MEU - An-Najah Staff



Research gate Account:

Scopus ID: 57191363962,

Google scholar:

|Prof,Dr. Abdul Naser Ibrahim Nour, PhD, MSC, Bsc |

|Work email:, Personal email: naser1966@ |

|Mail Address |Personal Data |Contact Info. |

|P.O Box |Nationality : |Palestinian & Jordanian |Home |Tel. |+962-6-515267 |

|942442, Shmeisani | | | | | |

| |Gender : |Male | |MobilePalest|+ 962-79-5799448 |

| | | | |ine |0594423570 |

|Amman 11194, Jordan |Date of Birth : |01/07/1966 | | |

| | Marital Status : |Married, |Work |Tel. |+962-53500211 |

| | |(3) children | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Fax |+962-65335169 |

| | | |

| | | |

Academic Qualifications:

Duration: 1984-1988, BSC

University: Nagpur- India

Field: Commerce/ Accounting

Duration: 1988 – 1990: Master Degree

University: Pune - India

Field: Accounting

Duration: 1993 – 1996: PhD

University: Rajasthan -India

Field: Commerce/Accounting.

❖ Teaching Experience:

Duration: September 2018 -Present, Professor in Accounting, An- Najah University- Palestine.

Duties: Teaching, and supervision for Master Students in Accounting.

Duration: September 2016- 31/8/2018, Professor in Accounting, AL- Ahliyya Amman University.

Duties: Dean School of Business& Chairman of Acc Dept, Teaching, and supervision

Duration: 1/9/2014 -31/8/ 2016, Professor in Accounting, Zarqa University.

Duties: Teaching, and supervision, Dean Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Duration: 31/8/2008- 31/8/2014, (Professor) Middle East University

Duties: Teaching, Dean Faculty of Business.

Supervising on Master Degree theses, for (46) students.

Duration: 31/10/2008 -15/9/2010, Prof, MEU-Amman.

Duties: Teaching Master. Dean Faculty of Business& Chairman of

Acc Dept,

Supervising on: (PhD) dissertations for (10) students.

Duration: 2005– 2008, (Associate Professor) MEU.

Duties: Head of the Accounting Department, and teaching Master students.

Duration: 1996-2016, Assistant, Associate Professor, and Professor teaching as apart time in the following universities: University of Jordan, Hashemite University, AL- Petra Private University, AL – BALQA APPLIED University.

❖ Supervisory and Administrative Experience

During the period 1 worked at AL-Isra University, &Middle East University for Graduate and post Graduate Studies, Zarqa University, and AL- Ahliyya Amman University. The duties and responsibilities include:

Main founder of Business Faculty at MEU& Faculty of Graduate Studies & Zarqa University, and AL- Ahliyya Amman University.

Established new Programms such as Master in Accounting & Finance, and Graduate Program in Electronic Business and Management of Information Systems, at A-L Ahliyya Amman University.


Marketing and advertisement for new courses.

Publicity and Public relations.

Internal Policy making.

Course planning and Implementations.

Literature and Promotion materials.

Seminars and award ceremonies.

Recruitment of staff.

Supervision of tutorial and administrative staff.

Adoption of disciplinary procedures.

Research and development of new training programs.

Promotion of Academic Staff.

Supervision on all Post –Graduate Programs.

❖ Other Teaching Activities at Al-Isra University, Middle East University for Graduate Studies, Zarqa University,AL- Ahliyya Amman University and An-Najah National University :

1. Academic Advising: To help students select the courses those match their Learning style: And advise them to determine their semester load.

2. Co-op Advising: To help students select their area of training, follow them up and direct them in writing and presenting their co-op reports.

3. Participation in the Development of the Accounting Programs: Include adding new courses or improving course description in the Development of Accounting.

4. Teaching Techniques: Different teaching techniques were used in my classes such as: cases, class participation, co-operative Learning, fair exams and quizzes, and objective reward- effort system.

5. Development of Relevant Material for the Courses I taught.

6. Recommending new textbooks for some accounting courses.

7. Organizing the materials regarding the accounting curriculum and course description included in Middle East University for Graduate Studies and Al- Isra University& Zarqa University and AL- Ahliyya Amman University - Post Graduate and Undergraduate Bulletin.

❖ Academic Employment and Experience:

|Position |University |Academic Years / Semesters |

|Professor in Accounting |An-Najah National University |1/9/2018- Present |

|Professor and Dean School of Business, and |Al-Ahliyya Amman University - Jordan |1/9/2016 – 1-8-2018 |

|Chairman of Accounting Dept | | |

|Professor / Accounting and Dean of Graduate |Zarqa University – Jordan |1/9/2014 –31/8/2016 |

|Studies | | |

|Professor and Dean Faculty of Business |Middle East University for Graduate Studies – Amman – |31/10/2008 – 31/8/2014 |

| |Jordan | |

|Professor and Chairman of Accounting Dept. |Middle East University for Graduate Studies – Amman – |31/10/2008 -15/9/2010 |

| |Jordan. | |

|Associate Professor |Middle East University for Graduate Studies – Amman – |1/9/2005 – 31/8/2008. |

| |Jordan. | |

|Associate Prof. and Chairman of Accounting Dept.|AL-Isra University Amman – Jordan. |26/11/2001 – 13/10/2003 |

|Assistant Professor |AL-Isra University Amman– Jordan |26/6/1996 – 25/11/2001 |

|Full-time Lecturer |Hittein Intermediate College |15/9/1990 – 1/10/1991 |

| |Amman – Jordan. | |

| |The University of Jordan |2005/2006, 2006/2007, |

|Part-time Lecturer |Amman- Jordan |1st & 2nd Semester 2008/2009, |

| | |1st Semester 2012/2013, |

| | |2nd Semester 2014/2015 & |

| | |1st & 2nd Semesters 2015/2016 |

| | |1st Semester 2016/2017 |

| |The Hashemite University | |

|Part-time Lecturer |Zarqa - Jordan |Summer Semester 2002/2003, |

| | |1st Semester 2011/2012, |

| | |2nd Semester 2012/2013, |

| | |1st Semester 2014/2015 & |

| | |1st Semester 2015/2016 |

|Part-time Lecturer |AL – Balqaa Applied University |1st Semester 2005/2006 |

|Part-time Lecturer |AL- Ahliyya Amman University Jordan |Summer Semester 2004/2005 |

|Part-time Lecturer |AL- Petra Private University |2nd Semester 1998/1999 |

| |Amman – Jordan. | |

❖ Teaching Experience: English Medium

|Name of the University |Designation |Classes Handled |Subjects taught | Experience |

|Middle East University For |Professor |Post -Graduate |1. Advance Costing& Managerial Accounting. |2005 – 31/8/2014 |

|Graduate Studies Full – time | | |2. Advance Financial Accounting. | |

|Lecturer | | |3. International Financial Reporting | |

| | | |Standards. | |

| | | |4. Principles of Accounting (1) +(2) | |

| | | |5. Intermediate Accounting | |

|University of Jordan Part – |Professor |Post -Graduate |1. Special Topic's in Accounting. |Second Semester 2014/2015, |

|time Lecturer | | |2. Research Methodology in Accounting. |First & Second Semester |

| | | |3. Managerial Accounting |2015/2016 |

| | | |4. Special Topic's in Accounting. | |

| | | | |1st Semester 2016/2017 |

|AL-Isra University |Associate Prof. |Under- Graduate |1. Principles of A/c (1) and (2). |2001/2004 |

|Full-time Lecturer. | |(B.Sc) |2. Accounting in English. | |

| | | |3. Partnership & company Accounts. | |

| | | |4. Accounting Theory. | |

| | | |5. Financial Stat. Analysis | |

|Hashemite University, Part – |Associate Prof. |Under- Graduate |1. Principles of A/c (2). |2002/2003 |

|time Lecturer | |(B.Sc) |2. Accounting Sport Marketing. |Summer Course. |

|AL – Petra Private University, |Associate Prof. |Under Graduate |1. Special A/c. |1994/1995, |

