CRA Worksheet - Bankers Online

CRA Lending Worksheet

Borrower Name:

Loan Number:

Loan Amount at Origination/Renewal:

Date Originated/Renewed:

*Renewals count as new originations. Only one renewal can count for the year unless there is an increase in the loan amount. Then only the difference of the increase will count.

1. Purpose of Loan

| |

| |

2. CRA Annual Revenue Code (check appropriate box)

| |1 |Estimated gross annual revenue less than or equal to one million dollars |

| |2 |Estimated gross annual revenue is greater than one million dollars |

| |3 |Gross annual revenue is unknown |

| |4 |Gross annual revenue is not applicable |

**If CRA Type code is “0”, then CRA Annual Revenue code is also “0”.

3. Community Development Loan

| |Yes |

| |No |

If yes, provide description:

4. Geocoding Data (attach data sheet from )

City/County Code

State Code


Census Tract

Worksheet Completed by:

Printed name/Signature

Loan Officer Validation:

Printed name/Signature

Revised 11/7/2001.CRA Lending Worksheet2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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