Baltimore County Public Schools

Focused on Quality: Committed to Excellence

2007 – 2009

School Improvement Plan (ES)


(Library Media Cohort)

Submitted By:

(Della Curtis)

_______________________ ____________________

Signature of Principal Signature of Area Assistant


DATE: (DATE) | |

|Performance Goal 1 - Reading |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.1 |

|All diploma-bound students in grades 3 – 8 and students enrolled in English 10 and Algebra I will meet or exceed Maryland School Assessment (MSA) standards, and students enrolled in English 10 |

|and Algebra I will pass the High School Assessments (HSAs). (State standard) |

|Targeted Area Reading (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, |

|and FARMS) from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified reading subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Reading Target: All students will pass the English HSA by 2012. |

|Strategies: Enlist parents/guardians and community members in reading efforts at the schools and at home. Support teachers in the implementation of reading techniques through professional |

|development opportunities. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Library Media Specialist collaborates |Library Media Specialist in |Ongoing – this should continue through|Students complete a list of | |

|with English and reading teachers to |conjunction with English and reading |vacation time. |books/magazines/newspaper articles, etc.| |

|communicate to all parents/guardians |teachers | |with a brief outline of what was read | |

|about the importance of reading to and| | |each quarter. It is signed by the | |

|with their children when at home. | | |parent/guardian. | |

|Communication via wiki, newsletter, | | | | |

|automated phone messages, etc. | | | | |

|Provide and advertise HSA and MSDE |English Chair |Monthly newsletter |Measure “hits” to the website | |

|links on our school web site |Webmaster | | | |

| |Librarian | | | |

|Library Media Specialist forms a book |Library Media Specialist |Ongoing |Students use Audacity to create podcasts| |

|club which may also involve members of| | |for book reviews which are linked to the| |

|the community and parents/guardians. | | |titles in Destiny. Each student must | |

|Book clubs according to reading | | |have produced at least 25 podcasts and | |

|level/grade level, etc. | | |have successfully completed the Strive | |

| | | |for 25 challenge. | |

|Library Media Specialist collaborates |Library Media Specialist is the |August – June |Teachers in all curriculum areas are | |

|with English and reading teachers to |primary person responsible utilizing | |observed utilizing reading strategies in| |

|develop professional development |their overall knowledge across each | |the classroom. | |

|opportunities on how to incorporate |curriculum. | | | |

|successful reading strategies into | | | | |

|every curriculum. | | | | |

|Library Media Specialist informs all |Library Media Specialist |August – June |Teachers in all curriculum areas are | |

|teachers about how to use the | | |observed following the “Critical Reading| |

|“Critical Reading Calendar”. | | |Calendar” throughout the school year. | |

|Performance Goal 1 - Mathematics |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.1 |

|All diploma-bound students in grades 3 – 8 and students enrolled in English 10 and Algebra I will meet or exceed Maryland School Assessment (MSA) standards, and students enrolled in English 10 |

|and Algebra I will pass the High School Assessments (HSAs). (State standard) |

|Targeted Area Mathematics (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and |

|Talented, and FARMS) from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified mathematics subgroups using “from-to” |

|language. |

| |

|Mathematics Target: By June 2011, all students will pass the Algebra HSA. |

|Strategies: |

|Analyze and use data from Short Cycle Assessments and Benchmark Assessments in the High School Assessment tested courses in order to develop, implement, and drive instruction to promote success |

|on the High School Assessments. |

|( Provide parents, guardians, and community stakeholder groups with strategies that can be implemented with children to enhance student learning. |

|( Provide staff with access to technology essential to collecting, analyzing, and reporting student achievement data. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Provide informed instruction through |Library Media Specialist, HSA |August- June |Using assess trax to identify and | |

|analysis of testing data (short cycle |classroom teachers and core 4 | |categorize the skills that students | |

|and benchmark exams) |department chairs | |are not achieving on short cycle and | |

| | | |benchmark exams | |

|Use research modules to revisit |Library Media Specialist, HSA |August- June |Effectively use research modules | |

|material covered in HSA classes but |classroom teachers and core 4 | |specific to HSA content classes. | |

|not achieved in testing situations |department chairs | |Compare data on tests before and after| |

