





[Name of Foundation]


[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Name]:

The [name] Council is in the unique position of being able to begin a new initiative directed to combat poor school achievement. Through he resources of Boys’ Life Magazine, our Urban Scouting Division can impact up to 500 at-risk students/Scouts with a unique tutorial project. We will increase reading levels, comprehension, attitudes and grades. We will promote the fun of reading. Total funding of [amount] yearly is needed to reach the 500 student level.

Our project will be a national demonstration site for the Boy Scouts of America. We will use tutors, peers and older youth volunteers with Urban Scouting troops and packs. Boys’ Life has introduced a new feature, “The Bank Street Classic Tale,” and together with trained tutors, the medium will bring excitement, vigor and fun to reading. These classic tales come from the Bank Street College of Education which is an independent graduate school of education conducting teaching, research and outreach programs. Other educational features of Boys’ Life will foster new and renewed interest in reading.

Adequate funding and successful implementation of “Reading: The New Boy Scout Survival Skill” will mean spin-off opportunities for model adaptation to the groups and agencies. We are excited about the potential and hope you will be as well.

We respectfully request a three-year grant of [amount] annually to be matched by the [name] Council, BSA.







[Name of Foundation]


[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Name]:

Scouts in the [name] community need your help. Normally, I do not get between Scout councils and their funding sources; however, because of our special relationship, I ask you to consider and to approve the proposal, attached, from the [Name] Council, BSA.

The proposal asks that [foundation/company] enter into a partnership with the [name] Council, BSA, to provide Scout memberships, summer camp scholarships, and Boys’ Life magazines to you in and around the [name] community facility. Appropriate financial documents are included which certify how [name] Council funds are expended.

Your acceptance of this proposal means that many deserving boys in the [name] area will get the opportunity to enjoy the character-building program of the Boy Scouts of America, and to discover the good reading, and good Scouting, found in the pages of Boys’ Life magazine.

This presents an extraordinary opportunity for [foundation/company] to be identified with the end product of the [name of company] production.

Please let me know if [company/foundation] will accept this proposal





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