Maths Level 1 (Construction) - Sample Scheme of Work (word ...

Course delivery information: Functional Skills Level 1 (Construction)

Duration: 36 weeks


Performance - Learners can:

• Understand practical problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts and situations, some of which are non-routine

• Identify, obtain and utilise necessary information to tackle problems

• Select and apply mathematics in an organised way to find solutions to practical problems for different purposes

• Use appropriate checking procedures at each stage

Interpret results, consider the appropriateness of conclusions, and communicate solutions to practical problems, providing explanations

Regular resources/textbooks:

Smartboard, WB & Pens, Power Point, paper & pens for group work, textbook, internet and LRC resources.

|Week/ |Content |Learning Objectives: students will be able to |Assessment of Learning |Teaching and Learning Activities |Resources |Functional Skills Standards |

|Session | | | | | |(including ECM theme) |

|2 |Initial assessment |Complete the Profiler assessment | |Give 1:1 feedback and complete an ILP with learners |Assessments | |

| | | |Answers on Profiler assessment | |Computers | |

| |1:1 feedback |Complete autumn term target on progress sheets | | | | |

| | | |Q&A | | | |

|3 |Language of Maths | | |Activity - Match figures to words (smartboard) |Matching cards |Read, write, order and compare |

| | |Read, write order and compare numbers |Observation of ordering activity |Worksheet – write the value of a digit in a number |Thermometers |numbers, including large numbers. |

| |Place value | | |Cards activity - Order a set of +ve and –ve numbers |Worksheets | |

| | |Discuss negative numbers in practical contexts |Q&A |(smartboard) |Computer |Know what each digit represents in|

| | | | |Paired activity - Describe a set of numbers (more |Smartboard |a number of up to seven digits, |

| | |Read temperatures on a thermometer | |than, less than, equal to) (smartboard) | |including the use of zero as a |

| | | |Observation of reading and recording |Paired activity – measure and record body | |place holder |

| | | |temperature |temperatures | | |

| | | | | | |Recognise negative numbers in the |

| | | | | | |context of temperature. |

|4 |4 rules of whole numbers | Add and subtract using efficient written and |Checking/marking of the problem |Discussion – different methods for addition and |Activity cards |Recognise and use numerical |

| | |mental methods |solving worksheet & observing the |subtraction (smartboard) |Worksheets |relationships, for example |

| | | |mental maths game |Worksheets – 4 rules |Follow on game cards|multiples and squares. |

| | | | |Group activity – follow on game using cards |Dominoes |Use a range of calculation |

| | | | |Group activity - dominoes games |Smartboard |strategies, including use of a |

| | | | |Inverse checking |Computer |calculator. |

|5 |4 rules of whole numbers |Multiply and divide using efficient written and|Successful completion of problem |Discussion – different methods for multiplication and|Activity cards |Add, subtract, multiply and divide|

| | |mental methods |solving worksheet & mental maths game|division (smartboard) |Worksheets |whole numbers using a range of |

| | | | |Worksheets – 4 rules |Follow on game cards|mental methods |

| | | | |Group activity – follow on game using cards |Dominoes | |

| | | | |Group activity - dominoes games |Smartboard |Multiply and divide whole numbers |

| | | | |Inverse checking |Computer |by 10 and 100 using mental |

| | | | | | |arithmetic |

|6 |Rounding and estimating |Round numbers to nearest 10, 100, 1000 to make |Checking/marking of worksheet & |Discussion – examples of rounding in everyday life. |Whiteboard |Estimate using rounding. |

| | |approximate calculations | |Board work – how to round to nearest 10, 100 & 1000 |Worksheets | |

| | | |Observing the paired activity – Peer |(smartboard) |Calculators |Understand that knowledge of a |

| | |Estimate to check that answers are reasonable |assessment |Worksheets - Round values to the nearest £1, £10 & |Smartboard |context enables judgement of |

| | | | |£100 (e.g. budgeting) |Computer |whether answers are sensible. |

| | | |Directed questioning |Paired activity - Estimate then use calculator to | | |

| | | | |find total of items bought | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |Learners to complete mini project and answer verbal | | |

|7 |Recap / Mini project – applying|Complete project. |Formative assessment of student’s |questions on the budget for a small business |Mini project |Understand and use whole numbers |

| |4 rules of numbers | |work |Set homework |Mental maths |and recognise negative numbers in |

| |(Formative assessment) |Answer four rules questions using mental maths | | |questions |practical contexts |

| | | |Directed questioning | | |ECM5 |


|Week/ |Content |Learning Objectives: students will be able |Assessment of Learning |Teaching and Learning Activities |Resources |Functional Skills Standards |

