What's New

October 13, 2008

What’s New?

What’s New? is a weekly, electronic newsletter produced and distributed free of charge to the members and constituents of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For a complete listing of ANSI news and events, please visit our website, ANSI Online. >>>



A summary of this issue’s top stories…

One Week Remains until World Standards Week 2008 (October 13, 2008)

Only one week remains before the U.S. standards and conformity assessment community comes together for World Standards Week 2008, which will be held in Bethesda, MD from October 20-23, 2008.


HITSP Concludes Summer Webinar Series on HIT Interoperability (October 9, 2008)

The Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel has concluded its summer webinar series. With nine sessions attended by over 1,500 participants nationwide, the webinars spread awareness of the importance of healthcare information sharing, the role of HITSP in enabling healthcare information technology interoperability, and opportunities for stakeholders to become engaged in the Panel’s work.


International Conference Addresses Role of Standards in E-Business (October 8, 2008)

The International Organization for Standardization, the International Electrotechnical Commission, and several other international trade and standards organizations co-sponsored a recent conference on the key role of International Standards in Enabling E-business. The meeting was held September 18-19, 2008, in Geneva, Switzerland.


ANSI-HSSP Plenary Addresses Title IX Requirements for Private Sector Preparedness (October 7, 2008)

On October 2, 2008, ANSI hosted nearly 150 public and private sector stakeholders at its seventh annual Homeland Security Standards Panel Plenary. Held at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Briefing Center in Washington, DC, the event addressed private sector preparedness, voluntary certification programs, and Title IX of Public Law 110-53.


People on the Move

People on the Move spotlights trailblazers in standardization, highlighting their latest achievements, advancements, and contributions to the standards community. In this issue: Edward Desmond, James Hedlund, and Nikki Jackson.



Federal Register notices of potential interest …

Standards and Trade Related Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, September 26 – October 10, 2008

National Cooperative Research and Production Act Notices from the U.S. Federal Register, September 26 – October 10, 2008



Take advantage of more great information…

Standards Action – October 10, 2008

The latest issue of ANSI’s key public review vehicle.

2006-2007 Annual Report

The theme, today | tomorrow, speaks to ANSI’s commitment to enabling solutions that will support long term growth.

Check out our other publications and documents of interest.



Please check the Events Section of ANSI Online regularly for updated and new event information.

World Standards Week 2008

Bethesda, Maryland

October 20–23, 2008

U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day 2008

Intelligent and Sustainable Buildings

Washington, DC

October 23, 2008

Bolstering Consumer Confidence: Establishing Third-Party Certification Criteria for the Food Industry

Washington, DC

December 2–3, 2008



It’s always a good time to learn more…


For a complete list of ANSI’s upcoming Education and Training Courses, please see the Schedule of Upcoming Open Sessions.



As a service to our members and constituents in the U.S. standards and conformity assessment community, ANSI provides an online network connecting the most progressive companies with the most qualified career-minded individuals.

Openings are frequently available in ANSI’s New York and Washington, DC, offices. For more information or to submit your qualifications, visit the Career Opportunities Section of ANSI Online.



Buying standards? Check out the eStandards Store (eSS)…

Manage access to the standards you need most with a customized site license.

Learn more about this issue’s featured package:

ANSI INCITS 409 - Biometric Performance Testing and Reporting Package

This package provides the principles and framework to develop methodologies and procedures to conduct operational, technology and scenario testing and reporting. Also included is the ANSI-BBB IDSP Final Report that helps to arm businesses, government agencies, and other organizations with the tools needed to protect themselves and their customers against the theft and misuse of personal and financial information.

For information about the inventory of thousands of documents available from the eStandards Store (eSS), please visit webstore. or contact ANSI Customer Service (212.642.4980, storemanager@).


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For information on becoming an ANSI member and enjoying all the benefits of membership, contact Kathleen Tuohy at 212.642.4928.

American National Standards Institute • 25 W. 43rd St. • Fourth Floor • New York, NY • 10036


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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