

of the


216 Fourth Street

Englewood, New Jersey 07631

First Printing 1973; Amended and Restated as of November 1, 2009; Accepted on November 16, 2009

















|BY-LAWS |20 |















Reposing our faith wholly in the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, believing in the teachings and practices of the Baptists and in those great distinctive principles for which they have ever stood, namely:

1. The prominence of Christ as our divine Lord and Master.

2. The supreme authority of the Bible and its sufficiency as our only rule of faith and practice.

3. The absolute separation of Church and State.

4. A transformed church Membership.

5. The ordinance of believer’s baptism in obedience to the command of Christ.

6. The complete independence of the local church and its independence in associated fellowship with other Baptist churches.

We, therefore, band ourselves together as a body of baptized Believers in Jesus Christ and adopt for our government, plan of worship and service the following articles.


God, make the door of this Church wide enough to receive all who need human love, fellowship and fatherly care; and narrow enough to shut out all envy, pride and hate. The true mission of this Church is to save the souls of humankind. We are here for no other purpose; and the mission of the Church being so clear, that is the only test of a real Church.


The name of this organization shall be the EBENEZER BAPTIST CHURCH of Englewood, New Jersey (referred to hereinafter as “Ebenezer”, “the Church”, “this Church” or the “Corporation”).


Here at the Ebenezer Baptist Church we have a vision that each one would reach one with the empowering gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our mission is to equip purpose-driven disciples through biblical understanding, spiritual growth and development and social outreach ministries so that we may become witnesses while sharing the liberating gospel of Jesus Christ with our community and the world.

As a gathering of baptized believers we acknowledge and share in the uplifting and practice of Christian relationship in our Church Covenant. Our covenant reflects that we are believers who come together under The Direction under the power of The Holy Spirit to work together for the good of the church body. We demonstrate our faithfulness to this covenant through various displays of holiness. Through our worship, through our giving of Tithes and Offerings and through ministry both in our fellowship and in the world abroad. It is through the covenant that we reinforce the ideals of working together and agree to be led and govern in all things by the power of the Holy Spirit as we recognize the right of the majority to govern.

We believe this covenant is maintained as a body through personal relationship and covenant with Jesus Christ. This personal relationship should be evident through prayer, devotion, worship, and spiritual development of oneself and family. We should demonstrate our faith through our actions, and the life in which we live from day to day.

This personal relationship should also be evident in our treatment of one another and the concern for the fellowship as well as the surrounding community. Sharing as a Christian family, we pray for and work with one another. Being mindful to always encourage and protect each other and to cultivate Christian courtesy. We are led by Jesus’ lesson of reconciliation in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew to be mindful that we are in constant obligation to live as those who walk in the light of the Gospel.


1. Ebenezer is a not-for-profit corporation, incorporated in the State of New Jersey. This Church acknowledges Jesus Christ as its head and finds in the Holy Scriptures (interpreted by the Divine Spirit through reason, faith and conscience) its guidance in matters of faith and discipline. The government of this Church is vested in the members, who exercise the right of control in all its affairs (subject, in legal matters, to its Articles of Incorporation and the laws governing not-for-for profit church organizations in the State of New Jersey).

2. This Church shall maintain affiliation and cooperation with the local organized work of the Baptist denomination, State and National Baptist Convention and Association, and their affiliates.

3. This Church shall also cooperate with the National Council of Christ, and the World Council of Churches of Christ.


1. The Registered Agent of the Church shall be the Pastor.

2. The Registered Office of the Church shall be the address of the Church.


1. Admission by Baptism: Any person professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and showing evidence of transformation, adopting the word of God as their basis of faith, and practicing the view held by this Church, may upon baptism by immersion be received into the membership.

2. Admission by Letter: Members of other Baptist churches may be received upon their testimony of Christian standing and the transfer of their letter denoting their baptism by immersion and their being a member in good standing prior to their leaving.

3. Admission by Restoration: A former member of a Baptist church, whose membership has lapsed for any reason, may be restored to the fellowship of the church on profession of faith.