|Session | |to | | | |(including ECM theme) |

|9 |Find fraction parts of a|Calculate fraction parts of whole number | |Starter activity – equivalent fractions |Whiteboard |Read, write, order and compare common |

| |whole number |quantities and measurement |Observing the activity |Board work – Finding fraction parts |Smartboard |fractions, including mixed numbers, |

| | | | |Worksheets – Calculating fraction parts |Computer |decimals with up to three decimal places |

| | | |Checking/marking of worksheet |Fraction of shopping cost |Shopping list |and percentages. |

| | | | | | | |

| | | |Directed questioning | | | |

|10 |Decimals | Read, write order and compare decimals up |Observing the activity |Discussion – introduce decimal place value |Whiteboard |In the context of money and measure; add |

| | |to three decimal places | |(smartboard) |Ordering cards |and subtract decimals up to two decimal |

| | | |Checking/marking of worksheet |Activity – order decimal numbers (skillswise) |Smartboard |places |

| | |Add and subtract decimals up to two decimal| |Worksheet – add and subtract money, rounding |computers |ECM 5 |

| | |places |Directed questioning |money (smartboard) | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |Approx decimals by rounding | | | | |

|11 |X / ÷ by 10 & 100 | Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, |Observing the activity |Discussion – how to x/÷ by 10 and 100 |Whiteboard |Read, write, order and compare common |

| |Equivalencies between |100 | |Activity – match calculations to answers |Matching cards |fractions, including mixed numbers, |

| |decimals and fractions | |Self assessment |Smartboard / skillswise) |Smartboard |decimals with up to three decimal places |

| | |Match equivalent fractions and decimals | |Activity – match equivalent decimals and |computers |and percentages. |

| | | |Directed questioning |fractions (smartboard) – 1/10, 1/5,1/4, ½, ¾ | | |

| | | | | | | |

|12 |Percentages | Read, write, order and compare simple | |Discussion – examples of percentages in everyday|Leaflets |Read, write, order and compare common |

| | |percentages |Observing the activity |life (use leaflets) |Cards |fractions, including mixed numbers, |

| | | | |Card activity – order percentages |Whiteboard |decimals with up to three decimal places |

| | |Calculate simple percentage parts of whole |Directed questioning |Mental and written strategies for calculating |Smartboard |and percentages. |

| | |numbers | |percentages | | |

| | | |Checking/marking of worksheet |Worksheet – finding simple percentages | | |

|13 |Fraction, decimal, |Match common fractions, decimals and | |Board work – calculating equivalencies |Whiteboard |Understand and use equivalencies between |

| |percentage equivalencies|percentages |Observing the activities |Small group quiz – calculating fractions, |Quiz questions |common fractions, decimals and |

| | | | |decimals and percentages. |Worksheets |percentages |

| | | |Peer assessment |Card activity – match %, decimals & fractions |Matching cards | |

| | | | |(smartboard) |Smartboard | |

| | | |Directed questioning | | | |

|14 |Recap - mini project |Complete problem solving paper / mini |Formative assessment of student’s |Learners to complete mini project - finding the|mini project |Understand and use equivalencies between |

| |involving Fraction, |project covering work completed during |work |most competitive prices to re-decorate a spare | |common fractions, decimals and |

| |decimal and percentages |second half term | |room into an office | |percentages |

| | | |Directed questioning |Set homework according to test results | |ECM5 |


|Week/ |Content |Learning Objectives: students will be able |Assessment of Learning |Teaching and Learning Activities |Resources |Functional Skills Standards |

|Session | |to | | | |(including ECM theme) |

|16 |Ratio and direct | Dilute liquids to a given ratio |Directed questioning |Discussion – ratio and proportion in everyday |Whiteboard |Understand simple ratio as the number of |

| |proportion | | |life. Discuss scale plans and how they are used.|Worksheets |parts |

| | |Change quantities in a given recipe |Checking/marking of worksheet |Board work – How to calculate ratio and |Recipes | |

| | | | |proportion (smartboard) |Liquids and containers|Know how to use a simple scale to estimate |

| | |Draw an accurate scale plan of a room using|Observing the activity |Worksheets – calculating ratio and proportion |Smartboard |distance on a road map |

| | |a given scale | |Activity – diluting liquids | | |

| | | | |Activity - Produce simple plans and scale | | |

| | | | |drawings using given scales | | |

|17 |Length |Write down at least 2 units of measure for |Observation of activity |Discussion – metric and imperial units |Whiteboard |Read, estimate, measure, compare and |

| | |length | |Activity – estimate, measure and record length |Worksheets |calculate length, distance, weight, |

