RFQ with General Instruction to Suppliers





Ref. No.: RFQ2017.032. IOM LIBYA

Date : 10 October 2017

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1951 and is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits both migrants and society.

IOM invites interested eligible Suppliers to submit Quotations for the Supply and Delivery of Armored Vehicles to IOM LIBYA.

|Item No. |Item Description |Quantity |Unit |

|1 |Vehicle Specs: |Four (4) |unit |

| | | | |

| |2017 model, Brand NEW, 4x4, Middle-East or Tropical | | |

| |Version LHD Toyota GXR LC200, V8 petrol or diesel | | |

| |engine 4.6L, with high altitude compensator, | | |

| |automatic or manual transmission, white colored, and | | |

| |fully certified armouring level at VR7 with Ballistic| | |

| |Level B6 | | |

| | | | |

| |MOSS Accessories: (to be installed at the armoring | | |

| |factory) | | |

| | | | |

| |Standard Manufacturer's Warranty with Certified | | |

| |Workshop in Libya or within the Region | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Delivery: | | |

| |DAP IOM Libya | | |

| |Including in-transit insurance coverage | | |

| |Indicate export restrictions and how much time it | | |

| |takes | | |

| |getting exportation license/permissions from the | | |

| |hosting authorities (if any). | | |

| | | | |

| |Refer to Annex B for the complete technical | | |

| |specifications. | | |

With this RFQ is the GIS which include the Instructions to Suppliers, Technical Specifications and administrative requirements that Suppliers will need to follow in order to prepare and submit their quotation for consideration by IOM.

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation, and to cancel the procurement process and reject all quotations at any time prior to award of Purchase Order or Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Supplier/s or any obligation to inform the affected Supplier/s of the ground for IOM’s action.

Very truly yours,


Vladimir Maslarov


Global Procurement and Supply Unit


1. Description of Goods

IOM request prospective suppliers to submit quotation for the Supply and Delivery of Four (4) units of Armored Vehicle (AV) to IOM Libya.

|Item No. |Description |Qty |Unit |

|1 |2017 model, Brand NEW, 4x4, Middle-East or Tropical Version LHD Toyota |Four (4) |ea |

| |GXR LC200, V8 petrol or diesel engine 4.6L, with high altitude | | |

| |compensator, automatic or manual transmission, white colored, and fully| | |

| |certified armouring level at VR7 with Ballistic Level B6 | | |

2. Corrupt, Fraudulent, and Coercive Practices

IOM requires that all IOM Staff, manufacturers, suppliers or distributors, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of all contracts. IOM shall reject any proposal put forward by Suppliers, or where applicable, terminate their contract, if it is determined that they have engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. In pursuance of this policy, IOM defines for purposes of this paragraph the terms set forth below as follows:

• Corrupt practice means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of any thing of value to influence the action of the Procuring/Contracting Entity in the procurement process or in contract execution;

• Fraudulent practice is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, the Procuring/Contracting Entity in the procurement process or the execution of a contract, to obtain a financial gain or other benefit to avoid an obligation;

• Collusive practice is an undisclosed arrangement between two or more bidders designed to artificially alter the results of the tender procedure to obtain a financial gain or other benefit;

• Coercive practice is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any participant in the tender process to influence improperly its activities in a procurement process, or affect the execution of a contract

3. Conflict of Interest

All Suppliers found to have conflicting interests shall be disqualified to participate in the procurement at hand. A Supplier may be considered to have conflicting interest under any of the circumstances set forth below:

• A Supplier has controlling shareholders in common with another Supplier;

• A Supplier receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy from another Supplier;

• A Supplier has the same representative as that of another Supplier for purposes of this quotation;

• A Supplier has a relationship, directly or through third parties, that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the Quotation of another or influence the decisions of the Mission/Procuring Entity regarding this quotation process;

• A Supplier submits more than one Quotation in this Quotation process;

• A Supplier who participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or technical specifications of the Goods and related services that are subject of this quotation process.

4. Eligible Suppliers

Only Suppliers that are determined to be qualified shall be considered for award. The Supplier shall fill up and submit the standard IOM Vendor Information Sheet (VIS) (Annex D) to establish their eligibility together with the Quotation.

5. Cost of Preparing the Quotation

The Supplier shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Quotation and IOM will not in any case be responsible and liable for the costs incurred.

6. Errors, omissions, inaccuracies and clarifications

The documents and forms requested for the purpose of soliciting Quotations shall form part of the Contract; hence care should be taken in completing these documents.

Suppliers shall not be entitled to base any claims on errors, omissions, or inaccuracies made in the Quotation Documents.

Suppliers requiring any clarifications on the content of this document may notify the IOM in writing at email address fpu@iom.int.

Clarifications sent to other IOM email address will NOT be entertained

IOM will respond to any request for clarification received during the period of 10 October 2017 until 12 October 2017, 15:00 HRS Manila Time. Copies of the response including description of the clarification will be given to all Suppliers who received this General Instruction, without identifying the source of the inquiry.

Any other clarification received after this date will no longer be entertained.

7. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure

All information given in writing to or verbally shared with the Supplier in connection with this General Instruction is to be treated as strictly confidential. The Supplier shall not share or invoke such information to any third party without the prior written approval of IOM. This obligation shall continue after the procurement process has been completed whether or not the Supplier is successful.

8. IOM’s Right to Accept any Quotation and to Reject any and all Quotations

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Quotation, and to cancel the procurement process and reject all Quotations, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Supplier/s or any obligation to inform the affected Supplier/s of the ground for IOM’s action.

9. Requirements

1. Quotation Documents

The following shall constitute the Quotation Documents to be submitted by the Suppliers:

9.1.1 Technical Proposal with Checklist Page (Annex A)

9.1.2 Technical Specifications (Annex B)

9.1.3 Technical Requirements Related to Quality (Annex C)

9.1.4 Financial Proposal/Price Schedule Form (Annex D)

9.1.5 Vendor Information Sheet (Annex D)

9.1.6 IOM Supply and Delivery Contract Template (Annex E)

9.1.7 Proforma Bank Guarantee for Advance Payment (Annex F)

Suppliers are required to use the forms provided as Annexes in this document.

9.1a Suppliers are advised to read the specifications carefully (see Annex B), as there are some special requirements. The technical specifications presented herein are not to be construed as defining a particular manufacturer’s product. Vehicle offered must meet or exceed all requirements herein. It must conform in strength, quality and workmanship to the accepted standards of the relevant industry. Modifications of and/or additions to basic standard products of less size or capability to meet these requirements will not be acceptable.

