
Ms. Walls

Room 1006

Phone #: 703-6735 Syllabus and Class Guidelines

E-mail Address:

Welcome to Honors Biology! You will find that biology offers numerous topics that are relevant to your daily life. To be successful you need to work to your fullest potential each day. Ms. Walls’ goal is to help you develop a respect, if not a love, for biology. Within this document you will find information that will help you to be successful this year.

Course Syllabus

|Weeks 1-6 |Weeks 7-12 |Weeks 13-18 |

|Introduction to Biology |The Cell Cycle/Mitosis |Introduction to Taxonomy |

|Organic Chemistry |Meiosis |Basic Microbiology |

|Cell Biology |Mendelian Genetics |Basic Botany |

|Cellular Transport |Human Genetics |Basic Zoology |

|Photosynthesis |Biotechnology |Animal Behavior |

|Cellular Respiration |Evolution |Ecology |

|Molecular Genetics | | |

|Essential Standards |Essential Standards Addressed: |Essential Standards Addressed: |

|Addressed: |Analyze the cell as a living system. (1.2.2) |Analyze how classification systems are |

|Understand how biological molecules are |Understand how the environment, and/or the |developed upon |

|essential to the survival of living organisms. |interaction of alleles, influences the |speciation. (3.5) |

|(4.1) |expression of genetic traits. (3.2) |Analyze the inter-dependence of living things|

|Understand the relationship between the |Understand the application of DNA technology.|within their environment. (2.1) |

|structures of cells and their organelles. (1.1) |(3.3) |Understand the impact of human activities on |

|Analyze the cell as a living system. (1.2.1, |Explain the theory of natural selection as a |the environment (one generation affects the |

|1.2.3) |mechanism for how species change over time. |next). (2.2) |

|Understand the relationships between biochemical|(3.4) | |

|processes and energy use in the cell. (4.2) | | |

|Explain how traits are determined by the | | |

|structure and function of DNA. (3.1) | | |

The syllabus above reflects the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System’s biology pacing guide.

It is subject to change as needed to fit the school calendar.

Supplies Students Need Optional Donations Accepted

Colored Pencils Disinfecting Wipes

Highlighters Expo Dry Erase Markers

Pencils/Pens Paper Towels

1 Pack sheet protectors Tissues

1 Three Ring Binder (2 in. or larger) Colored printing paper

1 Subject notebook

Grading Procedures

|Letter Grade |Number |

| |Range |

| A |90-100 |

|B |80-89 |

|C |70-79 |

|D |60-69 |

|F |Below 60 |

|Category |% of Final Grade |

|Test and Laboratory Average |60 |

|Classwork and Homework Average |10 |

|Quiz |10 |

|Average | |

|Honors Biology |20 |

|Project | |

Final grades for the course will be calculated using the percentages below.

For 1st Semester Biology Classes: For 2nd Semester Biology Classes:

1st Quarter Average is 40% of Final Grade 3rd Quarter Average is 40% of Final Grade

2nd Quarter Average is 40% of Final Grade 4th Quarter Average is 40% of Final Grade

Biology EOCT Score is 20% of Final Grade Biology EOCT Score is 20% of Final Grade

Tutoring Opportunities

Ms. Walls is available for tutoring every week. Tutoring days and times will be posted on the board in Ms. Walls’ classroom and on Ms. Walls’ website calendar. Please take advantage of this opportunity for one-on-one assistance, and do not hesitate to ask for help. You should notify Ms. Walls in advance if you are planning to attend tutoring.

Contact with Parents and Guardians

Approximately every 2-3 weeks, Ms. Walls will send class e-mail updates to parents/guardians for whom she has e-mail addresses. It is her hope that this will allow parents and guardians to stay informed about what is happening in class. Ms. Walls is also available by phone (703-6735) or by e-mail ( Parents can feel free to contact her with any questions or concerns. In addition, conferences may be scheduled when necessary. Progress reports will be given to every student several times each quarter. The dates for progress reports will be posted on Ms. Walls’ website calendar. Grades will be updated in Power Schools weekly, and parents and guardians are highly encouraged to access students’ grades and attendance regularly. Access codes for Power Schools can be obtained in the East Forsyth High School guidance office. Please also access Ms. Walls’ website calendar for specific information regarding daily lesson plans and upcoming assessments. The website is updated weekly.

