Learning Goals - Southeast Missouri State University

Learning GoalsAssessmentsFormat of AssessmentsAdaptationsLG1:Students will recall and connect aspects of the studied piece to modern pop culturePre AssessmentJournal response to Hamlet characteristicsSome students may have never seen the Lion King, so having time in class to watch is good. Also, if students do not like the connection, they have the option on the test to write about other connectionsFormative AssessmentStudents will watch Lion King, and connectPost AssessmentEssay response on unit testSelf-AssessmentJournal comparing what students knew, to what they know afterLG2:Students will define unknown words using a knowledge of the parts of speech and using context cluesPre AssessmentIn class activity/discussionStudents who struggle with the concept will be given extra time or extra assistance with the concept. Formative AssessmentWorksheetsPost AssessmentQuizSelf-AssessmentJournal of reflection upon improvementLG3:Students will apply different literary lenses to the studied piece to investigate multiple interpretations and create a formal responsePre AssessmentIn-class activity, response to a neutral activityThis is a pretty complex concept so students will be allowed to choose which lens they want to write with. Also, self evaluation rubric has effort category which will help students. Also, students will have time in the computer lab to type the assignment.Formative AssessmentFishbowl DiscussionPost AssessmentFormal EssaySelf-AssessmentSelf evaluation rubricSE 308Assessment PlanAlignment with Learning Goals and InstructionAs can be seen in the grid above, the learning goals are clearly stated in the leftmost column. All learning goals have assessments and those assessments are congruent with content and complexity. The assessments are developed to be direct applications of a student’s knowledge and/or skills learned in the class. The learning goals and assessments are both challenging and appropriate based upon standards of education for content.Clarity of Criteria and Standards for PerformanceAll learning goals have been clearly stated and the assessment criteria are clearly stated and linked to the learning goals. The learning goals developed were in congruence with DESE’s Depths of Knowledge and are explicitly linked to corresponding levels within the Depth of Knowledge chart. Students will be provided with all scoring guides or rubrics prior to completing an assessment so that have a clear idea of what the standards of performance are for that particular assessment.Multiple Modes and ApproachesThere are several different types of assessments done within this assessment plan and the difficulty of each assessment varies. Assessments vary in difficulty in correlation with DESE’s Depths of Knowledge. An example can be seen in Learning Goal 1. Students will recall aspects of the story (a level one DOK task) and then connect the studied piece to modern pop culture. The activities require different skills and a more complete understanding of the text, its features, and its role in society. Varying the assessment type allows the instructor to test different types of skills and knowledge deemed significant by education standards. Technical SoundnessAssessments directly test the knowledge and skills that students apply during instruction. The pre-assessments correspond to the post-assessments that are included and measure what students have learned and what they are able to do compared to the learning goals set forth for the unit.Adaptations Based upon Individual Needs of StudentsAdaptations have been made so that almost all of the work done with this assessment can be done during class. Discussions and lectures will be done in class, and we will spend time in class watching the lion king in case a student has not seen the film before. We will also spend class time in the computer lab for those students who do not have access to a computer. There are days that are dedicated simply to completing work that allow me to individualize instruction for students who need it. Any other needs that students have will be accommodated accordingly. Opportunities for Students to Self Evaluate, set, monitor, and Adjust Learning GoalsStudents do have opportunities to evaluate themselves throughout the unit. There will be significant portion of the grade for the formal essay in learning goal three based upon self evaluation. This self evaluation will be based upon ideas such as “do you think you provided adequate supporting detail?” and “did you get to the heart of your interpretation?” All learning goals will be displayed in the front of the room so that students know at all times what the goals for the unit are. I will stress the importance of the material, how it fits into the unit, and how it will benefit a student’s life.Learning Goal 1:Pre-AssessmentI had a difficult time choosing which Pre-Assessments I wanted to do for these learning goals. The issue I had was that I do not like pre-tests because they seem fruitless. Yes, it could show what a student knows about a topic before instruction compared to what they know at the end of instruction, but I remember my own experiences with pre-tests and hated them. My thought was, “if you’re testing me upon something I don’t know, and it’s not for a grade, then what is the point?” I do not want my students to have the same response because I want everything done in my class to have purpose in the student’s life. That being said, I decided to have students do a journal entry once we finish reading Hamlet about the basic characteristics of the story. I want them to note the plot line, the characters, the setting, etc. The point of this would be for them to understand the basic structure of the play, which will allow for connection in the next part of the unit.Formative AssessmentThe next activity would be to watch the Lion King in class. Not only would this allow students to unwind from reading Hamlet (a very difficult and engrossing read), but it sets the stage for assessment. Once we have watched the Lion King, I will provide the students with a hand-out that asks them to note characteristics of Hamlet in one part, and characteristics of the Lion King in another part. Then there will be a section on the hand-out for connections and students will break up into groups and discuss parallels between the two. After discussing in groups connections that were seen, we will open up for class discussion and I will have each group present a connection that they saw between the two. I will assess students upon participation in