Psychology Online

True/ False from chapter 12A. Personality refers to one's typical way of behavior that differentiates a person from others. TB. A trait refers to a relatively enduring pattern of behavior that is relatively consistent across situations. TC. Acceptance is one of the Big Five personality traits. FD. People who live in individualistic cultures are more likely than people who live in collectivistic cultures to work hard to meet their own personal goals as opposed to the goals of others. TE. Freud's theory of personality is known as humanistic theory. FF. In Freudian theory, the phallic stage refers to a period of time when the genitals become a primary source of pleasure. TG. Karen Horney believed that Freud placed too much importance on sexual conflicts. TH. Self-efficacy refers to the idea that we learn from the environment but also that the environment changes because of us. FI. The internal force that motivates humans to grow and improve is known as inner-directedness. TJ. The id is the subjective perception of who we are and what we are like. FK. If during a personality assessment the examiner merely watched the person being assessed, this would be an example of the use of the interview method. FL. Based on the research, projective tests are highly successful at predicting future behavior. FMultiple Choice OptionsThe term ____________ refers to the sum total of all of the ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that are typical for a person and make that person different from all other individuals. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)uniqueness MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)trait MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)personality MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)individuality MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Emma is consistently kind, helpful, and intelligent. In terms of the subfield of personality psychology, we are technically describing Emma's MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)traits. PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"LID2_2\" NAME=\"Answer2\" TYPE=\"radio\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)values. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)humanity. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)demeanor. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Edie is a worried, high-strung, insecure woman. She is usually nervous and self-conscious. Using the Five-Factor Model, what can be said about Edie's personality traits? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)She is low in neuroticism. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)She is high in neuroticism. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)She is low in agreeableness. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)She is high in extraversion. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Based on findings from cross-cultural research, which of the following women is most likely to be characterized as friendly and motivated to work hard to meet goals set by her parents? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)Inge, who came to the United States as a college student from a small town in northern Sweden. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)Farida, who is from a Gujarati Brahmin family in India. PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"LID4_3\" NAME=\"Answer4\" TYPE=\"radio\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)Cora Jean, whose New England family traces its roots back to Pilgrim ancestors who came to America on the Mayflower. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)Deborah, whose Eastern European grandparents settled in San Francisco. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Which level of consciousness consists of memories that are not presently in awareness but can be easily brought into awareness? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)preconscious MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)conscious MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)unconscious MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)subliminal MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect According to Freud, the ego operates according to MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)primary process thinking. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)the pleasure principle. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)the reality principle. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)displacement. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Kevin looks up to his father and every day becomes more and more like him. Freud referred to this process as ____________ and saw it as the key step in the development of the superego. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)reaction formation MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)identification MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)sublimation MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)displacement MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Sam is two and a half years old. He runs into the kitchen to get his mother and proudly shows her how he went to the bathroom all by himself. Sam is successfully moving through which stage of psychosexual development? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)anal MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)oral MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)phallic MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)genital MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Ted and Jeffrey are impulsive and lack genuine feeling for others. They also exhibit egocentric selfishness. According to Freud, they have which type of personality? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)anal retentive MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)anal expulsive MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)oral aggressive MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)b MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect 1In his research with different cultures, Carl Jung found support for his concept of the MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)inferiority complex. