Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media

Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media | |

|Content Standard 1— Students understand an inquiry process including how to access, evaluate and use information.  Students will: |

|K |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Benchmark 1—Identify the steps of the inquiry process as it is used in research (i.e., identify the question or problem, locate and evaluate potential resources, gather and synthesize |

|information, create a new product, and evaluate the product and process). |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Benchmark 2—State the question or need for information. |

| |May be able to ask for wanted |Able to ask or search for |Able to seek needed information |Able to identify his or her |Able to identify his or her |

| |information, but not always |wanted information. Usually |with minimal help from |information needs. |information needs. |

| |able to understand difference |able to tell difference between|librarian. | | |

| |between real and make-believe. |real and make-believe. | | | |

|Benchmark 3—Identify and locate probable sources of information. |

|Locate library, identify library |Locate easy and nonfiction |Locate easy, fiction, |Locate easy, fiction, |Locates specific books from |Locate reference tools. |

|staff |collections. |nonfiction collections. |nonfiction, biography sections, |the various sections with |Identify that Dewey Decimal |

|Locate easy material from |Identify alphabetical order of |Identify left to right, top to |as well as dictionary, |greater accuracy. |System is arranged into 10 main|

|pre-selected shelves. |easy books. |bottom shelf arrangement. |periodicals, and encyclopedia. |Identify information on title |classes by subject. |

|Use picture on cover as guide to |Identify parts of a book |Identify parts of a book (table|Identify shelf arrangement of |and copyright pages. |Locate nonfiction with call |

|book’s content. |(spine, spine label, title |of contents, index, dedication,|fiction and nonfiction books. |Identify publisher, place of |numbers containing decimals |

|Identify parts of a book (front, |page, and bar code). |call number). |Identify parts of a book |publication, and copyright |with greater accuracy. |

|back, date due slip, barcode). |Use title as a guide to the |Use a simple encyclopedia. |(publisher, copyright date, |date. |Use thesaurus, almanac, atlas, |

|. |book’s content. | |glossary, and appendix). |Identify that Dewey Decimal |and unabridged dictionary. |

| | | |Use encyclopedias and |System is the system used to |Skim to give overview of |

| | | |dictionary. |arrange nonfiction. |materials. |

| | | | | |Use diagrams and tables as |

| | | | | |sources of information. |

|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 1— Students understand an inquiry process including how to access, evaluate and use information.  Students will: |

|K |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Benchmark 4—Judge information for accuracy, relevancy, and type (e.g., fact or fiction). |

| | |Use nonfiction materials to |Distinguish between fact and |Distinguish between fact and |Distinguish between fact and |

| | |locate information. |fiction. |opinion. |opinion. |

|Benchmark 5—Identify and use information to create a product that satisfies the need or solves the problem. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|. Benchmark 6—Recognize that they have followed an inquiry process and describe how well their products satisfy the need or solve the problem. |

| | | | | | |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 1—Students understand an inquiry process including how to access, evaluate and use information.  Students will: |

|Grades 6, 7, 8 |

|Benchmark 1—Apply steps of the inquiry process to satisfy both academic and personal information needs (i.e., identify the question or problem, locate and evaluate potential resources, gather and|

|synthesize information, create a new product, and evaluate the product and process). |

|Formulates a question or problem |

|Generates a list of possible resources and determines which are useful |

| |

|Benchmark 2—Focus the information need as it relates to what they already know to formulate specific questions. |

|Identify the information needed |

|Identifies keywords to use as access points in an information search |

| |

|Benchmark 3—Select multiple print and non-print sources using various search strategies (e.g., human guidance, reflective thinking, Boolean operatives). |

|Demonstrates skill using electronic library catalog |

|Searches library catalog by keyword, author, title |

|Locates materials on library shelves by call numbers |

|Uses multiple formats to locate information |

|Navigates within print and electronic resources to access information. |

| |

|Benchmark 4—Recognize point of view or bias, use primary and secondary sources, and analyze and evaluate information for specific needs. |

|Identifies criteria to examine information for accuracy and relevancy to specific need of project/product |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 1—Students understand an inquiry process including how to access, evaluate and use information.  Students will: |

|Grades 6, 7, 8 |

|Benchmark 5—Interpret and use information in original products or presentations. |

|Uses information/materials to create product as to specifications of teacher/curriculum |

| |

|Benchmark 6—Apply criteria to determine how well the research process, products and conclusions meet the original need for information. |

|Evaluates product as to product specifications of individual teacher |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 1—Students understand an inquiry process including how to access, evaluate and use information.  Students will: |

|9 - 12 |

|Benchmark 1—Analyze and adapt the inquiry process to satisfy individual and group information needs (i.e., identify the question or problem, locate and evaluate potential resources, gather and |

|synthesize information, create a new product, and evaluate the product and process). |

|Articulates an information need |

|Task definition. Formulates a question and defines the problem (thesis statements) |

|Identify the information needed |

| |

|Benchmark 2—Refine and revise the information need to meet the specific format, purpose, and scope of the project. |

|Identify a variety of possible sources |

|Re-evaluate/articulate the information needed |

|Narrow or expands topic as necessary |

| |

| |

|Benchmark 3—Develop a plan to obtain needed information using a variety of research and investigative strategies (e.g. interviews, questionnaires, experiments, surveys). |

|Locate the best sources utilizing successful strategies (Dewey Decimal, keyword, Boolean) |

|Find information in sources (skimming) |

|Records bibliographic information from sources utilized in research identifying author, title, title page, publisher, copyright date |

|Search the library catalog |

|Locate materials on library shelves by call number |

| |

| |

|Benchmark 4—Assess information sources using multiple criteria (e.g., coverage, misleading presentation, and manipulated data). |

|Apply evaluative criteria to examine information for relevancy, suitability, authority, objectivity/biaz, currency |

|Identify information relevant and essential to the information need |

| |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 1— Students understand an inquiry process including how to access, evaluate and use information.  Students will: |

|9 - 12 |

|Benchmark 5—Synthesize information to create a new product that meets a specific purpose or vision. |

|Engage in the use of information (read, hear, view) |

|Extract relevant information using headings, subheadings, table of contents, indexes, skimming and scanning techniques |

|Utilize techniques to extract relevant information in information sources (i.e. note taking) |

|Organize information from multiple sources |

|Create a system for organizing the information, such as developing an outline or storyboard to present extracted information |

|Utilize various technologies to manage information to develop a new product |

| |

|Benchmark 6—Critique the process and the product of the inquiry. |

|Evaluate/judge the process |

|Evaluate/judge the product/results |

| |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 2— Students demonstrate an understanding of ethical, legal, and social responsibility in accessing, evaluating, and using information, materials and technology.  Students will: |

|K |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Benchmark 1—Demonstrate individual responsibility for equitable access to information (e.g., share access to limited resources, return materials diligently). |

|Check library books in and out in|Follow checkout procedures for |Follow checkout procedures for |Follow checkout procedures for |Follow checkout procedures for|Follow checkout procedures for |

|a timely manner; 1 book at a |books; 1 book at a time, and |books; 2 books at a time, and |books; 2 books at a time, and |books; 2 books at a time, and |books; 2 books at a time, and |

|time, no fines, but no other |fine must be paid for overdue |fine must be paid for overdue |fine must be paid for overdue |fine must be paid for overdue |fine must be paid for overdue |

|books until overdue book |book. |book(s). |book(s). |book(s). |book(s). |

|returned. | | |Become aware of what “copyright”|Become aware of Copyright |Aware of meaning of Copyright |

| | | |means. |laws. |laws. |

|Benchmark 2—State the conclusion of his/her research finding in his/her own words and cite his/her sources. |

| | | |Student puts written work in |Student puts written work in |Student puts written work in |

| | | |his/her own words and cites |his/her own words and cites |his/her own words and cites |

| | | |research sources. |research sources. |research sources. |

|Benchmark 3—Follow school guidelines for responsible use of information resources (e.g., check out policies and library rules). |

|Introduce proper care of library |Introduce proper care of |Master proper care of library |Students observe Library rules |Students observe Library rules|Students observe Library rules |

|books. |library books. |books and materials. |and Circulation policies. |and Circulation policies. |and Circulation policies. |

|Introduce procedures for |Introduce procedures for |Master procedures for borrowing| |Use materials without |Use materials without violating|

|borrowing and returning |borrowing and returning |and returning materials. | |violating copyright laws |copyright laws (Observe |

|materials. |materials. | | |(Observe Acceptable Use |Acceptable Use policies). |

| | | | |policies). | |

|Benchmark 4—Share knowledge and information with others. |

|Participate in |Participate in |Participate in |Participate in |Participate in |Participate in |

|reading/storytelling activities. |reading/storytelling |reading/storytelling |reading/storytelling activities.|reading/storytelling |reading/storytelling |

|. |activities. |activities. | |activities. |activities. |

| |Share literature with others. |Share literature with others. |Share literature with others. |Share literature with others. |Share literature with others. |

| | | |Help others find materials. |Work together on research |Work together on research |

| | | | |topics. |topics. |

|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 2— Students demonstrate an understanding of ethical, legal, and social responsibility in accessing, evaluating, and using information, materials and technology.  |

|Students will: |

|Grades 6, 7, 8 |

|Benchmark 1—Explain the importance of equitable access to a variety in information in a democratic society. |

|Knows what copyright laws are |

|Understands the importance of copyright laws |

| |

|Benchmark 2—Recognize and apply concepts of intellectual property rights, avoid plagiarism, follow bibliographic form and cite all information sources used.. |

|Knows what impact copyright laws have as they pertain to individual rights |

|Defines what plagiarism is |

|Knows the impact of plagiarism as it pertains to sources used |

|Defines what a citation is and need for its use within a product |

|Defines what a bibliography is and how it is used in creating a product |

|Benchmark 3—Follow school guidelines for responsible use of information resources (e.g., circulation policies, acceptable use policies). |

|Observes school requirements for circulation policies |

|Observes school requirements for AUP (acceptable use policy) |

|Observes Internet guidelines and protocols |

| |

|Benchmark 4—Recognize the ideas and backgrounds of others and acknowledge their contributions. |

|Uses citations for information used |

|Uses bibliography for product created |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 2—Students demonstrate an understanding of ethical, legal, and social responsibility in accessing, evaluating, and using information, materials and technology.  Students will: |

|9 - 12 |

|Benchmark 1—Evaluate the impact of equitable access to information in a democratic society. |

|Become aware of Copyright laws |

|Understand the purpose of copyright (protection of individual rights) |

| |

|Benchmark 2—Use information in an ethical manner by adhering to copyright laws, requesting permission to use information, and properly citing sources). |

|Practices ethical behavior in regard to information |

|Understands plagiarism and uses paraphrasing and other techniques to avoid plagiarism |

|Understands how to seek permission to use copyrighted material |

|Cites sources in properly formatted bibliography (How to do a Work Cited handout) |

|Recognizes censorship |

| |

|Benchmark 3—Follow school guidelines for responsible use of information resources (e.g., circulation policies, acceptable use policies). |

|Observes Acceptable Use policies |

|Observes Circulation policies |

| |

|Benchmark 4—Collaborate with others, both in person and through technologies, to identify information problems, seek solutions, and generate new information. |

|Works together with other to plan, prepare, present and evaluate group projects. |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 3—Students seek a variety of materials for independent learning and personal enjoyment, including the appreciation of literature and other creative expressions.  Students will: |

|K |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Benchmark 1—Recognize that diverse cultures are represented in a variety of creative formats. |

| |Identify books about other |Recognize that we learn about |Recognize that we learn about |Recognize that we learn about |Recognize that we learn about |

| |cultures that we read aloud. |other cultures in the books we |other cultures through a variety|other cultures through a |other cultures through a |

| | |read. |of formats including: tv, books,|variety of formats including: |variety of formats including: |

| | | |newspapers, magazines videos, |tv, books, newspapers, |tv, books, newspapers, |

| | | |Internet and music. |magazines videos, Internet and|magazines videos, Internet and |

| | | | |music. |music. |

|Benchmark 2—Experience a variety of literature and other creative expressions and relate them to their own lives. |

|Demonstrate awareness of the |Demonstrate awareness of the |Examine the Caldecott Award and|Demonstrate awareness of a |Demonstrate awareness of a |Demonstrate awareness of the |

|Treasure State Award; listen to |past Treasure State Award |past Treasure State Award |variety of literature (fiction, |variety of literature |different types of genre they |

|the current Treasure State Award |winners; listen to the current |winners; read or listen to the |fairy tales, folk tales, poetry,|(fantasy, mystery, historical,|are reading and what each type |

|nominees and vote for their |Treasure State nominees and |current Treasure State nominees|biography and nonfiction). |realistic, and science |is called. |

|choice. |vote for their choice. |and vote for their choice. |Examine the Caldecott Award and |fiction). |Examine the Newbery Medal and |