9.2 Quotation Form

The Quotation Forms (Annex B and D) and other required documents shall be duly signed and accomplished and typewritten or written in indelible ink. Any correction made to the prices, rates or to any other information shall be rewritten in indelible ink and initialed by the person signing the Quotation Form.

9.3 Validity of Quotation Price

The Quotation shall remain valid for a minimum period of 45 calendar days, after the deadline for submission.

In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the period of validity of quotations, IOM may request that the Suppliers extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the response there to shall be made in writing. A supplier agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify its quotation.

9.4 Documents Establishing Supplier’s Eligibility and Qualification

The Supplier shall furnish, as part of its Quotation, documents establishing the Supplier’s eligibility to submit Quotation and its qualifications to perform the contract if its Quotation is accepted. These include, but are not limited to the following:

1. That, Suppliers should submit with their quotation any information updating their original Vendor Information Sheet (VIS) or company profile on file or, alternatively, confirm in their bids that the originally submitted information remains essentially correct as of the date of bid submission

2. That, in the case of a Supplier offering to supply goods under the Contract which the supplier did not manufacture or otherwise produce, the Supplier shall submit the Manufacturer’s Authorization to demonstrate that it has been duly authorized by the vehicle manufacturer or producer to supply the goods in the country of final destination;

3. That, to the best of the Supplier ’s knowledge and signing declaration that supplier it is not included in the UN 1267 List or the UN Ineligibility List, nor in any and all of UN list of suspended and removed vendors

4. That, In the case of a Supplier not doing business within the Mission’s country, the Supplier is or will be (if awarded the contract) represented by an Agent in that country equipped, and be able to carry out the Supplier’s maintenance, repair and spare parts-stocking obligations prescribed in the Conditions of Contract and/or Technical Specifications.

10. Submission of Quotation Documents

Quotation should be sent via email to fpu@iom.int and attachments must not exceed 2MB per email and must be submitted on or before 19 October 2017, 2200HRS Manila Time. Late Quotations will not be accepted.

Quotation should include below forms:

a. Technical Proposal (Annex B)

b. Financial Proposal (Annex D)

10.1 Technical Proposal and Content

Refer to Annex C for the complete requirements

10.2 Financial Proposal and Content

The financial offer is to be submitted as per the Price Schedule Form (Annex D). Offers submitted using different price representation will not be accepted. The language of the Quotation shall be in English and prices shall be quoted in US Dollars or USD, exclusive of VAT.

Prices indicated on the Price Schedule shall include the shipping/delivery/insurance cost using Incoterms 2010 indicated.

Prices quoted by the Supplier shall be fixed during Supplier performance of the contract and not subject to price escalation and variation on any account, unless otherwise approved by IOM. A submitted quotation with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non responsive and will be rejected.

11. Opening of Quotations

At the indicated time and place, the opening of Quotations shall be carried out by IOM in the presence of the Contractors who wish to attend. IOM reserve the right to conduct opening of Quotations in public or not.

12. Acceptance of Quotations

IOM is not bound to take an immediate decision on the acceptability or unacceptability of Quotations at the time of their opening.

13. Rejection of Quotations

Quotation can be rejected for the following reasons:

(a) the Quotation is not presented in accordance with this General Instruction;

(b) the Quotation Form or any document which is part of the Quotation

Document is not signed;

(d) the Supplier is currently under list of blacklisted suppliers;

e) the Supplier offer imposes certain basic conditions unacceptable to IOM

IOM is not bound to accept any offer received and reserves the right to waive any minor defect in an offer, provided, however, that such minor defect (i) does

not modify the substance of the offer and (ii) does not change the relative ranking of the Suppliers.

14. Evaluation of Quotations

IOM shall evaluate and compare the Quotations on the basis of the following:

14.1 Technical Evaluation

a) Eligibility Documents Pass/Fail

Presence or absence of the documents

As listed in Vendor Information Sheet (VIS)

b) Quality Requirements Pass/Fail

As described in Annex C

After completion of the Technical Proposal evaluation, IOM shall notify those Suppliers whose proposal were considered non responsive based on the Technical Evaluation Table per Annex B, indicating that their Financial Proposals shall be returned unopened after the completion of the selection process.

IOM shall simultaneously notify the Suppliers that have passed the Technical Evaluation.

14.2. Financial Evaluation

The Financial Proposal of Suppliers who passed the technical evaluation shall be opened. The Supplier with the lowest financial offer per lot or combination of lots will be invited for negotiation.

Arithmetical errors will be corrected on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected. If the Supplier does not accept the correction of the errors, its Quotation will be rejected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail.

15. Award of Contract

The Supplier that has submitted the lowest EVALUATED Price; substantially responsive to the requirements of this General Instruction and who has been determined to be qualified to perform the contract shall be selected and awarded the contract.

A sample Supply and Delivery Contract is attached as Annex E. IOM shall notify the selected Supplier through a Notice of Award. IOM shall also notify in writing, the other Suppliers who were not selected without disclosing the reason for rejection.

16. Post Qualification and Quality Assurance

Prior to award, post-qualification will be carried out by IOM to further determine the selected Supplier’s technical and financial capability to perform the contract. IOM shall verify and validate any documents/information submitted, and shall conduct reference check with other clients and ocular inspection of the office, plant and equipment, with or without notice to the supplier.

16.1 Inspection:

The Armoring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities, to provide certification of agreement from full and unfettered access, and guaranteeing full cooperation and support, to IOM personnel and/or technical consultants duly appointed by IOM and acting on behalf of IOM, for the purpose of conducting various inspections, audits and quality checks to ensure that the vehicles to be provided under this RFQ are fully certified and compliant with all the specifications contained within this RFQ .

These inspections and audits shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

A) Initial Technical Inspection (at the premises of the armouring manufacturer): To include but not limited to;

• Inspection of the vehicles, to be supplied under this RFQ, after completion of the first stage of armouring (no interior fitted) to ensure that the materials used comply fully with the necessary ballistic certification in accordance with the specified international CEN standards of level B6.

• Inspection of all welding to ensure that the correct standards have been applied and that heat stress factors have not adversely affected the quality of these materials used.

• Inspection of all mechanical modifications and upgrades to ensure that the systems, components and installations will fully comply with the specifications provided by IOM.

