refrigerant level (Lee-Temp).Glycol level.Glycol solution.Fan speed control operation.Motor amp draw.Glycol PumpCheck pump rotation.Check for glycol leaks.Pump pressures.Amp Draw.Pump changeover (if multiple pumps).Air Conditioning Unit (Evaporator)QuarterlyCheck air filter housing integrity and correct, as needed.Check for particulate accumulation on filters, clean or replace if pressure drop or airflow is outside the established operating limits.Check control system and devices for evidence of improper operation, repair, and adjust or replace components to ensure proper operation.Check p-trap and prime, as needed, to ensure proper operation.Check fan belt tension, ban belt wear, proper alignment and replace, as needed.Check cooling coil for proper operation and clean, restore or replace, as needed. AnnualCheck fan blades, clean, repair, replace, as needed.Check for fouling, corrosion, degradation and clean and repair, as needed.Check drive alignment wear, seating, and operation,and repair or replace, as needed.Check integrity of all panels on equipment. Repair fasteners, as needed, to ensure property integrity, fit and finish of equipment.Lubricate field serviceable bearings.Check drain pan, drain line and coil for biological growth and clean, as needed.Check coil fins for evidence of build-up or fouling and restore, if possible. Replace coil, as needed for proper functioning.Inspect for evidence of moisture carryover from cooling coils, beyond the drain pan, and make corrections and repairs, as needed.Check for proper damper operation and repair, replace and adjust, as needed.Visually inspect for biological growth in areas with moisture accumulation and clean and disinfect, as needed.Visually inspect exposed ductwork and external piping insulation and vapor barrier for integrity and correct, as needed. Visually inspect internally lined ductwork up to the first turn or up to 20 feet into the supply plenum from air handlers, and if soiled or degraded correct, as needed.Air Conditioning UnitMonthlyCheck air filter, housing integrity and correct, as needed.Check for particulate accumulation on filters and clean or replace if accumulation results in pressure drops or airflow outside the established operating limits.Check control system and devices for evidence of improper operation and repair, adjust and replace, as needed.If applicable, check p-trap and prime, as needed.Check cooling coil operation and clean, restore or replace, as needed. Unit Roof Top Air Conditioning UnitMonthly, Inspection and cleaning of evaporative condensing systemDisable the mechanical cooling and pump (lock and tag out).2.Turn off make-up water valve.3.Remove side panels to access the sump.4. Check sump and on the screen for scale and clean, as needed.5.Remove drain plug and clean scale from the pipe that runs to the pump.6. Replace drain plug and screen, and turn make-up water valve back on.7. While the sump is filling up, remove the access panels for the spray bars.8. After the sump is full, turn on the pump and check the spray nozzles.9. If spray nozzles are plugged, shut the pump back down and remove spray bars for cleaning.10. Remove the nozzle and clean out the scale.11. Rinse the spray bars out.12.Reinstall the nozzles, reinstall the spray bars.13.Once the spray bars are back in place, turn on the pump and check the spray.14.After everything is clean replace all access covers.QuarterlyCheck for particulate accumulation on filters and clean or replace if accumulation results in pressure drops or airflow outside the established operating limits.Check air filter and housing integrity and correct, as needed.Lubricate field serviceable bearings.Check steam system traps, pumps, and controls and clean or replace, as needed.Check control system and devices for evidence of improper operation and repair, adjust, or replace components, as needed. 6.Check p-trap and prime, as needed.7.Check fan belt tension, wear and proper alignment and replace, as needed.8.Check variable frequency drive for proper operation and correct, as needed.9.Check for proper operation of cooling or heating coil, and clean, restore or replace, as needed.Annual1.Check control box for dirt, debris and loose terminations and clean, as needed.2.Check motor contactor for pitting and other signs of damage and repair or replace, as needed. 3.Check fan blades and clean, repair or replace, as needed.4.Check refrigerant system pressures and temperatures and if outside of recommended levels, repair and adjust. 5.Check drive alignment, wear, seating and operation and repair or replace, as needed. 6.Check integrity of all panels on equipment and replace fasteners, as needed. 