Rationale for the Course:
College ReadinessBaltimore City Public Schools Scope and SequenceTable of Contents: Click on the link below to be taken directly to the components of the scope and sequence document. Sequence of College Readiness Modules Rationale for Module SequenceCollege Readiness Semester-at-a-GlanceCollege Readiness Monthly Planning CalendarCity Schools' Mathematical Instructional ModelCollege Readiness Lesson DescriptionsCollege Readiness Daily Planning CalendarBaltimore City Public School Mathematics ResourcesSequence of College Readiness Modules Aligned with the StandardsCollege Readiness MathCollege Readiness Math is divided into two major parts. The first half of the course is a two-part algebra sequence focused on arithmetic and linear relationships, including these relationships in graphs and solving equations. The second half of the course will focus on the probability and statistics standards that require students to make comparisons between distributions of data and express relationships in categorical and quantitative bivariate data. This course prepares students for success in a variety of general education mathematics courses both in and out of an algebra-intensive pathway, such as Modern Elementary Statistics, Mathematics for Liberal Arts, or Intermediate Algebra. Additionally, problem solving strategies and the use of calculators to solve real world applications are stressed throughout the course. College Readiness UnitsUnit 1: Number Systems & Algebraic ExpressionsUnit 2: Measurement and Proportional ReasoningUnit 3: Linear Equations & InequalitiesUnit 4: Linear Equations in the Coordinate PlaneUnit 5: Exponents and Polynomial ArithmeticUnit 6: Factoring and Solving Quadratics with Special ProductsUnit 7: Descriptive Statistics and ProbabilityMajor Emphasis ClustersNumber and Operations *The Real Number System (N-RN)Expressions and Equations *Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equationsAlgebra *Interpret the structure of expressions (A-SSE) *Write expressions in equivalent forms to solve problems (A-SSE) *Polynomial arithmetic (A-APR) *Create equations that describe numbers or relationships (A-CED) *Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning (A-REI) *Solve equations and inequalities in one variable (linear and quadratic) (A-REI) *Represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically (A-REI)Functions *Build a function that models a relationship between two quantities (F-BF) *Construct and compare linear and quadratic models and solve problems (F-LE)Data Analysis and Statistics *Summarize, represent, and interpret data on a single count or measurement variable (S-ID) *Summarize, represent, and interpret data on two categorical and quantitative variables (S-ID) *Interpret linear models (S-ID) *Probability (S-CP) *Make inference and justify conclusions from sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies (S-IC)Rationale for the Course:Throughout their secondary experience, students have investigated variables and expressions, solved equations, constructed and analyzed tables, used equations and graphs to describe relationships between quantities, and studied linear equations and systems of equations. In previous years, students have contrasted exponential and linear functions while they explored exponential models using the familiar tools of tables, graphs, and symbols. Further study gave students opportunities to study quadratic functions, all the while making connections between functions and equations to give students more ways to model and make sense of problems. College Readiness is a course that is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake postsecondary academic or career preparation in non-STEM fields or majors. The course is built with rigor, innovative instructional strategies, and a concentration on contextual learning that departs from procedural memorization and focuses on engaging learners in a mathematical context. As such, this course serves as a fourth mathematics course for a student who is developing the skills needed for postsecondary-level pursuits.Throughout this course, students should continue to develop proficiency with the Common Core’s Standards of Mathematical Practice (SMP):1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others4. Model with mathematics5. Use appropriate tools strategically6. Attend to precision7. Look