4. Admission by Experience: A person who is not a member of another church, but has been immersed upon the profession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and has accepted the views of faith and practices as approved by this Church, may be received into membership by virtue of this experience.

5. Admission by Watchcare: A person who is a member of another Christian church but sojourning in this community for a brief period of time may be received into the membership of the Church for a three- to six-month period. Students may unite under Watchcare while they are enrolled in a local institution of learning.

6. Application for membership and procedure for Receiving New Members: All applicants accepting invitation for membership to the Church shall respond sufficiently to inquiries regarding their personal salvation. The names of all applicants for membership shall be recommended to the Church for admission, and presented to the congregation and voted upon.

7. Transferal to other Baptist Church and other Denominations: Any member, if in good standing, shall be granted, upon request, a regular letter of transferal to any other church of the same faith and order. When a member of this Church desires to unite with some other evangelistic church, a certification of Christian standing may be given upon recommendation of the pastors and deacons.

8. When members may be Received and Dismissed: Members may be received and dismissed at any regular service of the Church.

9. There are five ways by which the relation of members may be dissolved:

a. By Letter: Any member in good standing who desires a letter of dismissal

and recommendation to any other Baptist church may receive it upon

request and upon the recommendation of the Board of Deacons and the

vote of the Church. The church to which membership is requested shall

be named in the request and the letter shall be sent to the pastor or clerk

of that church. Such letter shall be valid only for six (6) months after its

date, unless reviewed, and this restriction shall be stated in the letter.

b. By Statement: Any member in good standing may be granted a certificate

of standing for the purpose of associating with any evangelical church

other than a Baptist church.

c. By Expulsion: Should any member become an offense to the Church and

its good name by reason of immoral or unchristian conduct, or by

consistent breach of such members covenant vows, the Church may terminate such member’s membership. The Ministry of Deacons will begin the process of due process and hearing to address the issues, and after prayerful consideration, final dismissal will be determined by the Pastor and those appointed at the discretion of the Pastor to decide the matter.

d. By Suspension: The Church will prepare a list of those members who

have for a period of two (2) or more years failed to participate in the

service of worship, financial support, or the educational program of the

Church without valid excuse. If they are satisfied that the persons so

described cannot be reclaimed, they shall present to the Church a

recommendation that these delinquent members be erased from the

membership roll. Upon such action being taken by the Church, said

members shall thereafter cease to be members of this Church.

e. By Death.

10. There are four conditions of membership:

(a) A transformed heart

(b) A confession of faith

(c) The reception of baptism and the Lord’s Supper

(d) A Christian Life



The government of this Church is vested in the members who compose it, and, as such, it is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical organization. Also, none of the Ministries or Committees can usurp its executive governmental or policy-making powers.

This Church shall maintain affiliation and cooperation with the local organized work of the Baptist denomination, State and National Baptist Convention and Association, and their affiliates.

This Church shall also cooperate with the National Council of Christ, and the World Council of Churches of Christ.


In order that persons applying for church membership may be informed as to the duties of members, the Church Covenant shall be presented to them during the Ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper they shall subscribe to it in letter and in spirit.

Members in Good Standing - Members in good standing are those parishioners who:

A. Understand and work toward the obligations of fellowship described in the church covenant.

B. Contribute regularly and cheerfully, to the expenses of the church with notable Tithes and offerings.

C. Faithfully, as may be appropriate, observe the Constitution/By-Laws, Standing Rules, Policies, and organizational guidelines of Ebenezer Baptist Church.

D. If officers of the Church and/or members of a Church Organization, are in regular attendance at meetings, accept and fulfill their responsibilities and are continually making positive contributions to the work of their groups.

Members who disregard their Covenant obligations

A. It shall be the duty of the Deacon Ministry and Deaconess Ministry to seek to reclaim those members who disregard their Covenant obligations: when in any case they are satisfied that the member cannot be reclaimed, they shall present to the Church a recommendation that the name of the delinquent member be removed from the membership roll. Upon such action being taken by the Church, said member shall thereafter cease to be a member of this Church.