| | | |using research modules to further | |

| | | |inform instruction | |

|Performance Goal I |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.2 |

|All grade 10 diploma-bound students will participate in the PSAT. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, all enrolled grade 10 students will take the PSAT. |

|Strategies: |

|To inform and prepare students for the PSAT and to inform all parents of the importance of the PSAT |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Hold college night in the library |Guidance Department, Library Media |August- June |Log recording all students and | |

|media center to promote the college |Specialist | |parent/guardians in attendance | |

|application process and the importance| | | | |

|of the PSAT and SAT | | | | |

|Collaboration with SAT prep teachers |SAT Prep teachers, Library Media |Quarterly |Provide students will access | |

|to register students for online SAT |Specialist | |information to register online. | |

|class using | | |Monitor and evaluate student progress | |

| | | |using data tools provided by college | |

| | | |board | |

|Performance Goal I |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.3 |

|All students scoring a 55 or above on verbal/math PSAT will take honors or gifted and talented level courses. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, all students scoring a 55 on the PSAT will be enrolled in honors and G/T classes. |

|Strategies: |

|To hold help sessions for students that need extra preparation |

|To collaborate interdepartmentally, providing lessons for students that will improve PSAT scores |

|To use PSAT score reports in determining students who score above 55 on PSAT reading and math and cross-reference with student registration forms to ensure all students are taking Honors, GT or |

|AP courses. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |(Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Collaborate with SAT Prep teachers to |Library Media Specialist, SAT Prep |August- June |Sign in/ out sheets for every students| |

|hold mock SAT sessions for test |Teachers, Department Chairs | |who attends | |

|preparation | | |Graded PSAT sections with suggestions | |

| | | |on skills that are areas where | |

| | | |improvement is needed. | |

|Using aligned curriculum LMS and SAT |SAT Prep Teachers, Library Media |August- June |Repository of lessons and indicators | |

|Prep teachers will provide classroom |Specialist | |to allow classroom teachers to develop| |

|teachers with activities to implement | | |skills necessary for success on the | |

|into their daily lessons and encourage| | |PSAT | |

|students to enroll in honors or GT | | | | |

|classes | | | | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.4 |

|All students who earn a Certificate of Attendance will have documented evidence of their attainment of knowledge and skills within their prescribed programs. (State standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, all students on the Certificate of Attendance track will have documentation of success in their program. |

|Strategies: |

|Provide for the consistent and systematic implementation of the BCPS curriculum at instructional level in all content areas. |

|Provide for differentiated instruction to meet the individual needs of students in the program |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Creation of Wiki portfolios for every |Library Media Specialist, Core four |August- June |Monitoring and collaborating across | |

|student to monitor their progress |department chair and HSA content | |content area to collect student work | |

| |teachers | |Assigning every student a monitored | |

| | | |wiki account to compile their work | |

|Increased achievement on Alt-MSA or |Library Media Specialist and all |August- June |Collection of test scores across | |

|HSA by providing alternate assessments|classroom teachers | |disciplines and years to target areas | |

|using Web 2.0 tools | | |of success and areas of needed | |

| | | |improvement. | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.5 |

|All participating special education students will meet or exceed state standards for the Alternate Maryland School Assessment (ALT-MSA). (State standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, 100% of students earning a certificate of attendance will earn 80% mastery on reading, math, and science ALT-MSA goals. |

|Strategies: |

|Provide differentiated instructional materials to assist teachers with differentiation |

|Provide a variety of books and resources in the library for different reading levels. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Collection development of |Library Media Specialist |August-June |Title Wise report of variety of book | |

|differentiated resources to help all | | |levels. | |

|students achieve | | | | |

|Collection development of high/low |Library Media Specialist |August- June |Title Wise report on number of high | |

|readability collections for students | | |interest resources that are accessible| |

|with special needs/ IEP | | |to students with special needs | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.10 |

|All students will pass the Algebra I Maryland High School Assessment (HSA) by the end of grade 9. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, 100% of ninth grade students will pass the Algebra HSA. |

|Strategies: |

|Develop, implement, and monitor intervention programs for students who have not demonstrated proficiency in mathematics. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|After school remediation sessions |Math Teachers and Library Media |August- June |Teachers and Library Media Specialist | |

|focusing on targeted skills areas in |Specialists | |will collaborate to provide sign in | |

