Students A and BAbigail PeelEnglish II, 7th Period15 October 2017Works Cited“Darfur: the Basics.” The Basic Facts about Darfur, Darfur Australia Network, darfur/basics.This article states that this was the first genocide in the 21st century. That the Janjaweed were the people who were carrying out the mass murder. All of this was located in western Sudan. This information will be useful because it helps describe what happened in Sudan. This article is biased because they lean towards the people who were getting killed were doing nothing. Lewis, Lauren. “Learning From The Past: 10 Facts About the Darfur Genocide.” The Borgen Project, The Borgen Project, 20 Mar. 2017, darfur-genocide/. That all of these issues mainly started when the discovery of gold was found. This article also speaks about the treaty to end all of the fighting. Lastly it tells who was to blame for all of this. This article is important because it gives the explanation and the final decision. This article is biased because I believe that they don’t think there could have been another explanation to the whole thing.Reeves, Dr Eric. “Darfur 2003-?” Combat Genocide Association, The Combat Genocide Association, ?page_id=93.This article describes that Sudan was a country that faced many issues before the war. It tells the whole history behind all of the issues and why they did what they did. The article also goes through all the stages in which it played out so that people understand this well. This is a good article to use because it give the background story and how this all happened. This cite I believe is bias because they are liberal they believe that there could have been many reasons that this all happened. Reuters, Thomson. “Darfur Conflict.” Thomson Reuters Foundation News, Thomson Reuters Foundation, 31 July 2014, news.spotlight/Darfur-conflict.This article states that they weren’t just fighting one race but their own people. This article also states that the treaty would have to include many people and countries to help end everything. The article also describes that there continues to be conflict even with the treaty. This article will be useful because it helps give more information on the whole conflict all together. This website may be biased but I believe that they are open to the idea that there could be many reasons why this continues and why it even began. Rice, Susan E. “The Genocide in Darfur: America Must Do More to Fulfill the Responsibility to Protect.” Brookings, Brookings, 28 July 2016, article is based on a person story and will help give a person’s view on the whole thing. It helps give an example of how a certain person felt and what they had to do throughout the entire thing. The article also explains what it was like to have to live and see what is going on through the whole conflict. I believe that this will be a good one because you can help people understand better of what was going on in Sudan. This website is biased because this person felt strongly about one certain thing and didn’t think that there could have been something else that cased this. Sikainga, Ahmad. “'The World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis': Understanding the Darfur Conflict.” Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective. The Ohio State University. 2017. article is about understanding the Darfur conflict and what everything really means. It goes on to say that for the past four years, the remote Sudanese region of Darfur has been the scene of a bloody conflict. It has led to the death of thousands of people and the displacement of more than two million. The violence and destruction is often compared to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. I do not feel that this source is completely biased on the left or right standpoint but it does favor the victims of this genocide.“Sudan.” United to End Genocide, , 2016, conflict-areas/sudan/.Copnall, James. “Darfur Conflict: Sudan's Bloody Stalemate.” BBC News, BBC, 29 Apr. 2013, news/world-africa-22336600.In the article it talks about all the genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Darfur. It goes on to talk about how people see this Darfur genocide and what the common image of it is. In addition, it gets into saying how this is not just a rebel and state war anymore and how it involves other Arab groups. I feel that this source is not biased but is neutral. Wooding, Joseph, and James Lehman. “Genocide: Darfur, Sudan.” Genocide: Darfur, Sudan | Woodring College of Education, Woodring College of Education, article is mainly about the historical over view of Sudan and how the war started. In the beginning, it starts to say that since its independence from British imperialism in 1956, Sudan has been plagued by chronic civil war between the Arab-dominated government and the primarily non-Arab population located in southern Sudan. In February 2003, two rebel groups, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and the Sudanese Liberation Movement (SLM), had struck out against the government, accusing it of oppressing non-Arabs in favor of Arabs. I say that this source leans more to the left because of the sources it gave for information and because it reminds me of what the left side stands for today.“11 Facts About Darfur.” | Volunteer for Social Change, Do Something Campaign, 2017, facts/11-facts-about-darfur.This site gives 11 facts about Darfur, the overview, history and numbers. It says that Darfur is a region in Sudan, Africa that had a population of approximately 6 million people prior to 2003. In 2003, two rebel groups, Sudan Liberation Army/Movement (SLA/M) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) launched a rebellion. More than a million people have been displaced by the hostilities, fleeing to other places in Sudan or across the border to Chad. I feel that this source is neutral because it just list off facts and does not give an opinion.Reeves, Dr Eric. “Darfur 2003-?” Combat Genocide Association, The Combat Genocide Association, ?page_id=93.This source gives a detailed background, the conflict in Darfur, why it upraised, The Extermination, International involvement from the United Nations (UN), China and Russia, The United States, The African Union, Countries of the world, Humanitarian Aid Organizations and The International Criminal Court. I feel that this source is biased because it definitely lends more to the victims on the Darfur genocide. ................

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