Worship & Celebration

Vacation Bible School


Commencement Service


802 South Caswell Street

La Grange, North Carolina 28551

Ronnie V. Hobgood, Pastor

Joshua T. Hobgood, Youth Pastor

Commencement Worship Service

June 29, 2014 / 11:00AM

Prelude VBS Music

VBS Theme Song “I Can Count On God”

Welcome Youth Pastor

Announcements and Invocation Youth Pastor

Offertory and Prayer

Pledges to the American Flag, Christian Flag, and Bible …………All

Special Guests: Cooper, Doc, and Jake

Preschool Music

Zipline Bible Time ……………….…………..Ronnie & Mitzi Hobgood

Slug A Bug Swamp Jeff and Pam Thomas

Lizard Leap Lucretia & Chris Creech

Toucan Jam Marian Kennedy

Recognition of Classes and Teachers ………………..Josh Hobgood

Preschool Class







Closing Song “To God Be The Glory”

Benediction Youth Pastor

Postlude VBS Music


Staff for the Jungle Safari

VBS Director: Joshua Hobgood

Bible Camp Secretary: Sara Maxwell

Opening Skits: Bailey and William Sutton

Sound/Projection: Carter Daniels & Donald Parrish

Staging/Decorations: Vicki Bannister, Tiffany Creech, Fran Gibbons, Josh Hobgood, Mitzi Hobgood, Ronnie Hobgood, Marian Kennedy, and Sherwood Shivar

Site Leaders:

Slug a Bug Swamp: Coburn Bigler; Susan Bigler, HunterThomas,

Jeff and Pam Thomas

Lizard Leap: Chris & Lucretia Creech, Susie Harrison, Janet Hines, Madison Hines, and Carroll Suddreth

Zipline Bible Time: Sunday- Ted and Sheila Harrison

Monday- Bailey Sutton

Tuesday- Josh Hobgood and Sara Maxwell

Wednesday- Vicki Lemmond

Thursday- Ronnie and Mitzi Hobgood

Toucan Jam: Marian Kennedy, Carrie Letchworth, Bailey

Sutton, Cooper (as himself)

Conner Craft & William Sutton (Cooper’s Assistants)

Jaquar Junction: Refreshment Volunteers

Adults: Sybil Killette

Safari Leaders:

Preschool: Emily Daniels, Bethany Jones, & Christine Parrish

Kindergarten: Laura Beth Daughety and Tracey Roddy

Primary: Laura Eason

Middler: Sheila Harrison, Kim Hipkiss, and Jennifer Sutton

Junior: Edna Johnson and DeeAnn Maready

Teens: Tanya Craft and David Letchworth

Advertisements: Vicki Bannister, Mitzi Hobgood, & Royce Holmes,

Tee Shirt Design: Sara Maxwell

Thursday Cookout: Donald and Christine Parrish, Coordinators

Staff meals: Vicki Bannister and Ruth Scott

VBS Band: Laura Beth and Jamie Daughety, Josh Hobgood, Carrie Letchworth, Jimmy Jones, and Jeff Thomas

Pastor: Ronnie V. Hobgood

Youth Pastor: Josh Hobgood


A special thanks to the individuals who contributed refreshments, staff meals, cook-out desserts and other assistance!!!

A special thanks to NLHS and Pam Herring for lending decorations!

Zipline Bible Time


God is… Creator! Psalm 24:1

“The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.”


God is… Provider! Psalm 54:4

“Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is with those who uphold my life.”


God is… Protector! Psalm 46:1

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”


God is… Savior! Psalm 25:5

“Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation, on You I wait all the day.”


God is… King! Psalm 47:7

“For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding.”




Convention of Original Free Will Baptist Churches

Central Conference of Original Free Will Baptist Churches

Welcome to Worship and Celebration!

Welcome! “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” Philippians 1:2. We greet you in the words and spirit of the apostle Paul. We are glad you’re here to Praise the Lord with us today!


Opportunities for Service and Growth

Sun. June 29 Third Sunday after Pentecost

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

NO Sunday Night Live

Mon. June 30 7:15pm Sunday Night Live Band Practice

Wed. July 2 7:30pm Bible Study

Sun. July 6 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

8:40am Choir Rehearsal

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

6:00pm Family Fun Night

Mon. July 7 7:15pm Sunday Night Live Band Practice

6:30pm Wilson/Creech Circle

Tue. July 8 7:30pm Deacon’s Meeting

Wed. July 9 7:30pm Bible Study

Sat. July 12 5:00pm KIDS of the Kingdom (Grades 5 and down)

Sun. July 13 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

9:15am Partners in Prayer

9:45am Sunday School

11:00am Worship & Celebration

4:50pm Choir Rehearsal

6:00pm Sunday Night Live

Mon. July 14 GY2 Conference / Cragmont

Tue. July 15 GY2 Conference / Cragmont

Wed. July 16 GY2 Conference / Cragmont

7:30pm Bible Study

Thu. July 17 GY2 Conference / Cragmont

Fri. July 18 GY2 Conference / Cragmont

Sat. July 19 Campers return home


Erasing the Lines

Thanks is expressed to everyone for your support of Erasing The Lines. The following attended: Students: Joseph Harrison and Sarah Letchworth. Adults: Morgan Harrison, Travis Harrison, Josh Hobgood, Emily Fields, Zack Liles.


