Program of Studies


206 Slagles Lake Road

Emporia, Virginia

(434) 634-5159

Fax (434) 634-0442

Dr. Marcus Carey, Principal

Dr. Taneshia Rachal, Principal Coach

Ms. Breana Hughley, School Counselor

Mrs. Kasey Ortolano, School Counselor

Mrs. T. High-Jones, Intervention Specialist

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Our mission is to cultivate a community of collaboration dedicated to increasing student achievement through positive relationships, high expectations, and rigorous, differentiated instruction.


Our Vision is to provide a safe, caring, and stimulating environment where

students develop socially and achieve academic success.



English 6th SOL Test

At the sixth-grade level, students will expand the study of roots and affixes as well as the use of context to achieve independence in vocabulary development.  Students will identify and analyze figurative language by differentiating the various types of figurative language. Students will read independently and in groups to comprehend a variety of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry texts. They will evaluate narrative structure, including plot, setting, conflict, author's purpose, and point of view; examine main ideas and supporting details, and interpret deeper meaning through the use of classic and contemporary works.

Students will plan, draft, revise, and edit narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive writing with attention to composition and written expression as well as sentence formation, usage, and mechanics.  They will use writing as a tool for learning academic concepts as well as for expressive purposes.  They will use technology as available and appropriate.

Students will find, evaluate, and select appropriate resources for a research product.  They will evaluate the validity and authenticity of texts and use technology to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information.  In addition, they will learn to cite sources, define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism, and follow ethical and legal guidelines for gathering and using information.


English 7th SOL Test

At the seventh-grade level, students will continue the study of roots and affixes for vocabulary development and continue to study figurative language. Connotations will be introduced. They will read and understand information from various sources, including various fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They will continue to read for appreciation and comprehension in both classic and recent works.

Students will plan, draft, revise, and edit expository and narrative and persuasive pieces with attention to composition and written expression. Students will achieve greater independence with sentence formation, usage, and mechanics and understand that the conventions of language help convey the message from the writer to the reader. Students will use writing for expressive purposes and as a tool for learning academic concepts. They will use available and appropriate technology.

Students will apply knowledge of appropriate reference material to produce a research product, including collecting and organizing information from multiple online, print, and media sources. They will extend skills in evaluating sources and using technology to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information. In addition, they will continue to cite sources skillfully and thereby avoid plagiarism.

English 8th SOL Test

At the eighth-grade level, students will apply knowledge of word origins, analogies, and figurative language to understand unfamiliar or new words encountered in authentic texts. They will continue to develop an appreciation of literature through the study of literary elements in classic and contemporary selections. They will describe themes and inferred main ideas, interpret cause-effect relationships, and draw conclusions from a variety of literary and informational selections. Students will build on the foundations for literacy developed in the previous grades.

Students will plan, draft, revise, and edit narratives as well as expository, persuasive, and informational pieces with attention to composition and written expression. Students will continue the process of becoming independent with sentence formation, usage, and mechanics and understand that the conventions of language help convey the message from the writer to the reader. Students will use writing for expressive purposes and as a tool for learning academic concepts. They will use available and appropriate technology.

Students will apply knowledge of appropriate reference material to produce a research product including the collection and organization of information from multiple online, print, and media sources. They will extend skills in the evaluation of sources and the use of technology to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information. In addition, they will continue to cite sources and avoid plagiarism by using Modern Language Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines.

Gifted Education

The purpose of Gifted Instruction is to provide differentiated educational opportunities for identified gifted students inside/outside the regular classroom. Gifted students are clustered in classrooms when feasible. Gifted resource teachers in grades k-8 provide weekly pull-out services. Students participate in Problem and Project-based activities. In grades 9-12, an advanced science class and dual enrollment courses are offered to address gifted students' needs. Extended day services are provided for art in grades K-8 and vocal for grades 3-8.

Questions related to Gifted should be directed to Mrs. Brenda Matthews, Mrs. Jessica Mosley, or Mrs. Gail Staton.