B. When the program of the Church has been approved by majority membership present in its regular session, then it shall become the duty of each member to cooperate as much as possible. If a member fails to follow the program of the Church – such as taking envelopes, paying tithes and free-will offering regularly, attending meetings, missing more than six communion services or fails to cooperate in accordance to the Covenant of this Church, it shall be the responsibility of Deacon Ministry to follow up with said member(s).


The Pastor shall have the power to appoint committees as he deems expedient to gather information or provide input on affairs of the Church. The Pastor or his designee will serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.

Official Ministries, Standing Committees, Councils, Ministries, and Church Organizations, unless otherwise provided herein, may establish Organization Guidelines to govern the specific duties and responsibilities of their members and the methods and procedures for accomplishing their purposes and goals. Such guidelines may not be in conflict with the laws of the State or the Constitution and By-Laws and standing rules of the Church. Whether or not published in written form, Organization Guidelines are subject to review and final approval by the Pastor and a Review Committee and shall under no circumstances be subject to legal or other redress outside the confines of the Church.

The Committees will include but not be limited to the following:

1. Constitution/By-Laws Committee

A. There shall be a Constitution/By-Laws Committee composed of 9 members (2 Deacons, 2 Trustees, 5 lay members) to be elected for three (3) year terms which are staggered so that at least one-third (1/3) of their members expire each year.

B. The purpose of the Constitution/By-Laws Committee will be to review the Constitution and By-Laws of the church on a two year basis. The Committee will evaluate amended By-Laws based upon the growth and development of the church and whatever policy and procedures regarding the church are deemed necessary. All amendments are to be presented to the church for vote and congregational approval.

2. Budget Committee

A. There shall be a budget Committee composed of 9 members (2 Deacons, 2 Trustees, 5 lay members) to be elected for three (3) year terms which are staggered so that at least one-third (1/3) of their members expire each year.

B. The purpose of the Budget Committee is to prepare the proposed budget for the ensuing calendar year. The proposed budget will be presented to the Joint Ministry (Deacons and Trustees) for its review; the proposed budget shall then be presented to the congregation for recommendation and approval. The Budget committee will also have the responsibilities of evaluating spending patterns and practices, and in designated church meetings, or at special meetings called for that purpose, share these discoveries with the Joint Ministry.

3. Finance Committee

A. There shall be a Finance Committee composed of seven (7) members (1 Deacon, 1 Trustee, Treasurer, 4 lay members) to be elected for three year terms which are staggered so that at least one third (1/3) of their members expire each year.

B . The purpose of the Finance Committee is to work with the Pastor, Joint Ministry, and Budget Committee to help monitor budget spending, as well as asses as to whether budget adjustments should be made. They may take steps to ensure that sound procedures are used for receiving, counting, safeguarding and distributing church funds. The committee can also receive an accounting of the costs of various activities and any collections of fees or offerings to help pay for such activities.

4. Standard Operating Procedures Committee

A. There shall be a Standard Operating Procedures Committee (SOPC)composed of 9 members (2 Deacons, 2 Trustees, 5 lay members) to be elected for three (3) year terms which are staggered so that at least one-third (1/3) of their members expire each year.

B. The purpose of the Standard Operating Procedures Committee is to establish and maintain any standard operating procedures for the church’s everyday practices. The SOCP will help to establish organizational practices for daily church operations in regard to general and special practices and procedures for functions and facilities. The proposed standard operating procedures will be created and presented to the church at designated church meetings or at special meetings that are called for such a particular purpose.

5. Nehemiah Project (Long Range Planning Committee)

A. There shall be a Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) also recognized as the Nehemiah Project composed of 9 members (2 Deacons, 2 Trustees, 5 lay members) to be elected for three (3) year terms which are staggered so that at least one-third (1/3) of their members expire each year.

B. The LRPC has the responsibility of identifying and recommending to the Pastor, Joint Ministry, and Congregation promising new projects for investigation, planning and development. They shall also receive instructions, conduct feasibility studies, make subsequent recommendations, plans and develop new projects as directed by the Pastor, Joint Ministry, or congregation.

