Information & Communication Technology


Short Course

Scheme of Work

GCSE Information and Communication Technology

Short Course Scheme of Work:


The Scheme of Work is not intended to prescribe or restrict the Centre’s approach to the specification and there is no requirement to use this Scheme of Work.

Free AQA reference material to help you:

• AQA’s ICT resource zone

• GCSE ICT Specification

• Unit 1: specimen ‘Systems and Applications in ICT’

• Unit 2: specimen ‘The Assignment: Applying ICT’

• Unit 2: ‘The Assignment: Applying ICT’ Teachers’ Notes

• Unit 2 Assignment Mark Grid tool

• AQA document which maps the KS4 Programme of Study to the Full Course AQA specification

• Joint teaching of ICT Functional Skills

• Exampro

• Ask AQA

• Centre Controlled Assessment Adviser

• Enhanced Results Analysis

• Nelson Thornes support materials (chargeable published resources to support this specification)

Because the specification may be taught either as a series of modules or in a linear format, it is for the Centre to decide the order in which the separate topics are delivered and the controlled assessments are carried out.

|Subject content |Assessment overview |

|The subject content is divided into 4 areas: |Unit 1 - Exam 40% |

|Current and emerging technologies |Unit 2 - Controlled Assessment 60% |

|A range of ICT tools and techniques |There will be one assignment and it will change every year |

|Society’s use of ICT |Ensure your centre is using the correct assignment for the year they intend to submit it |

|Collaborative working. | |

|ICT Systems and Applications |

|The specification provides a range of contexts, called ICT systems and applications, to offer a in which the specification content may be taught. Centres can add their own contexts where they are more relevant to the |

|learning experiences that their students have encountered. These are: |

|Assistance: for people with disabilities, by physical (for example: |‘Control’ systems: electronic toys, games, central heating control systems, |Leisure: cinema, theatre, concerts, holiday bookings, travel schedule, |

|screen filters, communication and control devices) and software methods|burglar alarms, security systems, automatic doors, video/DVD |online gaming, music downloads, online chat rooms, social networking, |

|(Accessibility options) |recorders/players, smart meters, traffic control systems, car parking |web logs, podcasts, recreational uses of ICT, online gambling |

|Banking systems: Banking, cash machines/points, credit/debit cards, |systems, greenhouse control systems, Logo, scripting, simulation (for |Modelling: personal finance, models for financial forecasting, queuing,|

|cash cards, mobile phone payment (m-payment/ Pay4It/ Paypal) |example flight or driving), data logging, robotics, GPS, Sat Nav, GIS |weather forecasting, flight simulators, expert systems for decision |

|Booking/commercial systems: online booking systems, billing/payment |Database systems: Libraries (members' details and book loans), police and |making (for example medical diagnosis and chess playing) |

|systems (gas, electricity, mail orders), stock control systems, |DVLA databases, estate agencies, travel agencies, tourist information centre|Record keeping systems for school students: (School Management Systems |

|benefits system newspaper/magazine production | |– registration, records, reports), club membership (youth club, health |

|Buying goods: shopping and EFTPOS, online shopping (home delivery), |Health: medical systems (General Practice, hospital and pharmacy), social |club) |

|produce receipt from bar code scanning, adjusting product ranges and |services, online access to advice/information |School issues: virtual learning environments, events, visits, |

|prices, shopping lists with prices |Information systems: Internet and the World Wide Web, e-mail, online |activities, teams, school clubs, library, school lunch, local |

| |auctions, e-learning (software to support learning and research across the |community, productions |

| |curriculum), e-commerce, e-banking, e-finance (for example Paypal), online | |

| |news services, online travel information, smart mobile phones | |

When can the units be assessed?

Students need to enter all the assessment units at the end of the course, at the same time as they enter for the subject award.

Scheme of Work overview

The Scheme of Work is presented as:

a) A ‘big’ picture (a Scheme of Work overview)

b) A ‘medium’ level view (in blocks of 12 units)

c) A unit/lesson view (blocks of work which are deliverable in a timetabled lesson and which will aid lesson planning.)

The big picture

|Block 1 |Block 2 |Block 3 |

|(12 lessons of work) |(12 lessons of work) |(12 lessons of work) |

|Subject content: |Subject content: |Subject content: |

|Current and Emerging Technologies (3.1) |A range of ICT tools and techniques cont. (3.2) |Society’s use of ICT (3.3) |

| | |Collaborative working (3.4) |

|A range of ICT tools and techniques (3.2) | |+ 5 hours for Controlled Assessment preparation work |

| | |+ 1 hour for Controlled Assessment work |

| | | |

|Block 4 |Block 5 | |

|(12 lessons of work) |(12 lessons of work) | |

|Controlled Assessment Unit 2 |Controlled Assessment Unit 2 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

The medium view

|Block 1 | |(12 lessons) |

|3.1.1 Computer systems and mobile technologies |Hardware and Software (0.5) |(1.5 lessons) |

| |Mobile technologies and Emerging technologies (1) | |

|3.1.2 Computer input, output devices |Input devices and Output devices (both common and specialist) (0.5) |(1 lesson) |

| |Backing/Secondary storage devices and media (0.5) | |

|3.1.3 Communications and entertainment |Advantages and disadvantages of using communications networks (1) |(3 lessons) |

| |Communication devices and media and Network devices (0.5) | |

| |Entertainment systems (0.5) | |

| |Reliability of information (0.5) | |

| |Impact of communications technology (0.5) | |

|3.2.1 Systems life cycle |Purpose and nature of evaluation criteria and Systems life cycle stages (1) |(1 lesson) |

|3.2.2 Working with information to solve problems |Information and data (0.5) |(4 lessons) |

| |Finding, selecting and using information (0.5) | |

| |Quality of information and/or data (0.5) | |

| |Data collection/capture methods (0.5) | |

| |Reviewing and modifying work (0.5) | |

| |Presenting information in ways that are fit for purpose and audience (0.5) | |

| |Sharing and exchanging information electronically (0.5) | |

| |Organising files/folders (0.5) | |

|3.2.4 Applications software |Use of applications software |(0.5 lesson) |

| |and Generic features of software (appearing as reasonably common features in most software packages) | |

| |(0.5) | |

|3.2.5 Word processing, DTP, web design and other presentation software |Specific features of and differences between a word processor and DTP, use features of different |(1 lesson) |

| |software packages to organise/present information (1) | |

|Block 2 | |(12 lessons) |

|3.2.5 Word processing, DTP, web design and other presentation software (cont.) |Presentation software (0.5) |(2 lessons) |

| |Web design software (0.5) | |

| |Software for audio, DVD and video players (0.5) | |

| |Podcast (0.5) | |

|3.2.6 Graphics production and image manipulation |Specific features of graphics manipulation software 0(.5) |(0.5 lesson) |

|3.2.7 Spreadsheets and modelling software |Types of data (Common to spreadsheets and databases) (0.5) |(3 lessons) |

| |Specific features of a spreadsheet (0.5) | |

| |Formulae and functions (0.5) | |

| |Modelling (1.5) | |

|3.2.8 Databases |Data structures (0.5) |(3.5 lessons) |

| |Collect/enter data to a database (1) | |

| |Specific features of a database and Everyday tasks for databases (1) | |

| |Data redundancy (0.5) | |

| |Outputs and Mail merging (0.5) | |

|3.2.9 Web browsing and e-mail |Web browser and search engine (0.5) |(1 lesson) |

