
 Behavioral Health Professionals ServicesPERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT (PWS)*Note that this sample has been revised from the source document on the Government Point of Entry as necessary to align formatting and applicable FAR procedures.*General:Scope: The contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, and quality control necessary, except as specified in Paragraph 3 as Government Furnished, to perform behavioral health professional services for the approximately 10,200 Soldiers in the Alabama Army National Guard (ALARNG), as defined in this PWS.Background: The current national contract ends 14 September 2018. Continued utilization of contracted behavioral health professional services is necessary to maintaining established goals for the ALARNG.Period of Performance (PoP): The period of performance shall be one (1) base year of 365 days and five (5) option yearsGeneral Information:Quality Control (QC): The Contractor shall develop and maintain an effective QC Plan (QCP) to ensure services are performed in accordance with this PWS. The contractor shall develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services. The contractor’s QCP is the means by which it assures itself that its work complies with the requirements of the contract. As a minimum, the contractor shall develop QC procedures that address the areas identified in Technical Exhibit 1, Performance Requirements Summary. After acceptance of the QCP, the contractor shall obtain the Contracting Officer’s (CO) acceptance in writing of any proposed changes to its QCP.Quality Assurance (QA): The Government will evaluate the contractor’s performance under this contract in accordance with the Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP). This plan is primarily focused on what the Government will do to ensure that the contractor has performed in accordance with the performance standards. It defines how the performance standards will be applied, the frequency of surveillance, and acceptable quality level(s) (defect rate(s)).Recognized Holidays: The following are recognized US holidays. The contractor shall not perform services on these days:New Year’s Day: January 1stMartin Luther King, Jr.’s BirthdayPresident’s DayMemorial DayIndependence Day: July 4thLabor DayColumbus DayVeteran’s Day: November 11thThanksgiving DayChristmas DayPlace and Performance of Services: The contractor shall be flexible to provide services before or after core operating hours which are between the hours of 6:00am-5:30pm Tuesday through Friday, except on recognized US holidays or when the Government facility/installation is closed due to local or national emergencies, administrative closings, or similar Government-directed facility/installation closings. Performance shall be at ALARNG armories throughout the state, depending on need of the Government. The contractor shall at all times maintain an adequate work force for the uninterrupted performance of all tasks defined within this PWS when the Government facility/installation is not closed for the above reasons. When hiring personnel, the contractor shall keep in mind that the stability and continuity of the work force are essential. Telecommuting may be authorized on a temporary and limited basis as agreed upon by contractor and COR, based on the needs of the government.Unscheduled gate closures by the Security Police may occur at any time causing all personnel entering or exiting a closed installation to experience a delay. This cannot be predicted or prevented. Contractors are not compensated for unexpected closures or delays. Vehicles operated by contractor personnel are subject to search pursuant to applicable regulations. Any moving violation of any applicable motor vehicle regulation may result in the termination of the contractor employee’s installation driving privileges.The contractor’s employees shall become familiar with and obey the regulations of the installation; including fire, traffic, safety and security regulations while on the installation. Contractor employees should only enter restricted areas when required to do so and only upon prior approval. All contractor employees shall carry proper identification with them at all times. The contractor shall ensure compliance with all regulations and orders of the installation which may affect performance.Security Requirements: The contractor shall comply with all applicable installation/facility access and local security policies and procedures, which may be obtained from the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). The contractor shall also provide all information required for background checks to meet installation access requirements to be accomplished by installation Provost Marshal Office, Director of Emergency Services or Security Office. The contractor shall ensure compliance with all personal identity verification requirements as directed by Department of Defense (DoD), Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA) and/or local policy. Should the Force Protection Condition (FPCON) change, the Government may require changes in contractor security matters or munications Security (COMSEC)/Information Technology (IT) Security: All communications with DoD organizations are subject to communications security COMSEC review. All telephone communications networks are continually subject to intercept by unfriendly intelligence organizations. DoD has authorized the military departments to conductCOMSEC monitoring and recording of telephone calls originating from, or terminating at, DoD organizations. Therefore, the contractor is advised any time contractor place or receive a call they are subject to COMSEC procedures. The contractor shall ensure wide and frequent dissemination of the above information to all employees dealing with DoD information. The contractor shall abide by all Government regulations concerning the authorized use of the Government's computer network, including the restriction against using the network to recruit Government personnel or advertise job openings.Use of Government Information Systems (IS) and access to Government networks is a revocable privilege, not a right. Users are the foundation of the DoD strategy and their actions affect the most vulnerable portion of the Army Enterprise Infostructure (AEI). Contractor employees shall have a favorable background investigation (BI) or hold a security clearance and access approvals commensurate with the level of information processed or available on the system. Contractor employees shall:Comply with the command's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Government owned IS and sign an AUP prior to or upon account plete initial and/or annual Information Assurance (IA) training as defined in the IA Best Business Practices (BBP) training ().Mark and safeguard files, output products, and storage media per classification level and disseminate them only to individuals authorized to receive them with a valid need to know.Protect IS and IS peripherals located in their respective areas in accordance