C. The LRPC should investigate financial opportunities (real estate, land purchases, enters into contracts, etc.) that keep in operation with the vision and long-term planning of the church. All proposed endeavors must be voted on and approved by the congregation.

6. Servant Search Committee (SSC)

A. There shall be a Servant Search Committee (SSC) composed of 9 members (2 Deacons, 2 Trustees, 5 lay members) to be elected for three (3) year terms which are staggered so that at least one-third (1/3) of their members expire each year.

B. The SSC shall be responsible for nominating members in good standing to serve as officers of the church. The committee shall recommend members as needed to serve in the offices of deacon, Trustee, and deaconess.

C. Each member nominated must meet the biblical requirements for service according to scripture in Acts 6, that they be filled with the Holy Spirit. Further qualifications for the office of deacons will be established Tim. 3. 2-7. All nominees must understand the purpose of service as presented by our Savior Jesus Christ in Luke 4: 18, 19.

D. The SSC may recommend servants on a yearly basis. If it is felt that no officers need to be added for the upcoming year, then no nominations need to be made. Recommendations can be made by the Joint Ministry for consideration of qualified candidates. All nominations must be voted on and approved by the congregation in the final meeting of the closing year.

7. Pastoral Search Committee (PSC)

A. The Pastoral Search Committee will be composed of no less than nine (9) and no more than fifteen (15) members (2 Deacons, 2 Trustees, the rest made up of the congregational body). The Chairperson of the Deacons and Trustees should be committee members.

B. The procedures of electing a Pastor should be proposed by the Pastoral Search Committee and presented to the congregation for vote and approval. The Pastoral Search Committee should keep the congregation informed in designated meetings about their progress and findings. All recommendations for the position of Pastor should be presented to the congregation for final vote and approval.

There shall be designated criteria for membership on all committees. The criteria are as follows:

1) Members of the church in good standing;

2) Members who have three or more years of faithful service in church activities and ministries;

3) Members who have advanced training and/or an excellent work record in any of the professions or trades with whom the ministry will be doing business;

4) Members who are blessed with an abundance of patience and faith.

5) Members who enjoy working in “harmony” with others; and

6) Members who understand the obligation and responsibility to work for the good for the Christian body.

As vacancies occur in the committees, new members shall be considered by the committee. The Pastor can select and appoint members with the qualifications aforementioned if necessary. Preference will be given to members whose past service to the Church, work experience, stewardship, and personal Christian relationship, suggest their faith, vision, belief and commitment to the committee. A member may be re-elected by the congregation to serve.


The Church with the direction of the Pastor from time to time shall establish ministries to carry-out the mission of the Church. The current ministries of the Church include:

Audio Visual Ministry - This ministry ensures that all worship services are properly monitored for sound and provides reinforcement of the Word of God by way of audio and video tapes.

Beautifying Ministry - This ministry ensures that the sanctuary and other facilities are well kept and pleasing to the eye.  The Beautifying Ministry works diligently behind the scenes to create a total worship experience that is unique and inspiring.

Boy Scouts of America - The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.  The Boy Scouts of America is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training.

Crossroad of Faith - This ministry is a quarterly newsletter that informs and edifies the EBC family on upcoming events and daily news.

Culinary Ministry - This ministry provides culinary assistance for in-house church events with a goal of serving with love and hospitality in the Spirit of Christ.

Deacon Ministry - The Deacons are the Pastor's spiritual armor bearers.  The Deacons assist the Pastor in the spiritual administrative work of the church.  The word Deacon comes from the Greek word Diakonos "meaning servant of the church.

Deaconess Ministry - This ministry supports the work of the Pastor and the Deacons by meeting the needs of the congregation and the community.

Education Committee - Provides support, guidance, direction, and financial assistance to our youth while encouraging them to achieve academic success.

Feeding & Outreach Ministry - The Feeding and Outreach Ministry takes place on the fourth Saturday of every month between the hours of 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m.  This ministry prepares and serves hot nutritious meals to individuals that are sick/shut-in throughout the church and within the community.

Flower Ministry - This ministry acquires fresh flowers to adorn the sanctuary to the glory of God on Sundays and other special events.