The Importance of Attendance

Your attendance in class each day is perhaps the most important key to your success in biology. Everyday new instruction is delivered and/or content is reviewed for students’ mastery. Unless you are sick or have a legitimate family emergency, Ms. Walls expects to see you in class for the entire class period. Whenever possible please schedule appointments so that they will not interfere with class time. If you must be out, please be sure to complete your make-up work. Please note that excessive absences (more than 5 undocumented absences per quarter) will reduce the participation grade you earn at the end of each quarter. Students, parents and guardians will be notified of total absences on progress reports and through Power Schools.

Tardy Policy

In addition to being in class each day, Ms. Walls wants you to be on time. You should be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, and you should be in your assigned seat immediately following your arrival to the classroom. Failure to arrive in the classroom by the tardy bell means that you are tardy.

Tardies will have the following consequences:

First Tardy-Warning

Additional Tardies-10 minutes Detention per Tardy

If a student does not attend detention for his or her additional tardies, he or she will lose 10 points off of the quarterly participation grade for each missed detention. Students, parents and guardians will be notified of total tardies on progress reports and through Power Schools.

Make-up Work

Make-up work is work missed due to an absence, tardy or early sign-out from class. If you are absent from class, tardy to class or sign-out early from class, it is your responsibility to view the weekly agenda board and/or Ms. Walls’ website to determine what you have missed. You should make it a priority to collect and complete any make-up assignments from your make-up work folder located near the front door, obtain lecture notes, and schedule appointments with Ms. Walls to complete tests and quizzes. Failure to complete make-up work by designated final dates will result in a grade of zero for each missing assignment. Students, parents and guardians will be reminded of make-up work and final due dates on progress reports.

Late Work

When a student is present on the day that an assignment is given and on the day that it is due, he or she should turn in the assignment. It is critical for students, parents and guardians to know that Ms. Walls does not accept late work. All assignments have specific due dates. Please bring completed assignments to class on their due dates. Thank you in advance for not asking for special consideration in this matter. If you are unsure of a due date, do not hesitate to ask Ms. Walls or check her website.

Extra Credit

Although bonus points may be earned on some tests and quizzes, extra credit assignments will not be provided. If you complete all regular credit work, you will not have any need for extra credit.

Classroom Rules and Consequences


1. Show respect for yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and any visitor to the classroom. All other rules directly relate to this rule.

2. Raise your hand for permission to speak. Ms. Walls will let you know when talking is expected.

3. Remain seated unless you are given permission to move to a new location.

4. Follow laboratory safety guidelines during all laboratory activities. Laboratory safety standards will be stressed before the class begins any laboratory activity.

5. Abide by all rules and procedures that are outlined in the student handbook.

Each day that you enter the classroom you will make a decision to follow or disregard the rules outlined above. Please understand that if you choose to disregard the rules you will face the consequences below.


First Offense-Warning

Second Offense-30 Minutes Detention with Ms. Walls

Third Offense-1 Hour Detention with Ms. Walls and Parental Contact

Fourth Offense-Office Referral and Parental Contact

Severe infractions (fighting, blatant disrespect, etc.) will result in immediate office

referral. Ms. Walls reserves the right to use any of the following consequences in addition to

those listed above: relocation of student within the classroom, removal from the classroom, and/or private conference between student and teacher.

Other General Information

This course is based upon the North Carolina Essential Standards of Biology.

Biology is a semester-long block course. The entire course will be completed within 18 weeks.

Students should expect at least 1 test or quiz per week. Tests have an average of 50 questions. Quizzes have an average of 15 questions. All tests and quizzes will be announced several days in advance. Students should expect to have written homework assigned several times a week. Students should also study biology at least 15-20 minutes for homework on Monday through Thursday. Honors Biology students will complete portions of the honors biology project each quarter. Cumulative benchmark assessments will be administered twice during the course (around week 6 and week 12). These benchmark assessments are designed by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System. The North Carolina Biology end-of-course test will be administered at the conclusion of the course. This test is based upon the North Carolina Essential Standards of Biology.