for and make use of structure8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoningThese practices should become the natural way in which students come to understand and do mathematics. While any practice might be brought to focus within a lesson or block of lessons, depending on the content to be understood or on the problem to be solved, some practices may prove more useful than others.Time allotment: Students will take the course for a semester. Semester 1 corresponds to the fall semester and semester 2 corresponds to the spring semester. Time allotments are based on instructional blocks. Note: There is a difference between fall and spring time allotments because spring senior exams are administered at an early date. Marking Periods 2019-2020Semester 1Quarter 1Sept 3 – Nov 7Units 1 & 2Semester 2Quarter 3Jan 27 – Apr 1Units 1 & 2Units 3 & 4Units 3 & 4Quarter 2Nov 8 – Jan 23Units 5 & 6Quarter 4Apr 2 – June 15*Units 5 & 6Unit 7Unit 7MATHCollege Readiness: Scope and Sequence College Readiness Semester 1 – at – a – GlanceQuarter 1(9/3/19 – 11/07/19)Quarter 2(11/08/19 – 01/23/20)CourseContentU1: Number Systems & Algebraic ExpressionsU2: Measurement and Proportional ReasoningU3: Linear Equations & InequalitiesU4: Linear Equations in the Coordinate PlaneU5: Exponents and Polynomial ArithmeticU6: Factoring and Solving Quadratics with Special ProductsU7: Descriptive Statistics and ProbabilityAssessmentsDiagnosticUnit 1, 2, 3, 4 QuizInterim A1 & A2 (together these are the CCR determiner)Unit 5, 6, 7 QuizInterim A3 & A4CCR Determiner (only if non-pass in Q1)College Readiness Semester 2 – at – a – GlanceQuarter 3(01/27/20 – 04/01/20)Quarter 4(04/02/20 – 06/10/20)CourseContentU1: Number Systems & Algebraic ExpressionsU2: Measurement and Proportional ReasoningU3: Linear Equations & InequalitiesU4: Linear Equations in the Coordinate PlaneU5: Exponents and Polynomial ArithmeticU6: Factoring and Solving Quadratics with Special ProductsU7: Descriptive Statistics and ProbabilityAssessmentsDiagnosticUnit 1, 2, 3, 4 QuizInterim A1 & A2 (together these are the CCR determiner)Unit 5, 6, 7 QuizInterim A3 & A4CCR Determiner (only if non-pass in Q1)College Readiness Monthly Planning CalendarSemester 1?September (20 days)October (21 days)November (18 days)?Curriculum:Unit 1Curriculum:Unit 3Curriculum:Unit 5?Formative Assessments:Formative Assessments:Formative Assessments:Unit 5 AssessmentDecember (15 days)January (15 days)Curriculum:Unit 6Curriculum:Formative Assessments:Unit 6 AssessmentFormative Assessments:Accuplacer AssessmentEnd-of-Course AssessmentSemester 2?January (5 days)February (19 days)March (21 days)?Curriculum:Unit 1, Unit 2Curriculum:Unit 3, Unit 4Curriculum:Unit 5, Unit 6?Formative Assessments:Accuplacer DiagnosticUnit 1 AssessmentUnit 2 AssessmentFormative Assessments:Unit 3 AssessmentUnit 4 AssessmentFormative Assessments:Unit 5 AssessmentMiddle-of-Course AssessmentApril (15 days)May (15 days)Curriculum:Unit 6, Unit 7Curriculum:Formative Assessments:Unit 6 AssessmentUnit 7 AssessmentFormative Assessments:Accuplacer AssessmentEnd-of-Course Assessmentcenter-265559Components of a LessonStudent Outcomes: A description of the learning expectations of the lesson.Lesson Notes (select lessons): Notes for the teacher about such things as conventional notation or expected prior understanding.ClassworkOpening (select lessons): A question or problem designed to be low entry, high ceiling to get students primed for the lesson content. Examples: Math problems that can be used to guide students through the new learning of the lesson.Exercises: Math problems that can be used to allow students to practice the new learning of the lesson.Closing: Questions, discussion guidance, or problems that help students summarize the learning to meet the student outcome(s).Exit ticket: A short set of math problems that can be used as formative assessment of the lesson’s learning.Problem Set: a supplemental set of problems based on the content of the current lesson, generally expected to be used as independent practice. These problems should be thoughtfully selected to maximize student effort and understanding without creating unnecessary busy work or work outside of the lesson intention and student outcomes.Secondary Eureka Math Lesson Components GuideComponents of the model are provided by the Eureka curriculum. Lessons in A Story of Ratios (6 - 8) and A Story of Functions (9 – 12) are written for a 45-minute class period. Timing for each component is allotted within each lesson; however, each lesson may not incorporate every component, in the same order. All Eureka 6 - 12 lessons are designed to be examples of strong mathematical instruction but should be customized to meet the needs of your students to accomplish the outcomes of the lesson; and these customizations could require more than the suggested time.Each lesson is formatted as one of four types; each driven by the specific content of the lesson.On-Going Learning: Instruction that happens in addition to the Eureka components, and would therefore need an additional 10-30 minutes of time allocated within the math block. Organized by frequent, on-going assessments, instruction should reinforce, re-engage, enrich, or pre-teach specific skills or concepts. This instruction may include small groups, fluency practice, extended learning of the current lesson, etc.Visit this link to watch a video for more information about the guide: 2019Components of a LessonStudent Outcomes: A description of the learning expectations of the lesson.Lesson Notes (select lessons): Notes for the teacher about such things as conventional notation or expected prior understanding.ClassworkOpening (select lessons): A question or problem designed to be low entry, high ceiling to get students primed for the lesson content. Examples: Math problems that can be used to guide students through the new learning of the lesson.Exercises: Math problems that can be used to allow students to practice the new learning of the lesson.Closing: Questions, discussion guidance, or problems that help students summarize the learning to meet the student outcome(s).Exit ticket: A short set of math problems that can be used as formative assessment of the lesson’s learning.Problem Set: a supplemental set of problems based on the content of the current lesson, generally expected to be used as independent practice. These problems should be thoughtfully selected to maximize student effort and understanding without creating unnecessary busy work or work outside of the lesson intention and student outcomes.Secondary Eureka Math Lesson Components GuideComponents of the model are provided by the Eureka curriculum. Lessons in A Story of Ratios (6 - 8) and A Story of Functions (9 – 12) are written for a 45-minute class period. Timing for each component is allotted within each lesson; however, each lesson may not incorporate every component, in the same order. All Eureka 6 - 12 lessons are designed to be examples of strong mathematical instruction but should be customized to meet the needs of your students to accomplish the outcomes of the lesson; and these customizations could require more than the suggested time.Each lesson is formatted as one of four types; each driven by the specific content of the lesson.On-Going Learning: Instruction that happens in addition to the Eureka components, and would therefore need an additional 10-30 minutes of time allocated within the math block. Organized by frequent, on-going assessments, instruction should reinforce, re-engage, enrich, or pre-teach specific skills or concepts. This instruction may include small groups, fluency practice, extended learning of the current lesson, etc.Visit this link to watch a video for more information about the guide: 2019center11118200College Readiness Math Lesson DescriptionsCollege Readiness Math TopicsTime allotment(1 block = 45 min)Lesson DescriptionCommon Core State StandardsCollege Readiness Math Unit 1: Number Systems & Algebraic ExpressionsCourse info & Diagnostic2MWBAT: understand course expectationsdemonstrate current level of mastery and understanding Integers2MWBAT: add, subtract, multiply, and divide integersapply the order of operations to simplify algebraic expressions using integers6.NS.B.3: Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.7.NS.A.1: Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers7.NS.A.2: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.HSA-APR.A.1: Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.Rational Numbers3MWBAT:add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers and decimalsapply the order of operations to simplify algebraic expressions using rational numbersAlgebraic Expressions4MWBAT:simplify algebraic expressions by combining like terms and applying the distributive propertyevaluate