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)personal unconscious. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)collective unconscious. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)collective conscious. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect 11Karen Horney not only believed that Freud placed too much emphasis on sexual conflicts, she also believed that MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)humans possess both a personal unconscious and a collective unconscious. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)conflicts develop as the result of inadequate child-rearing experiences. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)the primary struggle in personality development is the effort to overcome feelings of inferiority in social relationships. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)Freud took a one-sided negative view of the human condition. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Professor Lublin states that the key concepts in the study of personality are classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and modeling. We can therefore assume that Professor Lublin adheres to which theory of personality? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)social learning MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)behavioral MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)humanistic MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)psychoanalytic MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Xander sees Buffy yelling at Angel and decides she must be upset, so he approaches her and says, "It looks like you're having a rough day." Appreciating the fact that her feelings have been acknowledged, Buffy sighs, smiles, and says, "Yes. Thanks for noticing." She now feels much better and Xander feels happy when he sees her smile. This example illustrates MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)Jung's notion of the collective unconscious. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)Bandura's notion of reciprocal determination. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)Bem's person x situation interactionism. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)the Five-Factor trait of agreeableness. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Willi knows what she wants to do with her life and believes that she is able and willing to reach her goals even though they present many challenges. According to Bandura, Willi has a strong sense of MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)self-esteem. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)self-efficacy. PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"LID14_3\" NAME=\"Answer14\" TYPE=\"radio\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)egotism. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)self-concept. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Elliott behaves differently in different situations. Which theory best explains this variability in Elliott's behavior? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)trait theory MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)situationism MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)behaviorism MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)person x situation interactionism MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Which of these is often referred to as "the third force in psychology"? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)self-actualization MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)behaviorism MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)psychoanalytic theory MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)humanistic theory PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"17\" NAME=\"Question17\" TYPE=\"hidden\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"4\" NAME=\"NoOfResponse17\" TYPE=\"hidden\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Which situation is LEAST likely to create psychological problems? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)Jerry sees his "self" as very similar to his "ideal self." MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)Jenny sees her "self" as very different from her "ideal self." MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)Kerry sees herself much more positively than others see her. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)Kenny sees himself as worthwhile if he behaves as he believes he should behave. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Susan volunteers at a local homeless shelter. She is open and honest and has the courage to act on her convictions even when others criticize her for her strong sense of social conscience. Despite having an accurate view of people and life, she is positive about life and always finds new challenges that keep her life exciting. In Maslow's terms, Susan is MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)self-deluded. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)self-actualized. PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"LID18_3\" NAME=\"Answer18\" TYPE=\"radio\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)self-fulfilled. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)extraverted. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Which theory of personality believes that people internalize society's standards of what is desirable and moral and that these standards guide our behavior? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)humanistic MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)psychoanalytic MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)social learning MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)all three of these theories PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"20\" NAME=\"Question20\" TYPE=\"hidden\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"4\" NAME=\"NoOfResponse20\" TYPE=\"hidden\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect The most widely used method of personality assessment is the MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)projective personality test. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)objective personality test. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)interview. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)survey. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Yeh is taking a test that consists of 566 true/false questions, such as "I get along well with others" and "I am afraid of losing my mind." Yeh is taking which test? MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) PRIVATE "<INPUT VALUE=\"LID21_2\" NAME=\"Answer21\" TYPE=\"radio\">" MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)the Rorschach inkblot test MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)the Stanford-Binet IQ test MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect Professor Windsor wants to find a test that will be useful in predicting his clients' future behavior and outcomes. Although he knows that personality tests are all far from perfect, he will get the best results by using MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect A)the Rorschach inkblot test. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect B)the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect C)an objective test based in the five-factor model. MACROBUTTON HTMLDirect D)a projective test based in the five-factor model.Persons who score low on extraversion measures are said to be “Introverts”.To prevent itself from being overwhelmed by excessive demands from the id and superego, the ego relies on A) reality principle; B) Pleasure principle; C) Oedipus Complex; D) Pleasure principleGenerally speaking, techniques such as the Rorschach and the TAT are ______ at predicting behavior. A) very good; B) not good; C) perfect; D) about 50% accurateGenerally speaking, techniques such as the Rorschach and the TAT are ______ at predicting behavior. A) permissive; B) divine; C) symmetrical; D) ancientMost people intuitively understand that incest is wrong, even though they are not told this directly. Jung would explain that the incest taboo is part of the A) innate id; B) collective unconscious; C) collective superego; D) Electra complexAccording to Freud, what are the three levels of consciousness? A) repressed conscious, preconscious, unconscious; B) unconscious, preconscious, personal conscious C) preconscious, collective unconscious, personal conscious; D) conscious, preconscious, unconsciousIf you possess high levels of self-efficacy, this means that you A) can overcome feelings of anal-retentiveness; B) believe you are capable of achieving your goals; C) can control your own behavior in difficult environments; D) can communicate with others using fewer wordsA major trait, like altruism, that dominates a person's life is described by Allport as a _______ trait A) dominant; B) central; C) primary; D) cardinalOf Allport's categories of traits, which traits tend to describe a specific aspect of a person's personality? A) primary; B) secondary; C) cardinal; D) centralOne personality theory called _______ suggests that behavior is consistent when the environment we inhabit remains consistent A) environmentalism; B) habitationism; C) situationism; D) socializationThe storage of primitive instinctual motives and memories and emotions threatening to the conscious mind are stored in the A) preconscious; B) conscious; C) unconscious; D) subconsciousBased on research, which of the following would best be attributed to someone living in a collectivistic culture? A) They are likely to resort to physical aggression when conflict occurs; B) They like to meet their own goals before meeting the company's goals; C) When they have time off, they spend it with friends or family; D) When they have conflict, they are likely to try to embarrass the other personChildren develop a superego through the process of A) repression; B) sublimation; C) fixation; D) identificationAccording to Maslow, self-actualized individuals have more ______ than non-self-actualized individuals A) sleepless nights; B) money and fame; C) peak experiences; D) inner directednessAccording to Maslow, self-actualized individuals have more ______ than non-self-actualized individuals A) inner self is to outer self; B) self is to ideal self; C) symbolized self to idealized self; D) self concept is to personaIf a child feels loved and secure, Horney believed the child will A) develop a weak personality; B) experience little or no conflict; C) develop the need to be perfect; D) be envious of power and privilegeWhat type of task might a person be asked to do if taking a projective test? A) answer true/false questions; B) make up a story; C) respond on a 1 to 5 scale; D) fill in a computer scanning sheetThe first psychosexual stage in Freud's personality theory is the ______ stage A) anal; B) oral; C) phallic; D) latentThe Freudian part of personality called the id operates on the ______ principle A) reality; B) pain; C) pleasure; D) guiltAllie is very shy during one-on-one encounters, but tends to be very outgoing in a group. Which viewpoint best explains her behavior? A) Cattell’s trait theory; B) conditions of worth; C) reciprocal determination; D) person x situation interactionismYou took a personality test, and the results indicated you were high in extraversion and moderate in agreeableness. These are examples of A) situational questions; B) surface traits; C) the big five personality traits; D) projective test resultsThe third force in psychology is known as the ______ theory of personality A) humanistic; B) situational; C) psychoanalytic; D) behavioralIn Horney's theory of personality, anxious insecurity is most likely the result of A) defense mechanisms; B) inadequate parenting; C) feelings of inferiority; D) opposing mental elementsA young boy feels guilty after looking through some adult sex magazines. In Freud's theory, the source of this guilt is the A) id; B) anal stage; C) ideal self; D) superegoIf you believed in