7.Lubricate field serviceable bearings.8.Check for evidence of build-up or fouling on heat exchange surfaces and clean, as needed. 9.Check drain pan, drain line and coil for biological growth and clean, as needed.10.Check evaporator coil fins and restore, if possible or replace, as needed.11.Inspect for evidence of moisture carryover from cooling coils beyond the drain pan and correct or repair, as needed.12.Check for proper damper operation and repair or replace, as needed. 13.Inspec air-cooled condenser surfaces and repair and clean, as needed.14.Check low ambient head pressure control sequence for proper operation and repair or replace components or modify software algorithm, as needed.15.Check for excessive scale or debris on condenser surfaces and clean, as needed.16.Check combustion chamber, burner and flue for deterioration, leaks, moisture problems, condensation and combustion. Clean, test and adjust combustion process, as needed.17.Visually inspect areas of moisture accumulation for biological growth and clean and disinfect, as needed. 18.Check condensate pump and clean or replace, as needed.19.Check refrigerant oil levels for refrigerant systems with oil pressure and level controls and repair or replace, as needed.20.Visually inspect exposed ductwork and external piping for insulation and vapor barrier for integrity and correct, as needed.21.Visually inspect internally lined ductwork up to the first turn or up to 20 feet into the supply plenum from air handlers, and if soiled or degraded correct, as needed.CONTRACT NO. 01-1-14-7288EXHIBIT “D-6”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEPUBLIC SAFETY BUILDINGI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the one (1) named location at the Public Safety Building.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the following systems and equipment, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:COOLING TOWERSMonthlyInspect general condition of the tower and check unit for unusual noise vibrationInspect combined inlet shieldsCheck and adjust water level in basinCheck operation of make-up valveCheck and adjust bleed rateCheck belt ConditionQuarterlyInspect cold water basinFlush water distribution system/inspect spray nozzlesAdjust belt tensionLubricate fan shaft bearingsLubricate motor base adjusting screwCheck motor voltage and currentClean fan motor exteriorCheck fan motor for proper rotationCheck general condition of the fanCheck and unplug fan drain holes (hollow blade fans)Check fan for uniform pitchCheck fan for rotation without obstructionCheck and recoat steel shaft with Rust VetoClean water level sensor stainless steel electrodesAnnuallyInspect Tower finishCheck Drive alignmentChiller, Air CooledCheck the oil level and refrigerant chargeAnalyze compressor oil for moisture and acid levelLeak test chillerCheck operation and safety controlsInspect electrical components for proper operationInspect pipes for leaks and damageClean all water strainersClean and repaint any components that show corrosionClean condenser coilChiller, Water CooledAnnual Maintenance ChecksElectrical Componentscheck all external interlocksinspect compressor terminalstighten all contactor, relay and circuit breaker terminalscheck all safety controlscheck and record voltages and amperages for compressorsinspect relay contacts for damage or pittingRefrigeration Circuitsanalyze refrigerant with tube type moisture/acid analyzercheck and record refrigerant subcooling and superheatcheck liquid solenoid valves (if applicable)check expansion valve and sensing bulb connectionsCondenser and Chilled Water Systemclean pump strainers and system strainersremove header caps and clean the CW and CHW strainers in accordance with the Multistack? Annual Cleaning Procedure detailed in this manualEXHIBIT “D-7”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEFACILITY SERVICES CENTRAL PLANTI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the one (1) named location for Facility Services.