Girl Scouts - Girl Scouts is a pre-eminent organization dedicated solely to girls where, in an accepting and nurturing environment, build character and skills for success in the real world. In partnership with committed adult volunteers, Girl Scouts cultivate their full individual potential. The qualities they develop in Girl Scouting — leadership, values, social conscience, and conviction about their own self-worth will serve them all their lives.

Joint Ministry – The Joint Ministry consists of the Pastor, Deacon and Trustee Ministries along with the Treasurer and the Church Clerk. The role of this ministry is to discuss the administrative (bills, building and grounds, etc.) issues on a monthly basis. The Joint Ministry will operate under the direction of the Holy Spirit and the church’s guidelines as listed in the Constitution & By Laws, and the Standard Operating Procedures.

Laymen Ministry - A ministry of believers bound together in Christian love with a common purpose of giving opportunities for ministering to others by involvement in the community and providing both action and learning experiences through God's Word.

Men of Victory Ministry - This ministry addresses the needs and concerns of Christian males as they relate to the modern world.

Missionary Ministry - To promote and spread the Word of God to people outside of the church and provide support to our sick and shut-in through prayer and encouragement via thoughtful cards and visitation.

Music Ministry - Music lifts the spirit and appeals to the heart; thus, it serves to prepare those who attend worship services to hear the preached Word of God as this ministry encourages the body of Christ through song and praises to the Lord.

Ebenezer Baptist Church Choirs:

EBC Choir

Joyful Noise

Male Chorus

Angels of Praise


New Members Ministry - This ministry is a series of classes that assists New Members in understanding their commitment to becoming an active member of a body of Christ by using their gifts and serving God.

Nurses Ministry - This ministry provides assistance when necessary to those attending worship service while educating the congregation regarding relevant health issues. 

Pastoral Relations Ministry - This ministry is a group of men and women committed to the spirit of fellowship and service for the success of the church.  They embrace the vision of the Pastor and are committed to ensure that the vision becomes a reality. 

Singles Ministry - Serving Individual Needs with God's Liberation and Empowerment Stress free. 

Nu Kemet Mentoring Program  - This ministry is an outreach ministry for our younger generation by way of mentoring to young brothers and sisters within the community. 

Sunday School/Church School Ministry - This ministry provides age appropriate based Biblical instruction to those who attend with focus on a systematic approach to studying God's Word. The Sunday School Ministry shall have teachers from the congregation who have a desire for instructing/teaching others with God’s word as well as developing Christian character. The Sunday School Ministry shall have a Superintendent that will manage the church school as well as an Assistant Superintendent . The Superintendent can be selected by the Sunday School staff and approved by the Pastor. The Sunday School will conduct scheduled meetings for training and evaluation.  

Transportation Ministry - This ministry is committed to providing transportation for members to and from church and other local events. 

Trustee Ministry - This ministry provides financial management of assets and revenues for the church while leading the church in Christian stewardship through tithes, offerings, investments, and maintenance of funds.

Usher Ministry - This ministry renders services to our congregation and visiting guests during the worship hour while providing able and caring assistance in the House of God. 

*Senior Ushers

*Junior Ushers

Website Ministry - This ministry provides nation-wide information about the Ebenezer Baptist Church via the World Wide Web and beyond.

Willing Workers Ministry - This ministry addresses the needs and concerns of the church.

Women's Ministry - This ministry is one body jointly fitted together edifying and glorifying God while helping each woman to grow in the knowledge of God, His Word, and His Will.  Keeping the Word of God in the forefront, we provide workshops, seminars, and participate in community outreach projects, programs, and events.

Nia Ministry – This ministry provides an atmosphere conducive for young people to grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally while enhancing the Christian experience and enabling a smooth transition to higher education and life experiences.

Second Touch Ministry - The Second Touch Ministry is composed of dedicated and committed disciples who are passionate about the mission and vision of Ebenezer Baptist Church. The ministry members of the Second Touch Ministry are diverse in age and gender but have a united mission to retain new members and aid in their growth from membership to discipleship.