B) Final Technical Inspection (at the premises of the armouring manufacturer): To include but not limited to;

• Inspection of the vehicles prior to delivery ensuring that the completed vehicles comply fully with the specifications provided by IOM.

• Inspection and testing of all functions, controls and equipment ensuring proper operation as stipulated within the specifications provided by IOM.

• Conduct a test drive and quality inspection ensuring that the mechanical upgrades and modifications contained within the specification provided by IOM have been completed in full and that the required levels of safety, performance and operation of the components are met.

The Armoring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities, to provide Certification of agreement that at their own costs at no additional charge to IOM, they will conduct any and all works, replacements, modifications and upgrades required to rectify or correct any mistakes in workmanship and/or non-compliance, of their own doing, with the specifications provided and contained in this RFQ.

If any, the cost for the two Technical Inspections, Initial and Final, as described above, will be borne by IOM. The costs for any additional inspections, over and above the Initial and Final Technical Inspections described above, resulting from any fault or non-compliance with the technical specification by the supplier and/or armouring manufacturer, will be borne by the Supplier and will be deducted from the final payment.

17. Delivery Site and Period of Delivery

The goods should be delivered at the following delivery site/s:

Incoterm 2010

DAP – IOM TRIPOLI LIBYA with Shipping Insurance

18. Liquidated Damages

If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the goods within the period specified in Clause 17 above, a penalty payment of 0.1% of the price of the undelivered goods for every day of breach of the delivery schedule by the Supplier will be requested. The Maximum number of days delayed is until 20 days only, with next course of action as Termination of contract.

19. Payment

Payment shall be made only upon IOM’s acceptance of the goods, and upon IOM’s receipt of invoice describing the goods delivered[2].

IOM may grant an advance payment equivalent to maximum of 10% of the Contract Amount upon submission of a claim and a Bank Guarantee for the equivalent amount valid until the goods are delivered and in the form provided in Annex F. The bank guarantee may be waived if the advanced amount is less than USD Five Thousand Dollars (USD5,000).

20. Warranty

Warranty shall be quoted based on the standard warranties provided by the manufacturer unless specified in the Technical Specifications of this General Instruction. A Warranty Certificate shall be provided by the Supplier.

21. Settlement of Dispute

The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) arbitration rules will apply for any dispute, controversy or claim that will arise in relation to the procurement process.


|No. |Document |

| | |Submitted |

|1 |Vendor’s Expertise and Qualifications |  |

|2 |Vendor’s understanding on the required methodology |  |

|3 |Schedule of Technical data |  |

|4 |Schedule of Required Certifications |  |

|5 |Quality Management System |  |

|6 |Warranty/Guarantee |  |


| |

|Ref No. : ____________________ |

|Item No. : ____________________ |

|Item Description : ____________________ |

| |

|Manufacturer : ________________________________________________ |

|Origin : ________________________________________________ |

|Model : ________________________________________________ |

| | |


| |And indicate COMPLY or NOT COMPLY |

|Brand New, 2017 model, 4x4, Middle-East or Tropical Version LHD Toyota GXR | |

|LC200, V8 petrol or diesel engine 4.6L, with high altitude compensator, | |

|automatic or manual transmission, white colored, and fully certified armouring| |

|level at VR7 with Ballistic Level B6 | |

|Inclusion: | |

|MOSS Accessories: (to be installed at the armoring factory) | |

| | |

|TJM Heavy Duty Front T15 Bull Bar (with HF/VHF Antenna Brackets) | |

|Warn Electric Winch 12 volt fixed in the heady duty front bull bar (6 tons | |

|capacity) | |

|Driver Side Window Lifter | |

|Heavy Duty Jack (4,000kgs) | |

|Bulb Fuse Kit | |

|Fire extinguisher 2Kg | |

|Steel Roof Rack | |

|2nd Spare Wheel Incl. Runflat | |

|2nd spare wheel holder on the roof rack | |

|2 plastic jerry cans (20L) and two funnels with twin holders on the roof rack | |

|Wheel Wrench X-Type, 17,19,21 (13/16) 22mm | |

|Tow Rope (5,000kgs) 3M | |

|Blackhawk Sledgehammer | |

|Heavy Duty Jump Leads | |

|Winch Recovery Accessories in Storage Bag | |

|Replacement Rear Bumper Bar, Including Hi-Lift Jacking Points | |

|Ball type heavy duty tow bar with electrical socket | |

|Fog lamps, 2 x 55W with the bull bar | |

|Dashboard fitted blue flashing lights | |

|Strobe Lights Front mounted on Bull Bar | |

|Tail light kill switch | |

|Rear cargo area anchor points & elasticated net | |

|Yellow color spherical warning system different than ambulance and police | |

|vehicles | |

|Advanced First Aid Kit / trauma kit | |

|Single sided triangular warning | |

|Belkins DC to AC power source | |

|Rechargeable torch light | |

|Essential Tool Kit | |

|Shovel with Handle | |

|Warning triangle | |

|Accessories, Tools and Spare Parts to be included for each vehicle: | |

| | |

|Dealer network manual | |

|Operator’s manual | |

|Electrical wiring manual | |

|Communication equipment manuals | |

|Keys one (1) plus two (2) spare | |

|Touch-up paint | |

|One air vehicle (bottle) jack to cope for additional weight of armour and | |

|wheel changing accessories | |

|One wheeled garage jack with minimum capacity of 4 tons | |

|One “hooligan” bar and hammer required for emergency entry | |

|One First Aid Kit | |

|Two roadside warning triangles | |

|Heavy-duty electrical “jumper” cables | |

|One nylon snatch strap with reinforced loops at each end, minimum of 8m length| |

|with a minimum capacity of 4 tons | |

|Two large U-bolts of a minimum capacity of 2,5 tons | |

|One handheld 1 kg fire extinguisher securely mounted in the front forward | |

|passenger foot-well (pictures to be included in submission) | |

|One hand held 1 kg fire extinguisher to be securely mounted (internally) to | |

|the right rear cargo door (pictures to be included in submission) | |

|Radio Equipment: | |

| | |

|Radios and communications systems must be installed during the armoring | |

|process. | |

|The radio and sat phone communications equipment must be positioned in the | |

|front compartment in such a way as to enable equal ease of operation by both | |

|the driver and the front passenger (the space between the driver and passenger| |

|seat may be utilized but changing of channels and operation of equipment must | |