Ms. Walls

Room 1006

Phone #: 703-6735 Syllabus and Class Guidelines

E-mail Address:

Welcome to Biology! You will find that biology offers numerous topics that are relevant to your daily life. To be successful you need to work to your fullest potential each day. Ms. Walls’ goal is to help you develop a respect, if not a love, for biology. Within this document you will find information that will help you to be successful this year.

Course Syllabus

|Weeks 1-6 |Weeks 7-12 |Weeks 13-18 |

|Introduction to Biology |The Cell Cycle/Mitosis |Introduction to Taxonomy |

|Organic Chemistry |Meiosis |Basic Microbiology |

|Cell Biology |Mendelian Genetics |Basic Botany |

|Cellular Transport |Human Genetics |Basic Zoology |

|Photosynthesis |Biotechnology |Animal Behavior |

|Cellular Respiration |Evolution |Ecology |

|Molecular Genetics | | |

|Essential Standards |Essential Standards Addressed: |Essential Standards Addressed: |

|Addressed: |Analyze the cell as a living system. (1.2.2) |Analyze how classification systems are |

|Understand how biological molecules are |Understand how the environment, and/or the |developed upon |

|essential to the survival of living organisms. |interaction of alleles, influences the |speciation. (3.5) |

|(4.1) |expression of genetic traits. (3.2) |Analyze the inter-dependence of living things|

|Understand the relationship between the |Understand the application of DNA technology.|within their environment. (2.1) |

|structures of cells and their organelles. (1.1) |(3.3) |Understand the impact of human activities on |

|Analyze the cell as a living system. (1.2.1, |Explain the theory of natural selection as a |the environment (one generation affects the |

|1.2.3) |mechanism for how species change over time. |next). (2.2) |

|Understand the relationships between biochemical|(3.4) | |

|processes and energy use in the cell. (4.2) | | |

|Explain how traits are determined by the | | |

|structure and function of DNA. (3.1) | | |

The syllabus above reflects the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System’s biology pacing guide. It is subject to change as needed to fit the school calendar.

Supplies Students Need Optional Donations Accepted

Colored Pencils Disinfecting Wipes

Highlighters Expo Dry Erase Markers

Notebook paper Paper Towels

Pencils Tissues

Three Ring Binder (1 inch or larger) Colored printing paper

1 subject notebook

Grading Procedures

|Letter Grade |Number |

| |Range |

| A |90-100 |

|B |80-89 |

|C |70-79 |

|D |60-69 |

|F |Below 60 |

|Category |% of Final Grade |

|Tests and Laboratory Average |60 |

|Classwork and Homework |30 |

|Average | |

|Quiz Average |10 |

Final grades for the course will be calculated using the percentages below.

For 1st Semester Biology Classes: For 2nd Semester Biology Classes:

1st Quarter Average is 40% of Final Grade 3rd Quarter Average is 40% of Final Grade

2nd Quarter Average is 40% of Final Grade 4th Quarter Average is 40% of Final Grade

Biology EOCT Score is 20% of Final Grade Biology EOCT Score is 20% of Final Grade

Tutoring Opportunities

Ms. Walls is available for tutoring every week. Tutoring days and times will be posted on the board in Ms. Walls’ classroom and on Ms. Walls’website calendar. Please take advantage of this opportunity for one-on-one assistance, and do not hesitate to ask for help. You should notify Ms. Walls in advance if you are planning to attend tutoring.

Contact With Parents and Guardians

Approximately every 2-3 weeks, Ms. Walls will send class e-mail updates to parents/guardians for whom she has e-mail addresses. It is her hope that this will allow parents and guardians to stay informed about what is happening in class. Ms. Walls is also available by phone (703-6735) or by e-mail ( Parents can feel free to contact her with any questions or concerns. In addition, conferences may be scheduled when necessary. Progress reports will be given to every student several times each quarter. The dates for progress reports will be posted on Ms. Walls’ website calendar. Grades will be updated in Power Schools weekly, and parents and guardians are highly encouraged to access students’ grades and attendance regularly. Access codes for Power Schools can be obtained in the East Forsyth High School guidance office. Please also access Ms. Walls’ website calendar for specific information regarding daily lesson plans and upcoming assessments. The website is updated weekly.