| | | |Q&A. |of items |Matching cards |capacity, and temperature. |

| | |Estimate and accurately measure lengths of | |Board work – How to convert between different |Measuring instruments | |

| | |objects |Observation of measuring activity |units (review x & ÷ by 10, 100 and 1000). |Smartboard |Convert units of measure in the same system|

| | | | |Worksheets - Converting between different units | | |

| | |Convert between metric measurements for | |Activity –match metric amounts with different | | |

| | |length |Checking/marking of worksheet |units (smartboard) | | |

| | | | | | | |

|18 |Weights and capacities |Write down at least 2 units of measure for |Observation of activity |Discussion – recap metric and imperial units |Whiteboard |Read, estimate, measure, compare and |

| | |weights & capacity | |Activity – estimate, measure and record weights |Worksheets |calculate length, distance, weight, |

| | | |Observation of measuring activity |and capacities of items |Matching cards |capacity, and temperature. |

| | |Estimate and accurately measure weight and | |Board work – How to convert between different |Measuring instruments | |

| | |capacity of objects |Checking/marking of worksheet |units (review x & ÷ by 10, 100 and 1000). |Smartboard |Convert units of measure in the same system|

| | | | |Worksheets - Converting between different units | | |

| | |Convert between metric measurements for |Directed questioning |Activity –match metric amounts with different | | |

| | |weights and capacity | |units (smartboard) | | |

| | | | | | | |

|19 |Time management |Write dates in common formats |Observation of activity |Learners plan an building job |Matching cards |Read, measure and record time in common |

| | | | |Access rail timetables online |Rail timetable |date formats and in the 12-hour and 24-hour|

| | |Write the time in the 12-hour and 24-hour |Directed questioning |Match dates and times |Online game |clock; |

| | |clock | | | | |

|20 |Problem Solving – |Complete practical exercise and receive |Measure the length of the classroom|Conversion between metric unit |Whiteboard |Solve simple problems involving ratio, |

| |Measure, shape and space|feedback |and convert to other units of |Calculate the number of pipes that is required |Mini project |Solve problems requiring calculation, with |

| | | |measurement. |for the room. |Tape rule |common measures including money, time, |

| | | |Produce a simple scale plan of the | | |length, |

| | | |classroom. | | |weight, capacity and temperature |

| | | | | | |ECM1 |

|21 |Recap Feedback and |Q & A on previous topics and any |Observation of activity |Learners to complete problem solving test paper |Test paper | |

| |target setting |misconception addressed. | |and answer verbal questions |Mental maths questions| |

| | | |Directed questioning |Set homework according to test results | | |

| | |Update on progress and new targets agreed. | | | | |


|Week/ |Content |Learning Objectives: students will be able |Assessment of Learning |Teaching and Learning Activities |Resources |Functional Skills Standards |

|Session | |to | | | |(including ECM theme) |

|23 |Volume | Accurately calculate the volume of cubes &|Observation of activity |Discussion on volume in real life situations |Graph/squared paper |Know that volume is a measure of 3D space, |

| | |cuboids. | |Worksheets - calculate volume |Whiteboard |measured in cubic units and the volume of a|

| | | |Successful completion of task. Q&A |Activity – measure and calculate volume of |Internet |cuboid = length × width × height. |

| | | | |cuboids |Smartborad | |

|24 |Graphs, charts, tables |Correctly extract and interpret information|Checking/marking of worksheet |Discussion – different ways of presenting data |Charts, tables and |Understand that title, labels, and key |

| |and diagrams |from lists, tables, charts and graphs | |Q&A – extracting information from different |graphs |provide information. |

| | | |Observation of activity – Peer |sources |Quiz questions | |

| | | |assessment |Activity – collect and record discrete data |Worksheets |Collect (including by making accurate |

| | | | | |Graph Paper |observations) and record discrete data in a|

| | | |Directed questioning | |Smartboard |tally chart. |

|25 |Graphs, charts, tables |Collect , organise and represent discrete |Observation of activity – Peer |Discussion – different ways of presenting data |Charts, tables and |Represent discrete data in pictograms, bar |

| |and diagrams |data |assessment |Activity – collect discrete data and present it |graphs |charts and line graphs. |

| | | | |in different ways |Quiz questions | |

| | | |Directed questioning |Paired quiz – spot the missing information from |Worksheets |Know how to choose a sensible scale and to |

| | | | |graph (smartboard) |Graph Paper |label charts, graphs and diagrams |

| | | | |Worksheet – extracting and interpreting data |Smartboard | |

|26 |Mini Project |Calculate how many small boxes can fit into|Successful completion of activity |Problem solving - volume |Graph sheets |Construct models, draw shapes, for example |