|be possible without stopping the vehicle). | |

|All wiring must be run through pre-installed conduit tubing so as to | |

|facilitate the ease of any post-manufacture replacement and/or maintenance of | |

|wiring and equipment. Wiring must be incorporated in the certified armoring | |

|design and manufacture in order to prevent the creation of gaps in the armor | |

|during the installation of the equipment. Manuals must be provided for the | |

|radios and Thuraya communications equipment. Equipment should not be installed| |

|in the glove box. Items are: | |

| | |

|Full Package Motorola VHF Radio Mobile Station DM4601 with all accessories and| |

|antenna, 255 Channel, 25W & Remote Mount Kit. The VHF antennae must be | |

|securely fitted to one of the front fenders of the vehicle, and not the roof. | |

|Magnetic mounting will not be accepted. | |

|Full Package Codan HF Radio Mobile Station, Codan Envoy HF Radio with all | |

|accessories (GPS enabled). The HF antennae should preferably be installed at | |

|the rear of the vehicle. | |

|Full Package Iridium Sat Phone Car Docking Station (handset not included) for | |

|handset Model 9555, or, Thuraya Vehicle Docking Station (Handset not included)| |

|for handset compatible model – Southern Hemisphere & External Mag Antenna, | |

|including charging-cradle, headset and external antennae, to be installed | |

|during the armoring process. | |


| | |

|Four cameras with resolution 1080 HD, with recording capacity up to 48 hrs | |

|(not less): | |

|One mounted in front with wide view of the front road; | |

|One mounted in the back with wide view of the rear; | |

|One with wide view, mounted in the front upper corner, above the windshield, | |

|in front of passenger seat with view of the passenger, driver and back seats; | |

|One mounted with view on the outside the driver’s window, i.e. to record | |

|anyone approaching the driver. | |

|A siren, intercom and public address system, of European manufacture, must be | |

|installed with switching and handset located in the front compartment in such | |

|a way as to enable equal ease of operation by both the driver and the front | |

|passenger who is usually a security officer and will usually operate this | |

|equipment. The siren should only provide one distinct acoustic sound; the | |

|variable type is not required. Equipment may not be installed in the glove | |

|box. | |

|GPS tracking system to track the movement of the AV. Not the satellite one, | |

|but the one operating under the local GSM network grid | |

|Other Requirement: | |

|1. The back compartment: the back armored wall shall be installed at the very | |

|end of the vehicle allowing to include two (2) additional protected back seats| |

|behind the main back seat. | |

|2. Smooth and professional finishing. | |

|3. No rough edged shall be left not properly finishing especially for the | |

|steel works. | |

|4. Steel frame on the front windshield should be protected by a rubber covers | |

|to avoid being rust also to avoid injuring hands. | |

|5. The towing hook at the rear bumper shall be from the closed type (not the | |

|open type). | |

|6. A rear power source shall be installed to light up the towed compartment. | |

|7. A full welded metal front bull bar (not nickel and/or any fragile material)| |

|shall be also extended to cover the front lights as well (not only the middle | |

|part of the engine). | |

|8. The back armored door (bulk head door) shall have a latch from inside to | |

|prevent access to the AV from outside. | |

|9. The engine compartment shall be properly sealed with some metal or Kevlar | |

|material through the hood (hood protection). The hood has a proper locking | |

|system that will prevent it from flying out to block driver view. | |

|10. Engine bay fire system should be installed. | |

|Base Vehicle Specifications And Upgrades: | |

|The vehicle should be designed for simplicity, and must be mechanically and | |

|electronically simple to maintain without special diagnostic tools. | |

|Ignition System: the electronic push-button electronic ignition system must be| |

|replaced with a key-operated ignition system. | |

|Cooling System: An auxiliary engine oil cooler must be installed, and an | |

|additional radiator fan must be installed (depending on the geographical | |

|location and conditions). | |

|Braking System: the standard original brake fluid pipes must be replaced with | |

|(steel braided) high-performance tubing to sustain additional fluid pressures.| |

|The standard original OE brake fluid must be replaced with high-performance | |

|brake fluid to minimum specification of DOT 5.1 (Proof of compliance will be | |

|required). The standard original front brake disc systems must be replaced | |

|with high-performance disc brake system incorporating a 6-piston caliper | |

|system, dual-ventilated high-performance type brake discs that are at least | |

|40% larger than the OE discs, and high-performance brake disc pads such as | |

|that manufactured by AP Racing or Alcon, or similar. The standard original | |

|rear brake disc systems must be replaced with high-performance disc brake | |

|system incorporating a 4-piston caliper system, high-performance type brake | |

|discs that are at least 40% larger than the OE discs and high-performance | |

|brake disc pads such as manufactured by AP Racing or Alcon or similar. Bidders| |

|are required to provide technical specifications on the entire braking systems| |

|to be installed on the specific vehicles to be supplied in terms of this RFQ | |

|Fuel Tanks: combined total fuel tank capacity of at least 90-litre is | |

|required. The original fuel tanks must be replaced with EXPLOSAFE type tanks | |

|(certification to be provided). All fuel tanks and fuel pipes must be | |

|protected with armour steel to a minimum of Level B6. Bidders are required to | |

|provide technical specifications on the upgraded fuel tank systems to be | |

|installed on the specific vehicles to be supplied in terms of this RFQ. | |

|Central Locking: the driver must be able to lock all doors internally and | |

|centrally without stopping. Remote locking is not standard requirement under | |

|this specification but at the minimum a key-operated central locking from the | |

|driver’s door must be provided, i.e. when the driver’s door is locked | |

|externally all doors are simultaneously locked. Child security locks on the | |

|rear doors are required. | |

|Seats and Interior Upholstery: both front seats must be “single” seats, if the| |

|base vehicle is provided with front passenger bench-type seat this must be | |

|removed and replaced with a single seat of the same dimensions as the driver’s| |

|seat (pictures to be included in submission). Seat belts must be provided and | |

|must be long enough to accommodate a Large to Extra-Large person wearing a | |

|ballistic vest. The standard rear type bench seat with seat belts for two | |

|passengers is to be retained. The interior upholstery must be of a heavy-duty,| |

|durable and washable fabric (not plastic or vinyl), to match the colour of the| |

|dashboard, and must offer some degree of burn resistance and be of semi-luxury| |

|quality. The floor of the entire vehicle must be covered in a durable and | |

|washable rubber matting (not carpeting). The floor must retain the standard | |

|vehicles insulation against road-noise, heat and cold. Bidders are required to| |