| |E-mail (0.5) | |

|3.2.10 Web logs and social networking |Web logs (0.5) |(1 lesson) |

| |Social networking software (0.5) | |

|3.2.11 Control software |Controlling devices (1) |(1 lesson) |

|Block 3a | |(6 lessons) |

|3.3.1 Legal issues |Preventing unauthorised access (1) |(2.5 lessons) |

| |Preventing Misuse (1) | |

| |Health and Safety issues at work (0.5) | |

|3.3.2 Social and economic issues |Changing pattern of commerce and industry due to increased use of ICT (0.5) |(2 lessons) |

| |Changing pattern of employment due to increased use of ICT (0.5) | |

| |Responsible behaviour online (0.5) | |

| |Social and personal effects of ICT (0.5) | |

|3.3.3 Political, ethical and environmental issues |Using ICT to monitor and minimise harmful effects on the environment (0.5) |(0.5 lessons) |

|3.4.1 Collaborative working |Collaboration and Video/teleconferencing (0.5) |(1 lesson) |

| |Sharing information and online safety (0.5) | |

|Block 3b | |(6 lessons) |

|Teaching and preparation for controlled assessment |Teaching and preparation for Unit 2 (2) |(2 lessons) |

| |Practice specimen unit 2 (3) |(3 lessons) |

|Candidates start working through Unit 2 |Candidates working through Unit 2 (1) |(1 lesson) |

| | | |

Controlled Assessment

Controlled Assessment Unit 2 (2 further blocks of 12 lessons for candidates to work on completing the unit 2 assignment)

Controlled Assessment may be taught in chunks interspersed with candidates working independently on sections of the unit. The centre decides whether all candidates present their work on paper or electronically (on CD/DVD). Some additional preparatory work will have been completed whilst undertaking the delivery of the subject content.

|Block 4 | |(12 lessons) |

|Unit 2 |Candidates working through Unit 2 (12) |(12 lessons) |

| | | |

|Block 5 | |(12 lessons) |

|Unit 2 |Candidates working through Unit 2 (12) |(12 lessons) |

| | | |

The Unit view

|Reference |

|b |Mobile technologies |Describe the differences between mobile |1 |An initial view of the devices ‘brought into’ the lesson. |As a discussion point |i. Know best mobile |

| | |digital devices in terms of portability, | |In groups, students are given a different mobile technology to |allow students to see |device to keep in |

| | |performance, storage, connectivity and | |research. Need to find ‘the advantages and disadvantages of each|laptops, netbooks, smart |touch with your office|

| | |applications. | |one, who would use it, what for, how long for, how well it would |phones, PDAs and MP3/4 |ii. Know 3 features of|

| | |Laptops/net books, smart mobile phones, | |work’ and present it back to the class. |players |a smart phone |

| | |palmtops, PDAs and multi-function devices | |Homework: complete report on ‘advantages and disadvantages’ |Research on Google or |iii. Know what makes |

| | | | | |Apple websites |smart phones different|

|Reference |

|c |Emerging technologies |Know how emerging technologies affect the way |with previous |In groups students research a new technology (can be a new |VLE and class blog |Understand that online|

| | |in which people and organisations operate and |lesson - |technology for a business, hospital or the environment) They have| |stores and working |

| | |work together |revisit when |to ‘pitch’ the new technology back to the class. | |practices are affected|

| | | |relevant |Keep a class blog on the emerging technologies | |by emerging |

| | | | | | |technologies |

|a |Hardware and Software |Students can define and know the difference |0.5 |Students to define and ‘mind map’ hardware and software types. |Watch BBC Bitesize ‘ICT |Know that hardware is |

| | |between hardware and software. | | |systems/ Evaluation of |a device (computer) |

| | | | | |hardware and software’ |and that software is a|

| | | | | |Make a quiz with the |set of instructions |

| | | | | |Exampro CD |(program) |

|Reference |

|a |Input devices (common and |Input devices: |0.5 |Teacher to define input device and demonstrate some examples. |Watch BBC Bitesize |Know 3 input devices |

| |specialist) |Keyboard and specialised keyboard, mouse, | |Homework: Students to answer questions from Exampro on input |‘Hardware/Input devices, |(e.g. mouse, keyboard |

| | |joystick, tracker ball, touch pad, microphone | |devices |processing and output |and scanner) |

| | |(voice input), remote control, scanner, | | |devices’ | |

| | |digital/video camera, web cam, touch screen, | | | | |

| | |interactive white board, magnetic stripe, | | | | |

| | |sensor | | | | |

| | |Bar-code reader, OMR reader, OCR reader, | | | | |

| | |graphics tablet and midi instrument | | | | |

|b |Output devices (common and |Describe the use of range of common and |with previous |Teacher to define output device and demonstrate some examples. |Examples of output device|Know 3 output devices |

| |specialist) |specialised output devices. |lesson |Homework: Students to answer questions from Exampro on output |questions are provided on|(e.g. screen, printer |

| | |Monitor/screen, printers (laser, inkjet), | |devices |the Exampro CD. |and speaker) |

| | |speakers and digital projector | | | | |

| | |Plotters, actuators, lights, buzzers, robotic | | | | |

| | |arms and computerised-motors | | | | |

|Reference |

|c |Backing storage devices and |i. Define ‘backup’ and describe the need for |0.5 |Create a diagram of the types of storage devices and media – memory|Watch BBC Bitesize |Know when it is |

| |media |taking backups of data/programs and keeping | |stick, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, cartridges, flash memory, disks. When is |‘Hardware/Data storage’ |appropriate to use |

| | |them safe and describe common backing storage | |each used and why? | |memory stick, disk, |

| | |media. | |Homework: Students to answer questions from Exampro on | |CD-ROM or flash memory|

| | |Backing storage media: memory stick, CD-ROM, | |memory/storage devices | | |

| | |DVD-ROM, hard disk, cartridges, flash memory, | | | | |

| | |solid state disks | | | | |

|Reference |

|a |Advantages and disadvantages |i. Identify the advantages and |1 |Consider advantages and disadvantages of using some common networks |Watch BBC Bitesize |Know 2 advantages of |

| |of using communications |disadvantages of using common network | |(the Internet). |‘Networks and |broadband connection |

| |networks |environments (the Internet) and methods of | |Mind map the different methods of connecting to the Internet – |communications/The | |

| | |connecting them | |broadband, dial-up, etc. Colour code the advantages and disadvantages |Internet’ | |

| | | | |of each. | | |

| | |ii. Define LAN and WAN and describe the | |List the differences between LAN and WAN, and implications of these. |Watch BBC Bitesize |Know LAN is confined |

| | |difference between them | |Homework: Students to answer questions from Exampro on LAN and WANs |‘Networks and |to a room/building |

| | | | | |communications/ What is | |

| | | | | |a network?’ | |

| | |iii. Identify the need for encryption and | |Research and discuss encryption and authentication – how do they work,|Internet |Know encryption is for|

| | |authentication when using common network | |and why are they necessary? | |safe data transfer |

| | |environments like the Internet | | | | |

|b |Communication devices and |Identify the use of a variety of |0.5 |Look in depth at three different communication devices for personal |Access to appropriate |Know advantages of |

| |media |communication devices/media | |use e.g. Twitter, Facebook, SMS (texting). |Internet sites and |telephone, SMS, |

| | |Examples: Communications devices: | |Look in depth at three different communication devices for business |e-mail (for this lesson)|instant messaging, |

| | |telephones, SMS (texting), instant | |use e.g. e-mail, forums, VoIP/Internet telephone (Skype) | |fax, e-mail |

| | |messaging, fax, e-mail, chat rooms, forums,| | | | |

| | |bulletin boards, VoIP/ Internet telephone | | | | |

| | |and Sat Nav | | | | |

|Reference |

|c |Network devices |Describe network devices using |with previous |Find images of the types of server: file server, print server, and |Watch BBC Bitesize |Understand the |

| | |communications systems to access the |lesson |e-mail server. Make notes of the uses and impact of each. Discuss |‘Networks and |difference between |

