

TEXTBOOK (First Draft)

updated with Lin Yingzhu laoshi & Kwan’s new three lessons

We need Su-jane laoshi’s WORD document (not PDF) on Reivew ONE.



Students Reading:

(Show Peter’s picture with Pinyin saying: Wǒ shì Peter.)

Hey, I’m Peter. I moved up here from Taipei, Taiwan with my parents when I was 8 years old. Mom and dad insist I use Chinese at home. Thanks to them, my Chinese is still fluent. My friend, Melissa, wants to learn Chinese from me. After giving it some thought, I believe I can teach her my learning secret. It makes the learning of pronunciation go faster and easier. Trust me! Once you’ve learned my two songs, you’ll be able to say anything in Chinese as long as it is spelled out in this phonic system. You may not be able to read Chinese characters or write them yet, but you can speak it.

Please listen to the songs first then follow me to sing. First, we’ll sing the song with ABC tunes. I call it the “b p m f song”. After you remember this one, then we’ll sing the song of “Compound vowels” in the melody of Little Spider song. After you remember both songs by heart, we’ll work on how to write down these sounds in Hanyu pinyin symbols.

(Wei-Yun’s note: It is important to let students sing first then look at the symbols. Singing the song without looking at the English letters lets students learn the sound without the influence of their English ability.)

b p m f song

b p m f d t n l

g k h j q x

z c s zh ch sh r

yi wu yü

a o e ẹ

ai ei ao ou

an en ang eng er

Women hui chang B P M F!

(We can sing B P M F!)

The second song you’re going to learn is all the compound vowels in Chinese language. These are the combination of individual vowels you’ve learned in the first song after simplifying the spelling. The two lines grouped together are identical in sound. The top one is used when the sound is in the ending position. The bottom one is the same sound used as is. Now let’s see if we can sing and write at the same time.

Compounded vowels song

ia ie iao iu ian in iang ing

ya ye yao you yan yin yang ying

ua uo ui uai uan un uang ong

wa wo wei wai wan wen wang weng

ue uan un iong

yue yuan yun yong

Women hui chang compounded vowels.

(We can sing compounded vowels.)

One thing we haven’t learned from these songs is the tonal system in Chinese language. The tones disappeared when we sing because of the music melody. However, when you speak Chinese language, you do need to say the sound in the correct tone otherwise people may misunderstand you.


Chinese language has five different tones. There are written as tonal symbols on top of the pinyin, such as: – ,ˊ,ˇ, maˋ, and˙. They tell you how the sound should be twisted. For example, the sound for mother is māmȧ, you say the first ma with a high and straight pitch for – symbol and the second ma with a softer lower voice. This symbol,ˊ, indicates the sound should go up. Of course, the ˇsymbol tells you the sound should go down first then up. Well, ˋ is going down for sure. If you have trouble hearing the tones, try listening with your eyes closed.

(Wei-yun’s note: Have students using their right arm to show different tones. Straight out to the right as first tone, raise up 45 degree for 2nd tone, bend the elbow to raise hand for third tone, drop down to 45 degree angle for 4th tone, and hold a fist for light tone. I prefer to use body gesture to show tones because it is more direct information associating the twisting of sound then thinking about the numbers. )

Extra tips for pinyin system.

1. When j, q, x, z, c, s, zh, ch, sh, and r are used in the initial sound add a silent i behind each one. It still sounds just like the original one in the song.

2. When yi and wu are used in the beginning position, only the first letter is written with an ending sound. When yü is used as an initial sound, yu is written down. If it is not in the beginning position, then only u is used. Notice that the dots disappeared on top of the sound. But do not worry, not too many words with this sound. Practice the examples in the following Table.

|Pinyin |As initial sound |As ending sound |As partial ending sound |

|Yi |yā 鴨 duck |nǐ 你 you |jiāo 教 to teach |

| | | | |

| |yǒu 有 to have |bǐ 筆 pen |jiào 叫 to call |

|Wu |wá 娃 doll |Bù 不 no, not |hǔo 火 fire |

| | | | |

| |wǒ 我 I, me |zhū 豬 pig |hūa 花 flower |

|Yü |yùe 月 moon |xǔ 許 to permit |xǔe 雪 snow |

| | | | |

| |yuán 圓 round, |qù 去 to go |xúe 學 to learn |

| |circle | | |

(Wei-yun’s note: We can keep this in the teacher’s resources instead in student’s book.)


1. Using CD and songs to practice basic pronunciation.

A. Sing b p m f song

Let students sing along with CD section by section but don’t let them look at the pinyin symbols. After the song has been memorized then practice the writing of symbols.

Little tricks to help students with problem:

To remember bpmf dtnl – Boy pours more flour down to new lamp

To remember gkh jqx – Girl kisses her jumping Chihuahua Xiong

Show student how you can make a Q from Ch

To remember zcs – Zack cuts silk

Remind student to say c as the ts sound in cuts

To remember zh ch sh r – Review how to say z, c, s, first, then teach student to curl the tongue and say z, c, s again. The h added in each one is to remind them to curl their tongue. The r sound is just the sound of air pushing through a curing tongue.

To remember the difference between e and ẹ - The e looks like an arm goes around someone’s neck. Ask students to make a chocking sound. The little dot under the e represents a little lam. Ask the student to make the animal sound for ẹ. Remind students the little lam may run away and disappear later in pinyin, but still using the lam sound for those words.

b. Sing Compounded vowel song

Make sure students master the first song before you teach this one.

You can teach this song with the pinyin symbols at the same time. Make sure students understand the two lines sound the same but the top one is as ending sound, while the bottom on is used as the initial sound. Lead students to repeat the song in different ways to reinforce memory.

2. Practice tones with gestures using right arm.

It is important to ask students to use right arm to practice because tones will be written down this way. Vietnamese students tend to write 2nd and 4th tones the opposite way because of Vietnamese language. It is easier for students to understand if you refer 1st tone as high flat tone, 2nd tone as up tone, 3rd tone as check mark tone and 4th tone as down tone. Make a fist to indicate the dot for the light tone.

3. Use TPR to practice pronunciation and learn verbs:

Start with 4 verbs as a group. Show students the pinyin and action. It is even better if you ask students to suggest the action. Be dramatic and fun! Practice the tones at the same time. Say verbs in slow motion with action. After mastery of one group then add on another group.

There are many ways you can do the practice in games. You can say student’s name and see if that person act correctly. Or do the reverse way, have the students do the action and you act. Purposely make mistake to have a laugh! Hangman will be good to practice spelling with pinyin and tones.

Extension activity: Teach students the sound of 不 with all the verbs. Even add the way to ask question by using verb 不 verb.


b (比) p (跑) m (摸) f (分) d (打) t (聽) n (拿) l (來)

g (給) k (哭) h (喝) j (教) q (去) x (笑)

z (坐) c (猜) s (算) zh (站) ch (吃) sh (說) r (扔)

yi (要) wu (玩) yü (願)

a (爬) o (剝) e (咳) ẹ (捏)

ai (愛) ei (背) ao (叫) ou (有)

an (看) en (摁) ang (唱 ) eng (碰)

4. Use pinyin cards with picture or real objects to practice the following terms.

Practice a few people terms and a few object terms each day. Combine with the verb terms learned before to create simple sentences. Use family pictures to practice people terms. Only show students pinyin cards. This is not the time to show Chinese characters.

(Wei-yun’s note: Make cards for teachers and make a pinyin sheet of the following terms for student’s material.)

Rén hé dìfāng (People and places)

我 你 他 我們 你們 他們

爸爸 媽媽 哥哥 弟弟 姐姐 妹妹

家人 老師 校長 家 學校 教室

公園 遊樂場 飯廳 運動場 圖書館 禮堂

Dōngxī (Objects)

校車 汽車 鉛筆 色筆 紙 尺

粘膠 剪刀 橡皮 板擦 白板 鐘

書 書包 電話 電腦 電視 電燈

門 窗 桌子 椅子 功課 光碟

5. Extension activity:

a. 在! 不在! 在不在? 在嗎?

If students absorb places terms quickly, add these learning immediately.

b. 是! 不是! 是不是? 是嗎?

If students absorb people terms quickly, add these learning immediately.

c. 有! 沒有! 有沒有? 有嗎?

If students absorb object terms quickly, add these learning immediately.

6. Games with cards:

1. Matching of cards. (A set of cards with picture to match with the other set with pinyin.)

2. Bingo.

3. Snatching the cards. (Display all cards in front of students. Students take turns to say one sentence that contain different cards. For example: I have book. They need to say it out loud before taking the cards. Verb is not displayed. So it is good to review some verbs before doing this game. Assign different points to cards and have them add the total points at the end of the game to win a prize.)



Students Reading:

(Show Peter’s picture with Pinyin saying: Shénmė shì zhōngwén? Hànyǚ? )

The Chinese language you are learning is Hànyǚ or Zhōngwén. It’s also called Pŭtōnghùa or Mandarin Chinese. How can it have 4 different names?

Hànyǚ means the language used by Han people, the majority of Chinese about 90% of the population. China is slightly smaller than U.S. in total area but close to 5 times of the U.S. population! There are total 56 ethnic groups. All ethnic groups have their own language. In order to communicate efficiently, Hànyǚ, the ethnic language of Han tribe, is the official Chinese language. Zhōnggúo is China in Chinese language. Therefore, Zhōngwén is the language spoken by the people. The term Pŭtōnghùa means a common language, while Mandarin Chinese is the Mandarin dialect spoken by northern and southwestern Chinese. Isn’t it amazing? All these 4 names apply to the Chinese language you are learning.

Who uses Chinese language in our world?

Currently, people outside of main land China also use Zhōngwén, such as people in Taiwan, Singapore, and China towns all over the world. In the ancient time, many nations in Asia used Chinese characters as written language, such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Today Japanese still use kanji originated from Chinese characters in their writing. As for modern Korean and Vietnamese language, they’ve developed their own spelling systems and no longer using Chinese characters. According to The World Almanac, there is more people speaking Chinese than either Spanish or English on Earth. It’s also one of the six official language used by the United Nation along with Arabic, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. Based on the trend of language learning in schools around the world, there will be more people using this language when we grow up.

(Wei-yun’s note: Should we add a world map, marking areas with people speaking Chinese? And a bar graph comparing the amount of people speaking major languages in the world, adapted from the data in 2007 World Almanac? )

What are the major difference between Chinese language and English?

Are you curious about how Chinese language work? When I first came to the U.S., I had to learn English from the very beginning. That was really difficult for me because in my own language, Chinese, there is no gender, no tense, no singular nor plural form of nouns, and no need to conjugate verbs (changing verb according to people and tense). It took me sometime to get use to all these changes needed in English. My friend told me there are even more of these changes in Spanish. So, I think learning speaking Chinese probably will be easy for you especially after you mastered the pīnyīn and tones. But, Chinese language has no spelling. Pīnyīn is only a tool to teach you how to pronounce the sound. The written form of Chinese is roughly square-shaped graphic design called character (字 zì).

When did the written Chinese language started on history? How did it change through the years?

According to the legend, Chāng Jíe, an official recorder of the Yellow Emperor, created Chinese characters over five thousand years ago. Gradually, these characters evolved into symbols called Oracle Bone Script. They were carved on bones and tortoise shells around thirty-three hundred years ago. By 221 B.C., Qínshĭhuángdì, The First Emperor of China, unified all the kingdoms and ordered everyone to write Chinese characters in the same style. Starting then, written Chinese changed little in shape. However, new characters have been added on over the years. The first dictionary – Shūo Wén Jǐe Zì written during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.) contains 9,000 characters. There are about 86,000 characters listed in a dictionary published in 1994!

How many characters do I need to learn to be able to read?

Actually, only about 3,500 characters are used in daily life. Some characters are used much more frequently than others. When learning Chinese, teacher always starts from teaching the most frequently used words to make learning efficient. A well-educated Chinese person masters about 6,000 to 7,000 characters. What about the others 80,000 characters? You will not see them unless you do research on ancient Chinese literatures.

How did Chinese people create so many characters?

There are 6 basic ways to create characters. The attached table shows you the name of these methods and examples of each.

|Six types of characters |How were they created? |Examples |Notes |Fun with words |

|1. xiàng xíng zì |Draw the basic shape of |木, 人, 水, and 口 |It is the oldest way of |Can you match up examples|

| |things. | |creating characters. |with these meanings? |

| | | |Pictographs. |Mouth, people, water, and|

| | | | |wood? |

|2. Zhǐ shì zì |Create pictograph with an|木 added a line to become|It’s created along the |Can you match本 and 大 |

| |indicative sign added |本, |original pictographs. |with either origin or |

| | |人 added a line to | |big? |

| | |become大 | | |

|3. Hùi yì zì |Combining existing |日(sun) and月 (moon) |The sound of the created |Can you match明 and 尖 |

| |characters to create new |together for 明; 小 |words are not the same as|with either tip or |

| |meaning. |(small) and 大 (big) for |either of the original |bright? |

| | |尖 |words | |

|4. Xíng shēng zì |Combining existing |父 (dad) with 巴 (symbol |Over 90% of Chinese |Which word is mother? |

| |characters to create new |with ba sound) for 爸; |characters are in this |Which word is father? |

| |meaning still keep the |女(female) with 馬 |category. |How do you say mother and|

| |sound of one of the part.|(symbol with ma sound) | |father? |

| | |for 媽 | | |

|5. Zhuǎn zhù zì |Change parts of character|考 (test, kǎo) changed to|This is more frequent |Both 開 and 關 have a |

| |to create new meaning. |老 (old, lǎo); |than Jĭa jìe zì. |common part 門 (mén). |

| | |開 (open, kāi) changed to| |What do you think 門 |

| | |關 (close down, guān) | |looks like? |

|6. Jĭa jìe zì |Borrowing a word for |還 (still, hái) is |Very seldom to see words |What sound do you think |

| |another meaning and |borrowed for 還 (return, |in this group. |環 will have? |

| |sound. |huán) | |Hái or huán? |

How to use various characters to make vocabulary?

Every single Chinese character has only one syllable. A very unique situation about Chinese characters is that many different characters may sound exactly the same. There fore it is necessary to combine characters into a term to make the meaning clear.

For example: The sound diàn can be 店 (store). There fore, shāngdiàn (商店) is a general store and shūdiàn (書店) is a book store.

The sound diàn can also be 電 (electricity). Diànhùa (電話) is telephone and diànshi (電玩) is video game.

When you learn Chinese characters you’ll see your vocabulary increases quickly because of the different ways of combining them into terms.

How do you make sentences in Chinese?

I always think Chinese characters are similar to individual Lego pieces, when you link them together, you can build many things. So when you link the Chinese characters together, in the right order of course, you can make sentences or questions.

a. To use STPVO general structure:

The right order means arranging the English sentence “I study Chinese in school this year.” as “I this year in school study Chinese.” The time (T) and place (P) need to be placed before the action (V for verb). S indicates subject, and O indicates object.

b. To make negative statement:

If you want to say no or not, add bù sound before the V.

For example: Learn (xúe) changed to not learn (bù xúe).

Good (hǎo) changed to not good (bù hǎo).

c. To make questions:

There are two ways to ask “Do you learn Chinese?” One is to add a mȧ sound at the end of a straight statement of “You study Chinese”. The other is to use a positive negative combination of verb.