| |Identify the main idea of a | |past Treasure State Award |Examine the Newbery Medal and |past Young Readers’ Choice |

| |story. | |winners; read or listen to the |past Young Readers’ Choice |Award winners; read at least |

| | | |current Treasure State nominees |Award winners; read at least |two of the current nominees and|

| | | |and vote for their choice. |two of the current nominees |vote for their choice. |

| | | | |and vote for their choice. | |

|Benchmark 3—Use libraries as places to seek information for personal interest. |

|Browse collection for personal |Browse collection for personal |Browse collection for personal |Browse collection for personal |Browse collection for personal|Browse collection for personal |

|use. |use. |use. |use. |use. |use. |

|Recognize the Treasure State |Begin learning how to select |Select materials appropriate to|Select and use a variety of |Select and use a variety of |Select and use a variety of |

|Award Medal on books and what it |materials appropriate to |curricular and recreational |materials for informational and |materials for informational |materials for informational and|

|stands for. |ability level. |needs. |recreational needs. |and recreational needs. |recreational needs. |

|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 3—Students seek a variety of materials for independent learning and personal enjoyment, including the appreciation of literature and other creative expressions.  |

|Students will: |

|Grades 6, 7, 8 |

|Benchmark 1—Use and respond to materials and creative expressions from diverse cultures. |

|Identifies potential sources of information |

| |

|Benchmark 2—Interpret a wide variety of literature and other creative expressions in various genres and formats. |

|Identifies the different genres and various formats of literature |

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| |

|Benchmark 3—Use the library to find information for personal use and to make connections to resources beyond the school library. |

|Selects literature based on interest, need, and appropriateness (reads for pleasure, to learn and solve information needs, and seeks answers to questions) |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 3—Students seek a variety of materials for independent learning and personal enjoyment, including the appreciation of literature and other creative expressions.  Students will: |

|9 - 12 |

|Benchmark 1—Compare and analyze literature and other creative expressions from diverse cultures. |

|Applies guidelines for choosing reading materials |

|Develop a background in the types of literature (e.g., Non-fiction, biography, historical fiction, realistic fiction, fantasy, science fiction, traditional literature) |

|Distinguishes fact from fiction |

| |

|Benchmark 2—Select, analyze and evaluate literature and other creative expressions from diverse origins and connect them to their own lives and to the human experience. |

|Reads for pleasure, to learn, and to solve information needs |

|Explores topics of interest |

| |

|Benchmark 3—Apply his/her knowledge of his/her use of libraries to a variety of new information environments. |

|Applies search techniques to solve personal information needs/interests |

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|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 4—Students distinguish among, evaluate and appropriately use current and emerging media and technologies in the inquiry process.  Students will: |

|K |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Benchmark 1—Identify and use various media and technologies to meet information needs. |

| | |Locate and observe computer |Identify computer catalog |Identify information on |Identify information on |

| | |catalog being used to locate |arrangement (OPAC). |computer catalog records and |computer catalog records and is|

| | |materials (OPAC). |Locate WorldBook Online and use |is able to use OPAC to find |able to use OPAC to find |

| | |Locate WorldBook Online and use|it to find information. |library materials. |library materials |

| | |Kids version to find |Use Internet Favorites to look |Learn how to use InfoTrac and |Use InfoTrac and WorldBook |

| | |information. |at Time for Kids, ZooBooks, or |WorldBook Online in library to|Online databases. |

| | | |other websites Bookmarked of |do 4th grade State reports in |Use Internet search engines to |

| | | |interest to them. |the spring. |search for information. |

| | | | | | |

|Benchmark 2—Identify and use search strategies to locate information in various media and technologies. |

| | |Begin using OPAC to look up |Use OPAC to locate materials by |Use key word searches to find |Use key word searches to find |

| | |personal information about |subject, author, title, and |material on OPAC and on |material on OPAC and on |

| | |books checked out under My |series. |Internet, InfoTrac, and |Internet, InfoTrac, and |

| | |Info. |Begin to apply filing rules (a, |WorldBook Online searches. |WorldBook Online searches. |

| | |Begin using Author, Title, |an, the). | |Introduce using Boolean logic |

| | |Subject, Series to look up | | |while doing searches. |

| | |books on OPAC. | | | |

|Benchmark 3—Compare and contrast the quality and accuracy, relevancy, and type of information from a variety of media and technologies. |

| | | | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 4—Students distinguish among, evaluate and appropriately use current and emerging media and technologies in the inquiry process.  |

|Students will: |

|Grades 6, 7, 8 |

|Benchmark 1—Select and apply appropriate media and technologies to meet information needs. |

|Uses libraries, library resources, the Internet, databases, and other information sources |

| |

|Benchmark 2—Select and refine appropriate search strategies to locate information various media and technologies. |

|Uses search strategy best fitting individual needs (Keyword, Dewey Decimal, Boolean) |

| |

|Benchmark 3—Apply criteria to evaluate the point of view and embedded values in information from a variety of media and technologies. |

|Reads, views, listens to information critically and competently |

|Applies evaluative criteria to determine usefulness of the information (relevancy, suitability, authority, objectivity, currency) |

| |

|Sidney Public Schools—K-12 Standards for Library Media |

|Content Standard 4—Students distinguish among, evaluate and appropriately use current and emerging media and technologies in the inquiry process.  Students will: |

|9 - 12 |

|Benchmark 1—Analyze and evaluate various media and technologies when applying information necessary to complete a specific task. |

|Is aware of resources available |

|Uses the library and library resources, databases, reference books, the Internet, and other information sources |

|Benchmark 2—Develop and demonstrate research strategies to effectively locate information in various media and technologies. |

|Effectively uses search strategies such as Keyword Searching, Boolean logic, Search Engines and navigation techniques. |

| |

|Benchmark 3—Generate and apply criteria to evaluate the origin, authority, accuracy, bias, and distortion of information from a variety of media and technologies. |

|Applies the criteria for evaluating resources when selecting information sources. |

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|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Kindergarten and Pre-1st |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | | |

|Throughout the year |including how to access, evaluate and use | | |

| |information. | | |

| | | |Kindergarten doesn’t start coming to library until after Labor |

| |CS1: Benchmark 3: | |Day. They need time to orientate themselves to school before |

| |Identify and locate probable sources of | |coming to library. |

| |information. |1.3.a. Locate library, identify library staff | |

| | | |Library Orientation |

| | | |First couple weeks we talk about book care, check out procedures,|

| | |1.3.b. Locate easy material from pre-selected |and read a story called |

| | |shelves. |“Mr. Wiggle Goes to the Library” which deals with checking out |

| | | |and taking care of library books. |

| | | | |

| | |1.3.c. Use picture on cover as a guide to book’s |Depending on the maturity of the students, and how well they have|

| | |content. |learned their last names, they can check out 1 book at a time |

| | | |from a special Kindergarten section where the books are set up on|

| | | |a long easel at their level so they can choose their book by |

| | |1.3.d. Identify parts of a book (front, back, date|looking at the covers of the books and being able to open the |

| | |due slip, barcode). |books and look at the pictures inside as well. |

| | | | |

| | | |Pre-first students are a challenge to teach how to use shelf |

| | | |markers when looking for books so they don’t mess up the shelves.|

| | | |They must be restricted to a small area where they can be |

| | | |monitored closely while looking for books for at least a few |

| | | |weeks. It takes some time before they learn not to shove books |

| | | |back on shelves upside down, backwards and out of order. |

| | | | |

| | | |Checkout procedures teach basic parts of book—front, back (where |

| | | |barcode is), date due slip. Students learn to put book face |

| | | |down, spine toward me so barcode is up, and to give last name |

| | | |when checking out a book, and where to look for date book is |

| | | |due—on date due slip. |

| | | | |

| | | |Modeling, role-playing and practice teach skills. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher Observation, Student participation |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Kindergarten and Pre-1st |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS2—Students demonstrate an understanding of | | |

|Throughout the year |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | | |

| |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | |Kindergarten students are just learning the concept of borrowing |

| |materials and technology.  | |and returning library books so library fines are not charged this|

| | | |year. Checking in their books and asking each student if they |

| |CS2: Benchmark 1: | |remember the name of their book is the first thing we do before |

| |Demonstrate individual responsibility for | |checking out books. The consequence if they forget their book is|

| |equitable access to information (e.g., share |2.1.a. Check library books in and out in a timely |that they cannot check out another book until that one is |

| |access to limited resources, return materials |manner; 1 book at a time, no fines, but no other |returned. |

| |diligently). |books until overdue book returned. | |

| | | |Pre-1st students are charged the 10 cent/day fine for overdue |

| |CS2: Benchmark 3: | |books, but are given a little more leeway if the book is in the |

| |Follow school guidelines for responsible use of | |classroom, etc. than older students if their teacher feels they |

| |information resources (e.g., check out policies | |need it. |

| |and library rules). | | |

| | |2.3.a. Introduce proper care of library books. |A great deal of time is spent on book care at this age. |

| | | |Activities with Mr. Wiggle and taking care of books, reading |

| | |2.3.b. Introduce procedures for borrowing and |other books dealing with book care, such as “What Happened to |

| | |returning materials. |Marion’s Book?” and “I Took My Frog to the Library” with class |

| |CS2: Benchmark 4: | |discussion about book care rules. Real examples of damaged |

| |Share knowledge and information with others. | |books, a talk about our “Book Hospital,” and how no one but the |

| | | |librarian should try to fix a hurt book are essential at all |

| | | |grade levels. |

| | | | |

| | |2.4.a. Participate in reading/storytelling |Where and how to return books, how to renew books if they want to|

| | |activities. |keep them longer than 2 weeks, understanding the importance of |

| | | |returning books on time so other people can borrow them, too—all |

| | | |are topics that must be covered at all grade levels. |

| | | | |

| | | |Learning to sit and listen to a story is sometimes a challenge |

| | | |for some of our Kindergarten, and for many Pre-1st students. |

| | | |Start with very short stories and gradually build up to longer |

| | | |ones as the year goes on. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher Observation, Student Participation |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Kindergarten and Pre-1st |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS3—Students seek a variety of materials for | | |

|Throughout the year |independent learning and personal enjoyment, | | |

| |including the appreciation of literature and other| |Starting in January, K-3 prepares to listen to and vote on the |

| |creative expressions. | |current year’s Treasure State nominees. First we talk about the |

| | | |award and the Past Winners. It’s a Montana Picture Book Award, |

| |CS3: Benchmark 2: | |established in 1991, voted on by students grades K-3 in March. |

|January-March |Experience a variety of literature and other | |Usually one of the past winners is read to each of the K, Pre-1st|

| |creative expressions and relate them to their own |3.2.a. Demonstrate awareness of the Treasure State |and 1st grade classes and all are displayed for students to check|

| |lives. |Award; listen to the current Treasure State Award |out and read while we’re reading the current nominees. |

| | |nominees and vote for their choice. | |

| | | |Kindergarten and Pre-1st learn to view literature critically as |

| | | |they learn to evaluate each nominee read as we compare and |

| | | |contrast each with the others read. |

| | | | |

| |CS3: Benchmark 3: | |Draw conclusions about the types of literature they’ve |

| |Use libraries as places to seek information for | |experienced while listening to each of the Treasure State |

| |personal interest. | |nominees and decide on their favorite of the five nominees. They|

| | |3.3.a. Browse collection for personal use. |learn the results of the voting at Sidney Elementary School, and |

| | | |by mid-April they learn the results of all the K-3 voting in |

| | | |Montana. |

| | | | |

|March on | |3.3.b. Recognize the Treasure State Award Medal on |Kindergarten have a limited selection to choose from, but often |

| | |books and what it stands for. |will request a book a classmate had checked out, or will check |

| | | |out the same book they had before because they “like that one.” |

| | | | |

| | | |Pre-1st has ability to find nonfiction on any subject they’re |

| | | |interested in by 4th quarter without use of OPAC or being able to|

| | | |read. Very sharp at using visual clues. |

| | | | |

| | | |Pre-1st checks out past Treasure State winners by recognizing the|

| | | |Medal on the cover. Kindergarten notice past winners on the |

| | | |shelf by the medal. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, student participation |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/First Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Throughout the year |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | | |

| |including how to access, evaluate and use | |Finds books on shelves primarily by browsing. Many books for |

| |information. | |this grade are displayed on book stands with covers showing on |

| | | |shelves. |

| |CS1: Benchmark 2: | | |

| |State the question or need for information. |1.2.a. May be able to ask for wanted information, |First graders are allowed to go into the nonfiction section to |

| | |but not always able to understand difference |check out books only after they have demonstrated the ability to |

| | |between real and make-believe. |properly check out books from the Easy section using shelf |

| |CS1: Benchmark 3: | |markers and leaving the shelves neat and in order. This may take |