| | |Internet | |different network devices and research different people’s perspective |communications/The |broadband and dial-up |

| | |Examples: Network devices: broadband, | |on each one. |Internet’ |connections |

| | |dial–up modem, mobile device, file server, | |Class visit to server room to be shown around by one of the tech |Internet access | |

| | |print server and e-mail server | |support team. | | |

|d |Entertainment systems |i. Describe the use of a range of |0.5 |Discussion of the range of entertainment systems now available, |Specimen Unit 1 written |Know 3 features of an |

| | |entertainment systems. | |including digital TV, cable, satellite, streaming of radio and TV. |examination paper |integrated |

| | |Entertainment systems: TV (terrestrial, | | |question |entertainment system |

| | |digital, cable, broadband), radio, video, | | | | |

| | |film and music streaming; games consoles, | | | | |

| | |integrated entertainment systems | | | | |

| | |Entertainment processes: computer streaming| | | | |

| | |of a variety of entertainment forms, | | | | |

| | |digital TV recording (on hard disk) paused,| | | | |

| | |re-started and acting in real time | | | | |

| | |ii. Describe the advantages and | |Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of media downloads and| |Know at least 2 |

| | |disadvantages of media downloads/ streaming| |streaming | |advantages/ |

| | |to different entertainment devices. | |Homework: Students to answer questions from specimen question paper | |disadvantages of media|

| | | | | | |downloads/ streaming |

|Reference |

|e |Reliability of information |i Discuss issues relating to information found|0.5 |Understand that websites are not checked in the same way that a |Internet |Prepare for questions |

| | |on the Internet | |reference book is (e.g. Wikipedia V Britannica) | |on issues relating to |

| | | | | | |Internet information |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |ii Recognise and evaluate the fitness for | |Not automatically taking information presented on the Internet as |Printouts from websites.|Advantages/ |

| |Skills |purpose of information found in terms of | |correct or truthful (take a Wiki reference and analyse it). Cross |Ask class which are |disadvantages of a |

| | |relevance, accuracy, and currency of | |referencing information from different websites for relevance, |relevant and accurate. |Wiki as a source of |

| | |information and consider the intention and | |accuracy, and currency. | |reference |

| | |authority of the provider. | | | | |

|f |Impact of communications |Discuss the impact which communications and |0.5 |Consideration of the impact of communication on society, how the |Wikipedia1 |Prepare for an essay |

| |technology |entertainment technology has on people, | |new communication systems affect the way in which society keeps in |[1From earlier work |question on impact of |

| | |organisations and society | |contact and works together. E.g. WiFi, Bluetooth, comparison of |students should be aware|communication |

| | |– wireless (WiFi, Bluetooth) and wired | |wireless and wired networks. |of the benefits and |technology |

| | |networks; speed and column of data transferred| |Homework: Students have to create a report offering advice to a new|drawbacks of using an | |

| | |and bandwidth | |business (who has international clients) on what communication |up-to-date | |

| | |Use of cookies for transaction processing | |systems they should use. The report needs to outline the |encyclopaedia] | |

| | | | |advantages and uses of they system (s) they recommend. | | |

|Reference |

| |Systems life cycle |i. Understand the purpose and nature of and |1 |Understand that using evaluation criteria (desired outcomes and |Watch BBC Bitesize ‘ICT |Understand evaluation |

| | |use evaluation criteria | |performance criteria) is a method of checking what has been |systems/ Implementing a |criteria |

| | | | |achieved against what was proposed |new computer system’ | |

| | | | | |Evaluation in Unit 2 | |

|Reference |

|a |Information and data |Describe the link between input, storage, |0.5 |Concepts of input, output and processing within an information |Watch BBC Bitesize – |Know feedback is |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |output, processing and feedback needed by an | |system. Magazine: story typed, photos taken; organised on page; |Data, information and |needed to revise/amend|

| |Skills |information system | |draft printed; revised by sub-editor, etc. |knowledge Publishing a |a system |

| | | | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on information |magazine | |

| | | | |and data | | |

|b |Finding, selecting and using |i. Use discrimination in selecting and using |0.5 |[This material may have been covered at KS3, in which case it may |Wikipedia |Know advantages/ |

| |information |appropriate sources of ICT-based and other | |not be necessary to repeat here] | |disadvantages of a |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |forms of information, which match requirements| | | |Wiki as a source of |

| |Skills | | | | |reference |

| | |ii. Understand the need for precision in | |Worksheet containing a series of questions with ‘vague’ criteria. |Worksheet |Know how to frame |

| | |framing questions, when translating enquiries | |Ask students to try to find the answers using searches on the |Access to the Internet |questions from |

| | |expressed in ‘ordinary language’ into a form | |Internet |to practice search |ordinary language into|

| | |required by search engines | |Carry out different searches on the Internet using: ‘greater than’,|techniques |a form required by |

| | | | |‘less than’, ‘equals’, ‘contains’, use with wild cards, key words, | |search engines |

| | | | |complex searches using AND, OR and NOT and the use of quotation | |Know that AND, OR and |

| | | | |marks around phrases | |NOT are logical |

| | | | |[This material may have been covered at KS3, in which case it may | |operators |

| | | | |not be necessary to repeat here] | | |

|Reference |

|c |Quality of information and/or |i. Evaluate and question the accuracy and |0.5 |Printout information from a website (e.g. ). |Internet websites |Know advantages/ |

| |data |plausibility of information | |Ask students to comment on its accuracy or plausibility | |disadvantages of a |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |Information from websites | | | |Wiki as a source of |

| |Skills | | | | |reference |

| | |ii. Ensure the accuracy and plausibility of | |Set a test piece of ‘text’ which tests students understanding of |Using word processor’s |Know limitations of |

| | |information | |correct use of a spell checker |spell checker |spelling and grammar |

| | |Uses and limitations of spelling and grammar | | | |checkers |

| | |checkers | | | | |

| | | iii. Describe methods of error detection | |Explain the difference between input checks of Verification (visual|Use BBC Bitesize ‘Data |Know |

| | |(verification and validation techniques) of | |and double entry check) and Validation checks on data (such as |validation and |Verify = check |

| | |data during the input stage | |range checks, type checks, presence checks, look-up lists) |verification’ |accuracy |

| | | | | | |Validate = check |

| | | | | | |sensible |

|d |Data collection/capture methods|i. Describe and identify common uses of |0.5 |Produce a diagram of the common data collection methods – data |Use BBC Bitesize |Know how to produce a |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |different data collection methods | |capture form, questionnaire, chip and PIN, OMR. Bar codes, etc. |‘Databases and data |data capture form |

| |Skills |Methods: data capture form, questionnaire, | |List the advantages and disadvantages of each of these. |capture’ |(correct number of |

| | |online form, chip and PIN, OMR, bar code | |Homework: produce a data capture form for a member of a health club| |boxes) |

| | |reader, magnetic stripe card, voice | | | | |

| | |recognition (security entry systems), | | | | |

| | |biometrics and RFID tag | | | | |

|Reference |

|e |Reviewing and modifying work |i. Work accurately and proof read, using |0.5 |Class to review and modify 2 documents prepared by the teacher – |Electronic document; |Know manual and |

| | |software facilities where appropriate (check | |electronic word processed document and printed document |printed document |software methods of |

| | |spelling and calculations) | | | |modifying and |

| | | | | | |reviewing work |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |ii. Understand that work is reviewed and | |Homework: produce a poster for a Purple Spiders concert (from |Publishing software |Know the need to |

| |Skills |modified as it is produced, using drafts, to | |Specimen Unit 2 Candidate Booklet) |Word processor |review and modify work|

| | |ensure it is fit for purpose and that the | |Provide a plan of what the poster MUST contain. In groups class to | |and to review |