1. Nĭ xúe Zhōngwén. -------( Nĭ xúe Zhōngwén mȧ?

2. Nĭ xúe Zhōngwén.--------( Nĭ xúe bù xúe Zhōngwén?

d. To change from I to you, he, she and it:

| |Wǒ |Nǐ |Tā |Tā |

| |(I) |(you) |(he or she) |(it) |

|shì |Wǒ shì |Nǐ shì |Tā shì |Tā shì |

|(am, is, are) |(I’m) |(you’re) |(he’s or she’s) |(It’s) |

|mén |Wǒ mén |Nǐ mén |Tā mén |Tā mén |

|(plural) |(we, us) |(you all) |(they, them) |(they, them) |

|dē |Wǒ dē |Nǐ dē |Tā dē |Tā dē |

|(possessive) |(my, mine) |(your, yours) |(his, hers) |(its) |

e. To specify past or future:

A sound gùo or lē is added after the action word to indicate it has happened.

I learned Chinese. Wǒ xúe gùo Zhōngwén.

Wǒ xúe lē Zhōngwén.

Wǒ xúe gùo Zhōngwén lē.

A sound of yào or hùi is added before the action word for future tense.

I want to learn Chinese. Wǒ yào xúe Zhōngwén.

I’ll learn Chinese. Wǒ hùi xúe Zhōngwén.

Now, you are ready to go into the adventure of MAGIC CHINESE with us. Let the fun begin!

Pre-Lesson 2: The Basics of Chinese Language (2-17-08)

Students Reading:

(Show Peter’s picture with Pinyin saying: Shénmė shì zhōngwén? Hànyǚ? )

The Chinese language you are learning is Hànyǚ or Zhōngwén. It’s also called Pŭtōnghùa or Mandarin Chinese. How can it have 4 different names?

Hànyǚ means the language used by Han people, the majority of Chinese about 90% of the population. China is slightly smaller than U.S. in total area but close to 5 times of the U.S. population! There are total 56 ethnic groups. All ethnic groups have their own language. In order to communicate efficiently, Hànyǚ, the ethnic language of Han tribe, is the official Chinese language. Zhōnggúo is China in Chinese language. Therefore, Zhōngwén is the language spoken by the people. The term Pŭtōnghùa means a common language, while Mandarin Chinese is the Mandarin dialect spoken by northern and southwestern Chinese. Isn’t it amazing? All these 4 names apply to the Chinese language you are learning.

Who uses Chinese language in our world?

Currently, people outside of main land China also use Zhōngwén, such as people in Taiwan, Singapore, and China towns all over the world. In the ancient time, many nations in Asia used Chinese characters as written language, such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Today Japanese still use kanji originated from Chinese characters in their writing. As for modern Korean and Vietnamese language, they’ve developed their own spelling systems and no longer using Chinese characters. According to The World Almanac, there is more people speaking Chinese than either Spanish or English on Earth. It’s also one of the six official language used by the United Nation along with Arabic, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. Based on the trend of language learning in schools around the world, there will be more people using this language when we grow up.

(Wei-yun’s note: Should we add a world map, marking areas with people speaking Chinese? And a bar graph comparing the amount of people speaking major languages in the world, adapted from the data in 2007 World Almanac? )

What are the major difference between Chinese language and English?

Are you curious about how Chinese language work? When I first came to the U.S., I had to learn English from the very beginning. That was really difficult for me because in my own language, Chinese, there is no gender, no tense, no singular nor plural form of nouns, and no need to conjugate verbs (changing verb according to people and tense). It took me sometime to get use to all these changes needed in English. My friend told me there are even more of these changes in Spanish. So, I think learning speaking Chinese probably will be easy for you especially after you mastered the pīnyīn and tones. But, Chinese language has no spelling. Pīnyīn is only a tool to teach you how to pronounce the sound. The written form of Chinese is roughly square-shaped graphic design called character (字 zì).

When did the written Chinese language started on history? How did it change through the years?

According to the legend, Chāng Jíe, an official recorder of the Yellow Emperor, created Chinese characters over five thousand years ago. Gradually, these characters evolved into symbols called Oracle Bone Script. They were carved on bones and tortoise shells around thirty-three hundred years ago. By 221 B.C., Qínshĭhuángdì, The First Emperor of China, unified all the kingdoms and ordered everyone to write Chinese characters in the same style. Starting then, written Chinese changed little in shape. However, new characters have been added on over the years. The first dictionary – Shūo Wén Jǐe Zì written during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.) contains 9,000 characters. There are about 86,000 characters listed in a dictionary published in 1994!

How many characters do I need to learn to be able to read?

Actually, only about 3,500 characters are used in daily life. Some characters are used much more frequently than others. When learning Chinese, teacher always starts from teaching the most frequently used words to make learning efficient. A well-educated Chinese person masters about 6,000 to 7,000 characters. What about the others 80,000 characters? You will not see them unless you do research on ancient Chinese literatures.

How did Chinese people create so many characters?

There are 6 basic ways to create characters. The attached table shows you the name of these methods and examples of each.

|Six types of characters |How were they created? |Examples |Notes |Fun with words |

|1. xiàng xíng zì |Draw the basic shape of |木, 人, 水, and 口 |It is the oldest way of |Can you match up examples|

| |things. | |creating characters. |with these meanings? |

| | | |Pictographs. |Mouth, people, water, and|

| | | | |wood? |

|2. Zhǐ shì zì |Create pictograph with an|木 added a line to become|It’s created along the |Can you match本 and 大 |

| |indicative sign added |本, |original pictographs. |with either origin or |

| | |人 added a line to | |big? |

| | |become大 | | |

|3. Hùi yì zì |Combining existing |日(sun) and月 (moon) |The sound of the created |Can you match明 and 尖 |

| |characters to create new |together for 明; 小 |words are not the same as|with either tip or |

| |meaning. |(small) and 大 (big) for |either of the original |bright? |

| | |尖 |words | |

|4. Xíng shēng zì |Combining existing |父 (dad) with 巴 (symbol |Over 90% of Chinese |Which word is mother? |

| |characters to create new |with ba sound) for 爸; |characters are in this |Which word is father? |

| |meaning still keep the |女(female) with 馬 |category. |How do you say mother and|

| |sound of one of the part.|(symbol with ma sound) | |father? |

| | |for 媽 | | |

|5. Zhuǎn zhù zì |Change parts of character|考 (test, kǎo) changed to|This is more frequent |Both 開 and 關 have a |

| |to create new meaning. |老 (old, lǎo); |than Jĭa jìe zì. |common part 門 (mén). |

| | |開 (open, kāi) changed to| |What do you think 門 |

| | |關 (close down, guān) | |looks like? |

|6. Jĭa jìe zì |Borrowing a word for |還 (still, hái) is |Very seldom to see words |What sound do you think |

| |another meaning and |borrowed for 還 (return, |in this group. |環 will have? |

| |sound. |huán) | |Hái or huán? |

How to use various characters to make vocabulary?

Every single Chinese character has only one syllable. A very unique situation about Chinese characters is that many different characters may sound exactly the same. There fore it is necessary to combine characters into a term to make the meaning clear.

For example: The sound diàn can be 店 (store). There fore, shāngdiàn (商店) is a general store and shūdiàn (書店) is a book store.

The sound diàn can also be 電 (electricity). Diànhùa (電話) is telephone and diànshi (電玩) is video game.

When you learn Chinese characters you’ll see your vocabulary increases quickly because of the different ways of combining them into terms.

How do you make sentences in Chinese?

I always think Chinese characters are similar to individual Lego pieces, when you link them together, you can build many things. So when you link the Chinese characters together, in the right order of course, you can make sentences or questions.

a. To use STPVO general structure:

The right order means arranging the English sentence “I study Chinese in school this year.” as “I this year in school study Chinese.” The time (T) and place (P) need to be placed before the action (V for verb). S indicates subject, and O indicates object.

b. To make negative statement:

If you want to say no or not, add bù sound before the V.

For example: Learn (xúe) changed to not learn (bù xúe).

Good (hǎo) changed to not good (bù hǎo).

c. To make questions:

There are two ways to ask “Do you learn Chinese?” One is to add a mȧ sound at the end of a straight statement of “You study Chinese”. The other is to use a positive negative combination of verb.

1. Nĭ xúe Zhōngwén. -------( Nĭ xúe Zhōngwén mȧ?

2. Nĭ xúe Zhōngwén.--------( Nĭ xúe bù xúe Zhōngwén?

d. To change from I to you, he, she and it:

| |Wǒ |Nǐ |Tā |Tā |

| |(I) |(you) |(he or she) |(it) |

|shì |Wǒ shì |Nǐ shì |Tā shì |Tā shì |

|(am, is, are) |(I’m) |(you’re) |(he’s or she’s) |(It’s) |

|mén |Wǒ mén |Nǐ mén |Tā mén |Tā mén |

|(plural) |(we, us) |(you all) |(they, them) |(they, them) |

|dē |Wǒ dē |Nǐ dē |Tā dē |Tā dē |

|(possessive) |(my, mine) |(your, yours) |(his, hers) |(its) |

e. To specify past or future:

A sound gùo or lē is added after the action word to indicate it has happened.

I learned Chinese. Wǒ xúe gùo Zhōngwén.

Wǒ xúe lē Zhōngwén.

Wǒ xúe gùo Zhōngwén lē.

A sound of yào or hùi is added before the action word for future tense.

I want to learn Chinese. Wǒ yào xúe Zhōngwén.

I’ll learn Chinese. Wǒ hùi xúe Zhōngwén.

Now, you are ready to go into the adventure of MAGIC CHINESE with us. Let the fun begin!


The story…

The ‘Magic Chinese’ journey starts when Melissa and her family go to a flea market and buy what they think is a compass. It is old and rusty, with many dials and buttons that seem more like decorations than anything else. Beautiful designs are carved into the lid. Even though the compass doesn’t seem to work very well, Melissa still loves it. What she doesn’t realize is that the compass is going to change her life and that of her friends.

On the day after she buys the compass, Melissa, as always, gets together with her four good friends in Peter’s garage.  Excitedly, Melissa shows everyone the compass. Peter immediately declares that he knows how to make it work, but Tom barges his way in, snatching the compass and wildly pressing all of the buttons and turning all of the dials. Suddenly, strange, glowing words appear as if by magic in the air. Tom drops the compass out of surprise, but the words remain. Everyone is astonished by them.

They ask Peter at once what these words mean. Peter explains that they are times and dates in Chinese, but he doesn’t know why they are there or how they have appeared. Melissa exclaims that it doesn’t matter. She thinks that everything that has occurred so far is extremely exciting and just like what is told in fantasy stories. Maybe the compass will take them to a magical world! However, something strange happens. When Reggie pushes the upper left key, the compass screen promptly displays English on what looks like a computer screen. It seems to have turned into a translator. 

I. 故事發展 (Narration)

|Melissa is showing this curious-looking compass to her friends. While everyone is watching intently, Peter declares that he knows |

|how to use it. Tom barges in immediately and begins to press all the buttons and dials. Suddenly, strange, glowing words appears |

|as if by magic in the air. Tom drops the compass out of surprise, but the words remain. Everyone is astonished by them. |

II. 課文對話 (Dialogue)

|Tom |Look! What’s this? Hey, there are some amazing symbols. I wonder what language this is. |

|Peter |I know. I know. That’s Chinese. They are the numbers 1-10. “一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九十.” |

|Linda |What? (mimicking)….yi, er, san, si, wu, ……….. |

| |Wow! That’s really cool. I want to learn it. |

|Peter |Look! Here’s today’s date. “二零零七年十月二十六日.” |

|Melissa | (Looking at the time machine) What about this? |

|Peter |That’s the time. “下午三點二十六 分.” |

|Tom |Look at this! I think this button sounds it out. Listen! |

|Time Machine (pronouncing :) |一,二,三,四,五,六,七,八,九十. |

| |二零零七年十月二十六日. |

| |下午三點二十六分. |

III. 詞彙 Vocabulary

零 zero

一 one

二 two

三 three

四 four

五 five

六 six

七 seven

八 eight

九 nine

十 ten

年 year

月 month/moon

日 date/sun

分 minute

上 午 morning, AM

下 午 afternoon, PM

百 hundred

天 sky, day(s)

是 to be, am, are, is

有 to have, there is, there are

點 o’clock

分 minute

四字表Four-word phrases


IV. 語法與句型 Grammar Points, Sentence Patterns

1. To state a telephone number in Chinese just say each digit in order. Remember numbers are keys words in a sentence; you need to pronounce each number clearly and correctly.

415-833-9706 四一五-八三三-九七零六

Now, ask some of your classmate to state their home phone numbers in Chinese, and write them down below:

_______________________________ __________________________________

_______________________________ __________________________________

_______________________________ __________________________________

_______________________________ __________________________________

2. How do you say year, month and date in Chinese?

In Chinese, the character 月(yue4) “The moon” stands for month; while 日(ri4) “The sun” stands for the day or date. For example, the eighteenth day of September is written 九月十八日. In speaking, however, the word “號” (hao4=number) replaces “日”. Thus, 九月十八號 is how you say September 18th.

From January to December, you can just go by the order of the numbers from the first month to the twelfth:

January 一月, February 二月, March三月, April 四月,

May 五月, June 六月, July 七月, August 八月,

September 九月, October 十月, November 十一月, December 十二月

Now, what are these dates? Give the English translation for each of the following:

四月九日 ________  十一月二十號 _______

七月六號 ________ 八月三十一日 _______

九月八日 ________ 十二月十八號 _______

For the year, you will say the four digit number just like you say the telephone numbers, and end the phrase with 年 (nian2, the word for “year”). For example:

1990, 一九九零年

1865, 一八六五年

2002, 二零零二年

2008, 二零零八年

2012, 二零一二年

Now, to give information on year, month and date, simply use this order: from large to small (year+month+date):

For example; September 30th, 2008- 二零零八年九月三十日

Please give the English translation for each of the following dates:

一七八五四月六日 ______________________

一八九三年十月十五日 ______________________

一九九六年八月二十九日 ______________________

二零零九年 三月十六日 ______________________

Now give the date of birth of some your family members or your friends:





3. What is today’s date? 今天是幾月幾號? “幾” is a question word, which literally means “how many” or “how much”. Whenever a question regarding a number is asked, 幾is used.

今天 (是) 幾月幾號?



六月 有 幾天?



你的電話 幾號?

4. Note the difference between一月and 一個月. The word “個” is a generic measure word. So while 一個月means one month,一月means January. For example;

一個月 有三十天 as opposed to 一月有三十一天

今年二月 有 二十九 天

明年二月 二十八 天

九月 三十

5. To state the time of the day:

上午 九點 十 分

下午 三點 二十分

Now, write down the following times in Chinese:

6:00 AM ___________________ 8:30 PM ______________________

11:15 AM __________________ 6:35 PM ______________________

2:36 PM ___________________ 7:50 AM ______________________

6.Please note when counting the number of years, ‘年’, does not take a measure word. Thus, ‘a year’ is ‘一年’ rather than‘一個年’For example: “ There are 365 days in a year” is “一年 有 三百六十五 天.” (A year has 365 days.)

