Spanish I

Español 1

Sra. Appelt


[pic]Classroom phone nu[pic]mber: 407-4131

Email: mappelt@

I have a Bachelor’s degree from Montana State University where I majored in Spanish and minored in English. Before moving to AZ, I taught in rural Montana for three years. I taught English and Spanish at CDO for several years and worked on the core team planning the opening of IRHS during my last year at CDO. I have taught at Ironwood since we opened in 2001 and I love it.


This is a beginning level course designed for students who have little or no previous knowledge of the Spanish language. Students will learn basic grammar, thematic vocabulary, and aspects of Hispanic culture. Emphasis will be on speaking, reading & listening comprehension, as well as informal writing.

You are expected to SPEAK SPANISH and be an ACTIVE PARTICIPANT in class. While email is a great way to communicate, you will need to advocate for yourself in person. Email is encouraged for parent use.


The textbook we’ll be using is ¡ Avancemos!

We have class sets of books so you do not need your copy to class. We will also use supplemental resources to the text: workbook activities, audio and video programs, and the library language lab.

Online resources (flashcards, practice quizzes and supplemental activities) will be used to further your understanding of what we learn in class. It is recommended review information at least 20-30 minutes per night for further reinforcement/mastery of information learned/used in class.

Usage of the class webpage is also required for access to the online calendar and class notes/projects.

Students need a Spanish/English dictionary and a SEPARATE 3 ring binder w/ pocket folders for Spanish. It is your responsibility to keep track of class notes/handouts and having a separate binder will help with your success in class. Keep your notebook organized and BRING IT WITH YOU DAILY.


Each semester will end with a final exam consisting of a speaking portion, a writing portion, a listening portion and a multiple choice portion (these components = 20% of your grade). Don’t worry, you will be ready!


Etapa Preliminar: Nueva York

Greetings; Introductions; Saying where you are from; Numbers from 1-20;

Exchanging phone # s; Days of the week; The weather, Classroom phrases;

The Spanish alphabet; Congnates.

Unidad 1 Estados Unidos

Lección 1: After-school activities; Snack foods & beverages; Subject pronouns w/ Ser; Gustar w/ an infinitive; Weather expressions.

Lección 2: Describing yourself & others; Definite & Indefinite Articles;

Noun-adjective agreement

Unidad 2 México

Lección 1: Daily schedules; Telling time; Numbers from 21 – 100; The

verb “Tener”, Present tense of -ar verbs.

Lección 2: Describing classes; Describing location; expressing feelings;

The verbs “ Estar” and “ Ir”; Expressions of frequency.

Unidad 3 Puerto Rico

Lección 1: Meals and food; Asking questions; “Gustar” w/ nouns; Present

Tense of – er and –ir verbs.

Lección 2: Family; Giving Dates; Numbers from 200 – 1,000,000 ; Possessive adjectives; Comparatives.


Unidad 4 España

Lección 1: Clothing; Shopping; Stem-changing verbs e - ie; Direct object pronouns.

Lección 2: Places and events; Getting around town; In a restaurant; Stem changing verbs o - ue, and e - i.

Unidad 5 Ecuador

Lección 1: Describing a house; Household items; Furniture; “Ser” or

“Estar” (differences between the two verbs); Ordinal numbers.

Lección 2: Planning a party; Chores; More “irregular” verbs; Affirmative “ tú “ commands.

Unidad 6 República Dominicana

Lección 1: Sports; The verb “Jugar”; Saber vs. Conocer; The “a” Personal.

Lección 2: Staying Healthy; Parts of the body; Preterit of regular –ar

verbs. Preterit of -car, -gar, -zar verbs.


► Be in class daily on time and prepared to learn.

► Phones will be placed in designated area at the beginning of class.

► Listen to the teacher and fellow classmates when they speak.

(Active listening is a crucial part of learning a language.)

► Cooperate with classmates in paired and small group activities.

► Be courteous and communicate in a positive manner.

► Be considerate of others and their personal belongings.

► Be RESPONSIBLE for yourself and your education.

Attendance/Make-up Work

Daily attendance is imperative to be successful in your Spanish class. Keep in mind that your grade is largely participation based. There will be many classroom activities/assignments that can ONLY be completed in class.

Students must obtain missed work the day they return from an absence (before or after class). It is the students’ responsibility in getting make-up work after an absence, doing it, and turning it in. Students with EXCUSED absences will have the same number of days (excluding weekends) as days missed to turn in work. Tests for excused absences will be made up within one week of the absence. I will not remind you if you have work missing.

Students with UNEXCUSED absences will be encouraged to do the work missed, but will not receive credit for that work.

No late work is accepted.

Tardies: “Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.” –Eric Jerome Dickey

Excessive tardiness will result in disciplinary action.

Grading Policy:


The grading scale is as follows:

90% - 100% = A Overall grade is divided into the following categories:

80% - 89% = B Classwork/Homework: = 20%

70% - 79% = C Assessments(tests, quizzes, presentations, projects) = 60%

60% - 69% = D Final Exam = 20%

0% - 59% = F Grades are not curved.


All students are expected to follow the IRHS Honor Code. See pg. 11 of the Student Handbook.

Use of translators of any kind is not accepted (Google translate, Babel Fish, your grandma etc.).

Students using translators or plagiarizing will receive 0 credit.

Students caught cheating on homework will receive a “0” for the assignment.

Students caught cheating on a test will receive a “0” for the test.

Students allowing their papers, tests, etc. to be copied will receive a “0”.

In addition to receiving a “0” for the assignment, parents will be called and an administrative referral will be filed.

★Students need support from parents ★

Parents often want to know what they can do to help their children succeed in school. Here are a few tips:

* Provide a quiet place where your student can work at home without distractions such as TV and cell phones.

* Help your student keep a regular homework schedule. Homework will be assigned most nights and even when homework in not assigned it is suggested that students spend at least 10 minutes a night reviewing Spanish grammar and vocabulary.

* If you really want to get involved you can help your student study by quizzing him/her with flashcards or other effective study aids. Remember, repeated practice is the best way to learn a new language!

▪Some of my favorite online Spanish study resources

As mentioned, is a great resource for vocabulary enrichment and verb conjugation drills as well as take practice quizzes for each lesson. However, here are a few more resources….

– an excellent website with lots of free practice exercises such as pronunciation tutorials, verb drills, and grammar workshops.

– Word Reference is a community site with searchable forums loaded with useful discussions on everything related to Spanish.

– a helpful blog-style site with quick-and-easy lessons on a variety of topics. If you have a question about a grammar point, this is a good place to check.

– timed practice of vocabulary and verb conjugations


If you are doing everything you can to learn the material, you will be successful.

Your education is up to you. I look forward to a fantastic year!

See attached Parental Form on next page……

Please sign this form and return to the teacher.




REMEMBER!!! This is a homework assignment!


My signature affirms that I have read the above syllabus and I understand the policies mentioned.

I understand it is my child’s responsibility to follow these procedures to the best of his/her ability.

Please feel free to email me at mappelt@ or call me @ 407-4131 with any questions or if clarification

is needed; please leave a voice mail if necessary.

Thank you,

Profesora Appelt

(parent / guardian signature) (date)

(parent/guardian phone number and email)


The Spanish 1 course syllabus, classroom guidelines & policies have been thoroughly explained to me in class. I understand it is my responsibility to follow these procedures throughout the school year in order to be successful in Spanish.

(student signature) (date)

(student PRINTED name, first and last)


Parental Acknowledgement

Student Acknowledgement


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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