|provide specifications on the interior upholstery to be installed on the | |

|specific vehicles to be supplied in terms of this RFQ. | |

|HVAC System: the original heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) | |

|system must be upgraded to compensate for the extremely hot climates where | |

|summer temperatures reach in excess of 40°C. The HVAC system must provide | |

|variable controlled ducting and ventilation for both front and rear passenger | |

|compartments. The HVAC system must include upgraded compressors, condensers | |

|and evaporators. Bidders are required to provide technical specifications of | |

|the heavy duty and upgraded air-conditioning system required to be installed | |

|on the specific vehicles to be supplied in terms of this RFQ. | |

|Wheels, Tyres, and Run-Flat Assemblies: all wheel rims, including the two | |

|spare wheels, supplied with the vehicles must be of steel construction | |

|certified according to TUV/MOT type recommendations and legal requirements to | |

|carry the additional weight of the armouring (alloy rims will not be | |

|accepted). All six wheels must be fitted with heavy-duty all terrain tyres, | |

|similar to BF Goodrich All Terrain, each tyre rated to a minimum payload of | |

|1,350 kg @80psi. All six wheels must be fitted with run-flat systems rated at | |

|50km at a speed of 80 km/h run-flat capability supplied by either Hutchinson | |

|or Runflat International. No other type will be accepted. Bidders are required| |

|to provide technical specifications on the steel rims, the run-flat systems | |

|and the tyres to be installed on the specific vehicles to be supplied in terms| |

|of this RFQ. Suppliers are to label the recommended tyre pressures both Bar | |

|and PSI for the supplier’s vehicles on the inside of the fuel filler cover. | |

|Doors and Door Hinges: all standard door hinges on all doors must be removed | |

|and replaced with engineered-for-purpose heavy-duty type hinges capable of | |

|sustained functioning of the heavier armored doors. All four passenger doors | |

|must be fitted with gas springs to assist with ease of opening and closing, | |

|and to prevent slamming when closing. All door pillars must be armored and | |

|specially reinforced to prevent distortion caused by the additional weight of | |

|the doors. All door hinges must directly connect the armouring steel in the | |

|doors to the armouring steel in the pillars; no weight may be carried by the | |

|standard sheet steel of the base vehicle. Door check straps must be fitted to | |

|all doors to prevent doors from reaching full articulation. All internal door | |

|panels (6 doors) must be fitted with reinforced robust grab handles adequately| |

|secured to enable sustained opening and closing of the heavier armored doors. | |

|All doors (5 doors) must be fitted with manual “Battle Lock” deadbolts. | |

|Bidders are required to provide technical specifications on heavy-duty door | |

|hinge systems and the reinforcement of the door pillars to be installed on the| |

|specific vehicles to be supplied in terms of this RFQ. | |

|Suspension System: The standard original suspension system must be completely | |

|replaced with an engineered-for-purpose high performance suspension system | |

|providing constant loading. Only Bilstein and/or Eibach components will be | |

|accepted. Off-the-shelf suspension system components providing temporary | |

|loading, such as those manufactured for heavy-duty off-road use, will not be | |

|accepted. Upgraded steering dampers, front and rear shock absorbers from a | |

|high quality manufacturer of sufficient design to prevent fluid from boiling, | |

|front and rear springs as well as the front and rear anti-roll bars (of a | |

|minimum diameter of 32mm) must be installed. Only Bilstein and/or Eibach | |

|components will be accepted. Suspension turrets and anchoring points must all | |

|be strengthened and reinforced to enable the additional load. Bidders are | |

|required to provide complete technical specifications on the heavy-duty | |

|engineered-for-purpose suspension systems, and the reinforced suspension | |

|turrets and anchoring points, to be installed on the specific vehicles to be | |

|supplied as per this specific RFQ. Bidders are required to provide independent| |

|certification that the suspension is sufficient for the additional weight of | |

|the specific vehicle offered and not just certified as heavier duty. | |

|Steering: upgraded steering dampers, from a high quality manufacturer such as | |

|Bilstein must be installed. | |

|Bumpers and Side-Step Rails: the original front and rear standard bumpers must| |

|be replaced with black heavy-duty wrap-around steel bumpers/bull bar, such as | |

|those manufactured by ARB (specify specific model) or similar, to the front | |

|and rear. (Steel tube for the rear bumper will not be accepted). The rear | |

|steel bumper must include a towing hook with spring loaded closer/retainer. | |

|The front bumpers must include two reinforced towing points, one right and one| |

|left, for the attachment of shackles and towing straps. The heavy duty steel | |

|bumpers (front and rear) and the towing hook are to be securely fixed with | |

|tungsten steel bolts to ensure secure towing of the heavier vehicles under | |

|situations of duress. Black steel side-step rails, as manufactured by ARB | |

|(specify) or similar, must be fitted to both sides of the vehicles. Winches | |

|must not be provided as standard; unless specifically requested. Bidders are | |

|required to provide technical specifications and photographs of the front and | |

|rear bumpers to be fitted as well as the fixing specifications. | |

|Roof Rack: the vehicle must be fitted with a black steel roof rack, such as | |

|those manufactured by ARB or similar. The roof rack is to be modified to | |

|include secure but quick-release restraints for the spare wheel and the jack. | |

|Two steel steps must be positioned on the right rear side of the vehicle to | |

|facilitate access to the roof rack. Bidders are required to provide technical | |

|specifications and photographs of the roof racks to be fitted as well as the | |

|fixing specifications. | |

|Spare Wheel Mounts: one spare wheel is to be mounted underneath the rear of | |

|the vehicle (as is standard) and one on the roof rack. Spare wheels should not| |

|be mounted to the rear of the vehicle impeding the opening of the rear cargo | |

|doors. The second spare wheel is to be mounted on the roof rack, and is to be | |

|secured with quick-release, but lockable, restraints. Bidders are required to | |

|provide technical specifications and photographs of the spare wheel swing-out | |

|bracket to be fitted as well as the fixing specifications. | |

|Clutch: the original standard clutch assembly (clutch plate, pressure plate | |

|and release bearing) must be replaced with a complete heavy-duty | |

|high-performance clutch assembly specifically designed and engineered to | |

|function for sustained periods under extreme conditions and to cope with the | |

|additional loading factors resulting from the additional weight of the | |

|armouring. Bidders are required to provide technical specifications on | |

|heavy-duty clutch assembly to be installed on the specific vehicles to be | |

|supplied in terms of this RFQ. Bidders are required to provide dynamometer | |

|test results of the vehicle after armouring with a minimum full power test | |

|period of 10 minutes. | |

|Lights: all standard original lights, including the interior cabin lights, on | |