The word for week “星期” on the other hand, takes measure word “個” as a counter. For example: There are 21 days in three weeks.三個星期有二十一 天.(Three weeks has 21 days.)

Now, can you translate the following into English?

There are 366 days in the year 2008. (The year 2008 has 366 days.)


There are 29 days in February this year _______________________________

There are four weeks in a month._____________________________________

There are 52 weeks in a year. ________________________________________

補充詞彙Words to help.

|今天 |有 |星期 |

|今 年 |電 話 |點 |

|生日 |是 |個 |

|快樂 |幾 |你 |

|的 |明天 |明年 |

VI. 動腦活動 Class Activities

A. 唱歌: 用 One little, two little, three little Indians 曲調

(以後五線譜要畫在這裡, 淑真,你真不得了, 你的五線譜是怎麼弄的?).

一個, 兩個, 三個小孩; 四個, 五個, 六個 小孩; 七個,八個, 九個 小孩 十個小孩通通來.

B. 連連看 Dot to Dot (做一個連接 點到點的圖畫,讓學生從一連到一百.)

C. 畫一隻長長的蜈蚣,讓學生猜猜看一共有多少隻腳?

D. 部首: Radical/Writing: 人 口

|人 person |

|The origin of ‘人’。 |

|人 "person" as a radical is normally written at the left side of a|

|character (the standing person : 你, 他, ) |

|口 mouth |

|The origin of ‘口’。 |

|‘口’ is usually written on the left side of a |

|character. ( 叫) |

Some of the following characters belong to radical ‘person’; some belongs to ‘mouth’. Copy them down on the space provided below.

|吹 to blow |眼eye |進 to enter | 吠to bark |像 image |

|見 to see |俊 handsome |都 all |美 beautiful |字 word |

|伴 companion |吃 to eat |伯 uncle |明 bright |味 taste |

|有 to have |唱 to sing |吵 noisy |喝 to drink |体body |

人/ : _____________________________________

口: ____________________________________

VII. 文化知識 Culture Notes

A. Chinese believe that some numbers are more auspicious than others. Six and Eight represent good fortune for Chinese, much as the number seven is considered a lucky number for Westerners. Westerners consider thirteen to be an unlucky number while for Chinese number 4 is considered unlucky. The pronunciation of number 4 is homophonic (that is it sounds the same) with the word for “death”, and is therefore often avoided.

B. 在這裡畫出中國人如何用手語來表達數字 1-10.


一. 故事情節(Narration)

After the previous experience, Peter’s garage becomes the fixed place where they amuse themselves with the compass. One day, Melissa unintentionally keys in her date of birth: “Here! Look! It’s my birthday.” Tom grabs the compass and turns the outermost circle of the compass to the left. Peter nervously yells: “Wait! Wait!” Suddenly, the screen emits a blinding light that none of them can keep their eyes open. They are so surprised to find that Peter’s garage has vanished after they open their eyes. Instead, the surrounding looks like a middle school sports ground. The students around them are all Easterners look rather like Peter and Linda. With a confused look on their faces, they come up to ask who they are and where do they come from. Peter knows none of his friends understand Chinese language, so he begins to introduce himself. To his amazement, they all can speak Chinese fluently although none of them understand why. Reggie is quite nervous about this adventure and keeps thinking about how will they go home. Peter finally figures out the reverse process. In a blink of an eye, they are back in Peter’s garage save and sound! Now they realize what a treasure this compass is. They pledge to keep this secret among themselves.

二. 課文對話(Dialogue)

瑞奇:「 哇! 我在哪裡?」

玲達: 「彼得! 這是哪裡? 」

彼得: 「 我不知道! …是個中學! 」

湯姆: 「 哇! 這太好玩了! 」

學 生 甲: 「 咦? 你們是誰? 怎麼來的? 」

學 生 乙: 「 嗨! 你們叫什麼名字? 是哪裡人? 」

彼得: 「你們好! 我叫彼得。 他們是湯姆, 麗莎, 瑞奇和玲達。」

麗莎: 「 我們是美國人。這裡是哪裡? 」

學 生 乙: 「這裡是台北中山中學。」

彼得: 「 咦! 麗莎! 你說中文嗎!? 」

瑞奇: 「我們怎麼回家啊? 」

Finally, Peter figures out how to reverse the process. Everyone happily says goodbye to the students in Taipei (台北), Taiwan (台灣).

大家: 「再見! 再見! 我們回家了! 」

三. 課文詞彙與延展練習(VOCABULARY)

A. 寫字練習

我 你 他 們 是 不 好 在 哪 裡 叫 什 麼 名 美 國 人 說 中 文 嗎

B. 課文詞彙

我們 你們 他們

在哪裡? 這是哪裡? 是哪裡人?

你是誰? 叫什麼名字? 我叫

怎麼來的? 怎麼回家?

美國 台灣 台北 中山中學

美國人 大家

不知道 說中文嗎?

嗨! 哇! 咦! 啊! 太好玩了! 再見!

C. 研展練習

Besides the following examples, you can also practice with the terms you’ve learned in Pre-lesson I.

a. 在哪裡? 在這裡 在家裡 在中學裡

在中國 在台北 在美國


b. 和 我和你 我們和你們 中國人和美國人

中文和英文 英國人和美國人 上學和回家

c. 嗎? 他是好人。 他是好人嗎?

你說英文。 你說英文嗎?

這裡是中學。 這裡是中學嗎?

d. 不 是 不是 是不是? (是嗎?)

好 不好 好不好? (好嗎?)

說 不說 說不說? (說嗎?)

叫 不叫 叫不叫? (叫嗎?)

在 不在 在不在? (在嗎?)


1. Asking questions using “嗎?”:

Change a straight sentence into a questions simply add嗎 at the end.

Example: You are American. Are you American?

Ni shi meiguoren. Ni shi meiguoren ma?

He speaks Chinese. Does he speak Chinese?

Ta shuo Zhongwen. Ta shuo Zhongwen ma?

This is fun. Is this fun?

Zhe hao wan. Zhe hao wan ma?

2. Asking questions using “什麼?”, “誰?”, and “哪裡?”:

a. Do not add 嗎 at the end of the questions.

b. Chinese questions follow the same pattern as the answer. All you have to do is

to take out the answer term and put in the questions term.

Examples: What is this? This is a Chinese book.

Zhe shi sheme? Zhe shi Zhongwen shu.

Who is this? This is my mother.

Zhe shi shei? Zhe shi wode mama.

Where is this? This is middle school.

Zhe shi nali? Zhe shi zhongxue.

What is Chinese language?

Zhongwen shi sheme?

Who speak English?

Shei shuo yingwen?

3. Asking questions using “怎麼?”:

a. Do not add 嗎 at the end of the questions.

b. Always use a verb or action word after怎麼 to make a how to type of question.

Examples: How to say this? Zhe zenme shuo?

How to play this? Zhe zenme wan?

How to learn this? Zhe zenme xue?

How to ___verb___? Zenme ___verb___?

c. Learn how to say “What is _____ in Chinese language?”

How to say panda in Chinese? Panda zhongwen zenme shuo?

How to say France in Chinese? France zhongwen zenme shuo?

How to say Japan in Chinese? Japan zhongwen zenme shuo?

4. When to use 是 and when not to use 是:

Think “shi” is an equal sign. When the two sides of shi are the same type of words you can use shi, otherwise, don’t use it.

Example: That is good. That person is a good person.

Na hao. Na ren shi hao ren.

America is fun. Americans are fun people.

Meiguo haowan. Meiguoren shi haowande ren.

五. 延伸練習 (EXPANSION)

a. Nationality, people and language

中國 中國人 中文

美國 美國人 英文

英國 英國人 英文

法國 Faguo 法國人 法文

德國 Deguo 德國人 德文

日本 Riben 日本人 日文

西班牙 Xibanya 西班牙人 西班牙文

墨西哥 Moxige 墨西哥人 西班牙文

台灣 台灣人 台灣話 Taiwanhua

b. Describing people

好人 中國的好人 天人 好美的天人 美人 英國的美人 名人 天下的名人

美國人 學中文的美國人 中國人 說英文的中國人

c. Describing location

哪裡? 哪裡好玩?

這裡 這裡好玩。

那裡nali 那裡不好玩。

家裡 家裡好玩。。

中學裡 中學裡太好玩。


Activity 1: Conversation circle. (對話圈)

Divide students into two groups with equal numbers. Have them standing in two concentric circles facing each other. The students will ask each other the following questions. Then move the outside circle clockwise to switch to a new partner. You may give them a card with questions printed on it to begin the activity. After a while you can remove all the cards and have them continue on the questioning without cards. This will help students to speak naturally.

1. 你是誰? 你叫什麼名字?



2. 你是哪裡人? 你是哪國人?



3. 你說什麼文? 你說中文嗎?

Ying diandian

我說英文。 我說一點點中文。

Activity 2: Chinese Shulaibao! (Chinese wrap 中文數來寶)

Explain the ancient art of 數來寶. Demonstrate the 說中文- 數來寶 using CD and the pinyin transparency. Explain the meaning and lead students to say it slowly section by section. After several times, increase the speed but still keeps the tempo. Start to cover up some portion of the words while continuing the practice until the whole thing disappears. Then use the Chinese word transparency sheet to practice again. This is to help student internalize the learning. Using hand gestures at the same time can help students remember the meaning. Point out several new grammar points at the end to confirm their understanding.

說中文- 數來寶

說中文! 說中文! 我會說中文!

你也說, 我也說, 人人說中文!

昨天說, 今天說, 明天還要說!

天天說, 天天學, 中文說得好!

Shuo zhongwen! Shuo zhongwen! Wo hui shuo zhongwen!

Ni ye shuo, wo ye shuo, renren shuo zhongwen!

Zuotian shuo, jintian shuo, mingtian haiyao shuo!

Tiantian shuo, tiantian xue, zhongwen shuo de hao!

Activity 3: Introducing a friend to class. (介紹同學)

Let students find a partner in class. Interview each other with the questions listed on the cards. Using Pre-lesson I to do question 4 and 5. Have them memorize the answer for each question and introduce each other in front of the whole class. When they finish introducing each other praise them “Shuo de hao!” Reward each student a piece of fortune cookie or candy. Make them practice saying Xiexie.

1.他是誰? 他叫什麼名字?



3.他是哪國人? 他是哪裡人?

Xi huan


5.他不喜歡什麼? (Using Pre-lesson I to do question 4 and 5)

Activity 4. Recognizing Radicals (部首練習)

Can you tell the identical part of the following words? There are two radicals in the following words. Please group them into the two categories. One of the radical was originated from person, 人 (ren). Notice that when written on the left hand side of the word, it looks a little different. The other one originated from the meaning of mouth, 口 (kou).

|你 you |叫 call |他 he |吃 eat |們 plural |

| | | | |for people |

|啊 ! |人 person |伯 uncle |喝 drink |仔 kid |

|呀 ! |休 rest |哪 which |和 and |個 individual, |

| | | | |measuring word |

Words with radical人 (ren): ________________________________________________

Words with radical口 (kou): ________________________________________________


中文名字 Chinese name

Chinese name always have their family name before their own name. Family name usually composed of one single character, occasionally we can see two characters for family name, such as 歐陽 (Ouyang). The attached list shows you some common Chinese family name (Chart 1).

Unlike the first name in English, there is a book of name for parents to choose from, Chinese name is created by parents. The parents will choose either one or two characters that can describe their kids or expectations for their kids. Sometimes the first word is a chosen word according to the generation sequence from a set of characters determined by their ancestor. In this case, people can tell which generation this person is just from looking at his or her name. One can also tell whether they are siblings from the same family based on that chosen word. There are some examples of Chinese names for boys and girls (Chart 2). Can you tell which is more likely for girls? Of course, sometimes we can’t tell the gender simply by looking at a name. A name like 明 (ming, bright or smart) can be either a boy or a girl.

英文名字 translated into Chinese.

When English name is translated into Chinese, the sound of each syllable is matched with a sound in Chinese character. The Chinese words are chosen in the way that doesn’t carry any special meaning to avoid sounding funny. You can see some American names in Chart 2.

Do you like to create a Chinese name for yourself? Write down two or three key words that you would like to have in your characters, in English of course. Your teacher may be able to help you create an authentic Chinese name for you.

Chart 1. 百家姓

Chart 2. 誰是誰?

What is the family name? Can you tell a boy’s name from a girl’s name?

名字: 李國強 Li guoqiang (country and strong) 林美 Lin mei

王百俊 Wang baijun (hundred and handsom) 張慧玲 Zhang hui ling (wisdom and delicate)

Chart 3. 美國名人

Qiaozhi huashengdun niudun ai yin si tan

僑 治 華 盛 頓 牛頓 艾因司坦


I. Narration 故事情节

From the previous ‘teleporting’ experience, the friends realized that the compass had special powers.

The following day they gathered in Tom’s garage again. When Tom picked up the compass and turned the outer dial to the right, the light reappeared. Everyone had become used to it, so they closed their eyes waiting for the rays of light to go out. Opening their eyes, they found that they had been transported to Melissa’s garage. Disappointed they hadn’t been transported somewhere more exciting, they went into Melissa’s living room to talk about the compass. Since they hadn’t told their families about the compass yet, Tom asked Melissa if her parents were at home. Melissa gestured at a photo on the wall and said that they were out today. Tom asked if it was an old photo, since he didn’t recognize Melissa’s parents.

II. Dialogue 课文对话

湯姆:Melissa, 他們是誰啊?

Melissa pointed at the people in the photo one by one. 這是我爺爺,這是我奶奶,那是我爸爸和媽媽,這是我哥哥和弟弟,那是我妹妹。我爺爺奶奶都是墨西哥人。




琳達:有兄弟姐妹真好 。





III. Vocabulary 课文詞彙 :

谁 who

這是 this is 那是 that is









兄弟姐妹 brothers and sisters

都是 all are

墨西哥人 Mexican

会 know how to

说~话 to speak

西班牙 Spain

当然 of course

说得很好 speak well

像 looks alike

真 truly

朋友 friend(s)

要 want

什么 What

是~的 emphasize the action in between

开玩笑 joking


家、人、爸、妈、哥、姐、弟、妹、朋、友、没、很、得、好、会、这、那、 都、是、要

IV. Grammar Notes: 語法注解:

1. How to ask question in Chinese?

In Chinese, if you want to ask a question, you can simply add MA in the end of the sentence.




Or you can use a question word.





Or you can simply use positive + negative to make a choice-type question.

不 is negative, so 是不是 is “are you or are you not”




会不会:can you or can’t you?




像不像?look alike or not?



Important note:

The negative form for 有 is 没有,

有没有:have or not have




2. To compliment someone when they do something very well



3. 都 “all”---- can only be placed before a verb.

我们都是美国人。 All of us are American. / We are all American.

我们都是好朋友。 We are all good friends.

我们都会说中文。 We all can speak Chinese.

都不 means all not; 不都 means not all

我们都不是中国人。None of us are Chinese.

我们都不会说中文。None of us can speak Chinese.

我们不都是美国人。 We are not all American.

我们不都会说英文。 Not all of us can speak English.