humanistic personality theories, which of the following would you be most inclined to agree with? A) Humans are pleasure-seeking creatures driven by lust, vengeance, and greed B) Each person is unique and strives to be valued for who she or he is; C) Human beings have no basic qualities; they are shaped by the environment; D) Each person is an individual and strives to develop the qualities that promote survivalIn terms of the interests of society, the best form of displacement is referred to as: A) sublimation; B) regression; C) reaction formation; D) fixationWhich of the following Freudian terms is most closely synonymous with long-term memory? A) unconscious; B) preconcious; C) conscious; D) subconsciousThe Oedipal complex and the Electra complex develop and are resolved during the: A) oral stage; B) anal stage; C) phallic stage; D) genital stageAccording to Horney, the source of all psychological conflicts stems from: A) conflicts between the personal and collective unconscious; B) conflicts arising from inborn motives of the id. C) failure to symbolize unconscious thoughts.; D) the development of anxious insecurityThe personality theory attributed to Sigmund Freud is known as ______ theory. A) collectivistic; B) behavioral; C) humanistic; D) psychoanalyticA humanist believes that the psychoanalytic view of the world, and especially personality, is: A) simplistic; B) on target; C) misguided; D) wrongIf you say that Karl will make a good college class president because he is outgoing and sensitive, you are subscribing to: A) humanism; B) trait theory; C) social learning theory; D) situationalismIf you knew someone with an extremely violent temper and aggressive attitude who became a boxer, you might suspect that the person was engaged in A) sublimation; B) repression; C) self-efficacy; D) a death instinctWhich of the following statements accurately describes a self-actualized person? A) they strive to be popular; B) they are committed to a cause; C) they work hard for their money; D) they are concerned about themselvesIn Freud's analogy of the mind, the ______ mind is the tip of the iceberg visible above the surface A) conscious; B) preconscious; C) unconscious; D) subconsciousGenerally speaking, collectivistic cultures tend to value: A) high-tech development over industrial development; B) membership as a part of a group; C) industrial development over agrarian development; D) the individuality of each personWhen you are shown ambiguous pictures and you are asked to describe what you see and make up a story, then you are probably taking the: A) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory; B) Thematic Apperception Test; C) Stanford Binet; D) Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorAmong those who have revised Freud's psychoanalytic theory, who has been the most influential? A) Horney; B) Adler; C) Watson; D) BanduraEnduring and distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are the core areas in describing someone's: A) psychoanalytic case history; B) superego development; C) personality; D) unconsciousIt was Freud's emphasis of ______ that led Carl Jung to break away from Freud and continue to develop his own ideas about human behavior without Freud. A) sexual motivation; B) unconscious desire; C) oral-anal fixations; D) the Oedipal complexHumanists believe that a person's psychological experience is best understood by A) asking the person about it and taking his or her word for it; B) interpreting the person’s dreams in order to discover hidden motivations; C) identifying, reinforcing, and punishing patterns of interaction within the person's family; D) analyzing each comment the person makes in terms of humanistic theoretical constructsIf you believed in humanistic personality theories, which of the following would you be most inclined to agree with? A) Humans are pleasure-seeking creatures driven by lust, vengeance, and greed B) Each person is unique and strives to be valued for who she or he is; C) Human beings have no basic qualities; they are shaped by the environment; D) Each person is an individual and strives to develop the qualities that promote survival.Which of the following theorists would believe that a human is neutral at birth (not good nor evil)? A) social learning theorist; B) psychoanalyst; C) humanist; D) cognitivistAdler criticized Freud for denying the importance of the human need for healthy: A) sexual gratification; B) peak experiences; C) social relationships; D) repressionAccording to Freud, ______ is the key step in the development of the superego: A) repression; B) differentiation; C) sublimation; D) identificationIn humanistic psychology, the ideal self is: A) the person I know I can become; B) the person my mother was; C) the person I wish I was; D) what comes from the environmentThe theory known as interactionism posits that behavior is influenced by a combination of ______ and ______ A) operant conditioning; classical conditioning; B) neurotransmitters; hormones; C) id; ego; D) the person; the situationWhen shown pictures of scenes that were happy or positive, highly extraverted people: A) showed less arousal than introverted person; B) showed more arousal than introverted people; C) tended to become more subject to later depressions; D) became dangerously manic in their behaviorIf John is described as cruel, pushy, messy, and disorderly, Freud would refer to his personality a: A) oral aggressive; B) anal retentive; C) oral receptive; D) anal expulsivet is one's ______ that encourages a person to grow, improve, and to become all they can. A) unconditional positive regard; B) inner directedness; C) reaction formation; D) anal expulsivenessThe traits of extraversion and neuroticism: A) were validated by MRI studies; B) were not validated by MRI studies; C) have been validated using PET scans only; D) showed lowered MRI scans indicating lower brain activityJung believed that certain motives, conflicts, and information have been repressed into the unconscious because they are threatening to us. He called this part of the mind the: A) collective unconscious; B) introverted consciousness; C) personal