with physical security and data protection requirements.Practice safe network and Internet operating principles and take no actions threatening the integrity of the system or network.Protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). The contractor shall protect all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) encountered in the performance of services in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 224.103 and Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 5400.11, Department of Defense Privacy Program, and DoD 5400.11-R. If a PII breach results from the contractor’s violation of the aforementioned policies, the contractor shall bear all notification costs, call-center support costs, and credit monitoring service costs for all individuals who’s PII has been compromised.Requirements: The Common Access Card (CAC): The CAC is the Department of Defense (DOD) Federal Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credential. In accordance with Department of Defense Manual (DoDM) 1000.13-M-V1, DoD Identification (ID) Cards, January 23, 2014, initial issuance of a CAC requires at a minimum, the completion of the FBI fingerprint check with favorable results and submission of a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) or investigation approved in Federal Investigative Standards) to the USD(I) approved investigative service provider. The issuance of a CAC will be based on four criteria;(a) eligibility for a CAC; (b) verification of DoD affiliation from an authoritative data source; (c) completion of background vetting requirements according to the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 201-2, Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of Federal Employees and Contractors, August 2013, and DOD Regulation 5200.2-R, Department of Defense Personnel Security Program, January 1987, and (d) verification of a claimed identity. Sponsorship and enrollment information about each applicant must be registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) through either the Real-Time Automated Personnel ID System (RAPIDS) using the DD Form 1172-2, or the Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (TASS). A Common Access Card (CAC) is required for Base access and the Local Access Network (LAN).HSPD-12 Background Investigation Requirements: The contractor ensure Common Access Cards (CACs) are obtained by all contract or subcontract personnel assigned to work on the Government site and by personnel requiring access to a DoD network (and other eligible populations as specified in DoDM 1000.13-M-V1, Appendix 1 to Enclosure 2, paragraph 3.b). Contractor and subcontractor personnel are required to, at a minimum, have received a favorable FBI fingerprint check and must have submitted to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) or equivalent/higher investigation. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure all employees requiring an initial background investigation complete a Personnel Security Investigation Portal (PSIP) form at the earliest possible date and that this form is forwarded to the COR immediately. The COR will review the form for completeness and accuracy and forward to the NGB Personnel Security manager who will initiate the investigation process via the PSIP. Contractor personnel will then receive two e-mail messages; the first will confirm the request has been received by the Office of Personnel Management, and the second will provide instructions for the completion of the appropriate form via the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) system. Upon completion of the e-QIP questionnaire and submittal of all required documents, including fingerprint card to the security manager, the Background Investigation (BI) will be initiated. The contractor shall ensure all instructions regarding background investigation processing, including those provided verbally, by e-mail or via a Government system are complied with immediately. The contractor is cautioned the entire process from submittal of the PSIP form to return of the FBI fingerprint check may routinely take from 2-6 weeks and shall factor this lead time into its hiring/placement process. The contractor shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure contractor employees meet CAC eligibility standards upon assignment to the contract and shall be held responsible for delays, failure to meet performance requirements or decreases in efficiency in accordance with the applicable inspection clause.Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (TASS): The contractor is responsible for processing applications for Common Access Cards (CAC) for every contractor employee who deploys with the military force OR who has need to access any government computer network in accordance with FAR 52.204-9, "Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel."The contractor is responsible for managing requests for new or renewal CAC cards in sufficient time to ensure all contractor employees have them when needed to perform work under this contract. The norm is at least ten calendar days advance notice to the Trusted Agent (TA), unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) or Contracting Officer.The contractor shall obtain an Army Knowledge Online (AKO) email address for each applicant, including subcontractors, who may be deployed or require logical access to a government computer network. This can be done by going to: and register as an "Army Guest," with the sponsor being the COR or a COR designated individual if the COR is ineligible to serve as an AKO Sponsor. Note: If employees of a contractor lose the privilege to access AKO, they lose the ability to renew their CAC. Therefore it is critical contractor employees maintain their AKO accounts.It is recommend a "Corporate Facility Security Officer" (FSO) be designated to serve as your firm's single point of contact for BI, the TASS application process and other CAC and security related matters. If an FSO is not established, each contractor employee requiring a CAC will be required to process their own applications.CAC applications shall be processed through the TASS. The contractor's FSO or contractor employee shall submit requests for a CAC via email to the designated TASS Trusted Agent (TA) before accessing the TASS website. The TASS TA for this requirement will ****..The government will establish a TASS application account for each CAC Request and will provide each contractor employee a USER ID and Password, via email, to the FSO. The FSO or contractor employee shall access the TASS account and complete the CAC application (entering/editing contractor information as applicable) at: FSO or contractor employee will submit completed applications in TASS and will follow up to ensure the TA is processing the request.A CAC cannot be issued without evidence the FSO has initiated a NACI.The government will inform the contractor's applicant, via email, of one of the following:Approved.