
The Russian Revolution by Mike Kubic

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  Newsweek Magazine used to employ the former Foreign Correspondent Mike Kubic. Kubic (2016) has now written a book called The Russian Revolution, which discusses how in 1917 Russia was in the throes of a revolution. This was the first Russian revolution that had occurred in the 20th century. The result of the revolution began the creation of a Communist state that was led by Vladimir Lenin.

Reasons of Famine

One of the reasons why the Communist state of Vladimir Lenin was able to so successfully overthrow the 304 year old Russian Romanov monarchy that reigned prior to the installation of the Communist state in Russia is because of The Great Famine of 1891 in Russia that severely affected many Russians into desperate states of poverty.

The cover up on the part of the 304 year old Russian Romanov monarchy of the word spreading of the famine in Russia even to the newspapers is what resulted in many of the Russian people to lose their faith in the Russian monarchy which led to the opening of the door for Russians to accept a Communist state.

Disliked Czar

When Czar Alexander III died in 1894 of a heart attack, his 26 year old young son succeeded in his place in the Russian monarchy. His son, Nicholas II, was unable to manage or to rule the 126 million people who resided in Russia at that time (Kubic, 2016). Nicholas II became heatedly disliked by the people in Russia was another reason that opened the door to Vladimir Lenin being able to win over the Russian people with the introduction of a Communist state in 1917.

Nicholas II

Although Nicholas II was disliked, there are good things which Nicholas II did as well, such as increase the education levels of both women and men in Russia increase the number of daily newspapers and raised the literacy rate in Russia to that of 21% by the year 1897. As a result, the intelligentsia in Russia started to have positions of power in the country that was once only exclusive to the monarchy. This was another reason why the introduction of a Communist state at this time was successful (Kubic, 2016).


The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx in 1848, was embraced by Vladimir Lenin and was the basis for the formation of the Bolshevik party that was created in 1903 in Russia (Kubic, 2016).

Mistakes of Nicholas II

The Liberal nobility in Russia approached Nicholas II time and time again to have an elected parliament in place in Russia (Kubic, 2016). Despite the Liberal nobility’s efforts, Nicholas II consistently and constantly denied their requests. The tyrannical nature of Nicholas II’s regime again, opened the door for a Communist state to enter (Kubic, 2016).

There was a peace treaty that was signed in 1905 between the United States President Theodore Roosevelt at the time and even the United States was attempting to appeal to Nicholas II’s sensibilities for Russian reform.

There was a Black Sunday Massacre that occurred in Russia that truly turned the tide of how Russians truly despised Nicholas II (Kubic, 2016). In 1914, when Russia joined forces with France and the United Kingdom in order to fight World War I, the Russians were being defeated time and time again. During this time, Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks were developing their strongholds throughout Russia, one community at a time (Kubic, 2016).

The End of Nicholas II

Once the Bolsheviks and Vladimir Lenin gained power in Russia, Nicholas II and all of his 10 family members were brutally murdered on July 17, 1918 (Kubic, 2016).

Red October

In March of 1918, there was a peace treaty that Vladimir Lenin, still allies with Britain and France, signed with Germany and Austria-Hungary. There continued to be battles between the Whites who were anti-Communist and monarchy supports and the Bolsheviks.

Lenin’s Brutal Leadership

Vladimir Lenin led Russia with an iron fist. He died in 1924 of a brain hemorrhage and had completely established a Communist system in Russia that still exists today, as well as had once spread out the Communist Empire throughout Eastern Europe and the Baltic states (Kubic, 2016). Lenin’s establishment of the Communist Empire almost threatened a third World War, particularly during the 1950s which ended up becoming and being termed as a Cold War (Kubic, 2016).


Newsweek Magazine used to employ the former Foreign Correspondent Mike Kubic. Kubic (2016) has now written a book called The Russian Revolution, which discusses how in 1917 Russia was in the throes of a revolution. This was the first Russian revolution that had occurred in the 20th century. The result of the revolution began the creation of a Communist state that was led by Vladimir Lenin.


Kubic, M. (2016). “The Russian Revolution,” CommonLit. Online, United States: CommonLit.

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