| | |meaning is clear. It is reviewed critically | |review and modify each person’s poster against the plan (check with| |critically against |

| | |against the initial plan and the feedback of | |intended audience) | |initial plans |

| | |others to inform future work and judgements | | | | |

|f |Presenting information in ways |i. Understand the purposes of presentations |0.5 |Understand the purpose of presentations: visual (on screen and as |Exampro questions of |Know multi-media |

| |that are fit for purpose and | | |hard copy) and multi-sensory (in multi-media presentations). The |Presentations |presentations are |

| |audience | | |differences between them and circumstances in which they would be | |interactive, capture |

| |Joint teaching with Functional | | |used. | |attention, etc |

| |Skills | | | | | |

| | |ii. Appropriately bring together and organise | |Know about information types: images, text of different forms/from |Specimen Unit 2 website |Know how to combine |

| | |information to produce a poster, newsletter, | |different sources: text alignment, captions, audio, video and |for Purple Spiders |work for Report in |

| | |web page or multimedia presentation | |charts. | |Unit 3 |

| | | | |Homework: combine a variety of forms of information on a | | |

| | | | |presentation slide ‘about welcoming new students to the school’ | | |

|Reference |

|f |Presenting information in ways |iii. Present information in ways which are |with previous |Students to produce a 5-screen presentation to cover the acceptable|Presentation software |Know needs of audience|

|(cont.|that are fit for purpose and |sensitive to the needs of particular audiences|lesson |use of ICT whether in school, at home or in a business. Students | |are critical in |

|) |audience (cont.) |and the purposes of the presentation | |are given different audiences – over 75’s, children under 10 and | |presenting information|

| | | | |business people. | | |

| | |iv. Produce information that is relevant and | |Produce a report to the Headteacher requesting that ‘Year 10 |Word processor |Know acceptable |

| | |fit for purpose and audience, using accepted | |students are allowed to wear non uniform, on days when a charity |Publishing software |layouts/conventions |

| | |layouts and conventions where appropriate. | |event is organised’. |Presentation |for different forms of|

| | |Consider content, readability, visual impact, | |Understand the different forms in which information may be | |information |

| | |detail, consistent layout and complexity | |presented: letter, essay, memo, report, poster, newsletter, | | |

| | | | |leaflet, flyer, brochure, web page, magazine, business card and | | |

| | | | |multi-media presentation | | |

|g |Sharing and exchanging |i. Understand that data can be transferred |0.5 |Create a diagram of all the ways you can transfer information: |Graphics |Know about 2 methods |

| |information electronically |within and between applications, using file | |import and export data, file attachments, photo–sharing websites |Flow chart software |of data transfer |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |sharing websites and virtual learning | | | | |

| |Skills |environments | | | | |

|Reference |

|c |Organising files/folders |i. Describe the management and organisation |0.5 |Students to create an efficient set of folders in which they will |Windows explorer (or |Know about folders and|

| |Joint teaching with Functional |of files and file operations | |store work for this course. |similar) |subfolders, file |

| |Skills |File management of: folders, subfolders, | |Teacher to direct students on the structure most appropriate to | |naming conventions and|

| | |filenames, file types, paths, create new | |school policy and to meet requirements of Controlled Assessment | |version numbering |

| | |file, save, save as, open, close, rename, | |Unit 3. | | |

| | |delete, move, copy, download files | | | | |

|3.2.4 Applications software |

|a |Use of applications software |Understand that applications software is |0.5 |Make a list of common applications software by type NOT ‘branded’ |Word processor |Know applications |

| | |designed to carry out user-related tasks to | |name | |software is designed |

| | |solve problems. Make informed decisions, | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on appropriate | |to carry out |

| | |select and use software applications to meet | |software for different situations | |user-related tasks to |

| | |needs, solve problems and be aware of their | | | |solve problems |

| | |implications for others | | | | |

|Reference |

|b |Generic features of software |Understand, and have experienced the use of, a|with previous |Use a word processing task to incorporate as many features shown |Review the File, Edit, |Know text size, colour|

| |(appearing as reasonably common|range of generic features of a variety of |lesson |below as possible: |Insert & Format menus |& style features; |

| |features in most software |software types, to enter, organise and develop| |Generic features: enter and format text to maximise clarity and |and toolbars in common |alignment and |

| |packages) |information | |enhance presentation: select, copy, cut and paste, fonts; font/text|software (e.g. word |justification; |

| | |[This material may have been covered at KS3, | |size, style (emboldening, italics, underlining) and colour, drag |processor) |templates and text |

| | |in which case it may not be necessary to | |and drop, undo and redo, find and replace, zoom, wordart (or | |boxes |

| | |repeat here] | |similar), wizards, help, print and print preview; appropriate page | | |

| | | | |layout, margins, headers and footers, alignment (horizontal and | | |

| | | | |vertical text) and justification (left/ right/full justification, | | |

| | | | |centring), orientation (portrait and landscape), page breaks, page | | |

| | | | |numbering, templates; insert text boxes, obtain, insert, resize, | | |

| | | | |crop and position images that are fit for purpose (i.e. clipart, | | |

| | | | |photo and scanned images), autoshapes, shading, place behind and in| | |

| | | | |front of other ‘objects’, wrap text, print screen | | |

|Reference |

|a |Specific features of and |i In addition to the generic features in |1 |Separately use a word processor and DTP software to incorporate an |Watch BBC Bitesize |Know wide range of |

| |differences between a word |3.2.4b, identify the common features found in | |image of a famous person with a brief life-story about them |‘Software/Word |common features to |

| |processor and DTP |word processors, DTP and other presentation | |[This material may have been covered at KS3, in which case it may |processing and desktop |enter, organise, |

| | |software, to enter, organise, develop, refine | |not be necessary to repeat here] |publishing’ |develop, refine and |

| | |and format information | | | |format information |

| | |ii Explain the distinction between word | |As the distinction between them merges, know that WP handles text, |Word processor |Know WP for text, DTP |

| | |processors and DTP | |DTP handles text and graphics using frames |Publishing software |for text and graphics |

|b |Use features of different |Identify tasks and use features of word |with previous |Produce a letter to the school kitchen asking for salad every |Word processor |Know features of |

| |software packages to organise |processors and DTP in order to create |lesson |Friday. |Publishing software |different software |

| |and present information |documents | |Produce a poster to inform your class that you have done this (must| |packages to organise |

| | | | |include an image) | |and present |

| | | | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on suitable | |information |

| | | | |software to use | | |

|Reference |

|c |Presentation software |i. In addition to generic features, understand|0.5 |Create an 3 page interactive presentation of news about your class |Presentation software |Know at least 5 |

| | |that presentation software used should allow a| |showing links between pages | |features of |

| | |range of features. | |[This material may have been covered at KS3, in which case it may | |Presentation software |

| | |Presentation software features: insert slide, | |not be necessary to repeat here] | | |

| | |enter and edit slide content, buttons and | | | | |

| | |other hyperlinks; sound effects, animation, | | | | |

| | |layouts, colour schemes, slide transitions, | | | | |

| | |timing, print handouts and view slide show | | | | |

| | |ii. Understand that interactive and multimedia| |A presentation about your ICT course combining work produced in |Presentation software |Know multimedia = many|

| | |presentations combine textual, graphical or | |spreadsheet, text and database forms | |forms of information |

| | |multimedia formats | | | | |

|d |Web design software |In addition to generic features, understand |0.5 |Look at the BBC home page which shows many of the features needed | |Know web design |

| | |the features of web design software to design | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on web design | |software has master |