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the following systems and equipment, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:COOLING TOWERAnnualCheck control box for dirt, debris and terminations, and clean and tighten, as needed.Check motor contactor for pitting or other signs of damage and repair or replace, as needed.Check fan blades and clean, repair or replace, as needed.Check for fouling, corrosion and degradation and clean or repair, as needed.Lubricate field serviceable bearings.Check for evidence of build-up of rouling on wet decks, fill and exterior louvers and clean, as needed.Check for proper fluid flow and clean, adjust and repair, as needed.Check for proper damper operation and repair, replace or adjust, as needed.Check for dirt, debris and clean, as needed.Check cooling gower motors and pumps for proper operation, and repair or replace, as needed.Check nozzles and clean, as needed.Semi-AnnualCheck control system and devices for evidence of improper operation, and repair, adjust or replace, as needed.Check variable frequency drive for proper operation and correct, as needed.Visually inspect pumps and associated electrical components, and repair or replace, as needed.QuarterlyInspect blow-down or drain valve and clear all debris to ensure proper operation, and repair or replace, as needed.Check chemical injector device, as needed.Check cooling tower fan drive system for excessive wear, proper bearing seating and proper alignment, and adjust, repair or replace, as needed. Inspect sump and strainer, and clean, as needed.WeeklyClean and flush pan.Check operating level in pan and adjust float, if needed.Check water distribution system and sprays.Check water distribution system and sprays.Check drift eliminators for proper position. Check belt tension and adjust, as needed.Check fan screens, inlet louvers, and fans, and remove any dirt or debris. Lubricate fan shaft bearings. Check water quality for biological contamination. Clean unit, as needed, and contact a water treatment company for recommended water treatment program. Recommended Water Chemistry: PH 6.5 -8.0, Hardness as CaCO3, 50, 300ppm, Alkalinity as CaCO3, 50, 300ppmVisually check all areas and aspects of cooling tower.Check bleed-off valve to make sure it is operative.Clean pan plete water make test and add chemicals, as needed.CHILLERAnnualInspect unit for proper operation.Check oil level while unit is running. Note: oil level must be between ?” and ?” in the oil sight glass.Condenser fan motors are permanently lubricated. Fans need to be clear of obstructions. Clean condenser coils, as needed.Check operating temperatures and pressures limits, which must be within limits set in operation start-up section of operations manual.Pale yellow oil is acceptable.If oil darkens or changes in color, a sample must be taken and analyzed. If contaminants are present, system must be cleaned to prevent compressor failure.Check battery backup for proper operation.Check for loose hardware.Check components for proper operation.Check for refrigeration leaks.Check for unusual noise. MonthlyInspect unit for proper operation.Check oil level while unit is running. Note: oil level must be between ?” and ?” in the oil sight glass.Condenser fan motors are permanently lubricated. Fans need to be clear of obstructions. Clean condenser coils, as needed.Check operating temperatures and pressures limits, which must be within limits set in operation start-up section of operations manual.Pale yellow oil is acceptable. If oil darkens, report to City.BOILERQuarterlyVisually inspect unit for any leaks or problems.Check for water and fuel connection leaks and repair them.Check the feed water treatment operation.Shut the boiler off and let system cool.Clean the fire tubes of any soot.Inspect the boiler feed pump packing glands and tighten, as needed.Check for any replacement of refactory maintenance needs.Check the burner nozzle, which consists of nozzle tip, strainer, locknut, disc and brass body, and clean, as needed.Check the motor starts, a three phase motor, and repair or replace, as needed.Check all thermal relay units.Inspect the program control relays.Check the safety warp reset button for correct operation.Check the high limit pressure or temperature . Check the low water control switch for correct operation.Check the photo-cell and maintain, as needed.Clean the fuel strainer and gasket, if unit has one.Check other parts on the fuel oil pump.Check belts and replace, if needed. Make any needed adjustments to fill boiler.Return boiler to service and inspect for correct operation.Follow boiler load reduction and cool-down procedures per chapter 5. of City service manual.Perform energy isolation and lockout and tagout procedures for water, steam, electrical and mechanical energy. Inspect isolate, lockout and tagout system valves, drain valves, fuel valves, expansion tank valves and shut off electrical switches.Drain water side of unit and flush with water hose.Clean the metal surfaces, wells, joints, tube ends, and fittings, check previous repairs, and repair, as needed. Remove all pipe plugs from crosses on the boiler mountings and unbolt the top of the low water cut out.Inspect, clean and repair component piping, as needed.FURNACEAnnualRemove nuts and open door to combustion chamber. Do not let door fall on the floor. 