

by Edward Bloor


Name _______________________________ Period ________

4 Kinds of Questions

Right There

The information is directly in the text and is easy to find.

Your example: ____________________________________



Think and Search

Answer is found in different parts of the text.

Wording may be different from the text

➢ More difficult to find

Your example: ____________________________________



1. Author and Me

➢ Answer is found in 2 places the text and from your own knowledge

➢ Wording may be different from the text

➢ More difficult to find.

Your example: ____________________________________



On Your Own

➢ Information for the answer is not in the text.

➢ You must use your own experiences to answer the question.

Your example: ____________________________________



Tangerine: Pre-reading Strategies


What do you see on the front cover? How is the book divided up? (Chapters?) What does the summary tell you?







Predict: Make a prediction about the book based on the cover/ summary



Connect: Make a connection to your own life.



Activate Prior Knowledge: List 10 things you know about Soccer OR Moving





Study Guide

Use During Reading

1. Where are Paul and his mother at the beginning of the book? Where are they moving? Why?



2. Where does the title of the book come from?


3. Why can’t Paul look directly into the sun?


4. What incident does Paul remember as they are ready to leave?


5. Who does Paul think is responsible for the incident he remembers?


Make a connection to the story:





Part 1

Friday, August 18th

6. What does Paul expect to see in Florida?


7. Why are the citrus trees burning?


8. What does Paul think should be done with them?


9. What will Dad be able to do daily since he can create his own hours?


Saturday, August 19th

10. What woke Paul up?


11. What does Paul smell when he walks outside?


12. What does Mom decide to do about the smoke?


13. What does the firefighter tell them?


Use Prior Knowledge: What do you know about Florida?




Saturday, August 19th, later

14. What position does Erik play?


What position does Mike play?


15. What does Paul think will happen to Mike once he gets caught up in the Erik Fisher Football Dream?


Monday, August 21st

16. What do you learn about Mom’s view of complaining?


17. What do you learn about Paul’s eyesight? Why does he say he can see fine?


18. What does Paul’s father do for a living?


19. What position does Paul play on the soccer team?


Make a connection to the story:





Wednesday, August 23rd

20. What is Erik expected to do at the football games?


21. Why doesn’t Paul like football?


22. When did Dad become interested in sports?


23. What happens every day during football practice?


24. What happens when Paul plays soccer with some of the other boys?


Make a prediction about what you think will happen next:





Monday, August 28th

25. What does Paul realize about all the housing developments in which he has lived?


26. What did Erik’s friends call Paul when he was in kindergarten? Why?


27. What happens to Paul once Science class starts?


28. What does Paul tell Kerri?


Wednesday, August 30th

29. What does Mom do to Erik every night at dinner?


30. Why do the boys jack up their trucks?


31. What does Paul think is strange about Erik and driving?


32. What does Paul think is going to happen to Arthur’s position on the team?


33. Why does Paul think Arthur will do anything Erik asks?


34. What does Paul realize about Arthur?


35. What do you think is the difference between Erik and Paul’s character?


Thursday, August 31st

36. What does Mom say about the house she grew up in?


37. What does Paul ask Joey?


38. What has happened to the Donnelly house?


39. Why does Joey say that the Donnelly house is probably the safest in the whole world?


40. What does Paul say will happen once all of the houses crumble away and the trees return?


41. What does Joey tell Paul about lightning?


Friday, September 1st

42. What position does Joey decide to try out for?


Make an inference. What kind of players are the “on the bus” players?





Tuesday, September 5th

43. What information does Erik tell Mom about Mike Costello?


44. How do Erik and Arthur talk about Mike’s death? What does this say about their characters?


45. Why does Paul think that Erik and Arthur find Mike’s death funny?


Wednesday, September 6th

Set a purpose (a reason) for reading this next passage:





46. What does the school do in response to Mike’s death?


47. Why doesn’t Dad want Mom to cause any trouble about football practice?


48. How would Paul feel if Erik died?


Thursday, September 7th

49. What happens at Paul’s house when Mom calls the parents of the football players?


50. What is the outcome of the meeting?


Friday, September 8th

51. What does Coach tell Paul at practice?


52. What does Paul think is in the bird’s mouth?


53. What does the soccer coach do for Paul?


54. How does Paul feel about Mom’s attempt to fix the situation?


Friday, September 8, later

55. Why is Paul looking forward to going to Mike’s funeral?


56. What does Joey want to ask Paul?


57. In the car ride home, what does Paul think about over and over?


Saturday, September 9th

Make an inference. What does mom mean by “life goes on”?




58. Why does Mom get so upset about the kids in the truck?


59. What dos Paul claim to have in common with the man who never grew up?


60. What does Paul think could be done with himself?


Monday, September 11th

61. Why is Paul called to the office?


62. Do you think anything will happen to Paul because he ratted on the Tangerine soccer players?


63. What do Joey and Paul do when they discover that the sinkhole is sucking in a portable filled with students?


64. What does Gino tell Paul about the rules?


65. How are the students told to get home after the sinkhole causes problems?


66. What does the sinkhole symbolize in the story?


Monday, September 11th, later

67. What does Cara say about Portable 18?


68. Why does Paul feel good about himself following the sinkhole incident?


Thursday, September 14th

69. Why does Charley Burns lose his job?


Monitor yourself: What does “it’s the Dad era now” mean?