unconsiousness; D) reciprocal consciousnessIf a child feels loved and secure, Horney believed the child will: A) develop a weak personality; B) experience little or no conflict; C) develop the need to be perfect; D) be envious of power and privilegeWhich of the following Freudian terms is most closely synonymous with long-term memory?: A) unconscious; B) preconscious; C) conscious; D) subconsciousBased on research, which of the following would best be attributed to someone living in a collectivistic culture? A) They are likely to resort to physical aggression when conflict occurs; B) they like to meet their own goals before meeting the company's goals.; C) When they have time off, they spend it with friends or family D) When they have conflict, they are likely to try to embarrass the other personWhat do humanists, psychoanalysts, and social learning theorists tend to agree on regarding personality? A) we guide our behavior by society’s standards; B) we are all born to be either good or bad; C) we operate on the reality principle; D) the unconscious mind holds the key to personalityIf a child developed a need to be perfect, Horney would say that the child developed: A) feelings of inferiority; B) anxious insecurity; C) social interest; D) an ego idealThe person you think you are is to the person you wish you were as: A) inner self is to outer self; B) self is to ideal self; C) symbolized self is to idealized self; D) self concept is to personaWhen our view of self matches what we think we would like to be or what we ought to be, Rogers would say our self-concept is: A) self actualized; B) agreeable; C) congruent; D) symbolizedThe MMPI-2 contains a total of ___ scales. A) 10; B) 8; C) 12; D) 6A humanist believes that the psychoanalytic view of the world, and especially personality, is A) simplistic; B) on target; C) misguided; D) wrongWhich of the following statements accurately describes a self-actualized person? A) They strive to be popular; b) they are committed to a cause; C) they work hard for money; D) they are concerned about themselvesIn Freud's analogy of the mind, the ______ mind is the tip of the iceberg visible above the surface A) conscious; B) preconscious; C) unconscious; D) subconsciousGenerally speaking, collectivistic cultures tend to value A) high tech development over industrial development; B) membership as a part of a group; C) industrial development over agrarian development; D) the individuality of each personIt was Freud's emphasis of ______ that led Carl Jung to break away from Freud and continue to develop his own ideas about human behavior without Freud. A) sexual motivation; B) unconscious desire; C) oral anal fixations; D) the Oedipal complexHumanists believe that a person's psychological experience is best understood by: A) asking the person about it and taking his or her word for it.; B) interpreting the person's dreams in order to discover hidden motivations; C) identifying, reinforcing, and punishing patterns of interaction within the person's family; D) analyzing each comment the person makes in terms of humanistic theoretical constructsIf you believed in humanistic personality theories, which of the following would you be most inclined to agree with?: A) Humans are pleasure-seeking creatures driven by lust, vengeance, and greed; B) Each person is unique and strives to be valued for who she or he is; C) Human beings have no basic qualities; they are shaped by the environment; D) Each person is an individual and strives to develop the qualities that promote survival.Which of the following theorists would believe that a human is neutral at birth (not good nor evil)? A) social learning theorist; B) psychoanalyst; C) humanist; D) cognitivistWhen shown pictures of scenes that were happy or positive, highly extraverted people A) showed less arousal than introverted persons; B) showed more arousal than introverted people; C) tended to become more subject to later depressions; D) became dangerously manic in their behaviorIf John is described as cruel, pushy, messy, and disorderly, Freud would refer to his personality as: A) oral aggressive; B) anal retentive; C) oral receptive; D) anal expulsiveIt is one's ______ that encourages a person to grow, improve, and to become all they can A) unconditional positive regard; B) inner directedness; C) reaction formation; D) anal expulsivenessThe traits of extraversion and neuroticism (A) were validated by MRI studies; B) were not validated by MRI studies; C) have been validated using PET scans only; D) showed lowered MRI scans indicating lower brain activityCarl Jung believed that certain motives, conflicts, and information have been repressed into the unconscious because they are threatening to us. He called this part of the mind the A) collective unconscious; B) introverted consciousness; C) personal unconscious; D) reciprocal consciousnessIf a child feels loved and secure, Horney believed the child will: A) develops a weak personality; B) experience little or no conflict; C) develop the need to be perfect; D) be envious of power and privilegeWhich of the following Freudian terms is most closely synonymous with long-term memory? A) unconscious; B) preconscious; C) conscious; D) subconsciousBased on research, which of the following would best be attributed to someone living in a collectivistic culture? A) they are likely to resort to physical aggression when conflict occurs; B) they like to meet their own goals before meeting the company’s goals; C) when they have time off, they spend it with friends or family; D) when they have conflict they are likely to try to embarrass the other personWhat do humanists, psychoanalysts, and social learning theorists tend to agree on regarding personality? A) we guide our behavior by society’s standards; B) we are all born to be either good or bad; C) we operate on the reality principle; D) the unconscious mind hold the key to personalityWhen our view of self matches what we think we would like to be or what we ought to be, Rogers would say our self-concept is A) self actualized; B) agreeable; C) congruent; D) symbolized ................

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