Ministers in Training Ministry - The M.I.T. Program is a program for future ministers and current ministers in need of greater training that will facilitate students towards a greater level of ministerial experience so that the students can become more familiar with the dynamics of ministry. Students will receive hands-on ministerial training in evangelism, children’s ministry, youth ministry and pastoral ministry.

MS Group - This ministry of information, prayer, encouragement, and support to those in any way affected by a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis will assist in distributing information from resources and support organizations to those affected and to the general public.

Judah Tribe Step Team Ministry - The Judah Tribe Step Team is a ministry of believers who minister to others through rhythm and step. "Stepping" is an alternative method to the traditional ways of praising God. Judah Tribe worships through step because it encourages the youth to develop one of their many God given talents, while promoting unity and balance in the body of Christ. The Step Team will not only minister to those who enter the doors of Ebenezer, but will also "Step" into the community to minister using this unique art form.

Generations of Praise - The Generations of Praise Dance Ministry is comprised of purpose driven individuals who have been called to praise the Lord through music and dance. This ministry offer themselves as a living example of genuine and authentic praise; Christ is glorified when they leap for joy, are moved by the spirit, and dance like David danced.


The Officers of this Church shall be:

1. Pastor (Ex-officio) 4. Trustees

2. Church Clerk 5. Deacons

3. Treasurer


1. Each ministry shall hold elections annually and submit results to the Church Office by November 30. Installation of new officers shall be held on the third Sunday in January or as otherwise determined by the Pastor. All ministries with Chairpersons shall submit their recommendations to the congregation for final approval and vote (Nominees must already be a part of the respective Ministry).

2. Qualification of Voters – All members in good standing, who are fifteen (15) years of age or older, are entitled to vote in all designated general church meetings.

3. Vacancies – Vacancies for all official Church offices may be filled for the unexpired term at any business meeting. Ministries shall replace vacancies by a majority vote of the remaining members present at a meeting held for such purpose within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs.

4. Quorum - Fifty members in good standing, qualified voters shall constitute a quorum. A majority of such members present and voting at any regular or business meeting for the election of officers shall be sufficient for the election of officers and to decide any question presented at such meeting, unless otherwise provided by this Constitution. A majority of the membership of each ministry shall constitute a quorum for the election of officers of such ministry. A Deacon assigned to the respective Ministry shall conduct the election of officers for the upcoming calendar year.


1. Worship

a) Worship Services shall be held each Sunday at the hours designated by the Pastor and Deacon Ministry.

b) The ordinances of the Lord’s Supper, Baptism and Dedication of infants shall be administered at such time as the Pastor may appoint.

c) Other services for worship, inspiration, prayer and study may be held as determined by the Pastor or the Church as deemed necessary.

2. Church Business Meetings

a) Annual Church Meeting – The annual business meeting of the Church shall be held in December of each year on a date to be determined jointly by the Pastor and the Deacon Ministry to hear the yearly reports of officers, ministries, Presidents Council, organizations, to adopt budget, to transact other business, and to adopt plans for the new year. The call for the meeting must be published two (2) weeks prior to said meeting.

b) Church Meetings - The business meetings of the church shall be held

Semi-annually or as needed. During General Church Meetings, reports of

the important activities of the church shall be presented by various officers,

committees and business transacted as indicated.

c) Special Meetings - Special Meetings may be called by the Pastor. A group of members in good standing may consult with the Pastor to request a Special Meeting. Notice of Special Meetings shall be read at the Sunday worship service on the Sunday preceding the day fixed for the Special Meeting.

i. Quorum – a quorum at any meeting of the Church shall consist of 50 members qualified to vote on matters presented at the meeting. (Recommended % of Membership be identified not specific number)*

d) Voting - Voting shall be by show of hands or ballots (at the discretion of the meeting Chairperson) except where otherwise stated in the By-Laws. A quorum being in attendance, a majority vote of the members present at any meeting shall be decisive of all questions except the calling of the Pastor or the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation or the termination of the Pastor which require a three fourths (3/4) vote.