|Part-time Lecturer | |(B.Sc) |2. Accounting in English. |1998/1999 |

| | | |3. Banking Insurance Accounting. | |

❖ Postgraduate Supervision

|A - PhD Degree Students Supervision |

|Serial No.|Student's Name |Title of Dissertation |University |Academic Year |

|1 |Sameh |Design accounting model for measuring customer profitability of banks in Jordan - a |The Arab Academy for |2004/2005 |

| |Al-Atout |field study |Banking and Financial | |

| | | |Sciences | |

|2 |Anas Alshareef |The Quality Criteria of Auditing in the Shadow of the Risks of Work |Jinan |2010/2011 |

| | | |University-Lebanon | |

|3 |Mohamed Mahmoud |" Expectations gap between the users of the financial information and external |Jinan |2012/2013 |

| |Bashaireh |auditors in Jordan" |University-Lebanon | |

|4 |Ziyad Sulaiman |Design Ethics of the Accounting Profession to Reduce the Effects of Creative |Jinan |2012/2013 |

| |AlMatarneh |Accounting on the Reliability of Financial Statements Issued by the Jordanian Public |University-Lebanon | |

| | |Shareholding Companies | | |

|5 |Hanan |Earnings Management and its role in Achieving the Quality of Accounting Information in|Jinan |2013/2014 |

| |Al-Awawdeh |Decision Making "Empirical Study on the Jordanian Public Companies" |University-Lebanon | |

|6 |Sina Al-Rawi |Enhancing the Role of Governance of Conduct and Ethics Auditor Job and its impact on |Jinan |2013/2014 |

| | |the Credibility of Accounting Information in the Jordanian Industrial Companies |University-Lebanon | |

|7 |Mousa Moh. Abdullah |The Role of the Environmental Awareness in the Application of Environmental Accounting|Jinan |2014/2015 |

| |Saleh |Disclosure in the Jordanian Industrial Public Contribution Companies and Its Impact on|University-Lebanon | |

| | |Investor’s Decisions in the Amman Financial Market. | | |

|8 |Ayman Abu Hammour |The impact of the evolution of accounting internal control systems over production |Jinan |2015/2016 |

| | |costs in the Jordanian industrial companies in light of the accounting information |University-Lebanon | |

| | |systems | | |

|9 |Ghazi Othman Hij |The Requirements of Harmonization and Implementation of International Accounting and |Salahaddin |2015/2016 |

| |Mahmod Noghariny |Finance Reporting standard (IAS-IFRS) in Iraqi Financial Environment- "Field study on |University-Erbil | |

| | |the Some Cooperation Companies and Accounting Scientific Institution Select in Iraqi | | |

| | |Kurdistan Region" | | |

|10 |Dler Mousa Ahmed |The role of creative accounting in the creation of the financial crisis - the causes |Salahaddin |2015/2016 |

| | |and treatments. |University-Erbil | |



|12 |Jamal amedeh |The impact of strategic audit on reducing the risk of corporate failure-An exploratory|Salahaddin |8/6/2020 |

| | |study of the opinions of a sample of Iraqi joint-stock companies in the Kurdistan |University-Erbil | |

| | |Region - Iraq | | |

|B - Masters Degree Students Supervision |

|Serial No.|Student's Name |Title of Thesis |University |Academic Year |

|1 |Iyad Ejbeer |The compliance of Jordanian Professional Association with applying the principles of |MEU for Graduate |2007/2008 |

| | |corporate governance |Studies | |

|2 |Ashraf Abu Moghlih |The Impact Of The Activity Based Costing System On Profit Maximization: An Applied |MEU for Graduate |2007/2008 |

| | |Study On Private Hospitals In Amman Governance |Studies | |

|3 |Akram Yahya Al-Shami |The effect of the Qualitative characteristics of Accounting Information on the |MEU for Graduate |2008/2009 |

| | |Quality of Financial Reports of commercial banks working in Republic of Yemen |Studies | |

|4 |Mustafa Hmidan Hassan |The Extent of Compliance of Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation to International |MEU for Graduate |2008/2009 |

| |Hmidan |Financial Reporting Standards |Studies | |

|5 |Zaid Mohammad Eylaiyan |The Importance of using planning budgets in planning , controlling and performance |MEU for Graduate |2008/2009 |

| | |evaluation in Jordanian Industrial Shareholding Companies |Studies | |

|6 |Eid Abad |Assessing the Effectiveness of Internal Control Systems in Commercial Banks in Kuwait|MEU for Graduate |2009/2010 |

| |AL-Rashidi | |Studies | |

|7 |Sura Kareem Reshan |The Role of Control on Industrial Quality Costs in Improving the Financial |MEU for Graduate |2009/2010 |

| |AL- Hadethy |Performance of Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies |Studies | |

|8 |Ala'a M. |Developing Mathematical Model to Integrate BSC in to the Change Management and |MEU for Graduate |2009/2010 |

| |Al mtour |Strategic Planning |Studies | |

|9 |Firas Mohammad Wishah |The Ability of Jordanian Commercial Banks Infrastructure to implement Activity Based |MEU |2009/2010 |

| | |Cost System (ABC) | | |

|10 |Mohamad Nayef |The Extent of Kuwaiti banks Commitment in Applying the Principles of Corporate |MEU |2009/2010 |

| |AL-Eybani |Governance | | |

|11 |Falah Hmoud Sharar |The Relative Importance of Accounting Disclosure for lending decisions -An Applied |MEU |2009/2010 |

| | |Study in Kuwaiti Commercial Banks | | |

|12 |Suheir Kafouri Sweiss |The Role of Jordanian Commercial Banks in Financing Small and Medium Enterprises in |MEU |2010/2011 |

| | |Jordan Field Study | | |

|13 |Mubarak |Evaluating the Effect of Financial Audit Conducted by State Audit Bureau of Kuwait on|MEU |2010/2011 |

| |Al Dosary |Public institutions | | |

|14 |Omar Mohammad |Measurement the Extent of disclosure in Published financial Statements of Jordanian |MEU |2010/2011 |

| |AL-Hawatmeh |Industrial Public shareholding companies traded on the Amman stocks exchange: An | | |

| | |Empirical study | | |

|15 |Abdullah |Evaluating the Effectiveness of accounting system in the harbor institution in Kuwait|MEU |2010/2011 |

| |Al-ajami |and its development ability | | |

|16 |Khalid |The Effect of Kuwaiti External Auditors Evaluation for Client Acceptance Risk on |MEU |2010/2011 |

| |Al- Azimi |Acceptating or Refusing the Audit Process | | |

|17 |Ahmad Salamah |The Role of Computerized Accounting Information Systems on Effective of Internal |MEU |2010/2011 |

| |Al Jwafel |Control on Jordanian Islamic Bank | | |

|18 |Abed-Alhadi Al Dosary |The Importance of Environmental Costs in Improving the Quality of Accounting |MEU |2010/2011 |

| | |Information (A field Study on the Industrial Companies Enlisted at Kuwait Stock | | |

| | |Exchange) | | |

|19 |Mohammad Fahmi |The Role of Internal Audit in Mitigating the Impact of Operational Risk in |MEU |2010/2011 |

| |AL-Jabari |Jordanian Banks | | |

|20 |Faisal Abdullah Fayez |The Impact of Using Accounting Information Technology on the Performance of Workers |MEU |2010/2011 |

| |Al-Mtairy |in the Governmental Financial Sectors in the State of Kuwait | | |

|21 |Hussein Naser Shuja’a |Reciprocity between Financial Benefit and Ethical Practice in Kuwaiti Public |MEU |2011/2012 |

| |Al-Mutairi |Shareholding Companies Listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange | | |

|22 |Abujailah Ramadan |The Extend of Using Balanced Scorecard in Performance Evaluation at Libyan Commercial|MEU |2011/2012 |

| |Otheman |Banks | | |

| |Al Ghraib | | | |

|23 |Waleed Khalid Hameed |The Impact of the External Auditor in Improving the Reliability of Accounting |MEU |2011/2012 |

| |Al-A’zemi |Information Quality in Kuwaiti Zakat House | | |

|24 |Aeshah |The Degree Commitment of The Jordanian Commercial Banks to Disclose the Requirements |MEU |2011/2012 |