| |Identify and locate probable sources of | |some classes longer than others to learn. |

| |information. |1.3.a. Locate easy and nonfiction collections. | |

| | | |Students learn Easy and Nonfiction sections of the library and |

| | | |begin to recognize the call numbers for each (E for Easy, Number |

| | |1.3.b. Identify alphabetical order of easy books. |for nonfiction). |

| | | | |

| | | |Students learn Easy books are arranged in alphabetical order by |

| | | |author’s last name, and soon learn to find where favorite books |

| | | |and authors are located in the library. |

| | | | |

| | | |Games, fun sheets, practice and repetition help students learn |

| | |1.3.c. Identify parts of a book (spine, spine |these skills. |

| | |label, title page, and bar code). | |

| | | |During story time, check out, and library skills parts of a book |

| | |1.3.d. Use title as a guide to the book’s content. |are taught. |

| | | | |

| | | |As students learn to read, they start using written as well as |

| | | |visual clues to make predictions about the books they choose, |

| | | |such as the title. They start choosing more books from the |

| | | |shelves by reading the titles on the spine, before removing the |

| | | |book from the shelf, and more shelf browsing is done. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, student participation. |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/First Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Throughout the year |CS2—Students demonstrate an understanding of | | |

| |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | |Library orientation will take several weeks as everything will be|

| |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | |new to First graders—they will need to learn to use shelf markers|

| |materials and technology. | |and get books off shelves for the first time without messing up |

| | | |books. They need to learn which shelves contain the Easy books |

| |CS2: Benchmark 1: | |and to stay in that section for now. Later, after they achieve |

| |Demonstrate individual responsibility for | |competence they will move on to the nonfiction section and learn |

| |equitable access to information (e.g., share |2.1.a. Follow checkout procedures for books; 1 book|to choose easy-to-read books from that section by the AR reading |

| |access to limited resources, return materials |at a time, and fine must be paid for overdue book. |level stripes at top of spines. |

| |diligently). | | |

| | | |First graders my check out 1 book at a time, and if a book is |

| | | |overdue the fine is 10 cents/day and must be paid before checking|

| |CS2: Benchmark 3: | |out another book. |

| |Follow school guidelines for responsible use of | | |

| |information resources (e.g., check out policies | |Book care is taught and “Mr. Wiggle’s Book” is read to reinforce |

| |and library rules). | |and expand upon what they learned in Kindergarten regarding |

| | |2.3.a. Introduce proper care of library books. |taking care of library books and returning them on time so others|

| | | |can read and enjoy them. Real examples of damaged books, a talk |

| | | |about our “Book Hospital,” and how no one but the librarian |

| | |2.3.b. Introduce procedures for borrowing and |should try to fix a hurt book are all part of the curriculum. |

| | |returning materials. |Students give examples of things to do and things not to do with |

| | | |a library book. |

| |CS2: Benchmark 4: | | |

| |Share knowledge and information with others. | |Video “Charley Chapters in Be a Book Buddy” shown later as a |

| | | |good follow up to our discussions; |

| | | |Provides another way to get important book care concepts across. |

| | | |Students are questioned for understanding at all steps of the |

| | |2.4.a. Participate in reading/storytelling |learning process. |

| | |activities. | |

| | | |Students participate in listening to stories read or told during |

| | |2.4.b. Share literature with others. |story time; they often help tell stories and retell stories |

| | | |during library. |

| | | | |

| | | |Informally and formally they tell peers about good books they’ve |

| | | |read and help others find books during checkout time. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, student participation |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/ First Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS3—Students seek a variety of materials for | | |

|Throughout the year |independent learning and personal enjoyment, | |Through teacher-guided questions, students learn to recognize |

| |including the appreciation of literature and other| |other cultures in some of the books we read. Care is taken to |

| |creative expressions.  | |choose good examples of such that let us experience other |

| | | |cultures from our own life experience. |

| |CS3: Benchmark 1: | | |

|January-March |Recognize that diverse cultures are represented in| |Special effort is given to expose students to Native American |

| |a variety of creative formats. | |Indian culture through recommended books. |

| | | | |

| |CS3: Benchmark 2: |3.1.a. Identify books about other cultures that we |Starting in January, K-3 prepares to listen to and vote on the |

| |Experience a variety of literature and other |read aloud. |current year’s Treasure State nominees. First we talk about the |

| |creative expressions and relate them to their own | |award and the Past Winners. It’s a Montana Picture Book Award, |

| |lives. | |established in 1991, voted on by students grades K-3 in March. |

| | | |Usually one of the past winners is read to each of the K, Pre-1st|

| | | |and 1st grade classes and all are displayed for students to check|

| | |3.2.a. Demonstrate awareness of the past Treasure |out and read while we’re reading the current nominees. One |

| | |State Award winners; listen to the current Treasure|nominee is always from another culture. |

| |CS3: Benchmark 3: |State nominees and vote for their choice. | |

| |Use libraries as places to seek information for | |First graders learn to view literature critically as they learn |

| |personal interest. |3.2.b. Identify the main idea of a story. |to evaluate each nominee read as we compare and contrast each |

| | | |with the others read. |

| | | | |

| | | |Draw conclusions about the types of literature they’ve |

| | | |experienced while listening to each of the Treasure State |

| | |3.3.a. Browse collection for personal use. |nominees and decide on their favorite of the five nominees. They|

| | | |learn the results of the voting at Sidney Elementary School, and |

| | |3.3.b. Begin learning how to select materials |by mid-April they learn the results of all the K-3 voting in |

| | |appropriate to ability level. |Montana. |

| | | | |

| | | |Through teacher-guided questions, students learn to |

| | | |identify the main idea of stories read aloud in the library. |

| | | | |

| | | |First Grade is a transitional year—at first students will choose|

| | | |books to have others read to them; later they will choose books |

| | | |to read themselves and take AR quizzes on. Ability levels vary |

| | | |greatly so teacher input is vital for best results. Students are |

| | | |shown AR labeling on spine of books that denote reading level. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, student participation |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Second Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | | |

|Throughout the year |including how to access, evaluate and use | |During story time and checkout different kinds of literature are |

| |information.  | |emphasized and their differences stressed. Students learn the |

| | | |various sections of the library and before leaving we often have |

| |CS1: Benchmark 2: | |impromptu line-up quizzes to check if they know if their book is |

| |State the question or need for information. | |easy, fiction, or nonfiction to check for understanding. |

| | |1.2.a. Able to ask or search for wanted | |

| | |information. Usually able to tell difference |Video: “Charley Chapters in All You Need to Know About Books” |

| | |between real and make-believe. |covers different parts of a book and three major book categories:|

| | | |fiction, nonfiction and picture books. Good reinforcement of |

| | |1.3.a. Locate easy, fiction, nonfiction |what is taught in 2nd gr. |

| |CS1: Benchmark 3: |collections. | |

| |Identify and locate probable sources of | |In order to find books by call number, students must understand |

| |information. | |the book’s “address” and identify which section of the library a |

| | | |book with that “address” lives in. |

| | |1.3.b. Identify left to right, top to bottom shelf | |

| | |arrangement. |Once they can identify call number location, they need to learn |

| | | |how to “read” the shelves—just like they read the words on the |

| | |1.3.c. Identify parts of a book (table of contents,|pages of a book, left to right and top to bottom, one section of |

| | |index, dedication, call number). |shelves at a time. When they get to the bottom of one section of|

| | | |shelf, they have to look at the top of the next. |

| | |1.3.d. Use a simple encyclopedia | |

| |CS1: Benchmark 4: | |“Book Spines-Alpha” with Easy call numbers used to teach shelf |

| |Judge information for accuracy, relevancy, and | |arrangement and check understanding. “Good Books in a Jar,” |

| |type (e.g., fact or fiction). | |–kids pull a picture of a good book in our library with the call |

| | | |number labeled on it out of a jar, a fun game when they want help|

| | | |finding a good book. It demonstrates if student can find the book|

| | |1.4.a. Use nonfiction materials to locate |on the shelf. Students must use OPAC to verify that book is |

| | |information. |checked out if they can’t find it. Students help find books for |

| | | |teacher units and holiday displays using call number slips. |

| | | | |

| | | |Simple encyclopedias are introduced to do some easy report |

| | | |writing and using nonfiction to find facts for a report or |

| | | |information is taught along with OPAC use. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, discussion, demonstration of |

| | | |student ability, classroom assignments |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Second Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Throughout the year |CS2—Students demonstrate an understanding of | | |

| |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | |Library orientation goes much quicker with second grade as they |

| |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | |remember so much from first grade. They still need to be |

| |materials and technology.  | |reminded of what good book care entails, and what library |

| | | |checkout procedures are. They learn that they can now check out |

| |CS2: Benchmark 1: |2.1.a. Follow checkout procedures for books; 2 |2 books at a time, and most are old enough to be more responsible|

| |Demonstrate individual responsibility for |books at a time, and fine must be paid for overdue |about overdue books. |

| |equitable access to information (e.g., share |book(s). | |

| |access to limited resources, return materials | |Second graders begin to understand the concept of a library as a |

| |diligently). | |limited pool of resources that we all share and are responsible |

| | | |for. |

| |CS2: Benchmark 3: | | |

| |Follow school guidelines for responsible use of | |Proper book care is reviewed and discussed, real examples of |

| |information resources (e.g., check out policies |2.3.a. Master proper care of library books and |damaged books, our “Book Hospital,” and how no one but a trained |

| |and library rules). |materials. |Book Doctor or librarian should try to fix a hurt book are all |

| | | |discussed. Students provide examples of safe ways to care for |

| | | |their library books, and things not to do as well. |

| | | | |

| | | |Proper use of shelf markers and keeping books in order on shelves|

| | |2.3.b. Master procedures for borrowing and |is emphasized, modeled and role played with students. They are |

| | |returning materials |now old enough to use any section of the library. It’s very |

| | | |important that they know how to keep all those books in order. |

| |CS2: Benchmark 4: | |Monitored and corrected during checkout as much as possible. |

| |Share knowledge and information with others. | | |

| | | |Video: “Charley Chapters in The Mystery of the Missing Book” 9 |

| | | |min. Good reinforcement of how frustrating it is when looking for|

| | | |a book and it’s not where its supposed to be. Shows why it’s |

| | | |necessary to put books back in proper places. |

| | | | |

| | | |Students participate in listening to stories or reading or |

| | | |telling stories to others during library. |

| | |2.4.a. Participate in reading/storytelling | |

| | |activities. |Informally or formally they tell peers about good books they’ve |

| | | |read and help others find books during checkout time. |

| | |2.4.b. Share literature with others. | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, discussion, class assignments |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Second Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Throughout the year |CS3—Students seek a variety of materials for | | |

| |independent learning and personal enjoyment, |3.1.a. Recognize that we learn about other cultures|Through teacher-guided questions and on their own, students learn|

| |including the appreciation of literature and other|in the books we read. |to recognize other cultures in some of the books we read. Care |

| |creative expressions. | |is taken to choose good examples of such and to discuss how |

| | | |well-written books can let us experience other cultures and |

| |CS3: Benchmark 1: | |compare them to our own life experience. |

| |Recognize that diverse cultures are represented in| | |

| |a variety of creative formats. | |Special effort is given to expose students to Native American |

|January-March | | |Indian culture through recommended books from our Indian |

| | |3.2.a. Examine the Caldecott Award and past |Education curriculum. |

| |CS3: Benchmark 2: |Treasure State Award winners; read or listen to the| |

| |Experience a variety of literature and other |current Treasure State nominees and vote for their |Starting in January, K-3 read and vote on the current year’s |

| |creative expressions and relate them to their own |choice. |Treasure State nominees. Past winners are displayed for students |

| |lives. | |to check out and read while we’re reading the current nominees. |

| | | |One nominee always reflects another culture. |

| | | | |

| | | |Second graders learn to view literature critically as they learn |

| | | |to evaluate each nominee read as we compare and contrast each |

| | | |with the others read. |

| |CS3: Benchmark 3: | | |

| |Use libraries as places to seek information for | |Draw conclusions about the types of literature they’ve |

| |personal interest. | |experienced while listening to each of the Treasure State |

| | | |nominees and decide on their favorite of the five nominees. They|

| | | |learn the results of the voting at Sidney Elementary School, and |

| | | |by mid-April they learn the results of all the K-3 voting in |

| | | |Montana. |

| | |3.3.a. Browse collection for personal use. |. |

| | | |Ability to select a “Just Right” Book after being taught using |

| | |3.3.b. Select materials appropriate to curricular |rubric, “Five-Finger Rule,” and guided practice. |