|the vehicles will be required to function as normal after the armouring | |

|modification and conversion has been completed. Dual blue strobe lights, of | |

|European manufacture, must be installed in the front radiator grille and at | |

|the rear of the vehicle. The front and rear strobe lights must have | |

|independent switches (one for front and one for rear) located in the front | |

|compartment in such a way as to enable equal ease of operation by both the | |

|driver and the front passenger who is usually a security officer and will | |

|usually operate this equipment. The vehicle must be fitted with fog/sandstorm | |

|lights with one switch located in the front compartment in such a way as to | |

|enable equal ease of operation by both the driver and the front passenger. The| |

|vehicle must be fitted with an additional interactive “kill switch” that will | |

|enable all vehicle lights to switched off and must be fitted in such a way as | |

|to enable equal ease of operation by both the driver and the front passenger. | |

|Batteries and Electrical: all vehicles provided under this RFQ must be fitted | |

|with a dual or auxiliary battery system, managed by an intelligent split | |

|charging system, with additional battery status monitoring dials mounted on | |

|the dashboard as required. An electrical power cut-off or isolation switch is | |

|to be installed in the engine compartment enabling the batteries to be | |

|isolated when the vehicle is not in use so as to avoid power drainage. The | |

|original standard batteries must be removed and all batteries supplied and | |

|installed must be the leak resistant Optima “gel” type to reduce the potential| |

|for acid spray. The vehicles must be fitted with front a rear wipers, water | |

|sprayers and defoggers which must function as normal after the armouring | |

|modification and conversion has been completed. The vehicles are to be | |

|provided with the standard Toyota sound system incorporating a front-loading | |

|CD player (cassette players will not be accepted). The selected supplier will | |

|be required to provide a complete electrical manual depicting all | |

|modifications to the original standard electrical wiring systems and must | |

|provide complete circuit/wiring diagrams. | |

|Protected Tailpipe: The tailpipe must be protected against the insertion of | |

|any foreign object. | |

|Rear-View and Side Mirrors: Standard left and right side mirrors must be | |

|adjustable from inside the vehicle. A secondary rear-view mirror must be | |

|installed, alongside or above the OE internal rear-view mirror, for the front | |

|passenger who is usually a security officer. | |

|Sump and Steering Protection: Steel protection plates must be installed to | |

|protect the underside of the engine and steering components in the event the | |

|vehicle crosses a central lane divider or extremely rough ground. These must | |

|be easily removable for the purposes of vehicle maintenance. Bidders are | |

|required to provide technical specifications on the engineered sump and | |

|steering protection systems to be installed on the specific vehicles to be | |

|supplied in terms of this RFQ. | |


|The passenger cabin should be well protected according to minimum protection | |

|level B6 including all sidewalls, doors, pillars, roof, floor, front, | |

|bulkhead, and rear door. | |

| | |

|Edges and seams are armored by utilizing an overlap design system which | |

|minimizes gaps and preventing penetration. | |

| | |

|The ballistic steel panels are covered with cathodic dip painting before | |

|installation. | |

| | |

|There is no armoured bulkhead with ballistic glass as separation between | |

|passenger cabin and cargo compartment (fully armored vehicle – front to rear).| |

| | |

|The vehicle resembles a normal civilian low profile vehicle – meaning that the| |

|vehicle is nearly visually identical to a standard vehicle. Therefore, | |

|unwanted attention while travelling is avoided. | |

| | |

|Materials: | |

|All armouring materials used in the armouring process such as steel, aramid | |

|and glass shall have undergone a thorough destructive testing process from a | |

|recognized government testing agency, and shall have demonstrated the ability | |

|as a completed product to successfully defeat all threats defined in: | |

| | |

|VPAM-BRV 2009 Guideline for VR7 Level | |

| | |

|Opaque Areas: | |

|All opaque areas, including the roof, are to be protected with steel plating | |

|against soft core projectiles fired with the following and all lesser weapons | |

|at 90 degree and 45 degree (roof) impact angle. | |

|5.56 X 45mm (SS 109) | |

|5.45 X 39mm Kalashnikov | |

|7.62 X 51mm (NATO) ball | |

|7.62 X 39mm Kalashnikov ball | |

|A minimum of 2 X DM51 hand grenades detonated simultaneously directly on top | |

|and underneath the vehicle | |

| | |

|Transparent Areas: | |

|All transparent areas are to be protected against projectiles fired with the | |

|following and all lesser weapons at 90 degree impact angle; | |

|Calibre 7.62 x 39 mm, FJ/PB/SC, AK 47 (Kalashnikov) OBR-43 PS | |

|Calibre 5.45 x 39.5 mm AP, FJ/PB/SCP, AKS 74 (Kalashnikov) OBR-74 | |

|Calibre 5.56 x 45 mm, FJ/PB/SCP, US Rifle M16 A2, SS-109 / M-8555 | |

|Calibre 7.62 X 51 MM, FJ/PB/SC, “FAL” / “LAR” NATO Rifle | |

| | |

|All ballistic glass must be installed in a ballistic steel frame to ensure | |

|that angled shots cannot penetrate through the sides of the glass. | |

| | |

|All ballistic glass must have zero tinting. | |

| | |

|The driver’s door window must be fitted with a window lifter & lock system to | |

|allow opening of at least 10cm. | |

| | |

|Floor: | |

|The floor of the vehicle is to be designed in such a way that it will defeat | |

|at least two DM 51 hand grenades detonated simultaneously per square meter and| |

|all lesser explosives in full compliance with the European Committee for | |

|Standardization (CEN) VRG standards to VPAM-BRV 2009 Guideline for VR7 Level, | |

|ballistic level B6, as certified by a recognized government testing agency. | |

| | |

|Bolted on under-floor plates will not be acceptable. | |

| | |

|Engine Compartment: | |

|Both batteries are to be protected within steel armoured boxes within the | |

|engine compartment against projectiles and splinters. Armoured boxes must be | |

|easily removed for maintenance or transportation. | |

| | |

|The vehicle management system, including fuse boxes, which controls essential | |

|electrical vehicle functions, must be protected with armoured steel to level | |