algebraic expressions given valuesReview Unit 11MWBAT:demonstrate mastery of unit 1 skillsUnit 1 Assessment1MWBAT:demonstrate mastery of unit 1 skillsCollege Readiness Math Unit 2: Measurement and Proportional ReasoningProportions2MWBAT:solve application problems involving proportions 7.RP.A.2: Recognize and represent proportional relationships between quantities.7.RP.A.3: Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems.Percents2MWBAT:convert between percent, fraction, and decimalsolve application problems involving percents including interest problemsMeasurement Systems2MWBAT:recognize and compare the US and metric measurement systemsReview Unit 21MWBAT:demonstrate mastery of unit 2 skillsUnit 2 Assessment1MWBAT:demonstrate mastery of unit 2 skillsInterim #1 Assessment1MWBAT:demonstrate mastery of unit 1 & 2 skillsAll of the standards from Units 1 & 2College Readiness Math Unit 3: Linear Equations & InequalitiesLinear Equations Introduction2MWBAT:Solve one- and two-step equationsRepresent word problems using mathematicsTranslate verbal statements into algebraic equationsHSA-CED.A.1: Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems.HSA-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including equations with coefficients represented by letters.Multi-step equations4MWBAT:Solve multi-step equationsRepresent word problems using mathematicsTranslate verbal statements into algebraic equationsLinear Inequalities 4MWBAT:Solve multi-step inequalitiesGraph inequality solutions on a number lineRepresent word problems using mathematicsTranslate verbal statements into algebraic inequalitiesReview Unit 31MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of unit 3 skillsUnit 3 Assessment1MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of unit 3 skillsCollege Readiness Math Unit 4: Linear Equations in the Coordinate PlaneCoordinate Points1MWBAT:Plot (x, y) coordinate points on the graphIdentify (x, y) coordinates of plotted points8.F.B.4: Construct a function to model a linear relationship between two quantities. Determine the rate of change?and initial value of the function from a description of a relationship or from two (x, y) values, including reading these from a table or from a graph. Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear function in terms of the situation it models, and in terms of its graph or a table of values.HSF-IF.B.6: Calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a function (presented symbolically or as a table) over a specified interval. Estimate the rate of change from a graphHSF-IF.C.7b: Graph linear and quadratic functions and show intercepts, maxima, and minima8.EE.C.7b: Solve linear equations with rational number coefficients, including equations whose solutions require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms.yHSG-GPE.B.5: Prove the slope criteria for parallel and perpendicular lines and use them to solve geometric problems (e.g., find the equation of a line parallel or perpendicular to a given line that passes through a given point).Slope3MWBAT:Find the slope given two ordered pairs, a graphed line, an equation, a parallel or perpendicular lineSlope-intercept form4MWBAT:Find the slope-intercept equation given a slope and y-intercept, a point and parallel slope, a point and perpendicular slope, two points, an equation in standard form, a graph, and a word problemPoint-slope form2MWBAT:Find the point-slope equation given two points Review Unit 41MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 4 skills Unit 4 Assessment1MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 4 skillsInterim #2 Assessment1MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 3 & 4 skillsAll standards listed for Unit 3 & Unit 4College Readiness Math Unit 5: Exponents and Polynomial ArithmeticProperties of Exponents3MWBAT:Simplify expressions by applying properties of exponentsRewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents using the properties of exponentsHSN-RN.A.1: Explain how the definition of the meaning of rational exponents follows from extending the properties of integer exponents to those values, allowing for a notation for radicals in terms of rational exponents.?HSN-RN.A.2: Rewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents using the properties of exponents.HSA-APR.A.1: Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.Scientific Notation1MWBAT:Rewrite