| | |and recreational needs. | |

| | | |Finds nonfiction books that supplement classroom learning by |

| | | |using OPAC or asking librarian for help. |

| | | | |

| | | |Student independent reading and selection of materials, use of |

| | | |library catalog/OPAC to find books, AR certification levels and |

| | | |Point Goals are library usage and reading level indicators. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Informal, Teacher observation, AR quizzes |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Second Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Throughout the year |CS4—Students distinguish among, evaluate and | | |

| |appropriately use current and emerging media and | |From beginning of year, model OPAC usage for students by doing |

| |technologies in the inquiry process.  | |searches, etc., for them using the big screen TV monitor hooked |

| | | |to one of the patron computers. Students are shown how books are|

| |CS4: Benchmark 1: | |looked up by author, title, subject, series by their requests. |

| |Identify and use various media and technologies to| | |

| |meet information needs. | |Information found is discussed—call numbers, if they are |

| | | |nonfiction, easy, fiction, paperback, etc, what section that |

| | |4.1.a. Locate and observe computer catalog being |stands for, what tells if a book is in or out, how to put a |

| | |used to locate materials (OPAC). |“Hold” on a book if it’s checked out, what the information in the|

| | | |MARC record for the book tells—if it’s AR or not, what reading |

| | | |level, how many points, how many pages, how old the book is |

| | |4.1.b. Locate WorldBook Online and use Kids version|(copyright date), etc. |

| | |to find information. | |

| |CS4: Benchmark 2: | |Show students how to access WorldBook Online on Library Webpage, |

| |Identify and use search strategies to locate | |go to the Kids version and navigate around it. Give them remote |

| |information in various media and technologies. | |password so they can also access this from home, and some type of|

| | | |incentive if they bring back their parent’s signature that they |

| | | |have been shown the site by their child. Give them time and |

| | | |reasons to use this site throughout the year. |

| | | | |

| | |4.2.a. Begin using OPAC to look up personal |To get students comfortable using OPAC, and also to save time |

| | |information about books checked out under My Info. |before spent looking this information up for students all the |

| | | |time, students are taught how to use the “My Info” button on OPAC|

| | | |to check what library books they have checked out, when they’re |

| | | |due, and if they have a fine, how much it is. It will also tell |

|2nd semester | | |them if they have a book on hold if it’s ready or not. Students |

| | | |love using this feature and it really saves the librarian a lot |

| | | |of time. It can be accessed on OPAC from anywhere and would save|

| | |4.2.b. Begin using Author, Title, Subject, Series |many unnecessary trips to the library if teachers were more |

| | |to look up books on OPAC. |familiar with how it works. |

| | | | |

| | | |Fun pencil games and working in pairs introduce students how to |

| | | |look up authors, titles and subjects using the OPAC. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Observation, Informal, Pencil games, simple Library |

| | | |Skills Search on OPAC at the end of the year |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Third Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | |Review using computer catalog/OPAC to look up books by author, |

|Throughout the year |including how to access, evaluate and use | |title, subject, and series. |

| |information.  | |Review how to write down call numbers for wanted books on paper |

| | | |by computer, how to leave computer ready for next patron and how |

| |CS1: Benchmark 2: | |to find the section where their book should be. |

| |State the question or need for information. | | |

| | |1.2.a. Able to seek needed information with minimal|Review how to look up “My Info” on OPAC and how to log out |

| |CS1: Benchmark 3: |help from librarian. |properly. |

| |Identify and locate probable sources of | | |

| |information. | |Use Big Cards at beginning of class where students read the card |

| | | |for a book with title, author and call number and tell which |

| | |1.3.a. Locate easy, fiction, nonfiction, biography |section of the library the book is from by recognizing it’s |

| | |sections, as well as dictionary, periodicals, and |location from the call number. All of these cards are for real |

| | |encyclopedia. |books in the library, and students enjoy this activity. We do |

| | | |this several weeks until everyone is good at recognizing library |

| | | |sections by call number. We also do it when they line up by the |

| | | |call numbers on the books they have checked out. |

| | | | |

| | |1.3.b. Identify shelf arrangement of fiction and |Book Spines-Alpha and Book Spines-Dewey are two skill activities |

| | |nonfiction books. |where students sort book spines with titles, authors and either |

| | | |Fiction and Biography call number sets, or easy nonfiction call |

| | | |numbers (no decimal points). |

| | | |They also help find books for teacher units and holidays by call |

| | | |number slips—all good practice. |

| |CS1: Benchmark 4: |1.3.c. Identify parts of a book (publisher, | |

| |Judge information for accuracy, relevancy, and |copyright date, glossary, and appendix). |Parts of a book are covered when reading books, and in third |

| |type (e.g., fact or fiction). | |grade special attention is given to covering the publisher, |

| | | |copyright date, glossary and appendix. The age of some |

| | | |nonfiction can make a difference to how accurate or relevant the |

| | |1.3.d. Use encyclopedias and dictionary. |information is. |

| | | | |

| | | |Print encyclopedias are briefly covered as more use is given to |

| | |1.4.a. Distinguish between fact and fiction. |WorldBook Online database which is updated daily and is much more|

| | | |accessible to students. Dictionary use is only briefly covered, |

| | | |as it seems to be covered quite well in the classroom. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, skill sheets, participation, |

| | | |class assignments |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Third Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS2—Students demonstrate an understanding of | | |

|Throughout the year |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | |Third graders are taught how to look for books without using |

| |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | |shelf markers. Instead of using a shelf marker, if they feel |

| |materials and technology.  | |they are ready, they can turn the book next to the one they take |

| | | |off the shelf down on its side to mark their place. Then, if |

| |CS2: Benchmark 1: | |they don’t want that book they know right where it goes on the |

| |Demonstrate individual responsibility for | |shelf. If they do want it, they turn that book back up straight |

| |equitable access to information (e.g., share | |before they go check their book out. Keeping the books in order |

| |access to limited resources, return materials |2.1.a. Follow checkout procedures for books; 2 |on the shelves is still stressed, and proper book care is also |

| |diligently). |books at a time, and fine must be paid for overdue |reviewed at the beginning of the year. |

| | |book(s). | |

| |CS2: Benchmark 2: | |Students are learning how to check due dates, and renew books if |

| |State the conclusion of his/her research finding |2.1.b Become aware of what “copyright” means. |they want them longer. They pay fines if books are overdue. |

| |in his/her own words and cite his/her sources. | |There is a 2 day grace period which encourages students to get |

| | | |books back right away. |

| |CS2: Benchmark 3: | | |

| |Follow school guidelines for responsible use of |2.2.a. Student puts written work in his/her own |Discuss with students what copyright means when we talk about the|

| |information resources (e.g., check out policies |words and cites research sources. |copyright date in a book—that it protects the author’s ownership |

| |and library rules). | |of his creative work, his book. If we copied his book instead of|

| | | |buying our own copy, the author would lose money. Give other |

| |CS2: Benchmark 4: | |examples like copying video tapes of movies or CD’s of music. |

| |Share knowledge and information with others. |2.3.a. Students observe Library rules and |Copying written work like words in a magazine or an encyclopedia |

| | |Circulation policies. |is called plagiarism. When doing research people need to put the |

| | | |ideas in their own words and cite their sources (give credit to |

| | | |the person and/or place where they found the information). We |

| | | |have special formats to follow when citing sources—show students |

| | | |examples from their classroom teacher or the library, depending |

| | | |when this talk is given. |

| | |2.4..a. Participate in reading/storytelling | |

| | |activities. |Students participate in listening to stories or reading or |

| | | |telling stories to others during library. |

| | |2.4.b. Share literature with others. | |

| | | |Informally or formally they tell peers about books they’ve read, |

| | |2.4.c. Help others find materials. |and help others find books during checkout time. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, mini research reports, |

| | | |Classroom research assignments |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Third Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS3—Students seek a variety of materials for | |Immersion of students in a variety of formats, all exposing them |

|Throughout the year |independent learning and personal enjoyment, |3.1.a. Recognize that we learn about other cultures|to other cultures. Indian Education is an example of a culture |

| |including the appreciation of literature and other|through a variety of formats including: tv, books, |that our school focuses on exposing students to across the |

| |creative expressions. |newspapers, magazines, videos, Internet and music. |curriculum. |

| | | | |

|Sept. or Oct. |CS3: Benchmark 1: |3.2.a. Demonstrate awareness of a variety of |Biography, autobiography and collective biography examined, along|

| |Recognize that diverse cultures are represented in|literature (fiction, fairy tales, folk tales, |with samples of each from our collection |

| |a variety of creative formats. |poetry, biography and nonfiction). |Video “The Sharp Wits in Biographies, Autobiographies & |

| | | |Collective Biographies” shown. Orally quiz students when class |

| | | |next meets, with books, as to type of biography and call number. |

| |CS3: Benchmark 2: | | |

| |Experience a variety of literature and other | |Show video “The Sharp Wits in Myths, Legends, Fables & Fairy |

|January-March |creative expressions and relate them to their own | |Tales” right away in January, (as 3rd grade starts a unit on Folk|

| |lives. |3.2.b. Examine the Caldecott Award and past |and Fairy tales). Show where folk and fairy tales are located in|

| | |Treasure State Award winners; read or listen to the|the library—398.2 section primarily. |

| | |current Treasure State nominees and vote for their | |

| | |choice |Starting in January, K-3 read and vote on the current year’s |

| | | |Treasure State nominees. Past winners are displayed for students |

| | | |to check out and read while reading the current nominees. One |

| | | |nominee always reflects another culture. |

| |CS3: Benchmark 3: | | |

| |Use libraries as places to seek information for | |Third graders view literature critically and evaluate each |

| |personal interest.  | |nominee read as we compare and contrast each with the others |

| | | |read. Make campaign poster for their favorite nominee during |

| | |3.3.a. Browse collection for personal use. |week before voting. |

| | | | |

| | |3.3.b. Select and use a variety of materials for |Draw conclusions about the types of literature they’ve |

| | |informational and recreational needs. |experienced while reading each of the Treasure State nominees and|

| | | |decide on their favorite of the five nominees. Get voting |

| | | |results by mid-April. Caldecott Medal is given to best picture |

| | | |book of the year. Award is discussed and past winners examined |

| | | |and compared. |

| | | | |

| | | |Student independent reading and selection of materials, use of |

| | | |library catalog/OPAC to find books, AR certification levels and |

| | | |Point Goals are library usage and reading level indicators. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Informal, Observation, AR quizzes |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Third Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS4—Students distinguish among, evaluate and | | |

|Throughout the year |appropriately use current and emerging media and | |Beginning of the year review looking up “My Info” information on |

| |technologies in the inquiry process. | |OPAC so students can check what books they have out, when they’re|

| | | |due, if they have a fine and how much it is without disturbing |

| |CS4: Benchmark 1: | |the librarian to get that information. |

| |Identify and use various media and technologies to| | |

| |meet information needs. | |Teach students how to look up books on the computer catalog/OPAC |

| | | |by author, title, subject and series. May also give some |

| | |4.1.a. Identify computer catalog arrangement |examples of keyword searches a little later in the year. |

| | |(OPAC). | |

| | | |Show students how to access Library webpage and Online databases,|

| | |4.1.b. Locate WorldBook Online and use it to find |specifically WorldBook Online. Give them some fun things to look|

| | |information. |up and perhaps an easy scavenger hunt. Teach them remote user |

| | | |name and password and give them some incentive to show their |

| | |4.1.c. Use Internet Favorites to look at Time for |parents something on WorldBook Online at home, get their |

| | |Kids, ZooBooks, or other websites Bookmarked of |signature and bring it back. |

| |CS4: Benchmark 2: |interest to them. | |

| |Identify and use search strategies to locate | |During the year there will be other sites bookmarked for students|

| |information in various media and technologies. | |to access like Time for Kids, ZooBooks, and other sites that tie |

| | | |into the curriculum in some way. There are always several Author|

| | | |sites that are of interest to look at. |

| | | | |

| | | |Pencil Games such a “Tasty Treats” where students pair up and use|

| | |4.2.a. Use OPAC to locate materials by subject, |OPAC to look up authors or titles to fill in words that are foods|

| | |author, title, and series. |in titles help students practice using OPAC. Also teaches filing|

| | | |rules, what author’s names have to be spelled out (Smith, Doris) |

| | |4.2.b. Begin to apply filing rules (a, an, the). |and which can get by with only typing the first three letters, |

| | | |etc. |

| | | | |

| | | |In the spring they each do a short Library Skills Search on OPAC |

| | | |with four questions that show if they know how to look up books |

| | | |and the sections of the library each call number represents. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Observation, skills sheets, participation, |

| | | |feedback |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Fourth Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | |Review using computer catalog/OPAC to look up books by author, |

|Throughout the year |including how to access, evaluate and use | |title, subject, series, and keyword. |

| |information. | |Review how to write down call numbers for wanted books on paper |

