
Media PlanKristin M. BrownAPR 522: Advertising MediaDr. Cooper, Spring 2012Executive SummaryBrand: Method Products, Inc.Year: June 2012 through May 2013Budget: $30,000,000Target Audience:The primary target audience is composed of men and women ages 18-34 and this target will be allocated 100% of our budget.Markets:This will be both National and Spot campaign. The spot markets chosen include Atlanta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Boston, Massachusetts; Charlotte, North Carolina; Chicago, Illinois; Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas; Houston, Texas; Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Florida; New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Tampa-St. Pete, Florida; and Washington, D.C. These twelve spot markets comprise 27.3% of U.S. Households.Market Share Goal:The marketing objective for June 2012-May 2013 is to increase Method Products, Inc. market share from 25% to 29%, increasing 4%, by targeting men and women ages 18-34.Media Objectives:Period 1—June and July 2012National Reach: Medium (70%)Spot Reach: High (75%)National Frequency: Low (4)Spot Frequency: Low (5)Period 2—August 2012National Reach: High (85%)Spot Reach: High (90%)National Frequency: High (9)Spot Frequency: High (10)Period 3—September and October 2012National Reach: Low (55%)Spot Reach: Medium (60%)National Frequency: Medium (6)Spot Frequency: Medium (7)Period 4—November and December 2012National Reach: High (85%)Spot Reach: High (90%)National Frequency: High (9)Spot Frequency: High (10)Period 5—January and February 2013No AdvertisingPeriod 6—March and April 2013National Reach: High (85%)Spot Reach: High (90%)National Frequency: Medium (7)Spot Frequency: Medium (8)Period 7—May 2013No AdvertisingMedia Mix $(000):Net Cable-E Fringe = $1,854.8 (6.2%)Mag.-Gen. Interest = $1,706.6 (5.7%)Net Cable-Prime = $285.3 (1.0%)Internet-Keyword Search= $236.5 (0.8%)Net Cable-L Fringe = $5,203.8 (17.3%)Spot TV-L Fringe/News = $2,114.5 (7.0%)Net Radio-Morn Drive = $4,364.8 (14.5%)Spot Radio-Morn Drive = $1,822.8 (6.1%)Net Radio-Evening Drive = $6,432.4 (21.4%)Spot Radio-Daytime = $1,983.0 (6.6%)Outdoor = $2,711.8 (9.0%)Table of ContentsSituational Analysis……………………………………………………………………………….4Positioning Statement……………………………………………………………………………6Competition…………………………………………………………………………………………..6Marketing/Communication/Advertising Objectives………………………………..7Target Audience…………………………………………………………………………………….7Media Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………8Continuity—Flighting Plan……………………………………………………………………..9Media Mix………………………………………………………………………………………………9Budget Recap………………………………………………………………………………………..15Special Promotions……………………………………………………………………………….15Cost Summary……………………………………………………………………………………….20Charts/Graphs……………………………………………………………………………………….23Situation Analysis:Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan founded Method Products, Inc. in 2000. Method Products, Inc. is based in San Francisco, California. The ‘green’ company provides home and personal care cleaning products, marketing them in attractive containers. Method products are used for home cleaning, hands and bodies, laundry, babies and kids. More specifically, the creative company offers antibacterial cleaners, multi-surface sprays, cleaning wipes, bathroom cleaners, dish cleaners, floor cleaners, specialty cleaners, hand sanitizers, hand washes, hand wash refills, body washes, laundry products, detergents, dryer cloths, and fabric softeners. The company also provides bubble bath products, shampoos, diaper creams and lotions. To promote re-use of their products and product loyalty, as well as eliminate unnecessary waste, all Method products are available as refills. The company offers its products online, as well as through retailers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and France (, 2012).Lowry and Ryan have focused the entire company around speed and innovation. Production is outsourced to more than 50 separate subcontractors, designs that don’t take off are pulled quickly, and Lowry and Ryan focus their energies on staying one step ahead of the corporate giants in the cleaning products space. Over 100 retailers carry the Method brand in some capacity, including big chains such as Target, Lowe’s, Kroger, who carry a majority of the released Method cleaning product. In addition to the United States, four other countries: Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and France carry Method products. According to the website, Method positions itself in five key ways: Clean, Safe, Green, Design, and Fragrance. Method Cleaners use powerful formulas made with naturally derived surfactants that work by dissolving and removing dirt, ensuring products are not only highly innovative, but also highly effective in cleaning. To ensure safety, the greenskeeping team at Method rigorously assesses each ingredient used. This allows the entire product line to be both people- and pet-friendly. Considered a ‘green’ company, each bottle is made from 100% recycled plastic. The company also constantly seeks to reduce the carbon emitted by its business; never tests on animals, designs innovative products using natural, renewable