The Pastor should adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth in I Timothy 3: 1-7, in addition to the section on Ministerial offices pages 63-67 from “The New Hiscox Guide for Baptist Churches”. Specific duties to be determined by contract with Joint Ministry (Deacon Ministry and Trustee Ministry) and voted on by the congregation. It shall be the Pastor’s responsibility to preach the Word, counsel members, to care for the stated services of public worship, administer the ordinances, promote the spiritual welfare of the Church and those whom it serves and strengthen the gifts of the Church for the greatest possible service to God. Also to be considered are the needs of the Church and the specific terms of contract set forth by Joint Ministry and Pastor voted on by the congregation. Rules on church vote are to be applied in this instance also from Hiscox Guide. The Pastor shall be an ordained minister elected by the Church membership. The Pastor shall have charge of the spiritual welfare of the Church. The Pastor is a member of this Church by virtue of his office and duties. The Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of all ministries, organizations and committees of the Church. The Pastor may request and receive any and all information from all ministries, organizations and committees. The Pastor shall meet periodically with the Deacon Ministry, Trustee Ministry and congregation to discuss issues of importance and/or the state of affairs of the Church. The Pastor shall be the Church Administrator. The Pastor shall be responsible for the daily operations of the Church, including the monitoring and coordination of Church personnel and activities. The Pastor has sole responsibility for the employment of the Church Secretary/ Administrative Assistant, Minister of Music, paid ministerial and additional staff.


There shall be a Deacon Ministry which shall assist the pastor and the pastoral staff in meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation. The Deacons shall assist in the preparation and the administration of the Ordinances, in caring for the poor, the sick, the hurting, the stranger, and in ministering to the spiritual needs and interests of the church and the local church community. The Deacons shall assist on all standing committees and work with the pastor and congregation with the vision and mission of the church. The Deacons will be responsible for discerning the merit of all benevolence requests, and sharing that information with the benevolence committee. The Deacons should adhere to the rules and guidelines set forth in I Timothy 3:8-13. The Deacon should work with and support the Pastor and the Church vision. Other duties are to be determined by Pastor and congregation to meet the needs of the Church benevolence, humanity and compassion to support members of the Church and the community.

There shall be a Deacon-In-Training Program. Persons entering the Deacon-In-Training Program shall be recommended for the program by the Servant Search Committee, active Deacons, and by the Pastor. Before being ordained, a Deacon-In-Training shall complete the full program as designed by the pastor and outlined in the Deacon Training Manual. The Deacons-In-Training shall serve as students of the Deacon Ministry under the leadership of the Pastor. They shall walk with Ordained Deacons and they shall assist in the caring for the sick, the poor, the sorrowing, the stranger, and in ministering to the spiritual needs of the church and community.


The Deaconess’ primary responsibility is to be the helpmate of the Deacon. Other duties include Missionary work and Mothers of the church; in addition to other duties to be determined by Pastor and congregation to meet the needs of the Church benevolence, humanity and compassion to support members of the Church and the community.


The duties and responsibilities of the Trustee Ministry are to count the offerings and prepare them at each service of worship that the congregation sponsors. These include Sunday service offerings, special services of the congregation, all concerts, revivals and services at which an offering will be lifted. The Trustees should work with and support the Pastor and the Church vision. In addition to other duties as determined by Pastor and congregation to meet the needs of the Church benevolence, general upkeep of the Church and properties, humanity and compassion to support members of the Church and the community. (Reference Hiscox Guide page 94)


The role of the Church Clerk is to ensure that the church's records are maintained and that the business of the church is documented. The Church Clerks acts as the Secretary at Joint Ministry and Church Business Meetings and in addition, is responsible for maintaining the Membership List and dealing with the transfer of members between churches.


At the request of the Trustee Ministry, the Administrative Assistant enters financial data for each member, showing pledges made and contributions received for each fund. He/she shall provide each member with offering envelopes and render semi-annually statements to each. He/she shall deliver immediately to their successor all books and records in their possession. Other duties will include office duties, office management, management of the church calendar and the Pastor’s calendar.