| | | |by computer, how to leave computer ready for next patron and how |

| |CS1: Benchmark 2: | |to find the section where their book should be. |

| |State the question or need for information. | | |

| | |1.2.a. Able to identify his or her information |Review how to look up “My Info” on OPAC and how to log out |

| | |needs. |properly. |

| | | | |

| | |1.3.a. Locates specific books from the various |Top of the Page—Alpha skill (student finds 2 Fiction and a |

| |CS1: Benchmark 3: |sections with greater accuracy. |Biography on library shelves, each student has different books to|

| |Identify and locate probable sources of | |find. Books are left in place for next class to find.) Fun |

| |information. | |skill, assessment and feedback is immediate. |

| | | | |

| | |1.3.b. Identify information on title and copyright |Use books read to identify publisher, place of publication and |

| | |pages. |copyright date. When covering OPAC show where this information |

| | | |is found in MARC record, too. Point out that copyright date |

| | | |shows age of book, and when choosing research materials newer is |

| | |1.3.c. Identify publisher, place of publication, |usually better. This would also be a good time to discuss |

| | |and copyright date. |Copyright laws and how not to plagiarize when note taking and |

| | | |doing reports like fourth graders will be doing this year. |

| | | | |

| | | |Video: “The Library Game: Fact and Fantasy” 14 min. |

| |CS1: Benchmark 4: |1.3.d. Identify that Dewey Decimal System is the |Good review of what they should already know, and intro to more |

| |Judge information for accuracy, relevancy, and |system used to arrange nonfiction. |in-depth study of the Dewey Decimal System. |

| |type (e.g., fact or fiction).  | | |

| | | |Nonfiction Book Spines—Have enough sets that they can each |

| | | |arrange a group of 10 NF book spines in order (with a few |

| | | |decimals). They do one set, raise their hand and have it |

| | |1.4.a. Distinguish between fact and opinion. |checked, get another set, do it, and if both are correct they can|

| | | |help check others. Easy to see who gets it and who doesn’t. |

| | | | |

| | | |Read “Time for Kids” and do comprehension questions on articles |

| | | |read—great for teaching students to distinguish between fact and |

| | | |opinion, finding main idea, skimming for information, reading |

| | | |charts and graphs, and more. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Fourth Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS2—Students demonstrate an understanding of | | |

|Throughout the year |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | | |

| |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | |Students realize the library has a limited pool of resources and |

| |materials and technology.  | |that they must return their books promptly so others may use them|

| | | |also. |

| |CS2: Benchmark 1: | | |

| |Demonstrate individual responsibility for | |Students know how to check due dates, and renew books if they |

| |equitable access to information (e.g., share | |want them longer. They pay fines if books are overdue. There is|

| |access to limited resources, return materials | |a 2 day grace period which encourages students to get books back |

| |diligently). |2.1.a. Follow checkout procedures for books; 2 |right away, and often they won’t have to pay a fine then. |

| | |books at a time, and fine must be paid for overdue | |

| |CS2: Benchmark 2: |book(s). |Discuss with students what copyright means when we talk about the|

| |State the conclusion of his/her research finding | |copyright date in a book—that it protects the author’s ownership |

| |in his/her own words and cite his/her sources. |2.1.b. Become aware of Copyright Laws. |of his creative work, his book. If we copied his book instead of|

| | | |buying our own copy, the author would lose money. Give other |

| |CS2: Benchmark 3: | |examples like copying video tapes of movies or CD’s of music. |

|April—State Project |Follow school guidelines for responsible use of |2.2.a. Student puts written work in his/her own |Copying written work like words in a magazine or an encyclopedia |

| |information resources (e.g., check out policies |words and cites research sources. |is called plagiarism. When doing research people need to put the |

| |and library rules). | |ideas in their own words and cite their sources (give credit to |

| | | |the person and/or place where they found the information). |

| |CS2: Benchmark 4: | |Classroom teachers will give instructions for citing sources in |

| |Share knowledge and information with others. |2.3.a. Students observe Library rules and |the format they prefer. |

| | |Circulation policies. | |

| | | |Students doing classroom assignments and State projects will put |

| | |2.3.b. Use materials without violating copyright |the information gathered into their own words without |

| | |laws (Observe Acceptable Use policies). |plagiarizing and will cite all sources used. |

| | | | |

| | |2.4.a. Participate in reading/storytelling |Students participate in listening to stories or reading or |

| | |activities. |telling stories to others during library. |

| | | | |

| | |2.4.b. Share literature with others. |Informally or formally they tell peers about books they’ve read, |

| | | |and help others find books during checkout time. |

| | |2.4.c. Work together on research topics. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, questioning, student behavior |

| | | |and performance, classroom assignments, State Project |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Fourth Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS3—Students seek a variety of materials for | | |

|Throughout the year |independent learning and personal enjoyment, |3.1.a. Recognize that we learn about other cultures|Immersion of students in a variety of formats, all exposing them |

| |including the appreciation of literature and other|through a variety of formats including: tv, books, |to other cultures from the library books, magazines and |

| |creative expressions.  |newspapers, magazines videos, Internet and music. |newspapers in the library to the videos and music they watch and |

| | | |hear in their classrooms and the television programs that they |

| |CS3: Benchmark 1: | |watch at home. Indian Education is an example of a culture that |

| |Recognize that diverse cultures are represented in|3.2.a. Demonstrate awareness of a variety of |our school focuses on exposing students to across the curriculum.|

| |a variety of creative formats. |literature (fantasy, mystery, historical, | |

| | |realistic, and science fiction). |Video: “The Sharp Wits in The Fiction Puzzle” |

| | | |(Fiction Genres: Realistic, Historical, Science) |

| |CS3: Benchmark 2: | |Good introduction to a variety of literature studied in fourth |

| |Experience a variety of literature and other | |grade. Genre bulletin board, book lists and definitions to |

|Vote in March |creative expressions and relate them to their own |3.2.b. Examine the Newbery Medal and past Young |supplement this unit. Students will practice naming what genre |

| |lives. |Readers’ Choice Award winners; read at least two of|the books they check out are from. |

| | |the current nominees and vote for their choice. | |

| | | |Young Reader’s Choice Award books are book talked in the fall so |

| | | |students in grades 4 and 5 can begin reading them. There are 8 |

| | | |nominees in the Junior Division (grades 4-6) and 8 nominees in |

| | | |the Intermediate Division (grades 7-9). The library usually has |

| | | |all of the books for both divisions, though at times one in the |

| | | |Intermediate is too mature. Students must read at least 3 of the|

| |CS3: Benchmark 3: | |books in a division to vote. Teachers may read books aloud also.|

| |Use libraries as places to seek information for | |All books are AR and any student who reads and gets 80% or higher|

| |personal interest. |3.3.a. Browse collection for personal use. |on a nominee gets a prize from the Treasure Chest. Nominees |

| | | |represent a variety of genres so it’s a good way for students to |

| | |3.3.b. Select and use a variety of materials for |experience a genre they might not otherwise try. Voting takes |

| | |informational and recreational needs. |place the end of March. The Newbery Medal is given to each year’s|

| | | |best contribution to children’s literature and usually announced |

| | | |in early February. Students do comparison of Newbery to YRCA |

| | | |(YRCA more popular historically). |

| | | | |

| | | |Student independent reading and selection of materials, use of |

| | | |library catalog/OPAC to find books, AR certification levels and |

| | | |Point Goals are library usage and reading level indicators. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Informal, Observation, AR quizzes |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Fourth Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS4—Students distinguish among, evaluate and | | |

|Throughout the year |appropriately use current and emerging media and | |Beginning of the year review looking up “My Info” information on |

| |technologies in the inquiry process. | |OPAC so students can check what books they have out, when they’re|

| | | |due, if they have a fine and how much it is. |

| |CS4: Benchmark 1: | | |

| |Identify and use various media and technologies to| |Review with students how to look up books on the computer |

| |meet information needs. | |catalog/OPAC by author, title, subject and series. Give examples |

| | | |of keyword searches on a separate day and a short lesson using |

| | | |them. Show students how to use the wild card feature * |

| | |4.1.a. Identify information on computer catalog |Use the wild card * option to find all forms of a particular |

| | |records and is able to use OPAC to find library |keyword. |

| | |materials. |Kangaroos, kangaroo, kangaroo*, kang* |

|April—State Projects | | |Note: The greatest success will probably occur using a singular |

| | | |word with the wild card option. |

| | | | |

| | |4.1.b. Learn how to use InfoTrac and WorldBook |Teach students how to access InfoTrac and WorldBook Online |

| | |Online in library to do 4th grade State reports in |through Library website and show where to find information about |

| | |the spring. |states on each database. InfoTrac is more complicated as it |

| | | |contains several modules and they need to access a specific one |

| | | |called Kids InfoBits, designed specifically for beginning |

| |CS4: Benchmark 2: | |researchers through 5th grade. It is easy to use and has great |

| |Identify and use search strategies to locate | |pictures of state flowers, flags, maps, graphs etc.—much better |

| |information in various media and technologies. | |than those in WorldBook Online, for students to use in their |

| | | |state reports. After opening InfoTrac, click on “Additional |

| | | |Databases” at top right of screen. Then scroll down to “Kids |

| | | |Infobits” and click to open. InfoTrac is primarily a magazine and|

| | | |newspaper database. Worldbook Online has better encyclopedia |

| | | |articles. Students are given passwords for remote access so they |

| | | |can use these databases from home as well. |

| | |4.2.a. Use keyword searches to find material on | |

| | |OPAC and on Internet, InfoTrac, and WorldBook |Keyword search strategies, Venn diagram Boolean logic taught. |

| | |Online searches. | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, questioning, trivia searches on|

| | | |databases, State projects, pencil games and OPAC Library Skills |

| | | |Search for formal assessment. |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Fifth Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | |Review how to look up “My Info” on OPAC and how to log out |

|Throughout the year |including how to access, evaluate and use | |properly. |

| |information.  | | |

| | | |Review using computer catalog/OPAC to look up books by author, |

| |CS1: Benchmark 2: | |title, subject, series, and keyword. |

| |State the question or need for information. | | |

| | |1.2.a. Able to identify his or her information |Discuss location and use of reference material in the library, |

| |CS1: Benchmark 3: |needs. |both print and non-print (Online Databases accessed via the |

| |Identify and locate probable sources of | |Library webpage). |

| |information. | | |

| | | |Video: The Sharp Wits in “The Dewey Decimal Dilemma” 18 min. or |

| | |1.3.a. Locate reference tools. |“The Lure of the Library” 13.5 min. |

| | | |Covering the 10 classes of the Dewey Decimal System. |

| | |1.3.b. Identify that Dewey Decimal System is | |

| | |arranged into 10 main classes by subject. |“The 10 Dewey categories” follow-up activity for next class. Use |

| | | |OPAC to help and keywords. |

| | |1.3.c. Locate nonfiction with call numbers | |

| | |containing decimals with greater accuracy. |Top of the Page—Nonfiction, Dewey Easy or Book Spines Dewey after|

| | | |lesson with Decimals (2nd sem.) |

| | |1.3.d. Use thesaurus, almanac, atlas, and | |

| | |unabridged dictionary. |Skills using thesaurus, almanac, atlas and unabridged dictionary.|

| | | | |

| | |1.3.e. Skim to give overview of materials. |Read “Time for Kids” and do comprehension questions on articles |

| | | |read—great for teaching students to distinguish between fact and |

| |CS1: Benchmark 4: |1.3.f. Use diagrams and tables as sources of |opinion, finding main idea, skimming for information, reading |

| |Judge information for accuracy, relevancy, and |information. |charts and graphs, and more. |

| |type (e.g., fact or fiction). | | |

| | | |Assessment: Observation, discussion, skill sheets, quizzes |

| | |1.4.a. Distinguish between fact and opinion. | |

| | | |Assessments Content Standard #1, Grade 5: |

| | | | |

| | | |Students will recognize and follow steps of inquiry process with |

| | | |some assistance. |

| | | |Students will demonstrate knowledge of how to ask for assistance.|

| | | |Students will use a variety of search strategies to locate, |

| | | |select, and evaluate print and non-print materials. |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Fifth Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS2—Students demonstrate an understanding of | | |

|Throughout the year |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | |Students realize the library has a limited pool of resources and |

| |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | |that they must return their books promptly so others may use them|

| |materials and technology. | |also. |

| | | | |

| |CS2: Benchmark 1: | |Students know how to check due dates, and renew books if they |

| |Demonstrate individual responsibility for | |want them longer. They pay fines if books are overdue. There is|

| |equitable access to information (e.g., share | |a 2 day grace period which encourages students to get books back |

| |access to limited resources, return materials |2.1.a. Follow checkout procedures for books; 2 |right away. |

| |diligently). |books at a time, and fine must be paid for overdue | |

| | |book(s). |Discuss what copyright means—that it protects the author’s |

| |CS2: Benchmark 2: | |ownership of his creative work. Give examples like copying video |

