AUXILIUM CONVENT SCHOOL, BARASATSYLLABUS (2nd Term)CLASS – VIMORALS SCIENCEFinalJesus really loves youBeing faithfulThe joy of givingThe good SamaritanOur attitude countsBe a man of wordsMoral values taught during classENGLISH LANGUAGEUnit IIConjunctionPrepositionInformal LetterParagraph writingFinalInformal LetterEssay WritingComprehensionRelative PronounArticlesConjunctionsPrepositionTenseVoiceNarrationAgreement of subject with verbKinds of AdjectivesSynonyms and AntonymsENGLISH LITERATUREUnit II1. The Rescue of the Tin Woodman2. Casabianca (Poem)Final1. The Rescue of the Tin Woodman2. The Story of Prometheus3. Lulu4. Rip Van Winkle5. The Solitary Reaper (Poem)6. Vocation (Poem)7. Black Beauty (Chapters 3 and 4)HISTORYUnit II1. Rise of Jainism and Buddhism2. Rise of MagadhaFinal1. Rise of Jainism and Buddhism2. Rise Of Magadha3. The Mauryan Empire4. The Gupta Empire5. Civilization of The Fertile Crescent ( Half Yearly)6. Urban Local Self GovernmentGEOGRAPHYUnit II1. North America (Map of North America)Final1. Minerals2. Water bodies of the earth (Map)3. North America (Map of North America )4. Case study of Canada and Amazon basinProject- Water bodies of North AmericaMATHEMATICSUnit IIUnitary MethodPercentageFundamental Concepts Of Algebra [Exercise-12E & 12F] Perimeter and Area.FinalSpeed, Time and DistanceSimple EquationsCirclePolygons Data HandlingMean and Median and all chapters of Unit-IIAssignment:“ Tests of Divisibility”PHYSICSUnit IIMagnetismLight [ upto Page Number-75]FinalPhysical Quantities and Measurement-IIForceLightMagnetismAssignment:- ‘Occurrence of SOLAR ECLIPSE ’CHEMISTRYUnit IIElements compounds and MixturesWaterFinal Elements compounds and Mixtures Water Air and AtmosphereAssignment: “ Global Warming – causes and effects”BIOLOGYUnit IIMaintenance of good health and hygieneFinalRespiration in human beingsFlowersFruits and seedsMaintenance of good health and hygieneThe CellCOMPUTERUnit II1) Chapter 8: An Introduction to HTMLFinal1) Chapter1: Categories of Computers and Computer Languages2) Chapter5: Visual Effects in a Presentation3) Chapter 8: An Introduction to HTML4) Chapter 9: Using the InternetGENERAL KNOWLEDGEUnit IIHumble Beginnings,Save the AnimalsAll that is GreenWords of TodayWords in the NewsAround the WorldMoving on WaterOcean WorldYoga for Better LivingWomen of Substance and Current AffairsFinalNobel PrizesCommon SenseChemically YoursSpace FactsThe North- EastIndia’s Modern Sports StarsNewsmakers of this EraThe World TodayFind the Connection and Current Affairs.Assignment: “ DREAM- 11 : IPL-2020” ................

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