ingredients, and is completely transparent about the ingredients they use and how their products are made. To stand out from competition and provide a visually appealing, modern look, Method hired world-renowned designer Joshua Handy to design product and bottle shapes, colors, materials, and artistic designs. To inspire a new smell of cleaning, Method uses fragrances of flowers, fruits and various herbs to create a competitive and nose-friendly advantage.In order to market themselves efficiently, in the past Method has typically avoided traditional means of advertising, believing short commercials and single-page magazine inserts would dilute brand value. Instead, the company has attempted to create an experience around its product through strategic advertising placements, namely online, its informational website, and informational booklets placed in lifestyle magazines. In fact, much of the searched content for Method appearing online comes from promotional stories and sought-after interviews by Lifestyle-type magazines and business / public relations stories. In the future, it might be a great idea to target niche magazines appealing to consumers desiring to be eco-friendly as well as modern and trendy.Though the company closely monitors the success and distribution/popularity of each product, there are certain market variables the company cannot control. The economy’s success and levels of income and leisure spending is one such variable. Another variable is the release of competitive cleaning products. Cleaning competitors that fall in this uncontrollable variable include P&G, Clorox, Colgate-Palmolive, SC Johnson, American Home, and others. Some, including Clorox, have introduced green cleaners to compete with Method. A third uncontrollable variable stems from the desire of users to pay slightly extra for a ‘green’ product.Positioning StatementMethod will now position itself as a ‘green’ cleaner that is modern, unique, effective, and affordable. Though it will be known the brand is slightly more costly than regular, non-‘green’ cleaning brands, it will be marketed as a premium brand competitively priced with other ‘green’ brands and worth the extra dollars spent for the additional premium benefits. The brand will also market its growth, proving the economy’s impact didn’t greatly impact the growth of the brand and it’s chic reputation is becoming more than a short-term trend and instead a popular, ever-growing petition:Sales for ‘green’ cleaning products and brands have declined for the past three years, but there is a chance for significant growth because a high percentage of adults haven’t yet tried ‘green’ cleaners and brands. Larger, more established companies saw more significant decreases than smaller, privately owned companies. For example, from 2009 to 2011, the market share for Clorox Green Works declined 24 percent while Method’s market share declined only 3 percent. More specifically, in 2011 Method’s market share was approximately 25 percent. Their biggest competition in green cleaning, Clorox Green Works, holds a slightly higher market share of 34 percent. The closest third place ‘green’ competitor in 2011 was Seventh Generation holding a market share of 10 percent.Marketing / Communication/ Advertising Objectives:The marketing share goals for this campaign are to target men and women ages 18-34 through three major marketing promotions and to increase the market share from 25 percent to 29 percent in one year, an increase of 4 percent. The awareness and coupon discount campaign will be hosted in the months of August 2012 for Back to School Cleaning, November 2012 for Holiday Cleaning, and April 2013 for Spring Cleaning. Advertising will increase brand awareness and brand reputation among women ages 18-34 that Method is a premium, eco-friendly cleaning brand.II. Target AudienceThe primary target audience for Method’s year long campaign to build awareness and reputation will be men and women ages 18-34. According to Green Living—US in February 2011, “younger respondents (aged 18 – 34) are more willing to pay premiums and higher amounts for green products than older consumers”. In fact, this article charts ages 18-24 are willing to pay an average of $1.53 more and ages 25-34 an average of $1.46 more for a ‘green’ product rather than a comparable traditional product.In addition, according to Simmon’s One View chart analyzing a competitor ‘green’ company (Simple Green) and how it compares to Method (Method has approximately 400% higher market share than Simple Green), approximately 4,340,000 men and women ages 18-34 use Method. This number is substantial, but leaves plenty of room for growth. The primary target market includes all races as well as all geographic areas of the United States and will be supported with honored coupons in all stores currently carrying Method products. Choosing the younger, 18-34, adult demographic will primarily include traditional college-aged men and women and those beginning and occupying new roles in their life, whether in the home or in the workforce. The idea of targeting this group and seeing room for potential growth other than statistics previously stated