| | |pages and links between them | |software | |pages, hotspots, |

| | |Web design features: master pages, hotspot, | | | |hyperlinks, navigation|

| | |hyperlink, navigation bar, templates and | | | |bar, templates |

| | |layout guides, forms, marquee, animation, | | | | |

| | |flash tools, RSS feed, counters and conversion| | | | |

| | |to HTML | | | | |

|Reference |

|e |Software for audio, DVD and |Understand this software may be used to allow|0.5 |Use BBC iPlayer which shows many of the features needed | |Know 3 features of |

| |video players |a range of features | | | |audio/video software |

| | |Audio/video software features: volume | | | | |

| | |adjustment, mute, play, pause, forward/ fast | | | | |

| | |forward, backward/reverse, start, stop, end, | | | | |

| | |playlist, subtitles, music downloads and | | | | |

| | |streaming | | | | |

|f |Podcast |Understand the use and purpose of a podcast |0.5 |As a class create or look at podcasts – could choose a common topic|Use |Know a podcast = a |

| | | | | |or other free podcast |series of digital |

| | | | | |hosting sites |media files available |

| | | | | | |for download via web |

| | | | | | |syndication |

|3.2.6 Graphics production and image manipulation |

| |Specific features of graphics |i Identify specific features of basic |0.5 |Produce a new food packaging label for a yogurt or canned food – |Watch BBC Bitesize |Know at least 3 |

| |manipulation software |graphics packages e.g. erase, fill with | |need to use the different graphic features. |‘Software/ Graphics |features: fill with |

| | |colour, pick colour, choose pencil, brush and| |Show examples of what different graphic packages can create |software’ |colour, choose pencil,|

| | |airbrush, shade, lines, curves, layering, | | |Morphing appeared in the|brush or airbrush |

| | |rotating, repeating pattern and morphing | | |Michael Jackson music | |

| | | | | |video ‘Black or White’ | |

| | |ii Identify tasks which can be carried out | | | | |

| | |using graphics packages | | | | |

|Reference |

|a |Types of data (Common to |i. Identify different data types |0.5 |Demonstrate spreadsheet cells with different data types: number |Spreadsheet program |Know cell references |

| |spreadsheets and databases) |Data types: alphanumeric/text, date/time, | |formats (integer, currency, percentages, decimal places and | |are Column/Row (e.g. |

| | |limited choice (drop down list, radio buttons,| |fraction) | |A7) |

| | |tick lists), object, logical/Boolean (Yes/No, | | | | |

| | |Male/Female) | | | | |

| | |ii. Know about formatting a variety of cell | |Create a spreadsheet of classes for year 10 (male, female, class |Spreadsheet program |Know at least 3 |

| | |types | |numbers, teacher’s name etc) and use format techniques on cells: | |methods of formatting |

| | | | |font formats (style, size, colour), text alignment (horizontal and | |cells (e.g. font |

| | | | |vertical), text wrap, merging cells, cell borders and shading | |style, size and |

| | | | | | |colour) |

|b |Specific features of a |Describe the use of a range of specific |0.5 |Create a set of ‘exam’ results to show spreadsheet features about |Spreadsheet program |Know cell references |

| |spreadsheet |features of spreadsheet software, that enter, | |cells: cell references, rows, columns (and their height and width),|There are downloadable |are Column/Row (e.g. |

| | |develop and organise numerical information | |show row/column labels, enter and edit cell content, cell |worksheets on |A7) |

| | |that is fit for purpose | |gridlines, cell ranges, replication |teach- | |

| | |Spreadsheet software features: show structure | |Demonstrate spreadsheet to show: merging cells, formulae, functions| | |

| | |of worksheet (formulae/ functions), sorting | |and automatic recalculation | | |

| | |rows/ columns, graph/chart creation and | |Homework: set a spreadsheet to test knowledge of spreadsheet | | |

| | |development to suit numerical information (bar| |features | | |

| | |chart, pie chart, line graph, scattergram and | | | | |

| | |the use of scales, a title, axis title and | | | | |

| | |key/legend), layout of worksheets and linked | | | | |

| | |sheets | | | | |

|Reference |

|c |Formulae and functions |Understand the use of a range of common |0.5 |Use ‘exam’ spreadsheet where students have to use: |Spreadsheet program |Know SUM, AVERAGE, |

| | |formulae and functions, relative and absolute | |Formulae: +, – , * , / | |MAX/MIN functions |

| | |cell references | |Functions: SUM, AVERAGE, ROUND, ROUNDUP, IF, MAX, MIN, RANK | | |

| | |Functions: COUNT and LOOKUP | | | | |

|d |Modelling |i. Understand how to model situations |1.5 |Use Specimen Unit 2 model ‘Purple Spiders tour’ as an example |Watch BBC Bitesize – |Know modelling is: |

| | | | | |Modelling with |change data, check |

| | | | | |Spreadsheets |result, continue until|

| | | | | | |appropriate result |

| | | | | | |obtained |

| | |ii. Describe how a model may be used to answer| | | | |

| | |‘what if’ questions and explain the benefit of| | | | |

| | |being able to answer such questions using a | | | | |

| | |model | | | | |

|Reference |

|a |Data structures |i. Understand the structure of information and|0.5 |[This material may have been covered at KS3, in which case it may |Watch BBC Bitesize |Know a database is |

| | |the concept of a database as a collection of | |not be necessary to repeat here] |‘Data, information and |stored data organised |

| | |stored data organised into files or data | | |knowledge’ |into files |

| | |tables (flat file and relational databases) | | | | |

| | |ii. Understand that relational databases | |Create a database using a previous AQA specification ‘A’ |Database program |Know relational |

| | |reduce data redundancy | |Assignment, which demonstrates data redundancy | |database = less entry |

| | | | | | |time, fewer entry |

| | | | | | |errors |

|b |Collect/enter data to a |Create and use database input form(s) to enter|1 |Create a database input form to enter new data about a student |Watch BBC Bitesize |Know how to design a |

| |database |and edit records | |joining the school |‘Databases and data |database input form |

| | | | | |capture’ | |

|c |Specific features of a database|Know that the software should allow the use of|1 |Use a previous AQA Assignment as an example to demonstrate: field |2009-2011 AQA |Know how to search for|

| | |a range of specific features | |(column) and record (row), field names, key field (unique), primary|specification ‘A’ |records and how to |

| | |Database software features: insert/delete | |key, file; database, view database structure |Assignment |present database |

| | |field/ record, enter and edit field contents, | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on databases |Task 3 |reports |

| | |organise and select records, , control the | | | | |

| | |content and format of reports by selection of | | | | |

| | |fields, use of headings, header and footer, | | | | |

| | |creation and development of charts/graphs | | | | |

|Reference |

|d |Everyday tasks for databases |Organise data, add new data, amend existing |with previous |Present students with a database (or use earlier one) and ask them |Database program |Know how to sort in |

| | |data, delete redundant data, select/search/ |lesson |to make changes – add new/delete/amend record | |ascending/ descending |

| | |filter records, sort on one or more fields and| | | |order |

| | |merge data. Sort: in ascending and descending | | | | |

| | |order | | | | |

|e |Data redundancy |Explain how linking data tables can reduce the|0.5 |Create a database of brothers and sisters at school, which |Database program |Know relational |

| | |duplication of data, making it simpler to keep| |demonstrates data redundancy | |database = less entry |

| | |information up to date and increasing the | | | |time, fewer entry |

| | |accuracy/ consistency of data | | | |errors, linked tables |

|f |Outputs |Explain that data can be extracted from a |0.5 |Create some reports/mail merge letters from the brothers and |Database program |Know reports can |

| | |database to produce many different types of | |sisters database | |present information in|

| | |reports and that data from different files in | | | |any order |

| | |a database can be used to produce a single | | | | |

| | |report | | | | |

|g |Mail merging |Understand how fields from a database may be |with previous | |Database program |Know documents using |