Foreign Language

Arabic I Online Full Year Class 8th

Credit 1

This course is an introduction to the Arabic language for beginner students with o prior knowledge of the language. This course teaches students the communication skills for speaking, reading, writing, and comprehending Arabic, in accordance with the national standards for teaching foreign languages

Chinese 1 Online Full Year Class 8th

Credit 1

The Chinese I course help students develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment using simple sentences containing basic language structures. Students will learn the four language skills in Mandarin Chinese-listening, speaking, reading, and writing, emphasizing the ability to communicate orally and in writing.

French 1 Online Full Year Class 8th

Credit 1

French 1 students will begin their study of French by developing the five major skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and cultural competency.

Latin 1 Online Full Year Class 8th

Credit 1

Latin 1 is an introduction to the language, culture and history of the Ancient Romans.

Spanish I Full Year Class 8th Credit 1

Spanish grammar and conversation are emphasized. The culture of Spain is studied.

An effort is made to build a primary vocabulary.

Survey of World Language & Culture Online Full Year Class 7th & 8th

This course is designed to take students on a journey around the world discovering the cultures from a number of countries and five different languages: Chinese, French, Latin, and Spanish.

An effort is made to build a primary vocabulary.



Mathematics 6 SOL Test

The sixth-grade math course is designed to develop, master, and enhance mathematical skills. Students will be assisted in the application of mathematical concepts, including prior and newly acquired skills. Lessons will be presented through lecture/note-taking, experimenting ("hands-on activities"), drill and practice problem solving and real-life applications of the curriculum. Topics covered include operations of rational numbers (including decimals, fractions, and integers), ratios and percents plane and solid geometry (including perimeter area and volume), probability and statistics (including the study of measures of central tendency and theoretical probability) and algebra (including solving linear equations and graphing inequalities on a number line).

Math 7 SOL Test

Math 7 is a course designed to develop, master, and enhance mathematical skills. The course covers proportional relationships, one-step equations and inequalities, algebraic expressions, rational numbers, two and three-dimensional shapes, graphing linear equations, and statistics and probability.

Mathematics 8 SOL Test

This course is an intense mathematical study of basic mathematical skills as well as pre-algebra skills. Topics covered include integers, rational numbers solving equations, simplifying and evaluating algebraic expressions proportion and percents two and 3-dimensional geometry, graphing linear equations, statistics and probability. The students may advance at their own pace.

Algebra I SOL Test Credit: 1

Algebra I is a high-school-level class offered to eighth-grade students who passed the eighth-grade SOL test in the seventh grade. Algebra I is intended for students of high academic achievement in mathematics. Students will learn to prove algebraic theorems, solve inequalities, graph in the coordinate plane, solve systems of equations, and work with polynomials and radicals.


Science 6th

Science 6 is an exploration of our world and the processes that power it. Students will learn about the atmosphere, weather systems, properties of water and matter, energy resources and the solar system.

Life Science 7th

Life Science 7 explores man's natural curiosity about the world in which we live. Students investigate the life cycle of plants and animals and examine the interdependence of man in his environment and the critical issues involving man's impact on the environment.

Physical Science 8th SOL Test

Physical Science 8 is a discovery-oriented program that provides students with foundations in the physical sciences. It explores matter, energy, and the relationships between them. Major areas of study include Laws of Motion, Energy, Forces, Sound, Light, and the Nature of Matter, Atomic Structure, and Chemical Reactions.


U. S. History 6th

This course provides an introduction to the formation of the United States. From pre-Columbian times to the Civil War, students will learn of the events and people that shaped our nation to make it what it is today. The course integrates hands-on projects and technology to provide a positive learning experience for the student.

U.S. History 7th

U. S. History is an integrative course in which art, literature, political science, economics, and geography come to life. This course helps students better understand the relationship between the past and present and deal with situations that might occur in the future.

Civics and Economics 8th SOL Test

Civics and Economics are designed to help students develop knowledge and skills for informed, responsible participation in public life. Civics provides regular opportunities for students to understand politics and government and practice good citizenship skills.