includes the concept of these men and women taking new paths and roles in life, making their own decisions, yearning to appear trendy and modern, and desiring to be eco-friendly to protect their generation and generations to come.III. Media ObjectivesThis campaign will be run as a national and spot campaign. With the Method brand remaining fairly new and heavy with competition, it is important to keep the national market in mind when advertising, as to not miss potential customers. Having such a broad scope, however, can be costly so this campaign will also choose to focus on twelve popular spot markets as well. The specific spot campaign markets chosen include twelve of the top twenty five spot markets in the United States and reside primarily in the eastern and southeastern parts of the country, with the exception of Chicago, Illinois. This was decided because Method originated in California, so the chances of western states being familiar with the product might be higher. In order to increase awareness and reputation throughout the United States, this yearlong campaign will not only market to the nation as a whole, but will focus on other coasts of the United States. The spot markets chosen are: Atlanta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Boston, Massachusetts; Charlotte, North Carolina; Chicago, Illinois; Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas; Houston, Texas; Miami-Fort Lauderdale, Florida; New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Tampa-St. Pete, Florida; and Washington, D.C. These twelve spot markets alone comprise 27.3% of U.S. Households.Continuity—Flighting PlanThis campaign will be split into different periods using a Flighting Plan. The National goals are as follows: June through July will have Medium Reach and Low Frequency. August, during the Back to School Cleaning campaign, will have a High Reach and High Frequency. September through October will have a Low Reach and Medium Frequency. November and December, during the Holiday Cleaning campaign and month after, will have a High Reach and High Frequency. January through February will not have an advertising budget for this campaign. March and April, during the Spring Cleaning campaign, will have a High Reach and Medium Frequency. May 2013 will finish off the yearlong brand-building campaign with no funded advertising. Spot goals will reflect National goals by adding 5% to the National Reach for each month and 1.0 Frequency to each month. For example, June and July will have national goals of 70% and frequency of 4.0 and will have spot goals of 75% and frequency of 5.0. This is done to add slightly extra emphasis in the spot markets chosen, which themselves reach 27.3% of U.S. Households.IV. Media MixThe media types used in this campaign include Network Cable-Early Fringe, Network Cable-Prime, Network Cable-Late Fringe, Network Radio-Morning Drive, Network Radio-Evening Drive, General Interest Magazines, Internet-Keyword Search, Spot Television-Late Fringe/News, Spot Radio-Morning Drive, Spot Radio-Daytime, and Outdoor. Charts will show graph breakdowns of all data at the end of this plan. The following media allotments will cost $28,716,100 of the given $30,000,000 budget. The breakdown of how each dollar is used and where is described in this portion of the media work Cable-Early Fringe: Network Cable-Early Fringe will compose of 6.2% of the campaign budget, using $1,854,800. Fifty GRPS of will be placed in this media for August, September, October, March, and April, a total of 250 GRPS. This media type was chosen because network television broadcasts airwaves to affiliate stations under contract agreement of six primary networks, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX. The commercial lengths range from 15 seconds in August, September, and October, due to the high cost of this media relative to our budget, to 30 seconds in March and April. The early fringe time frame will include local news and syndicated programs, which can be a draw to audiences. The time frame, from 4-7:30 p.m., will catch the target audience when they have returned home from work or school and give them information about what is going on in their area. Since television viewing is often used as an activity to unwind, it makes perfect sense to use a significant portion of the budget for this media type. This media also allows creative opportunities, high coverage, reach, and repetition, and a cost-effective cost-per-contact. Some examples of vehicles for this type of media are local news programs such as FOX 6 News and syndicated programs such as the Wheel of Fortune and work Cable-PrimeNetwork Cable-Prime time will compose of 1.0% of the campaign budget, using $285,300. Twenty GRPS will be placed in this media for August. This media type was chosen because the average prime-time network program in this daypart, though only from approximately 8-11 p.m., reaches 11 million households, bringing down costs to pennies per contact reached. In addition, the average household rating for this time period is 3.9. Only 20 GRPs were used in this medium because of the high cost, which is also the reason these commercial spots