| |Abdul-Kreem Abdulsattar|of International Financial Reporting Standard No. (7) on the Preparation of | | |

| |Al-Obaidi |Financial Reporting | | |

|25 |Jamal AbdAlmon'am |The Role of the Central Bank of Jordan in Capturing the Repercussions of the Global |MEU |2011/2012 |

| |Albustanji |Financial Crisis on the Banks Working in Jordan | | |

|26 |Talal Hassan Mohamad |The Degree of Management Practice in Kuwaiti Public Shareholding Companies of the |MEU |2011/2012 |

| |AL-Kendri |Earnings Management Methods and its impact on the Company’s Profitability | | |

|27 |Al Hmaidy Mohammad Al –|The Impact of Staff Turnover on Financial Performance - A Field Study in the Kuwaiti |MEU |2011/2012 |

| |Matairi |Islamic Banking Sector | | |

|28 |Mohammad Mahmoud |The Importance of Integration between Total Quality Management and Cost Management |MEU |2012/2013 |

| |Al-Nahawi |Techniques in Improving Performance of Jordanian Shareholding Industrial Companies | | |

|29 |Mezid Bani AL-Mutari |The Impact of the Announcing the Dividends on Trading Volume of the Industrial |MEU |2012/2013 |

| | |Companies listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange | | |

|30 |Nawaf Jaber Soud |Factors affecting of Preparation and Implementation Public Budget in the State of |MEU |2012/2013 |

| |Al-Hajri |Kuwait | | |

|31 | |Effectiveness Extent of Internal Control Systems in Small and Medium Sized |MEU |2012/2013 |

| |Amer Saleh |Enterprises | | |

| |Al Armouti | | | |

|32 |Fahd Mohammed Saad |The Association Between The Privacy Of Liquidity, Profitability And Previous |MEU |2012/2013 |

| |AL-Mahgan |Outstanding Debit On Capital Structure Of Industrial Companies Listed In Kuwait Stock| | |

| | |Exchange Market | | |

|33 |Mahommoud Salamah |The Role of Islamic Banks in Financing Jordanian Small &Medium Sized Enterprises in |MEU |2012/2013 |

| |Al Jwafel |Jordan "Empirical Study | | |

|34 |Ahmad Adnan Al-Armouti |The Impact of Sustainability Accounting on the Financial Reporting in Jordanian |MEU |2012/2013 |

| | |Shareholders Manufacturing Companies Listed on Amman Stock Exchange. | | |

|35 |Tamer Shatat |The Impact of Accounting Disclosure for Earnings Per Share on the Investment Decision|MEU |2013/2014 |

| | |(An Empirical Study on Corporations Listed on Amman Stock Exchange). | | |

|36 |Hosam Hamdan |The Impact of Accounting Systems Development on the Performance Financial of Hotel |MEU |2013/2014 |

| | |Facilities- (A Field Study on a Series of Five-Star Hotels in Jordan). | | |

|37 |Ruba Mazen Hamed D. |The Impact of Electronic Accounting Information Systems in improving the quality of |MEU |2013/2014 |

| |Jawazneh |internal Reports - An Empirical Study on Jordanian Firms to Human Pharmaceutical | | |

| | |Industry. | | |

|38 |Ayedh Falah Ayedh |The Relevance of Fair Value Accounting for Credit granting decisions in Kuwaiti |MEU |2013/2014 |

| |Aljassar |Commercial Banks. | | |

|39 |Ahmed Khalil Ismail |The Role of Financial Manager (CFO) in Planning Strategic and the Preparation of |MEU |2013/2014 |

| |Abukheil |Annual Budgets- An Empirical Study on the UAE’s Real Estate Companies. | | |

|40 |Anas Majed Suleiman |The Degree of Compliance of Jordanian Industrial Companies to Apply the International|MEU |2013/2014 |

| |AL-Marayat |Accounting Standard Impairment of Assets (IAS 36). | | |

|41 |Mahmoud Barakat |Internal Control System and its Impact on the Financial Resources of Jordanian |Zarqa University |2014/2015 |

| | |Charities Jordanian Charities. | | |

|42 |Fahmi Alhantouli |Analysis of Electronic Disclosure Sites and their Impact on the Financial Statements |Zarqa University |2014/2015 |

| | |in the Jordanian Public Shareholding Industrial Companies. | | |

|43 |Osama Ziad Altheebeh |The Impact[pic] Of the Product Quality costs on Inventory Turnover Rate in Jordanian |Zarqa University |2015/2016 |

| | |Corporations Industries. | | |

|44 |Alaa Alrazem |The Impact of Specific Characteristics the Degree of Disclosure on Human Resources in|Zarqa University |2015/2016 |

| | |the Financial Statements of Jordanian Public Industrial Companies. | | |

|45 |Suhayeb Ayedh Alkahtani|The Impact Of Corporate Governance Principles on The stock Market Liquidity : |University of Jordan |2015/2016 |

| | |Empirical Study on Financial Jordanian Public Corporation. | | |

|46 |Khitam Mahmoud Hammad |The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Extent of Corporate Social Responsibility |University of Jordan |2015/2016 |

| | |Disclosure in Jordanian Industrial Public Companies . | | |

|47 |Mai Naser Jabarin | |An-Najah National |2018/2019 |

| | |Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Political Events on the Market Index Return at |University | |

| | |Palestine and Amman Stock Markets. | | |

|48 |Ghadeer Refqi Shadeed| |An-Najah National |2018/2019 |

| | |Effect of TADAT in tax department on tax collection in West Bank. |University | |

|49 |Ala'a Yameen | |An-Najah National |2018/2019 |

| | |The Role and Nature of Tax Information’s in maintaining Public Money. |University | |

|50 |Mustafa Wasif Faza'a |Application extent of the accounting treatment of inventory and the impact of current|An-Najah National |2018/2019 |

| | |and impact of current and deferred tax in accordance with international accounting |University | |

| | |standards and their impact on the tax system in Palestine. | | |

|51 |Ghassan Jalal Abu Omer | |An-Najah National |2019/2020 |

| | |(Impact of board Characteristics on the corporate dividends pay-out). |University | |

| | |Study on companies listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange for the period of 2012-2018| | |

|52 |Manar Balout |The impact of social and environmental sustainability disclosure on banking financial|An-Najah National |2019/2020 |

| | |performance: Analysis of the banking sector in Palestine and Jordan |University | |

|53 |Layan Waheed Alamleh | |An-Najah National |2019/2020 |

| | |The Effect of Applying Balanced Scorecard On Earnings Quality in The Banking Sector |University | |

| | |in Palestine | | |

|54 |Aseel Yousef Melhem |“Effect of earnings management on dividend payout with a focus on moderating Role of |An-Najah National |2019/2020 |

| | |leverage and diversity board at Palestine and Amman exchanges in the Banking sector” |University | |

|55 | |Impact of nonmanufacturing overhead costs on the Productivity of the Palestinian |An-Najah National |2019/2020 |

| |ASSI Sobhi Utt |Industrial |University | |

|56 |Kayed Tanpor |Factors Affecting on the Effectiveness of Internal Control System |An-Najah National |2019/2020 |

| | |A field study on the income tax departments in Palestine |University | |

❖ Other academic activities:

• External Reviewer for BSBA(Accounting) Program for the evaluation of Developmental Review Project program for attaining National Commission for Academic Assessment and Accreditation (NCAAA), Salman Bin Abdul Aziz University, Al Akharj, KSA.19-22, April,2014.

• External Assessor of Programme in Accounting& economics Department- Learning outcomes for programme and subjects – Ahlia University – Kingdom of Bahrain. 17-July-2014.

• International Peer Reviewers for International Journal of Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship ( IJBE) Scopus ID: 57191363962,

• External Reviewer for International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR)  

• External Reviewer for European scientific Journal (ESJ).

• External Reviewer for International Journal of Afro-Asian J. of Finance and Accounting (AAJFA).  .

• External Reviewer for International Journal of Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal,  Allied Journals  . 

