Midway ISD

Spring Valley Elementary

PDS Campus Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 3:39 p.m.

In attendance at the meeting were:

Alain Humphrey, Kindergarten Teacher

Marla Jaynes - First Grade Teacher

Audrey Swoveland - Second Grade Teacher

Susan Mathis - Third Grade Teacher

Kathleen Minshew - Instructional Technology Specialist

Christy Watley - Assistant Principal

Jay Fischer - Principal 

Rachel Hisle – Parent/Community Representative

Debbie Perry -  Curriculum and Instruction, MISD

Paula Gardner - Baylor Site Coordinator

Dr. Leanne Howell - Baylor University Liaison

I. Technology Series:

Kathleen Minshew, Instructional Technology Specialist, reported that the Teaching Associates and teachers had given great feedback about the technology series presented during the TA seminars. She presented a draft for the spring series which will include eleven sessions. Flipped classrooms and iPlayground sessions have been added to the series. Dr. Howell shared some of the TAs’ reflections they shared during the last seminar of the semester.

II. Conference Updates:

NAPDS (March) – Kathleen, Paula Gardner, Mr. Fischer, and Dr. Howell will be presenting at the conference, discussing the Technology series and the impact it has had on student achievement and the self-efficacy of the Teaching Associates in their use of instructional technology.

Association of Teacher Educators Conference (February) – Dr. Howell reported that she and Dr. Cassidy have been identified as ATE Fellows. Dr. Merritt and Mr. Fischer will be attending the conference with Dr. Howell and Dr. Cassidy as representatives of the clinical partnership.

III. Overview of Spring 2015:

Paula Gardner shared the spring Teaching Associate and Intern calendar. Of particular note is the Action Research Symposium on April 9. The committee agreed that the interns should be given the opportunity to present their research to the faculty and staff at Spring Valley Elementary.

April 15 will be the Teaching Associates’ last day on campus. The Interns’ last day on campus will be April 16. The first two weeks of the spring semester will be devoted to reviewing expectations and preparing the TAs for their work in the classrooms. We are expecting approximately 17 TAs in the spring.

The Independent Study Project was discussed. TAs will complete an independent study project

again in the spring. Audrey Swoveland summarized her students’ experiences with independent

study and the wide variety of products created by her students.

Paula Gardner asked that the Spring Valley calendar be shared before the spring semester begins. Testing, program practices, and field trips need to be considered as TAs plan for their lessons. Having the calendar will help facilitate those plans.

The Teaching Associates suggested that there be a “mixer” so Clinical Instructors and Teaching Associates can meet prior to them going into the classrooms. Jay Fischer indicated he would facilitate that.

IV. Feedback on PDS Partnership (Fall 2014):

Kindergarten – Alain Humphrey

The students benefitted from small group instructions. It was suggested that the TAs need to collaborate more together to ensure that all students are receiving the same quality of instruction.

First Grade – Marla Jaynes

There were no Teaching Associates placed with first grade teachers. However, Mrs. Jaynes indicated she was excited about the Baylor’s consideration of the co-teach model.

Second Grade – Audrey Swoveland

The TAs were effective in planning and communicating with their Clinical Instructor. They were well trained in best instructional practices and pedagogy. Ms. Swoveland stated that a substitute teacher left a note for her complimenting the TAs for the amount of teaching and learning she observed while in Ms. Swoveland’s class. Ms. Swoveland suggested that the PDS staff and Clinical Instructors should meet more often, perhaps monthly, with the first meeting at the beginning of the spring semester.

Third Grade – Susan Mathis

The TAs were always professional and punctual. The support of the TAs by the Baylor and PDS staff was excellent. She suggested that the TAs integrate genre connections into planning in the spring.

Fourth Grade – Jay Fischer

The Clinical Instructors felt the experience of having TAs in their classrooms was positive and students demonstrated growth. The TAs were always well prepared and imbedded technology in their lessons. They did a nice job of moving students from the concrete to the abstract level in learning new concepts. The TAs always demonstrated a positive demeanor and the Baylor faculty and PDS staff supported the TAs and Clinical Instructors. The CIs did note that having three TAs in the classes resulted in the CIs having to work with a small group of students. As a result, they did not feel they could adequately supervise the Teaching Associates.

Planning will continue to take place before school in the spring semester.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30.


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