| |State the conclusion of his/her research finding |2.1.b. Aware of meaning of Copyright laws. |tapes of movies or CD’s of music. Copying written work is called|

| |in his/her own words and cite his/her sources. | |plagiarism. When doing research people need to put the ideas in |

| | | |their own words and cite their sources (give credit to the person|

| |CS2: Benchmark 3: | |and/or place where they found the information). Classroom |

| |Follow school guidelines for responsible use of |2.2.a. Student puts written work in his/her own |teachers will give instructions for citing sources in the format |

| |information resources (e.g., check out policies |words and cites research sources. |they prefer. |

| |and library rules). | | |

| | | |Students doing classroom reports will put the information |

| |CS2: Benchmark 4: | |gathered into their own words without plagiarizing and will cite |

| |Share knowledge and information with others. |2.3.a. Students observe Library rules and |all sources used. |

| | |Circulation policies. | |

| | | |Students participate in listening to stories or reading or |

| | |2.3.b. Use materials without violating copyright |telling stories to others during library. |

| | |laws (Observe Acceptable Use policies). | |

| | | |Informally or formally they tell peers about books they’ve read, |

| | |2.4.a. Participate in reading/storytelling |and help others find books during checkout time. |

| | |activities. | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, questioning, student behavior |

| | |2.4.b. Share literature with others. |and performance, classroom assignments |

| | | | |

| | |2.4.c. Work together on research topics. |Assessments Content Standard #2, Grade 5: |

| | | | |

| | | |Students will share resources and return materials when due. |

| | | |Students will work together on assigned tasks. |

| | | |Students will produce research without plagiarizing and cite |

| | | |sources. |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Fifth Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS3—Students seek a variety of materials for | |Immersion of students in a variety of formats, all exposing them |

|Throughout the year |independent learning and personal enjoyment, | |to other cultures. Indian Education is an example of a culture |

| |including the appreciation of literature and other| |that our school focuses on exposing students to across the |

| |creative expressions. | |curriculum. |

| | | | |

| |CS3: Benchmark 1: | |Genre bulletin board, book lists and definitions supplement this |

| |Recognize that diverse cultures are represented in| |unit. Students name genre the books they check out are from and |

| |a variety of creative formats. | |are encouraged to try other genres. |

| | | | |

| | |3.1.a. Recognize that we learn about other cultures|Young Reader’s Choice Award books are book talked in the fall so |

| |CS3: Benchmark 2: |through a variety of formats including: tv, books, |students in grades 4 and 5 can start reading them. There are 8 |

| |Experience a variety of literature and other |newspapers, magazines videos, Internet and music. |nominees in the Junior Division (grades 4-6) and 8 nominees in |

| |creative expressions and relate them to their own | |the Intermediate Division (grades 7-9). The library usually has |

| |lives. | |all of the books for both divisions, though at times one in the |

| | |3.2.a. Demonstrate awareness of the different types|Intermediate is too mature. Students must read at least 3 of the |

| | |of genre they are reading and what each type is |books in a division to vote. Teachers may read books aloud also. |

|Vote in March | |called. |All books are AR and any student who reads and gets 80% or higher|

| | | |on a nominee gets a prize from the Treasure Chest. Nominees |

| | |3.2.b. Examine the Newbery Medal and past Young |represent a variety of genres so it is a good way for students to|

| | |Readers’ Choice Award winners; read at least two of|experience a genre they might not otherwise try. Voting takes |

| |CS3: Benchmark 3: |the current nominees and vote for their choice. |place the end of March. The Newbery Medal is given to each year’s|

| |Use libraries as places to seek information for | |best contribution to children’s literature. The winner is usually|

| |personal interest. | |announced in early February. Students do comparison to YRCA |

| | | |(YRCA more popular historically). |

| | |3.3.a. Browse collection for personal use. | |

| | | |Student independent reading and selection of materials, use of |

| | |3.3.b. Select and use a variety of materials for |library catalog/OPAC to find books, AR certification levels and |

| | |informational and recreational needs. |Point Goals are library usage and reading level indicators. |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Informal, Observation, AR quizzes |

| | | |Assessments Content Standard #3, Grade 5: |

| | | | |

| | | |Students will choose materials from a variety of viewpoints. |

| | | |Students will read a variety of literature and relate it to life |

| | | |experiences. |

| | | |Students will use the library for personal interests and needs. |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library/Fifth Grade |Author: Dawn Greenwood |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS4—Students distinguish among, evaluate and | | |

|Throughout the year |appropriately use current and emerging media and | |Review looking up “My Info” information on OPAC so students can |

| |technologies in the inquiry process. | |check what books they have out, when they’re due, if they have a |

| | | |fine and how much it is. |

| |CS4: Benchmark 1: | | |

| |Identify and use various media and technologies to| |Review how to look up books on the computer catalog/OPAC by |

| |meet information needs. | |author, title, subject and series. Give examples of keyword |

| | | |searches and review how to use the wild card feature * |

| | |4.1.a. Identify information on computer catalog |Use the wild card * option to find all forms of a particular |

| | |records and is able to use OPAC to find library |keyword. |

| | |materials. |Kangaroos, kangaroo, kangaroo*, kang* |

| | | |Note: The greatest success will probably occur using a singular |

| | | |word with the wild card option. |

| |CS4: Benchmark 2: |4.1.b. Use InfoTrac and WorldBook Online databases.| |

| |Identify and use search strategies to locate | |Review access to Online Databases library subscribes to through |

| |information in various media and technologies. |4.1.c. Use Internet search engines to search for |library website and through remote access. |

| | |information. | |

| | | |Use Internet search engines, evaluate web sites as sources |

| | | |Good skill resource: (pp.28-31, Grade 5 Complete Library Skills) |

| | |4.2.a. Use key word searches to find material on | |

| | |OPAC and on Internet, InfoTrac, and WorldBook |Keyword search strategies, Venn diagram, Boolean logic |

| | |Online searches. | |

| | | |Video: “The Sharp Wits in The Research Paper Investigation” 12 |

| | |4.2.b. Introduce using Boolean logic while doing |min. (Number order of steps involved before watching, check if |

| | |searches. |correct after) |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessment: Teacher observation, questioning, skill sheets, |

| | | |trivia searches on databases , pencil games, Formal Library Grade|

| | | |5 Assessment test |

| | | | |

| | | |Assessments Content Standard #4, Grade 5: |

| | | | |

| | | |Students will employ a variety of search strategies to locate, |

| | | |select and use both print and nonprint materials. |

| | | |Students will use online resources to access information. |

| | | |Students will evaluate print and nonprint materials. |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: : Library Media/6-8 |Author: Cindy Wagner |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| |CS1-Students understand an inquiry process | | |

| |including how to access, evaluate and use | | |

| |information.  | | |

|Time frame is dependent on | | | |

|the specific needs of the | | | |

|classroom teacher’s | | | |

|request. |CS1: Benchmark 4: | | |

| |(Recognize point of view or bias, use primary and | | |

|A request form for library |secondary sources, and analyze and evaluate | | |

|help and use is found at |information for specific needs) | |Recognizes author, title, publisher |

|the end of this guide. | |1.4.a.Identifies criteria to examine |Determines authenticity and relevance of print and non-print |

|This form will allow for | |information for accuracy and relevancy to specific |information |

|tracking of the library |CS1: Benchmark 5: |need of project/product | |

|skills taught. |(Interpret and use information in original | | |

| |products or presentations) | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |1.5.a.Uses information and/or materials to create |Reads, view, listens to information critically and competently |

| | |product as to specifications of teacher/curriculum |Selects appropriate resources from list of “hits” obtained in |

| |CS1: Benchmark 6: | |electronic catalog search |

| |(Apply criteria to determine how well the research| |Uses paraphrasing, note-taking, and other strategies to record |

| |process, products and conclusions meet the | |results of information searching |

| |original need for information) | | |

| | | | |

| | |1.6.a.Evaluates product as to product | |

| | |specifications of individual teacher |Reads/reviews teacher rubric and compares/evaluates information |

| | | |obtained as to the need for the product to be created |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library Media 6-8 |Author: Cindy Wagner |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| | | | |

| |CS2-Students demonstrate an understanding of ethical, | | |

| |legal, and social responsibility in accessing, | | |

| |evaluating, and using information, materials and | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |technology.  | | |

|the specific needs of the | | | |

|classroom teacher’s request.| | | |

| |CS2: Benchmark 1: | | |

| |(Equitable Access to Information) | |Defines copyright |

|A request form for library | | |Lists different forms of copyrighted materials (Books, |

|help and use is found at the| |2.1.a. Student will know what copyright laws are |Art, etc.) |

|end of this guide. This | |2.1.b. Student will understand the importance of |Observes copyright guidelines |

|form will allow for tracking| |copyright laws | |

|of the library skills | | | |

|taught. |CS2: Benchmark 2: | | |

| |(Apply concepts of Intellectual Property Rights) | | |

| | | |Explains how copyright affects a person’s individual |

| | |2.2.a. Student will know what impact copyright laws |rights |

| | |have as they pertain to individual rights |Defines plagiarism and does not plagiarize |

| | |2.2.b. Student will define plagiarism |Selects appropriate format for communicating ideas |

| | |2.2.c. Student will know the impact of plagiarism as |Creates product using technology when appropriate |

| | |it pertains to sources used |Defines bibliography |

| | |2.2.d. Student will define what a citation is and the| |

| | |need for its use within a product | |

| | |2.2.e. Student will define what a bibliography is and| |

| | |how it is used in creating a product | |

| |CS2: Benchmark 3: | | |

| |(School Guidelines For Responsible Use of Information)| | |

| | |2.3.a. Student will observe the requirements for the |Checks on due dates |

| | |school circulation policies |Pays overdue fines |

| | |2.3.b. Student will observe the requirements for AUP |Pays for lost materials |

| | |(acceptable use policy) |Returns required AUP form for Internet usage |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library Media 6-8 |Author: Cindy Wagner |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| | | | |

| |CS2-Students demonstrate an understanding of | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | | |

|the specific needs of the |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | | |

|classroom teacher’s |materials and technology.  | | |

|request. | | | |

| | | | |

|A request form for library |CS2: Benchmark 3 continued: | | |

|help and use is found at | | | |

|the end of this guide. | |2.3.c. Student will observe Internet guidelines and|Recognizes the need for citing sources |

|This form will allow for | |protocols | |

|tracking of the library |CS2: Benchmark 4: | | |

|skills taught. |(Acknowledge Contributions of Others) | | |

| | | | |

| | |2.4.a. Student will use citations for information |Cites sources in a properly formatted bibliography |

| | |used in the creation of a product | |

| | |2.4.b. Student will use a bibliography for the | |

| | |product created | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library Media 6-8 |Author: Cindy Wagner |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| | | | |

| |CS3-Students seek a variety of materials for | | |

| |independent learning and personal enjoyment, | | |

| |including the appreciation of literature and other| | |

|Time frame is dependent on |creative expressions.  | | |

|the specific needs of the | | | |

|classroom teacher’s | | | |

|request. |CS 3: Benchmark 1: | | |

| |(Uses Materials From Diverse Cultures) | | |

|A request form for library | | |Applies guidelines for choosing the right book during literature |

|help and use is found at | | |selection |

|the end of this guide. | |3.1.a. Student will identify potential sources of | |

|This form will allow for |CS 3: Benchmark 2: |information | |

|tracking of the library |(Interprets Variety of Literature Genres and | | |

|skills taught. |Formats) | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Reads or listens to types of fiction in novel format (realistic |

| | |3.2.a. Student will identify the different genres |fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, science fiction) |

| | |and various formats of literature |Reads or listens to traditional world literature/folklore (fairy |

| | | |tales, fables, tall tales, legends, myths) |

| | | |Reads or listens to nonfiction (biography, information books, |

| | | |poetry) |

| |CS 3: Benchmark 3: | | |

| |(Uses Libraries For Personal Use) | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Reads for pleasure, to learn and to solve information needs |

| | | |Seeks answers to questions |

| | |3.3.a. Student will select literature based on |Explores topics of interest |

| | |interest, need, and appropriateness (reads for |Uses libraries, library resources, the Internet, and other |

| | |pleasure, to learn and solve information needs, and|information sources |

| | |seeks answers to questions) | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: Library Media 6-8 |Author: Cindy Wagner |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

| | | | |

| |CS4-Students distinguish among, evaluate and | | |

| |appropriately use current and emerging media and | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |technologies in the inquiry process.  | | |

|the specific needs of the | | | |

|classroom teacher’s | | | |

|request. |CS 4: Benchmark 1: | | |

| |(Select and apply appropriate media and | | |

|A request form for library |technologies to meet information needs) | | |

|help and use is found at | | | |

|the end of this guide. | | |Uses electronic card catalog, electronic databases, Web |

