
Worksheet 5 from topics presented on February 15, 2018List of handouts from class 3Article “The Great Unknowns” from ‘Popular Mechanics’BPMN Diagram of having a password resetSystem Information ActivityAnnouncementsMake sure that you have MS Access and Nvu working on your laptop either locally or over the JCSB Citrix server by February 22, 2018. I will walk around the room that night and confirm that it is working on all laptops. It will count as 10 points.As a reminder, assignments must be turned in when they are requested/collected. Be sure that you staple work that exceeds 1 page.I will have office hours this Sunday at 4:00 pm in CK 240. I will stay at least until 5:00 pm or until the questions stop. If no one is in the classroom at 5:00 pm other than myself, I will likely leave.What to expect next classThe following item will be collected at the beginning of class on February 22, 2018:System information exercise (see web page.)Assignment about Denmark/Facebook and how the law cannot keep up with technology.See above. I will walk around the room and confirm that you have Nvu and MS Access running on your laptop either over Citrix or ics that will be presented during class:Discuss data center paper turned in on 2/15/2018Discuss your thoughts from the assignment about the law and technology due 2/22/2018Discuss the article “Great Unknowns” from ‘Popular Mechanics’Why you need to care about the meat and potatoes of computers (System information such as RAM, storage, CPU, system software and application software)Chapter 3 slidesIntroduction to Chapter 4MS Excel continuedWhat you need to come with or do to be prepared for next class on February 15, 2018:Your laptopMS ExcelYour jump driveMake sure that you know how to save a delimited text file to your laptop or jump drive.Make sure that you can complete the Excel Practical up to the point we completed it in class:Import the text fileSave an MS ExcelFormatBoldColorDate (formatting)FormulaeAverageMinMaxSumGoal SeekDrag and Drop Formulae either horizontally or verticallySMALLLARGE‘weighted’ sum of values (i.e. .2*sum(C2:M2) + .25*sum(C2:M2) ….)Absolute referencesRelative referencesSmallLargeYour completed worksheetRead Chapter 3Review the Chapter 3 slidesQuestions to prepare for the quizWhat is caching?Why would a bank web site NEVER want pages with account information to cache data?If you have not already done so, do a Google search and find out what the below 2 items are.IoT (Internet of Things)DarknetWhat are the four generations of computer programming languages?What are examples of third generation programming languages?What happens as you move from first to fourth generation in terms of what the languages ‘look’ like?What are the phases of building custom or one-of-a-kind software?What happens at each phase?What is the waterfall model of building software? (See question 6) Why do you think it is called the waterfall model?What is productivity software and give 3 examples of it.What does COTS stand for and what are examples of COTS?What is opensource software?What is freeware? What is an example of freeware?What is application software?What is horizontal software and give 3 examples of it.What is vertical software and give and example of it. (You can describe it if you do not have a particular name of the software.)Why do large companies such as Monsanto, Bank of America etc. need custom designed software?Make sure that you know the terms at the end of chapter 3.What is an example of a piece of hardware that is both input and output?What is a software license?What is the difference between an absolute and a relative reference?Be able to give an example of when you would want to use an absolute or relative reference.According to the article from Popular Mechanics, what is the key legal/ethical issue that needs to be addressed related to the question “Will people be able to drink while in a self-driving car?” ................

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