|Registration Fee Per Team |

|Levels 1 |C.I.I. Member |C.I.I. Service Participant |

|& 2 | | |

| |$45.00 |$85.00 |

Check one box to designate your Category and Level:

(Click inside the boxes to select. Fields will expand when you begin to type.)

Level → 1 2 3 4


*Cyber Security

Desktop Presentations

Desktop Publishing

Graphic Design

*Integrated Applications

Internet Scavenger Hunt

*Music Composition


*Programming-Object Oriented Business

Web Design

Video Editing

Visual Programming/Block Coding Using Scratch Jr

Computer Type:            Software/Version               

Teacher Coach(s):                                        

School:                          School Division:           

Address:                          City:            State:      Zip:           

School-Phone:                          Home Phone:                     

Fax Number:                     E-Mail Address:                      Cell #:                    

Team Members:

(Up to three students for Level 1, 2, & 3. Up to five students for Level 4)

Name:                     Name:                     Name:                     

(Use lines below for Level 4 only)

Name:                     Name:                     

Each team member (not including the teacher coach or alternates) will receive a T-shirt.

Please indicate # of each size for participating students ONLY.

     Small (youth)      Small      Med      Large      XL      XXL      XXXL (Adult sizes)

Pre-order extra shirts, tote bags, and DVDs!

Extra T-shirts

Teachers may order additional T-shirts @ $10.00 prepaid. Please indicate how many additional shirts you would like to order:

     Small (youth)      Small      Med      Large

     XL      XXL      XXXL (Adult sizes) # of extra T-shirts ordered     


Teachers may also order Great Computer Challenge

Tote Bags @ $10.00 prepaid. # of tote bags ordered:      

DVD of GCC Highlights

DVD @ $10.00 prepaid. # of DVDs ordered:      

|Level regi Level |Levels 1 & 2 & 3 $45.00 (C.I.I. Member-education.ciimembers) |

|Registering |$85.00 (C.I.I. Service Participant-education.servicespart) |

|1 2 |(Are you late? Add $50 late fee.) |

| | |

|3 4 |Level 4 $55.00 (C.I.I. Member) $95.00 (C.I.I. Service Participant) |

| |(Are you late? Add $50 late fee.) |

|Total amount of extra T-shirts, totebags, DVDs (all are $10/each) $10.00 x     =      |

|Method of Payment (Make checks payable to WHRO/C.I.I.) |

|Cash, Check or Purchase Order (Enclosed and payable to WHRO/C.I.I.) |

|P.O. #                               (please include copy of purchase order) |

|Credit Card (Please check one) AMEX Discover MasterCard Visa (can also pay by CC here education.gccpayment |

|Card Number:                              Expiration Date:            |

|Name as it appears on card:                                          Total Amount $      |




Saturday, April 1, 2017


Old Dominion University

Webb Center, Norfolk, VA

Registration Fee

■ Level 3

$45.00 C.I.I. Member

$85.00 C.I.I. Service Participant

■ Level 4

$55.00 C.I.I. Member

$95.00 C.I.I. Service Participant

■ $50.00 late fee/team postmarked or submitted online after February 24, 2017

Registration Deadline

■ February 24, 2017

■ $50.00 late fee/team

postmarked or submitted after this date


■ Contact your C.I.I. Representative education.ciiroster

■ 866.559.2353 or


Sample Problems/


■ education.


■ education.



■ Not included in the

registration fee

■ Several ODU restaurants

will be open

■ Restaurants within driving and walking distance


■ Ceremony at 2:30 p.m.

■ Parents & siblings are



T-shirts for the number of student team members are included in the registration fee. (Alternates☠䌠慯档獥愠敲攠瑸慲⤮倠敬獡⁥慭敫猠牵⁥桴瑡礠畯洠牡桴⁥牰灯牥猠穩獥漠桴⁥敲楧瑳慲楴湯映牯潦⁲乏奌琠敨愠潭湵⁴景猠畴敤瑮⁳慰瑲捩灩瑡湩⹧ഋ潃普物慭楴湯倠捡敫獴圍汩敢猠湥⁴⁡敷步瀠楲牯琠桴⁥潣灭瑥瑩潩⹮名敨⁹楷汬椠据畬敤›锋楄敲瑣潩獮ଠ厕数楣楦⁣畒敬⁳锋潒浯䄠獳杩浮湥⁴锋慄鉹⁳捓敨畤敬ଠ侕桴牥倠牥楴敮瑮䤠 & Coaches are extra.) Please make sure that you mark the proper sizes on the registration form for ONLY the amount of students participating.

Confirmation Packets

Will be sent a week prior to the competition.