their group discussions and also each group upon their participation in the class discussion. Post AssessmentPost Assessment will come in the form of a test upon Hamlet. An essay question upon the test will ask students to make a connection of the characteristics of Hamlet to modern pop culture. Because we spent time in class discussing the Lion King, I would expect most students to write upon that, but if a student chooses some other connection to modern pop culture (a book they are currently reading, a movie they saw), then they have the freedom to write upon that topic as long as they provide specific examples and show the connections.Self AssessmentStudents will be asked to make a long journal entry upon the unit of Hamlet. I will ask them first for their thoughts on Hamlet, things they liked and disliked about the unit, and their progression of knowledge or understanding of the concepts.Learning Goal 2:Pre-AssessmentAgain, I wanted to avoid pretests if at all possible. The in-class activity I chose for this learning goal would be to break students up into groups of 3-4 students. I will then read sentences which have words that students must define. Students will listen to me read the sentence and then be asked to write the definition of the word of my choosing upon a piece of paper. All the papers will be handed to me, and I will read out loud the answers that were given and then have students vote for the correct answer. I will supply my own answer in addition if there is not one I find suitable. Students will receive points if they vote for the right one, and I will ask them why they chose that definition, hoping for a student to mention either context clues or the parts of speech.Formative AssessmentFor instruction, we will spend some time in class going over the concepts of defining words based upon parts of speech and context clues. There will be some basic worksheets that will probably be peer graded. If students seem to struggle with the concepts, I will spend more time in class on the topic, but if only certain students struggle, I will provide them with more individualized assistance.Post AssessmentPost instruction will involve a quiz in which students identify words using a knowledge of parts of speech and context clues. Students will choose their answer and then provide a rationale for why they chose such an answer. This is just testing student skills that we developed within instruction.Self AssessmentStudents will be asked to write a short paragraph upon the back of the quiz about their improvement of their skills on this concept. Students will have the opportunity to say that they feel they still need improvement if they feel such a way. If students report they need further improvement, I will provide them with further assistance in class free time.Learning Goal 3:Pre AssessmentStudents in this activity will be broken up into groups and will watch a neutral conversation. The act would probably involve a short scene from a movie while students would take note. The groups will be assigned to take notes of the conversation focusing on certain factors. One group will focus on what is being said, another will focus on eye contact, another will focus on posture, etc. Students will then discuss within their groups the observations that they made and they will write what happened in the conversation. The goal of this will be for students to focus on very small things and then make inferences about those observations. An example would be eye contact. If the eye contact group notices that the eye contact is poor, the group might infer that a character is lying based upon observations they made. Each group will present their observations to the class followed by a group discussion. Students will then be given a hand-out on the different types of literary lenses followed by a modeling activity I will do to help students understand the concepts.Formative AssessmentStudents will apply the literary lenses to the text of Hamlet in small group discussions. A good strategy for these small group discussions might be the World Café activity that we did in SE 306. Students will then be put into different, larger groups and will do a fishbowl discussion. Students will prepare for all of the interpretations based upon application of the literary lenses and then will be asked to perform only one, chosen at random by me. Students will then discuss that interpretation within their discussion time. Students will be asked to take notes on issues that the “fish” discuss and then a quick class discussion will follow. Then, the next group will become “fish”.Post AssessmentStudents will use their notes that they develop about interpretations to form their own interpretation of the text. They will then create a formal essay about the interpretation of their choice, supplying a thesis and supporting detail. They will be assessed with a rubric focusing on several different aspects of the essay. This is a difficult and complex concept, so students have the freedom to choose whatever interpretation that they most identify with.Self AssessmentStudents will be asked to do a quick self-evaluation focusing upon things like effort and their opinion of their work. Such questions like, “Did you provide X amount of supporting detail? Did you get to the heart of the interpretation?” This self evaluation will be assigned points and will be included in the overall grade of the assignment. Assessment MaterialsLG 1:Journal response to characteristics of Hamlet (Prompt):Now that we have read Hamlet, take some time in your journal to note basic characteristics of Hamlet. What was the overall plot? What role did certain characters play? Do you see any connections to modern pop culture? (movies, plays, books, songs, etc.)Journal response comparing what students knew before Hamlet and Lion King and what they know now:We have read Hamlet and compared it to the Lion King to see if there are any similarities. What did you know about Hamlet and its effect upon modern pop culture before we studied this unit? What do you know now? If you do not agree with something we did in class, why do you not agree?Essay question prompt:Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare’s most well known works. Recall aspects of the studied piece. What was the overall plot? What role did certain characters play? Do you see any connections to modern pop culture? (We spent time on this in class! If you would like to make other connections that what we made in class, you may do so but make sure you have enough supporting detail)Lion King Worksheet:The