V. Expansion延伸练习:

|我爸爸41歲,他是美國人,他的爸爸和媽媽都是墨西哥人。我爸爸有兩個 |我媽媽39歲, |

|姐姐,她們都像我奶奶。( Melissa’s picture) |她是美國人,她的爺爺和奶奶都是英國人。她沒有兄弟姐妹,她像她爸爸 |

| |,不像她媽媽。(Tom’s picture) |

|我12歲, |我媽媽35歲,她有一個妹妹,我媽媽像我外公,她妹妹像我外婆。我不像 |

|我是美國人,我爸爸是香港人,我媽媽是台北人。我有一個弟弟,他像媽 |我媽媽,我像我爺爺。 |

|媽,我像爸爸。(Peter’s picture) | |

Vocabulary for the Expansion 延伸练习詞彙:






VI. Tasks Performance

1. Warm up

Listen to the recording and write down the number for each person. The first one is an example. ‘1.哥哥今年十六歲。’(An arrow with a box pointed at 哥哥in the picture, like this

|A photo of family, with grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters. |

|With an arrow and a box for each person. |

| |

| |

| |

(The rest of the recording is the following. This part won’t be in the book.)








2. Role Play

Bring in a picture of your family, or find a picture of a family in a magazine, and talk about their relationship, age, nationality and what language they speak.

3. Radical/Writing

|女 female |[pic] |

| |learnchinese.images/=25E5... |

| |640 x 280 - 12k |

| |Image may be scaled down and subject to copyright. |

|彳 strode, path |(The origin will be added later.) |

Some of the following characters belong to the radical ‘female’; some belong to ‘path’. Copy them down on the space provided below.

|往 towards |媽mother |他 he |後 back |姑 aunt |

|住 to live |很 very |婆 |你 you |說 to speak |

| | |elderly lady | | |

|姐 elder sister |從 from |爸 father | 踢 to kick |國 country |

|會 be able to |她 she |姆 nanny |得 to gain |妹 |

| | | | |younger sister |

女: _____________________________________


- Writing: Use the list of the words to write sentences. The following is an example.

|像, 說,要, 是 |

|不,真,很 |

|會 |

|甚麽,誰 |


4. Games:

Distribute the ‘Bingo Form’ to everyone. The pupils will each choose 10 words from the vocabulary list (either pinyin or characters). The teacher should put all of the vocabulary words onto separate cards and put them all into a bag/box. The teacher will pick one card at a time and read it out to the class. Anyone who has the word should circle it. The first one to complete all 10 words is the winner.

5. Arts and Crafts:

Draw your family tree. Don’t forget to tell us their names and ages.

Culture Understanding: 文化知识


A Chinese family is hierarchically organized. Traditionally, no two members of a Chinese family were equal in authority. The senior generation held greater authority than the junior generation, older people held greater authority than younger ones, and men held greater authority than women. Although men and women are far more equal nowadays, it is still true in many families that younger family members are taught to respect their elders. However, elders are also responsible for taking care of those younger than them.

For example, you have 4 siblings – two brothers aged 20 and 16, two sisters aged 18 and 14 and yourself, 12 years old. You would address them according to their rank and not their first name. Thus, you would call them 大哥 (big brother),大姐 (big sister),二哥 (second brother),and 二姐 (second sister), but they can simply address you by your name.

Familial respect is a core value of Chinese culture that is represented by the concept of xiào 孝 (colloquial: xiàoshùn 孝顺 [孝順]), which is usually translated "filial piety.” In the past, when wills clashed, it was expected (and legally enforced) that the will of a family superior should prevail over the will of a family subordinate. Traditional law held a child's insubordination to a parent was a capital offense, and a daughter-in-law's insubordination to her parents-in-law was grounds for divorce. Of course, much has changed over the years, and such hierarchy is no longer so strictly enforced. However, the ideas of filial piety are still upheld in many Chinese families and also in popular culture. Heroic sacrifice to support one's parents is a commonly recurring theme in Chinese literature.

Lesson 4



你好! 我的名字叫彼得(Peter),今年十三歲,我和爸爸媽媽在美國,爺爺奶奶在中國,外公外婆在台灣。他們都會說中文,我也會說中文。

我是學生,我上六年級,我的學校很大有很多同學,我有四個好朋友,我們一起玩,天天都很快樂。你也上六年級嗎? 你幾歲? 你在中國,天天都說中文,你的中文很好吧! 我很喜歡中文,我也很喜歡爺爺的毛筆字,真好看。




彼得 敬上

二O O八年六月九日


信 letter

會 to be able to

學生 student

年級 grade

學校 school

同學 classmate

幾 how many

毛筆字 Chinese calligraphy characters

真 very/really

笑哈哈 laugh (a lot)

問題: Discuss the following questions.

1. 寫信的人叫什麼名字?

2. 他在哪裡?

3. 他有幾個好朋友?

4. 他今年幾歲?

5. 他上幾年級?

6. 他爺爺的生日是幾月幾號?

7. 你會寫中文信嗎?

Cultural Differences:

Addresses in Chinese are written from the least specific information to the most specific information. American addresses are written from the most specific information to the least specific information. Traditionally, envelopes are usually vertical, with the address written from top to bottom. The receiver’s name is in the upper right hand corner, and their address is written in the center. The sender’s name and address is in the lower left hand corner. Sometimes, you may use western envelopes, where the envelopes are oriented horizontally.

(Note: This is not in the book. Please insert some pictures of Chinese envelopes and addresses.)


Write a Chinese letter to a pen pal, friend, or family member. Also make a Chinese envelope.



Practice these basic sentence structures using the examples below. Repeat as many times as necessary! You may also find a partner to help you.

1. Greetings

你好! 你好!

老師好! 同學們好!

Lâoshi tóngxúemen

2. Saying good-bye

再見! 再見!

明天見! 明天見!

3. Introducing oneself

你叫什麼名字? 我叫王大中。


4. Inquiring others

你是學生嗎? 是(的),我是學生。

她是學生嗎? 不是(的),她是老師。

5. Asking the age

A. 你幾歲? 我十一歲。

你弟弟幾歲? 我弟弟七歲。

B. 你多大? 我十一歲。

你媽媽多大? 我媽媽四十五歲。

6. Asking what grade someone is in

你上幾年級? 我上五年級。

小莉上幾年級? 小莉上五年級。

7. Asking what language can someone speak?

你(會)說中文嗎? 是的,我會說中文。


8. Asking where someone lives?

你爺爺在哪裡? 我爺爺在台北。

9. How do you say ____ in Chinese?

Friend 中文怎麼說 ? 朋友。

10. Asking about someone’s family

你家有幾個人? 我家有四個人。

你有哥哥,弟弟嗎? 是的,我有哥哥。

姊姊,妹妹 不,我沒有哥哥,弟弟。


11. Asking the day of the week

今天星期幾? 今天星期五。

12. Asking the date?

明天幾月幾日?星期幾? 明天九月二日星期六。

13. Asking about someone’s birthday

你的生日幾月幾日? 我的生日是九月一日。

他的生日幾月幾日? 他的生日是…

14. Asking someone’s telephone number

你的電話幾號? 我的電話是(356) 987-2338。


Look at the words in the chart below. Put them next to their appropriate radicals!

|朋 friend |媽 mother |從 from |明 bright |期 day |

|住 to live |很 very |婆 old lady |是 to be |朝 dynasty |

|姐sister |喝 drink |服 clothes |星 star |晶 bright |

|舂 spring |她 she |姆 nanny |得 to gain |旦 dawn |

|你 you |叫 call |他 he |人 person |們 peoples |

|妹sister |吃 eat |月 moon |他 he |有 to have |

|早 early |休 rest |旨 meaning |和 and |個 single |

日 (sun) ____________________________________________________

月 (moon) __________________________________________________

女 (girl) ____________________________________________________

彳 (pace) ___________________________________________________

人 (person) _________________________________________________

口 (mouth) _________________________________________________

交際活動: 唱一唱

This is a very famous Chinese song that many kids sing in the classroom. Have fun singing!

我 的 朋 友 在 哪 裡

Wo de peng you zai na li


一 二 三 四 五 六 七 , 我 的 朋 友 在 哪 裡 ?


在 哪 裡 在 哪 裡 我 的 朋 友 在 這 裡。

在 北 京 在 上 海

Yi er san si wu liu qi, One two three four five six seven,

Wo de pengyou zai nail? Where are my friends?

Zai na li, zai na li, Where, where?

Zai Beijing, zai shanghai, In Beijing, in shanghai.

Wo de pengyou zai zheli. My friends are here.


(I am thirsty) –

I. Narration 故事情节

A week had passed and they were back to Peter’s garage, keen to experiment more with the compass. Tom twisted the outer dial even further this time, and it emitted the blinding light once more. This time, when they opened their eyes, they knew they weren’t someplace near home. They were in a barren desert of grey and black sand and pebbles. It was very hot and dry, and there weren’t any plants – not even cactus. Peter said that it looked like pictures of the Gobi Desert that he had seen when studying geography. He proposed that they look around – maybe they were near the town of Tunhuang on the Silk Road! He pointed towards a range of hills that didn’t look that far away, and they agreed to hike up to the top of it. It took longer than they expected, and several hours later they were exhausted and thirsty at the top of a barren hill.

II. Dialogue 课文对话






湯姆:草莓太酸了! 給我蘋果!


Reggie pressed the yellow quadrant, and bananas appeared.

湯姆:太好玩了! 我很餓,我要吃香蕉。


Then they pressed the green quadrant, a watermelon appeared in front of them. After they finished the watermelon, they felt much better. Tom looked at the blue panel and wondered: “甚麼水果是藍色的?誰知道?

III. Vocabulary 课文詞彙 :


顏色、紅色 、

不好玩 no fun

又累又渴 both tired and thirsty

怎么办 What should I do!

看 look

酸、甜 sour / sweet

也 also

餓 hungry

給 to give

喜歡 like

吃 eat

太~ 了 extremely

想 am thinking of; would like to

|四字表 |

|水、果、香、西、瓜、紅、色、又、累、又、渴、餓、給、吃、喜、歡、太、了、想、甜 |

Grammar Notes: 語法注解:

1. What is a stative verb (SV)?

In Chinese, sometimes an adjective functions as a verb. For example, “I am fine.” Translated to Chinese will be “我很好。” This kind of adjective we call a Stative Verb (SV).




2. Want to describe you are both tired and thirsty.

Use the sentence pattern: 又+SV,又+SV



3. How about you want to emphasize that you like to do both A and B?

我又想 (Shall we introduce this sentence pattern in lesson 5?)

4.給: to give someone something




5. Measure Word (MW)

If you count something in Chinese, you need to use a certain measure word to go with a number, similar to English: a cup of flour, one spoon of sugar; or like a school of fish, a flock of birds…

However in Chinese almost everything has its own measure word.

給我一個蘋果。 (an apple)

請給我一根香蕉。 (a banana)

請給我一片西瓜。 (a slice of watermelon)

我要兩個西瓜。 (two watermelons)

Rule of counting 2 (just 2 not 12, not 22):

If just simply count the number from 1-10, you pronounce 2 (er4).

But if 2 goes with a measure word, then you have to use 兩 (liang 3)


12歲,22個蘋果,24個西瓜 (in teens and twenties you still pronounce 2) 200 is 兩百, 2,000 is 兩千。

6. 太~ 了 to describe degree of something is extremely…



7. 是~ (色)的 is used to identify the color of an object.



橙子是橙(色)的 or 橘子是橘(色)的

If I want to say I like green apples, the sentence will be:



8. 想 (Shall we add a grammar note about this word in this lesson?)

Let’s review the sentence pattern of asking questions with choice type (introduced in Lesson 4).



你餓不餓 ?




V. 延伸阅读练习:

Use a picture of Panda to show black and white colors.

Picture of a Mexican piñata to show (紅色、綠色、黃色、藍色、紫色、橙色)


Match the picture with the correct description

|Picture of a strawberry |Picture of grapes |Picture of an orange |

|我家有很多人 |我很紅 |我的名字也是我的顏色的名字。我是小朋友最愛 |

|我有很多兄弟姐妹 |我有點酸,有點甜 |的水果。我住在美國的Florida. |

|我們都很像爸爸、媽媽 |我有(一頂綠色的小帽子:use a picture of a | |

| |green hat) | |

Expansion 延伸练习:




VI. Tasks Performance

3. Warm up

(6 picture cards of fruits.)

|Apple/s |strawberries |Banana/s |watermelon |grapes |organes |

Listen to the recording and write down the number under of each fruits. The first one is an example. ‘1.我餓了,我要吃葡萄。’(The rest of the recording is the following. This part won’t be in the book.)






4. Role Play (See the attached file for the ‘Miss Milk is getting married’ play.)

5. Radical/Writing:

|水/氵 water | |

|The origin of ‘水’。 | |

|水 "water" is normally written with three dots as part of the | |

|character (three drops of water 氵: 渴) | |

|草/艹 grass | |

|The origin of ‘艹’。 | |

|艹usually is on the top of a character. | |

Some of the following characters belong to radical ‘water’, some belongs to ‘grass’. Copy them down on the space provided below.

|吃 to eat |莓berries |酸 sour |渴 thirsty |沒 not |

|太 too |河 river |瓜 melon |喜 happy |給 to give |

|甜 sweet |西 west |海 sea |色 color/s |草 grass |

|花 flower/s |想 would like |累 tired |喝 to drink |菜vegetable/s |

水/氵: _____________________________________


- Writing: Use the list of the words to write the reasons you like/dislike/want/don’t want certain fruits. The following is an example.

|不/喜歡,不/要,甜,酸,大,小,餓,渴 |


6. Games

Divide the class into groups of 4. Each group receives 6 fruit-picture cards with a number on each card. Everyone takes turn to throw the dice. If it is ‘1’, the person takes the No. 1 fruit-picture card, pretending to eat, and say ‘我餓/渴了,我要吃蘋果。’The card then will be turned over face down. If someone throws the dice and gets ‘1’ later, the person must say ‘我不餓/渴,我不要吃蘋果。’

VII. Culture Understanding: 文化知识

Color symbolism in Chinese Culture

Red: Happiness, marriage, prosperity

During the Chinese New Year, people put money in a red envelope to give to children and older people to symbolize prosperity for the coming new year. Most people will wear red clothes during this period, wishing to have a prosperous and happy year ahead of them.

Golden Yellow, purple: Royal, noble

During the imperial period, it was forbidden for common people to use these colors.

White: death, mourning

Chinese people wear red clothes when attending a wedding and white clothes when attending a funeral. A bride will wear red on her wedding day.

Gold: Strength, wealth

Black: evil influences



一. 故事情節(Narration)

Melissa is amazed at all these red decorations in Peter’s house. It creates such a warm and happy atmosphere for this cold California winter. It’s almost at the end of January now. What is going on in Peter’s house? Among the decorations there are 12 unique beanny babies. They are so adorable! Linda really likes that little golden dragon. None of them have seen the dragon beanny baby before. It’s so cool!

二. 課文對話(Dialogue)

Long ke ai

玲達: 啊! 小龍! 好可愛! 彼得,哪裡來的?

ni xiao ju

彼得: 要過中國新年了。我爺爺寄給我的。妳看! 所有的十二生肖玩具。

Wa shu hu tu long she hou ji zhu

麗莎: 哇! 鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬,



Xiao dongwu

玲達: 今年的生肖是什麼動物?