They will include:


•Specific Rules

•Room Assignment

•Day’s Schedule

•Other Pertinent Information


Will be available for parents

& teachers. Send requests to gcc@.


Are you interested in helping out at the Great Computer Challenge? If so, please submit the form found here.


Saturday, April 1, 2017 ■ Old Dominion University, Webb Center ■ Norfolk, Virginia


Great Computer Challenge

Senior Division (6-12)

Contest Categories

About the Great Computer Challenge

What is it? A competitive opportunity for students in grades

6-12 to demonstrate their skills in various computer applications and computer programming.

Who may enter? Students enter in school teams with a teacher coach. Each school may enter one team in each category (except for the following categories who may enter more than one team per school-music composition (levels 3 & 4), object oriented business programming (levels 3 & 4), integrated applications (levels 3 & 4), scientific/non-business programming (level 4), and CAD (level 4). The highest-grade student on a team determines the level. Only students in grades 6-12 are eligible.

*Software used in recent GCC Competitions


Graphic Design - Levels 3 & 4

Contestants will create visual solutions to various problems using their choice of graphics software. The judges will evaluate the solutions from the printed copy or from the screen. Animation and clip art may be allowed. Scanners or digital cameras may be allowed. *** Internet is allowed (need wireless capability).

*Gimp, Adobe CS, PaintShop, Word, PowerPoint, E-Z Motion, Macromedia, FireWorks, Image Composer, Painter, SuperPaint, Office, Print Shop, Color It, Dabbler, Easy Color Paint, Expert Paint, KidPix, MicroWorlds, Flash, PaintBrush, PowerPaint, Morph, SuperPaint, Illustrator, PhotoShop, SuperPoint, Deluxe Paint, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Digital Image Suite, Photoshop Elements, Inkscape, Paint, Quicktime, PaintNet, PaintTool SAI

Desktop Publishing - Levels 3 & 4

Contestants will design a publication using their choice of software and clip art. Additional clip art packages and scanners can be used, but will not be graded any higher than simple clip art. ***Internet is allowed (need wireless capability).

*Pages, Adobe CS, Office, Word, PhotoShop, PowerPoint, Classroom Publisher, PrintShop, Writing Center, Publisher, Microsoft Works, PageMaker, Dreamweaver, PaintShop, Illustrator, Quicktime

**Music Composition - Levels 3 & 4

Contestants will compose original music. Solutions must be in the form of aural compositions. Judges will evaluate by listening to your music, depending on the software. Each team is required to have earphones. No speakers.

*Sibelius 5, DubTurbo, Fruityloops, Audiotool, VirtualDJ, CakeWalk, Home Studio, Encore, EZ Vision, Finale Allegro, Music Trax, Music Shop, SongWorks, Finale, MasterTrac Pro, Noteworthy Composer, Acid, MuseScore 1.1, Ableton, Finale Notepad, Smart Music, GarageBand

**Programming - Levels 3 & 4

Level 3 ■ Object Oriented Business Programming

(Java/Visual Basic Programming combined)

Level 4 ■ Object Oriented Business Programming

(Java/Visual Basic Programming combined)

■ Scientific/Non-Business Programming

Contestants will solve a selection of programming problems using their choice of Visual Programming, JAVA Programming, or scientific/non-business programming language versions. Judges will evaluate a screen copy of the program code and the program execution. Each programming language will be judged separately.

* Object Oriented Business Programming: Visual Studio QBasic, True Basic, MS Basic, Quick Basic, Visual Basic, C++, C#, JCreator for IDE, Java IDE, SunJAVA, HTML, BlueJ, Eclipse, DevCPP, JAVA

*Scientific/Non-Business: Python, Windows XP, C#2005, Dev-C++, Eclipse, C#, C++, DevCPP, Visual C# 2010, Eclipse

Desktop Presentations - Levels 3 & 4

Contestants will design original slide shows using graphics and text with their choice of software and clip art. Judges will evaluate final screen images. Scanners, digital cameras, and animation are allowed. ***Internet is allowed (need wireless capability).

*Office, Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, PaintShop Pro, Astound, HyperStudio, PowerPoint

Web Design - Levels 3 & 4

At the competition, students will create a web page. An Internet connection will not be used, but each team must provide their own tools, including a web browser, to create the web page(s). Teams will be disqualified if they use an existing web page.

*iWeb, Photoshop, Illustrator, Creative Suite, Expression Web, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Notepad, FireWorks, Macromedia, Sibelius, JAVAScript, PageMaker, Homesite, PageSpinner, PageMill, HTML, Office, Quicktime, Word, Publisher, Sony Film

**Integrated Applications - Levels 3 & 4

Contestants will integrate word processing, database, and spreadsheet to create solutions to various problems.