* Upon approval, the information is transferred to the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) database and an email notification is sent to the contractor with instructions on obtaining their CAC. The contractor proceeds to a RAPIDS station (RAPIDS Site Locator: ).Rejected. * The Government, in separate correspondence, will provide reason(s) for rejection.Returned. Additional information or correction to the application required by the contractor employee.* The contractor shall maintain records of all approved and rejected applications.At the RAPIDS station, the RAPIDS Verification Officer will verify the contractor by Social Security Number (SSN) and two forms of identification. Identity source Documents must come from the list of acceptable documents included in Form I-9, OMB No. 1615-0047, "Employment Eligibility Verification." Consistent with applicable law, at least one document from the Form I-9 list shall be a valid (unexpired) State or Federal Government-issued picture identification (ID). The Identity documents will be inspected for authenticity and scanned and stored in the DEERS upon issuance of an ID. The photo ID requirement cannot be waived, consistent with applicable statutory requirements. The Verification Officer will capture primary and alternate fingerprints, picture, and updates to DEERS and will then issue a CAC.Issued CACs shall be for a period of performance not longer than three (3) years or the individual's contract end date (inclusive of any options), whichever is earlier.The contractor shall return issued CAC's to the COR office upon departure or dismissal of each contractor employee. Obtain a receipt for each card and provide to the TA.Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): The HIPAA Privacy Rule creates national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information. All contract employees shall complete HIPAA certification course within 30 days of on-boarding and annually, thereafter. The contractor shall submit certificates of completion for each affected contractor and subcontractor employee to the COR within 15 calendar days after completion of training. HIPAA training is available at Center/Joint-Knowledge-Online-JKO ()Information Assurance (IA)/Information Technology (IT): All contractor employees and associated subcontractor employees shall complete the DoD IA Awareness Training before issuance of network access and annually thereafter. All contractor employees performing services involving IA/IT functions shall comply with DoD and Army training requirements in DoDD 8140.01, DoD 8570.01-M and Army Regulation (AR) 25-2 within six months of the start of contract performance. In accordance with DoD 8570.01-M, DFARS 252.239.7001 and AR 25-2, contractor employees performing services supporting IA/IT functions shall be appropriately certified upon contract award. The baseline certification as stipulated in DoD 8570.01-M shall be completed upon contract award.iWATCH Training. The contractor with an area of performance within an Army- controlled installation, facilities or area shall brief all employees on the local iWATCH program. This local developed training will be used to inform employees of the types of behavior to watch for and instruct employees to report suspicious activity to the COR or the CO. This training shall be completed within 30 calendar days of contract award and within 30 calendar days of new employees commencing performance. The contractor shall report completion for each affected contractor employee and subcontractor employee, to the COR, within 15 calendar days after completion of training.Antiterrorism Training (AT). AT Level I training. This standard language is for contractor employees with an area of performance within an Army controlled installation, facility or area. All contractor employees, to include subcontractor employees, requiring access Army installations, facilities and controlled access areas shall complete AT Level I awareness training within seven calendar days after contract start date or effective date of incorporation of this requirement into the contract, whichever is applicable. The contractor shall submit certificates of completion for each affected contractor employee and subcontractor employee, to the COR within seven calendar days after completion of training by all employees and subcontractor personnel. AT level I awareness training is available at the following website: Training Certification Tracking System (ATCTS). ATCTS registration for contractor employees who require access to government information systems. All contractor employees with access to a government info system must be registered in the ATCTS at commencement of services, and must successfully complete the DOD Information Assurance Awareness prior to access to the IS and then annually thereafter.Operations Security (OPSEC). For contracts that require OPSEC Training. Per AR 530-1 Operations Security, the contractor employees must complete Level I OPSEC Awareness training. New employees must be trained within 30 calendar days of their reporting for duty and annually thereafter.Threat Awareness Reporting Program. All contractors with security clearances. Per AR 381-12 Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP), contractor employees must receive annual TARP training by a Counterintelligence (CI) agent or other trainer as specified.Physical Security. The contractor shall safeguard all Government property provided for contractor use. At the close of each work period, Government facilities, equipment and materials shall be secured.Key Control and Lock Combinations: Keys and/or lock combinations for access to armories and offices will be locally issued as needed. The contractor shall establish and implement methods of ensuring that no keys/key cards issued by the Government are lost or misplaced or are used by unauthorized persons. NOTE: All references to keys include key cards. No keys issued by the Government shall be duplicated. The contractor shall include procedures covering key control in the QC plan. Such procedures shall include turn-in of any issued keys by personnel who no longer require access to locked areas. The contractor shall immediately report any occurrences of lost or duplicated keys/key cards to the COR. contractor shall establish and implement methods of ensuring that no lock combinations are revealed to unauthorized persons. The contractor shall ensure that lock combinations are changed when personnel having access to the combinations no longer have a need to know such combinations. These procedures shall be included in the contractor’s QC Plan.Special Qualifications:At a minimum, all contract personnel assigned shall possess the required technical skills and expertise to perform the functions with minimum guidance. Technical skills required include PC proficiency, specifically Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, Standard Installation/Division Personnel System (SIDPERS), eProfile and eCase. Technical skills preferred include Health Readiness Record (HRR), Medical Protection System (MEDPROS), and Medical Operational Data System (MODS).Maintains Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) standards and guidelines.Key personnel: the following personnel are considered key personnel by the government: Behavioral Health Professional Qualifications. The Behavioral Health Professional shall have the following qualifications.An earned master degree in an applied field of the social and behavioral sciences (mental health counseling, social work, etc.).Must have a minimum of two years’ experience in the application of clinical mental health principles.Must be licensed in good standing or license eligible in the State of Alabama within his/her respective discipline.Post Award Conference/Periodic Progress Meetings: The contractor agrees to attend any post award conference convened by the CO in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulations Subpart 42.5. The CO, COR, and other Government personnel, as appropriate, may meet periodically with the contractor to review the contactor performance. At these meetings, the Contacting Officer will apprise the contractor of how the Government views the contractor’s performance and the contractor shall apprise the Government of problems, if any, being experienced. The contractor shall resolve outstanding issues raised by the Government. Contractor attendance at these meetings shall be at no additional cost to the Government.The contractor shall provide a primary point of contact and alternate who shall ensure performance under this contract. The name of this person, and an alternate who shall act for the contractor when the individual is absent, shall be designated in writing to the COR/CO. The individual or alternate shall have full authority to act for the contractor on all contract matters relating to daily operation of this contract. The individual shall work with the COR to resolve issues, receive technical instructions, and ensure adequate performance of services. The individual(s) shall ensure contractor employees do not perform any services outside the scope of the contract without an official modification issued by the CO. The individual(s) shall ensure contractor employees understand services performed outside the scope of the contract are not permitted.Identification of Contractor Employees: Contractor employees will require nametags to be worn at all times in the performance of this contract. All contractor personnel attending meetings, answering Government telephones are required to identify themselves as contract employees to avoid creating an impression they are Government employees. The contractor shall ensure all documents or reports produced by contractor personnel are suitably marked as contractor products or contractor participation is appropriately disclosed. The contractor’s status as a “contractor” shall be predominantly displayed in all correspondence types (to include signature blocks on e-mail) and dealings with Government or non-Government entities. The contractor shall retrieve all identification media (including vehicle passes) from its employees who depart employment for any reason. All identification media (i.e., badges and vehicles passes) shall be returned to the CO within 14 days of an employee’s bating Trafficking in Persons: The United States Government has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding trafficking in persons. Contractors and contractor employees shall not engage in any forms of trafficking in persons during the period of performance of the contract; procure commercial sex acts during the period of performance of the contract; or use forced labor in the performance of the contract. The Contractor shall notify its employees of the United States Government’s zero tolerance policy, the actions will be taken against employees for violations of this policy. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, removal from the contract, reduction in benefits, or termination of employment. The Contractor shall take appropriate action, up to and including termination, against employees or subcontractors violate the US Government policy as described at FAR 22.17.Contractor Travel: Travel may be required for all Contractor personnel performing on this requirement. The contractor will be authorized travel expenses consistent with the substantive provisions of the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) and the limitation of funds specified in this contract. All travel requires COR approval prior to travel arrangements being made.Document Rights. All plans, reports and program changes/updates shall be reviewed and approved by a government official prior to release or any action by the contractor. The original of any documents/items generated by this contract shall become the property of the Alabama National anizational Conflicts of Interest (OCI): The contractor and subcontractor personnel performing services under this contract may receive, have access to or participate in the development of proprietary or source selection information (e.g., cost or pricing information, budget information or analyses, specifications or work statements, etc.) or perform evaluation services which may create a current or subsequent OCIs, as defined in FAR Subpart 9.5. The contractor shall notify the CO immediately whenever it becomes aware such access or participation may result in any actual or potential OCI and shall promptly submit a plan to the CO to avoid or mitigate any such OCI. The contractor’s mitigation plan will be determined to be acceptable solely at the discretion of the CO and in the event the CO unilaterally determines any such OCI cannot be satisfactorily avoided or mitigated, the CO may affect other remedies as he or she deems necessary, including prohibiting the contractor from participation in subsequent contracted requirements which may be affected by the OCI.Military Personnel: The contractor is cautioned that if off-duty active military personnel are hired under this contract, they may be subject to permanent change of station, change in duty hours, or deployment. Military Reservists and National Guard members may be subject to recall to active duty. The absence of such employees shall not constitute an excuse for nonperformance under this contract.Performance During a Crisis. Performance of Services During a Crisis Declared by the National Command Authority or Overseas Combatant Commander is Not Applicable this Contract.Definitions and Acronyms:Definitions:Contractor. A supplier or vendor awarded a contract to provide specific supplies or service to the government. The term used in this contract refers to the prime.Contracting Officer (CO). A person with authority to enter into, administer, and or terminate contracts, and make related determinations and findings on behalf of the government. Note: The only individual who can legally bind the government.Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). An employee of the U.S. Government designated by the CO to monitor contractor performance. Such appointment shall be in writing and shall state the scope of authority and limitations. This individual has authority to provide technical direction to the Contractor as long as the direction is within the scope of the contract, does not constitute a change, and has no funding implications. This individual does NOT have authority to change the terms and conditions of the contract.Defective Service. A service output which does not meet the standard of performance associated with the Performance Work Statement.Deliverable. A deliverable is anything that can be physically delivered and includes non- manufactured things such as meeting minutes or reports.Electronic Case Management (eCase). The Electronic Case Management (eCase) module is used to open, track, and determine the disposition of medical cases for Army National Guard (ARNG) and United States Army Reserve (USAR) Soldiers.Health Readiness Record (HRR). The Health Readiness Record (HRR) module provides web-based interface by the Army National Guard (ARNG) to a database of their Soldiers' medical, dental, and personnel recordsIndividual Medical Readiness (IMR). A means to assess an individual Service member’s, or larger cohort’s, readiness level against established metrics applied to keyelements of health and fitness to determine medical deployability in support of contingency operations.Key Personnel. Contractor personnel who may be required to be used in the performance of a contract as Key Personnel listed in the PWS.Medical Operational Data System (MODS). The Medical Operational Data System (MODS) is a Military Health Services System (MHSS) that provides the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) with an integrated automation system that supports all phases of Human Resource Life -Cycle Management in both peacetime and mobilization.Medical Protection System (MEDPROS). The Medical Protection System (MEDPROS) is designed to track immunization, medical readiness, and deployability data for all Active and Reserve component Soldiers of the Army as well as DA Civilians, contractors and others. This is a CAC access required system.Periodic Health Assessment (PHA). The PHA is an annual assessment of the IMR of service members.Physical Security. Actions that prevent the loss or damage of Government property.Professional Filler System (PROFIS). The system used by the United States Military to fill voids in personnel when a unit deploys on a combat or humanitarian mission.Quality Assurance. The government procedures to verify services being performed by the Contractor are performed according to acceptable standards.Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP). An organized written document specifying the surveillance methodology to be used for surveillance of contractor performance.Quality Control. All necessary measures taken by the Contractor to assure the quality of an end product or service meets contract requirements.Subcontractor. One that enters into a contract with a prime contractor. The Government does not have privity of contract with the subcontractor.Work Hours. The number of hours per day the Contractor provides services in accordance with the contract. Overtime is not authorized.Work Week. Tuesday through Friday, unless specified otherwise.Acronyms:ADCO/PCAlcohol Drug Coordination Officer and Prevention Coordinator AEIArmy Enterprise InfostructureAFARSArmy Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement AKOArmy Knowledge OnlineALARNGAlabama Army National GuardAMEDDArmy Medical DepartmentAPAAviation Physician AssistantARArmy RegulationAUPAcceptable Use Policy AT/OPSECAntiterrorism/Operational SecurityATCTSArmy Training Certificate Tracking SystemBBPBest Business PracticesBHBehavioral HealthcareBIBackground InvestigationCACCommon Access CardCFP/M/EContractor Furnished Property, Materials, and Equipment CFRCode of Federal RegulationsCOContracting OfficerCOMSECCommunications SecurityCONUSContinental United States (excludes Alaska and Hawaii) CORContracting Officer RepresentativeCOTSCommercial-Off-the-ShelfCMRAContractor Manpower Reporting ApplicationDADepartment of the ArmyDD250Department of Defense Form 250 (Receiving Report) DD254Department of Defense Contract Security Requirement ListDEERSDefense Enrollment Eligibility ReportingDFARSDefense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement DODDepartment of DefenseDODAACDepartment of Defense Activity Address Code DODMDepartment of Defense ManualeCASEElectronic Case ManagementePROFILEElectronic Profile SystemeQUIPElectronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing FARFederal Acquisition RegulationFBIFederal Bureau of InvestigationFOUOFor Official Use OnlyFPCONForce Protection ConditionFSOCorporate Facility Security OfficerGFP/M/E/SGovernment Furnished Property/Material/Equipment/Services HIPAAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 HQDAHeadquarters Department of ArmyHRRHealth Readiness RecordIAInformation AssuranceIAWIn Accordance WithIMRIndividual Medical ReadinessiPERMSInteractive Personal Electronic Records ISInformation System(s)ITInformation TechnologyJTRJoint Travel RegulationLANLocal Access NetworkMEDCOMMedical Command MEDPROSMedical Protections SystemMODSMedical Operational Data SystemsMNDMedically Non-deployableMRDPMedical Readiness Decision PointNACINational Agency Check with InquiriesNGBNational Guard BureauOCIOrganizational Conflict of InterestODCOther Direct CostsOPMOffice of Personnel ManagementOPSECOperations SecurityOTSGOffice of the Surgeon GeneralPHAPeriodic Health AssessmentPIIPersonally Identifiable InformationPIPOPhase In/Phase OutPIVPersonal Identity VerificationPOCPoint of ContactPROFISProfessional Filler SystemPRSPerformance Requirements SummaryPSIPPersonnel Security Investigation PortalPWSPerformance Work StatementQAQuality AssuranceQAPQuality Assurance ProgramQASPQuality Assurance Surveillance PlanQCQuality ControlQCPQuality Control ProgramRAPIDSReal-Time Automated Personnel ID System SIDPERSStandard Installation/Division Personnel System SMService MemberSRPSoldier Readiness ProcessingSSNSocial Security NumberTATrusted AgentTASSTrusted Associate Sponsorship SystemTEMTraumatic Event ManagementTETechnical ExhibitGovernment Furnished Property, Materials, and Equipment (GFP/M/E):Property: N/A.Materials: N/A.Equipment: The government will provide required computers, scanners, telephones and materials necessary to comply with contract requirements at the job site. The contractor and Government representative shall conduct an inventory of all Government furnished equipment within ten days of commencement. The contract employee will sign a receipt for all furnished equipment. The contractor and Government representative shall determine the working condition of all equipment. The Government will replace and/or repair any item not in working order.Utilities: All utilities in the facility will be available for the contactor’s use in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall instruct employees in utilities conservation practices. The contractor shall operate under conditions that preclude the waste of utilities, which include turning off the water faucets