are only 15 seconds each. Though the number of GRPs and frequency will not be very high in this media, the reach is very large, which can reach potential target audience members that may not be able to be reached in other ways. Creativity may be slightly limited due to the 15-second time slot, but exposure during this time frame is key. Some examples of vehicles for this type of media are shows such as The Office, The Bachelor, etc. which draw high volumes of work Cable-Late FringeNetwork Cable-Late Fringe will compose of 17.3% of the campaign budget, using $5,203,800. Forty GRPs will be placed in this media for June and July, 185 GRPs in August, 100 GRPs in November and December, and 60 GRPs in March and April, totaling 585 GRPs in this media. This media type was chosen because it is the time frame directly after Prime time television, intending to have the large audience, namely those from our target audience as younger generations tend to stay up later, from primetime time frame remain in front of the television and be exposed to Method commercials. All commercials during this time frame are 30 seconds in length. Creativity can be used in these commercials slightly more than in primetime television because of the increased length. Some examples of vehicles for this type of media are shows such as late local news and syndicated shows such as Friends and Seinfeld, which are classics and popular among the target audience chosen for this work Radio-Morning DriveNetwork Radio-Morning Drive will compose of 14.5% of the campaign budget, using $4,364,800. One hundred and thirty GRPs will be placed in this media in June and July, 180 GRPs in August, 280 GRPs in November and December, and 140 GRPs in March and April, totaling 1,280 GRPs in this media. This media type was chosen because, though there is no choice of location, it does not affect this campaign, as we are trying to reach the target audience at a national level. In addition, radio reaches 81% of people over the age of 12 each day, 95% each week. This medium as a whole is a high frequency medium and is very cost-effective, and the morning drive time period, from 6-10 a.m., is the number one time period to advertise. Choosing the morning drive time slot, with 30-second advertisements, will reach our target audience as they begin their day, whether it be going to work, to school, to run errands, etc. There is a significant amount of potential in this media, which is why it was chosen to carry a significant percentage of our media mix and budget for this campaign. Some examples of vehicles for this type of media are morning shows; such as talk radio and the Rick and Bubba program morning work Radio-Evening DriveNetwork Radio-Evening Drive will compose of 21.4% of the campaign budget, using $6,432,400. Ninety GRPs will be placed in this media in June and July, 300 GRPs in August, 280 GRPs in September and October, 365 GRPs in November and December, and 325 GRPs in March and April, totaling 2,420 GRPs in this media. The commercials for this time period are 30 seconds in length. Network Radio-Evening Drive was chosen for many of the same reasons as Network Radio-Morning Drive, except is targeting the time period of 3-7 p.m., attempting to reach those traveling home from work, school, errands, etc. There is a high potential for reaching a significant target audience with a high frequency, creating awareness for Method products. Some examples of vehicles for this type of media are evening shows and shows targeting those driving home from work, which include traffic and weather updates, along with music and many advertisements.General Interest MagazinesGeneral Interest Magazines will compose of 5.7% of the campaign budget, using $1,706,600. Twenty GRPs will be placed in this media in June, July, August, November, December, March, and April, totaling 140 GRPs in this media. For the advertisement itself, half-page, four-color advertisements were selected to grab attention and interest. Magazine advertising tends to increase advertising ROI as well as engage readers and move them to action. In addition, magazine content is considered valuable and is often kept for a longer period of time than most other media types and advertisements are more closely examined. Magazines tend to be read by more than one user, as well, increasing reach. According to Magazine Publishers of America in “Ten Top Reasons to Advertise in Magazines”, the top magazines outdeliver the top 25 television shows and are more likely to reach the largest spenders across most product categories, in almost every demographic. Since magazines tend to be very trendy for younger populations, choosing this media type is very important for reaching the 18-34 year-old adults target audience. Some examples of vehicles for this type of media are National Geographic, News Week, and The Economist.Internet-Keyword SearchInternet-Keyword Search will compose of 0.8% of the campaign budget, using $236,500. Ten GRPs will be placed in this media in August. Very few GRPs will be placed in this media because of the high cost, but having an Internet presence is important when targeting younger generations. This is intended