|B6 or B7 to protect it against splinters and fragmentation. | |

|The vehicle must be fitted with an Emergency Fire Suppression System. The | |

|5.0liter bottle of Aqueous Film Forming Foam must be located and adequately | |

|secured in the luggage compartment. In the event of a fire in the engine area,| |

|the suppressant system is to be controlled by pressing a switch on the vehicle| |

|control panel operated with equal ease by either the driver or the front | |

|passenger who is usually a security officer and will usually operate this | |

|equipment. | |

| | |

|Full length armoured steel to the level of B6 or B7 ballistic certification is| |

|to be mounted on both sides of the engine compartment behind the vehicle wings| |

|protecting the engine compartment. | |

| | |

|An armoured grille, to the level B6 or B7, must be installed to provide | |

|protection to the radiator and engine from frontal attack. Construction of | |

|such a grille may not inhibit the cooling capacity of radiator, or the air | |

|intake capacity of the HVAC system. | |

| | |

|The dashboard, bulk head, firewall and openings for normal vehicle functions | |

|such as steering column, foot pedals and other controls, must all be protected| |

|by ballistic steel to level B6 or B7. | |

| | |

|Protected Fuel Tanks: | |

|All fuel tanks (including diesel) must be fully armoured using blast steel to | |

|combat ballistic and fragmentation attacks. | |

| | |

|Aramid armour or blast mats may not be used. | |

| | |

|All fuel tanks (including diesel vehicles) fitted to vehicles must be of the | |

|EXPLOSAFE type. | |

| | |

|Fuel line hoses must also be protected against blast and projectiles. | |

| | |

|Door Apertures: | |

|Each and every door aperture must have a ballistic steel overlap and splash | |

|return around the entire door aperture, through 360° of the aperture, to | |

|prevent any ballistic leakage and also to keep the armoured door in place in | |

|the event of a large side blast. | |

| | |

|Cross sectional drawings through pillars, can trails and sills for all door | |

|installations, must be provided by the bidder. | |

| | |

|Roof Escape Hatch: | |

|A ballistic steel roof hatch, to a minimum level-B6 or B7, must be installed | |

|with access from both inside and outside the vehicle by means of a locking | |

|lever carried in each vehicle. | |

| | |

|The locking lever of the escape hatch is to be spring mounted allowing the | |

|escape of gasses and the shockwave usually generated by an IED or similar | |

|explosive device. | |

| | |

|The aperture of the roof escape hatch must also be fitted with ballistic steel| |

|overlap and splash returns around the entire opening. | |

| | |

|The aperture of the escape hatch must be large enough to allow unhindered | |

|passage during escape by a Large to Extra-Large person wearing a ballistic | |

|vest. | |

| | |

|The profile of the escape hatch above the roof profile must be kept to a | |

|minimum. | |

Annex C - Technical Requirements related to Quality

1.0 Content of Technical Proposal

The detailed content of the Technical Proposal will be evaluated on non-discretionary PASS or FAIL rating through compliance to the following requirements:

1.1. Vendor’s Expertise and Qualifications

This section should provide description of the company and related information:

a. Management structure, technical qualifications and proof of financial stability;

b. Recommendation for satisfactory performance on similar nature project with United Nations and/or International Organizations. Provide three (3) client recommendation letters;

c. If Bidder is a manufacturer, submit Manufacturing capacity;

d. If Bidder is not the manufacturer valid authorization from the manufacturer.

1.2. Vendor’s understanding on the required methodology

This section should establish vendor’s understanding of the requirements and technical specifications by:

a. Identifying the processes how requirements will be met point by point;

b. Describing if the bid meets or exceeds the requirements, while ensuring suitability of the bid. Providing supporting documents such as Implementation Timetable, including Transportation and Delivery Schedule where needed, that is within the duration of the contract.

1.3. Schedule of Technical data

1.3.a Full technical data on the armoring methodology of opaque areas.

1.3.b Full technical data on the armoring methodology of transparent areas.

1.3 c. Full technical data and drawings on ballistic steel frames for all armored glazing indicating shields and splash Guards.

1.3.d Full technical data on the armoring methodology of the roof and floor areas

1.3.e Full technical data on the armoring methodology of the engine compartment area, including drawings where required.

1.3.f Full technical data on the armoring methodology for the fuel tanks, including drawings where required

1.3.g Full technical data and drawings on ballistic steel frames for all armored doors indicating shields and splash guards

1.3.h Suppliers must retain a 1m x 1m sample of the ballistic steel(s) used during the production of the vehicles for a period of 3 (Three) years. This is to be clearly marked, recorded and placed in storage, this may be necessary for independent testing in the event of an incident involving the vehicle to investigate any failure of the ballistic material(s) used.

1.4 Schedule of Required Certifications

1.4.a Valid certification, in the name of the armouring manufacturer, from a recognized government testing agency, that the vehicles to be provided under this RFQ are fully compliant with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) VRG standards to Vehicle Resistant Level 7 (VR7) VPAM BRV 2009 (VR7) – DIN EN 1063, 1522 and 1523VRG, where a complete armoured vehicle of the same model and type as specified within this RFQ, shall have undergone a comprehensive destructive testing process from a recognized government testing agency, and shall have demonstrated the ability as a completed product to successfully defeat all threats defined as ballistic B6 at both 45 & 90 degrees and various oblique angles:

• 5.56 X 45mm (SS 109)

• 5.45 X 39mm Kalashnikov

• 7.62 X 51mm (NATO)

• 7.62 X 39mm Kalashnikov

• A minimum of 2 X DM51 hand grenades detonated simultaneously directly on top and underneath the vehicle

A copy of the test report (not older than 5 years) must be supplied with the bid and will be returned to the bidder after the evaluation of the bids. The vehicle that was tested should have been submitted for testing in complete driving condition with axles, wheels, engine, fuel tank, interior trim and seats.

1.4.b Valid certifications of road worthiness, TUV/MOT of EU standard or equivalent, for the specific vehicles to be provided under this specific RFQ

1.4.c Valid certification, in the name of the armouring manufacturer, from a recognized government testing agency, confirming that all armour plating and glazing used in the up-armour production of these specific vehicles, as required and supplied under this specific RFQ, fully comply with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) VRG standards to Vehicle Resistant Level 7 (VR7) VPAM BRV 2009 (VR7).

1.4.d The explosive tests shall be in accordance with the VPAM ERV2010 and the VPAM guidelines or Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4569.

Please note that the preferred agency should be the German National Ballistics Laboratory, known as the Beschussamt Mellrichstadt. , because it is the original publisher of the “B” system of armoring standards, others such as IABG will also be accepted.