*Excel, Access, Word, Publisher, MSWorks, Quatro Pro, Adobe CS, Office

**CAD - Level 4

Contestants will be asked to draw one or more CAD designs. 3-D SOFTWARE IS ALLOWED.

*Autodesk Inventor Professional, AutoCAD, XP, CAD, Inventor

**Cyber Security - Level 4

Contestants will solve a selection of cyber security problems using their choice of tools. Contestants will use their laptops on which VMware Workstation Player is installed before the competition. They can install any tools they might need before the event. Judges will evaluate the answers to problems without considering the tools used. Answers will be delivered digitally.

* nmap, sqlmap, netcat, wireshark, nikto, ZAP, burp suite, hexeditor, strings, rdesktop, air-gng

Video Editing - Levels 3 & 4

Contestants will create a video telling a story using video and provided music options with editing software supplied by the student.  Submissions are limited to producing a final video between 1 to 2 minutes.  Over 2 minutes would be considered ineligible. Mic is needed.

*Avid Media Composer, MovieMaker, Ulead, iMovie, Elements, GarageBand, iPhoto, iTunes, iLife Suite

***INTERNET DETAILS: Level 3 & 4 Desktop Publishing, Desktop Presentations, and Graphic Design - Internet access is optional to access additional clipart, use web or server based software, or to download sponsor logos (WHRO, ODU, C.I.I., Bay Diesel). All other categories are prohibited from using the internet during the competition.

Contest Levels

Level 3 - Grades 6-8

Level 4 - Grades 9-12

Schedule of Events

8:00 a.m. Registration and set up - Level 3 & 4

9:00 a.m. Rules Review

9:30 a.m. .Competition Begins - Level 3 & 4

10:00 a.m. – noon Various workshops for teachers

11:30 a.m. Competition Ends - Level 3

12:30 p.m. Competition Ends - Level 4

12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Lunch & Movie

2:30 p.m. .Awards Ceremony - Level 3 & 4

|Registration Fee Per Team |

|Level 3 |C.I.I. Member |C.I.I. Service Participant |

| |$45.00 |$85.00 |

|Level 4 |$55.00 |$95.00 |

Contest Rules


Teams for Level 3 may have up to three members. Level 4 may have up to five members. Each team must have a teacher coach, who must be present, but not be in the room during the actual competition. It is strongly recommended that teachers who are bringing multiple teams bring an adult to chaperone each team.


The contest site will be equipped with tables, chairs, and electrical power outlets. The contestants must supply and care for all other equipment and supplies needed, including computer, software, power strips, extension cords, all connecting cables, CDs/external hard drive, and paper/pencil. Printers are no longer needed for any category. Wireless Capability needed for Graphic Design, Desktop Publishing, and Desktop Presentations-Level 3 & 4 as internet is allowed for these categories. Editors are allowed for Object Oriented Business Programming. NO manuals will be permitted unless they are clip art indexes. The judges reserve the right to disallow any manuals or portions thereof upon review. Cyber Security teams can use the tools listed (or others) on Kali Linux, but to solve the problems, teams will need to know some windows firewall basics, using MSBA, sysinternals tools, bash scripting. It is also expected that contestants have basic understanding of http and ftp.


Entries will be evaluated on the following:

• Programming Contest: operability, user-friendliness, clarity, organization, structure, utility, creativity, and fulfillment of the problem’s requirements.

• Graphic Design, Music Composition, Integrated Applications, Desktop Presentations, and Desktop Publishing: originality, creativity, fulfillment of the problem’s requirements, and effective use of the computer.

• Web Design: originality and creativity of the web page.

• CAD: originality, creativity, fulfillment of the problem’s requirements, and effective use of the computer.

• Video Editing: continuity (clarity of the story), composition (length of the shots and video clip arrangement), creativity, editing skills (transitions, effects, etc.), graphics (usage, spelling, grammar), use of video clips and music selections.

• Cyber Security: answer to Cyber Security questions and evidence provided.

All places (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention) may not all be awarded based on the discretion of the judges.


Level 1 - Grades K-2

Level 2 - Grades 3-5


Saturday, May 13, 2017


Old Dominion University

Webb Center, Norfolk, VA

Registration Fee

■ Levels 1 & 2

$45.00 C.I.I. Member

$85.00 C.I.I. Service Participant

■ $50.00 late fee/team postmarked or submitted online after April 7, 2017

Registration Deadline

■ April 7, 2017

■ $50.00 late fee/team

Postmarked or submitted online after this date


■ Contact your C.I.I. Representative education.ciiroster

■ 866.559.2353 or


Sample Problems/


■ education.