• Participation in discussion committees of more than (70) Doctorate &Master's Thesis in each of the following universities: The University of Jordan, the Hashemite University, Al-Bayt University, Yarmouk University, Applied Sciences University, The Hague University, Jinan University in Lebanon, International Islamic Science University, Amman Arab University and Jadara University, Salahaddin University-Erbil, Jinan University-Lebanon.

• I have arbitrated research for the purposes of scientific promotions for all scientific ranks of a number of faculty members in different Arab universities.

• Member of the specialized committee for the field of administrative, economic and financial sciences for the academic year 2009/2010 - Scientific Research Support Fund - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

• I have served as external reviewer for the following periodicals:

- The Jordanian Journal of Business Administration issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Jordan.

  - Mu'tah Magazine for Research and Studies - Mutah University - Karak.

- Al-Busayr Magazine published by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Petra University.

- Al-Balqa Journal issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Amman Private University.

- Irbid Journal for Research and Studies issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Irbid National University.

- Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Zarqa Private University.

- The Jordanian Journal of Applied Sciences issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the University of Applied Sciences.

- An-Najah journal, issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at An-Najah University. Nablus-Palestine.

- Hebron Journal, issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Hebron University. Hebron-Palestine.

❖ Training courses attended:

• 1988-1990: (5) courses in computer programming and statistical techniques. India.

• 2013: A course in Quality Assurance, organized by (MEU).

❖ Training Courses Offered:

Run training program about" Integrated Skills in Financial Accounting" which was commenced in Istanbul -Troika, on behalf of Alnuha Company for training and education and conferences, which was held on 21/5-25/5/214.

Run training program about “Financial Audit and controlling” Which was commenced in Muscat- Oman, on behalf of Rikaz International training, which was held on 13-15/9/2010.

Run training program about Economic Feasibility Studies and Projects Evaluation, which was commenced in Muscat-Oman, on behalf of Vision Human Resources Development, which was held on 23/8-27/8/2008.

Run Training Program about Advance Financial Accounting which commenced in Muscat- Oman, on behalf of Muscat securities Market Brokers Association and Vision HRD, which was held on 28/4 – 2/5/2008.

Conducted various Accounting teaching classes in various educational centers in Jordan.

Run training program about International Accounting Standards in Sudan on 11-15/12/2004.

Run training program about Managerial Accounting, which was commenced in Muscat-Oman, on Behalf of the Arab Academy for Banking & Financial Sciences, which was held on 7/3-18/3/2004.

Supervised a training course in accounting for non-accountants which was commences at ISRA University Campus from 16/4-16/5/1994.

❖ Publications:

Published and in Progress Research.

1. “The impact of the Board of Directors on the timeliness of financial reporting in the Jordanian companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange”, Accepted for publication in International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (Print) ISSN 2201-1315 (Online) ISSN 2201-1323. Indexed by Scopus Elsevier.

2. “The Influence of Human Capital on the Return of Equity among Banks Listed in Amman Stock Exchange”, Accepted for publication in An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities) ISSN: 1727-8449, ISSN Online: 2311-8962, An-Najah National University-Nablus- Palestine, A Refereed Research Journal Published by Deanship of Academic Research. Indexed by Arcif.

3. “Requirements for the application of Financial Reporting Standard No. 16 Finance leases in economic units listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange”, Accepted for publication in Anbar University Journal for Economics Administration Sciences. Indexed by Arcif.

4. “Effect of Board Multiple Directorships and CEO Characteristics on Firm Performance: Evidence from Palestine”. Accepted for publication in Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, emerald publishing, Indexed by Scopus Elsevier.

5. “Fourth Industrial Revolution, Artificial Intelligence, Intellectual Capital, and COVID-19 Pandemic”. Accepted for publication in fourth industrial Revolution Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for Growing Business Success, which is a book series of “ Studies in Computational Intelligence” under Springer ( Scopus- Q4,WOS- IF:1.73, SJR 0.215, h-index 62 . Springer International Publishing AG.

6. “The Relationship between Intellectual Capital in the Fourth Industrial ‎Revolution and Firm Performance in Jordan” .Accepted for publication in fourth industrial Revolution Implementation of Artificial Intelligence for Growing Business Success, which is book series of “ Studies in Computational Intelligence” under Springer ( Scopus- Q4,WOS- IF:1.73, SJR 0.215, h-index 62. Springer International Publishing AG.

7. “The problems faced by Islamic banks in Jordan towards adherence to AAOIFI accounting standards”.Accepted for publication in International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (Print) ISSN 2201-1315 (Online) ISSN 2201-1323. Indexed by Scopus Elsevier.

8. “The effect of strategic auditing dimensions on reducing cases of financial failure - an analytical exploratory study of the opinions of administrative and financial managers in a sample of Corporation companies in the Kurdistan Region – Iraq”, Published in Zanco Journal Humanity Sciences,Vol(24), No(2), PP88-109. Salahaddin University – Erbil- Iraq.Indexed by Arcif Analytics, e- Marefa and  Crossref Content Registration doi . .

9. “The Effects of Intellectual Capital on Firm Performance of Industrial Sector in Jordan”, Published in Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews.(GIAP) Journals,Vol(8),No(2),2020,PP184-192, Indexed by Scopus Elsevier.

10. “The impact of the Audit Committee on the Timeliness of the annual financial reports in Jordanian companies listed in the Amman Stock Exchange”, Accepted for publication in Int. J. of Critical Accounting, .. DOI: 10.1504/IJCA.2020.10028088

11. “Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure”, published in International Journal of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility (IJSECSR), 5(1), 20-41,2020 IGI Global Editorial Discovery USA. : 10.4018/IJSECSR.2020010102

12. “Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Political Events on the Market Index Return at Palestine and Amman Stock Markets (2011-2017)” Published in Journal “Investment Management and Financial Innovations”,16(4),156-167.(2019) doi:10.21511/imfi.16(4).2019.14.Indexed by Scopus

13. “The Impact of Financial and non-Financial Disclosure on the Performance of Jordanian commercial Banks Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange”, Published in Al-Balkah Journal for Researches Studies 22(1), 41-62, (2019), Al-Ahliyya Amman University, A Refereed Research Journal Published by Deanship of Academic Research, Indexed by Arcif.

14. “Sustainable Universities and Green Campuses, chapter (2)”, published in the book titled Global Approaches to Sustainability Through Learning and Education, PP 17-27, (2020), IGI Global Editorial Discovery USA . DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0062-0.ch002. gateway/chapter/full-text-html/237436

15. “Evaluating of commercial Banks in Palestine Financial Performance”, Published In Asian Journal of Quarterly International Journal ( AJAST), ( Peer Reviewed Quarterly International Journal), VOL (3),Issue.1.PP 266-274 JAN-March 2019.

16. “The effect of Mergers and Acquisitions of Audit Fees and the opinion of the External Auditor- Applied Study on Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies”, Published in the Jordan Journal of Business Administration, International Refereed Research Journal, University of Jordan.Vol, (15), No (1), Feb,2019, PP147-168. (ISBN 1815-8633). Indexed by Arcif.

17. “The influence of Intellectual Capital on the Return of Equity Among Banks Listed in Amman Stock Exchange”, Published in Int. J. of ElectronicBanking(IJEBANK),,March,Vol,(1),No(3),(2019),PP220232,

18. “The effect of earning management on accounting earning quality - Empirical study on Jordanian Public Industries Companie"s”. Published in Jordan Journal of Business Administration, International Refereed Research Journal, University of Jordan., Vol, (13), No. (2), 2017, PP1-19, July 2017. (ISBN 1815-8633). Indexed by Arcif.

19. “Earnings Management Methods and their Impact on the Reliability of the Published Financial Statements of Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies”. Published in the Journal of Irbid LiL-Buhooth Wal-Dirasat, a refereed Journal, published by the Deanship of Scientific Research, Irbid National University, Jordan, Vol. (19), No. (2), April 2017, PP 137 – 172. (ISBN 1681/3510).