| | |included in a variety of documents |lesson | | |data from a database |

| | |Mail merge documents: letter, invoice, | | | |are called ‘mail |

| | |payslip, membership card and name badge | | | |merge’ |

|Reference |

|a |Web browser and search engine |Understand that to access, navigate and search|0.5 |[This material may have been covered at KS3, in which case it may |Worksheet on Internet |Know about blocking |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |Internet sources of information purposely and | |not be necessary to repeat here] |software |‘pop-ups, phishing |

| |Skills |effectively, the software used should allow | |Produce a worksheet which contains the following: | |filters and |

| | |these features | |a web portal (provides access to a range of other websites by | |bookmarking pages |

| | |Enter web address, web/internet portals, | |acting as a gateway to them), navigation links, refreshing/stopping| | |

| | |web/Internet browser, home page, navigate, | |a page button, blocking ‘pop-ups’, phishing filter, favourites. Ask| | |

| | |refresh, stop, block ‘pop-ups’, phishing | |students to identify them | | |

| | |filters, favourites, save and use bookmarks, | | | | |

| | |links to other sources | | | | |

|b |e-mail |Understand that e-mail software used should |0.5 |Manage suitable e-mail activities in the centre |e-mail access (for this |Know e-mail is for |

| |Joint teaching with Functional |include features that allow a user to create, | |e-mail software features: send and receive messages using |lesson only) |electronic |

| |Skills |access, read and respond appropriately to | |mailbox/inbox, outbox, e-mail address, create, access, read, reply,| |transmission of |

| | |e-mails | |forward e-mails, communicate using - from, send to, cc, bcc, | |documents/text/attachm|

| | | | |subject and content fields, add and open attachments, add | |ents |

| | | | |signatures and use appropriate language/style to suit audience | |Know impact of junk |

| | | | |Manage junk mail (spam) and use spam filter | |mail (spam) and how to|

| | | | | | |manage it |

|Reference |

|a |Web logs |Understand the use of web logs (blog) |0.5 |View and create a simple blog | or |Know the difference |

| | | | | |similar blog websites |between a blog and a |

| | | | | | |social networking site|

| | | | | | |Know 3 features of a |

| | | | | | |social networking site|

| | | | | | |and its dangers |

|b |Social networking software |i. Understand the use of social network sites |0.5 |Write a report about how you (could) use a social networking site |View Facebook or similar| |

| | |and explain the advantages/ disadvantages of | |and consider different types of social networks |appropriate website | |

| | |using them | |Homework: specimen unit 1 written examination paper |(school decision) | |

|3.2.11 Control software |

| |Controlling devices |i. Write a sequence of instructions to control|1 |Use Logo software to create a letter S |Watch BBC Bitesize |Always check where the|

| | |a screen image or external device | |Answer questions on controlling an on-screen device from past |‘Measurement and |start point is. Each |

| | |appropriately | |papers |control/ Logo |square counts as 1 |

| | | | | |Use Exampro |step |

| | |ii. Understand about controlling a range of | |Ask students ‘What devices control their lives and their parents |Prepared worksheet |Know about controlling|

| | |devices: | |lives?’ | |a range of devices |

| | |Devices controlled: electronic toys, games, | |Provide a worksheet with images (from the list on the left) and ask| | |

| | |actuators, central heating systems, burglar | |what is being controlled and how the control system works | | |

| | |alarms, security systems, automatic doors, | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on Logo | | |

| | |smart meters, traffic control systems, car | | | | |

| | |parking systems, greenhouse control systems | | | | |

| | |and robotics | | | | |

|Reference |

|a |Preventing unauthorised access |i. Describe a range of software methods of |1 |Produce a worksheet explaining preventative software measures: |Exampro questions |Know software methods:|

| | |preventing unauthorised access to computer | |creating user accounts, use of authentication and log on details | |log on details (secure|

| | |systems/online accounts: | |(user IDs/usernames and appropriate passwords), keeping | |passwords, user |

| | | | |passwords/PINs secret/secure, regular changing of passwords, levels| |accounts, PINs, levels|

| | | | |of access, security questions, image/code recognition, selective | |of access |

| | | | |drop-down menus | | |

| | |ii. Describe hacking and explain measures | |Understand that a hacker is someone who accesses a computer without|Internet |Know 2 measures which |

| | |which must be taken in order to protect | |permission |Word processor |must be taken in order|

| | |against hacking | |Protection against hacking is first to use a firewall to prevent | |to protect against |

| | |Anti-hacking measures: firewalls, intrusion | |access | |hacking |

| | |detection | |Intrusion detection monitors all computer events and immediately | | |

| | | | |alerts the administrator | | |

|Reference |

|b |Preventing misuse |i. Describe what a computer virus is and know |1 |Know a computer virus is a program which replicates itself. It may |Exampro questions |Know a virus is a |

| | |the danger it presents | |be benign (but annoying) or damage software/hardware. Transmitted | |program which |

| | | | |from Internet sites/as e-mail attachments/from unknown CD-ROMs/USB | |replicates itself |

| | | | |memory drives | | |

| | |ii. Explain the measures which must be taken | |Ask students to create a poster explaining the importance of: |Publishing software |Know 2 measures which |

| | |in order to protect against deliberate | |anti-virus, anti-spy software and treating files from unknown | |must be taken in order|

| | |transfer of viruses and minimise the risk of | |sources with caution | |to protect against |

| | |viruses | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on protection | |viruses |

| | |Anti-virus measures: anti-virus and anti-spy | |against viruses | | |

| | |software and treating files from unknown | | | | |

| | |sources with caution | | | | |

| | |iii. Avoid plagiarism and understand its | |Understand that plagiarism is ‘taking’ someone else’s work and |Applies to Controlled |Know plagiarism is |

| | |affects on people and acknowledge sources | |claiming it as your own |Assessment Unit |theft and its effects |

| | | | |If a centre has subscribed to show it to students,| |on people |

| | | | |explaining how it works. | | |

|Reference |

|c |Health and Safety issues at |i. Describe the potential health problems |0.5 |Produce a worksheet with images of health problems: stress, eye |Worksheet |Know stress, eye |

| |work |related to the prolonged use of ICT equipment | |problems, wrist problems (RSI), back and neck problems and tripping| |problems, wrist |

| | | | |over cables. Students are to identify them | |problems (RSI), back |

| | | | | | |and neck problems |

| | |ii. When using a computer for long periods, | |Students are to produce an advice leaflet to alleviate health |Publishing software |Know to take breaks, |

| | |understand what steps can be taken to help | |problems: take breaks, appropriate lighting, eye tests, use of | |eye tests, use of |

| | |alleviate or minimise stress, eye problems, | |wrist rests and other devices, use adjustable seating and set | |wrist rests, |

| | |wrist problems (RSI), back and neck problems, | |monitor heights, footstools and other devices, avoid hazards, safe | |adjustable seating |

| | |avoid tripping | |positioning of hardware/potential hazards and cable trunking; | | |

|Reference |

|a |Changing pattern of commerce |Describe the changes to the way businesses |0.5 |Carry out research work on changing commercial patterns: automated |Internet |Know at least 3 |

| |and industry due to increased |work due to the introduction of ICT | |production lines with fewer workers and more standard products, |Publishing software |changing patterns of |

| |use of ICT | | |automated stock control ensuring stock is kept at correct levels, | |commerce/ industry |

| | | | |Internet shopping reducing the necessity for ‘high street’ shop | | |

| | | | |premises, creation of new ‘industries’ and globalisation. Produce a| | |

| | | | |poster of findings | | |

|b |Changing pattern of employment |i. Discuss changes caused by increased use of |0.5 |Carry out research work on changing employment patterns 1: size of |Internet |Know at least 3 |