to reach the target audience when they Google search for “green” cleaning supplies. Though the frequency is not necessarily high in this media, reach can potentially be very high.Spot Television-Late Fringe/NewsSpot Television-Late Fringe/News will compose of 7.0% of the campaign budget, using $2,114,500. Though the percentage seems small, this is increase reach and frequency in the twelve target markets selected for this campaign. Ninety-five GRPs will be placed in this media in August, November, and December, and 25 GRPs in March and April, totaling 335 GRPs in this media. The television advertisements will range from 15-second advertisements to 30-second advertisements, depending on the allotted budget for that month. This media was very cost-efficient and effective and the time period was chosen for the same reason Late Fringe Network Television was selected. The Spot television merely means there will be a higher reach and frequency with the increased use of GRPs in the twelve selected spot markets.Spot Radio-Morning DriveSpot Radio-Morning Drive will compose of 6.1% of the campaign budget, using $1,822,800. Forty-five GRPs will be placed in this media in June and July, 40 GRPs in August, November, and December, and 100 GRPs in March and April, totaling 410 GRPs in this media. These advertisements will be 30 seconds in length. This media is very cost-effective and has a high frequency and potentially high reach. This time period in this media was chosen for the same reason Network Radio Morning Drive was selected. Using spot radio will tap into more local stations and programming to increase reach and frequency in the twelve selected spot markets.Spot Radio-DaytimeSpot Radio-Daytime will compose of 6.6% of the campaign budget, using $1,983,000. Fifty GRPs will be placed in this media in June and July, and 90 GRPs in September and October, totaling 280 GRPs in this media. These advertising segments will be 30 seconds in length. Daytime radio was chosen to reach a portion of the target market that may be missed during other radio dayparts in the spot markets, as well as to reinforce the message to those who have already been exposed. This media type is intended to play during daytime radio shows and commercial breaks from music and reach the target audience as they travel to and from lunch, appointments, etc.OutdoorOutdoor will compose of 9.0% of the campaign budget, using $2,711,800. Six hundred and sixty-five GRPs will be placed into this media in August, September, October, November, and December, totaling 3,324 GRPs in this media. All five months will have 25-show, meaning they will reach 25% of the market’s population. Outdoor advertising was chosen to target audiences in spot markets geographically and have a wide coverage of that local market. It was also chosen because it is a high frequency media and provides around-the-clock exposure. Budget Recap:The total budget for this campaign was $30,000,000. The yearlong campaign will cost $28,949,900. The following table gives a budget recap of how much money was spent each month on advertising:MonthsBudget SpentMonths (Cont.)Budget SpentJune$2,017,200December$4,364,300July$2,017,200January$0August$4,478,900February$0September$2,231,400March$3,352,600October$2,231,400April$3,352,600November$4,364,300May$0A chart with this data is included in the last section for easy comparison of budget spent by month.Special Promotions:August will host the “Back to School, Back to Savings Sweepstakes”. With each Method product purchased, the code can be entered online for a chance to win various prizes and coupons with a grand winner receiving a year’s supply of Method products free (products will be conveniently shipped to their home). In return, the winner will be asked to write a short blog to be posted on Method’s website and social media sites about the products they receive, their effectiveness, etc. In addition, during this month, each Method product will have a coupon attached for $1 off their next Method product purchase. This promotion was chosen for August because August marks back to school for college students (which fall into our target market) as well as school children (whose mothers may also fall into our target market). Many college students either change residencies or move back to their college home in the month of August, so cleaning is a necessity. On the other hand, for young mothers of school children, having their children back to school and out of the house allows additional time for cleaning. Cleaning supplies being bought for schools (including hand soaps, etc.) may also be a significant market for Method. Having a mini-sweepstakes will create interaction between Method users and the company in ways other eco-friendly cleaners have not yet tried. In addition, having the grand prizewinner keep a short blog about the products they are receiving and using could generate publicity as well as a relatable reputation with Method products and the brand.Incorporating the $1 off coupon will be important to encourage not only first purchases of Method products, but also continuous purchasing of the various products. Since ‘green’ cleaning products tend to