
lefttop00Week 5 – Colossians 1:24-29Christ in You, the Hope of GloryWhat is lacking in Christ’s ______________ is only the ____________ presentation of it, and that is what He calls us to do – to personally present Jesus Christ to the world - a world full of people who have no idea what they are _________ to Jesus. (v.24) is ________for us & good for the _________, therefore we CAN ___________ in it. (v.24)God gave Paul a _________________, which he took very ______________. (v.25)The full ________________ of God’s mystery is given over time. He has ________ in everything He does and in the ___________ of it all. (v. 26)This mystery of the Good News is richly ___________. The _______ we have, when Christ is in us, is glorious, too! (v.27) Our ________ always demands _________. (v.28)He gives us all His ___________ so that He can work ________________ in us & through us. (v.29)Week 5 ~ Day 1: When Suffering ComesPlease handwrite Colossians 1:24-25Beautiful, Blistered Feet (by John Piper)“Fifteen years ago, I had an opportunity to hear J. Oswald Sanders speak. His message touched deeply on suffering. He was 89 years old and still traveling and speaking around the world. He had written a book a year since he turned 70! I mention that only to exult in the utter dedication of a life poured out for the gospel without thought of coasting in self-indulgence from 65 to the grave.He told the story of an indigenous missionary who walked barefoot from village to village preaching the gospel in India. His hardships were many. After a long day of many miles and much discouragement, he came to a certain village and tried to speak the gospel but was driven out of town and rejected. So he went to the edge of the village dejected and lay down under a tree and slept from exhaustion.When he awoke, people were hovering over him, and the whole town was gathered around to hear him speak. The headman of the village explained that they came to look him over while he was sleeping. When they saw his blistered feet, they concluded that he must be a holy man, and that they had been evil to reject him. They were sorry and wanted to hear the message that he was willing to suffer so much to bring them.So the evangelist filled up the afflictions of Jesus with his beautiful blistered feet.”Please read 2 Corinthians 11:23-28, now list the sufferings that Paul endured.What sufferings are you enduring right now? Ask God for the ability to give thanks in the midst of whatever the difficulty.Week 5 ~ Day 2: This MysteryPlease handwrite Colossians 1:26Please read Romans 16:25-27Who is able to strengthen us? According to what does God strengthen us? Who has His mystery been disclosed to now?According to whose command?Why did He command the mystery be revealed?How does v.27 describe Him?Take a moment to thank the Father for strengthening your faith through the knowledge of the True Gospel of Jesus, thank Him for revealing it to us as New Testament believers. Please read Matthew 13:16-17When we are in Christ, what do our eyes do?When we are in Christ, what do our ears do?And because our eyes see and our ears hear, what does Jesus say our eyes and ears are?Who longed to see what we now see and hear what we now hear? Take a moment to thank Jesus for this seeing and hearing, ask Him to give you a greater capacity for this: your ears to hear more of His voice, and eyes to see more of Him.Week 5 ~ Day 3: Christ in you, the Hope of GloryPlease handwrite Colossians 1:27You may have noticed some words that Paul has repeated several times thus far in Chapter 1. Hope is one of them. It’s found in verses 5, 23 and here in 27. According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of NT Words, HOPE in the context of verses 5 & 23 is: “fulfillment of all the promises presented in the Gospel” And for verse 27 says:“Christ in us is the ground upon which ‘hope’ is based”In the New Living Translation, verse 27 says: “For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing His glory.”Because of Jesus Himself, we have the hope of eternity with Him, in everlasting glory. Please write Romans 5:2 here: Notice how it says we “stand” in this grace. Look back up at the Vine’s definition of hope from v.27. It says Jesus is the ground upon which our hope is based. Listen & allow these lyrics to penetrate your heart:43434001016000091440010160000My hope is built on nothing lessthan Jesus’ blood & righteousness.I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ Name.On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand…all other ground is sinking sand.Week 5 ~ Day 4: What/Who Do We Proclaim?Please handwrite Colossians 1:28proclaim |prō?klām, verb: announce officially or publicly, declare something one considers important, demonstrate clearlyI stagger to think of how many options we have in this life to proclaim things. We can make proclamations about our political views, our families, our nemeses, our wants, our dreams, our fights, our fears, our loves or our careers. Our lives – especially through social media outlets – are proclaiming things all the time. Think diligently about the last 3 conversations you had, or even the last 3 posts you put on Facebook or Instagram – what have you officially or publicly proclaimed recently? If we look at Colossians 1:28 again, what does Paul say that we proclaim? I keep getting the picture in my mind of “pledging allegiance” to someone or something with our lives. With that in mind, take a look Acts 17:5-7. Do you pledge allegiance to King Jesus Christ in the way you speak, the way you relate to others, the way you conduct yourself in social media? Think about that this week as you proclaim things with your life. Are we proclaiming Jesus to the world around us? Paul says we are to warn & teach EVERYONE with all wisdom, that we may present EVERYONE mature in Christ. Let’s use our influence for Him!Week 5 ~ Day 5: Divine Energy & PowerPlease handwrite Colossians 1:29Throw your hand in the air if you could use a little divine energy & power today! Both of mine just went up! Between writing a bible study, running a business, being a momma to my 3 yr old, a wife and helper to my husband – there are days when I am just flat worn out by 9pm. I’m convinced that you may have a list of your own that may make my life look tranquil. You know what I totally love about doing what God calls us to do? It’s that He enables us with His energy and power. Every. Single. Time. There is not a single thing on earth He desires and calls us to do without giving us PLENTY of Himself to complete it. One of the things I can use as a barometer in my own life is this: when I am feeling overwhelmed or overcome by stress or responsibility, it indicates that I need to take a look at what I have said “yes” to, and re-evaluate my yesses. Our yesses will always reveal who/what is our priority. Is it Jesus? Paul was on a mission for Yeshua, our Messiah. He did toil and struggle, but it was not in his own strength, energy or power, was it?Whose energy do we have access to according to Colossians 1:29?How does it say that Jesus works His energy within us? His power knows no boundary. Our access to Him has no limit. Read Ephesians 1:15-23, pay close attention to verse 19-20. Respond in prayer below as God reveals where you need His energy & power. ................

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