Lion King + Hamlet?!General Notes about The Lion King -What was the plot of the Lion King?Who were these characters?Mufasa -Simba -Scar - Sarabi - General Notes about Hamlet - What was the plot of Hamlet?Who were these characters?King Hamlet - Prince Hamlet - Claudius - Gertrude - What connections do you see between the two? (Plot? Characters?)LG 2:Context clues worksheet: (Students will be asked to classify the bolded word into the parts of speech on the back)Context Clues: Synonyms1.?Though Samantha's test was partially done, she received a low grade because it was not complete.In this sentence, the word partially means??badly??finally??completely??incomplete2.?The soft pliable wood was easy to bend.In this sentence, the word pliable means??bendable??rough??solid??hard3.?The altar boy was an acolyte - a helper in the religious service.In this sentence, the word acolyte means??deacon??boss??leader??helper4.?My best friend has been a companion to me for five years.In this sentence, the word companion means??mother??friend??brother??father5.?The saturated, dripping dog ran in the house after swimming in the lake.In this sentence, the word saturated means??old??smelly??wet??dirty6.?The ugly monster's face was hideous to look at.In this sentence, the word hideous means??beautiful??scary??funny??lovely7.?Mom had to sterilize, or clean, the baby's bottle.In this sentence, the word sterilize means??dirty??throw out??clean??buy8.?The lady sat primly straight in the chair.In this sentence, the word primly means??proper or tall??slouched??up??down9.?We are planning a picnic for today. It is sunny and warm outside. It will be an idyllic day - just perfect for a picnic.In this sentence, the word idyllic means??flawed??unsure??perfect??bad10.?Tara watches the TV continuously, or all the time.In this sentence, the word continuously means??in the morning??all the time??never??in the countrySample questions for context clues/part of speech quiz:1. The thought of eating a rat is abhorrent to most people.What does abhorrent most likely mean?A. fun, livelyB. horrible, repugnantC. delicious, tastyD. bland, tastelessWhat part of speech does abhorrent classify as?2. You can trust salesman at that store because they always conduct business in an aboveboard manner.What does aboveboard most likely mean?A. honestly, openlyB. strange, unusualC. dishonest, sneakyD. board, wood-likeWhat part of speech does aboveboard classify as?Journal prompt for reflection of improvement:How do your skills of defining unknown words based upon context clues and a knowledge of the parts of speech compare now to before we started this unit? Have you improved at all? Why or why not?LG 3:Fishbowl discussion:Class Debate : Fishbowl Discussion RubricTeacher Name: Mr. Davis Student Names: ? ? ________________________________________ CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Understanding of Topic The team clearly understood the topic in-depth and presented their information convincingly. The team mostly undestood the topic and presented their information with ease. The team had some understanding the main points of the topic but did not discuss with ease. The team did not show an adequate understanding of the topic. Respect for Other Student Opinions Students listened to, evaluated, respected, and responded to other students' opinions. Students listened to and respected other student's opinions, but might not have responded to them. Students listened to other student's opinions but did not respond to them. Students were rude to other students regarding their opinions. Focus Discussion group stayed on task the entire time, covering an interpretation in-depth. Discussion group pretty well stayed on task the entire time, and mostly covered an interpretation. Discussion group had some points where focus was lost and/or interpretation was not very well covered. Discussion group did not stay on topic and/or interpretation was not covered at all. 8 Points for Peer Evaluation:How well do you feel this group covered their topic?ExcellentGoodBelow AverageVery PoorDid students respect each other’s opinions and give adequate time for each student to speak?YesSomewhatNot ReallyNot at AllFormal Essay Rubric:6+1 Trait Writing Model : Hamlet Critical Lens Rubric?????Teacher Name: Mr. DavisStudent Name: ? ? ________________________________________CATEGORY4321Focus on Topic (Content)There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information.Main idea is clear but the supporting information is general.Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information.The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information.Support for Topic (Content)Relevant, telling, quality details give the reader important information that goes beyond the obvious or predictable.Supporting details and information are relevant, but one key issue or portion of the storyline is unsupported.Supporting details and information are relevant, but several key issues or portions of the storyline are unsupported.Supporting details and information are typically unclear or not related to the topic.Accuracy of Facts (Content)All supportive facts are reported accurately.Almost all supportive facts are reported accurately.Most supportive facts are reported accurately.NO facts are reported OR most are inaccurately reported.Grammar & Spelling (Conventions)Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.Writer makes very few errors in grammar or spelling that do not significantly distract the reader from the content.Writer makes some errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.Writer makes many errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the mitment (Voice)The writer successfully uses several reasons/appeals to try to show why the reader should care or want to know more about the topic.The writer successfully uses one or two reasons/appeals to try to show why the reader should care or want to know more about the topic.The writer attempts to make the reader care about the topic, but is not really successful.The writer made no attempt to make the reader care about the topic.Self Evaluation for Formal Essay:Grade yourself based upon how you feel you did. Please think about the assignment you did, the effort you put into it, and answer honestly. Each area is worth 4 points.How much effort did you put into this essay?4321Did you provide enough supporting detail?4321Did you utilize class time and carefully craft your essay?4321Did you get to the heart of your interpretation?4321 ................

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