|need of improvement | | |sheets and resources to help students | |

| | | |in their preparation for the HSA | |

| | | |algebra test before they leave grade | |

| | | |9. | |

|Extended hours and lunch time |Math Teachers and Library Media |August- June |Use of data bases and gaming resources| |

|sessions for students to work on their|Specialists | |to provide students with new resources| |

|targeted math skills | | |to approach skills identified as | |

| | | |needed remediation | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.11 |

|All students will acquire one fine arts credit by passing a course that is driven by the Maryland Content Standards. (State standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: 100% of students will earn a fine arts credit prior to graduation. |

|Strategies: |

|Provide an array of courses aligned with the Maryland Content Standards for students to meet their fine arts credit requirement. |

|Display artwork throughout the building to interest students in the fine arts program. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Displaying/ Acquire art resources |Library Media Specialist, Art, Music |August- June |Increasing the number of resources | |

|prominently in the library so students|and Dance teachers | |within the library collection | |

|can access information about various | | |involving the arts. A permanent | |

|art forms | | |display where the resources and course| |

| | | |offerings are publicized. | |

|Cross curricular lessons that |Library Media Specialist, Art, Music |August - June |Using research modules to incorporate | |

|emphasize different aspects of the |and Dance teachers | |information literary into student | |

|arts and the skills involved in each | | |research on the arts | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.12 |

|All students successfully completing Algebra I, Biology, English 10, and Government will pass the Maryland High School Assessment on their first attempt. |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, the number of students passing the Algebra I HSA will be 100%. |

|By June 2011, the number of students passing the Biology HSA will be 100%. |

|By June 2011, the number of students passing the English II HSA will be 100%. |

|By June 2011, the number of students passing the Government HSA will be 100%. |

| |

|Strategies: |

|Provide for the consistent and systematic implementation of the Essential Curriculum in all content areas, which includes differentiated curriculum for English Language Learners, Special |

|Education, Gifted and Talented, and Honors students. |

| |

|Development, implement, and monitor intervention programs for students who have not demonstrated proficiency in reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Library Media Specialist collaborates |Library Media Specialist and subject |August-June |Bank of teacher and media specialist | |

|with subject area teachers to increase|area teachers | |lesson plans | |

|rigor and relevance in the classroom. | | | | |

|Conduct strive for 25 program |Library Media Specialist |August-June |Student participation in Strive for 25| |

|Conduct Summer Reading Program |Library Media Specialist and English |June-August |Student reading responses | |

| |Teachers | |Student reading logs | |

| | | |Program guidelines | |

|Conduct independent reading program to|Library Media Specialist and English |August-June |Program guidelines | |

|improve reading and comprehension |Teachers | |Student reading logs | |

|skills | | |Program guidelines | |

|Extended library hours so that |Library Media Specialists and Library |August-June |Logs of students who are in the | |

|students can use the internet and |Aid | |library before and after school | |

|resources available in the library | | | | |

|Providing students with digital |Library Media Specialist |Ongoing |Statistics of how often students check| |

|content passwords so that they can | | |into digital content | |

|have 24/7 access to digital content | | | | |

|and access to library | | | | |

|resources/Destiny | | | | |

|Cross-curricular lesson planning to |Library Media Specialists and subject |August-June |Bank of teacher and media specialist | |

|increase rigor and relevance |area teachers | |lesson plans | |

|Implement student centered strategies |Library Media Specialist and all |August-June |Observations of teachers routine use | |

|in all classrooms and the library |teachers | |of student centered strategies | |

|media center | | | | |

|Collection development of |Library Media Specialist |August-June |Title Wise report of variety of book | |

|differentiated resources to help all | | |levels. | |

|students achieve | | | | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.14 |

|All high schools will have at least 70% of their students who take AP examinations achieve passing scores. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, the percentage of students passing the AP examination, earning a score of 3,4, or 5, will increase to 70% |

|Strategies: |

|Use standardized testing results to encourage all students to enroll in challenging coursework. |

|Monitor the relationship between the intended, assessed, and learned curriculum to ensure access to rigorous curriculum for all students. |

|Provide ongoing support to new and veteran teachers through professional development opportunities. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Provide professional development for |Library Media Specialist |August-June |Rubrics for student grades on research| |