or valves after using the required amount.Contractor Furnished Property, Materials, and Equipment (CFP/M/E):General: Except for those items specifically stated to be Government-Furnished in Paragraph 3.0, the contractor shall furnish everything required to perform these services as required by the contract.Access to Personally Identifiable Information. The Contractor may have the need to access Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and/or For Official Use Only (FOUO) information in the performance of official duties. The Contractor shall work with the sponsoring office to complete local requirements, to include training, prior to accessing PII and/or FOUO information. PII and FOUO information must be protected under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and/or the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a). Unauthorized disclosure or misuse of FOUO or PII may result in disciplinary action, criminal and/or civil penalties.Secret Facility Clearance: N/A.Requirements:The contractor shall provide personnel to perform Behavioral Healthcare services to the ALARNG as required in this PWS.The contractor shall assist in the implementation, development, and sustainment of the Star Behavioral Health Provider initiative, including provision of training, development of strategies, and provision of assistance to other States and organizations in support of dissemination and implementation of the program.The contractor shall provide various types of clinical and administrative psychological recommendations for ALARNG service members, including, but not limited to, fitness for duty evaluations and Medical Readiness Decision Point (MRDP) evaluations.The contractor shall review behavioral health documentation, evaluate using psychological techniques, and monitor the behavioral health status of service members.The contractor shall maintain knowledge of and proficiency with the array of local, state, and national external behavioral health resources available to ALARNG service members.The contractor shall demonstrate professionally effective verbal and written communication skills.The contractor shall deliver clinical paperwork, including entries into eCase, eProfile updates, completion of DA Form 3822, Standard Form 600, and other forms when required no later than five (5) business days following a Soldier contact.The contractor shall work with the assessment and tracking of behavioral health trends in order to identify problems and gaps in service and devise methods to improve and enhance the system. This will include the implementation, development and sustainment of behavioral health policies, procedures, and initiatives.The contractor shall serve as a resource for soldiers and unit commands regarding implementation of treatment recommendations and restrictions of Soldier activities.The contractor shall, when clinically appropriate, provide clinical case management services including assessment, intervention plan, referral, and monitoring of clinical progress. The contractor shall assess the Service Member (SM) for his/her presenting issues; define an appropriate intervention plan; work with collateral agents (if applicable); conduct follow up with the SM and collateral agents; and consult with the SM's supervisor/commander regarding duty limiting conditions (if applicable). The contractor shall ensure accurate profiles are in place for service members with behavioral health difficulties. This requires compliance with all case management and clinical documentation requirements for case referrals.The contractor shall facilitate the prevention and education of mental health issues, early intervention, crisis response and post-incident recovery.The contractor shall possess computer skills with Microsoft Word, Outlook, Excel, Access, and data entry skills sufficient to create and maintain clinical recording keeping duties.The contractor shall provide technical expertise to medical personnel toward identifying, evaluating, resourcing, monitoring, and determining dispositions for service members with behavioral health difficulties.The contractor shall coordinate the movement of contractor personnel in order to effectively complete tasks and mission sets.The contractor shall participate in liaison activities between the (BH) Behavioral Health section and the G1 and Alabama Resilience programs on behavioral health policies and procedures.The contractor shall prepare statistical and narrative reports of activities related to behavioral health within the Behavioral Health Section.The contractor shall refer service members to community treatment providers when clinically indicated and provides follow up support, guidance, and accountability assurance, upon consultation and approval by the COR.The contractor shall conduct follow up with civilian mental health and service providers; and consults with the service member’s supervisor/commander with duty re-entry issues when indicated.The contractor shall comply with all case management and clinical documentation requirements as noted in the performance requirements summary.The contractor shall collect demographic information, military and deployment history as well as the identification of behavioral and emotional issues or stressors leading to the service member seeking services and inputs into required systems as noted in the performance requirements summary.The contractor shall provide clinical consultations to command leadership to foster quality care and mission readiness while respecting HIPAA regulations and ethical standards.The contractor shall provide non-clinical consultations on a variety of behavioral health and wellness issues including elements of military or civilian life that do not clearly fit into a mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder, problem, concern or well-being framework, yet require the expertise of a behavioral health professional to assist in short term problem resolution.The contractor shall participate in the on-call rotation covering the Behavioral Health Access Line for one week at a time from Monday morning of the given week to Monday morning of the following week.The contractor shall provide Traumatic Event Management (TEM) in accordance with (IAW) the Army TEM model.The contractor shall contribute as a primary subject matter expert to the ALARNG community on matters related to behavioral health.The contractor shall provide policy updates including distillation of significant behavioral health related DoD, DA, Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG), Medical Command (MEDCOM) and National Guard Bureau (NGB) instructions and directives no later than 30 business days following the publication of the higher guidance.The contractor shall provide reliable and regular updates of activities within the Behavioral Health Section, including number of SM contacts, types of evaluations, dispositions of SM, number of profiles written, number of cases managed, and number of urgent cases evaluated on the first business day of the month for the preceding month.The