20. “The Degree Commitment of the Jordanian Commercial Banks to Disclose the Requirements of International Financial Reporting Standard No. (7) on the Preparation of Financial Reporting”, Published in Journal of Baghdad college of economic sciences university, Bi-annual scientific journal concerned with economic, administrative, and computer studies, Baghdad college of economic sciences university Oct 2017 No. (53) Ai pp 175-208.

21. “The Impact of Corporate Governance principles on the stock market liquidity: Empirical study on Financial Jordanian Public Corporation”. Published in Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies in Humanities,Vol.(16),No 2, 2016,PP 293-316. . Indexed by Arcif.

22. "The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Business Performance in Kuwaiti Telecommunication Industry", Published in the International Journal of Performance Management, Inderscience-Vol. (17), No.4, 2016, PP426-446.Indexed by Scopus (Elsevier) Emerging Sources Citation Index (ClarivateAnalytics).DOI: 10.1504/IJBPM.2016.079278

23. “The Impact of Total Quality Management and Cost Management Techniques in Improving Performance of Jordanian Shareholding Industrial Companies”. Published in the Strategic Visions Journal 

(A quarterly, refereed academic periodical) No,(12,2016,)PP 81-119. The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research-Abu Dhabi,

United Arab Emirates. Indexed by Arcif.

24. “Deficiencies in accounting standards and their impact on the creation of financial crises and collapses study- Exploratory to the opinions of a sample of academics and Auditors in Kurdistan Region”, Published in ZANCO Journal of Humanity Sciences(Print Version: ISSN 2218-0222  Online Version: ISSN 2412-396X, DOI:) is published by Salahaddin University-Erbi-Department of Scientific Publications.Vol(20),No(5), 2016,PP 407-427. Indexed by Arcif.

25. "The Impact of Compliance to the principles of corporate Governance in the narrow expectations gap in Jordan"- An analytical study of the views of internal auditors in the Jordanian brokerage firms". Published in Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies in Humanities- Vol, (14), No. (2), December 2014, PP 162-178, (ISSN 1561- 9109), Internationally Indexed by Ulrich's Database, Zarqa University. Indexed by Arcif. .

26. "The required information and Financial Statements disclosure in SMEs", Published in Journal of Finance and Accountancy, International Refereed Research Journal, Academic and Business Research Institute, USA, Vol,16,PP(1-15), 2014. .

27. "The Impact of Benchmarking in Achieving Continuous process and Products Quality Improvement Applied Study in the Jordanian Pharmaceutical Sector", Published in Jordan Journal of Business Administration, International Refereed Research Journal, University of Jordan. , Vol, (10), No. (2), 2014, PP276-296, July 2014.(ISBN 1815-8633). Indexed by Arcif. .

28. “Social Responsibility Accounting and its Role in the Assessment of the social Performance of Business Organizations”, Published in European Journal of Business Management , ,Vol (6),No(16),2014,PP59-69. .

29. "The Influence of Strategic Management on Jordanian Banks Business Performance: Using Balance Scorecard(BSC)”. International Conference on New Visions for Information and Communication Technology (TCNVICT), November 5-7,2013, Middle East University, Amman-Jordan.

30. "Intellectual Capital Development within Middle East University", Published in Jordan Journal of Business Administration, International Refereed Research Journal, University of Jordan, Vol, (9), No. (3), Jan 2013, PP567-602, September 2013. (ISBN 1815-8633). Indexed by Arcif.

31. "The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Jordanian Tourism Sector's Business Performance". Published in American Journal of Business Management, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 210-221. September 2013. .

32. "Advantages and Determinants of Applying Human Resource Accounting in Jordanian Public Shareholding Companies", Published in the Journal of Economic-Afaq Iqtisadiyyat, The federation of UAE. Chambers of Commerce & Industry. Center for Research & Authentication, Vol. (33), No. (124)-AH (1435), 2013(2), PP 101 –155.

33. “The Relationship between Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) Sectors and ASE General Index Performance", Published in European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research (EJAAFR), Vol. (1). No. (2), PP 67-96, June,2013, UK.

34. "Relational Capital and Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Organizations' Business Performance". Published in European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR), Vol. (1), No. (2), PP 85-100, June 2013.UK.

35. "The Role of the Central Bank of Jordan in Capturing the Repercussions of the Global Financial Crisis on the Banks Working in Jordan", Published in Jordan Journal of Business Administration. International Refereed Research Journal, University of Jordan, Vol, (9), No (2), 2013July, PP356-371.

36. "The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Jordanian Telecommunication Companies' Business Performance", Published in American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, Vol.5, No.3, April 2013, PP32-46, -ISSN2162-321x(print) and ISSN2162-3228(online), USA.

37. "Structural Capital Development within Middle East University". Published in Journal of Advanced Social Research (JASR), Malaysia, (ISSN, 2231-8275), Vol, (3), No, (1), Jan 2013, PP30-56.

38. "Impact of Human Capital on Middle East University's Business Performance". Published in European Journal of Business and Management (EJBM). (ISSN- 2222-1905) Paper ISSN 2222-2839) Vol, (5), No (6), March 2013, PP104-119.

39. "The Fundamental Issues with Financial Derivatives within the Framework of International Accounting Standard No. (39) and Their Relative Responsibility for the Current Global Financial Crisis", Published in Journal of Business Studies Quarterly (JBSQ), USA, (ISSN-2152-1034), Vol, (4), No, (3), PP174-222. (2013).

40. "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Organizations' Business Performance", Published in Journal of Business Studies Quarterly (JBSQ), USA, (ISSN-2152-1034), Vol, (4), No, (3), (2013), PP112-128.

41. "The Role of Control on Industrial Quality costs in Improving the Financial Performance of Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies", Published in Gulf University Journal, (ISSN-1985-9562), A scientific Refereed Journal Published by Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain, Vol, (4), No, (4), (2012), PP607-656.

42. "The Role of Cash Flow in Explaining the change in company Liquidity", Published in Journal of Advance Social Research- Malaysia, Vol, (2), No (4), June, (2012), PP231-243.

43. "Using Six Sigma methodology in Controlling Internal Auditing Quality (Afield study on award winning quality and excellence private hospitals in Amman Gvernate)"., Published in Jordan Journal of Business Administration, International Refereed Research Journal, University of Jordan, Vol, (8), No. (4), Jan 2012, PP603-623.

44. “The Mechanism of Thesis Quality Assurance and control” A case study in the Middle East", Published in the Arab Journal for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, International Refereed Research Journal, Association of Arab Universities, Vol, (4), No (8),2011, PP117-145.

45. “Invitation to dismiss the method of periodic Inventory”, Published in Journal of Bagdad College of economic sciences university, Bi-annual scientific Journal concerned with economic, administrative, and computer studies, Baghdad College of economic sciences university, April 2011, No (A26), pp 199-219.

46. "The interrelationship between fair value standard and global financial crisis "Published in Journal of Baghdad college of economic sciences university, Bi-annual scientific journal concerned with economic, administrative, and computer studies, Baghdad college of economic sciences university June 2009 No. (20) Ai pp 175-208.

47. " Accountants Use of Spreadsheet Packages, "An Empirical Study on a sample of Accounting in Jordan", published in Dirasat Journal, An International Refereed Research Journal, Published by the Deanship of Academic Research, University of Jordan, Vol, (36), No (2) July 2009. PP 441-458 .

48. "Factors Affecting Make-or-Buy and Pricing Decisions in Jordanian Manufacturing Companies", Published in Dirasat Journal, An International Refereed Research Journal, Published by the Deanship of Academic Research, University of Jordan Vol, (36), No (1) Jan 2009 PP 92-112.

49. "The compliance of Jordanian shareholding companies with the principles of corporate Governance: An Analytical Comparative study between the banking and the Industrial sectors", Published in Jordan Journal of Business Administration, International Refereed Research Journal, University of Jordan Vol, (3), No. (1), Jan 2007, PP 46-71.

50. "Analysis of the Importance of the Factors that Affected the Delay of Issuing Corporate Annual Reports: Comparison study between views of corporate Managers and Auditors in Iraq and Jordan", Published in Dirasat Journal, An International Refereed Research journal, published by the Deanship of Academic Research, University of Jordan, Vol, (33), No (2), July 2006, PP 282-301.

