
Many people feel violent media encourages real-life violence among young people. What do you think causes young people to behave violently?

Violence is defined by psychological associations as an extreme form of aggression. An unfortunate trend is the growth of violence among the youth. This phenomenon is in tandem with a rise in violent media consumption. While many assert that there is an intrinsic link between the two, I subscribe to the view that parental negligence and peer pressure are the main catalysts of youth violence.

It is argued that the primary cause of juvenile delinquency is parental negligence. That is, teenagers receiving insufficient parental supervision are more prone to engage in aggressive behavior, for they make more poor decisions. For instance, if not properly supervised, they could make friends with the wrong people and do not strive hard to do their best. Thus, young people require fair and firm discipline so that they do not behave badly.

The second motivator greatly contributing to juvenile violence is peer pressure. According to the psychologists, young people, who are at impressionable age, have more tendency to act aggressively than other age groups due mainly to peer pressure which is considered as an external force coercing teenagers into conducting unacceptable behavior such as bullying, physical assault and so forth. Therefore, a teen’s circle of friends has direct impact on their manner.

A large number of people, however, might argue that the media and teen violence are closely intertwined. In other words, it is deemed that violence in the media has been increasing and reaching proportions that are dangerous, affecting young people, who are at the most impressionable years . Research by psychologists has found that teenagers who watched many hours of violence on television tended to show higher levels of aggressive behavior when they became adults; therefore, exposure to media violence can desensitize people to violence in the real world.

In conclusion, although the media could trigger brutal behavior to some extent, insufficient parental supervision and peer pressure are the most pivotal factors compelling youngsters to atrocious behaviour.

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