|teachers in information literacy, | | |modules | |

|online research modules, and web 2.0 | | |Student feedback | |

|tools | | | | |

|Collaborate with subject area teachers|Library Media Specialist and subject |August-June |Student success on projects | |

|to create project-based learning |area teachers | |Repository of projects | |

|assignments | | | | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicators 1.17 and 1.18 |

|All high schools will meet or exceed the national average for participation in the SAT or the ACT. (BCPS standard) |

|All high schools will meet or exceed the national average for critical reading, mathematics, and writing scores on the SAT or the ACT. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, all students will meet or exceed participation standards and score standards for the SAT and ACT. |

|Strategies: |

|Develop, implement, and monitor intervention program for students who have not demonstrated proficiency on the PSAT and the SAT in order to maximize opportunities for all students’ post-secondary|

|education plans. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|SAT/ACT blitz held the Friday before |Library Media Specialist. SAT |August-June |Attendance of every student who is | |

|tests are administered throughout the |coordinator, SAT administrator | |registered to take the SAT or ACT | |

|year | | | | |

|College Board account sign up in the |Library Media Specialist. SAT Prep |August- June |Every student taking the SAT Prep | |

|library media center. Students will |Teachers, SAT Coordinator | |class will register on | |

|activate the accounts necessary to | | | and their account | |

|register for the SAT and other test | | |monitored by the LMS and SAT | |

|resources | | |coordinator | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.19 |

|All high schools whose students take the placement test will meet or exceed scores on the Accuplacer that enables students to enroll in college level courses at two-year colleges. (BCPS |

|standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, all students who take the Accuplacer will meet or exceed scores in order to be eligible to enroll in two year colleges. |

|Strategies: |

|Develop and implement a plan to identify and encourage students’ whose post-graduate plans include college to take rigorous coursework to better prepare for increased success on Accuplacer |

|placement tests. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |(Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Annually sponsor an instant admissions|Guidance department, Library Media |August- May |Identify students who will attend CCBC| |

|day for prospective CCBC students |Specialist | |following graduation. Record number | |

|(12th grade) | | |of students who are accepted to CCBC | |

| | | |and take Accuplacer exam. | |

|Identify academic advisors at CCBC who|Academic Advisor CCBC, Library Media |August- May |Allowing students to take Accuplacer | |

|will work with high schools to assist |Specialist, Guidance Department | |upon completion of CCBC application. | |

|with parallel enrollment and | | |Meeting with Advisor to identify | |

|matriculation to community college | | |students to take field trips to CCBC | |

| | | |campus. | |

|Performance Goal 1 |

|By 2012, all students will reach high standards, as established by the Baltimore County Public Schools and state performance level standards, in English/reading/writing, mathematics, science, and|

|social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 1.21 |

|All schools will achieve an attendance rate of at least 94%. (State standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By June 2011, student attendance will be higher than 94%. |

|Strategies: |

|Provide recognition awards and incentives to students who have perfect attendance. |

|Follow up with students who have poor attendance. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Using TV studios/announcements of |Attendance Committee, Library Media |Quarterly |Use Cognos data to identify students | |

|students who receive perfect |Specialist | |who have made perfect attendance each | |

|attendance each quarter | | |quarter. Identify students who are | |

| | | |attendance issues and make phone | |

| | | |calls/ emails home. | |

|Incentives provided for students who |Attendance Committee, Library Media |Quarterly |Track quarterly attendance and send | |

|achieve perfect attendance quarterly |Specialist | |invitations to Ice-cream social for | |

| | | |those who achieve perfect attendance. | |

| | | |Display names of students with perfect| |

| | | |attendance on front office bulletin | |

| | | |board as well as display in Library | |

| | | |media center | |

|Performance Goal 2 |

|By 2012, all English Language Learners will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards in English reading/writing, mathematics, science, and social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 2.1 |

|All English Language Learners receiving English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services will attain English proficiency by the end of their fourth school year. (State standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By 2012, all English Language Learners will become proficient in English. |

|Strategies: Diagnose English proficiency for English Learners (ELs) to ensure proper placement. Provide ESOL services for all ELs not meeting English proficiency levels via sheltered class |

|instruction and collaboration with the Library Media Specialist. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Teachers of all ELs are provided with |Library Media Specialist |Ongoing |Report on number of bilingual | |