51. "Control & Safety measuremements to the accounting Data through information technology system, an empirical study in Jordanian commercial Banks of Jordan", Published in Journal of prospective Researches, A Refereed Seasonal Scientific Journal published by future studies Centre, AL-Hadba University College, Mosul- IRAQ, No (18), 1428Aa.H march 2007, PP119-155.

52. "The Importance and scope of using balanced scorecard in performance Evaluation: Applied study in Jordanian Banks”. Published in Jordan Journal of Business Administration, An Internationally Refereed Research Journal, Issued Jointly by: The Higher Scientific Research committee, Ministry of Higher Education &Scientific Research and the University of the Jordan Vol. (1), No. (2), October 2005, PP18-39.

53. "Evaluation of the accounting role in the institutional control operation, Survey in the Jordanian context", Published in Arab Economic Business Journal, A Refereed Research Journal, Published by The Faculty of Business Administration of the University Saint –Esprit De Kaslik and The Arab society of faculties of Business Administration, Lebanon, Vol. (2), (2006), PP47-68.

54. "Cash Management in selected large scale public limited Industrial companies of Jordan", Published in Journal of social studies, An Academic Biannual Refereed Journal, Published by the University of Science Technology in Yemen. Vol. (10), Issue (20), July-Dec.2005, PP 33-93.

55. "The Relationship Between certain financial Indicators and Abnormal Returns “An Empirical Examination of companies Listed on the ASE”. Published in the Journal of ABHATH AL-YARMOUK, Humanities and social sciences series, Yarmouk University Irbid, Vol. (20), No. (B), 2004, PP1769-1794.

56. "The influence of personal Experience on the problems facing public Auditors in private offices in Jordan”, Published in Dirasat Journal, An International Refereed Research Journal, published by the Deanship of Academic Research, University of Jordan,Vol, (31), No. (1), 2004, PP189-208.

57. "The Implication of Economic Value Added (EVA) for measuring Jordanian Industrial Companies success". Published in Dirasat Journal, An International Refereed Research Journal, Published by the Dean ship of Academic Research, University of Jordan, Vol. (30), No. (2) July 2003, PP 335-350.

58. "Value Added Statement as a Tool in Activating Corporate governing", Published in Jordan Journal of Applied science, Humanities, Refereed and Indexed Scientific Journal. Published by the Deanship of Scientific Research, Applied Science University, Vol. (7), No. (2), 2004, PP 92-105.

59. "Use of Relevant cost in Decision – Making by Jordanian companies – An Exploratory study", Published in the Journal of Accounting studies, Dept. of Accounting & Business Statistics, PG School of Commerce, University Campus, University of Rajasthan-India, Vol. (5), No. (1) June 2003, PP 53-62.

60. "Designing a survey for Cost Control & reduction", Published in the Journal of Accounting Studies, Dept. of Accounting & Business Statistics, PG School of Commerce University Campus, University of Rajasthan-India, Vol. (6), No. (1) March 2004, PP 154 - 160.

61. "Relationship between Dividends and a abnormal market returns for share and its Scope of effect on Companies Profitability, volume & degree of non systematic Risk, A comparative study", Published in Journal of King Abdulaziz University economics & Administration, Vol. (17), No. (1). 2003, PP 41 – 69.

62. "Value Added Analysis-A Case Study of Tax steel companies", Published in Journal of Economic-Afaq Iqtisadiyyat. The Federation of U.A.E, chambers of Commerce & Industry. Center for Research & Authentication, Vol. (24), No. (94)-AH 1424-2003 PP 7 – 29.

63. "Determinations of the Relation between Participation in Budget Making & job Satisfaction, and the Institution - A Comparative Accounting Study. Between Iraqi and Jordanian Industrial Companies", Published in Dirasat Journal, An International Refereed Research, Journal, Published by the dean-ship of Academic Research, University of Jordan, Vol. (29), No. (2)-July 2002, PP 372 – 388.

64. "Human Resource Accounting Practices (A suggested Model) for Arithmetic Procedures". Published in Al-Balkah Journal, Al-Ahliyuya Amman University, A Refereed Research Journal Published by Deanship of Academic Research, Vol. (9), No. (1). Humanities & Social Sciences Series, Safar 1423, April 2002.PP45-75.

65. "Taxonomy of Social measurements and Consistency Concept in corporate Social Accounting", Published in Journal of the College of Administration & economy, published by the College of administration & economy, Baghdad University, Iraq, Vol. (9), No. (31), 2002, PP 1 – 17.

66. "Management Audit: A Necessity", Published in the Journal of Commerce & information Technology, Published by National Institute of Computers & management (NICOM) India, Vol. (1), Jan-June, 2002, PP 9 – 14.

67. "Evaluation of Human Resources Accounting (Case Study of Oil)". Published in Journal of the College of Administration & Economy, Baghdad University, Iraq, Vol. (9), No. (29), 2002, PP 37 – 54.

68. "Social Responsibility Accounting-A model for Application in Jordanian Industrial Companies-An Empirical study", Published in the Journal of Institute of Administrative Development, United Arab Emirates, Vol. (6), No. (3)-September 2001, PP 257 – 287.

69. "New areas of Corporate Social Reporting", Published in Indian Journal of Accounting, published by Indian Accounting Association, Vol. (XXXII), December 2001, PP 54 – 61.

70. "Employee Fringe Benefits", Published in the Journal of (HRD), India, Vol. (3), No. (11), November 2001, PP 3 – 5.

71. "Impact of Environmental Accounting on productivity", published in Journal of Accounting & Finance, The Research Development Association-India, Vol. (14), No. (1) March 2000, PP 53 – 62.

72. "The Role of Accounting Information in forming & Directing Pricing Policy in Industrial Companies", Published in Journal of Albasaer, a scientific Journal issued by the University of Petra, Jordan, Vol. (4), No. (2) Sep.2000, PP 99–142.

73. "Analysis of Value Added Statement Case study of Cochin Refineries Limited", Published in Journal of AL EDARI, Specialized Periodical in Administrative Sciences Issued by the Institute of public Administration, Muscat-Sultanate of Oman, issue No. (81) June 2000, PP 1 – 20.

74. "Tax planning for Corporate Service Sector in Jordan Survey Analysis", Published in the Journal of Irbid LiL-Buhooth Wal-Dirasat, A refereed Journal, published by the Deanship of Scientific Research, Irbid University, Jordan, Vol. (1), No. (2) Safar 1420H, May 1999, PP 13 – 47.

75. "Surprise Profits & optional Disclosure – An Empirical study in Jordanian public sharing Companies", published in the Journal of Economic-Afaq Iqtisadiyyat, The federation of UAE. Chambers of Commerce & Industry. Center for Research & Authentication, Vol. (20), No. (79)-AH (1420), 1999 (3), PP 61 – 87.

76. "The Employee Inventory in the Organization", Published in the Journal of the College of Administration & Economy, Baghdad University, Specialist Scientific Journal in Economics, Administration, Statistical & Accountancy Researches. Vol. (6), No. (18) 1999, PP 1 – 15.

77. "Relation of Vocational Accounting Performance to admission & Educational Curriculum-An Empirical Study", Accepted for Publication in the Research Journal of Aleppo University, University of Aleppo-Syria.

78. "International Accounting Standards & Jordan reality requirement of congruity and enforcement", Accepted for Publication in the Research Journal of Aleppo University, University of Aleppo-Syria.

B. Text Books.

1. A book (431 pages) entitled “Intermediate Accounting”, 2rd published by Dar Al-Massira Publishing distributing and printing, Jordan 2014 (Evaluated Book)

2. A book (382 pages) entitled "Financial Accounting in English-Principles & Practice”, 7ed Published by Dar Al-Massira Publishing-Distributing-Printing, Jordan 2014 (Evaluated Book).

3. Co-author of a book (560 pages) entitled "Management Accounting”, 2rd Published by Dar Al-Massira Publishing-Distributing-Printing, Amman-Jordan 2015 (Evaluated Book).

4. Co-author of a book (263 pages) entitled "Cost Accounting", Published by Dar Al-Massira Publishing-Distributing-Printing, Amman-Jordan 2003.

