
Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Counseling

|Clinical counseling-related programs: |To be considered for admission into the Capella clinical counseling programs, you must submit all |

| |required application materials. |

| | |

| | |

| |However, submitting your materials does not guarantee admission. Program faculty will evaluate your |

| |materials and make the final decision on your admission. |

|• Addictions Counseling | |

|• Career Counseling | |

|• Marriage and Family Counseling / Therapy | |

|• Mental Health Counseling | |

|• School Counseling | |

|Your essay must be 3-6 pages in length and address each of the areas outlined below. Please utilize the required template that begins on page 2 and address each of|

|these five essay components under the provided headings. |

|Required Essay Components: |4. Self-awareness |

| |This section must address: |

|1. Rationale for seeking specialization in a clinical counseling-related program |• Life experiences that may have heightened your level of self-awareness, |

|This section must address: |impacted your decision to apply to the program, and influenced your career goals.|

|• Your clear understanding of the clinical program area, with attention to | |

|licensure and the role of a licensed counselor. |• The characteristic ways in which you process life events and challenges, and |

|• The clear link between the program you selected and your career goals. |how those ways have helped you develop strengths relevant to your chosen program |

|Your substantive, carefully considered reasons for seeking a clinical graduate |area. |

|degree in counseling. (Beyond merely being a good listener or wanting to help | |

|others). |Your discussion of self-awareness should demonstrate emotional stability and |

| |readiness to undertake a graduate degree program in counseling. |

|2. Impact of previous employment, volunteer work, and other human service or |5. Future professional goals in counseling |

|counseling experiences |This section must address: |

|This section must address: |• Your specific career goals and the licensure requirements you will need to |

|• Key experiences in your employment or volunteer work that influenced your |achieve them. |

|decision to apply for the program. |• Since licensure requirements vary from state to state, be specific about the |

|• If you have no experience in human services, please identify specific ways you |requirements in the state where you intend to practice. |

|could gain related experience, such as volunteer work. | |

| |Your essay should reflect professional standards of clarity, tone, and grammar. |

|3. Culturally relevant interpersonal skills |Please include your name and the date you wrote the essay in the space provided |

|This section must address: |on page two of the essay template. Please also include your email address and |

|• Your ability, based on life experience, to relate interpersonally to |the clinical program to which you are applying. |

|individuals from different cultural contexts (e.g. age, | |

|disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic | |

|status, etc.) in both individual and small group settings. |Please either email or fax your completed essay to: |

|•Your understanding of the importance of culturally relevant interpersonal skills| |

|in the role of a counselor, and at least 2 steps you plan to take to further the |Attn: DMMS, Capella University |

|development of these skills. |Capella Tower |

| |225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor |

| |Minneapolis, MN 55402 |

| |Fax: 612.977.5060 Toll‐free fax: 1.888.227.8492 |

| |Email: efaxdocmgmt@capella.edu or email your Enrollment Counselor directly. |

Capella University Essay for Admission to the Clinical Counseling Programs

Raycine Marinez


Insert Today’s Date Here

General Marriage Family Counselor Therapy

Start typing here- I selected marriage and family counseling because I think if we start to mold our relationships in a positive manner between husband and wife, it will be much easier to set a good example for the children that follow later. I want to become one of the best at my craft because I want to help families produce a better way of life when they choose to be with a mate. Some of us accept the way other people are even when we know they aren’t what make us happy. I think it’s good to have parents who reflect a healthy relationship/home-life so their children can understand the meaning of real love and not settle for someone who is broken. Eventually, this type of behavior will spill over to their children and so on. My goal is to change the way we treat other people, and understand that we don’t always have to hurt the ones we love to feel good about our decisions. This will ultimately produce a more understanding group of people who know how react to certain situations and hopefully minimize abuse in a family setting.