■ education.



■ Not included in the

registration fee

■ Several ODU restaurants

will be open

■ Restaurants within driving and walking distance


■ Ceremony at 1:45 p.m.

■ Parents & siblings are



T-shirts for the number of student team members are included in the registration fee. (Alternates & Coaches are extra.) Please make sure that you mark the proper sizes on the registration form for ONLY the amount of students participating.

Confirmation Packets

Will be sent a week prior to the competition.

They will include:


•Specific Rules

•Room Assignment

•Day’s Schedule

•Other Pertinent Information


Will be available for parents

& teachers. Send requests to gcc@.


Are you interested in helping out at the Great Computer Challenge? If so, please submit the form found here.



Great Computer Challenge

Junior Division (K-5)

Contest Categories

About the Great Computer Challenge

Saturday, May 13, 2017 ■ Old Dominion University, Webb Center ■ Norfolk, Virginia

About the Great Computer Challenge

Contest Categories

*Software used in recent GCC Competitions

Graphic Design - Levels 1 & 2

Contestants will create visual solutions to various problems using their choice of graphics software. The judges will evaluate solutions from the screen. Animation and clip art may be allowed.

Level 1-NO clip art, animation or stamps allowed.

Level 2-Clip art, animation, and stamps may be allowed. ***Internet is allowed (need wireless capability).

*Corel Paint, SMART Notebook, Pixie, PaintBrush, Hello Colored Pencil, Sketch Club, Photo Deluxe, Flying Colors, Word, Draw, KidPix, Easy Color Paint, Kid Works, Super Paint, PrintShop, Photoshop, KidPix, Pixie, TuxPaint, Inkscape, PIXIE, PowerPoint, PrintShop, Pages, PowerPoint

Desktop Publishing - Levels 1 & 2

Contestants will design a publication using their choice of software and clip art. ***Internet is allowed (need wireless capability).

*PaintBrush, Pixie, Pages, Adobe Photo Deluxe, Flying Colors, Student Writing, Kid Pix, Publisher, Word, Press Writer, Print Shop, PrintShop Essentials, PrintShop Ensemble, The Writing Company, PrintShop Deluxe, Writing Center, Kid Works, Paint, Write & Play

Desktop Presentations - Level 2

Contestants will design original slide shows using graphics and text with their choice of software and clip art. Judges will evaluate final screen images. Scanners, digital cameras, and animation are allowed. ***Internet is allowed (need wireless capability).

*Pixie, Cyberlink Power Director, Kid Pix Deluxe, mPower, Avid Cinema, Astound, Corel Presentations, HyperStudio, PowerPoint, Keynote, KidPix 3D

Internet Scavenger Hunt - Level 2

At the competition, contestants will be given a mini-scavenger hunt to complete using Chrome, Internet Explorer, or FireFox as their browser. Windows computer and printer are provided.

Video Editing - Level 2

Contestants will create a video telling a story using video and provided music options with editing software supplied by the student.  Submissions are limited to producing a final video between 1 to 2 minutes.  Over 2 minutes would be considered ineligible.

*Camtasia, Powerpoint Avid Media Composer, Windows Live Movie Maker, Movie Maker, Ulead, iMovie, Adobe Elements, Cyberlink Power Director 10

Visual Programming/Block Coding Using

ScratchJr - Levels 1 & 2

Contestants will create a digital story or a game using ScratchJr or PBS KIDS ScratchJr.  The judges will evaluate the solution from the screen.

***INTERNET DETAILS: Level 1 Desktop Publishing, Level 2 Graphic Design, Desktop Publishing, and Desktop Presentations:  Internet access is optional to access additional clipart, use web or server based software, or to download sponsor logos (WHRO, ODU, C.I.I., Bay Diesel). Level 2 Internet Scavenger Hunt will have computers, printer and Internet provided by ODU. All other categories are prohibited from using the internet during the competition.

What is it? A competitive opportunity for students in grades

K-5 to demonstrate their skills in various computer applications and computer programming.

Who may enter? Students enter in school teams with a teacher coach. Each school may enter one team in each category.

The highest-grade student on a team determines the level. Only students in grades K-5 are eligible.