Friday, September 15th

70. What does Mom want to do about Paul and his school?


71. What is the proposed emergency plan for the students?


72. What school option does Paul choose? Why?


73. How does Dad react when Paul tells him that he doesn’t pay attention to him?



Pretend you are Paul. Write a letter to your parents explaining what school you want to attend and why. Make sure you have at least three reasons stated in the story in your paragraph. Be sure to have a topic sentence, three supporting sentences, and closing sentence.










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Make a Graphic Organizer that shows the main events of Part 1.

Part 2

Monday, September 18th

Predict what is going to happen to Paul at Tangerine Middle School:





74. What does Paul think is unusual about his new school?


75. What happened to the main players on the soccer team? Why?


76. What does the soccer coach tell Paul?


77. What happens to Paul’s IEP?


Tuesday, September 19th

78. Why is Paul so interested in the story of how the soccer players got in trouble at the carnival?


Make a connection to the story:




Wednesday, September 20th

79. Why did Joey try to take off Mike’s shoes?


80. What does Paul want Joey to do?


Friday, September 22nd

81. What are the fans and players at Palmetto like?


82. What happens to Paul’s eyes while he is playing?


83. What does Victor tell Paul on the bus after the game?


Friday, September 22nd, later

84. What does Joey tell Paul is going to happen on Monday?


85. What did Joey’s father ask Mrs. Gates to do about Joey’s schedule?


86. What does Paul tell Joey when he is asked to show him around on Monday?


87. How does Paul explain the soccer team to Joey?


Monitor your reading. How is Lake Windsor Middle School different from Tangerine Middle School?

Lake Windsor Middle Tangerine Middle







Saturday, September 23rd

88. Why is Mom upset at the football game?


89. What do some of the visiting fans decide to do about the seating?


90. What happens during the game since it starts so late? How do Paul, Mom, and Dad react?


91. What happens during Erik’s big moment at the first game? What does the new say about it?


92. What does Paul think will happen as a result of Erik’s humiliation?


Tuesday, September 26th

93. How does Paul explain why his parents are not watching his soccer game?


94. What does Coach tell Victor to do during half-time?


95. What does Paul do during the game?


Tuesday, September 26th, later

96. Why does Cara call Paul?


97. What conclusion does Paul come to about Kerri?


Make an inference. What is meant by this statement?

“For Joey, our house may as well be covered with canvas and bound by ropes, because it is filled with poison.”



Friday, September 29th

98. What does Shandra do when the reporters show up at practice?


99. What ends up in the newspaper report about the female soccer players?


Monday, October 2nd

100. What does Paul do to upset Joey in science class?


101. What does Joey decide to do about the soccer team?


102. What does Joey tell Paul about Tangerine Middle?


Tuesday, October 3rd

103. How would you characterize Joey?


104. Would you want to be friends with Tino and his group? Why or why not?


Wednesday, October 4th

105. What happens when the homeowners try to put out the muck fires?


106. Who do the homeowners feel is responsible for the robberies in the tended house? Why?


107. What does Paul find on Dad’s computer?


108. What does Paul find out about who is giving Erik scholarship offers?


Make a prediction. Who do you think is responsible for the robberies?




Thursday, October 5th

109. Why isn’t Joey at school?


110. What is Paul going to do with his science group after school?


111. What does every citrus tree start out as according to his group?


112. What is under the house that attracts termites? What type of conflict is this in the story?


113. What is Wayne going to do after he drops Paul off?


114. What does Paul remember about his backyard in Houston?


Find 4 similes in this section:




Thursday, November 2nd

115. Why hasn’t Paul written in his journal for four weeks?


116. What happens to Erik’s football reputation?


117. What happens to the soccer team?


118. How does Paul feel about the fear that the War Eagles create in their opponents?


119. How does Paul refer to the soccer team in relation to his life?


Saturday, November 4th

120. Where does Paul have his mother take him?


121. What does Paul like best about the tangerine business? What does Luis like best?


122. What does Paul do with Tino and Luis all day?


123. What happened to Luis’ knee?


124. Why does Paul want to clear his conscience about ratting on the boys he saw at the carnival?


125. What position did Luis play on the soccer team? Why?


Monitor your reading. What do Paul and Luis have in common? Name 3 things.




Sunday, November 5th

126. Why is Paul’s family going to the Donnelly’s?


127. What happens to them as they approach the Donnelly’s?


128. What does Paul learn about Coach Bright?


Tuesday, November 7th

129. Why doesn’t Paul’s goal count in the game against the Manatees?


Friday, November 10th

130. Which team do the War Eagles play against in their final game?


131. What happens to Victor in the game against Lake Windsor?


132. What does Coach Walski try to do to Paul?


133. What does Coach Bright inform Coach Walski about Antoine?


134. How does the game against Lake Windsor end? Who is the champion?


135. What is Paul doing when he gets off of the bus?


Monitor your reading. Summarize the Championship Game.