1.5 Quality Management System

1.5.a Quality Certificate (ISO9001) including Quality Manual and Policy and other information describing the processes applied for the manufacturing of the armoured vehicle. If supplier is trader, it is mandatory that they submit the above information regarding each manufacturer.

1.5.b Environmental Compliance Certificates, Accreditations, Markings/Labels, and other evidences of the supplier’s practices which contributes to the ecological sustainability and reduction of adverse environmental impact (e.g., use of non-toxic substances, recycled raw materials, energy-efficient equipment, reduced carbon emission, etc.), either in its business practices or in the goods it manufactures

1.5.c Quality Assurance Mechanisms in place

Provide summary of quality assurance mechanism in place at each facility location where vehicles are manufactured to ensure consistency with the Technical Specifications (Annex B) including presence and characteristics of in-house Quality Control laboratory (if any).

1.6 Warranty/Guarantee

1.6.a Certification of agreement from the Armouring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities, that the original Toyota mechanical and electrical warranties on the base vehicles will remain intact and valid after the armouring manufacture process , for a minimum period of 2 years (24 months) or 60,000km (Sixty Thousand Kilometers) whichever occurs first

1.6.b Certification of agreement from the Armouring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities to provide a full warranty covering the entire up-armoring and modification conversion, including the braking and suspension systems and the dual-battery system, for a minimum period of 2 years (24 months) or 60,000km (Sixty Thousand Kilometers) whichever occurs first.

1.6.c Certification of agreement from the Armouring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities, that the supplier must provide a full warranty for a minimum period of 2 years (24 months) or 60,000km (Sixty Thousand Kilometers) whichever occurs first. covering delaminating on all glazing to be supplied and included in the up-armoring and modification conversion of the specific vehicles to be provided as per this RFQ.

1.6.d Certification of agreement from the Armouring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities, to provide a 5 year (60 months) anti-perforation corrosion warranty on the ballistic steel used in the up-armoring and modification conversion of the specific vehicles to be provided as per this RFQ.

1.6.e Certification of agreement from the Armouring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities to provide detailed Dealer (Toyota), Operator and supplemental electrical wiring manuals for the specific vehicles to be supplied under this RFQ

1.6.f Certification of agreement from the Armouring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities that full details of warranty claims procedure will be provided.

1.6.g Certification of agreement from the Armouring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities that Service Unit will be provided when purchased unit is under repair within warranty period.

1.6.h Certification of agreement from the Armouring Manufacturer, and the Supplier if two separate entities that Service Unit will be provided when purchased unit is beyond repair within warranty period.

1.7 Additional Content

1.7.a Technical data sheet that includes information about fuel consumption rate per 100KM, and the emission rate. Apart from the actual manufacturer’s data on fuel economy, bidders are to indicate the third party organization where fuel economy tests for their vehicles has been carried out such as US EPA, FIA foundation or equivalent.

1.7.b Spare parts list with Part Number, Spare parts price list (Indicate

discount rates if any)

1.7.c After sales service such as:

- Training

- Spare Parts Availability

- Local Dealer / representative in the region certified to perform aftersales services

2.0 Technical Evaluation

2.1 The technical proposals of Supplier shall be evaluated based non-discretionary PASS or FAIL. Suppliers must PASS all criteria outlined per below table.

Technical Evaluation Table

|Criteria |Evaluation |

| |Pass/Fail |

|Vendor’s Expertise and Qualifications | |

|Vendor’s understanding on the required methodology |Pass/Fail |

| Schedule of Technical data |Pass/Fail |

|Schedule of Required Certifications |Pass/Fail |

|Quality Management System |Pass/Fail |

|Warranty/Guarantee |Pass/Fail |

2.2 After completion of the Technical Proposal evaluation, IOM shall notify those Suppliers whose proposal were considered non responsive based on the Technical Evaluation Table, indicating that their Financial Proposals shall not be opened for evaluation after the completion of the selection process.

2.3 IOM shall simultaneously notify the Suppliers that have passed the Technical



| | |Submitted |Not Applicable |

|1 |Company Profile (including the names of owners, key officers, technical personnel)|  |  |

|2 |Company's Articles of Incorporation, Partnership or Corporation, whichever is |  |  |

| |applicable, including amendments thereto, if any. | | |

|3 |Certificate of Registration from host country's Security & Exchange Commission or |  |  |

| |similar government agency/department/ministry | | |

|4 |Valid Government Permits/Licenses |  |  |

|5 |Audited Financial Statements for the last 3 years* |  |  |

|6 |Certificates from the Principals (e.g. Manufacturer's Authorization, Certificate |  |  |

| |of Exclusive Distributorship, Any certificate for the purpose, indicating name, | | |

| |complete address and contact details) | | |

|7 |Catalogues/Brochures |  |  |

|8 |List of Plants/Warehouse/Service Facilities |  |  |

|9 |List of Offices/Distribution Centers/Service Centers |  |  |

|10 |Quality and Safety Standard Document / ISO 9001 |  |  |

|11 |List of all contracts entered into for the last 3 years (indicate whether |  |  |

| |completed or ongoing ) * | | |

|12 |Certification that Non-performance of contract did not occur within the last 3 |  |  |

| |years prior to application for evaluation based on all information on fully | | |

| |settled disputes or litigation | | |

|13 |For Construction Projects: List of machines & equipment (include brand, capacity |  |  |

| |and indication if the equipment are owned or leased by the Contractor) | | |

* For Competitive Biddings, number of years may increase depending on the estimated contract amount.

** Indicate if an item is not applicable. Failure to provide any of the documents mentioned above will result in automatic "failed" rating.

I hereby certify that the information above are true and correct. I am also authorizing IOM to validate all claims with concerned authorities.

Received by:

_______________________ _______________________

Signature Signature

_______________________ _______________________

Printed Name Printed Name

_______________________ ______________________

Position/Title Position/Title

_______________________ _______________________

Date Date

__________________________FOR IOM USE ONLY_________________________

Purchasing Organization ___________________

Account Group ___________________

Industry 001 002 003

where 001 - Transportation related to movement of migrants

002 - Goods (e.g. supplies, materials, tools)

003 - Services (e.g. professional services, consultancy, maintenance)

Vendor Type Global Local


IOM is encouraging companies to use recycled materials or materials coming from sustainable resources or produced using a technology that has lower ecological footprints.




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