The Importance of Attendance

Your attendance in class each day is perhaps the most important key to your success in biology. Everyday new instruction is delivered and/or content is reviewed for students’ mastery. Unless you are sick or have a legitimate family emergency, Ms. Walls expects to see you in class for the entire class period. Whenever possible please schedule appointments so that they will not interfere with class time. If you must be out, please be sure to complete your make-up work. Please note that excessive absences (more than 5 undocumented absences per quarter) will reduce the participation grade you earn at the end of each quarter. Students, parents and guardians will be notified of absences on progress reports and through Power Schools.

Tardy Policy

In addition to being in class each day, Ms. Walls wants you to be on time. You should be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, and you should be in your assigned seat immediately following your arrival to the classroom. Failure to arrive in the classroom by the tardy bell means that you are tardy.

Tardies will have the following consequences:

First Tardy-Warning

Additional Tardies-10 minutes Detention per Tardy

If a student does not attend detention for his or her additional tardies, he or she will lose 10 points off of the quarterly participation grade for each missed detention. Students, parents and guardians will be notified of tardies on progress reports and through Power Schools.

Make-up Work

Make-up work is work missed due to an absence, tardy or early sign-out from class. If you are absent from class, tardy to class or sign-out early from class, it is your responsibility to view the weekly agenda board and/or Ms. Walls’ website to determine what you have missed. You should make it a priority to collect and complete any make-up assignments from your make-up work folder located near the front door, obtain lecture notes, and schedule appointments with Ms. Walls to complete tests and quizzes. Failure to complete make-up work by designated final dates will result in a grade of zero for each missing assignment. Students, parents and guardians will be reminded of make-up work and final due dates on progress reports.

Late Work

When a student is present on the day that an assignment is given and on the day that it is due, he or she should turn in the assignment. It is critical for students, parents and guardians to know that Ms. Walls does not accept late work. All assignments have specific due dates. Please bring completed assignments to class on their due dates. Thank you in advance for not asking for special consideration in this matter. If you are unsure of a due date, do not hesitate to ask Ms. Walls or check her website.

Extra Credit

Although bonus points may be earned on some tests and quizzes, extra credit assignments will not be provided. If you complete all regular credit work, you will not have any need for extra credit.

Classroom Rules and Consequences


1. Show respect for yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and any visitor to the classroom. All other rules directly relate to this rule.

2. Raise your hand for permission to speak. Ms. Walls will let you know when talking is expected.

3. Remain seated unless you are given permission to move to a new location.

4. Follow laboratory safety guidelines during all laboratory activities. Laboratory safety standards will be stressed before the class begins any laboratory activity.

5. Abide by all rules and procedures that are outlined in the student handbook.

Each day that you enter the classroom you will make a decision to follow or disregard the rules outlined above. Please understand that if you choose to disregard the rules you will face the consequences below.


First Offense-Warning

Second Offense-30 Minutes Detention with Ms. Walls

Third Offense-1 Hour Detention with Ms. Walls and Parental Contact

Fourth Offense-Office Referral and Parental Contact

Severe infractions (fighting, blatant disrespect, etc.) will result in immediate office

referral. Ms. Walls reserves the right to use any of the following consequences in addition to

those listed above: relocation of student within the classroom, removal from the classroom, and/or private conference between student and teacher.

Other General Information

This course is based upon the North Carolina Essential Standards of Biology.

Biology is a semester-long block course. The entire course will be completed within 18 weeks.

Students should expect at least 1 test or quiz per week. Tests have an average of 50 questions. Quizzes have an average of 15 questions. All tests and quizzes will be announced several days in advance. Students should expect to have written homework assigned several times a week. Students should also study biology at least 15-20 minutes for homework on Monday through Thursday. Cumulative benchmark assessments will be administered twice during the course (around week 6 and week 12). These benchmark assessments are designed by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System. The North Carolina Biology end-of-course test will be administered at the conclusion of the course. This test is based upon the North Carolina Essential Standards of Biology.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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