JHU Community Impact Internships Program (CIIP)2021 APPLICATIONAll Application materials are due by December 28, 2020.Return completed application materials to Eli Lopatin at: This document is intended to serve as a space for you to draft your responses for the CIIP 2021 application prior to submission. The application should be submitted, once complete, on Hopkins Engage: Name:Last Name: Preferred First Name: What pronouns do you use: Major:Second Major or Minor:Current Academic Year: [ ] First Year [ ] Second Year [ ] Third Year [ ] Fourth YearEmail:JHED ID:Phone: Campus Address:Indicate 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices for your interest area:[ ] Healthcare/Health Policy[ ] Policy/Law/Government[ ] Immigration/Refugee Services[ ] Education/Youth Programming and Advocacy[ ] Community Arts Programs[ ] Nonprofit Management and Development[ ] Homelessness/Poverty[ ] Neighborhood Improvement/Community Organizing[ ] Women/ Family Wellness[ ] Environment and Sustainability/Food AccessThe Center for Social concern values diversity and inclusion in all of our programming. We are collecting the following optional demographic information to better understand the backgrounds of individuals applying to CIIP.Please check all that apply:[ ] First-Generation Student[ ] Limited Income Student[ ] Baltimore Scholar[ ] International Student[ ] LGBTQ+[ ] Student Athlete[ ] Krieger School of Arts & Sciences[ ] Whiting School of Engineering[ ] Other: _____________________________________________________________________________Race/Ethnicity:________________________________________________________________________How did you hear about CIIP? Have you applied to CIIP before? If so, what was the result? Have you been involved with one of the Center for Social Concern’s programs? (Alternative Breaks, Baltimore First, B’More Program, Community Based Learning, Community Service Federal Work Study, Event-Based Service Programs, France-Merrick Civic Fellowship, HopServe50, HopkinsCORPS Pre-Orientation, Habitat for Humanity Pre-Orientation, President’s Day of Service, Student Organizations, Tutorial Project) If yes, which program and in what capacity/length of time? Are you involved in other student leadership activities? Part I: Short Responses (answer each of the following questions in 200 words or less) Please complete all short responses and essay questions in this application and submit as one application.Choose a volunteer opportunity from your high school or college years that you have enjoyed and highlight how you have grown personally because of the experience. How does Baltimore compare to your hometown?What motivates you to be a part of the Community Impact Internships Program? How do you see a community-based internship experience complementing your academic studies and life goals? What do you see yourself doing after you graduate from JHU?Part II: Essay Questions (Please respond to each question in 500 words or less)Community Issue EssayStudents in the Community Impact Internships Program will be exposed to pressing social issues facing Baltimore communities every day. Identify a community issue in Baltimore City that is of interest to you. This can be drawn from personal experience or current events. Then, draft a short essay covering all of the following points (Please use sources and provide citations.)Describe the community issue that Baltimore residents experience.What is currently being done to improve this social issue through the work of government agencies, nonprofits or community organizations?How could Hopkins students, in your opinion, get involved in addressing this problem (be creative and include the resources Hopkins has to offer).Personal Essay Please draft a short essay covering all of the following points.Describe how your experiences (academic, extracurricular, and/or personal) have shaped your interest in community-engaged work. How will your strengths, skills, and passions contribute positively towards the work of a community partner through your internship experience? How will you engage with, and make a contribution to the Baltimore community through this program?Part III: Additional MaterialsSend a current one-page resume as an attachment with your application materials. Please save the file as “Last Name First Name CIIP 2021 Resume” (e.g. Hopkins Johns CIIP 2021 Resume)Optional: Please list a JHU staff or faculty member with their contact information (name, position/title, email and phone number) that can be used as a reference for this position. Name: Position:Email: Phone: How do you know this contact?: “I understand that the JHU Community Impact Internships Program takes place from June 7th (for a week-long Orientation) through August 6th, 2021. I will be able to work 35 hours/week for the internship period and will not work an additional paid position of more than 10 hours a week. I understand that committing to this program will be my main priority for this summer and I may not be able to fit preferred classes into my summer schedule. Permission to enroll in classes during your internship period must be obtained from the Assistant Director of Civic Leadership. Additionally, I will attend weekly evening reflection sessions, cohort events, and a closing session on August 6th.” By signing below, I acknowledge and agree to this statement.Signature: Date: ................

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