湯姆: 我知道! 今年是牛年! 彼得,你家也過中國新年嗎?

Dangran defang

彼得: 當然啊! 有中國人的地方都過中國新年。

瑞奇: 過中國新年有什麼好玩的?

彼得: 很多啊! 有好吃的,好玩的,最好玩的是紅包。

瑞奇: 紅包裡有什麼?

Dui dui

玲達: 我知道! 紅包裡有錢! 對不對?

湯姆: 我們來你家過年好嗎?

麗莎: 湯姆! 你想要彼得的爸爸媽媽給你紅包嗎?

Ha ha guanxi

彼得: 哈哈! 沒有關係! 我爸媽要给你們的。


大家都說: 哇! 太好了!

三. 課文詞彙與延展練習(VOCABULARY)

A. 寫字練習

快 過 來 看 寄 最 多 錢 所 牛 馬 羊 狗 知 道 地 方 包 生 對

B. 課文詞彙

ju dongwu

過新年 牛年 紅包 錢 玩具 動物

xiao shu hu tu long she hou ji

十二生肖 鼠 牛 虎 兔 龍 蛇 馬 羊 猴 雞 狗 豬


當然 地方 好吃的 好玩的 最好玩的

寄給我的 要給你們的 所有的

對不對? 好嗎? 快要 想要


沒有關係! 太好了!

C. 研展練習


a. 什麼動物?

Lao nai lao zi

老鼠 水牛 奶牛 老虎 兔子 白蛇 黑馬

shan zi shan gong mu

山羊 猴子 山雞 大狗 小豬 公豬 母豬

nan nan nu nu

男人 男生 女人 女生

b. Celebrate something using 過:

jie shengdanjie gan en jie

過生日 過年 過節 過聖誕節 過感恩節


a. How to express present, future or past?

Follow the STPVO (subject, time, place, verb or action, object) pattern for general sentence structure. Simply specify the time when things happened. Examples:

I give you toy today. 我今天給你玩具。

I’ll give you toy tomorrow. 我明天給你玩具。

I gave you toy yesterday. 我昨天給你玩具。

I call you today. 我今天打電話給你。

I call you tomorrow. 我明天打電話給你。

I called you yesterday. 我昨天打電話給你。

I’ll call you everyday. 我天天打電話給你。

b. How to say mailing something to someone, or someone mailed something to you?

I mail something to someone. 我寄 _玩具_ 給 _你_。

I mail toy to you. 我給 _你_ 寄_玩具_。

He mailed toy to me yesterday. 他昨天寄玩具給我。


c. How to use 所有的 and 都:

Both mean all. Use 所有的 in front of nouns, such as people, animals and objects. But, 都 is used in front of verbs (action words) or adjectives (words describing something).

Example: Part 1. 所有的水果 所有的錢

所有的小狗 所有的同學

所有的朋友 所有的家人

所有的地方 所有的國家

Part 2. 都要 都有

都是 都來

都好 都好玩

都喜歡 都甜

Can you create meaningful sentences by combining the part 1 and 2 together?

Example: All the fruits are sweet. 所有的水果都甜。

How do you say the following sentences in Chinese?

1. All the countries all have tasty fruits.

______________ 國家 ____ 有好吃的水果。

2. All the classmates are nice.

3. All the places are fun.

d. How to use 最 to show preference:

1. 最 can be used in front of adjective word.

Example: 最好的朋友 最大的狗

最小的弟弟 最好玩得地方

最新的錢包 最有名的美國人

最多的錢 最美的妹妹

2. 最 can be used in front of verb.

Example: 最喜歡 ___________ 最不喜歡 ___________

最想吃 ___________ 最不想喝 ___________

最喜歡說 _________ 最喜歡要 ___________

最想玩 ___________ 最想有 _____________

e. How to say “about to “ using 快要____ 了:

Example: 快要過聖誕節了 快要過生日了

快要上學了 快要來了

快要餓死了 快要渴死了

快要好了 快要有了

五. 延伸練習 (EXPANSION)

Vocabulary associated with Chinese New Year.

拜年 New years greeting

吃年糕 Eat new year cake

說吉祥話 Say greeting that bring good luck to others

新年快樂! Happy New Year!

恭喜!恭喜! Congratulation! Congratulation!

恭喜發財! Wishing you a prosperous new year!


1. New Year Wishing Tree (新年願望樹)

This is a custom of Hong Kong. During Chinese New Year, people will decorate a huge tree branch with silk flowers and red ribbons. People will come to see this tree and write down their new year wishes on paper, seal it in a red envelop, then throw the red envelop on to the tree. If it is caught on the branches, it means your wish will come true.

Find a huge tree branch and plant it in a pot. Everyone help to decorate the tree with small paper flowers (plum blossom) and red ribbons. Write a New Year wish on paper and seal it in the red envelope provided by your teacher. Throw it on to the tree. If it will not stay on the tree after third trial, use a red thread and tie it to the tree. Have fun!

2. Chinese New Year Card (賀年卡)

Step. 1. Your teacher will show you some samples of Chinese New Year cards and ask you 你最喜歡哪一張? How do you answer?

Step 2. You are going to make a card for one of the classmate or for your teacher.

Using color construction paper and paper cutting template to cut different sizes of 春 to be used to decorate the front side of your card. Your teacher will demonstrate this process. Glue these春upside down on the front side of a clean red construction paper folded in half. Write the New Year greetings learned in this lesson on inside of the card. You may decorate your cards with glitters, drawings, stickers or other paper cuttings of your choice. When the card is done, write the name of the person who is going to receive the card and sign your name at the bottom.

Step 3. Present your final product to the person in front of the whole class.  Presenter: _________, 這是我給你的新年卡片! 你喜歡嗎?

Receiver: 太好了! 謝謝你!

If you like to say more than these two lines, or something different than these,

you’re welcomed to do so. Don’t forget to show courtesy and appreciation!

Step 4. Hang the cards from ceiling as a New Year decoration.

String a thread through the card and hang it from the ceiling. Look how much

festival spirit it brings to the classroom.

3. Happy New Year Song (新年快樂歌)

This is a happy New Year song adapted from the traditional New Year Song.

新年馬上到了, 大家都很快樂!

看見爸爸媽媽, 人人都說恭喜!

恭喜! 恭喜! 恭喜你呀!

恭喜! 恭喜! 恭喜你!

(Repeat the song three times. Replace爸爸媽媽 with 哥哥姐姐, and 弟弟妹妹 during the second and third time.)

4. Radical Recognizing

Can you tell the identical part of the following words? There are two radicals in the following words. Please group them into the two categories. One of the radical was originated from a bundle of silk called糸 (mì). The other one originated from the meaning of walk, 辵 (chùo). But, notice the written form is different than辵.

|這 this |給 give |紅 red |近 near |綠 green |

|絲 silk |道 road, way |還 still |紅 red |遠 far |

|紙 paper |累 tired |過 pass |綁 tied up |逃 run away |

Words with radical糸 (mì): ___________________________________________

Words with radical辵 (chùo): _________________________________________


Chinese New Year has been celebrated in China for several thousand years. It follows the traditional lunar calendar and usually arrives somewhere in late January or early February on the western calendar. Chinese New Year has been called “Spring Festival” traditionally, since spring season is not far after the New Year. This is the most important holiday in China. There are many customs need to be followed, however, different area may have somewhat different traditions. Here are some common ones that all Chinese people.

1. Preparation of Chinese New Year starts about a week before the New Year’s Eve. House cleaning (大掃除), preparation of New Year food (年糕, 糖果), decoration of house (春聯, 春字, 福字, 窗花) and buying new cloth (新衣服) for the family make everyone very busy.

2. During the New Year’s Eve, the whole family will have a big reunion dinner similar to the dinner of Thanksgiving or Christmas Holidays in the West. This is the best meal in a year. The traffic in China before the New Year’s Eve is the busiest of the whole year since everyone wants to go home for this reunion dinner. A whole fish will be served at the end of the dinner and no one will actually touch it. This fish dish will be saved for the next day, the first day in the New Year, to symbolize the beginning of a prosperous new year. Fish (魚) and the word for extra (餘) have the same sound “Yu”. With the help of extra from the previous year, you probably will have a better new year than without it, isn’t? After the dinner, the whole family will stay awake (守歲) by playing games, fireworks and watching the special New Year programs on TV. As soon as the first second of New Year arrives, you’ll hear the loud sound of firecrackers all over the place!

3. The first morning of New Year is an important time to do New Year greetings (拜年) to your elders and friends. Everyone will dress in new cloth to indicate a new beginning. You’ll be served with sweets (糖果) and New Year cake (年糕). These are wishing you a sweeter better year than last year. Kids will get money (壓歲錢) in a red envelope (紅包) from parents and grandparents. You have to say lucky words (吉祥話) like the ones you’ve learned in this lesson. One definitely needs to avoid saying anything that sound like “si, po, or sui” since these sounds are for death, or breaking things. These customs of wishing for luck and avoiding bad luck bring everyone the spirit of a new energized beginning!

4. These days, besides doing New Year greetings inside individual family, people usually have a group greeting at work place to be more efficient. A party time will follow with lots of sweets, door prizes (抽獎) and singing (卡拉ㄡK) or other entertainment programs. The two famous traditional entertainments are lion dance (舞獅) and dragon dance (舞龍). Some people will go travel in the next few days. The whole celebration of Chinese New Year last about two weeks in China! In the China Towns overall the world, people can also see the Chinese New Year traditions.



(Body Parts and Items of Clothing身體部位與衣著)

故事發展 (Narration)

大夥兒在香港的動物園玩得好開心,他們開始說熊猫的胖手、胖脚趾好可愛。但是來自加州的孩子們,都開始覺得熱了起來,原來因爲他們身上的衣服都是適合加州的冬天衣服,所以又跑去Stanley Market 逛街買衣服鞋子。Linda嘴裏沒說,但是她心裏想著這就是她來自的地方,她很好奇,但不想告訴大家她的想法,只有她最好的朋友知道她在想甚麽。

Everybody really enjoys themselves in the HK zoo. The pandas are the best part of the trip. But the weather in Hong Kong is much hotter than what they are used to back home in California. Melissa decides that they should find some more suitable clothes, so they all rush to Stanley Market and shop for clothes and shoes. Although Linda has originally come from Hong Kong, she has never been there before, so she feels very curious about her birthplace.

Everybody wants to know if the compass can take them to see a real panda in China. So when Peter enters the word ‘panda’, everyone closed their eyes to wait for the blinding flashing light to pass. As they open their eyes, sure enough there are 2 lovable pandas right in front of them.

課文對話 (Dialogues) 這下邊我打的拼音也有一點技術上的困難. 懸在文字上頭,拉不下來. 如果可能, 請協助

Linda: 啊! 你看.熊貓真可愛!頭好大!

Melissa: 身體白白的,胖胖的,手腳黑黑的

湯姆:眼睛也是黑黑的, 好像戴眼鏡.

彼得:高大的那一隻是媽媽, 小的那兩隻是孩子,

瑞奇:爸爸呢? 是不是那一隻?




After watching the pandas for a while they began to notice the hot weather. Tom is the first to complaint about the heat.

湯姆: 喂! 彼得. 我好熱. 你們不熱嗎? f^

琳達: 我們去Stanley Market(赤柱市場)買衣服吧.那裡的衣 服又好又便 宜.

x* sh1n




ch2ng du3nk*




課文詞彙 (Key words)

頭, 眼 睛,白, 高, 胖, 手, 黑, 隻, 孩 子, 買, 衣, 便 宜, 件, 雙, 長, 條, 走, 服, T-恤 衫, 涼 鞋, 短 褲, 長 褲, 快 點, 指

四字詞組/ 寫字練習

頭, 眼 睛,白, 高, 胖, 手, 黑, 隻, 孩 子, 買, 衣, 便 宜, 件, 雙, 長, 條, 走,

語法句型 (Sentence patterns)

1. 穿, 戴, Both mean “to wear”, but there is a distinction: 穿is used in wearing clothing such as shirts, pants, socks, shoes, etc. while 戴 is used in wearing accessories such as eye glasses, earrings, hat, rings, etc. For instance, 穿衣服,戴帽子. (Wearing clothes, wearing a hat.) As for English use of the word wear as in “She wears her hair short. “ or “She wears nice perfume.” neither 穿or 戴 applies, since Chinese do not consider hair or perfume as something that you can “put on”.

Activity 1: Combine different types of clothing and accessories with color terms learned from Lesson 4 Fruits.

Show a picture of a family of 4, mom, dad, brother and sister, wearing different types of clothing. Let students practice saying sentences such as:


Activity 2: DRESS UP (This can be a whole class activity or with groups of 3 or 4 students.)

First, draw a large person on the white board, wearing no specific type of clothing. Have students decide if this is a boy or a girl. Then, ask students to draw cards on which are pictures of clothing or accessories with and pinyin. Have them say out loud “Ta chuan bai chang ku or ta dai lu shou tao.” then draw the appropriate article of clothing on that large person. Have another student add an extra item on the picture, or change clothing as the game continues. There is going to be miss matches that will be funny. Since cards have picture and pinyin, you can add more items as you see fit.

2. 量詞 ,

Measure words or counters for clothing mainly consist of three words- For upper body wear, use 件, such as 三件襯衫. For Lower body wear, use 條, such as 一條裙子,兩條褲子.

For footwear, use 雙, such as 一雙球鞋.

Activity 1: 買東西 (Shopping)

First, teach students to say mai dongxi.

Teacher asks individual students: Ni yao mai shenme? Let them draw a card to answer the question.

Student answers: “Wo yao mai yi tiao qun zi.” or maybe “Wo yao mai wu shuang pixie.” Their answers depend on the cards they’ve drawn. But they can choose the quantity of the item.

Make sure they have the right measure words.

Teacher responds in different ways to students: “Hao! (Fine!) or Mei you le! (All sold out) or Ni de qian gou ma? (Do you have enough money?) or Wo bu yao mai gei ni.”(I am not selling it to you).

Additional items could be一個蘋果 兩隻小狗 五頭水牛 etc.

3. [ 去+ place word ] means “to go some place”.

The use is similar to English, such as 去市場(to go to the market),去學校(to go to school); but it is equally common that “到+place word 去” (to some place go) is used. The two uses are interchangeable. Therefore, 去市場=到市場去; 去學校=到學校去

Activity 1: 去哪裡? 去哪兒? 去什麼地方?

Give student a white board or a piece of paper. Ask them to draw a place and write down the pinyin for this place. Teacher may want to provide a list of places with pinyin or have students brainstorm different places to generate a list on the board. Words they have learned so far: 學校、家、 美國、中國、台灣、香港、市場、動物園…… Also remind students they can modify these places, such as dongwuyuan to Xianggang de dongwuyuan.

When they are read, ask them to tell the class where they are going, the teacher then draws a card from activity terms they’ve learned before to add to that sentence.

For example: Wo yao qu Xianggang de dongwuyuan kan pengyou!

