
Presentation on Supreme Court Cases Instructions:? Task 1: Choose your roles and responsibilities in the group.Facilitator – Works to maintain focus and momentum throughout the task. Ensures that all voices are heard and considered, and encourages group members to keep the end product in mind. Facilitators serve as timekeepers and keep track of group progress toward group goals. Facilitator: _______________________________________Scribe – The scribes job is to take notes during group discussions, brainstorms, and planning. Keeping a written log of communications, ideas, and research is critical to the collaborative effort. The scribe is also responsible for providing or locating the necessary notes/handouts related to assignment to contribute to the accuracy of the project. Scribe: ____________________________________________Communications Expert – The voice of each group. Their job will lead efforts related to presenting the information to the class. The role is also tasked with communicating questions or concerns to the teacher. This role does not necessarily take on all of the presentation, just the leadership. Must also ensure group has necessary munication Expert: ______________________________Task 2: Use the “Guided Inquiry Questions” on the back to fill in basic information to familiarize yourself with the case. Use your handout on the case, your textbook, and reliable sources online. Task 3: Create a poster board or digital presentation (power point, prezi, etc.) to present to the class including the following:Facts of the case (what happened, what the case is about)The Constitutional issue (connect the case to the Constitution – which amendment/Constitutional right is involved?)The court's decision and the rationale behind it (why the court decided the way it did – analyze the Majority, Dissenting, or Unanimous Opinions. Highlight parts of their opinion in your presentation.)? Explain the significance of the case (How does it affect our society today?)The poster board/digital presentation will be presented to the class for a grade. All information must be in your OWN words (no copying and pasting). Remember, you want a healthy balance of text and images.? It is important that we can understand the case without much prior knowledge. Be creative and original.?Be prepared to present in front of the class.?A rubric is attached so you know how you will be graded. In addition to the rubric, a reflection sheet will be filled out by each student pertaining to the collaboration and effort of the group. Students that do not contribute to the group effort will not receive the same grade as their partners that did the work. Stay on task.You will present the information you gathered about your case and show/explain your poster board on Thursday, January 28th.Textbook Resources:Marbury v. Madison: pg. 273Plessy v. Ferguson: pg. 393Brown v. Board of Education: pg. 577Gideon v. Wainwright: pg. 444Miranda v. Arizona: pg. 418In re Gault: pg. 379Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier: pg. 340US v. Nixon: pg. 237Bush v. Gore: pg. 314Guided Inquiry QuestionsCase:Year:What are the basic facts of the case?What is the essential question of the case?What is the main Constitutional question/issue? (Provide the exact part of the Constitution it connects to)What are the main arguments on both sides of the case?How did the Court answer the essential question? What was the reason for their decision?What was the impact of this case on society?Landmark Supreme Court Case RubricStudent Names: Case: Poster Board/Digital Presenation: Supreme Court CaseContent - Accuracy Presentation contains all required elements of the case in student’s own words (15 pts) Most of the required elements of the case are included on the presentation in student’s own words (12 pts)Some of the required elements of the case are included on the presentation (8 pts)Several required elements of the case are missing from the presentation (4 pts)Graphics - Relevance Student uses graphics that enhance the case and make it easier to understand. Good use of text (15 pts)Student uses graphics that are related to the case and make it understandable. Decent use of text (12 pts)Student uses graphics that are somewhat related to the topic but make it difficult to understand (8 pts)Student uses graphics that do not relate to the case and cause confusion (4 pts)Creativity & Originality Presentation reflects an exceptional degree of student imagination and originality in the creation and/or display (10 pts)Presentation mostly reflects student imagination and originality in the creation and/or display (8 pts)Presentation reflects some effort on the part of the student, but lacks imagination and originality (5 pts)Presentation reflects little or no effort on the part of the student to be imaginative or original (2 pts)Total Score (Out of 40): ................

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