Contest Levels

Level 1 - Grades K-2

Level 2 - Grades 3-5

Schedule of Events

8:30-9:45 a.m. Registration and set up – Level 2

9:00-10:15 a.m. Registration and set up – Level 1

9:45 a.m. Rules Review – Level 2

10:00 a.m. .Competition Begins – Level 2

10:15 a.m. Rules Review – Level 1

10:30 a.m. Competition Begins – Level 1

10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Workshops for teachers

11:30 a.m. Competition Ends - Level 1

11:45 a.m. Competition Ends – Level 2

Noon - 1:30 p.m. Lunch & Movie

1:45 p.m. .Awards Ceremony - Level 1 & 2


All students participating in the K-2 competitions will be awarded

Superior, Excellent, or Good. All places (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention) may not all be awarded based on the discretion of the judges. Students in grades 3-5 will be awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, and Honorable Mention, but these places may not all be awarded based on the discretion of the judges. All participants receive a Certificate of Participation.


Teams for Level 1 & 2 may have up to three members. Each team must have a teacher coach, who must be present, but not be in the room during the actual competition. It is strongly recommended that teachers who are bringing multiple teams bring an adult to chaperone each team.


The contest site will be equipped with tables, chairs, and electrical power outlets. The contestants must supply and care for all other equipment and supplies needed, including computer, software, power strips, extension cords, all connecting cables, CDs/external hard drive, and paper/pencil. Printers are no longer needed for any category. NO manuals will be permitted unless they are clip art indexes. The judges reserve the right to disallow any manuals or portions thereof upon review. Level 2 Internet Scavenger Hunt will have computers, printer and Internet provided by ODU. Wireless Capability needed for Desktop Publishing (level 1 & 2), Graphic Design (level 2), and Desktop Presentations (level 2) - as internet is allowed for these categories.


Entries will be evaluated on the following:

• Graphic Design, Desktop Presentations, and Desktop Publishing: originality, creativity, fulfillment of the problem’s requirements, and effective use of the computer.

• Internet Scavenger Hunt: answers to Scavenger Hunt questions and methods used to obtain information.

• Video Editing: continuity (clarity of the story), composition (length of the shots and video clip arrangement), creativity, editing skills (transitions, effects, etc.), graphics (usage, spelling, grammar), use of video clips and music selections.

• Visual Programming/Block Coding using ScratchJr:  Creativity, originality, demonstration of technology skill, programming practices, fulfillment of the problem’s requirements.


Contest Rules

Great Computer Challenge Worksheet


Junior Division (K-5)


Senior Division (6-12)

Register only one team per form.

One team per school per category per level!

(except for categories with *)

Please go to

education.gccregform2017 for the official registration form. Use this worksheet to prep the data.

Please mail or email a copy of this worksheet with payment to: gcc@ or WHRO/GCC,

5200 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23508.


■ Senior April 1, 2017

■ Junior May 13, 2017


Old Dominion University

Norfolk, Virginia


■ Contact your C.I.I. Rep


■ 866.559.2353 or gcc@

Registration Fee

■ Levels 1, 2, & 3

$45.00 (C.I.I. Member)

$85.00 (C.I.I. Service Participant)

■ Level 4

$55.00 (C.I.I. Member)

$95.00 (C.I.I. Service Participant)

■ $50.00 late fee/team postmarked or submitted online after registration deadlines (listed below)

Make checks payable

to: WHRO/C.I.I. (If using a P.O.-please send copy of P.O.)

Registration Deadline

■ Senior February 24, 2017

■ Junior April 7, 2017

■ $50.00 late fee/team postmarked after each date

Send copy of worksheet with payment to:


Great Computer Challenge


5200 Hampton Blvd.

Norfolk, VA 23508


■ Not included in the registration fee

■ Several ODU restaurants will be open

■ Restaurants within driving & walking distance

Confirmation Packets

Will be sent a week prior to the competition.

They will include:


•Specific Rules

•Room Assignment

•Day’s Schedule

•Other Pertinent Information

Sample Problems/Solutions

■ education.


■ education.


What is the cancellation policy? A full refund will be issued up until the following dates:

Senior 2017 – March 9, 2017

Junior 2017 - April 27, 2017

Please send an email to gcc@ to let us know you need to cancel your team registration. After these dates, no refund will be issued.

Photos will be taken at the GCC and posted on the Internet. Contact gcc@ with any names of students whose pictures cannot be released.

WHRO and ODU will not be held liable for any injury, damages, or other kind of loss during the Great Computer Challenge.

Level for each division:

■ Junior Division

Level 1.............Grades K-2

Level 2.............Grades 3-5

■ Senior Division

Level 3.............Grades 6-8

Level 4.............Grades 9-12


■ Senior Competition – April 1

■ Junior Competition - May 13

Please make sure you fill out the online form with all of this info, and then mail or email a copy of this worksheet with your payment to WHRO/GCC 5200 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23508 or gcc@.

Link to online form: education.gccregform2017


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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