Start typing here- I once volunteered at child protective services because I wanted to help children, my first shadow case was when a mother of four took the life of her oldest son, and bit off the penis of her younger son, all because she found out her husband cheated on her and she didn’t want her boys to be the product of his (the father) ways. She took her two girls across the street to a neighbor’s house, so they were safe. That deterred me from working face to face with aftermath of damaged families. I chose to help them mentally in hopes to reach them before it gets to that point.

Start typing here- My mother was in the military, so mixing with different races is very normal to me. I have a friend who has a special needs child, and I have compassion/respect for them as people who are known to overcome their obstacles. My grandfather is a preacher and has taught me to be very humble when it comes to other’s religious preferences. I grew up with gay uncles in my family, so same-sex relationships are another norm for me. I get along with others well and by no means judge anyone who comes in my path. I am all about helping families bond, blend, and accept who they may be on the in/outside, so they can become a stronger family unit, my personal opinion doesn’t matter, because I am there to make sure they love one another unconditionally/respectfully.

Start typing here- I dealt with physical, mental, and sexual abuse in my own household when I was younger and I would like to show people that they too come overcome these obstacles. I am more likely to take advice from someone who has been there and done that, most people feel the same way so I may be able to relate to them in that aspect. Friends and family members have asked me for relationship (parenting/mate) advice for years, and I think it’s about time I take my personal life experience and blend it with higher educational means to create a more substantial way to help others.

I am much more aware of who I am and what I want out of a situation that challenges me because I have now understood and grasped the meaning of patents. By taking note of everything and everyone around me, I have developed a sense of who people are and what they want from others in their lives. This gives me an insight that I can use when reading/observing habits from others that they may not know they have, because it may be the reason they are unable to communicate, listen, or relate to his or her mate’s concerns. I can admit when I am wrong about something and coming to grips with my faults have made me a better person. I can use this characteristic about myself to help others become aware of their personal issues, but I still need guidance from this program before I am able to help other people properly.

Start typing here- I want become a family psychologist who is known for my achievement rate in saving, not only families, but couples and single people who are seeking love in a healthy relationship. I know I will need a license to practice in the state of Texas and continue to educate myself with fresher courses throughout my career as things do change over time and I want to be current with the information I am conveying to my patients.

Please either email or fax your completed essay to:

Attn: DMMS, Capella University

Capella Tower

225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor

Minneapolis, MN 55402

Fax: 612.977.5060 Toll‐free fax: 1.888.227.8492

Email: efaxdocmgmt@capella.edu or email your Enrollment Counselor directly.


Admission Essay

Rationale for seeking specialization in a clinical counseling-related program

This section must address:

• Your clear understanding of the clinical program area, with attention to licensure and the role of a licensed counselor.

• The clear link between the program you selected and your career goals.

• Your substantive, carefully considered reasons for seeking a clinical graduate degree in counseling (beyond merely being a good listener or wanting to help others).

Impact of previous employment, volunteer work, and other human service or counseling experiences

This section must address:

• Key experiences in your employment or volunteer work that influenced your decision to apply for the program.

• If you have no experience in human services, please identify specific ways you could gain related experience, such as volunteer work.

Culturally relevant interpersonal skills

This section must address:

• Your ability, based on life experience, to relate interpersonally to individuals from different cultural contexts (e.g. age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.) in both individual and small group settings.

• Your understanding of the importance of culturally relevant interpersonal skills in the role of a counselor, and at least 2 steps you plan to take to further the development of these skills.


This section must address:

• Life experiences that may have heightened your level of self-awareness, impacted your decision to apply to the program, and influenced your career goals.

• The characteristic ways in which you process life events and challenges, and how those ways have helped you develop strengths relevant to your chosen program area.

Your discussion of self-awareness should demonstrate emotional stability and readiness to undertake a graduate degree program in counseling.

Future professional goals in counseling

This section must address:

• Your specific career goals and the licensure requirements you will need to achieve them.

• Since licensure requirements vary from state to state, be specific about the requirements in the state where you intend to practice.


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