contractor shall attend required staff meetings including Med Branch Section Chief and Sync meetings as scheduled.The contractor shall contribute to the coordination efforts of the Alcohol Drug Coordination Officer and Prevention Coordinator (ADCO/PC) and facilitate integration in the BH System of Care on behalf of the Director, Alabama Resilience.The contractor will attend state wide MRDP reviews (rodeos) as determined by the Deputy State Surgeon.Contracted Personnel-Behavioral Health Professionals: The contractor shall provide personnel to perform Behavioral Healthcare services to the ALARNG as required in this PWS.The contractor shall conduct behavioral health interviews and mental status interviews of ALARNG personnel in accordance with military regulations.The contractor shall make clinical recommendations with limited information and in the context of diagnostic uncertainty.The contractor shall be courteous and professional when delivering clinical recommendations that may at times be adversarial to some service members who have a vested interest in appearing well.The contractor shall attend Periodic Health Assessment (PHA), Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP), and other assessment events in order to evaluate SM’s with behavioral health conditions.The contractor shall connect identified service members with available resources, and monitors compliance, progress, and outcomes of referrals.The contractor shall serve as a resource for SM’s and unit commands regarding implementation of treatment recommendations and restrictions of SM activities.The contractor shall maintain a working knowledge of local, state, and national resources available to ALARNG personnel.The contractor shall demonstrate professionally effective verbal and written communication skills.The contractor shall remain aware of BH standard operating procedures and keeps supervisors informed of all significant modifications in policies or practices.The contractor shall provide screenings, assessments, re-assessments, review of medical records, profiles reviews, calls coordinating services, and other related clinical services at a rate of no less than 20 hours per week.The contractor shall provide timely delivery of clinical paperwork, including entries into eCase, eProfile updates, completion of DA Form 3822, Standard Form 600, and other forms when required no later than five (5) business days following a Soldier contact, and spending no more than 20 hours per week on paperwork requirements.The contractor shall attend required staff meetings weekly via teleconference and monthly via face to face.The contractor shall provide aeromedical BH screenings Soldiers referred by the Aviation Physician Assistant (APA) or Flight Surgeon.The contractor shall gather demographics, history, symptom data and other pertinent information at aeromedical psychological evaluations.The contractor shall administer supervised psychological testing for aviation Soldiers.The contractor shall draft summaries of aeromedical evaluations for review by the Aeromedical Psychologist.The contractor shall schedule aeromedical psychological evaluations.The contractor shall consult with the Flight Surgeons, APA, aviation medical Non- Commissioned Officer (NCO) and aeromedical psychologist as needed.The contractor shall provide training in conjunction with the ALARNG Annual Aviation Stand Down.The contractor shall provide case management activities for Soldiers with aeromedical BH cases.The contractor shall consult with aviation personnel to provide psychological and human factors education as needed.The contractor shall coordinate with Flight Surgeons and other flight personnel from other states related to Soldiers referred for aeromedical psychological evaluation.The contractor shall conduct accurate behavioral health evaluations and mental status examinations of ALARNG personnel in accordance with military regulations.The contractor shall attend PHA, SRP, and other assessment events in order to evaluate Soldiers with behavioral health conditions.The contractor shall connect identified service members with available resources, and monitors compliance, progress, and outcomes of referrals.The contractor shall provide coordination and communication with and between Behavioral Health Professionals, Behavioral Health Officers, Office of The State Surgeon/Medical Detachment, Case Managers, Case Coordinators and Med NCO’s concerning Soldiers with BH issues.The contractor shall work with Case Managers/ Case Coordinators and Medical NCO’s to schedule Behavioral Health appointments.The contractor shall review documentation submitted by Medical NCO’s to assure all Behavioral Health Providers have the appropriate documentation to complete a Behavioral Evaluation on each individual SM scheduled.The contractor shall contact SM’s to schedule Behavioral Evaluation with a Behavioral Health Provider closest to their home or a reasonable driving distant.The contractor shall schedule Behavioral Health Evaluations using Microsoft Outlook Medical Calendar; assure the correct Med NCO, Case Manager, Case Coordinator and Behavioral Health Providers are notified of each Behavioral Health Appointment.The contractor shall attach appointment notification to each scheduled appointment to assure SM knows date, time and location of his or her appointment.The contractor shall forward all necessary documentation to the appropriate Behavioral Health Provider.The contractor shall reschedule or cancel appointments if necessary.The contractor shall document all scheduled appointments in eCase.The contractor shall place appointment reminder calls to SMs.The contractor shall attend and coordinate all Behavioral Health Meetings, weekly phone conferences and monthly face to face meetings.The contractor shall track and assist unit, case manager, case coordinator, Medical NCO and Office of the State Surgeon/Medical Detachment with maintaining accurate BH status and profiles for each SM seen by Behavioral Health.The contractor shall communicate with Service Members to address administrative and scheduling concerns or SM’s designated representative for emergent BH referrals.The contractor shall document SM’s appointments and status, if needed, and any communication with SMs in eCase.The contractor shall prepare statistical reports related to SM contacts, readiness status and input biweekly BH numbers on Sync Slides.The contractor shall scan SM’s BH documentation and medical documentation into HRR.The contractor shall assure medical records and BH documents are prepared for appointments.The contractor shall check SMs into the Behavioral Health Data Portal.The contractor shall assist SMs with logging into BH computer to complete the Behavioral Health Data Portal Assessments.The contractor shall assist SMs with completing all necessary documentation.The contractor shall review POW Quarterly (Authorization to Carry Concealed Firearm in Alabama National Guard Facilities) and report any findings to Behavioral Health leadership.Contractor Manpower Reporting Application (CMRA):The