4. [ Verb+吧 ] Verb followed by particle 吧 implies a slight request. When Verb+吧 follows 我, 我們 or 咱們, usually means “Let me/us +Verb”. For example: 我們去吃飯吧. (Let’s go eat.) When Verb+吧 follows 你 or 你們, or is often without a subject; it means “(You) go ahead and do….” For example: 你們請進來吧. (All of you please come in.)

Activity 1: 我們________吧?

Pair up students. Let them design a little skit by using the Activity cards. Each group should pick three cards then one student says “Let’s ______?” The other needs to create a response. They need to negotiate a little to come to a conclusion.

For example: A: Women qu chifan ba?

B: Wo buyao chifan.

A: Women qu daqiu ba?

B: Wo ye buyao daqiu

A: Women qu kandianshi ba?

B: Hao!

5. 白白的,胖胖的,(高,小,大)

Repetition of the same word, usually an adjective or a stative verb, indicates a slight lessening of the force of the word.

這頭熊貓很胖,很可愛。 ( 這頭熊貓胖胖的,很可愛。

那個男孩子很高,很好看。 ( 那個男孩子高高的,很好看。

這個西瓜很甜,很好吃。 ( 這個西瓜甜甜的,很好吃。

那個女孩子很白,很美。 ( 那個女孩子白白的,很美。

延伸練習 (Expansion)

頭,熊貓,身體,手, 腳,眼睛,眼鏡,衣服,短褲,T-恤衫,襯衫,裙子,涼鞋,毛衣

喂, 吧,

看, 穿, 戴, 要, 好像,

白,兩, 對, 真, 可愛, 胖, 高, 好玩, 熱, 便宜, 瘦, 好看, 漂亮,

個, 隻, 件, 條, 雙

動腦活動 (Performance Tasks)

1. 唱歌:頭臉眉眼耳鼻嘴,

Tou lian mei yan er bi zui,

er bi zui, er bi zui,

Tou lian mei yan er bi zui,

Xiong yao pigu!

Shoubi shouzhi, da xiao tui,

Da xiao tui, da xiao tui,

Shoubi shouzhi, da xiao tui,

Jiaogen jiaozhijia!

(Melody: London Bridge Falling Down.

There is action to go with the words so students can directly connect the sound with body parts. )

1.畫畫: 畢卡索遊戲

Give each student a white board. With their eyes closed, have them draw a facial feature which you specify. 請畫眼睛,請畫鼻子,請畫嘴巴,請畫耳朵,……When you are done with an entire face, have the student open there eyes to admire each other’s Picasso-like pictures. It is a fun game. You may do this game with the entire body. You may also have the students take turns to give the 請畫___ command.


First teach students to say大風吹,吹什麼?


Have students brainstorm a list on board about what they see among students, it could be the color of clothes, eyes, hairs, accessories, shoes, etc. Then arrange students’ chairs into a large circle. Teacher moves to the middle of the circle, and says 大風吹! All students reply 吹什麼?

Teacher then answers吹有___________的人! Students fitting the description need to stand up and exchange seats. At the same time, the teacher needs to take a student’s seat too. There will always be one student left standing and he or she may continue to play the game by requesting大風吹!

3.A 動物吃B動物

First teach students to say


Brain storm a list of animals students have learned before on the board. Then ask each student to pick one animal and write it large on a piece of paper. They should not duplicate animals. Arrange the seats so they all are facing the center, tape the paper in front of their seat so everybody can see. Give each student a little cup with 10 tokens. One person starts by saying Wo de niu chi ni de tu. The person who has tu continues by saying Wo de tu chi ni de ____. If a student’s animal got called but he or she is unable to continue the chaim he will lose a token to the other person. By the end of the game, students can use tokens to exchange M&M candies.

部首: 目, 手


|目eye | |

|The origin of ‘目’。pictograph |Picture here |

|手/ 才 hand | |

|The origin of手/ 才 , pictograph |Picture here |

|才 usually is on the left of a character. | |

Some of the following characters belong to the radical ‘eye’, some belongs to ‘hand’. Copy them down on the space provided below.

|眼 eye |拉 to pull |雪 snow |眉 eyebrow |打to hit |

|看 to look |睏 sleepy |摩 to rub |途 journey |盲 blind |

|拜to worship |跟 heel |功 skill |挑 to pick |律 law |

|督 to supervise |投 to toss |瞪 to stare |提 to carry |闊 broad, wide |

目: _____________________________________

手/ 才 :____________________________________

文化知識: (Culture Notes)

1. 熊貓 Panda is called 大熊貓 in Chinese, literally, “the big bear cat”. It is one of the endangered species in the world. Found mostly in South-western China, especially in the province of 四川. Much has been done to preserve them in their natural habitat.

2. 胖,瘦, 白,黑審美觀[pic]這圖片只是暫時用,人家有版權

Traditionally Chinese do not consider being thin as attractive; having a little padding is considered well nourished and healthy. From the composition of the character 瘦, one can guess that being thin was considered an unhealthy sign. (It is written with the illness radical疒 ). Nevertheless, today many modern Chinese have adopted western standards of beauty. Chinese, especially women, also admire fair skin, for it is an indication one does not need to work outside.


Read the following passage about going to the market to shop for New Year’s. Often before New Year’s, Chinese people go to buy lots of food to celebrate the occasion. Please complete the exercises that follow. Have fun!

َ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫



▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

Discuss the following questions.

1. What do小玲and her mother buy?

2. What would you buy at the market if you were celebrating Chinese New Year?

3. What are four of the colors mentioned?

4. What does 人山人海 mean?

5. Explain the mother’s remark at the end of the passage.

₪ 生字 New Vocabulary ₪

人山人海 rén shān rén hăi lots of people everywhere

鳳梨 fòng lí pineapple

葡萄 pú táo grape

五顏六色 wŭ yán lìu sè lots of colors

餃子 jĭao zi dumplings

年糕 nían gao rice cake

這些 zhè xīe these

吉祥 gí xíang good luck

意思 yì si meaning


我們去市場買水果. 請把下列的水果配上適當的顏色。

We are going to the market to buy fruit. Please match the following fruits with their colors.

˙ 橘子 ju zi

紅色 hong se ˙ ˙ 蘋果 ping guo

黃色 huang se ˙ ˙ 西瓜 xi gua

紫色 ci se ˙ ˙ 鳳梨 fong li

綠色 lu se ˙ ˙ 香蕉 xiang jiao

橘色 ju se ˙ ˙ 草莓 cao mei

˙ 葡萄 pu tao

西瓜 – watermelon

草莓 – strawberry



Pretend you are going to the market. Practice using the appropriate measure words to construct a sentence:

|紫葡萄 紫色的葡萄 |

|他買了一串紫色的葡萄。 |

|紅蘋果 紅色的蘋果 |

|奶奶買了六個紅蘋果。 |

|黃香蕉 黃色的香蕉 |

|爺爺買了七條黃香蕉。 |

Pretend you are going to a pet store to buy pets. Use the correct measure words to construct a sentence. Practice with different animals.

|白兔子 白色的兔子 |

|我有一隻白色的兔子。 |

|黑狗 黑色的狗 |

|我有那隻黑狗。 |

|金魚 橘色的金魚 |

|我喜歡這一條橘色的金魚。 |

|棕馬 棕色的馬 |

|爸爸有一匹棕色的馬。 |

Every New Year’s, children wake up and greet their parents with good wishes. Then, they may leave to do their own activities and join the celebrations on the streets. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow.

▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫


今天二月七日,也是中國新年。早上,小莉穿上漂亮的衣服,紅毛衣,藍裙子,黑皮鞋,都是新的。小莉對爸媽說,「大吉大利」,「恭喜發財」,爸媽笑哈哈的說:「小莉新年快樂」,給了小莉一個紅包,紅包上有一隻胖胖的熊貓,大大的頭,黑黑的眼睛,很可愛,小莉很喜歡 ; 她說:「謝謝,爸爸媽媽」。


▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫

Think about the questions, and share you answers with the class.

1. What is the special occasion?

2. What is the main character wearing?

3. What do the parents give the main character? Describe the item.

4. Where do the main character and her friend go? Why?

5. What are examples of some foods Chinese people eat on this occasion?

₪ 生字 New Vocabulary ₪

漂亮 pìao lìang pretty

毛衣 máo yī sweater

大吉大利 dà jí dà lì good fortune and happiness

街 jīe street

舞龍 wŭ lóng dragon dance

舞獅 wŭ shī lion dance

穿 cūan to wear; go through

賣 mài to sell

小吃 xĭao chī stand food

New Sentence Structures:

1. A 和 B 一起去 ____

小莉 和 小玲 一起去 大街。

2. A 對 B 說 ____

小莉 對 爸媽 說「我愛您。」

3. A 穿上 ____

小莉 穿上 漂亮的衣服。

4. 穿 (go through)



|山 shān |

Type: Pictographic

Brief Description:

It looks like three peaks of a mountain; thus, this radical is usually use in many words that have to do with mountains.


峽 river between two valleys

峰 peak of mountain

|犭qŭan |

Type: Pictographic

Brief Description:

It comes from a picture of the dog; thus, many characters of animals use this radical.


狗 dog

猴 monkey

狼 wolf

Find other words with these radicals!

山 _______________________________________

犭 _______________________________________


中國成語Chinese Idioms

Chinese idioms are mostly given in groups of four words. However, these four simple words can have sharp, acerbic meanings or pastoral and majestic implications, usually condensing what would normally take many more words to describe. Chinese people really enjoy adding idioms to their everyday speech to help bring across their points. For example:

五顏六色 – many colors

人山人海 – many people, crowded

如魚得水 – enjoying, fitting

九牛一毛 – insignificant amount

月下老人 – matchmaker

Culture: Chinese Craft and Arts

Paper Cutting

This activity is very prevalent in Chinese culture. Traditionally, many women and children were skilled in this craft. You can make many characters, e.g., “double happiness” during a wedding to help bring good luck, or even animals; a child might cut cute looking animals, while an adult might create animals so detailed that they seem to come alive and leap out at you. You can cut many other objects, such as fruits and flowers. You can hang them on windows or doors, or you can even frame them and create a great masterpiece.


Create some character paper cutting, such as for words like

喜 – happiness

春 – spring

吉 – luck or fortune

Remember, the words have to be symmetrical, so that you can cut it with a folded sheet of paper. When you open the sheet of paper, you should form the word.

(Note: This is not in the text. Please make a few samples of these three characters.)



I. Narration 故事情節

As soon as they return to America, they can't wait to have a meal of hamburgers, fries and a coke. They also eat ice cream and drink fizzy drinks.

II. Dialogue 課文對話

湯姆:我好餓 !我餓死了!






A few days later when they all meet, Melissa suggests everybody should go back to Asia because she misses the hustle and bustle of night markets. This time, the compass take them to “牛車水” in Singapore, and they are especially curious about the Chinese food that they haven’t seen before.





麗莎:我想吃米飯和青菜 。




III. Vocabulary 課文詞彙 :

不好玩 no fun

餓死了 starving to death

店 store

快去 (+verb) go to (do something) fast

漢堡包 hamburger

薯條 French fries

可樂 coke

還要 and also

比薩餅 pizza

什麼都有 have everything

很有名 very famous

只要 only want

冰淇淋 ice cream

好熱鬧 store

海鮮 sea food

魚 fish

湯 soup

好喝 (lit.) good to drink, tasty

牛肉 beef

炒麵 fried noodles

米飯 rice

青菜 vegetable

看起來 looks like

烤鴨 roast duck

炸雞腿 fried drumsticks

蛋糕 cake

糖果 candy

布丁 putting

肚子 tummy

夠大 big enough



IV. Grammar Notes: 語法注解:

1. Use “ adj. + 死了“ to exaggerate a feeling in Chinese

我累死了。 I am so darned tired.

我渴死了。 I am way too thirsty.

我餓死了。 I am starving to death.

2.1 Use “快去 (+verb)” to urge people to go and do something right away


Let’s go and eat something right away, I am starving to death.

2.2 Use “快+verb” to urge people to do something right away

快走吧! Let’s go now!

快吃吧! Eat now!

快说! Say it now!/ Tell us now!

2.3 If you want to ask someone speed up their action, you should use the sentence pattern “ Verb+ 快一点儿 (faster) ”

吃快一点儿吧! Please eat faster!

走快一点儿吧! Please walk faster!

说快一点儿! Speak faster!

3. If you want more than one thing, you can use the sentence pattern “要A, 還要 B, 還要 C”





4. Sentence pattern: Verb+ 起來 ----- (看、聽、吃 ) 起來

(looks like; sounds like; tastes like…)




V. Expansion 延伸練習:


中餐 (菜譜)

|小菜: Appetizer |

|春捲 Egg Roll (5)………… 5.25 |

|鍋貼 Fried Pot Sticker (8)………… 5.50 |

| |

|湯類: Soup |

|酸辣湯 Hot & Sour Soup (Serves for 4)………… 5.50 |

|蛋花湯 Egg Flower Soup (chicken broth)………… 5.25 |

| |

|海鮮類: Seafood |

|龍蝦 Lobster……………………Seasonal Price |

|清蒸魚 Steamed Fish………… 5.25 |

|魚香蝦球 Stir Fried Prawns is Sichuan Style………… 9.50 |

|椒鹽大蝦 Salted & Pepper Prawns………… 9.50 |

|椒鹽鮮魷 Salted & Pepper Squid………… 7.95 |

| |

|豬、牛、雞類: Pork-Beef-Chicken |

|蒙古牛肉 Mongolian Beef…………7.95 |

|薑蔥牛肉 Beef with Ginger & Onion………… 7.95 |

|生炒排骨 Stir Fried Sparerib………… 8.25 |

|蜜汁肉排 Honey & Garlic Pork Chop………… 7.95 |

|宮保雞丁 Kung Pao Chicken………… 7.95 |

|腰果雞丁 Cashew Nut Chicken………… 8.25 |

|左宗棠雞 General Tsuo’s Chicken………… 8.25 |

| |

|粥、河粉、面、飯: Congee-vermicelli-noodle-rice |

|魚片粥 Fish Congee……………4.25 |

|叉燒湯麵 BBQ Pork Noodle Soup………… 4.25 |

|幹炒牛粉 Beef Chao Fun………… 6.50 |

|鹹魚雞炒飯 Salted & Pepper Prawns………… 6.50 |

|什菜炒飯 Mixed vegetable Fried Rice………… 6.25 |

做中國菜的方式:蒸,鹵,煮,炒,烤,炸,煎 (配上图)

Flavor of the food

没味道(mei2wei4dao4): no flavor

淡(dan4): plain

咸 (xian2): salty

甜(tian2): sweet

酸 (suan1): sour

辣 (la4): spicy

太油 (tai4you2): too greasy

Role-play: 3 people as a group, one plays a waiter/waitress, the others will be the customers.

• Step 1: The 2 customers create a conversation about what to order.

• Step 2: Order food from the waiter/waitress. (Use the above menu)

• Step 3: Critique about the food and compliment or complain to the waiter/waitress.