5. Co-author of a book (430 pages) entitled "Tax Accounting" , Published by Dar Al-Massira Publishing-Distributing-Printing, Amman-Jordan 2003.

6. Co-author of a book (332 pages) entitled "Modern Contemporaries Accounting", Published by Dar Al-Massira Publishing-Distributing-Printing, Amman-Jordan 2002.

7. Co-author of a book (320 pages) entitled "Financial Analysis-A Decision Making Approach", Published by Dar Weal publishing –Distributing and printing Amman-Jordan 2005. (Evaluated Book).

8. Co-author of a book (399 pages) entitled "Principles of Financial Accounting", Part one, 11ed Tenth Edition, published by Dar Al-Massira Publishing-Distributing-Printing, Amman-Jordan 2020. (Evaluated Book).

9. Co-author of a book (381 pages) entitled "Principles of Financial Accounting", Part two, 6ed Edition, Dar Al-Massira Publishing-Distributing-Printing, Amman-Jordan 2020. (Evaluated Book).

Note: All the above books are recommended for teaching in government and private Jordan Universities.

❖ Conference Papers Refereed Presented:

Participated as a speaker or moderator in (40) scientific Refereed conferences.

1. 18-19/12/2019,The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Firm Performance of Industrial Sector in Jordan, conference entitled “ International conference on Management( ICBM 2019), The conference hosted and organized by Faculty of Business and Management, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin,Terngganu,Malaysia.It is also jointly organized by faculty of Islamic Economics and Finance, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, (UNISSA), Burunei and faculty of Economics and Business Islam (FEBI), The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia.Best paper awarded.

2. 22-24/7/2019," The importance of intellectual capital in supporting SMEs in Jordan,” The Fourth Arbitration International Conference entitled "Small Enterprises - Development / Empowerment / Challenges", Ajloun National University, College of Business Administration.

3. 1-2/April,2019. Impact of strategic planning in the application of the principles of governance, The Second Middle East University Conference entitled "Strategic Awareness and Governance" in cooperation with the Arab Universities Governance Council

4. 13-14/, April, 2019. The Influence of Human Capital on the Return of Equity among Banks Listed in Amman Stock Exchange, Forth Conference titled "THE HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE KNOWLEDGE AGE”. Amman Arab University. “THE HUMAN CAPITAL IN THE KNOWLEDGE AGE".

5. 6-7 April, 2019. Effect of Entrepreneurship education an Entrepreneurial intention among University Student. International Conference on “START UP TO SCALE UP: Management & Policy Internationals.”This conference was organized by Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-India in collaboration with Gedu College of Business Studies, Royal University of Bhutan-Bhutan.

6. 11-12 / April 2018. Extent of Commitment to the guiding guide for the governance of family businesses in Palestine, 6th International Conference for the Faculty of Economic & Business Administration Sciences, conducted by Applied Private Science University (A.S.U), Amman-Jordan.

7. 6 -7 / May 2017. “Advancement of education accounting university to achieve the conditions set forth in the International Accounting Education Standards Comparative with Universities Competencies Tests to achieve sustainable development”, presented in the First Scientific Conference of the Department of Accounting and Auditing, Faculty of Commerce - Alexandria University - Egypt titled the role of accounting and auditing in supporting economic and social development in Egypt.

8. 9-10/ Sept /2015," Advancement of education accounting university to achieve the conditions set forth in the International Accounting Education Standards", Presented in the 11th Scientific & Professional Conference titled, towards global Accounting and Auditing Profession, organized by Jordanian Association of Certified Public Accountants, Amman-Jordan

9. 3-5/3/2015,"The Jordanian Universities Competencies Tests – Comparative Study." 5th International conference about International Arab conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA2015), held by association of Arab Universities and Sharjah University- UAE.

10. 22-24/4/2015, " The effect or earning management on earnings quality- empirical study in Public Jordanian Industrial Companies", 5th International Conference for the Faculty of Economic & Business Administration Sciences, conducted by Applied Private Science University (A.S.U), Amman-Jordan.

11. 3-4/ December/2014, "The Impact of Total Quality Management and Cost Management Techniques in Improving Performance of Jordanian Shareholding Industrial Companies"10th international conference about “Exploring the future of International trade in the light of the world Trade Organization” held by Zarqa Private University, Zarqa- Jordan.

12. 27-29/May,2014," Do Jordanian Manufacturing Shareholders Companies - Listed in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) - Show Sustainable Development Elements within their Financial Reports?", The Second International Conference - Business Dilemma: Green, Ethical and Performance Requirements, Jordan University.

13. 1-3/4/2014," Degree of implementing Strategic Planning at Arab American University in Palestine as Perceived by its Employees."- An Empirical Study. 4th International conference about International Arab conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA2014), held by association of Arab Universities and Al Zaytoonah University. Amman- Jordan.

14. 16-17/4/2014," Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) Market." The Fourth Scientific Conference: Sustainable Development as Requirement, The Fourth Scientific Conference: Sustainable Development as Requirement, presented in the 4th International Conference organized by Al-Isra University, Amman-Jordan. & Journal of Baghdad college of economic sciences university.

15. 2-4th April 2013," The Role of Governance in improving the Quality of High Education outputs in Jordan- Middle East University as a Model",3th International conference about International Arab conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (IACQA2013), held by association of Arab Universities and Al Zaytoonah University. Amman- Jordan.

16. 30-31th|October 2013,"The Impact of "Innovation and Creation", "Research and Development and "Intellectual Property Rights" on Jordanian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry's Business Performance". First Conference on Global Business Environment: International Economics, Finance,Accounting,Marketing &IT, Organized by the University of Jordan-Faculty of Business and World Trade Organization(WTO) Chair Programmer.

17. 11-12th September, "The extent of acting earnings management by Board of Directors in Jordanian Publish Shareholding Companies ", Presented in the 10th Scientific &Professional Conference organized by Jordanian Association of Certified Public Accountants, Amman-Jordan.

18. 22-25th April 2013, "Advantages and determinants of applying (HRA) systems in Jordanian public shareholding companies", presented in the 12th International Conference organized by Al-Zaytoonah University, Amman-Jordan.

19. 27th March 2013, "The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Jordanian Telecommunication Companies' Business Performance in the Light of External Environment", International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management for Innovation and Regional Development, Middle East University, Amman- Jordan.

20. 23-25th April 2013," The Effect of Human Capital and Research and Development on the Performance of Jordanian Pharmaceutical Sector", Second International Conference about Business $ Economics opportunities within organizing Business environment - Faculty of Business Administration, Mu’tah University, Jordan.

21. 13-16th May 2012," The Role of control on Industrial Quality costs in improving the Financial performance of Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies", first conference about Economic and Administrative challenges and future prospective, Mu'tah University- Faculty of Business Administrative-Jordan.

22. 29-30th April 2012," The Importance of using planning Budgets in planning, control and performance evaluation in Jordanian Industrial shareholding companies", Fourth conference about Creativity and distinction in business organizations, conducted by Applied Private Science University (A.S.U), Amman-Jordan.

23. 28- 29th Sept 2011, “The dilemma of confidence in Financial Reporting under the Global Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences and solutions. 9th International Conference about “Developing Structure of the Firm’s Financial Reporting in the Light of the Global Financial Crisis Conducted by Jordanian Association of Certified Public Accountant (JACPA).

24. 10-12th May 2011, “The Mechanism of Thesis Quality Assurance and control” A case study in the Middle East university and Quality of the Human Resources and its Role in Quality of Higher Education 1th international conference about International Arab Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education “IACQA 2011” held by Zarqa private university, Zarqa- Jordan.

25. 4-5th May 2011’ “Essential Problem of Financial Derivatives within framework of International Accounting Standard No. (39) and their position in international financial crisis” 1th International conference about “IGCSHE” 2011, Held by An-Najah National University, Nablus – Palestine.

26. 15-17th March, 2011, “How far the external auditors can audit the accounts of Jordanian companies dealing in E-commerce, 8th international conference about “E-commerce and the change in business economic” held by Zarqa private university, Zarqa- Jordan.

