

|Case Management: Understanding Ourselves to Work Effectively in a Diverse Community (Core Training) |Date: April 17, 2012 |

| |Location: DCYF, 1390 Market Street, Suite 900- Mint |

|In this training staff will learn: |Conference Room |

|Increase their awareness of their own cultural/diversity lenses in relation to their work |Time: 8:45am-1:45pm |

|Learn how to implement the Guiding Principles of Cultural Competency in their work |Cost: $35 for SFFSN members, $55 for non-SFFSN members |

|Know how to identify the different levels of the Cultural | |

|Competence Continuum | |

| | |

|Presenters: | |

|Michelle Moreno, LCSW, Consultant  | |

|Stephanie Wiggins, Program Director, Teenage Pregnancy & Parenting Program, Family Services Agency of San | |

|Francisco | |

|Elizabeth Cheng, Training Coordinator, SFFSN | |

|Partnering with Families to Develop Successful Programs |Date: April 30, 2012 |

| |Location: Bank of America |

|In this half day training, participants will learn: |1 South Van Ness, 4th Floor Bayview Room, San Francisco|

|Understand the significance of engaging families in program development |CA 94102 |

|Learn ways to engage families to create successful programs and activities |Time: 8:45am –12:30am |

|Be introduced to tools for collecting input and feedback from families |Cost: $35 for SFFSN members and $55 non-SFFSN members |

| | |

|Presenter and Facilitator: | |

|Liz Cheng, Training Coordinator, SFFSN | |

|California Standards for Family Strengthening & Support Certification Training |Date: May 9, 2012, |

| |Location: Bank of America |

|This full-day training details how the 9 Principles of Family Support and the Family Strengthening approach, |1 South Van Ness |

|with its evidence-based 5 Protective Factors, can be applied together to enhance work with families.  |Time: 8:45am – 4:30pm |

|Participants will learn and share practical and creative ways of implementing the new CA Standards for Family |Cost: $50 for SFFSN members, $75 for non-SFFSN members |

|Strengthening & Support.  Participants who complete the full session will receive a certification from the | |

|California Network of Family Strengthening Networks valid for two years.   | |

| | |

|Please note: This certification training is designed for all Directors, Managers, Coordinators, and Direct | |

|Service Staff.  Programs are highly encouraged to come as teams in order to maximize the value of the training| |

|and its application in your work. | |

| | |

|Topic Covered: | |

|Family Centeredness | |

|Family Strengthening | |

|Embracing Diversity | |

|Community Building | |

|Evaluation | |

| | |

|Trainers: | |

|Andrew Russo, Director, SFFSN | |

|Liz, Cheng, Training Coordinator, SFFSN | |

|Case Management: Understanding and Supporting Families with Mental Health Issues (Core Training) |Date: May 31, 2012 |

| |Location: Bank of America |

|In this two day training staff will learn to: |1 South Van Ness, 2nd Floor Conference Room, San |

|Learn to identify warning signs of potential mental illness |Francisco CA 94102 |

|Learn ways to approach the topic of mental health with families |Time: 8:30am-12:30pm |

|Learn where to connect families with mental health services and resources |Cost: $35, SFFSN members, $55 for non-SFFSN members |

|Trainers | |

|Christina Shea, LMFT, Deputy Chief & Director of Clinical Services- RAMS, Inc. | |

|Rose Sneed, Psy.D., Director of Fu Yau Project, RAMS, Inc. | |

|How Can Family Support Programs Support Healthy Couples Relationships |Date: June 8, 2012 |

| |Location: Bank of America |

|In this full day workshop staff will learn to: |1 South Van Ness, 2nd Floor Conference Room, San |

|Increase awareness of how focusing on the healthy relationship of the couple promotes a stronger family and |Francisco CA 94102 |

|better outcomes for children |Time: 8:45am-2:30pm |

|Develop knowledge and understanding of the challenges to and opportunities for engaging couples |Cost: $35 SFFSN members and $55 Non-SFFSN members |

|Identify tools and strategies to recruit, engage and retain couples in a program | |

| | |

|Trainers | |

|Bento Leal, Program Specialist, Healthy Relationships California | |

|Family Support Standards Re-Certification Training |Date: June 13, 2012 |

| |Location: Bank of America |

|This half-day, interactive training is for those previously certified* on the SFFSN Family Support Standards. |1 South Van Ness, 2nd Floor Conference Room, San |

|Participants will learn what is new in the California Standards for Family Strengthening & Support |Francisco CA 94102 |

|Certification Training and explore their application in their work with families. |Time: 8:45am-12:45pm |

|Participants who complete the full session will receive a certification from the California Network of Family |Cost: $40 SFFSN members and $65 Non-SFFSN members |

|Strengthening Networks valid for two years.   | |

| | |

|Topics covered: | |

|Family Centeredness | |

|Family Strengthening | |

|Embracing Diversity | |

|Community Building | |

|Evaluation | |

| | |

|Trainers: | |

|Andrew Russo, Director, SFFSN | |

|Liz Cheng, Training Coordinator, SFFSN | |

|FES Workshop: Helping Families to Access Public Health Benefits |Date: June 21, 2012 |

| |Location: United Way, 221 Main Street, Suite 300 |

|In this training staff will: |Time: 8:45 am- 12:30pm |

|Learn about different health plans available to San Francisco residents and how they can apply |Cost: $15 for SFFSN members and non-members |

|Learn about Medi-Cal: who is eligible and how to apply | |

|Hear about how families can qualify to receive a free eye exam and glasses | |

|Become knowledgeable about paid and unpaid leave and how to coordinate benefits to maximize one's income while| |

|out on leave | |

| | |

|Presenters: | |

|TBD, San Francisco Health Plan  | |

|TBD, Medi-Cal, San Francisco Human Services Agency | |

|TBD, Healthy San Francisco | |

|TBD, Equal Rights Advocates | |

|Case Management: Self Care for Providers |Date: June TBD |

| |Location: TBD |

|Topics to be Determined |Time: 8:45am –12:30pm |

| |Cost: $35 for SFFSN members and $55 non-SFFSN members |

|Presenters:  | |

|TBD | |

April 17, 2012: Case Management: Understanding Ourselves to Work Effectively in a Diverse Community

April 30, 2012: Developing Successful Programs by Partnering with Families

May 9, 2012: CA Family Strengthening & Support Standards Certification

May 31, 2012: Case Management: Understanding and Supporting Families with Mental Health Issues

June 8, 2012: How Can Family Support Programs Support Healthy Couples Relationships

June 13, 2012: Family Support Standards Re-Certification Training

June 21, 2012: FES: Helping Families to Access Public Health Benefits

June TBD: Case Management: Self Care for Providers


Training Calendar

April-June 2012

For more information please go to:

Please note that event details are subject to change.

Training Calendar

April-June 2012

For more information please go to:

Please note that event details are subject to change.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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