• Step 4: Ask for bill and pay for it.


|Category/ Scores |1 point |2 points |3 points |Score |

|Clarity of speech |There were many words I did|I understood a lot of the |I understood all the words.| |

| |not understand. |words. | | |

|Clarity of Content |I didn’t understand what |I understood a lot of what |I understood everything. | |

| |was going on. |happened. | | |

|Creative |There were few new ideas |There were some new ideas |There were lots of new | |

| |and strategies. |and strategies. |things. | |

|Interesting |My mind wandered. |I was interested in what |I was very interested. | |

| | |was happening. | | |

|Informative |Little information was |I learned some new |I learned a lot. | |

| |presented. |information. | | |

|Presentation |The presenter was very |The presenter was nervous |Professional. | |

| |nervous and unprepared. |but prepared. | | |

Total Score:___________________

Test your memory: ( Listening and Speaking)

One student says: “我最喜欢吃 ……..”. (My favorite: food or drink)

The next student has to repeat the one before and add his/her own favorite food or drink. As more students participate, the sentence builds up and the team with the most number of players remaining wins the game.

VI. Tasks Performance

7. Warm up

[pic]Now listen as some Chinese people tell you of their food/drink likes and dislikes: tick the appropriate box and write in English the food or drink mentioned.

(The following section will not be in the textbook but the Teachers’ handbook/recording.)

|Item 1 |我不喜歡比薩餅。I don’t like pizza. |

|Item 2 |我愛炒米飯。I love fried rice. |

|Item 3 |我愛可樂。I love coke. |

|Item 4 |我喜歡霜淇淋。I like ice cream. |

|Item 5 |我不喜歡青菜。I don’t like vegetables. |

|Item 6 |我不喜歡漢堡。I don’t like hamburgers. |

| | |

|No |like |dislike |Food/drink |

|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

|4 | | | |

|5 | | | |

|6 | | | |

|2. |

| |

|[pic]Tell your classmates what foods you want to order in his/her restaurant using the sentence pattern shown below and then |

|inserting the Mandarin for the foods indicated. |


|hamburger |

|coke |

|Ice cream |

|soup |

|pizza |

|Fried noodles |

|French fries |

|Beef noodles |

|cake |

|Roast duck |

|Fried drumsticks |

3. Radical/Writing:

|食 food | |

| | |

|火 fire |[pic] |This character symbolizes fire as it consumes a few logs, and the flame sparkles from the |

| | |logs. |

|or | | |

|灬 | | |

Some of the following characters use the ‘food’ radical, some use the ‘fire’ radical. Copy them down in the spaces provided below.

|熱 hot |堡castle |飲 drinks |炸 to deep fry |餅 cookies/cakes |

|炒 to stir fry |吵 noisy |抄 to copy |煙 smoke |飽 full |

|餐 meals |返 to return |飯 rice |煎to pan fry |剪 to cut |

|煩 annoyed |餓 hungry |菜 vegetables |餃 dumplings |烤 to roast |

食: _____________________________________

火 :____________________________________

- Writing: Design a menu for a Chinese restaurant. Try to provide as many Chinese foods as possible.

4. Games

a. Bingo: Choose 8 of the vocabulary you have just learned in this lesson and enter them in 8 of the spaces. Use the rules of Bingo to play it.

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

b. Battleship: Choose 6 spaces (a-i) to fill in the vocabulary 冰淇淋,海鮮,蛋糕,糖果,烤鴨,炸鶏腿 (in any order). Follow the rules of Battleship game.

| |漢堡包 |薯條 |可樂 |

|炒米飯 | | | |

|牛肉麵 | | | |

|青菜 | | | |

VII. Cultural Understanding: 文化知識


In China, people have the tradition of giving red-dyed eggs as gifts to announce the arrival of a new baby.

After a baby is born, a new father will present red-dyed eggs to friends and family - an odd number of eggs if the baby is a boy, an even number of eggs for a girl.


一. 故事情節(Narration)

It’s a breeze sunny Sunday afternoon. Tom is a little board sitting at home by the window watching the red leaves falling in the wind. He wonders what the others are doing. School has been so busy. They can’t find time to play that magic compass for quite a while. Suddenly, the phone rings. “Tom? Do you have time to come over? How about getting the others to my house? I have things to show you!” How wonderful! Soon they all squeeze into Peter’s room.

二. 課文對話(Dialogue)

彼得: 嘿! 你們看我有什麼?

湯姆: 哇! 好漂亮的風箏!

彼得: 這是我爸爸在香港買的。要不要一起去放風箏?

麗莎: 對啊! 今天是晴天又有風,是放風箏的好天氣。

瑞奇: 可是,我喜歡先去游泳,再去吃冰淇淋。

玲達: 游泳? 夏天熱,游泳最好。春天暖和,秋天涼快,都是放風箏的好天氣。

湯姆: 我最喜歡冬天! 冬天很冷,不過下雪了可以打雪球,玩雪人,還有滑冰和


瑞奇: 湯姆! 我們這裡冬天不下雪啊!

玲達: 洛磯山上下雪! 我去玩過。真的很好玩。

麗莎: 我們快去放風箏吧! 等一下太陽下山了,不好玩了。

湯姆: 好吧! 好吧! 不過我知道一個最好玩的玩具! 春夏秋冬都可以玩。

瑞奇: 對啊! 晴天和雨天也都可以玩。

大家一起說: 是魔術羅盤!

彼得: 我們先去放風箏,再玩魔術羅盤吧!

三. 課文詞彙與延展練習(VOCABULARY)

D. 寫字練習

季 春 夏 秋 冬 暖 熱 涼 冷 氣 風 雨 雪 陰 陽 晴 打 放 先 等

E. 課文詞彙

漂亮的 風 風箏 放風箏 香港 天氣

游泳 冰淇淋 夏天 熱 春天 暖和

秋天 涼快 冬天 冷 下雪 打雪球

雪人 滑雪 滑冰 好玩極了 洛磯山 等一下

太陽 下山 好吧! 不過 玩具 可以

晴天 雨天 魔術 羅盤 先 …. 再


1. 你怎麼知道?

Read the paragraph down below and match it with a picture in the box. Write a, b, c, or d in the space provided in each box.

|春天來了嗎? ______ |夏天來了嗎? ______ |

| | |

| | |

|(Draw a picture according to c below) |(Draw a picture according to a below) |

|秋天來了嗎? ______ |冬天來了嗎? ______ |

| | |

| | |

|(Draw a picture according to d below) |(Draw a picture according to b beblow) |

(Notes: Draw a picture in each box to match with the season. This gives clues to students make it easier to understand the short paragraph down below.)

a. 天氣熱起來了。太陽又紅又熱! 我只想吃冰淇淋!

b. 天氣很冷了。樹葉都沒了,小動物也不見了。下大雪了,我們可以去玩雪人了。

c. 天氣暖和了。小鳥(niǎo)叫了,小草(cǎo)也綠了。小兔子跳(tiào)來跳去!

d. 天氣涼了。小草黃(huáng)了,樹葉(shù yè)也紅了。這是孩子們放風箏的好天氣!


a. How to say “But”? Is there any difference between 不過 and 可是?

You can use either one for but in sentences.

Example: I called you yesterday, but you are not there.


Mother wants me to go home, but I still want to play.


She wants to buy fruits, but she doesn’t have money.


My house is big, but not very new.


b. How to use 可以to ask permission?

People + 可以 + action + 嗎?

Example: Mom, can I eat the cake?


Brother, can I play your toy?


Xiao Mei, may I go to your house?


Teacher, may I go to the bathroom?


c. The pattern of “verb 一下”:

一下 in Chinese means a very short time. When adding a verb or action word

in front of 一下 is to ask someone to do such an act.

Example: Wait a moment! Take a look!

等一下! 看一下!

等一下! 我來了! 看一下! 這對嗎?

我等一下打電話給你。 請看一下,這是誰的?

Have a taste! Try it on!

吃一下! 穿一下!

吃一下,好吃嗎? 穿一下! 這夠大嗎?

吃一下,夠甜了嗎? 穿一下這件新衣服。

Talk about …. Play a little bit….

說一下…. 玩一下….

我們說一下明天要做什麼。 媽媽,我玩一下,好嗎?

你說一下哪個好玩。 給我玩一下小熊貓。

Come over! Go…. for a short while!

來一下! 去一下….

你來我家一下,好嗎? 爸爸,我要去一下小學。

弟弟,你來一下 老師叫你去一下。

d. How to use ______極了 to show extreme condition。s:

Adding action words or words that describing something in front of極了.

Example: Extremely delicious! Extremely dark!

好吃極了! 黑極了!

Excellent! Extremely fun!

好極了! 好玩極了!

Extremely pretty! Extremely fast!

好看極了! 美極了! 快極了!

Extremely wealthy! Extremely cold!

有錢極了! 冷極了!

e. How to talk use 先… 再… :

When talking about two actions, one precedes the other, use先 in front of

the first action, then add 再 before the second action.

Example: Eat lunch first then go home.

先 吃飯,再回家。

Learn Chinese first then go to China.

先 學中文,再去中國。

We’ll buy new cloth first then buy birthday cake.

我們先 買新衣服,再買生日蛋糕。

Give me candy first, then I’ll give you money.


五. 延伸練習 (EXPANSION)


1. 一年有幾個季節?

四個季節 (春季、夏季、秋季、冬季)

2. 一季有幾個月?

十二個月 (一月、二月、三月、四月、五月、六月、七月、八月、


3. 一個月有幾個星期?

四個星期, 五個星期

4. 一個星期有幾天?

七天 (星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五、星期六、星期天

or 星期日

5. 一天有幾個小時?


6. 一小時有幾分鐘?


7. 天氣預報 (Weather Forecast):

Can you draw a picture to show each weather condition. Don’t forget to draw something to indicate the time in your picture.

a. 早上是陰天。多雲, 可是沒有下雨。很涼快!

b. 中午有雷雨。又閃電又打雷!

c. 下午天晴,有大太陽。很熱!

d. 晚上有星星和月亮。很美! 可是風很大。

e. 氣溫幾度? 只有華氏三十二度! 哇! 太冷了!


Vocabulary in Weather Forecast

預報 forecast

多雲 cloudy

涼快 cool

雷雨 thunder storm

閃電 lightening

打雷 thundering

晚上 evening

星星 stars

月亮 moon

氣溫 temperature

幾度 How many degrees?

華氏 Fahrenheit degree

攝氏 Celsius degree


1. Conversation Cycle (對話圈)

Divide students into two groups with equal numbers. Have them standing in two concentric circles facing each other. The students will ask each other the following questions. Then move the outside circle clockwise to switch to a new partner. You may give them a card with questions printed on it to begin the activity. After a while you can remove all the cards and have them continue on the questioning without cards. This will help students to speak naturally. Students in the inner circle can ask the top four questions. Students in the outer circle ask the bottom four questions. Students can also add one question of their own.

a. 一年四季中,你最喜歡哪一季?

b. 哪一季最冷 ?

c. 哪一季最熱 ?

d. 哪一季最好玩 ?


e. 一年四季中,你最不喜歡哪一季?

f. 哪一季可以玩雪 ?

g. 哪一季可以打球 ?

h. 哪一季可以放風箏?

2. Role Play – Weatherman (氣象預報員)

(Students can compete for three awards: the most professional presentation; the funniest presentation; the most originality. Grading rubric should be introduced to students before starting the project.)

Step 1. Prepare a weather map.

Each student draws a map of a country about the size of 3 feet by 4 feet. (Map can also be drawn on regular size of paper and Xerox to transparency.) Student needs to investigate the possible weather pattern of a major city for a season of choice. Mark the map with special local weather. Write the month and date on the map. They can also draw things related to their weather to decorate the map.

Step 2. Write a script for weather forecast on an index card. Practice oral presentation based on the script. They need to say the name of the country, the date, the season and the local weather. They may also add extra information related to the weather report to make it more interesting. Have students practice timing themselves. The total presentation should not be longer than 2 minutes.

Step 3. Set up an area for videotaping the weather forecast, using student’s own map as background. Let students view tapes to vote for the three best performances.)

Grading rubric for oral presentation:

For the following categories, 3 as the best, 2 as medium, 1 as poor.

|Category/Scores |3 points |2 points |1 point |Points |

|Timing |Finish in two minutes. |Longer than two minutes.|Shorter than one | |

| | | |minutes. | |

|Fluency |Speak naturally without|Occasionally use note |Reading note cards. | |

| |note cards. |cards. | | |

|Pronunciation |Correct tones almost |Correct tones most of |Hard to understand. | |

| |all the time. |the time. | | |

|Content |Ample information about|Limited information |Poor information about | |

| |weather and |about weather and |weather. | |

| |temperature. |temperature. | | |

|Props |Good quality map and |Good quality map only. |Poor quality map. | |

| |other props. | | | |

Total scores: ___________

3. Four Season Rhyme (四季歌 – 數來寶)

春天暖呀! 冬天冷!

秋天涼呀! 夏天熱!










一年四季才快樂! 才- 快樂!

5. Radical Recognizing

Can you tell the identical part of the following words? There are two radicals in the following words. Please group them into the two categories. One of the radical is rain, 雨 (yǔ). The other one is sun,日 (rì).

|雨 rain | 早 morning, |明 bright |霜 frost |暖 warm |

| |early | | | |

|星 star |雪 snow |雷 thunder |時 time |電 electricity |

|霧 fog |是 yes, am, |昨 yesterday |雲 cloud |晚 evening |

| |is, are | | | |

Words with radical雨 (yǔ): __________________________________________

Words with radical日 (rì): ___________________________________________



Bottom of Form

The YinYan sign (陰陽) is well known to the western world. It is two interlocked curved shapes within a circle, one white, one black, with a spot of the contrasting color within the head of each. Most people relate it to a sign of peace. Do you know where it is from and what does it really mean?

This is an ancient sign from China. More than two thousand five hundred years ago, a very wise man, everybody called him Laozi (老子), started the philosophy of Daoism in China. By observing nature, he found that opposite forces are working harmoniously with each other to maintain a balanced world. For example, night and day always alternate so our Earth has milder climate good enough to have life.

The dark side of the yinyan sign, in Chinese is 陰, represents the passive nature, characterized as feminine, negative, soft or darkness of night. The white side in Chinese is 陽, represents the active nature, characterized as masculine, positive, hard or the brightness of day. These opposite nature in Chinese are called 太極 (very extreme). Their interaction is believed to maintain equilibrium and harmony in the universe. It is a good reminder for us to keep a balanced life.

The little white dot in the black part of Yinyan sign reminds us never to lose hope, because there is always a spot of light somewhere in the darkness. The little black dot in the white area also reminds us to be alert. Whenever we think our world is so perfect, something may go wrong. So keeps a balanced view will help us to have a better life. So you may say Yinyan is an art of balance!


Hobbies and Favorite pastimes

故事發展 (Narration)

Longing to see more of Asia, Melissa suggests that they should all make a trip to Singapore. Peter keys in the word Singapore on the compass. Lo and behold, there they are! On the street of 牛車水! There they meet a group of local students.

(That time in Singapore they met a crowd of students from Taipei.)  They very quickly begin chatting, and talk about why they like or dislike certain activities.

課文對話 (Dialogues)


麗莎: 你們常常逛街嗎?

學生: 對, 我們打完球,想來這裡吃冰.

麗莎: 你也喜歡打球?打什麼球?


學生: 我常常打籃球, 有時候也踢足球.

麗莎: 我 也喜歡踢足球, 可是我更愛游泳.