contractor shall report ALL contractor labor hours (including subcontractor labor hours) required for performance of services provided under this contract for the National Guard Bureau via a secure data collection site.The contractor shall completely fill in all required data fields using the following web address: . Reporting inputs shall be for the labor executed during the period of performance during each Government fiscal year (FY), which runs October 1 through September 30. While inputs may be reported any time during the FY, all data shall be reported no later than October 31 of each calendar year, beginning with 2019. Contractors may direct questions to the help desk at Publications: Publications applicable to this PWS are listed within.Publication (Chapter/Page)Date of PublicationMandatory or AdvisoryWebsiteFed Acquisition Reg 9.5, 22.17,42.5, 52.204-2, 52.204-9Mandatory ?q=browsefarDefense Fed Acquisition Reg Supplement224.103, 252.239.7001Mandatory rrent/index.htmlDoDD 5400.11Dept of Defense Privacy Program10/29/2014Mandatory s/directives/corres/dir. html#DoD 5400.11-RDept of Defense Privacy Program05/14/2007Mandatory s/directives/corres/pub1.htmlDoDM 1000.13-M-V1DoD Identification (ID) Cards (Encl 2, para 3.b)01/23/2014Mandatory s/directives/corres/pub 1.htmlFIPS (Fed Information Processing Standards) Publication 201-2 Personal Identity Verification (PIV)of Fed Employees and Contractors (para 9)August 2013Mandatory nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FI PS.201-2.pdfHSPC (Homeland Security Presidential Directive) -12 Policy for a Common Identification Standardfor Fed Employees and Contractors08/27/2004Mandatory omeland-security- presidential-directive-12DoD Reg 5200.2-R Dept of Defense Personnel Security Program01/01/1987Mandatory s/directives/corres/pub 1.htmlDoDD 8140.01Cyberspace Workforce Management08/11/2015Mandatory s/directives/corres/dir. htmlDoD 8570.01-MInformation Assurance Workforce Improvement Program12/19/2005(Change 4:11/10/2015)Mandatory s/directives/corres/pub 1.htmlAR 25-2Information Assurance10/24/2007Mandatory. mil/Search/ePubsSear ch/ePubsSearchForm. aspx?x=ARAR 530-1 Operations Security09/26/2014Mandatory ch/ePubsSearchForm. aspx?x=ARDoD 5220.22-MNational Industrial Security Program Operating Manual02/28/2006(Change 2:05/18/2016)Mandatory s/directives/corres/pub 1.htmlAR 381-12Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP) (Section II, Para 2-4.b)06/01/2016Mandatory. mil/Search/ePubsSear ch/ePubsSearchForm. aspx?x=ARAR 40-501Standards of Medical Fitness12/14/2016Mandatory. mil/Search/ePubsSearch/ePubsSearchForm. aspx?x=ARAR 40-66Medical Record Administration and Health Care Documentation06/17/2008Mandatory. mil/Search/ePubsSear ch/ePubsSearchForm.aspx?x=AR.AR 635-40Physical Evaluation for Retention, Retirement, or Separation02/08/2006Mandatory. mil/Search/ePubsSear ch/ePubsSearchForm. aspx?x=ARApplicable Forms: Forms applicable to the PWS are listed below:FormDateWebsiteDD 1172-2Application for Identification Card/DEERS EnrollmentJan 2014 mI-9Employment Eligibility Verification11/21/91 441Department of Defense Security AgreementMay 2008 rms0001-0499.htmDD 250Material Inspection and Receiving ReportAug 2001 001-0499.htmDD 2766Adult Preventive and Chronic Care FlowsheetMar 1998 rms2500-2999.htmDA Form 3822 Report of Mental Status EvaluationMar2017 DA%20FORM%203822.pdfSF 600Chronological Record of Medical CareMay 1984 1000TECHNICAL EXHIBIT 1: PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARYPWSParaTaskPerformance StandardAcceptableQuality Levels (AQL)SurveillanceMethod / By Whom1.4.1The contractor provides a Quality Control Plan no later than 60 days post contract award98% of the2% failuretime5.1.6The contractor shall execute delivery of clinicalpaperwork98% of thetime2% failure5. contractor shall provide policy updates98% of the2% failure5.2.10time5.1.17The contractor shall provide reliable and regular98% of the2% failure5.1.28updates of activities within the BH sectiontime5.1.29The contractor shall attend required staff meetings98% of the2% failure5.2.13time5.2.415.1.15The contractor shall hold clinical supervision meetings with BH personnel98% of the time2% failurePeriodic Inspection and random monitoring - COR5. contractor provides screenings, assessments, re-assessments, review of medical records, profile reviews, calls coordinating services, and otherrelated clinical services98% of the time2% failure5.1.6The contractor completes clinical paperwork,98% of the2% failure5.2.12including entries into eCase, eProfile updates,timecompletion of DA Form 3822, SF 600, and otherforms when required in a timely manner5.2.4The contractor shall attend PHA, RP and other2% failureassessment events in order to perform evaluationsof SMs.5.1.14The contractor shall maintain HIPAA standards and100% of the0% failureguidelinestimeTECHNICAL EXHIBIT 2: DELIVERABLES SCHEDULEPWS deliverableFrequencyNumberof CopiesMedium/FormatSubmit toProvide Quality Control PlanNLT 60 days postcontract awardN/ADigital .pdf formatCORExecute delivery of clinical paperworkNLT five (5) businessdays following a Soldier contactN/AeCase, eProfile, DA Form 3822, SF 600CORProvide policy updatesNLT 30 days following thepublication of the higher guidanceN/APoliciesCORProvide reliable and regularupdates of activities within the BH sectionThe first business day of each monthN/ADigital via ExcelSpreadsheet or PowerPoint slidesCORAttend required staff meetingsAs scheduledN/AFace to Face meetingor teleconferenceKeepon fileHold clinical supervision meetings with BH personnelWeekly via teleconference andmonthly via face to faceN/AMinutes recorded via MS Word documentKeep on fileProvide screenings, assessments, re-assessments, review of medical records, profile reviews, callscoordinating services, and other related clinical servicesNo less than 20 hours per week per full time clinical providerN/ADigital via Excel SpreadsheetKeep on fileComplete clinical paperwork, including entries into eCase, eProfile updates, completion of DA Form 3822, SF 600, and other forms when required in a timelymannerNo more than 20 hours per week per full time clinical providerN/AeCase, eProfile, DA Form 3822, SF 600CORAll contractor employees shall complete the DoD IA AwarenessTraining.At issuance of network access andannually thereafter.N/ADigital certificate .pdf formatCORAll contractor employees requiring access Army installations, facilities and controlled access areas shallcomplete AT Level I awareness training.Within 7 calendar days after contract start dateN/ADigital certificate .pdf formatCORContractor employees must complete Level I OPSEC Awareness training.New employees must be trained within 30 calendar days of theirreporting for duty and annually thereafterN/ADigital certificate .pdf formatCORThe contractor with an area of performance within an Army- controlled installation, facilities orarea shall brief all employees on the local iWATCH program.Within 30 calendar days of contract award.N/ADigital .pdf formatCOR ................

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