



What is the annual subscription?

The annual subscription is £150 which can be paid in a lump sum, or in 3 instalments of £50 throughout the year – 1st April, August and December

Subscriptions help us to meet our costs for our Musical Director, our Accompanist, room hire, insurance and all our sheet music, which amounts to approximately £1,200 a year for new pieces to enable us to keep a wide repertoire of songs.


We have a website at arrowvalesingers.co.uk and we are also on Facebook - arrowvalesingers

Also Twitter:

And on YouTube as Arrow Vale Singers

Our own site has a members’ page that is password protected – please ask a committee member for the log-in and password and check this page regularly as it is kept updated with notices for members.


Rules and Regulations

Like all charities and organised groups we have a formal Constitution and a Code of Conduct, copies of which will be given to you once you become a member.

Our AGM is held annually in May/June where all members have the opportunity to vote for a change of committee and put forward suggestions for change for the choir.


Who we are

Arrow Vale Singers, a Redditch-based choir, was formed in 1976 from what remained of the West Mercia Police Choir and has gone from strength to strength since then. It is now a mixed choir of around 50 voices – soprano, contralto, tenor and bass – with a wide range of ages.

We are affiliated to the ‘Making Music’ organisation

Our Musical Director is David Wynne and our Accompanist is Jack Brookes.


We are a registered charity which is a great benefit because it allows us to Gift Aid members’ subscriptions, thereby adding to our funds. Please tell our treasurer if you are a tax payer and therefore your subscriptions are eligible for Gift Aid contributions.

Our repertoire covers a wide variety of musical styles – opera choruses, songs from the shows, spirituals, extracts from oratorios, classical “pop”, country music, folk songs, etc.



We rehearse every Wednesday throughout the year apart from a short break at Christmas, Easter and during the summer..

We gather at 8 o’clock in Batchley Community Centre, Cherry Tree Walk, Redditch, and rehearse until 10.00pm, with a short break for tea or coffee. Please be prompt for rehearsals.

Notices for members are displayed on a board at every rehearsal.

We share duties for tea making and setting up and putting away equipment in the hall (chairs, keyboard, music stand etc). You will be asked to help with one of these duties on a rota basis


We promote and perform concerts of our own during the year – one in the spring and one in the autumn with sometimes a summer concert also. These are our fund-raising events to help pay for all our music, room hire, fees, etc. In addition we also perform concerts by invitation, usually from churches, village halls and charities for their own fundraising purposes.

Our own concerts are held in and around Redditch.

The Social Side

AVS is a very friendly, supportive group and we have regular social events – dinners, quiz evening, skittles, etc. We usually have a few organised social events throughout the year including our annual Christmas or New Year meal.

Do I Need to Audition?

We don’t like to make newcomers feel anxious about auditioning, but our Musical Director may ask you to sing a few bars to make sure you sing in the right section for your voice range. If you feel you want to change voice parts, please speak to our MD who will advise

Do I need to read music?

Obviously it will be helpful if you can read music, but it isn’t essential – as long as you enjoy singing and can sing in tune. Many choir members can’t read music but learn to follow it as time goes on and take their lead from someone near them who can read it.

What commitment is expected of me?

It will be much easier for you to learn the music if you come to each Wednesday rehearsal, as absences can make it difficult to catch up. If you’re unable to come to a rehearsal, we like you to give your apologies to the Musical Director, a committee member or a choir member.

When preparing for a concert, we expect that you will do some work in your own time to rehearse your part, or learn your words. Links to versions of the music we are singing are on the members’ website page so these can be used as a rehearsal aid


We rehearse every Wednesday throughout the year apart from a short break at Christmas, Easter and during the summer..

We gather at 8 o’clock in Batchley Community Centre, Cherry Tree Walk, Redditch, and rehearse until 10.00pm, with a short break for tea or coffee. Please be prompt for rehearsals.

Notices for members are displayed on a board at every rehearsal.

We share duties for tea making and setting up and putting away equipment in the hall (chairs, keyboard, music stand etc). You will be asked to help with one of these duties on a rota basis


We promote and perform concerts of our own during the year – one in the spring and one in the autumn with sometimes a summer concert also. These are our fund-raising events to help pay for all our music, room hire, fees, etc. In addition we also perform concerts by invitation, usually from churches, village halls and charities for their own fundraising purposes.

Our own concerts are held in and around Redditch.

The Social Side

AVS is a very friendly, supportive group and we have regular social events – dinners, quiz evening, skittles, etc. We usually have a few organised social events throughout the year including our annual Christmas or New Year meal.

Do I Need to Audition?

We don’t like to make newcomers feel anxious about auditioning, but our Musical Director may ask you to sing a few bars to make sure you sing in the right section for your voice range. If you feel you want to change voice parts, please speak to our MD who will advise

Do I need to read music?

Obviously it will be helpful if you can read music, but it isn’t essential – as long as you enjoy singing and can sing in tune. Many choir members can’t read music but learn to follow it as time goes on and take their lead from someone near them who can read it.

What commitment is expected of me?

It will be much easier for you to learn the music if you come to each Wednesday rehearsal, as absences can make it difficult to catch up. If you’re unable to come to a rehearsal, we like you to give your apologies to the Musical Director, a committee member or a choir member.

When preparing for a concert, we expect that you will do some work in your own time to rehearse your part, or learn your words. Links to versions of the music we are singing are on the members’ website page so these can be used as a rehearsal aid



Arrow Vale Singers are affiliated to Making Music which represents and supports amateur performing groups and music promoters of all kinds throughout the UK.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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