Art 6th

Students will be introduced to the basic elements and principles of art. This will allow them to begin to use art as a form of expression. As students explore new and exciting 2D and 3D art mediums, they will begin developing their own working definition of art. Students will draw connections to art with their interests, hobbies, and current events.

Art 7th

Students will hone their crafting skills by tackling specific art elements and principles as conceptual bases for their art. While exploring new artists, art history and mediums, these standard-based lessons will improve their techniques by depicting realistic and stylized forms in both 2D and 3D mediums. This exploration will allow students to find styles that best suit their interests and creative desires.

Art 8th

Students will prove their deeper understanding of Fine Art by exploring contemporary careers, artists, issues, and mediums. Students will create more open-ended artwork that provides the freedom of self-expression, having mastered their craft in a diverse range of art mediums, elements, and principles. Students will learn to critique and assess the artwork of their peers to build a creative community.



Band 7th & 8th

Band provides an opportunity for varying drill processes while teaching dynamics, ensemble balance, tempo, form, and instrumental timbre through music from all periods and styles. The course will also involve study in theory, ear training, and history. Intermediate and advanced level band is offered which provides experience in concert and marching band for students who are presently engaged in the study of woodwind, brass, or percussion instruments.

Chorus 6th, 7th, & 8th

Chorus is open to students having an interest in singing and exploring various types of choral music ranging from classical to popular. Students learn the basic principles of vocal production, breath support, harmonization, rhythmic value, and basic sight-reading skills. Annual performances include the Christmas Festival, Spring Concert, assemblies, community concerts, and competitions.


Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education 6th, 7th, & 8th

The Health and Physical Education Department believes that its fundamental objective is to provide opportunities for each student to develop and maintain maximum mental, social, emotional, and physical fitness levels. Through various team, individual, and dual activities, students will reach an understanding and enjoyment. These activities can be used and enjoyed throughout life.


Business Education

Career Investigations 6th, 7th, & 8th

This course allows students to explore career options and begin investigating career opportunities. Students assess their roles in society, identify their roles as workers, analyze their personal assets, complete a basic exploration of career clusters, select career pathways or occupations for further study, and create an Academic and Career Plan based on their academic and career interests. This course also helps students identify and demonstrate the workplace skills that employers desire in their future employees.

Keyboarding 6th

This course is designed to develop and enhance touch skills for entering alphabetic, numeric, and symbol information on a keyboard. Students compose and produce personal, educational, and professional documents.

Computer Solutions 7th

Students are introduced to the world of business using the computer as a problem-solving tool. Emphasis is placed on using basic touch keyboarding skills to complete a variety of projects incorporating word processing, database, presentation, and spreadsheet software. Basic internet safety and computer maintenance issues are important components of this course.

Make It Your Business 8th

Students are introduced to basic entrepreneurship concepts and fundamental business principles. Students learn about personal financial literacy, budgeting safety, and computer maintenance issues are important components of this course. Guest speakers will be invited to highlight specific topics.



8th Grade Agriscience and Technology

Through classroom instruction and hands-on laboratory activities, students will explore the fields of agriculture, food, and natural resources (AFNR), including global agriculture; new and emerging technologies; agricultural mechanics; and careers in agribusiness; animal systems; environmental services; food products and processing; natural resources systems; plant systems; and power, structural, and technical systems.


7th Grade Agriscience Exploration

Students explore science as it relates to agriculture and develop an understanding of human relations, communication, the importance of agriculture to the economy, and key scientific terms related to the field of agriculture.