|access to the following for their | | |dictionaries and listing of all | |

|students: bilingual dictionaries, | | |digital thesauruses, etc. | |

|digital thesauruses, Gale database | | | | |

|translator, and any other traditional | | | | |

|or digital tool or resource relevant. | | | | |

|Conduct Strive for 25 appropriate for |Library Media Specialist & ESOL |August-June |ELs complete Strive for 25. | |

|all levels of ELs. |Teachers | | | |

|Collection development of high/low |Library Media Specialist & ESOL |August-June |TitleWise report on number of high/low| |

|readability collections for ESOL |Teachers | |readability books relevant for ELs. | |

|classrooms and Library Media Center. | | | | |

|Provide parent school library cards |Library Media Specialist & Office of |August-June |Logs of students and parents who use | |

|and translated newsletters informing |World Languages Translation Services | |the Library Media Center after school.| |

|parents and students of resources and | | | | |

|events in the Library Media Center. | | | | |

|Provide extended Library Media Center |Library Media Specialist & ESOL |August-June |Logs of students who participate in | |

|hours for parents and children and |Teachers | |after-school tutoring sessions. | |

|provide additional after-school | | | | |

|tutoring for ELs. | | | | |

|Use NetTrekker to help prepare ELs for|ESOL Teachers |August-June |Observation of students using | |

|listening portion of LAS Links testing| | |NetTrekker. | |

|and to play as they read along. | | | | |

|Use Audacity to help ELs create their |Library Media Specialist & ESOL |August-June |Students listen to other students' | |

|own podcast on their Strive for 25 |Teachers | |podcasts and report on these. | |

|book list. | | | | |

|Performance Goal 2 |

|By 2012, all English Language Learners will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards in English reading/writing, mathematics, science, and social studies. |

|Performance Indicator 2.2 |

|All diploma-bound English Language Learners will meet or exceed Maryland School Assessment (MSA) standards. (State standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: By 2012, all English Language Learners will become proficient in English. |

|Strategies: Provide professional development opportunities on cross-cultural and differentiated strategies for all staff. Library Media Specialist collaborates with ESOL teachers to provide |

|appropriate reading materials for ELs. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Produce a Library Media Center wiki in|Library Media Specialist & Office of |Ongoing |Generate and log responses to wiki | |

|order to inform parents, students, and|World Languages Translation Services | |from parents, teachers, and students. | |

|staff of the 24/7 access to digital | | | | |

|content, library resources, and web | | | | |

|sites via Destiny particularly useful | | | | |

|for ELs. Include translations into | | | | |

|each language. | | | | |

|Collaborate with teachers on |Library Media Specialist & ESOL |August-June |Observe LMS and teachers instruct | |

|information and technology literacy |Teachers | |students using information and | |

|instruction to ELs. | | |technology literacy activities. | |

|Provide professional development to |Library Media Specialist & ESOL |Ongoing |Teachers master at least one Web 2.0 | |

|all teachers of ELs informing them of |Teachers | |tool and are observed using it in the | |

|how to use Web 2.0 tools and digital | | |classroom. | |

|content to boost students' English | | | | |

|Language Proficiency. | | | | |

|Connect and form partnerships with |Library Media Specialist & all |Ongoing |ELs write a letter of thanks to guest | |

|local area immigrant communities, |teachers & administration | |speakers. | |

|businesses, community colleges and | | | | |

|school alumni to help ELs connect with| | | | |

|greater community. | | | | |

|Scheduling of the Library Media Center|Library Media Specialist in |August - June |Completion of BrainPop ESL activities.| |

|to instruct ELs how to use Web 2.0 |collaboration with ESOL teachers | | | |

|tools and databases, such as BrainPop | | | | |

|ESL. | | | | |

|Performance Goal 4 |

|All students will be educated in school environments that are safe and conducive to learning. |

|Performance Indicator 4.1 |

|All schools and school communities will maintain safe, orderly, nurturing environments. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: All students and teachers will be trained in ethical use of information, technologies, and Web 2.0 tools |

|Strategies: |

|Maintain safe and ethical use of information, technologies, and Web 2.0 tools. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