2.Note: never re-use old rope gasket. Replace with new gasket after opening. 3. Remove soot deposits.4. Check the refractory and repair anything larger than a hairline.5. Check the condition of insulation board near top, front and rear refractory walls.6. Check blanket insulation on the furnace roof between tubes, repack and repair, as needed.7. Inspect and repair tube connections to lower drum, as needed. Re-seat loose tubes, make sure hold-down clips are in place, and repair missing clips.8.Inspect, clean, repair and adjust combustion dampers.9.Put Teflon tape on all new pipe plugs and install the McDonnell-Miller low water cutout using a #5 rectorseal on ranges.10.Clean the handholds with wire wheel and clean the drum with scraper and brush.11.Install new handhold gaskets. Make sure the handhold and gasket are centered in the drum. Insert dog bolts completely in slots of handhole, tighten evenly, and fill with treated feedwater, vent. Check all connections and connect, if needed. 12.Inspect and clean electrical controls, as needed, and remove dust. Test fire after purging with no pressure, then shut down and secure all gas and electrical lines.13.Calibrate or install pre-calibrated gauges and thermometers.14.Lubricate motor bearings and control linkages.15.Follow procedures for Burner Component.16.Reverse lockout and tagout procedures and open valves, as needed.17.Start-up as per Boiler Operations.18.Clean boiler area and remove and dispose of trash.EXHIBIT “D-8”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEFACILITY SERVICES SHOPI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the one (1) named location for Facility Services.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the following systems and equipment, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:FURNACEQuarterlyCheck air filter and housing integrity and correct, as needed.Check for particulate accumulation on filters and clean or replace if accumulation results in pressure drops or airflow outside the established operating limits.Check control system and devices for evidence of improper operation and repair, adjust, or replace components, as needed. Check fan belt tension, wear and proper alignment and replace, as needed.Check control box for dirt and debris. Clean and tighten loose terminations, as needed. Check fan blades and clean and tighten, as needed.7.Check drive alignment, wear, seating and operation, and repair or replace, as needed.8.Check all panels on equipment.9.Replace fasteners, as needed, to ensure proper integrity and fit and finish of equipment.10.Lubricate field serviceable bearings11.Check for proper damper operations, and repair, adjust or replace, as needed.12.Check combustion chamber, burner and flue for deterioration, moisture problems, condensation and combustion products. Clean, test and adjust combustion process for proper operation.13.Check heat exchanger and clean, as needed, to ensure proper operation and to remove scale and sediment. Check for leaks.Roof Top UnitQuarterlyCheck for particulate accumulation on filters. Clean or replace if accumulation results in pressure drop or airflow is outside of the established operating limits.Check air filter and housing integrity, and correct, as needed.Check steam system traps, pumps and controls, and clean or replace, as needed.Check control system and devices for evidence of improper operation, and repair, adjust or replace, as needed.Check p-trap and prime, as needed.Check fan belt tension, belt wear and proper alignment, and replace, as needed.Check variable frequency drive for proper operation and correct, as needed.Check for proper operation of cooling and heating coil, and clean, restore or replace, as needed. AnnualCheck control box for dirt, debris or loose terminations, and clean and tighten, as needed.Check motor contactor for pitting or other signs of damage, and repair or replace, as needed.Check fan blades and clean, repair or replace, as needed.Check refrigerant system pressures and temperatures. If they are ouside of recommended levels, find cause and repair and adjust refrigerant to achieve optimal operating levels.Check drive alignment, wear, seating and operation, and repair or replace, as needed.Check integrity of all panels on equipment. Replace fasteners, as needed, to ensure proper integrity, fit and finish of equipment.Lubricate field serviceable bearings.Check for evidence of build-up or fouling on heat exchange surfaces, and clean, as needed.Check drain pan, drain line and coil for biological growth and clean, as needed.Check evaporator coil fins. Restore, if possible or replace coil, if needed.Inspect for evidence of moisture carryover beyond the drain