6th Grade Introduction to Agriscience

Through project-based learning, technical skill development, and academic enrichment activities, students in Introduction to Agriscience will explore the importance of plant and animal agriculture, scientific principles, agricultural mechanics, natural resources management, career opportunities related to agriculture, agriscience, and agribusiness, and the benefits of FFA membership










|Last Name |First Name |Middle Initial |

|Date of Birth |Ethnicity |Gender |

|Parent’s Name (Living With) |Primary Phone Number |Work Phone |

|Physical Address |Mailing Address |

|Street |Street |

|City, State, |Zip code |City, State |Zip code |

|Guardian’s Email Address |

|REQUIRED CLASSES |ELECTIVE CLASSES 1st & 2nd Semester A/B Day (Circle two electives) |

|English 6 |*Art 6 |

|Mathematics 6 |*Introduction to Agriscience 6 |

|*Science 6/U.S. History 6 (Semester) |*Chorus 6 |

|*Health & Physical Education 6 (Semester) |*Career Investigations |

|*Keyboarding 6 (Semester) | |

**If a student earns a grade of D or F in Language Arts, they may be placed in a reading elective for remediation, upon the discretion of the WMS administration. Additional data will be considered to determine placement.

Alternate Elective: 1. ______________________ 2. ____

__________________________________ ___________________________________

Student’s Signature Date Parent’s Signature Date

*18-week classes






|Last Name |First Name |Middle Initial |

|Date of Birth |Ethnicity |Gender |

|Parent’s Name (Living With) |Primary Phone Number |Work Phone |

|Physical Address |Mailing Address |

|Street |Street |

|City, State, |Zip code |City, State |Zip code |

|Guardian’s Email Address |


|English 7 |Agriscience Exploration |

|Mathematics |Art 7 |

|Life Science (Semester) |Band 7 (Full Year) |

|U.S. History II (Semester) |Chorus 7 |

| |*Survey of World Language and Culture (Full Year – ONLINE) |

|Health and Physical Education (Semester) | |

|Computer Solutions 7 (Semester) |**Reading Elective |

(*Requires a minimum Reading 6 SOL score of 450 and at least a B average. This is also a required prerequisite for language courses taken online through Virtual Virginia.

**If student fails the Reading 6 SOL they may be placed in this course for remediation, upon discretion of administration.) --- You need an answer on this.

Elective: 1st Choice. ______________________________________________

Elective: 2nd Choice. ______________________________________________

(Please write in two alternate elective courses in case you are unable to receive your first choices for electives)

Alternate Elective: 1. ______________________________________________

Alternate Elective: 2. ______________________________________________

_______________________________ _____________________________________

Student’s Signature Date Parent’s Signature Date





|Last Name |First Name |Middle Initial |

|Date of Birth |Ethnicity |Gender |

|Parent’s Name (Living With) |Primary Phone Number |Work Phone |

|Physical Address |Mailing Address |

|Street |Street |

|City, State, |Zip code |City, State |Zip code |

|Guardian’s Email Address |

|REQUIRED CLASSES (Full Year) |ELECTIVE CLASSES (Full Year) |*Survey of World Language and Culture (Full |

| | |Year-Online) |

|English 8 | |Chinese I (Full Year-Online High School Credit) |

| |Agriscience and Technology 8 | |

|Math 8 or Algebra 1 | |Arabic I (Full Year-Online High School Credit) |

| |Art 8 | |

|Physical Science (Semester) | |French I (Full –Online High School Credit) |

| |Band 8 (Full Year) | |

| | |Latin I (Full-Online High School Credit) |

| |Chorus 8 | |

| | | |

|Civics and Economics (Semester) | | |

| |Health and Physical Education |**Spanish I (High School Credit) |

| |Make It Your Business 8 |Career Investigations |

| | | |

(*Requires a minimum Reading 7 SOL score of 450 and at least a B average. This is also a required prerequisite for language courses taken online through Virtual Virginia.

** Requires at least a B average in 6th and 7th Grade English. The grade earned will also be computed into their overall high school GPA.

***If student fails the Reading 7 SOL, they may be placed in this course for remediation, open discretion of administration.

****Students, who earned a D or F in Math 8 and did not pass the Math 8 SOL, will retake Math 8,) -- You need an answer on this.

Elective: 1st Choice. ______________________________________________

Elective: 2nd Choice. ______________________________________________

(Please write in two alternate elective courses in case you are unable to receive your first choices for electives)

Alternate Elective: 1. ______________________________________________

Alternate Elective: 2. ______________________________________________

_________________________________ ____________________________________

Student’s Signature Date Parent’s Signature Date




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