27. 10-11th November 2009 "Money Investment Companies (world stock exchange), and analysis of cause and consequences of the collapse in Jordan,7th international conference about "Financial" crisis, opportunities and challenges. Held by Zarqa private university, Zarqa – Jordan.

28. 28-30th September 2009 "Impact of the activity based costing(ABC) system on profit maximization on private hospital in Amman " 2nd conference about " university articles thesis, conducted by Deanship of postgraduate studies & scientific research, University of Jordan.

29. 14-15th April 2009 "measurement of the social cost and the extent of its effect on social betterment – a Field study on five star hotels in Jordan. second conference about "critical issues for emerging Economies in today's business environment " conducted by faculty of business, University of Jordan – Amman – Jordan.

30. 18-19th Oct.2008 " Nature and extend of Disclosure in Financial information for Small medium entities (SMEs). 8th conference about small and medium size entities (SMEs) between: Accounting/Auditing and economic Role Conducted by Jordanian Association of Certified Public Accountants, Amman – Jordan.

31. 13-14 Sept. 2006 – "Accounting measurement under the fair value concept ", Seventh conference about, "Financial Reporting and Fair Value," which was held by the Jordanian Association of Certified Public Accountant, Amman- Jordan.

32. 29-31 March 2005 – " Strategic cost Management and Strategic Knowledge Management ", First conference about Development and Excellency, which was held by College of Administrative and Financial Sciences, AL-Isra University, Amman – Jordan.

33. 22-23 Sept. 2004 – " Social Accounting for measurement the scope of contribution to achieve social welfare in Tourism companies, Field study, sixth conference about " Accounting in the services of economics" conducted by the Jordanian Association of certified public Accountant, Amman-Jordan.

34. 23-24 April 2003- "The Importance of Measuring the Service cost using costs systems in Jordan Banks" Fifth conference about "The status of Arab Work organization – opportunities and challenges" conducted by Irbid private university – Irbid – Jordan.

35. 21-23Oct.2003-" Accounting information system and their effect on decision maker's", Second conference about Total quality management and their effect in the performance of the Administrative financial sciences colleges, held by Zarqa Private University, Zarqa – Jordan.

36. 20-24 July 2003 –" International Accounting standards and Jordan reality – requirement of congruity and enforcement”. First conference about "Business Economy in changing world". Conducted by Applied Science University (A.S.U), Amman – Jordan.

37. 24-25 Sept.2003 – " Value Added statement as a tool in activating corporate governing," Fifth conference about " corporate governance," conducted by the Jordanian Association of public Accountant, Amman-Jordan".

38. 24-25 Sept 2002 –" Relation of Vocational Accounting Performance to admission and Educational curriculum, An Empirical Study ". Fourth conference about Accounting and challenge of Globalization conducted by the Jordan Association of public Accountant Amman-Jordan.

39. 3-4th June 1998-" Social Accounting Responsibility at Jordanian Industrial companies, conference which was held by Applied Sciences University and Jordanian Accounting Association, Jordan.

40. 12-14th September 1998-" The Implications of the use of current cost Accounting methods for production pricing Decisions-An Empirical study in Jordanian co’s, conference about New Horizons for economic and social Development in Jordanian Badia and countryside, which was held by AL-Bayt university, Jordan.

41. 22-23rd April 1996-"PhD. Programs in Accounting in Jordan Universities, conference in accounting organized by Mu'tah University, AL-Karak-Jordan.

Membership: During the latest (10) years:

Member in Jordanian Accounting Association (JAA) 1996.

Membership Board of Editors," International Journal of Research and Methodology in Social Science “, BOARD OF EDITORS FOR SCIENTIFIC STANDARDS & PEER REVIEW No:5-28-2016- Berlin..

Member in International Journal of Social and Scientific Research as external Advisory Board member( domestic/International). This journal is indexed Impact factor ISSN 2454-3187.Quality Research Initiative undertaken by care & Research Foundations, Nashik(Mah),India 2019.

Member of Editorial Board in "International Journal of Accounting & Taxation", Semi-annually (2 issues per year), ISSN: 2372-4978 (Print Version)

ISSN: 2372-4986 (Electronic Version), published by American Research Institute for Policy Development, USA email: .

Member of Editorial Board in "Strategic Management Quarterly, Quarterly (4 issues per year), ISSN: 2372-4951 (Print Version) -ISSN: 2372-496X (Electronic Version), published by American Research Institute for Policy Development. USA Email: .

Editorial Board Members for International Journal of Electronic Banking (IJEBank ). Enterprises Lt,2018.

Member of Editorial Board in International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research (IJBEMR). Published by: Sri Krishna International Research & Educational Consortium INDIA. 

Member of International Peer Reviewers in International Research Journal of Business Studies (IRJBS), Research publisher at Prasetiya Mulya Business School, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. IRJBS published three times a year (December-March, April-July, and August-November), Indonesia, it is accredited by The Ministry of National Education of Indonesia based on SK DIKTI No. 83/DIKTI/Kep/2009 (for the period of 2009-2012) and SK DIKTI No. 80/DIKTI/Kep/2012 (2012-2017).

Member International Peer Reviewers of International Journal of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship ( IJEBE).Indonesia.

Member of International Society for Development &Sustainability (ISDS)- It’s a Japan international scientific and educational organization dedicated to a promoting science and practice in all aspects of environmental, economic social and cultural sustainability.17 April 2014.

Member of the Exit Exam Committee for Accounting Students. The Ministry of Higher Education 2007.

A member of scientific research support fund, specialized committee of economic, financial and managerial research in Scientific Research Fund for one year started on 31/8/2009 Ministry of higher Education and scientific research. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Member of the Scientific Research Committee at the level of An-Najah National University for the academic years, 2018-2019and 2019-2020.

Member of the promotion committee for faculty members at An-Najah National University for the academic year 2019-2020.

Member of the Committee of the sabbatical leave for faculty members at An-Najah National University for the academic year 2019-2020.

Member of the Dean council of (MEU) 2008-2014, & Zarqa University for 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. & AL- Ahliyya Amman University for 2016/2017.

Member of the university council of (MEU) 2008-2014, Zarqa University for 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. & AL- Ahliyya Amman University for 2016/2017.

Member of Scientific Research Council of (MEU) 2008-2014. Zarqa University for 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. & AL- Ahliyya Amman University for 2016/2017.

Member of strategic committee (MEU) 2012, 2013.Zarqa University for 2014/2015.

President of University Accreditation Committee (MEU) 2010-2014.

President of scientific research committee in Faculty of Business (MEU), for 2008-2014.


Head/member of many committees for many Years in business Faculty such as: 

1- Scientific Committee. 

2- Postgraduate Committee.

3- Examination Committee (Undergraduate & Postgraduate) .

4- Scientific Promotion Committee. 

5-Curriculum Scientific Committee. 

6-Total Quality Curriculum (TQC) Award Committee –Faculty of Business – Middle East University (Amman-Jordan) 2013/2014.

7-Postgraduate Examination Committee (Senior) 2008-2014.MEU 

8- Comprehensive examination committee MEU- Jordan 2008\2014. 

❖ Research interests:

International Accounting & Auditing standards, Corporate Governance, Balance Score Card (BSC), sustainability Accounting, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), ABC systems, Financial Analysis, Accounting Disclosure, Financial Failure. IFRs. Budgets.

❖ Language Skills:

Languages Reading Writing Conversation

English Excellent Excellent Very good

Arabic Excellent Excellent Excellent

❖ References:

• Prof. Abdul Bari Durrah, Former President of (MEU) &(ISRA) universities. Phone: 07955188888

• Prof.Mohmmad Mater, Former Dean of Businesses College in (MEU). Phone: 0798794805

• Dr Mahmood Ibrahim, Dean of business College in Al-Isra University-Jordan. Phone: 0795799447

❖ Declaration:

I declare that the particulars furnished above are true to best of my knowledge and belief. All the information presented in this resume is documented.

Should you require any further information, it is my pleasure to provide the same.

Yours Sincerely,

Prof,Dr,Abdulnaser Nour


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