pan from cooling coils. Make corrections or repairs, as needed.Check for proper damper operation and repair, adjust or replace, as needed.Inspect air-cooled condenser surfaces and clean or repair, as needed.Check low ambient head pressure control sequence for proper operation. Repair or replace components or modity software and algorithm to ensure proper operation.Check for excessive scale or debris on condenser surfaces and clean, as needed.Check combustion chamber, burner and flue for deterioration, leaks, moisture problems. Condensation and combustion products. Test, clean and adjust combustion process.Visually inspect areas of moisture accumulation for biological growth and, if present, clean and disinfect, as needed.Check condensate pump and clean or replace, as needed.Check refrigerant oil levels for refrigerant systems with oil pressure and level controls, and adjust, repair and replace, as needed.Visually inspect exposed ductwork and external piping for insulation and vapor barrier for integrity, and correct, as needed.Visually inspect internally lined ductwork until the first turn or up to 20 feet into the supply plenum from air handler for integrity and if soiled or degraded, correct.SWAMP COOLERStart-Up - AnnualRemove cover and put it in dry storage until Fall.Change pads (only if necessary).Hook up water line /Clean water pan.Install overflow tube.Clean pump.Oil fan bearings.Oil motor bearings.Check bearing wear.Check belt tension and adjust or change belt, if needed.Place overflow in position.Turn on water.Check water level and adjust, as needed.Turn electrical power on.Check pump operation.Check sprayers, clean or replace, as needed.Check operation of unit and thermostat controls.Shutdown – AnnualTurn off water.Remove overflow tube.Disconnect water lines.Blow out water lines.Install cooler cover.EXHIBIT “D-9”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEPUBLIC SERVICES MAINTENANCE FACILITYI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the one (1) named location at the Public Services Maintenance Facility.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the following systems and equipment, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:CRAC CondenserMonthlyCheck heat exchanger for obstruction to the inlet air side of coil.Bleed air from glycol system.AnnualCheck the glycol system for leaks and corrosion.Check electrical components for loose wire connections.Check contactor contacts for pitting.Check glycol solution level in the system.Check fan motors.CRACMonthlyCheck filters and replace, as needed.Check belt tension and adjust according to OEM manuals,QuarterlyBoilerAnnuallyCheck firing rate control with combustion test.Perform valve leak test per valve manufactuer’s instructions.Check combustion safety controls including pilot turndown test, flame failure, and flame signal strength.Check high limit safety control.Inspect burner components.Check blower motor and wheel for cleanliness.Remove inspect and clean gas pilot assembly.Air Cooled ChillerMonthlyCheck condenser coils for debris, clean as necessary following recommended guidelines.Check moisture indicating sight glass for possible refrigerant loss and presence of moisture.QuarterlyCheck refrigerant charge.Check all refrigerant joints and valves for refrigerant leaks and repair, as needed.Check chilled water flow switch operation.Check condenser coils for debris and clean, as needed, following recommended guidelines.Check sight glass moisture indicator for moisture.Check all condenser fans for proper operation.Check compressor oil level.Check crankcase heater operation.Inspect pump seal, if equipped with an hydronic pump package.AnnualCheck all electrical connections and tighten, as needed.Inspect all contactors and relays, and replace, as needed.Check accuracy of thermistors and replace if greater than ±2° F (1.2° C) variance from calibrated thermometer.Check accuracy of transducers and replace if greater than ±5 psi (34.47 kPa) variance.Check to be sure that the proper concentration of antifreeze is present in the chilled water loop, if applicable.Verify that the chilled water loop is properly treated.Check refrigerant filter driers for excessive pressure drop and replace, as needed.Check chilled water strainers and clean, as needed.Check cooler heater operation, if equipped.Check pump heater operation, if equipped.Check condition of condenser fan blades and that they are securely fastened to the motor shaft.Perform service test to confirm operation of all components.Check for excessive cooler approach, leaving chilled water temperature and saturated suction temperature, which may indicate fouling. Clean cooler vessel, as