numbers using scientific notationCompute with large numbers using scientific notationOperations with Polynomials4MWBAT:Add, subtract, multiply, and divide with polynomialsReview Unit 51MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 5 skillsUnit 5 Assessment1MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 5 skillsCollege Readiness Math Unit 6: Factoring and Solving Quadratics with Special ProductsFactoring with GCF1MWBAT:Factor polynomial expressions using the GCFHSA-APR.A.1: Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomialsHSA-APR.B.2: Know and apply the Remainder Theorem: For a polynomial p(x) and a number a, the remainder on division by x - a is p(a), so p(a) = 0 if and only if (x - a) is a factor of p(x)HSA-APR.B.3: Identify zeros of polynomials when suitable factorizations are available, and use the zeros to construct a rough graph of the function defined by the polynomialHSA-SSE.B.3a: Factor a quadratic expression to reveal the zeros of the function it definesHSA-SSE.B.3b: Complete the square in a quadratic expression to reveal the maximum or minimum value of the function it definesHSA-REI.B.4: Solve quadratic equations in one variableHSA-REI.B.4b: Solve quadratic equations by inspection (e.g., for x^2 = 49), taking square roots, completing the square, the quadratic formula and factoring, as appropriate to the initial form of the equation. Recognize when the quadratic formula gives complex solutions and write them as a ± bi for real numbers a and?bFactoring with Difference of Squares1MWBAT:Factor polynomial expressions using the difference of squaresFactoring Trinomials5MWBAT:Factor quadratic expressions with a=1 by multiplying to AC and adding to BFactor quadratic expressions with a≠1 by multiplying to AC and adding to BSolving Quadratic Equations with Special Products2MWBAT:Solve quadratic equations using GCF, difference of squares, and factoringSolve quadratic equations by graphingSolving Quadratic Equations – Quadratic Formula; Complete the Square6MWBAT:Reduce radicalsSolve quadratic equations using the Quadratic FormulaSolve quadratic equations using Complete the SquareSolving Real World Quadratic Equations1MWBAT:Solve real-world problems involving quadratic equations using the preferred methodReview Unit 61MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 6 skillsUnit 6 Assessment1MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 6 skillsInterim #3 Assessment1MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 5 & 6 skillsCollege Readiness Math Unit 7: Descriptive Statistics and ProbabilityIntroduction to Statistics1MWBAT:Introduce students to major statistical themes via data collection, simulation, and graph analysis.HSS-ID.A.1:Represent data with plots on the real number line (dot plots, histograms, and box plots).HSS-ID.A.2:Use statistics appropriate to the shape of the data distribution to compare center (median, mean) and spread (interquartile range, standard deviation) of two or more different data sets.HSS-ID.A.3:Interpret differences in shape, center, and spread in the context of the data sets, accounting for possible effects of extreme data points (outliers).Making Sense of Data1MWBAT:Identify the individuals and variables in a data set, then classify variables as categorical or quantitative.Summarize the distribution of a variable with a frequency table or a relative frequency table.Displaying Categorical Data1MWBAT:Make and interpret bar charts of categorical dataInterpret pie charts?Identify what makes some graphs of categorical data deceptive.Displaying and Describing Quantitative Data2MWBAT:Make and interpret dotplots, stemplots, and histograms of quantitative data.Describe the shape of a pare distributions of quantitative data with dotplots, stemplots, and histograms.Measuring Center1MWBAT:Find and interpret the median of a distribution of quantitative dataCalculate the mean of a distribution of quantitative pare the mean and median of a distribution and choose the more appropriate measure of center in a given setting.Measuring Variability2MWBAT:Find the range of a distribution of quantitative data.Find and interpret the interquartile range.Calculate and interpret the standard deviation.Summarizing Quantitative Data: Boxplots and Outliers2MWBAT:Use the 1.5xIQR rule to identify outliersMake and interpret boxplots of quantitative dataCompare distributions of quantitative data with paring Distributions1MWBAT:Compare distributions’ shape, center, variability, and unusual features.Review Unit 71MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 7 materialUnit 7 Assessment1MWBAT:Demonstrate mastery of Unit 7 materialInterim #4 Assessment1College Readiness Math Daily Planning Calendar**Note: The day/date column is provided to suggest how the pacing can fit the entire semester. The interim assessments are created based on this pacing**DayMonthSem. 