湯姆,瑞奇,琳達, (Walking over to join the conversation): 你們在 說什麼?

麗莎: 我們在說喜歡的活動.


湯姆: 我只愛上網和打電玩,不愛運動.

瑞奇: 我喜歡看書,聽音樂.

琳達: 我最愛唱歌.

ka la

學生: 我們一起去唱卡拉OK好不好?

湯姆: 什麼! 唱歌,那太好了!

課文詞彙 (Key words)

常常 often

逛街 street

完 finish

球 ball

冰 ice

打籃 球 to play basketball

踢足球 to play soccer

更 even (more so)

游泳 to swim

玩 to play

活 動 activity

只 only

愛 to love

上網 to go on the internet

打電玩 to play video games

運 動 to exercise

看書 to read a book

聽音樂 to listen to music

唱 歌 to sing a song

卡拉OK karaoke

來 to come

四字詞組 (寫字練習)

常常, 街, 冰, 球, 完, 玩, 活 動, 只, 網, 聽, 音, 唱 歌, 來, 電, 更, 書, 足, 踢, 愛,

語法句型 (Sentence patterns)

ch2ngch2ng y#ush0hou

1. 常常 VS. 有時候

ch2ngch2ng y#ush0hou

常常 means “usually” while “有時候” means “sometimes.”

Activity: 造金字塔. (Pyramid drill)

















Using the above example, ask students to make the similar pyramid with the activity terms they drawn from the activity cards. Or roll a dice to get an activity terms from a sheet of activity handouts. Have students write down their pyramid on a poster paper with a drawing to describe the content. They can change the terms of people and places. But they need to have 常常 or 有時候 in their sentences. Put up the posters in the room and have each group explain and read one other’s pyramid to the whole class.

2. Verb + 完 + object + 了 ( or Verb + 好 + object + 了)

Suffix “完” following an action verb indicates “finish doing the action” For example:’做完功課” means “finish doing homework”. “洗完澡”means “finish taking a bath”, “打完球” means “finish playing ball”.

Group Activity: 問答 (你做完_______了嗎?)

Divide students into groups of four. One member is 媽媽 or 爸爸. The others are kids.

MOM: 你做完功課了嗎?

KIDS: 我做完功課了。(Or 還沒有。)

Give each group a stack of activity cards and a die (note: singular form for dice). One member of the group is responsible to draw cards and ask questions. The other rolls a die to give an answer. If an odd number is rolled, give a negative answer. If the whole family gets their homework done (that is gives an answer to all of the activity cards), the teacher rewards the group with a prize, such as a good score or a sticker. (This activity needs to have honest kids! Or the teacher needs to monitor the whole class as they carry out the exercise.)

3. 來/去/在 place word + verb

(Talk about 我在餐廳吃飯 first, then discuss what the difference is between all three,

我在餐廳吃飯, 我來餐廳吃飯 and 我去餐廳吃飯)

To come/go to a place followed by a verb usually indicates purpose.

“我在餐廳吃飯”---I eat at the dinner room

“我來這裡打球.” –I come here to play ball.

“我去餐廳吃飯” –I go to the dining room to eat.

Activity: 你去哪裡? 做什麼? (Oral activity)

Divide students’ seats into four sections. Give each location a specific name; for example: school, dinning room, teacher’s house, and zoo. Make sure they all know how to say those place names.

Using activity cards, students need to select a location, either his/her own, or another section’s area and say sentences, such as “我在學校做功課”, “我去動物 園上廁所”, “我在餐廳做運動”. Ask students to judge whether the answer is correct or possible. Reward the whole class if they can help each other to correct mistakes.

It is better to ask students to write down their sentences on white boards and discuss from there. This activity can also be adapted to paper pencil type of worksheets.

4. 更 is an adverb to mean “even more so”

For example:1.我愛看書, 也愛打球, 更愛聽音樂.


Compare 更 with 最 (註:第六課學過 “最”)

1.我愛看書, 也愛打球, 更愛聽音樂.



----誰最高?------- 我爸爸最高

3. 哥哥吃得多,弟弟也吃得多,姊姊吃得更多.

---誰吃得最多? 姊姊吃得最多.

Activity: Worksheet 誰吃得最多?

(Or have students make a poster with the following ideas. They may choose their own people, activity, or adverb, such as A跳得高, B跑得快, C說得好, D踢得遠)


|A picture of an older brother eating a big bowl of something. |A picture of a younger brother eating the same size bowl of |

| |something. |

|Student writes a statement: | |

|哥哥吃冰淇淋吃得多 |弟弟吃冰淇淋也吃得多 |

|A picture of an older sister eating an even larger bowl of the |Question? 誰吃得最多? |

|same thing. | |

| | |

| | |

|姐姐吃冰淇淋吃得更多 |姐姐吃冰淇淋吃得最多 |

| | |

5. 在 + verb ---indicates verb in progression

For example: 他在吃飯,我在看電視,你在做什麼?

(First ask students in class你們在做什麼? 你們在學中文嗎? 你們在學英文嗎? Students will say 學中文. Make a point to ask them to say 我們在學中文。Then use activity cards to do the following 我做你說 activity.)

Activity: 我做你說

(While the teacher acts out an activity, the students take turns to say it out loud,

老師在___________. Ask students to use an activity sheet and allow them to help each other out. The teacher needs to practice with the students a routine motion to indicate activity terms before hand. This activity also can be reversed so students do something and the teacher says it out loud. Have a student be the scorekeeper to record a completely correct response (太好了), ok response (還可以), and wrong response (不對). Reward the whole class when they improve their response ratio.

延伸練習 (Expansion)

其他的球類 及活動—

網球, 排球, 乒乓球, 散步,慢跑,

(Make an activity sheet that associates pinyin with all different kinds of activity appropriate to the students’ age. You may also make this sheet into individual activity cards. Since this is the last lesson of this book, this activity list should include all the terms from previous lessons.)

動腦活動 (Performance Tasks)

1. 字卡遊戲 (Memory Game) 將本課所列舉的活動做成圖畫卡或者字卡,每個活動做兩張,反面向上,讓學生輪流掀卡配對. 配到最多對的人贏.

2.老師說學生做動作 (這是要試測學生是不是學會聽了,讓學生閉上眼睛做動作.)

都會了以後, 請一個學生站出來做動作,讓其他的學生輪流給指令.,


看電視,做功課, 上網,

3. Instruct the students in playing a modified version of “duck, duck, goose, goose”. Have all students stand in a circle. Teacher, in the middle of the circle, says “老師說….”

All students say: “老師說什麼?"

Teacher says: “老師說看書。” and leads the action of reading a book.

All students follow the action and say看書. Teacher walks around the circle while students keep saying the same term over and over again. Teacher stops in front of a student and takes the student’s position in the circle, giving the student another activity card. This student will lead the new saying, such as 打籃球 and carry out that action till he finds another student to replace him.)

3. 分組 寫學生名字,名人名字,時間, 地點 和本課所列舉的活動 (STPVO practice)

念出以後句子會像:Tom 和Michael Jackson 一月在圖書館唱歌.

Rachel 和Michael Jordan明天下午三點在游泳池打籃球.


|宀 / roof | |

|The origin of ‘宀’ : pictograph of a rooftop | |

|It is usually on the top of a character |(picture) |

|(宀 : 家 ) | |

|足/ foot | |

|The origin of ‘足’。 | |

|It is usually is on the left hand side of a character. (足: 踢) |(picture) |

Some of the following characters belong to radical ‘roof’, some belongs to ‘foot’. Copy them down on the space provided below.

|安 peace |袍 robe |跑 to run |都 all |容 to contain |

|英 hero |跌 to trip, to fall |踢 to kick |家 home |給 to give |

|跟 heel |宅residence |洋 ocean |路 road |距 distance |

|室 room |跳 to jump |富 rich, wealth |牢 prison |碑 monument |

宀 : _____________________________________


文化知識: (Culture Notes) 中國孩子愛做什麼?

1. 乒乓球In China most elementary school students love to play ping pong. It is a sport which does not require much space, and the equipment is not expensive. It is so popular in China that President Nixon’s first approach to warming relations with the People’s Republic of China was called “ping pong diplomacy.”

2. 功夫 “Gōngfū” or so called “Kungfu”, literally means a refined skill. It often refers to a Chinese martial arts discipline that has become popular throughout the world. Traditionally, Chinese martial arts are called wǔshù (武術). It started out as a weaponless self-defense discipline. It later on developed into many schools and became more popular as an exercise to strengthen the body and mind. That’s why it also encourages the development of certain inner virtues such as courage, loyalty, respect, perseverance, and humility. The Shao Lin 少林school of martial arts is well known in the world as the premier school of martial arts.

3. 唱卡拉OK(karaoke) (This is popular entertainment for families and parties. It originated in Japan. The word “kara” means empty, and “oke” is short for orchestra. In this form of entertainment amateur singers sing along with recorded music using a microphone and speakers, The songs are usually from well known popular music. Lyrics from the songs are often displayed on a tv or video screen. Singing may not be professional but it is great fun and no one laughs at others. They simply laugh together!

4. Basketball is also a popular sport in China, and has increased in popularity because of 姚明 , Yáomíng, a famed professional basketball player, was born on September 12, 1980, in Shanghai, China. He started his training and playing career when he was nine years old. He is currently playing center position for the Houston Rockets of the National Basketball Association (NBA). At the height of 7’6”, Yáo is also currently the tallest player in the NBA.

REVIEW THREE (Su-jane Chen)






| |

| |

|[pic] |

| |

|Insert a Picture – Do not use this picture |


|前面 |in front, ahead |買/賣 |Buy/sell, deal |

|公園 |park |樣樣 |Every kind |

|跳舞 |dance |夜市 |nightmarket |

|打太極拳 |Play/practice tai-ji |老家 |Native place, old home |

Expansion - 四字成語

In the Chinese language, four simple characters may be combined into an idiomatic phrase giving further insight and meaning to a sentence.

熱熱鬧鬧 lively, with noise and excitement

五花八門 many varieties

男男女女 everyone; of all genders

老老少少 everyone; of all ages

Find two more Chinese idioms in the dictionary that match these English translations. Ask your teacher for their meanings.

Nine Ox Two Tigers ___________________________________________________

One Five One Ten ___________________________________________________

Seven Up Eight Down ___________________________________________________

Sentence Patterns

Expressing different degrees of extremity or severity (in increasing degrees)

1. …死了。 我很餓 我很渴

我真餓 我真渴

我餓死了 我渴死了

To express urgency of an action

2. 快…吧。 快走吧。 快跑吧。

快一點(兒)… 快一點吃吧。 快一點走吧。

快一點去吧 。 快一點去台北吧。

To connect two opposite or contradictory expressions, e.g. “but”

3. …,不過… 我想去游泳,不過天氣太冷了。

…,可是… 哥哥想去滑雪,可是沒下雪。


To express the additional need of an object, e.g, “also want”

4. 我要…,…,還要… 他要布丁,還要冰淇淋。


To seem like or to seem to be

5. …起來… 這件衣服看起來很漂亮。



To ask permission, e.g., “may”

6. …可以… 媽媽,我可以吃蛋糕嗎?


To perform an action briefly

7. …一下… 我要看一下玩具。


To express superlative meanings in a positive manner

8. …好…極了 。 台北好玩極了。


To show the order of events

9. …先…再… 我先吃飯,再回家。


To perform an action very often

10. …常常… 爺爺常常去公園跑步。


To show an action occurs rarely or occasionally

11. …有時候… 這裡的冬天很冷,有時候會下大雪。

To be finished with an action

12. …完了… 我做完功課了。



To express location or motion to and from a location

13. …來… 我來學校上課

…去… 我去公園打球

…在… 我在家吃飯

To be in the process of doing something

14. …在… 我在吃飯



To express comparative adjectives, e.g., “even more so”

15. 更 我很高,哥哥也很高,爸爸更高。



熱熱的六月天,安安和爸媽坐飛機來台北,到了外婆家,安安一直說 ”太熱了! 太熱了! 我要吃冰淇淋。” 爸爸說, ”我們去冷飲店吃冰 、台灣的冰很好吃,有芒果冰,紅豆牛奶冰,還有冰沙,布丁,和果汁。” 一會兒全家人都在冰店了。 安安要吃芒果冰還要喝西瓜汁,吃得笑哈哈。回到家裡,安安馬上寫了一張菜單,在台北這兩個月,要吃一吃這些東西。

|好吃的東西 |

中國菜 (Chinese) 水餃 包子

春捲 雞腿飯

牛肉麵 烤鴨

很多中國青菜 很多水果 (木瓜,荔枝)

漂亮的蛋糕 芒果布丁


西菜 (Western) 漢堡包(米做的) 地瓜薯條



|我喜歡: |

|我不喜歡: |

Radical Exercises

Find three to five words in the two passages in this lesson that have the following radicals. Write each word in its appropriate bubble. If there are not enough, use a dictionary or previous lessons.


Children’s songs are very common in China as in other cultures. The vocabulary is very easy and the emphasis is on rhyme and rhythm. The syntax is so entertaining that children are able to recite it in their free time – not just in the classroom or at home. They often recite them with their friends with various activities, such as jump rope or dribbling balls. Even hopscotch was a popular way for saying these poems.

Here are two examples. Recite them, and have fun!


大頭大頭、 下雨不愁、

你有兩傘、 我有大頭。




給香蕉、 還不要、


文化知識Culture Notes

Around 2800 years ago, China invented the kite. Originally kites were made for testing wind speed and direction, measuring distances, acting as signals, communicating between bases in military operations, and even lifting men for covert operations. They were also customarily used for prayer and messages to heaven.

The earliest kites were made from soft silk and bamboo, often using tightly weaved, stronger silk as flying lines. Some had whistles and other objects that create sound as you fly the kite. In fact, the name for a kite consists of the words “wind” and an ancient Chinese instrument – which sounds like the sound the kites make. Later, paper kites were also made often used to transmit messages between bases. They were often flat with sharp right angles. They were decorated with pictures of mythical creatures and gods. Some kites were in the shape of dragons. Others were in the shapes of insects, butterflies, bats, and many other animals. Some were long and others were short. It was up to the creator’s creativity and personal expression to decide how a kite would look in the end. However, what was most important was that the kite could fly. The aerodynamics and balance had to be perfect for the kite to perform whatever job it was meant to do.

Kite making later spread to Japan, Thailand, Korea, and Africa. Today, kites are used widely in almost every country, for both practical and recreational uses. However, it started as a Chinese tradition. In fact, Weifang, located in Shandong, China, is often called the “Kite Capital of the World,” since it holds the largest kite museum on Earth.


Kite Schematic:


Reggie noticed that the compass was flashing, and he shouted to get everyone’s attention.

The four quadrants of the compass had changed into different flashing colors. Reggie suggested touching the red quadrant, but as he touched it he let out a shout of surprise:


(V. O. ) + V. 得 + 很好

(说 西班牙话) 说 得 很好。


標題:Lesson One: Numbers

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 年 月 日 分 上 下 午

百 天 是 有


Insert a Picture of an Umbrella with a Rainy Environment/Background.


Insert a Picture of a Monkey with a Banana.

Insert Picture of basic rectangular kite schematic here.

For Example (Do not copy – and resize as necessary and appropriate):



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