needed.IDECMonthlyFilters must be replaced on a regular basis. Use filter gauge to monitor filter pressure drop.Check that belt is maintained at proper tension. Typically the fan should deflect about .5" under minimal pressure as applied by hand.Fan shaft bearings and some motor bearings require regular inspection of grease. Some bearings require no grease and often bearings fail from over-greasing. Coils, coil drain pans and other wet areas may require periodic cleaning to reduce pressure drop and ensure proper operation.Semi Annual Drain downMake sure coils are protected against freeze conditions by using a glycol solution or a drain.Check all moving and mechanical parts for wear and alignment.Drain direct evaporative section.Semi Annual Start-upInspect drain annually to ensure it is not plugged with lint or other debris. Failure to do so can result in a flooded mechanical room.Check all moving and mechanical parts for wear and alignment.Make-up Air UnitMonthlyCheck belt for wear and alignmentCheck filters and replace filters as necessarySeasonal Shut DownCheck Belts.Lubricated Field serviceable bearing.Check Filter Media.Winterize water delivery system.Check blower and motor sheave for wear.Clean unit as needed inside and out.Blower AssemblyAnnualBlower bearings should be checked and lubricated based on the blower manufacturer's recommendations. Check bearings for any unusual wear and replace, as needed.Drive sheaves should be checked at the same time the bearings are inspected. Check that sheaves are in alignment and securely fastened to the blower and motor shafts.Duct FurnaceAnnual Keep the unit free from dust, dirt, grease and foreign matter.To check the burner port and pilot burner orifice see Burner and Pilot Assembly Removal.To check the air shutters and main burner orifices see Manifold Assembly Removal.The heat exchanger should be checked annually for cracks and discoloration of the tubes. If a crack is detected, the heat exchanger should be replaced before the unit is put back into service. If the tubes are dark gray, airflow across the heat exchanger should be checked to insure that a blockage has not occurred and the blower is operating properly.Electrical WiringAnnualCheck the electrical wiring for loose connections or deteriorated insulation.Gas Piping & ControlsAnnualCheck the gas valves and piping for general cleanliness and tightness.Check the gas controls to insure the unit is operating properly.Coil MaintenancePeriodically inspect the coil for signs of corrosion and leaks. For DX coils, Small leaks can be detected using a Halide torch. Repair and replace the coil and the connecting piping and valves, as needed.Use a cleaning fluid specifically designed for the coil surface and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Improper selection can result in damage to the coil and could be a health hazards. Clean the coil from the outtake air-side so foreign material will be washed out rather than pushed further in. For DX coils, use filter-dryers in the system piping along with a sight glass that has a moisture indicator. Replace the filter dryers, as needed.For chilled fluid coils,Clean and maintain the circulated fluid so it is free of sediment, corrosive products and biological contaminants. Periodically test the fluid and perform necessary corrective measures, as needed. Maintain adequate fluid velocities and proper filtering of the fluid.Use automatic air vents to remove accumulated air.Gas Unit Heater AnnualAt least once per year, the heating system should be inspected and serviced by trained gas installation and service personnel only. This inspection should be performed at the beginning of the heating season to insure all heater components are in proper working order and the heating system is operating at peak performance. Blower MotorAnnual.Oil the blower motor with SAE 20 oil to extend the bearing life. Inspect and clean the squirrel cage in the blower, as needed. If dirt becomes a problem, installation of outside air intake ducts for combustion is recommended.Vent pipe systemCheck the outside termination and the connections at the heater. Inspect the vent exhausts for leakage, damage, fatigue, corrosion and obstructions. If dirt becomes a problem, installation of outside air intake ducts for combustion is bustion Air Intake System (when applicable)Check for blockage and leakage. Check the outside termination and the connection at the heater.Heat exchangersCheck the integrity of the heat exchangers and replace it if there are signs of structural failure. Check for corrosion and buildup within the tube exchanger passageways.BurnerCheck for proper ignition, burner flame and flame