New Wednesday Night Bible Study

Beginning, Wednesday, July 2nd @ 7:30pm we will begin a new Bible Study on the book of 2 Thessalonians. Since Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians, seeds of false doctrine have been sown among them. Casusing them to waver in their faith. Paul removes these destructive seeds and again plants the seeds of ruth. He begins this letter by commending the believers on their faithfulness in the midst of persecutin and encouraging them that present suffering will be repaid with future glory. Therefore, in the midst of persecution, expectratin can be high. Join us in this exciting new Bible Study!


Family Fun Night

We will have Family Fun Night on July 6, 2014. Supper will be at 5:30pm and games for all ages to follow. Please sign the Food List on the church bulletin board. We need your help!

Cragmont Assembly – Ministry Focus for July

The month of July is Cragmont Assembly focus for our church. The motto for Cragmont is “Instruction, Inspiration, and Recreation.” During the summer months, there are several weeks of youth caps, Woman’s Auxiliary weeks, and a Minister’s conference. In addition, there are several weekend retreats for church groups. Cragmont Assembly is located at Black Mountain, North Carolina. On Sunday, July 20th we will receive a love offering for Cragmont Assembly.

General Youth Conference 2 (GYC 2)

The GYC 2 will be July14-19, 2014. The following from our church will be attending: Counselors: Emily Fields, Morgan Harrison, Travis Harrison, Josh Hobgood, Marshall Letchworth, Sara Maxwell. Campers: Hailey Bigler, Logan Bigler, Conner Craft, Brianna Creech, Colby Creech, Julian Fields, Joseph Harrison, Cassidy Hobbs, Julie Holmes, Tyler Holmes, Carrie Letchworth, Mitchell Anne Letchworth, Sarah Letchworth, Cooper Roddy, Bodie Taylor, Hunter Thomas, Payne Thomas, and Cassie Whitley.

Convention Choir Summer Concert

The Convention Choir Summer concert will be Sunday, August 3, 2014 @ 6:00pm. The concert will be held at Sandy Plain OFWB Church. The church is located on Hwy 241 between Pink Hill and Beulaville. Sherwood Shivar of our church family is a member of this choir.

Missions Trip – Casey Harrison

Casey Harrsion of our church family will be going on a missions trip to the Philippines in September. Casey is prepared to pay her way, however, we are giving our church family the opportunity to support her with our gifts and prayers. If you would like to assist Casey, please pick up the envelope on the Usher’s table entitled “Missions Trip – Philippines. You may give your gift during worship or give it directly to Virignina Holmes, Church Treasurer.

Church Flowers

If you would like to place flowers in the Sanctuary for our Sunday Worship & Celebration service, dates are available in June - November.

Stop Hunger Now Meals

The meals from our packaging event this have been shipped to Haiti in a container totaling 285,120 meals. These meals came from the Eastern North Carolina warehouse. The meals were received by Stop Hunger Now in-country partners, “Heart and Hand for Haiti.” Again, thank your for your support of this ministry.

Brief History of La Grange First Church

We have printed a “Brief History” of the church which also includes articles on “Our Witness” as church, future ministry plans, our Christian beliefs, convention ministries, other ministries of the church, past building programs, and future building programs.


Attendance for June 22, 2014

Sunday School 82

Worship & Celebration 109

VBS – Sunday 91

VBS – Monday 81

VBS – Tuesday 100

VBS – Wednesday 95

VBS – Thursday 105

VBS Average 95


6-30 Robie Killette

7- 1 Christie Westbrook 7- 2 Jerry Mills

7- 3 Casey Harrison 7- 3 Doug Taylor

7- 7 Joyce Martin 7- 9 Emily Fields

7-10 Ronnie Hobgood 7-15 Kathryn Hart

7-17 Jake Suggs 7-22 Hannah Beth Roddy

7-28 Esther Flowers 7-30 Jimmy Hipkiss



Deacon of the Month: Royce Holmes

Greeters for Worship

North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall

29- Ushers Sue Shivar Jeff & Pam Thomas


Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)

29- Joyce Harrison, Cassidy Hipkiss, & Irene Wilson



Deacon of the Month: Jimmy Jones

Greeters for Worship

North Vestibule South Vestibule Gathering Hall

6- Ushers Irene Wilson Matt & Kim Wade

13- Ushers Ted Harrison Greg & Debbie Herring

20- Ushers DeeAnn Maready Wilbur & Linda Taylor

27- Ushers Kathryn Hart Jamie & Laura Beth Daughety


6- Cooper Roddy 13- Grayson Sullivan

20- Conner Craft 27- Colby Creech

Children’s Church (ages 3-3rd grade)

