1. Listen and number. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

האזינו ומספרו את התמונות בסדר הנכון. ישנן יותר תמונות מהנדרש.

إستمعوا ورقموا الصور حسب الترتيب الصحيح. توجد صور أكثر من المطلوب.

2. Match. (10 x ½ = 5 points)

התאימו את המילים לתרגומים שלהם.

لائموا الكلمات مع ترجماتها.

1. wet a. حائط / קיר

2. brave b. سَهْل / קל

3. strong c. قوي / חזק

4. sharp d. سلة المهملات / פח אשפה

5. easy e. להרטיב / يبلّل

6. dry f. حاد / חד

7. wall g. بطارية / סוללה

8. bin h. شجاع / אמיץ

9. bored i. جاف / יבש

10. battery j. ينتابه الملل / משועמם

3. Complete. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

השלימו את המשפטים.

أكملوا الجمل.

honey • plants • cut down • bottle • hero

safe • markers • fix • look after • insect

1. A bee is a small …………………… .

2. Is there water in the …………………… ?

3. We need to …………………… the world and save energy.

4. Don’t …………………… the trees in the forest.

5. I have new …………………… in my pencil case.

6. Don’t go there. It isn’t …………………… .

7. My mom can …………………… old things.

8. My mother …………………… flowers in our garden.

9. Bees make …………………… .

10. Superman is a …………………… .

4. Write. (6 x 1 = 6 points)

הוסיפו מילה לכל קבוצה. ישנן יותר מילים מהנדרש.

أضيفوا كلمة لكل مجموعة. توجد كلمات أكثر من المطلوب.

wood • paint • boat • checkers • bottle cap • bee • hungry

1. color • draw • ……………………

2. branch • tree • ……………………

3. box • tin • ……………………

4. insect • snake • ……………………

5. thirsty • tired • ……………………

6. car • bike • ……………………

5. Complete. (6 x 2 = 12 points)

השלימו את המשפטים.

أكملوا الجمل.

a lot of • Be quiet • go away • wash the dishes • turn off • do things

1. Please …………………………………… the light in the classroom.

2. The park isn’t clean. There is …………………………………… rubbish.

3. People need energy to …………………………………… .

4. …………………………………… ! Listen to the teacher.

5. I always …………………………………… after supper.

6. Don’t stay here. Please …………………………………… .

6. Match. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

התאימו A לB- כדי ליצור צירופי מילים.

لائموا A مع B لتأليف تراكيب الكلمات.


1. Have a. a bike.

2. Brush b. the flowers.

3. Ride c. your teeth.

4. Save d. a shower.

5. Don’t pick e. the environment.

7. Circle. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

הקיפו את המילים הנכונות.

أحيطوا بدائرة الكلمات المناسبة.

1. Throw / Don’t throw rubbish in the bin!

2. Clean / Don’t clean your room!

3. Chips aren’t healthy. Eat / Don’t eat them!

4. The light is red! Stop! / Don’t stop!

5. Listen to the teacher. Talk! / Don’t talk!

8. Complete. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

השלימו את המשפטים. (בכמה מן המילים תשתמשו יותר מפעם אחת.)

أكملوا الجمل. (تستعملون عدة كلمات أكثر من مرة.)

my • your • her • his • its • our • their

1. I have a sister. …………………… sister is 10 years old.

2. The dog is black but …………………… tail is white.

3. Tomer has a TV in …………………… bedroom.

4. They want to eat …………………… sandwiches now.

5. You can do …………………… homework after supper.

6. Tali has a blue sweater. …………………… sweater is new.

7. Shira and I have new bikes. …………………… bikes are red.

8. I have lots of books in …………………… bedroom.

9. Look at that giraffe. …………………… horns are long.

10. They always clean …………………… house on Friday morning.

9. Complete. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

השלימו את המשפטים עם can או can’t.

أكملوا الجمل بـ can أو .can’t

|1.[pic] |Tom …………………… ride a bike. |

| | |

|2.[pic] |The girl …………………… swim. |

| | |

|3.[pic] |The man …………………… fix the computer. |

| | |

|4.[pic] |The cat …………………… climb a tree. |

| | |

|5.[pic] |We …………………… save water. |

10. a. Read and circle. (4 x 2 = 8 points)

קיראו את האימייל של שני והקיפו שתי תשובות נכונות.

إقرأوا الرسالة الإلكترونية لشاني وأحيطوا بدائرة إجابتين صحيحتين.

1. The ecology club meets … . 3. They … .

a. on Tuesdays and Thursdays a. catch wild birds

b. two days in the week b. clean the school garden

c. every day c. plant flowers

2. They want to … . 4. Some birds … .

a. learn about the environment a. eat seeds

b. clean the environment b. eat fruit

c. make the school beautiful c. draw pictures

b. Write. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

ענו על השאלות.

أجيبوا عن الأسئلة.

1. Who is the e-mail to? ……………………

2. What can the pupils make for the birds?

3. What do the pupils give the birds?

4. How can everyone learn about the birds?

5. Do Noam and Shani go to the same school? ……………………

11. a. Write. (4 x 2 = 8 points)

הסתכלו על התמונה. כיתבו ארבעה משפטים על מה שלומדים במועדון האקולוגי.

أنظروا إلى الصورة. أكتبوا أربع جمل تقول ما الذي يتم تعلمه في النادي البيئي.






b. Write. (3 x 2 points = 6 points)

כיתבו שלושה דברים שאתם עושים למען הסביבה. השתמשו בפעלים.

أكتبوا ثلاثة نشاطات تقومون بها في سبيل البيئة. إستعملوا الأفعال.

save • recycle • pick up • turn off • look after





Complete. (8 x 2 = 16 points)

השלימו את השיחה.

أَكملوا الحوار.

soon • Be quiet • close • decorate

rubbish • lights • bin • pick up

|Adi: |It’s the teacher’s birthday tomorrow. Let’s make her a party. |

|Hadar: |Good idea! We can clean the classroom and 1.…………………… all the things from the floor. |

|Adi: |We can 2.…………………… the room with balloons and a “Happy Birthday” poster. |

|Hadar: |We can sit quietly and 3.…………………… the door. We can turn off the 4.…………………… so that it is dark. |

|Adi: |Then as she opens the door we can shout “Happy Birthday’’ and sing to her. |

The next day ...

|Hadar: |Shh! Everything is ready. 5.…………………… ! I can hear her coming. She will open the door 6.…………………… . |


|Principal: |What are you doing? Your teacher isn’t at school today. She is sick. You can clean the school. Remember, put |

|מנהל (בית ספר) |the paper in the recycle 7.…………………… . Pick up all the 8.…………………… . We want a clean school. |

|مدير (مدرسة) | |



















Hi Noam,

How are things? I want to tell you about our school this year. We have an ecology club. It’s great. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday after school. We want to learn about the environment and make the school beautiful.

Here are some things we do. We clean the school garden and plant flowers. We make bird houses and bird tables for the wild birds. We give them water and food too. Lots of different birds come to our school now. Some eat seeds (بذور / גרעינים) and some eat fruit. We draw pictures and write facts about the birds on posters. Now everyone can learn about the birds. It’s fun!

Do you do anything special at your school?

Write soon and tell me.






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