sense. Flame should extend directly outward from burner without floating or lifting.WiringCheck electrical connections for tightness and corrosion. Check wires for damage.Gas ConnectionInspect the integrity of the gas connection to the heater. Check for leaks, damage, fatigue or corrosion. If repairs are needed, do not operate and turn off the gas supply to the heater and contact service personnel.ReflectorsTo maintain effective infra-red heating, always keep both sides of the reflector clean. Maintenance can vary significantly depending on the environment. Dirt and dust can be vacuumed or wiped with a soap and water solution. Use metal polish if the reflectors are severely dirty.Wall Air Conditioning UnitAnnualCoils & ChassisDo not let the electrical parts of the unit get wet. Cover all electrical components to protect them from water or spray.Inspect and clean the indoor and outdoor coil and base pan, removing all debris. Clean the coils and base pan with a soft brush using compressed air or a vacuum. When using a pressure washer be careful not to bend the aluminum fin pack. Use a sweeping up and down motion in the direction of the vertical aluminum fin pack when pressure cleaning coils.Use a biodegradable cleaning agent and degreaser to clean the coils. Do not use a caustic coil cleaning agent on the coils or base pan. The use of harsh cleaning materials may lead to deterioration of the aluminum fins or the coil end plates.Wall SleeveAnnualInspect the inside of the wall sleeve and drain system.EXHIBIT “D-10”HVAC EQUIPMENTPREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEPARKS MAINTENANCE FACILITYI.GENERAL OVERVIEW OF SERVICE. Contractor shall perform the required maintenance and service on the named equipment at the one (1) named location at the Parks Maintenance Facility.Preventative maintenance shall be done on a quarterly basis, unless specified differently, such as annual, semi-annual, seasonal start-up and shut-down, mid-season and monthly.Contractor shall check the following systems and equipment, make the necessary adjustments and replacements, and clean as required, in accordance with industry standards. II.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Contractor shall provide the following services for the type of equipment specified:Air Condenser1. Check control system and devices for evidence of improper operation and adjust, repair or replace.2. Check control box for dirt, debris and/or loose terminations. clean and tighten as needed.3. Check motor contactor for pitting or other signs of damage. repair or replace as needed.4. Check fan blades for balance and particulate buildup. clean, repair or replace as needed to ensure proper operation.5. Check oil/refrigerant sight glasses if present. inspect unit for signs of leakage6. Check enclosure for corrosion or degradation. clean or repair as needed.7. Direct coupled fan/motor assemblies, check bearings and lubricate field serviceable or replace motor if needed.8. Inspect air-cooled condenser surfaces. repair or clean as needed.9.Check pipe insulation replace or repair as needed B.Air CondenserQuarterlyCheck for particulate accumulation on intake filters and clean or replace if accumulation results in pressure drop of airflow outside of established operating limits. Check air filter and housing for integrity and correct, as needed.Semi- Annual1. Check control system and devices for evidence of improper operation and adjust, repair or replace components, as needed.2. Check p-trap and prime, as needed, to ensure proper operation.3. Check fan belt tension, check for belt wear and proper alignment and replace, as needed, to ensure proper operation.4. Check for proper operation of cooling or heating coil and clean, restore or replace, as needed.5. Check the coils for any blockage, debries, or holes and clean, as needed. If unit is direct drive check for any loose item that might cause the unit any problems. 7. Check and clean coils, if present.C.Gas Unit HeaterCheck unit to make sure it is clean from dust, paper, debris, and clean, as needed. Check heat exchanger for any defects or cracks.Check pilot light to insure proper operation. Fire up unit and check the flame for proper flame burn. Cycle the unit through the thermostat making sure the unit comes on and goes off at the set temperature. Make sure the flue is clear of all obstructions and debris. Set thermostat at desired temperature.D.Air Conditioner Split SystemClean or replace filter.Check electrical cord for damage.Clean the evaporator and condenser coils.Re-establish power to unit and check for proper operation. ................

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