|This form will allow for |CS 4: Benchmark 2: | |searches, and other to search for information |

|tracking of the library |(Select and refine appropriate search strategies |4.1.a.Uses libraries, library resources, | |

|skills taught. |to locate information various media and |the Internet, databases, and other information sources | |

| |technologies) | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Generates and uses keywords to use as access points in a |

| |CS 4: Benchmark 3: |4.2.a. Uses search strategy best fitting individual |search |

| |(Apply criteria to evaluate the point of view and |needs (Keyword, Dewey Decimal, Boolean) | |

| |embedded values in information from a variety of | | |

| |media and technologies) | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Reads, views, listens to information critically and |

| | |4.3.a.Examines and evaluates information |competently |

| | |4.3.b.Extracts relevant and essential information from |Applies evaluative criteria to determine usefulness of the |

| | |sources |information (relevancy, suitability, authority, objectivity,|

| | | |currency |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: 9-12 |Author: Lynn Donvan |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | |Implementation strategies will vary after collaboration with |

|classroom teacher requests |including how to access, evaluate and use | |classroom instructor. Strategies listed below are possible |

|and scheduling. Tracking |information.  | |strategies that can be utilized. |

|of this will be | | | |

|accomplished through the |CS 1: Benchmark 1: | | |

|use of a library scheduling|Analyze and adapt the inquiry process to satisfy | | |

|form which follows this |individual and group information needs (i.e., | | |

|guide. |identify the question or problem, locate and |1.1.a. Articulates an information need | |

|Curriculum units that are |evaluate potential resources, gather and |1.1.b. Task definition. Formulates a question and|Research planner worksheet/graphic organizer |

|utilized to teach library |synthesize information, create a new product, and |defines the problem (thesis statements, graphic |Source search: print; reference; online databases; internet; |

|media skills include but |evaluate the product and process). |organizer) |interviewing; primary documents |

|are not limited to: | |1.1.c. Identify the information needed and | |

|Anthology author research | |appropriate keywords |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|Accelerated Reader |CS 1: Benchmark 2: | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Mythology project |Refine and revise the information need to meet the| |instructor for each unit. |

|Poetry unit |specific format, purpose, and scope of the |1.2.a. Identify a variety of possible sources | |

|Library orientation |project. |1.2.b. Re-evaluate/articulate the information | |

|Research paper | |needed | |

|Fitness plan | |1.2.c. Narrow or expands topic as necessary |Online databases: SIRS Researcher; Infotrac; Opposing Viewpoints |

|Hamlet research | | |Resource Center; Discovering Collection; Contemporary Authors |

|Psychology literature | | |World Book Encyclopedia |

|searches | | |Britannica Online |

|Debates | | | |

|Bill of Rights | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|Career paper | | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|US History research | | |instructor for each unit. |

|Informative speeches | | | |

|Classroom novels | | | |

|Country/Famous person | | | |

|search | | | |

|Graphics for career papers | | | |

|Prep research for step up | | | |

|to writing activities | | | |

|Gods research | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: 9-12 |Author: Lynn Donvan |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | |Implementation strategies will vary after collaboration with |

|classroom teacher requests |including how to access, evaluate and use | |classroom instructor. Strategies listed below are possible |

|and scheduling. Tracking |information.  | |strategies that can be utilized. |

|of this will be | | | |

|accomplished through the | | | |

|use of a library scheduling|CS1: Benchmark 3: | |Organization of the Library |

|form which follows this |Develop a plan to obtain needed information using |1.3.a. Locate the best sources utilizing |Top of the Page worksheet |

|guide. |a variety of research and investigative strategies|successful strategies |Library Catalog/OPAC |

|Curriculum units that are |(e.g. interviews, questionnaires, experiments, |1.3.b. Find information in sources |Locating books on the shelves/Dewey Decimal |

|utilized to teach library |surveys). |1.3.c. Records bibliographic information from |Keyword searching, Boolean logic |

|media skills include but | |sources utilized in research identifying author, |Skimming |

|are not limited to: | |title, title page, publisher, copyright date |Works cited worksheet/Working bibliographies/Cross references |

|Anthology author research | |1.3.d. Search the library catalog | |

|Accelerated Reader | |1.3.e. Locate materials on library shelves by call|Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|Mythology project | |number |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Poetry unit | | |instructor for each unit. |

|Library orientation | | | |

|Research paper | |1.4.a. Apply evaluative criteria to examine | |

|Fitness plan | |information for: relevancy, suitability, authority,| |

|Hamlet research |CS 1: Benchmark 4: |objectivity/bias, currency | |

|Psychology literature |Assess information sources using multiple criteria|1.4.b. Identify information relevant and essential|Research planner worksheet/graphic organizer |

|searches |(e.g., coverage, misleading presentation, and |to the information need |Evaluating Resources |

|Debates |manipulated data). | |Web site evaluation form |

|Bill of Rights | | |Search strategies |

|Career paper | | |Primary documents |

|US History research | | |Authentication of web sites and author/organization |

|Informative speeches | | | |

|Classroom novels | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, Skill sheets, teacher |

|Country/Famous person | | |rubrics. |

|search | | |Assessment strategies are planned collaboratively with the |

|Graphics for career papers | | |classroom instructor for each unit. |

|Prep research for step up | | | |

|to writing activities | | | |

|Gods research | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: 9-12 |Author: Lynn Donvan |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | |Implementation strategies will vary after collaboration with |

|classroom teacher requests |including how to access, evaluate and use | |classroom instructor. Strategies listed below are possible |

|and scheduling. Tracking |information.  | |strategies that can be utilized. |

|of this will be | | | |

|accomplished through the | | | |

|use of a library scheduling|CS 1: Benchmark 5: | | |

|form which follows this |Synthesize information to create a new product |1.5.a. Engage in the use of information (read, | |

|guide. |that meets a specific purpose or vision. |hear, view) |Note taking methods |

|Curriculum units that are | |1.5.b. Extract relevant information using |Research papers |

|utilized to teach library | |headings, subheadings, table of contents, indexes |Debates |

|media skills include but | |skimming and scanning techniques |Power Point presentations |

|are not limited to: | |1.5.c. Utilize techniques to extract relevant |Anthologies |

|Anthology author research | |information in information sources (notetaking) |Mythology project |

|Accelerated Reader | |1.5.d. Organize information from multiple sources |Speeches |

|Mythology project | |1.5.e. Create a system for organizing the |Fitness Plan |

|Poetry unit | |information, such as developing an outline or |Career paper |

|Library orientation | |storyboard to present extracted information |Step up to writing |

|Research paper | |1.5.f. Utilize various technologies to manage | |

|Fitness plan | |information to develop a new product | |

|Hamlet research | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, teacher rubrics, skill |

|Psychology literature | | |sheets, final product. |

|searches | | |Assessment strategies are planned collaboratively with the |

|Debates | | |classroom instructor for each unit. |

|Bill of Rights | | | |

|Career paper | | | |

|US History research | | | |

|Informative speeches | | | |

|Classroom novels | | | |

|Country/Famous person | | | |

|search | | | |

|Graphics for career papers | | | |

|Prep research for step up | | | |

|to writing activities | | | |

|Gods research | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: 9-12 |Author: Lynn Donvan |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |CS1—Students understand an inquiry process | |Implementation strategies will vary after collaboration with |

|classroom teacher requests |including how to access, evaluate and use | |classroom instructor. Strategies listed below are possible |

|and scheduling. Tracking |information.  | |strategies that can be utilized. |

|of this will be | | | |

|accomplished through the | | | |

|use of a library scheduling|CS 1: Benchmark 6: | | |

|form which follows this |Critique the process and the product of the | | |

|guide. |inquiry. |1.6.a. Evaluate/judge the process | |

|Curriculum units that are | |1.6.b. Evaluate/judge the product/results |Teacher developed rubrics |

|utilized to teach library | | |Student edits from rough drafts |

|media skills include but | | | |

|are not limited to: | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, rubrics Assessment |

|Anthology author research | | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Accelerated Reader | | |instructor for each unit. |

|Mythology project | | | |

|Poetry unit | | | |

|Library orientation | | | |

|Research paper | | | |

|Fitness plan | | | |

|Hamlet research | | | |

|Psychology literature | | | |

|searches | | | |

|Debates | | | |

|Bill of Rights | | | |

|Career paper | | | |

|US History research | | | |

|Informative speeches | | | |

|Classroom novels | | | |

|Country/Famous person | | | |

|search | | | |

|Graphics for career papers | | | |

|Prep research for step up | | | |

|to writing activities | | | |

|Gods research | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: 9-12 |Author: Lynn Donvan |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |CS2—Students demonstrate an understanding of | |Implementation strategies will vary after collaboration with |

|classroom teacher requests |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | |classroom instructor. Strategies listed below are possible |

|and scheduling. Tracking |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | |strategies that can be utilized. |

|of this will be |materials and technology | | |

|accomplished through the | | | |

|use of a library scheduling|CS 2: Benchmark 1: | | |

|form which follows this |Evaluate the impact of equitable access to | | |

|guide. |information in a democratic society. | | |

|Curriculum units that are | |2.1.a. Become aware of the importance of Copyright| |

|utilized to teach library | |laws |Student avoids plagiarism and respects the rights of the |

|media skills include but | |2.1.b. Understand the purpose of copyright |creator/author |

|are not limited to: | |(protection of individual rights) | |

|Anthology author research |CS 2: Benchmark 2: | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, final product. Assessment |

|Accelerated Reader |Use information in an ethical manner by adhering | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Mythology project |to copyright laws, requesting permission to use |2.2.a. Practices ethical behavior in regard to |instructor for each unit. |

|Poetry unit |information, and properly citing sources. |information | |

|Library orientation | |2.2.b. Understands plagiarism and uses | |

|Research paper | |paraphrasing and other techniques to avoid | |

|Fitness plan | |plagiarism |Cites all sources in a properly formatted bibliography |

|Hamlet research | |2.2.c. Understands how to seek permission to use |Gives proper credit when quoting sources. |

|Psychology literature | |copyrighted material |Copyright compliance. |

|searches | |2.2.d. Cites sources in properly formatted |How to do a Work Cited handout |

|Debates | |bibliography | |

|Bill of Rights | |2.2.e. Recognizes censorship |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets, final product.|

|Career paper | | |Assessment strategies are planned collaboratively with the |

|US History research | | |classroom instructor for each unit. |

|Informative speeches | | | |

|Classroom novels | | | |

|Country/Famous person | | | |

|search | | | |

|Graphics for career papers | | | |

|Prep research for step up | | | |

|to writing activities | | | |

|Gods research | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: 9-12 |Author: Lynn Donvan |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |CS2—Students demonstrate an understanding of | |Implementation strategies will vary after collaboration with |

|classroom teacher requests |ethical, legal, and social responsibility in | |classroom instructor. Strategies listed below are possible |

|and scheduling. Tracking |accessing, evaluating, and using information, | |strategies that can be utilized. |

|of this will be |materials and technology | | |

|accomplished through the | | | |

|use of a library scheduling|CS 2: Benchmark 3: | | |

|form which follows this |Follow school guidelines for responsible use of | | |

|guide. |information resources (e.g., circulation policies,| | |

|Curriculum units that are |acceptable use policies). |2.3.a. Observes Acceptable Use policies | |

|utilized to teach library | |2.3.b. Observes Circulation policies |Acceptable Use Policy |

|media skills include but | | |Due dates/Fine lists |

|are not limited to: | | | |

|Anthology author research |CS 2: Benchmark 4: | |Assessment: Signed policy form, Observation Assessment |

|Accelerated Reader |Collaborate with others, both in person and | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Mythology project |through technologies, to identify information | |instructor for each unit. |

|Poetry unit |problems, seek solutions, and generate new |2.4.a. Works together with others to plan, | |

|Library orientation |information. |prepare, present and evaluate group projects. | |

|Research paper | | | |

|Fitness plan | | | |

|Hamlet research | | |Group projects as assigned by classroom teachers. |

|Psychology literature | | |E-mail |

|searches | | |Discussion groups (including online) |

|Debates | | | |

|Bill of Rights | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets, final product.|

|Career paper | | |Assessment strategies are planned collaboratively with the |

|US History research | | |classroom instructor for each unit. |

|Informative speeches | | | |

|Classroom novels | | | |

|Country/Famous person | | | |

|search | | | |

|Graphics for career papers | | | |

|Prep research for step up | | | |

|to writing activities | | | |

|Gods research | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: 9-12 |Author: Lynn Donvan |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |CS 3—Students seek a variety of materials for | |Implementation strategies will vary after collaboration with |

|classroom teacher requests |independent learning and personal enjoyment, | |classroom instructor. Strategies listed below are possible |

|and scheduling. Tracking |including the appreciation of literature and other| |strategies that can be utilized. |

