
INDIAN SCHOOL AL WADI AL KABIR Worksheet, 2020-21Class: XIISUB: INFORMATICS PRACTICESDate of Completion:Worksheet No:8TOPIC : Data Visualization using Matplotlib 13.09.2020 1.Create multiple line charts on common plot where 4 data ranges are plotted on same chart. The data ranges to be plotted are: Data=[[5.,15.,25.,35.],[9.,18.,21.,15.],[2.,18.,10.,30.], [13.,27.,20.,35.]]2.Write the name of the different methods used in Pyplot?plete the code given below to plot and display a bar graph with subject on x-axis and no_of_ students on y-axis: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt subjects = ['IP','CS','Economics','BS'] no_of_students = [10,28,36,44] _______________________________ _______________________________4.What is matplotlib library?5.Write a Python program to draw a histogram with the following information: 10 15 10 10 10 15 20 20 20 20 20 25 25 The histogram should contain the following information: (i) X-axis label should be score and Y-axis should be Frequency. (ii) The title should be Frequency of Score. (iii) The colour of histogram should be blue with 10 bins. Use proper import statements in the program.6.Explain the functions used to create the following charts: (i) Line Chart (ii) Bar Chart (iii) Histogram7.Write a python code to plot the given histogram with the following dataset:[8,10,15,25,28,35,47,49,50,63,67,53,57,58,69]8.Consider the code given below and the output produced by it. Why is the chart showing two bar only while we are plotting six values on the chart ?a=[4,8,2,6,9,12]b=[20,30,40,50,60,70]plt.xlim(-1,5)plt.bar(a,b)plt.show()9.Write a python code to display a bar chart of the number of students in a class. Use different colors for each bar .Class : I, II , III, IV, V, VIStrengths: 40,43,45,47,49,3810.Write a code to plot line graph for y2= 4*x11.Plot a histogram of a class test of 40 students based on random sets of marks obtained by the students (MM=100)a)Create a simple histogramb)Create a horizontal histogramc)create a step type histogramd)create a cumulative histogram ................

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