| |due to increased use of ICT |ICT in the workplace | |business/ workforce, type of workforce, location of |Publishing software |changing patterns of |

| | | | |offices/manufacturing plant, different ways of working and |Watch BBC Bitesize |employment |

| | | | |different capabilities of people and computers. Produce a leaflet |‘Changing work patterns’| |

| | | | |of findings | | |

| | |ii. Discuss the changes in employment due to | |Carry out research work on changing employment patterns 2: |Internet |Know at least 3 |

| | |the introduction of computers and the | |homeworking/ teleworking, mobile computing, flexible hours, job |Publishing software |changing patterns of |

| | |increasing use of network technology | |satisfaction, ease of tasks, training, re-training and increased | |employment |

| | | | |unemployment. Produce a leaflet of findings. | | |

|Reference |

|c |Responsible behaviour online |i. Show awareness of responsible use and |0.5 |Produce an advice leaflet about responsible online behaviour: such |Internet |Know 4 points from the|

| |Joint teaching with Functional |staying safe when using ICT-based | |as non-disclosure of personal information/details, not opening/ |Publishing software |advice leaflet |

| |Skills |communication | |forwarding e-mails/files from unknown sources; not clicking on | | |

| | | | |‘unknown’ web links; not physically meeting a person from a chat | | |

| | | | |room; inappropriate use of web cam, prevention of cyber bullying, | | |

| | | | |not accessing pornography, using copy lists with discrimination, | | |

| | | | |and checking websites have correct URL. | | |

| | |ii. Recognise a range of online hazards and | |Online hazards: phishing e-mails/scamming/ fraudulent mirror-image |Internet research |Know 3 online hazards |

| | |know methods of avoiding them | |(look alike) websites; avoid accidentally sending viruses | |and methods of |

| | | | |Online security methods: use of online bank card readers and use of| |avoiding them |

| | | | |financial security procedures | | |

|Reference |

|d |Social and personal effects of |i. Understand the effects that the growth of |0.5 |Create a personal website to control what work has been completed |Use to |Know effects of growth|

| |ICT |personal websites, web logs and social | |and what is still to be done. |create a free personal |of personal websites |

| | |networking sites have on people, organisations| |Compare communication styles and preferences between generations. |website (or similar) | |

| | |and society | |What stays the same and what is different? | | |

| | |ii. Describe the effects of variation in | |Research notes on different societies’ ICT use and skill levels |Internet research |Know effects of |

| | |computer access and ICT skills between | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on social & | |variation in computer |

| | |different people | |personal effects of ICT | |access and ICT skills |

| | | | | | |between different |

| | | | | | |people |

|3.3.3 Political, ethical and environmental issues |

|b |Using ICT to monitor and |i. Describe the impact that ICT methods of |0.5 |Record climate and environmental change |Internet research |Know impact that ICT |

| |minimise harmful effects on the|monitoring have, using measurement devices. | | |Publishing software |monitoring has on |

| |environment | | | | |environment |

| | |ii. Recognise the effect that low energy use | |Ozone layer and land fill sites |Internet research |Know that ICT can |

| | |and recycling have on the environment | | |Publishing software |monitor energy use and|

| | | | | | |recycling |

|Reference |

|a |Collaboration |Understand that collaboration is a recursive |0.5 |Combine with a wiki set up for another section of the SOW. |Publishing software |Know collaboration is |

| | |process where two or more parties (people, | |In pairs produce a simple page for a year 10 yearbook | |recursive and aims to |

| | |organisations or countries) work together | | | |meet common targets |

| | |towards meeting common targets | | | | |

|b |Video/teleconferencing |Understand that video/ teleconferencing is an | |Skype with video to another user – either the students to do this |Video conferencing |Know video |

| | |example of collaborative working and is based | |or ask another teacher to demo the facility in lesson. |equipment |conferencing is a |

| | |on two or more locations being able to | |Use the school’s video conferencing equipment to contact students | |2-way communication |

| | |interact with others via multi-way video/tele | |also taking GCSE ICT | |method with a set of |

| | |and audio transmissions simultaneously | |Use an example of video conferencing from the Internet | |protocols |

| | | | |Homework: students to answer questions from Exampro on video | |Know video |

| | | | |conferencing | |conferencing allows |

| | | | | | |‘face to face’ |

| | | | | | |contact; it requires |

| | | | | | |specialist equipment |

| | | | | | |and fast broadband |

| | | | | | |access |

|Reference |

|c |Sharing information and online |i. Understand about sharing files, the secure |0.5 |Carry out work from Unit 3 specimen Candidate Booklet ‘Managing |Unit 3 specimen |Know file sharing |

| |safety |transfer of data and secure access when | |storage’ |Candidate Booklet |techniques such as: file|

| | |collaborating | | |‘Managing storage’ |naming conventions; |

| | |File naming conventions and version control | | | |version control; |

| | |Read/write file permissions | | | |read/write properties |

| | |ii. Discuss the need, when working | |Explain the importance of having safeguards (such as encryption, |Produce a poster |Know that safeguards |

| | |collaboratively, to show respect towards | |firewalls, back-ups and secure sites in collaborative working, |emphasising |(e.g. encryption, |

| | |others, to comply with data protection | |where people are working remotely and files are regularly |Collaborative safety |firewalls, back-ups) are|

| | |regulations, to understand about systems that | |transferred and worked on by different people | |essential in |

| | |enable security of data and to understand | |(links to 3.1.3b, 3.1.4a, 3.3.1b) | |collaborative working |

| | |about remote access to computer systems | | | | |

|Reference |

| |Teaching using the specimen Unit |Candidates will understand the controlled | |Teaching, preparation and practice for Unit 2 this will include; |This section is |No specific exam hints|

| |2 Candidate Booklet and Teacher’s|assessment criteria for Unit 2: analysis, | |Teach the students the elements needed for each section. |specifically for the |and tips are included |

| |Notes |design, implementation, testing, self | |Prepare the students to be able to complete each section. |2011 Assignment: in |in Blocks 3b-5. If an |

| | |evaluation, report, evaluation of others’ use | |Practice – students should complete the essential parts of each |every following year |opportunity arises |

| | |of ICT | |task. |ensure the preparation |then the teacher can |

| | |Some elements may already have been covered in| |Feedback on their work and ‘good’ solutions should be given to the |is for the type of tasks|refer to it. |

| | |the advice about teaching the specification | |students. |being assessed | |

| | |subject content in a practical way | | | | |

| |

| |

| |Evaluation of |Comment on differences between their own work and the work of |0.5 |Evaluation of others’ |

| |others’ use of |another, leading to future improvements in their own work | |use of ICT - teaching,|

| |ICT: critically| | |preparation and |

| |compare how the| | |practice (see above). |

| |work of another| | |Practice – complete |

| |student could | | |this with a ‘teacher |

| |influence the | | |answer’1 for task 1 |

| |candidate’s | | |from the Specimen |

| |work in the | | |Assignment. |

| |future | | |1 (NB. this is for the|

| |SAME FOR BOTH | | |specimen task ONLY - |

| |TASKS | | |for the live |

| | | | |assignment another |

| | | | |candidate’s work must |

| | | | |be used) |

| |Refer to Unit 2|Using headings from Candidate Booklet (Name task, desired |1 |Analysis for Task 1 |

| |Teacher’s Notes|outcomes/performance criteria, testing) | | |

| |Refer to Unit 2|Using headings from Candidate Booklet (Name task, desired |1 |Analysis for Task 2 |

| |Teacher’s Notes|outcomes/performance criteria, testing) | | |

| |Refer to Unit 2|One planned design for each web page, with why design choices were |2 |Design for Task 1 |