| |Library Media Specialist |Ongoing |School telecommunications policy | |

|Provide professional development for | | | | |

|teachers of students in grades PreK – | | | | |

|12 about the safe and ethical use of | | | | |

|information, technologies, and Web 2.0| | | | |

|tools that are | | | | |

|aligned with both the Maryland State | | | | |

|Curriculum and Core Learning Goals and| | | | |

|the BCPS Telecommunications Policy and| | | | |

|Rule (6202) | | | | |

|Library Media Specialists collaborates|Library Media Specialist |Ongoing |Student use of web 2.0 tools | |

|with subject area teachers for |Subject Area Teachers | | | |

|teaching web 2.0 tools | | | | |

|Library Media Specialist will |Library Media Specialist |Ongoing |Monitoring student digital work for | |

|collaborate with subject area teachers|Subject Area Teachers | |responsible digital citizenship | |

|to teach students about cyberbullying | | | | |

|and being responsible digital citizens| | | | |

|Collaboration between Library Media |Library Media Specialists |Ongoing |Student feedback | |

|Specialist and subject area teacher on|Subject Area Teachers | | | |

|how to be safe on the internet (cyber | | | | |

|safety) | | | | |

|Performance Goal 4 |

|All students will be educated in school environments that are safe and conducive to learning. |

|Performance Indicator 4.3 |

|Staff, students, parents, and community members will express satisfaction with the learning environment, climate, and school facilities. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: All parents/guardians will have support services available to them. |

|Strategies: |

|Continue to implement parent/guardian support services in all communities, and internally evaluate their effectiveness |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Promote examples of safe school |Library Media Specialist and Webmaster|Ongoing |Parent satisfaction survey | |

|environments within BCPS in printed | | | | |

|publications | | | | |

|and the media and on the Web site | | | | |

|Create space on school Wiki page with |Library Media Specialist |Ongoing |Parent satisfaction survey | |

|links to support services | | | | |

|Performance Goal 5 |

|All students will graduate from high school. |

|Performance Indicator 5.1 |

|All high schools will meet the graduation rate established by the State. (State standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: 99% of students will graduate from high school. |

|Strategies: Students will be given support to in academic areas to keep students from dropping out. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|The school library/media center will |Library Media Specialist and Library |Ongoing |Log of students coming before and | |

|have extended hours for students to |Media Aid | |after school. | |

|have a quiet place to study. | | | | |

|Support struggling students with |Library Media Specialist and classroom|Ongoing |Number of students using the resources| |

|digital resources such as Tumble |teachers | | | |

|Readables that can read books out loud| | | | |

|to students. | | | | |

|Performance Goal 5 |

|All students will graduate from high school. |

|Performance Indicator 5.2 |

|All high schools will have annual dropout rates of less than 3%. (State standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: Student dropout rate will be less than 3%. |

|Strategies: Put supports in place so that students do not drop out of school. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|In the library display college and |Library Media Specialist collaborating|Ongoing |% of students who drop out of school | |

|career choices for students along with|with guidance counselors | | | |

|average salaries to entice students to| | | | |

|stay in school. | | | | |

|Performance Goal 6 |

|Engage parents/guardians, business, and community members in the educational process. |

|Performance Indicator 6.1 |

|All parents/guardians will have multiple opportunities to participate in home-school communication. (BCPS standard) |

|Performance Indicator 6.2 |

|Increase student, parent/guardian, and teacher conferences to 100% in all schools. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: All teachers will provide students and parents with access to pbworks web pages by 2012. |

|Strategies: Provide professional development opportunities to principals/schools to assist in aligning parent/guardian and community involvement strategies with school improvement goals. Educate|

|all new teachers in how to conduct parent- teacher conferences. Expand recognition opportunities for students, parents, community and business partners. Encourage business partnerships that |

|support and complement the educational program. |

| |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|All faculty and staff will provide |Administration, teachers, library |First two weeks of school year |Website and newsletter includes a | |

|e-mails addresses to parents via |media specialist | |document that lists contact | |

|newsletter and school website | | |information for staff | |

|Schedule quarterly parent-teacher |Administration, teachers, library |Quarterly |notification on wiki, edline, and | |

|conference nights  |media specialist | |connect ed calls (LMS) | |

| | | |Parent sign- in sheets for all | |

| | | |classrooms and library media center | |

|School will host parents during |Administration, teachers, library |Once per year- November  |Parent sign-in sheet located in | |