The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all money contributed for the general expenses of the Church. The Treasurer shall write and co-sign checks that deal with all church disbursements drawn on the church bank account(s). The Treasurer will oversee the management of the church banking accounts and review monthly statements for reconciliation with the Trustees. The Treasurer will also help to coordinate and schedule an annual audit, as well as ensure payment of all missionary support and all financial obligations that the church may have.


The Church shall carry comprehensive insurance and shall (to the fullest extent permitted by law) indemnify and hold harmless, in accordance with the not-for-profit corporate law of the State of New Jersey, the Pastor, members of the Deacon’s Ministry, members of the Trustee Ministry, the elected officers of the Church, the elected officers and members of any Standing or special committee of the Church, and Church employees who, by reason of his/her performance of any duty, function, or activity actually or is arguably required of or authorized to be undertaken by him/her on behalf of the Church, is threatened with or made a party to any civil or criminal lawsuit or administrative or arbitration proceeding and the Church shall defend such persons against all expenses and liabilities incurred if he/she (1) reasonably believed he/she was acting within the scope of such duty, function, or activity, and (2) acted without gross negligence or malice toward any person.

The Treasurer, Church Clerk and Chairman of the Trustee Ministry shall be bonded. All secretaries or persons keeping the records of the Church in any capacity are to be informed such records belong to the Church and are to be kept confidential.


1. Church Stewardship - The Church recognizes that financial giving is the responsibility of all members. Giving and financial stewardship is a spiritual act of worship. All members and candidates for membership are required to pay their tithes and offerings for the current expenses and any other projects that require financial support from the church. We give through our commitment to God as shared in Malachi 3:10 and we share in the promise of Jesus Christ in the gospel of Luke 6: 38.

2. Tithing - Members of the Church, Officers and/or elected officers should understand and participate in the tithing principle. Tithing is defined as ten percent (10%) of one’s income. An offering is defined as over and above your tithing amount. Once our tithing amount is given, offerings are given for the needs (building fund, Retirement program, special activities, etc.) of the church.

I Corinthians 16:2 declares that we gather on the “first day of the week” and that we present our offering to the Lord with thanksgiving. Financial stewardship is a part of our relationship with Jesus Christ, that we may advance God’s kingdom and its ministry.


The Hiscox Directory is the book on which our Church is incorporated. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the business proceedings of this Church in all cases where they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and these By-Laws. The congregation in all things yields to Scriptural authority with the aid of the Holy Spirit.


The Church Constitution and By-Laws may be amended only after a written proposal to that effect signed by (i) three or more members in good standing, or (ii) by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. The proposed amendment may be presented at any regular or special business meeting of the Church by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting, provided a quorum is present and voting, and that notice of such amendment, stating the proposed change shall have been given from the pulpit on two (2) successive Sundays or if the Constitution and By-Laws are being amended and restated, a copy of the amended and restated Constitution and By-Laws shall be made available to the congregation on two (2) successive Sundays.



Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God, angels and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.

We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church in knowledge and holiness; to give it a place in our affections, prayers and services above every organization of human origin; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrine; to contribute cheerfully and regularly, as God has prospered us, toward its expenses, for the support of a faithful and evangelical ministry among us, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. In case of difference of opinion in the church, we will strive to avoid a contentious spirit, and if we cannot unanimously agree, we will cheerfully recognize the right of the majority to govern.

We also engage to maintain family and secret devotion; to study diligently the word of God; to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintance ; to walk circumspectly in the world; to be kind and just to those in our employ , and faithful in the service we promise others; endeavoring in the purity of heart and good will towards all men to exemplify and commend our holy faith.

We further engage to watch over, to pray for, to exhort and stir up each other unto every good word and work; to guard each other's reputation, not needlessly exposing the infirmities of others; to participate in each other's joys, and with tender sympathy bear one another's burdens and sorrows; to cultivate Christian courtesy; to be slow to give or take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, being mindful of the rules of the Savior in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, to secure it without delay; and through life, amid evil report, and good report, to seek to live to the glory of God, who hath called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.

When we remove from this place, we engage as soon as possible to unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's word.


Constitution and By-Laws (Accepted 11/16/09)

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