Psyc 302 Schedule of Topics and Online Documents

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Unit 1: Fundamentals of Learning


Topic File Name or 302notes.doc Page Number

Definition of Learning learn.ppt

Learning vs. Performance: Latent Learning learn.ppt

The Nature of Theoretical Constructs iv.ppt

(Intervening Variables)

Distinguishing Between Hypothetical iv.ppt

Internal States and Real Ones;

Fallacy of Reification

Behaviorism vs Cognitivism behavcog.ppt

Plato, Aristotle, and the History philo.ppt

of Learning Theory

Behaviorism’s Roots in Descartes’ 302notes.doc Pages 10 - 11

Concept of the Reflex and

Pavlov’s Discoveries

Operant Conditioning and the 302notes.doc Pages 1 - 3

“Law of Effect”; Comparison with

Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning;

Comparison with Instrumental Conditioning

Operant Conditioning: Framework of 302notes.doc Page 3

“Behavior Analysis” Operant-abc.ppt

Consequences of Behavior: reinfpun.ppt

“Negative” vs. “Positive” 302notes.doc Page 9

“Primary” vs. “Secondary”

Consequences of Behavior: schedules1.doc

Basic Schedules of Reinforcement schedules2.doc

and Their Effects on Behavior graph.ppt

302notes.doc Pages 4 – 5; 10 (top)

Consequences of Behavior: 302notes.doc Pages 5 - 9

Complex Schedules of Reinforcement

Behavioral Momentum 302notes.doc Pages 6 - 7


Classical Conditioning: Pavlov.ppt

Basic terms and principles

Applications to Drug Tolerance drugtol.doc

What is learned in classical conditioning? 302notes.doc Pages 11 – 12 (middle)

CS and US: Effects of order of cs-us.ppt

presentation and timing

Rescorla’s contingency theory vs. contingency.ppt

Pavlov’s pairings principle contingencies2.ppt


Issues in the study of conditioned Inhib.doc

inhibition: operational definitions, condinhib.ppt

principles, applications

Importance of predictive value 302notes.doc Pages 12 - 13

of CS: The “Blocking Experiment”;

Rescorla-Wagner Model

Interactions between classical conditioning and avoid.ppt

operant conditioning: signalled avoidance

Application: conditioned taste aversions aversion.pdf

and Aversion Therapy

UNIT 1 REVIEW unit1review.ppt

Unit 2: Complex Human Learning


Topic File Name or 302notes.doc Page Number

Verbal Learning and Memory: 302notes.doc Pages 13 - 14

Associative (Ebbinghaus) vs.

Cognitive (Bartlett) Traditions

Contrasting Associative Learning transpo.ppt

with Relational Learning transpo2.ppt

Basic Tasks: Serial Learning, verbal.ppt

Paired-Associate Learning, and

Free Recall

Serial Learning: Associative vs. serial.ppt

Cognitive Interpretations Ebbinghaus.pdf


302notes.doc Pages 14 – 15 (“Additional

Mnemonics for Serial Learning”)



(Pages 1 – 5)

Paired-Associate Learning: pa-learn.ppt

Associative vs. Cognitive 302notes.doc Pages 15 – 16 (“Mnemonics for

Approaches Paired-Associate Learning”)

Free Recall: Basic Effects frecall.ppt

Improving Memory Through Elaboration.pdf

Elaborative Rehearsal ImprovingMemory.pdf

(Pages 5 – 9, The “Testing Effect”)

Transfer of Learning transfer.ppt

302notes.doc Pages 16 – 17 (“Mediated

Transfer in the A-B, A-C Paradigm”)

Concept Learning: Formal 302notes.doc Page 17

(Artificial) Concepts vs.

Natural Concepts

Formal Concepts: Distinguishing concept.ppt

Concept Learning from

Rote Learning

Formal Concepts: Attribute Learning concept2.ppt

vs. Rule Learning

Rules: Levels of Logical Complexity; concept2a.ppt

Relation of Complexity to Difficulty 302notes.doc Pages 17 - 18

of Learning a Concept

Natural Concepts: Mental Representation prototype.pdf

Through Prototypes vs. Exemplars

Developmental Changes in dsproblems.ppt

Concept Learning: Language, conceptlearning.doc

Perceptual Learning, and Strategic


UNIT 2 REVIEW unit2review.ppt


Unit 3: Memory


Topic File Name or 302notes.doc Page Number

Memory basics: encoding, storage, memory1.ppt

and retrieval

Forgetting basics: storage failure memory1.ppt

(e.g., decay) vs. retrieval failure

(e.g., interference)

Retroactive vs. proactive interference interference.doc

Atkinson-Shiffrin multistore model of memory memory2.ppt


Measuring the capacity of memoryspan.ppt

short-term memory and

302notes.doc Page 18

Short-term memory: dord.ppt

mechanisms of forgetting

Baddeley’s model of “working memory” 302notes.doc Pages 18 - 19

Is there a short-term memory? 2or1.ppt

Peterson & Peterson’s experiment;

evidence from free-recall experiments

Forgetting from long-term memory: interference.ppt

methods of investigating and

measuring interference

The Peterson & Peterson procedure: ln1.doc

buildup and release from (“Release from Proactive Interference”)

proactive interference

Forgetting from long-term memory: 2factor.ppt

classic 2-factor theory of interference

2-factor theory: the problem of ln1.doc

spontaneous recovery (“How RI and PI Change Over Time”)

Revival of 2-factor theory: Wright’s 302notes.doc Page 19 - 21

experiment on primacy and recency

effects in pigeons, monkeys, and


Forgetting from long-term memory: ln1.doc

the theory of cue-dependent forgetting (“Cue-Dependent Forgetting”)

Forgetting from long-term memory: 302notes.doc Pages 24 - 26

the encoding specifity principle and

application to “transfer-appropriate


Forgetting from long-term memory: 302notes.doc Pages 21 - 24

retrieval-induced forgetting and


The structure of semantic memory: c-q.doc

Collins and Quillian’s Hierarchical

Network Model; testing the model;

3 basic problems

The structure of semantic memory: c-l.doc

Collins and Loftus’s Spreading

Activation Model

Spreading Activation Model: priming.pptx

Application to “priming” genderpriming.pptx

Retrieval from semantic memory: 302notes.doc Pages 26 - 28

reconstruction vs. reproduction;

Bartlett’s research and the concept

of schema

Retrieval from episodic memory:

sources of distortion in eyewitness testimony 302notes.doc Pages 28 - 29


UNIT 3 REVIEW unit3review.ppt



Online Resources

Class notes: 302notes.doc

…and the files listed below

See syllabus for required readings from text.

For syllabus: 302.pdf

For paper: 302paper.pdf


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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