|American Education Week  |media specialist  | |library with resource displays | |

| Teachers will create pbworks page |Teacher, technology liason, library |Initial creation- September | Teachers trained by LMS on wiki | |

|with up to date information on |media specialist  |Maintenance- Ongoing throughout school|creation (as noted once teachers | |

|courses/ school wide information using| |year  |complete wiki tutorial) as well as | |

|library wiki and website as a model | | |documentation of inviting others to | |

| | | |workspaces. | |

|Library media center hosted night that|Library media specialist |Once per quarter |Parent sign in sheet; Parent mock | |

|invites parents to visit the library | | |assignment samples, copies of parent | |

|and introduces parents to online | | |e-mails to teachers | |

|databases and Destiny so they can | | | | |

|better understand student research; as| | | | |

|well as instruction on how to e-mail | | | | |

|teachers and improve parent | | | | |

|technology literacy | | | | |

|Performance Goal 6 |

|Engage parents/guardians, business, and community members in the educational process. |

|Performance Indicator 6.3 |

|Increase learning opportunities for parents/guardians, staff, and community members to assist in developing and refining the knowledge and skills needed to support students’ academic achievement |

|and recognize students’ successes. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: 100% of school committees with at least one parent participant. |

|Strategies: Expand opportunities for parents/guardians and community members to join and participate in school committees. Invite parents to utilize school resources. Improve communication with|

|home via departmental newsletters. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Library Informational Nights- share |Library media specialist |Once per quarter |Parent sign in sheet | |

|digital content with parents so they | | | | |

|will be more familiar with research | | | | |

|tools and 24/7 access to websites and | | | | |

|databases; information literacy and | | | | |

|technology literacy expectations as | | | | |

|well as school telecommunications | | | | |

|policy and rules for students | | | | |

|Provide parents with sign up slips for|Library media specialists, teachers |Fall |Returned sign up slips, copies of | |

|parent school library cards via school| | |school newsletters | |

|newsletter and teacher participation | | | | |

|Library advisory committee will be |Library media specialist |Fall with monthly meetings |Sign-in sheets from each meeting, copy| |

|developed with parent, student, | | |of invitation that was sent to | |

|community and teacher members | | |members, minutes from meetings | |

|Library newsletter include in school |Library media specialist |monthly |Copies of newsletter | |

|wide newsletter with information about| | | | |

|online research models, digital | | | | |

|citizenship, extended library hours, | | | | |

|parent school library card, digital | | | | |

|content passwords, and library wiki | | | | |

|and website | | | | |

|School will hold scholastic and |Administration, department chairs, |Award Night Annually |Program to document awards given, | |

|service awards night, Breakfast of |teachers, library media specialist | |posting in school newsletter, | |

|Champions, Straight A breakfast and | |Breakfast quarterly |invitation to awards sent home to | |

|other recognition events including | | |students | |

|students with exemplary digital | | | | |

|citizenship and demonstration of | | | | |

|technology literacy | | | | |

|Digital content passwords will be sent|Library media specialist, teachers |Once |Copy of digital content passwords | |

|home will all students | | |sheet that is sent home | |

|Host business information sessions in |Library media specialist, department |Spring |Copy of flyer and invitation sent to | |

|the library media center with selected|chairs, guidance counselors, | |businesses with RSVPs | |

|business leaders from the community to|administration | | | |

|expand school’s partnerships with | | | | |

|community | | | | |

|Performance Goal 6 |

|Engage parents/guardians, business, and community members in the educational process. |

|Performance Indicator 6.4 |

|Increase parent/guardian attendance at school-based events and activities such as Back-to-School nights and school improvement teams. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: Increase attendance to 90% at school based events and activities |

|Strategies: Increase awareness of school-based events and activities. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Create a library advisory committee |Library media specialist |monthly |Copies of meeting minutes, sign in | |

|with parent/guardian members; this | | |sheet from monthly | |

|committee will review reading | | | | |

|motivation programs, collection | | | | |

|development | | | | |

|Staff participation in PTA from 4 |Teachers, library media specialist |Monthly PTA meetings |PTA meeting minutes, input from | |