| |Teacher’s Notes|made | | |

| |Refer to Unit 2|Use the Standard Analysis desired outcomes/performance criteria to |1 |Self evaluation for |

| |Teacher’s Notes|discuss/describe effectiveness or state how produced/if produced | |Task 1 |

| |Refer to Unit 2 Teacher’s Notes |One planned |2 |Design for Task 2 |Word processor |

| | |design for each| | |Graphic software |

| | |search and | | | |

| | |report, with | | | |

| | |why design | | | |

| | |choices were | | | |

| | |made | | | |

| |Refer to Unit 2 Teacher’s Notes |Whe|1 |Evaluation of others’ use of ICT for task 2 |Wor| | |

| | |n | | |d | | |

| | |wor| | |pro| | |

| | |k | | |ces| | |

| | |has| | |sor| | |

| | |bee| | | | | |

| | |n | | | | | |

| | |com| | | | | |

| | |ple| | | | | |

| | |ted| | | | | |

| | |and| | | | | |

| | |han| | | | | |

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| | |in,| | | | | |

| | |com| | | | | |

| | |men| | | | | |

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| | |ano| | | | | |

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| | |can| | | | | |

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| | |nts| | | | | |

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| | |the| | | | | |

| | |ir | | | | | |

| | |own| | | | | |

| | |wor| | | | | |

| | |k | | | | | |

|Blog |Web Log | |GIS |Geographical Information System | |ROM |Read Only Memory |

|Cc |Carbon Copy | |GPS |Global Positioning System | |RFID |Radio Frequency Identification |

|CCTV |Closed Circuit Television | |HTML |HyperText Mark-up Language | |RSI |Repetitive Strain Injury |

|CD-R |Compact Disk Recordable | |ID |Identification | |RSS |Really Simple Syndication |

|CD-ROM |Compact Disk ROM | |LAN |Local Area Network | |Sat Nav |Satellite Navigation System |

|CD-RW |Compact Disk ReWritable | |MIDI |Musical Instrument Digital Interface | |SMS |Short Message Service |

|DTP |Desk Top Publishing | |MP3 |Moving Picture layer 3 | |URL |Uniform Resource Locator |

|DVD-R |Digital Versatile Disk Recordable | |OCR |Optical Character Recognition | |USB |Universal Serial Bus |

|DVD-RAM |Digital Versatile Disk RAM | |OMR |Optical Mark Recognition | |VoIP |Voice over Internet Protocol |

|DVD-ROM |Digital Versatile Disk ROM | |PDA |Personal Digital Assistant | |WAN |Wide Area Network |

|EFTPOS |Electronic Funds Transfer at Point-Of-Sale | |Podcast |Personal On Demand broadcast | | | |


Version 1.3


This Scheme of Work provides suggestions and ideas about how you might deliver GCSE ICT Short Course. You can use these suggestions, adapt them to better suit your students or use your own Scheme of Work.

Modular: with the introduction of modular courses, there are increased opportunities for delivering the specification in more creative ways. There are three possible timescales for delivery: a one-year delivery, a two-year delivery (the usual mode in schools with a fixed GCSE curriculum) and a three-year delivery (perhaps starting in year 9 but consuming less time each week). As a GCSE course is usually taught over two years, the model outlined here has been devised on that basis. By presenting the Scheme of Work in document format it allows a school to tailor it to their own requirements.

Guided learning hours: it is assumed that the centre has been allocated all of the recommended 60 guided learning hours. This equates to approximately 1 hour per week for 60 weeks. If more or less time is available, the course can be expanded, or will need to be condensed, as appropriate. However, it is not felt that the material in the specification can be covered adequately in less than 60 hours. The Short Course can be taught jointly with the Full Course.

Controlled assessment: Within the 60 hours recommended a centre has to allocate time for controlled assessment. There is one controlled assessment unit offered by AQA (Unit 2 The Assignment: Applying ICT). The unit has a recommended completion time of 25 hours. This recommended time is approximate and doesn’t need to be logged by the centre. As controlled assessment is different from coursework (as in previous GCSE

specifications) it is an expectation that candidates will be prepared beforehand to be able to carry out the controlled assessment independently. This means that the delivery of the specification subject content and preparation for controlled assessment will have approximately 35 hours available.

Flexibility: the delivery of the specification is flexible and centres are encouraged to design schemes of work that best suit their individual circumstances, the needs and aspirations of their candidates and the skills of their teachers. The nature of the Centre’s ICT provision at Key Stage 3 will also be a factor in deciding the structure of the Key Stage 4 course. If students are broadly familiar with the use of the main features of the various software packages, then those sections can be reduced in length in order to create space for other sections to be covered in more detail or at a slower pace.

Timing: the allocation of time to individual sections of the Scheme of Work is not hard and fast but reflects a suggested proportion of the total. Again, the precise time required will depend partly on the prior experience and skill of the candidates. The times shown are for time in lessons only. Half lesson times are shown in places to enable teachers to be more flexible in their approach by combining these in twos (or threes) depending on the needs of their students. Homework activities are specified but it is left to the centre to determine how this will be implemented, taking into account the Centre’s homework policy.

If you have any enquiries about GCSE ICT you can speak directly to the AQA ICT team by e-mail or telephone 0161 958 3860.

Block 1

Total Lessons – 5.5

3.1 Current and Emerging Technologies

Candidates should demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the function, purpose and organisation of the hardware and sub-systems used in a wide range of ICT systems and applications. They should also show their understanding of the impact that the use of such technologies has on individuals, organisations and society. Candidates should be encouraged to keep up-to-date with emerging technologies throughout the duration of their course.

To introduce each block of work it is proposed that a particularly exciting aspect of the content is used. This is to motivate students and to include their prior learning and knowledge and to involve them in their learning. The Scheme of Work assumes that a lesson structure will be Starter, Main and Plenary but focuses on the Main part of the lesson. Typically, centres will have lessons which last between 45 and 60 minutes.

- Block 1

3.2 A range of ICT tools and techniques

Candidates should demonstrate skills in, and show knowledge and understanding of, the use of ICT to find, collect, process and present information. These skills should be developed to meet particular needs and to solve problems. The skills are the analysis, design, documentation, implementation, testing and evaluation of effective working ICT systems for use by the candidates and others.

Block 1 (cont.)

Total Lessons – 6.5

- Block 1

- Block 1

- Block 1

- Block 1

- Block 1

- Block 1

- Block 1

A range of ICT tools and techniques (cont.)

Block 2

Total Lessons – 12

- Block 2

- Block 2

- Block 2

- Block 2

- Block 2

- Block 2

- Block 2

- Block 2

Block 3a

Total Lessons – 6

Society’s use of ICT

Candidates should demonstrate skills in, and show knowledge and understanding of the implications of legal, social, economic, ethical and environmental uses of ICT for individuals, organisations and society. Candidates should recognise risks when using ICT and understand safe, secure and responsible practices:

- Block 3a

- Block 3a

- Block 3a

- Block 3a

- Block 3a

- Block 3a

- Block 3a

Collaborative working

Candidates should demonstrate skills in, and show knowledge and understanding of the impact of collaborative working in ICT for individuals, organisations and society:

Block 3a (cont.)

- Block 3a

- Block 3a

- Block 3b

Unit 2 The Assignment: Applying ICT

Block 3b

Total Lessons – 6

- Block 3b

- Block 3b

- Block 3b

- Block 4

Block 4

Total Lessons – 12

Unit 2 The Assignment: Applying ICT

There is no requirement for teachers to keep a log of how long candidates spend completing the assignment. The recommendation of 25 hours is for guidance only.

- Block 4

- Block 4

Unit 2 The Assignment: Applying ICT

Block 5

Total Lessons – 12

- Block 5

- Block 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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