JUST ONE MORE!A snapshot of the Life of Desmond DossINTRODUCTION:Desmond Thomas Doss was born on the 7th February 1919?and grew up to become the first man to enter the battlefield without a gun . He was a United States Army corporal who served as a combat medic with an infantry company in World War II. He was twice awarded the Bronze Star Medal for bravery, the most famous being at Hacksaw Ridge. The men he saved at Hacksaw Ridge recall him praying to Go to save, “just one more” as they were carried to safety and lowered down the ridge on a rope.LIFE EVENTS:7/2/1919: Born in Lynchburg and was the son of William Thomas Doss, a carpenter, and Bertha Edward Oliver Doss, who worked at the Craddock-Terry Company shoe factory. He went to work for a lumber company after completing one year of high school. Raised as a strict Seventh Day Adventist, he became a deacon of the Park Avenue Seventh Day Adventist Church when he was twenty-one.1/3/1941: Doss began working as a ship joiner at the Newport News naval shipyard. 1/4/1942: He chose to join the United States Army voluntarily. At the time he said, "I felt like it was an honor to serve my country according to the dictates of my conscience." Doss’s faith forbade him from bearing arms because of his strong belief in the commandment 'Thou shall not kill”. Doss felt that,” bearing arms is a sin against God, my belief in freedom is as great as that of anyone else, and I had to help those boys who were fighting for it." The Army viewed him as a conscientious objector. Doss requested to be on medical duty where he could help save, rather than have to take, human lives. He became the medic of the 307th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry Division. He was bullied and scorned for his religious beliefs, which included observing Saturday as the Sabbath and not eating meat. Doss was mocked when he knelt to pray next to his bunk and was accused of shirking his duty because he did not carry a weapon.17/8/1942: Doss married Dorothy Pauline Schutte, before going on active duty.1/7/1944: Doss’s company won the battle at the famous Hacksaw Ridge, Battle of Okinawa, where Doss alone saved 75 men from the ridge by lowering them down on a rope. The Japanese surrendered .1/5/1945: Doss was the first conscientious objector to receive the congressional medal of honour for his bravery at Hacksaw Ridge.15/9/1946: Desmond Doss 1st and only son born.17/11/1992: Desmond’s wife Dorothy died23/3/2006: Desmond Doss died.CONCLUSION:Doss was a very special human being who always put others before himself. He had a very strong faith in God to help him. He was the first man to go into battle without a firearm to defend himself and he was a very skilled medic who saved 75 men who would never have made it off Hacksaw Ridge without him. He has taught the world that you don’t need a gun to protect others and always help someone when you can. His strong faith in God demonstrated how the Lord can bring you through the worst times in your life. He will always be remembered because he saved 75 people’s lives on the battlefield and that he entered the battlefield with no gun to protect himself. ................

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