average slightly higher costs than conventional cleaning products, having a coupon can cut down costs to potential green users. Though the audience in this target market are willing to pay slightly more for ‘green’ products on average, saving money is also a huge concern and bonus for this demographic.November will host the “Home for the Holidays—Make it a Clean One” initiative. Coupons will be advertised on the internet for printing and available with Smart Phones by scanning the product’s barcode for BOGO (Buy One, Get One Free) on all Method products. Coupons will be distributed weekly in these vehicles for the four weeks of November. Coupons will not expire until February 1, 2013. Having coupons will encourage users to continue to buy or begin to buy Method products and will increase the volume in which they buy these products.November was chosen for the launch of this initiative because of the higher rate of visitors and time spent at home for the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Cleaning is done in higher volumes for this time of year, and savings are always an added component with expenses for gifts and holiday food taking up large portions of the budget. This campaign will target women ages 18-34 by utilizing advertisements displaying images of this demographic with various (and numerous since they are Buy One Get One Free) Method products. A tagline of “Make a Good Impression with Method” will appear to target our demographic, as they want to impress their friends and families during this time of their lives. Media vehicles for the coupons such as Internet and smart phones were chosen to focus on the young demographic. It is also assumed most large stores, such as Target and Kroger, will place the coupon in their sale papers for preferred-print consumers, based on Method’s request.April will host the “Spring Cleaning—Easy and Free” launch. During this month, a 50 cent off discount will be applied to all Method products. In addition, a Social Media competition will be blitzed where Method and non-Method users will be allowed to upload a video of themselves/their families, etc. cleaning their house. Humor will be encouraged. The submitted videos should explain why they should be chosen as winners and why they need help with their home cleaning. Videos can be submitted via a special email account created by Method for the competition, a special tab and submission form created on the Method website or Facebook message uploads. Method employees will vote on their top fifteen at the end of the month (length of the competition) and the top fifteen will be posted on all Method social media accounts and the website. Consumers can vote for their favorites and the top two winners selected will have a day of ‘Free Spring Cleaning’ by Method employees using all Method products. The Method employees will explain the benefits of their products and give cleaning tips that will be videoed and displayed on the various social media accounts and the website. Clips of these winners and the help they received as well as an explanation of why they love Method products and will continue to use them will be made into Television commercials and broadcasted for the next several months as advertising.April was an easy target month to choose, as it is often known as a month for ‘Spring Cleaning’ and weather changes. Allergy seasons and warmer weather call for homes to be re-evaluated and freshly cleaned. Having this competition in April will be a great way to involve younger women in their efforts for clean homes as well as give them cleaning tips/advice. It is also important to note the reputation of April as the Spring Cleaning month, so having a user-friendly competition as well as a 50 cent savings discount on products will not only boost brand recognition, but will also increase brand awareness and likeability. According to Household Cleaning: The Consumer—US in May 2011, awareness of green cleaning products has grown but spending on these products has shown an overall drop. Though adults in their 20s and 30s are among the highest group to pay a premium for green products when possible, they are also among the highest group to admit these products lack the level of effectiveness of conventional products. Having two consumers receive help with their cleaning as well as promotion and satisfaction of the brand noted because of this could be a large appeal to this target market. It may also help Method’s image of eco-friendly, effective, modern/chic, and consumer-friendly.Cost Summary (Budget Recap Per Month and Per Period of Cost of Each Media):PERIOD 1June:40 GRPs in Net Cable L-Fringe (:30) = $422,600130 GRPs in Net Radio-Morning Drive (:30)=$443,30090 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $239,20020 GRPs in Gen. Interest Magazines (HPG 4C) = $243,80045 GRPs in Spot Radio-Morning Drive (:60) = $290,60050 GRPs in Spot Radio-Daytime (:60) = +$377,700Total Budget Spent in June = $2,017,200Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $1,349,000Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $668,300July:40 GRPs in Net Cable L-Fringe (:30) = $422,600130 GRPs in Net Radio-Morning Drive (:30)=$443,30090 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $239,20020 GRPs in Gen. Interest Magazines (HPG 4C) = $243,80045 GRPs in Spot Radio-Morning Drive (:60) = $290,60050 GRPs in Spot Radio-Daytime (:60) = +$377,700Total Budget Spent in July = $2,017,200Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $1,349,000Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $668,300Period 1 Total Cost = $4,034,400Period 2:August:50 GRPs in Net Cable-E Fringe (:15) = $264,90020 GRPs in Net Cable-Prime (:15) = $285,300185 GRPs in Net Cable-L Fringe (:15) = $977,400180 GRPs in Net Radio-Morning Drive (:30)= $613,800300 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $797,40020 GRPs in Gen. Interest Magazines (HPG 4C) = $243,80010 GRPs in Internet/Keyword Search (Listing) = $236,50095 GRPs in Spot TV-Late Fringe/News (:15) = $349,50040 GRPs in Spot Radio-Morning Drive (:30) = $167,900665 GRPs in Outdoor (25 Show) = +$542,400Total Budget Spent in August = $4,478,900Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $3,419,100Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $1,059,800Period 2 Total Cost = $4,478,900Period 3:September:50 GRPs in Net Cable-E Fringe (:15)= $264,900280 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $744,20090 GRPs in Spot Radio-Daytime (:60)= $679,900665 GRPs in Outdoor (25 Show) = +$542,400Total Budget Spent in September = $2,231,400Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $1,009,200Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $1,222,200October:50 GRPs in Net Cable-E Fringe (:15)= $264,900280 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $744,20090 GRPs in Spot Radio-Daytime (:60)= $679,900665 GRPs in Outdoor (25 Show) = +$542,400Total Budget Spent in October = $2,231,400Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $1,009,200Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $1,222,200Period 3 Total Cost = $4,462,800Period 4:November:100 GRPs in Net Cable-L Fringe (:30) = $1,056,600280 GRPs in Net Radio-Morning Drive (:30) =$954,800365 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $970,20020 GRPs in Gen. Interest Magazines (HPG 4C) =$243,80095 GRPs in Spot TV-Late Fringe/News (:30) =$698,60040 GRPs in Spot Radio-Morning Drive (:30) =$167,900665 GRPs in Outdoor (25 Show)= +$542,400Total Budget Spent in November = $4,634,300Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $3,225,400Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $1,408,900December:100 GRPs in Net Cable-L Fringe (:30) = $1,056,600280 GRPs in Net Radio-Morning Drive (:30) =$954,800365 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $970,20020 GRPs in Gen. Interest Magazines (HPG 4C) =$243,80095 GRPs in Spot TV-Late Fringe/News (:30) =$698,60040 GRPs in Spot Radio-Morning Drive (:30) =$167,900665 GRPs in Outdoor (25 Show)= +$542,400Total Budget Spent in December = $4,634,300Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $3,225,400Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $1,408,900Period 4 Total Cost = $9,268,600Period 5:January:No advertising$0February:No advertising$0Period 5 Total Cost = $0Period 6:March:50 GRPs in Net Cable-E Fringe (:30) = $530,00060 GRPs in Net Cable-L Fringe (:30) =$634,000140 GRPs in Net Radio-Morning Drive (:30) =$477,400325 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $863,90020 GRPs in Gen. Interest Magazines (HPG 4C) =$243,80025 GRPs in Spot TV Late Fringe/News (:30) = $183,800100 GRPs in Spot Radio-Morning Drive (:30) = +$419,800Total Budget Spent in March =$3,352,600Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $2,749,000Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $603,600April:50 GRPs in Net Cable-E Fringe (:30) = $530,00060 GRPs in Net Cable-L Fringe (:30) =$634,000140 GRPs in Net Radio-Morning Drive (:30) =$477,400325 GRPs in Net Radio-Evening Drive (:30) = $863,90020 GRPs in Gen. Interest Magazines (HPG 4C) =$243,80025 GRPs in Spot TV Late Fringe/News (:30) = $183,800100 GRPs in Spot Radio-Morning Drive (:30) = +$419,800Total Budget Spent in April =$3,352,600Total Budget Spent in National Area only = $2,749,000Total Budget Spent in Spot Area only = $603,600Period 6 Total Cost = $6,705,200Period 7:May:No Advertising$0Period 7 Total Cost = $0Charts/Graphs:Average of each level within my advertising strategy:LevelReachFrequencyRangeAverage in my planRangeAverage in my planHigh75-95%85%9-109.5Medium60-75%65%6-87LowUp to 50-55%55%1-54.5**This chart explains the average in my plan for each category (i.e. there were only two months with Low Reach and both were 55%, so 55+55=110/2=55% average).**This chart is a visual representation of the Media Mix for this campaign. **This chart is a visual representation of the Budget Recap by Month (how much money was spent each month compared to other months). Note: January, February, and May are missing from this chart because no money was spent for advertising during these months.GRPs Used by Month**This chart gives the visual break down of how many GRPS were used each month in the National Area only, Spot Area only, and the total number of GRPs used each month. ................

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