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Make a graphic organizer showing the events of Part 2.

Part 3

Predict and Support. Soccer season is over. Make a prediction and support it as to what the third section of the novel will be about.




Monday, November 20th

136. What does Erik say to Paul’s friends while they are playing in the yard?


137. How does Paul describe Erik’s hand?


138. What does Paul see in Erik’s eyes after he hits Tino?


139. Who does Paul think might have seen the whole event? Do you think so?


Tuesday, November 21st

140. What happens at school the next day?


141. What does Mom do at the storage shed? Who else has a key to the storage shed?


142. What does Mom have to do at the high school?


143. How does Paul respond when Mom says that it is natural for an athlete’s grades to drop during the season?


144 . What happens when Luis confronts Erik?


Thursday, November 23rd, Thanksgiving

145. How do Grandmom and Grandpop feel about the Erik Fisher Football Dream?


146. Why are so many students absent from school?


147. What does Paul decide to do after school?


148. What happens to Paul as he is working?


149. What do Paul and Luis talk about?


150. What does Tino say when Paul apologizes for Erik’s behavior?


Monitor your Reading:

What are three ways that they are planning to save the trees?

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

What is the outcome of the tree saving night? ________________________



What does Luis plan to do (p 222-223)? _____________________________


Friday, November 24th

151. Why doesn’t Paul go to Erik’s football game?


152. What does Paul miss while he is asleep?


153. What does the paper say about the kicking in the big game?


154. Whose face is missing from the soccer pictures in the paper?


155. What does Paul point out when he quizzes Dad about both his and Erik’s seasons?


156. What does Paul see when he goes outside?


157. Why does Paul pass out?


158. Who does Dad think vandalized the wall?


Predict and Support. Who do you think vandalized the wall? Why?




Monday, November 27th

159. What does Paul notice about Erik when he comes home from school on Monday?


160. Why does Kerri call Paul?


161. Why does Dad discard the second page of universities in Erik’s file on the computer?


162. Who explains why the koi are disappearing? What does this say about vision?


Tuesday, November 28th

163. What happens to Luis?


164. What probably caused the aneurysm to rupture?


Monitor your reading: What is an aneurysm?




Wednesday, November 29th

165. Why does Theresa call Paul?


166. What does Paul tell the little boy at the pond? Why?


167. What does Paul do instead of going to the funeral?


Friday, December 1st

168. Who does Paul see when he looks toward the entrance during the awards ceremony?


169. What do Tino, Victor, and Paul do?


170. What does Paul tell Erik and Arthur he saw? Why isn’t he afraid?


171. Who was Vincent Castor? What does this name make Paul remember?


Monitor your reading: What exactly happened to Paul’s eyes?




172. Why didn’t Mom and Dad tell Paul that Erik was responsible for his blindness?


173. What is Paul’s response to learning the truth about his eyes?


Saturday, December 2nd

174. Why does Sandra say that Antoine didn’t show up to get his award? What else might Antoine have been upset about?


175. What does Coach Bright ask Paul?


176. Where does Paul think that Antoine, Shandra, and Coach Bright are going?


177. What is going to happen tomorrow at Paul’s house?


Sunday, December 3rd

178. What is reported in the newspaper?


179. What does the Sports Commission do in response to the news?


180. What happens to Erik’s records? What happens to the Erik Fisher Football Dream?


181. What is Mr. Donnelly trying to say in his own article?


182. Why does Paul bring up his dad’s eyesight?


Sunday, December 3rd, later

183. Why do the Fishers and the Bauers want to have a meeting? What is it about?


184. What do Joey and Paul talk about when Joey calls?


185. How do the neighbors respond to Mr. Fisher’s proposal?


186. Why do the police arrest Arthur?


187. What does Paul tell the police?


188. How do Grandmom and Grandpop respond to the news about Erik?


Monday, December 4th

189. Why do Paul and his mom have to go to school early? Who else is there with Dr. Johnson?


190. What does Theresa think that Paul has done by coming to her school?


191. Who is Tuna?


192. What happens to Tino, Victor, and Paul?


193. Where is Paul going to go to school now?


194. What is significant about Paul wanting to return to Tangerine Middle rather than Windsor Downs?


Evaluate: Do you think that Paul’s punishment was fair?




195. Why does Mom take Paul shopping?


Tuesday, December 5th

196. What does Arthur tell the police?


197. What is significant about Dad taking Paul to school?


198. What does Paul think about Mike’s tree?


199. What scent does Paul smell as he is going to school? What is he reminded of?


Predict and Support. What do you think will happen at Paul’s new school? Will he like it?




Make a graphic organizer showing the events of Part 3.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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