| | |a bigger box. | | |Whiteboard |net of a cuboid. |

| | | |Directed questioning |Activity – collecting and presenting data – e.g.| | |

| | |Collect and present data in an appropriate | |Investigate the costs involved in carrying out a| |Know how to obtain information, from tables|

| | |graph, chart, table or diagram | |decorating job. | |such as a timetable or pricelist, charts |

| | | | | | |such as a pictogram, simple pie chart or |

| | | | |Find an appropriate way to present findings. | |bar chart, single line graphs, diagrams |

| | | | | | |such as a map, workshop drawing or plan. |

| | | | | | |ECM3 |

|27 |Recap of previous topics| Complete the revision questions on last |Checking/marking of worksheet |Worksheets – Problem solving with data handling |Worksheets |Represent the results of calculations to |

| | |term’s topics | | |Calculator |show the purpose of the task, |

| | | | |Feedback with tutor – evaluate students progress| |ECM3 |

| |Feedback to students |Review spring term progress sheet and | |with regard to their learning and their personal| | |

| | |complete targets for summer term | |development | | |


|Week/ |Content |Learning Objectives: students will be able |Assessment of Learning |Teaching and Learning Activities |Resources |Functional Skills Standards |

|Session | |to | | | |(including ECM theme) |

|29 |Probability |Express the likelihood of an event |Checking/marking of worksheet |Discussion – types of events |Dice etc. |Understand that some events are impossible,|

| | |occurring | |Paired activity – investigations using dice etc.|Worksheets |some events are certain, some events are |

| | | |Observation of activity – Peer |Worksheet – finding probability |Computers |likely to occur. |

| | |Express probability / likelihood as a |assessment |Computer – Probability game on BBC Skillswise | | |

| | |fraction percentage or decimal | | | | |

| | | |Directed questioning | | |Expressing a probability as a fraction, |

| | | | | | |decimal or percentage |

|30 |Practice test |Complete practice FS assessments |Check answers on practice test. |Completing the questions and activities on FS |Practice Papers |Know that the mean is one sort of average |

| | | | |assessment |Calculators |that can give a distorted view if one or |

| | | | | |Pen |two values are much higher or lower than |

| | | | | |Paper |the other values, |

| | | | | |Graph paper | |

| | | | | | |Understand that some events can happen in |

| | | | | | |more than one way, for example getting an |

| | | | | | |odd number on the throw of a dice. |

| | | | | | |ECM 3 |

|31 |Summative assessment |Start functional skills assessment |Mark work completed |Completing the questions and activities on FS |Practice Papers |ECM 3 |

| | | | |assessment |Calculators | |

| | | | | |Pen | |

| | | | | |Paper | |

| | | | | |Graph paper | |

|32 |Summative assessment |Complete functional skills assignment |Mark work completed |Completing the questions and activities on FS |Practice Papers |ECM 3 |

| | | | |assessment |Calculators | |

| | | | | |Pen | |

| | | | | |Paper | |

| | | | | |Graph paper | |

|33 |Introduce Project |Discus the appropriate research method and |1. Work as a group to determine the|Gather as much information as possible from |Project |ECM 3 & 5 |

| |1-Planning a Holiday |resources required to complete the task. |things that should be considered |internet, brochures and flyers |Calculators | |

| | | |when going on holiday. | |Pen | |

| | | | | |Ruler | |

| | | | | |Graph Paper | |

|34 |Presentation of Research|Present findings of their research using |1. Q&A. |Present their research findings to the whole |Project |ECM 3 & 5 |

| |findings and group |appropriate charts and diagrams | |class |Feedback sheets | |

| |feedback | |Observation of task | |Computers | |

| | | | |Explain the rationale behind their choice of | | |

| | | | |holiday destination | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |Discuss issues encountered and receive feedback | | |

| | | | |from peers | | |

|35 |Introduce Project |Present personal monthly budget plan to the|Observation of presentation |Discuss ways of managing spending |Project |ECM 3 & 5 |

| |2-Financial management |group | | |Feedback sheets | |

| | | |Q&A |Calculate monthly budget |Computers | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |Present their research findings to the whole | | |

| | | | |class | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |Explain the rationale behind their spending | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |Discuss problem encountered and receive feedback| | |

| | | | |from peers | | |

|36 |Whole Class Evaluation |1. Review individual student’s progress |1. Q&A |Whole class evaluation of tasks |Progress sheets |ECM 3 & 5 |

| |and Review Progress |sheets | | |Questionnaire | |

| | | | |Discuss progression for next academic year | | |







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