|departments including library media | | |stakeholders | |

|specialist )LMS will provide PTA with | | | | |

|updates about school events, as well | | | | |

|as library initiatives to improve | | | | |

|information literacy and technology | | | | |

|literacy) | | | | |

|Provide professional development to |Library media specialist |Fall |Teachers document contact with | |

|teachers about different methods of | | |parents, including attendance to Back | |

|contacting parents/ guardians | | |to School Night | |

|including e-mail and wikis | | | | |

|Invite parents to join and attend SIT |Administration, department chairs |Ongoing |Monthly sign in at SIT meetings with | |

|meetings | | |names and roles listed | |

|Performance Goal 6 |

|Engage parents/guardians, business, and community members in the educational process. |

|Performance Indicator 6.5 |

|Increase parent/guardian, school, business, and community partnerships. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: Improve communication and collaboration to 100% on actions below by 2012. |

|Strategies: Expand partnerships with community, develop opportunities for community involvement. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Parent school library card is offered |Library media specialist |Quarterly |List of parents that have parent | |

|to all families with extended library | | |library card | |

|hours every week to allow parents to | | | | |

|utilize library resources | | | | |

|Create a library advisory committee |Library media specialist |Monthly |Copies of meeting minutes, sign in | |

|with parent/guardian members; this | | |sheet from monthly, input from | |

|committee will review reading | | |stakeholders | |

|motivation programs, collection | | | | |

|development | | | | |

|Library media specialist joins a |Library media specialist |Periodic meetings |E-mails documenting involvement and | |

|partnership with BCPL and community | | |participation in community | |

|based organizations by joining the | | | | |

|BCPL library board | | | | |

|Invite community businesses to allow |Administration, department chairs, |Ongoing |E-mails and letters documenting | |

|student volunteers and interns |library media specialist, | |communication and collaboration with | |

| |school-community liaisons | |community members | |

|Invite community members to |Department chairs, library media |August-November |Letter inviting community business | |

|participate and in Senior Interview |specialist, school-communtiy liaisons | |leaders to interview with | |

|Day | | |documentation of their responses and | |

| | | |collaboration | |

|Performance Goal 6 |

|Engage parents/guardians, business, and community members in the educational process. |

|Performance Indicator 6.6 |

|Increase communication and positive relationships with parents/guardians and community members by disseminating information about system, school, and student successes. (BCPS standard) |

|Targeted Area (include all targeted subgroups): Use the disaggregated subgroup data (grades, gender, race/ethnicity, Special Education, English Language Learners, Gifted and Talented, and FARMS)|

|from the needs assessment to determine the targets that need to be set on an annual basis. Insert appropriate targets for identified subgroups using “from-to” language. |

| |

|Target: Increase communication between school and parents/ guardians at least once per year to 100%. |

|Strategies: Expand communication opportunities between parents/guardians and school. |

|Key Actions |Person(s) Responsible |Timeline |Measures |Implementation Status |

|(Address by targeted subgroups, as | | |Formative & Summative: To ensure | |

|appropriate) | | |desired results have been met. | |

|Create a library wiki and website for |Library media specialist |Updated bi-weekly |Printout of wiki and website | |

|parents to view and access information| | | | |

|about reading, information literacy | | | | |

|and technology literacy | | | | |

|Library newsletter with pointers on |Library media specialist |Monthly |Copy of newsletter included in | |

|how parents can support new 21st | | |school’s newsletter | |

|century learners | | | | |

|Library advocacy marketing program |Library media specialist, |Ongoing |Copy of posters | |

|with advertising about new digital |administration | | | |

|databases and information literacy | | | | |

|standards via posters | | | | |

|Maintain school website, with links to|Webmaster, teachers, library media |Ongoing |Printout of school website | |

|teacher pages and library media center|specialist | | | |

|Library newsletter include in school |Library media specialist |Monthly |Copies of newsletters | |

|wide newsletter with information about| | | | |

|online research models, digital | | | | |

|citizenship, extended library hours, | | | | |

|parent school library card, digital | | | | |

|content passwords, and library wiki | | | | |

|and website | | | | |

Attachment A

School Improvement Team Membership

|Name |Title |Signature of Stakeholder |

|Karen Connor | | |

|Aimée Farrell | | |

|Ilona Hanson | | |

|Sarah McComb | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |




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