6- David & Carrie Letchworth 13- Sybil Killette & DeeAnn Maredy

20- GYC 2 27- Guy & Janet Hines

Infant Nursery (Birth – age 1) / Toddlers Nursery (Ages 1-2)

6- Nelson, Harrison & Susie Harrison

13- Darlene Creech, Janet Hines, & Madison Hines

20- Bailey Sutton, Tracy Sutton, & Carrie Letchworth

27- Helen Harrison, Kendra Sullivan, & Judy Parrott

Grass Cutting

5- Royce & Elsie Holmes 12- Royce & Elsie Holmes

19- Carroll Suddreth 26- Vernon Sorrell


In the WORD

Memory Verse for 2014

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV

Books of the Month for June – 1 & 2 Corinthians

Sign list on Bulletin Board when you have finished reading Acts.

Books of the Month for July

Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians



Christ-First • Bible-First • Ministry-First

Christ is First at La Grange First Church.

Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to

Jesus Christ as Lord.

Bible is First at La Grange First Church.

We believe the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit and is

God’s revealed word to man.

Ministry is First at La Grange First Church.

Our calling is to nurture and serve the people of God.


Prayer Ministry

“My House Shall Be Called a House of Prayer”


Praise the Lord for the great and mighty things He has done.

VBS, Erasing the Lines,


Riley Sasser (VMC).


Tommy Allen (Brother-in-law of Irene Wilson), Frances Alphin (Christine Parrish), Rex and Jeannie Bannister (Parents of Bruce Bannister), Doris Britt (Mother of Pastor), Valerie Burmahl (Sister of Gwen Wade), Joyce Cherry , Estelle Creech (Mother of Pat Creech), Lou Criscola (Friend of Ray Kennedy), Lloyd Dawson (Edna Johnson), Kari Elwart (Darlene Creech), Herma Ferris (Bethany Jones), Angie Greene (Susie Harrison), Martha Harrison, James Herring (Grandfather of Braxton Holland), Marjorie Hines, Dalton Hinson, Pat Hinson-Deaver, N. C. Holmes, Virginia Holmes, Bryan House (Ruth Scott), Carol Jones (David Letchworth), Ronnie King (Sandra Rouse), Barbara Lambert (Friend of Bethany Jones), Janet Langston (Vicki Bannister), Tiffany Langston (Zack & Alex Liles), Bob Lee (Brother-in-law of Vickie Singleton), Fay Letchworth, Jayden Manning, Linda Manning, Joyce Martin, Roger Mewborn, Muriel Murphy (Grandmother of Pam Thomas), Cherish Naylor (Pam Thomas), David Nipple (Wade Family), Hannah Beth Roddy, Jack Rouse (Brad & Angela Taylor), Glennie Rumschlag (Herring family), Don Seymour (Dixie Letchworth), Helen Sloan (Sherwood Shivr), Christy Smith, Danny Tucker (Ted Sheila Harrison), Wade Tucker (Dalton & Frances Hinson), Christian Turner (Edna Johnson), Margaret Vail, Chuck Wackerman, Cindy Wackerman (Step-mother of Chuck Wackerman), Crystal Wackerman, Gwen Wade, Veronica Wooten (Jennifer Sutton), and Gale Yarborough.


To Peggy Bartlett and family in the loss of her Brother, Jimmy Johnson.

To Ray Kennedy in the loss of his friend, Victor Pena.


Joyce Edwards, Myrtle Hanchey (Grandmother of Lucretia Creech), Rev. J. B. Narron (Hobgood Family), Stan Rouse (Husband of Sandra Rouse), Enzie Singleton, Joel Sutton.


First Church, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Deacons, Sunday School Leaders/Teachers, College Students, Convention of Original FWB, Denominational Ministries, Convention President, Rev. Al Warrick, Convention Vice-President Ronnie V. Hobgood, Rev. Chris Singleton (Interim Minister @ Friendship Church), the Lost, and all Christians.


Our military & their families, Josh & Holly Balance [Korea (Son-in-law of Hilda Sutton)], Alex Ferrell (nephew of Bethany Jones-service), Adam Harrison (Service), Mike Hammond, Josh Manning (Zack Liles), Josh Ormond [Service / Texas (Son of C. J. & Dee Foster)], Sons Family (Service – Ray Kennedy), Trenton), Revival in the church.


US: President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Cabinet, Congress, and the Supreme Court’

NC: Governor McCrory, NC Senators and NC Representatives.

La Grange/Lenoir County: Mayor Gurley, Town Commissioners, County Commissioners, County & Private Schools, and Lenoir Community College.

(As of June 26, 2014)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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