|of this will be |creative expressions.  | | |

|accomplished through the | | | |

|use of a library scheduling|CS 3: Benchmark 1: | | |

|form which follows this |Compare and analyze literature and other creative | | |

|guide. |expressions from diverse cultures. |3.1.a. Applies guidelines for choosing reading | |

|Curriculum units that are | |materials |Student browsing and selection of reading materials. |

|utilized to teach library | |3.1.b. Develop a background in the types of |Various teacher required reading lists |

|media skills include but | |literature (e.g., Non-fiction, biography, | |

|are not limited to: | |historical fiction, realistic fiction, fantasy, |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|Anthology author research | |science fiction, traditional literature). |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Accelerated Reader | |3.1.c. Distinguishes fact from fiction |instructor for each unit. |

|Mythology project | | | |

|Poetry unit | | | |

|Library orientation |CS 3: Benchmark 2: |3.2.a. Reads for pleasure, to learn, and to solve | |

|Research paper |Select, analyze and evaluate literature and other |information needs | |

|Fitness plan |creative expressions from diverse origins and |3.2.b. Explores topics of interest | |

|Hamlet research |connect them to their own lives and to the human | |Student independent reading |

|Psychology literature |experience. | |Selecting AR materials – AR Bookguide lists |

|searches | | |Reader’s advisory |

|Debates |CS 3: Benchmark 3: |3.3.a. Applies search techniques to solve personal|AR goal setting |

|Bill of Rights |Apply his/her knowledge of his/her use of |information needs/interests. |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|Career paper |libraries to a variety of new information | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|US History research |environments. | |instructor for each unit. |

|Informative speeches | | | |

|Classroom novels | | |Library catalog/OPAC |

|Country/Famous person | | | |

|search | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|Graphics for career papers | | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Prep research for step up | | |instructor for each unit. |

|to writing activities | | | |

|Gods research | | | |

|Sidney Public Schools--K-12 Curriculum Pacing Guide for Library Media |

|Subject/Grade Level: 9-12 |Author: Lynn Donvan |

|Time Frame |Content Standard/Essential Content and Essential |Objectives to be included |Implementation Strategies and Assessment Strategies |

| |Questions | | |

|Time frame is dependent on |CS 4—Students distinguish among, evaluate and | |Implementation strategies will vary after collaboration with |

|classroom teacher requests |appropriately use current and emerging media and | |classroom instructor. Strategies listed below are possible |

|and scheduling. Tracking |technologies in the inquiry process. | |strategies that can be utilized. |

|of this will be | | | |

|accomplished through the |CS 4: Benchmark 1: | | |

|use of a library scheduling|Analyze and evaluate various media and | |Print sources |

|form which follows this |technologies when applying information necessary | |Internet searching |

|guide. |to complete a specific task. |4.1.a. Is aware of resources available |Online databases: SIRS Researcher; Infotrac; Opposing Viewpoints |

|Curriculum units that are | |4.1.b. Uses the library and library resources, |Resource Center; Discovering Collection; Contemporary Authors |

|utilized to teach library | |databases, reference books, the Internet, and other|World Book Encyclopedia |

|media skills include but | |information sources |Britannica Online |

|are not limited to: | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|Anthology author research |CS 4: Benchmark 2: | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Accelerated Reader |Develop and demonstrate research strategies to |4.2.a. Effectively uses search strategies such as |instructor for each unit. |

|Mythology project |effectively locate information in various media |Keyword Searching, Boolean logic, Search Engines | |

|Poetry unit |and technologies. |and navigation techniques |Keyword searching |

|Library orientation | | |Venn diagram and Boolean logic |

|Research paper | | |Natural language searching |

|Fitness plan |CS 4: Benchmark 3: |4.3.a. Applies the criteria for evaluating |Search engines |

|Hamlet research |Generate and apply criteria to evaluate the |resources when selecting information sources. |Advanced searching |

|Psychology literature |origin, authority, accuracy, bias, and distortion | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|searches |of information from a variety of media and | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|Debates |technologies. | |instructor for each unit. |

|Bill of Rights | | | |

|Career paper | | |Web site evaluation criteria and worksheet |

|US History research | | |Authenticating online resources |

|Informative speeches | | |Deconstructing URL |

|Classroom novels | | |Assessment: Observation, Discussion, skill sheets Assessment |

|Country/Famous person | | |strategies are planned collaboratively with the classroom |

|search | | |instructor for each unit. |

|Graphics for career papers | | | |

|Prep research for step up | | | |

|to writing activities | | | |

|Gods research | | | |


American Association of School Librarians. Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning. Chicago: American Library Association, 1998.

Eisenberg, Mike and Bob Berkowitz. The New Improved Big6 Workshop Handbook. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth Publishing, Inc., 1999.

Eisenberg, Michael B. et. al. Teaching Information and Technology Skills: The Big6 in Secondary Schools. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth Publishing, Inc., 2000.

Harada, Violet H. and Joan M. Yoshina. Assessing Learning: Librarians and Teachers as Partners. Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited, 2005.

Hernon, Peter and Robert E. Dugan. An Action Plan For Outcomes Assessment in Your Library. Chicago: American Library Association, 2002.

Hughes-Hassell, Sandra and Anne Wheelock. The Information-Powered School. Chicago: American Library Association, 2001.

Jacobs, Heidi Hayes. Mapping the Big Picture: Integrating Curriculum and Assessment K-12. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1997.

Kasowitz, Abby S. Using the Big6 to Teach and Learn with the Internet. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth Publishing, Inc., 2000.

Langhorne, Mary Jo, ed. Developing an Information Literacy Program K-12: A how-to-it manual and CD-ROM package developed by The Iowa City Community School District. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 2004.

Library and Information Skills. Helena, Montana: Montana Office of Public Instruction.

Macdonnell, Colleen. Essential Documents for School Libraries. Worthington, Ohio: Linworth Publishing, Inc., 2005.

Manzo, Anthony V. and Ula Casale Manzo. Content Area Reading: A Heuristic Approach. Colombus: Merrill Publishing Company, 1990.

Montana Standards for Library Media. Helena, Montana: Montana Office of Public Instruction, 2000.

Sidney Elementary School Library Grade 5 Assessment

(with references to Standards noted) Assessment tools are works in progress


1. If you want to learn about taking care of a horse, what is the BEST subject word to use to look it up?

a. Pets

b. Farm Animals

c. Arabian Horses

d. Horses

e. Cats

(Content Standard 1, Benchmark 2)

2. If you are writing a report on India, what sources would you use? (Circle all that apply)

a. Atlas

b. Almanac

c. Encyclopedia

d. Nonfiction

e. The Internet

(Content Standard 1, Benchmark 3)

3. Choose the BEST book from those listed below for a report on Russia.

a. Take a Trip to Russia, 1982

b. Russia, 2003

c. The History of Russia, 1995

d. Eyewitness Russia, 1998

(Content Standard 1, Benchmark 4)

4. Circle all choices below that should be used when listing sources for a report:

a. Author

b. Title

c. Copyright Date

d. Number of pages

e. All of the above

(Content Standard 2, Benchmark 2)

5. When writing reports, it is important to: (Circle the correct answer)

a. Copy text from a book perfectly

b. Make up your own information

c. Write ideas in your own words

d. Copy information off of the Internet

(Content Standard 2, Benchmark 2)

6. Put the steps for writing a report in the correct order using the numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4:

a. Take notes ______

b. Choose a topic ______

c. Write report ______

d. Find information ______

(Content Standard 1, Benchmark 1)

7. ______ Your library books must be returned or renewed on or before the date due.

(Put a “T” for True or a “F” for False in the blank)

(Content Standard 2, Benchmark 1)

8. ______ It is important that library books be returned on time so that others can use them.

(Put a “T” for True or a “F” for False in the blank)

(Content Standard 2, Benchmark 1)

Content Standard 3:

9. Ideas about other cultures can be found in: (Circle all that apply)

a. poetry b. nonfiction c. fiction

d. videos e. folktales f. internet

10. Which of these genre do you enjoy? (Circle all that apply)

a. historical fiction b. realistic fiction

c. mysteries d. animals

e. sports stories f. fantasy/science fiction

Content Standard 4:

11. What is the BEST source of information about what happened yesterday in

Washington, D.C.? (Circle the correct answer)

a. book b. encyclopedia

c. magazine d. internet

12. How would you find the author of Wind in the Willows? (Write your answer)

13. ______ Everything you read on the internet is true. (Put a “T” for True or a “F” for

False in the blank)

Does this library have books you like? If not, what is missing? Write your answer.

SMS Library Media Collaborative Planner

Teacher Department Course Class Periods Grades

___________________ _________________ ______________ 1( 2( 3( 4( 5( 6( 7( 8( 6 (7 (8 (

Unit Title Start Date Due Date Unit Overview/Content/Objectives

___________________ _________________ __________________

Library Media Specialist Level of Involvement – Please check all that you may need help with.

( plan ( gather ( prepare materials ( teach lesson ( assist students ( assess

End Product____________________________________________________ ________________________________

Library Media Standards Info. Literacy Model Research Tools Production Tools

( 1. Inquiry process ( 1. Identify info. needed ( Library Catalog/OPAC ( Word

( Non-Fiction Books

( 2. Ethical Use ( 2. Locate information ( World Book Online ( Power Point

( Infotrac Database

( 3. Lit. appreciation/ ( 3. Process information ( Web Search Engines ( Digital Cameras

Personal Interests ( Interlibrary Loans

( Print Reference ( Scanner

( 4. Emerging Technology ( 4. Create/Communicate

( Note Cards

( 5. Assess

( Desktop Publishing

← 6. Literature

( Video Camera


( Explains information need ( Uses navigation techniques ( Creates bibliographic citation

( Formulates question ( Uses catalog ( Locates possible sources

( Uses Internet ( Understands outlining ( Understands keywords

( Evaluates information ( Selects personal reading material ( Utilizes search strategies/techniques

( Uses note-taking techniques ( Demonstrates ethical use ( Uses operators

( Uses other extraction techniques ( Creates product ( Evaluates product

( Observes copyright laws ( Observes acceptable use policy ( Observes circulation policies

SHS Library Media Collaborative Planner

Teacher Department Course Class Periods Grades

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 1112

Unit Overview/Content/Objectives (What students will be doing)


Unit Title Start Date Due Date


Library Media Specialist Level of Involvement – Please check all that you may need help with.

plan gather resources prepare materials teach lesson assist students assess

End Product       Individual project Group project

Library Media Standards Research Tools Production Tools

(Tools used to find information) (Tools used to create a new product)

1. Inquiry process - CS 1 Library Catalog/OPAC Word

Print Reference Desktop publishing

2. Ethical Use – CS 2 Non-Fiction books Excel

World Book Online Access

3. Lit. Appreciation/ Personal Interests – CS 3 Britannica Online Power Point

Infotrac Databases Digital Camera

4. Emerging Technology – CS 4 Opposing Viewpoints database Scanner

(Non-Print resources) SIRS Researcher database Video Camera

Discovery Collection database Note Cards

Contemporary Authors database Graphic Organizers

CQ Researcher print Computers

Culture Grams

AR Bookguide and AR Reading lists

Biography Resource Center database

Web search engines

Interlibrary Loans


Articulate information need - 1.1.a. Identify relevant info. based on need – 1.4.b. Observes Acceptable Use Policy – 2.3.a.

Formulates question/thesis & organizes ideas - 1.1.b. Engage in use of information – 1.5.a. Observes Circulation Policy – 2.3.b.

Understands/identifies keywords - 1.1.c. Uses note-taking techniques – 1.5.c. Collaborates with others – 2.4.a.

Locates potential sources – 1.2.a. Uses extraction techniques – 1.5.b. Selects personal reading material – 3.1.a.

Reevaluate/articulate information need – 1.2.b. Organizes information from multiple sources – 1.5.d. Experience a variety of literature – 3.1.b.

Narrow/expand research topic – 1.2.c. Understand outlining/storyboard – 1.5.e. Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction – 3.1.c.

Utilizes search strategies/techniques – 1.3.a. Creates a product – 1.5.f. Independent reading/exploration – 3.2.a.b.

Find information in sources – 1.3.b. Evaluates process - 1.6.a. Applies knowledge of library skills to solve personal needs – 3.3.a.

Creates bibliographic citation – 1.3.c. Evaluates product – 1.6.b. Uses a variety of info.sources (i.e. online databases, reference) – 4.1.a.b.

Search library catalog – 1.3.d. Avoids plagiarism – 2.2.a.b.c.d.e. Uses navigation techniques and operator search techniques – 4.2.a.

Utilizes call number to locate items – 1.3.e. Follows copyright – 2.1.a.b. Evaluates non-print sources and applies authentication techniques – 4.3.a.

Evaluates information – 1.4.a.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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