1MonthSem. 2Topic/LessonSeptemberJan.Course Introduction, Diagnostic Course Introduction, Diagnostic Unit 1 Lesson 1: IntegersUnit 1 Lesson 2: IntegersFebruaryUnit 1 Lesson 3: Rational NumbersUnit 1 Lesson 4: Rational NumbersUnit 1 Lesson 5: Rational NumbersUnit 1 Lesson 6: Algebraic ExpressionsUnit 1 Lesson 7: Algebraic Expressions Unit 1 Lesson 8: Algebraic Expressions Unit 1 Lesson 9: Algebraic Expressions Review Unit 1 Unit 1 Assessment Unit 2 Lesson 1: Proportions Unit 2 Lesson 2: Proportions Unit 2 Lesson 3: Percent Unit 2 Lesson 4: Percent Unit 2 Lesson 5: Measurement Systems Unit 2 Lesson 6: Measurement Systems (unit conversions) Review Unit 2 OctoberUnit 2 Assessment Unit 3 Lesson 1: Linear Equation introduction A1 Interim Assessment (Units 1 & 2) A1 Interim Assessment (Units 1 & 2)Unit 3 Lesson 2: Linear Equation introduction OctoberMarchUnit 3 Lesson 3: Multi-step Linear Equations Unit 3 Lesson 4: Multi-step Linear Equations Unit 3 Lesson 5: Multi-step Linear EquationsUnit 3 Lesson 6: Multi-step Linear Equations Unit 3 Lesson 7: Linear InequalitiesUnit 3 Lesson 8: Linear InequalitiesUnit 3 Lesson 9: Linear InequalitiesUnit 3 Lesson 10: Linear InequalitiesReview Unit 3Unit 3 AssessmentUnit 4 Lesson 1: Coordinates on the Coordinate PlaneUnit 4 Lesson 2: SlopeUnit 4 Lesson 3: Slope – Parallel and PerpendicularUnit 4 Lesson 4: Slope – Parallel and PerpendicularUnit 4 Lesson 5: Slope-Intercept FormUnit 4 Lesson 6: Slope-Intercept FormNovemberUnit 4 Lesson 7: Slope-Intercept FormUnit 4 Lesson 8: Point-Slope FormReview Unit 4AprilUnit 4 AssessmentMiddle of Course Assessment (A2 Interim Units 3 & 4)Middle of Course Assessment (A2 Interim Units 3 & 4)Unit 5 Lesson 1: Properties of ExponentsUnit 5 Lesson 2: Properties of ExponentsUnit 5 Lesson 3: Properties of ExponentsUnit 5 Lesson 4: Scientific NotationUnit 5 Lesson 5: Simplifying Polynomial ExpressionsUnit 5 Lesson 6: Simplifying Polynomial ExpressionsUnit 5 Lesson 7: Operations with PolynomialsUnit 5 Lesson 8: Operations with PolynomialsAprilReview Unit 5Unit 5 AssessmentUnit 6 Lesson 1: Factoring with GCFUnit 6 Lesson 2: Factoring with Difference of SquaresDecemberMayUnit 6 Lesson 3: Factoring Trinomials (a = 1)Unit 6 Lesson 4: Factoring Trinomials (a = 1)Unit 6 Lesson 5: Factoring Trinomials (a ≠ 1) – GroupingUnit 6 Lesson 6: Factoring Trinomials (a ≠ 1) – GroupingUnit 6 Lesson 7: Factoring Trinomials (a ≠ 1)Unit 6 Lesson 8: Solve Quadratic Equations (factoring, GCF, difference of squares)Unit 6 Lesson 9: Solve Quadratic Equations (factoring, GCF, difference of squares)Unit 6 Lesson 10: Solve Quadratic Equations (graphing)Unit 6 Lesson 11: Solve Quadratic Equations (complete the square)Unit 6 Lesson 12: Solve Quadratic Equations (complete the square)Unit 6 Lesson 13: Solve Quadratic Equations (quadratic formula)Unit 6 Lesson 14: Solve Quadratic Equations (quadratic formula)Unit 6 Lesson 15: Solve Quadratic Equations (real situations, use most proper strategy)Review Unit 6Unit 6 AssessmentJanuaryInterim A3Unit 7 Lesson 1: Introduction to statisticsUnit 7 Lesson 2: Making Sense of DataUnit 7 Lesson 3: Displaying Categorical DataUnit 7 Lesson 4: Displaying and Describing Quantitative DataJuneUnit 7 Lesson 5: Displaying and Describing Quantitative DataUnit 7 Lesson 6: Measuring CenterUnit 7 Lesson 7: Measuring VariabilityUnit 7 Lesson 8: Measuring VariabilityUnit 7 Lesson 9: Summarizing Quantitative Data: Boxplots and OutliersUnit 7 Lesson 10: Summarizing Quantitative Data: Boxplots and OutliersJan.JuneUnit 7 Lesson 11: Comparing DistributionsUnit 7 ReviewEnd-of-Course Assessment (Interim A4)End-of-Course Assessment (Interim A4)End-of-Course Assessment (Interim A4)Baltimore City Public Schools Mathematics ResourcesLesson Planning TemplatesCoherence MapAcceleration DocumentsANet Assessment MaterialsEureka Fluency SprintsParent ResourcesPARCC Resources ................
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