Customer Reviews FAQ

BBB Customer Reviews Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Connecticut Better Business Bureau is joining BBBs across the country by adding a verified customer review feature to our Business Reviews.

This means our Business Reviews will provide space for customer feedback. However, just like the BBB's complaint process, customer reviews we receive are verified by a BBB professional, and businesses have the opportunity to respond in detail or inform us that the consumer did not do business with them before the review is posted.

This feedback is something customers (and businesses) have told us is important to them when they research companies. It also introduces a space on the BBBs website to share positive experiences, not only complaints.

Integration of customer reviews over the past five years has been favorably received.

Customer Reviews: Q & A

Q: When will BBB begin offering customer reviews? A: Customer Reviews will go live on September 1, 2014, on Connecticut BBB's website.

Q: Do customer reviews affect a company's BBB rating? A: Customer reviews do not affect the letter grade of a business.

Q: Can a third party post a comment regarding a customer review? A: No, only the customer and/or business may post a comment regarding a customer review. This helps in our efforts to ensure that only customers with an actual marketplace interaction with the business post customer reviews.

Q: How long will a customer review remain on a company's BBB Business Review? A: Customer reviews will remain on business reviews for 36 months, the BBB's standard reporting period (the same timeframe that a complaint would remain).

Q: Is there a time limit for when a customer review can be filed and when the marketplace interaction occurred? A: No.

Q: Are there any rules regarding paid testimonials/reviews? A: If a business has compensated their customer or offered a discount on their services in exchange for a review this information needs to be disclosed in the consumer's review/ testimonial. BBB will remove undisclosed paid testimonials when we learn of them.

Q: Why is the BBB offering customer reviews? A: Consumers (and businesses) have told us that customer reviews are important to them when they research companies. It also allows for positive experiences (not just complaint information) to be shared on the BBB website.

Q: Are all BBBs offering customer reviews? A: Not yet. The BBB system is made up of 112 BBBs who operate independently and most either offer reviews today or plan to shortly. You'll see more and more BBBs offering customer reviews over time.

Q: What is the process for submitting a customer review? A: Search for the business, then, click the link to "Submit a Customer Review." Once the BBB validates your email and contact info and checks with the business, the review will be posted. Typically it takes 3-10 days to validate and post a BBB customer review.

Q: What safeguards against bogus reviews are in place? A:

The consumer must submit via an active email address and verify their submission.

Consumers must certify that their review is truthful and accurate, and reflective of their personal experience.

Businesses that dispute whether the customer had a marketplace interaction can have review suspended while BBB seeks further evidence.

If a complaint and a customer review are filed simultaneously by a consumer with the same email address, the customer review is suspended. BBB will not accept both a complaint and customer review on the same issue.

IP addresses are tracked and monitored for repeat users, and can be blacklisted if necessary.


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