
Online provision planEverest Emotional literacy and communicationTermly overviewTopic: Dealing with feelingsWeek:Learning outcome:Learning task:1To know that feeling nervous is when you feel fear and excitement together. You may feel jumpy or be afraid. It is not a comfortable feeling but it can be useful.Discuss the term “Nervous” and how it can make you and other people feel. Fill in the table below. Think of strategies you can use when you are feeling nervous (Talk to yourself, count to 10, visualise a happy place)Identify your own happy place. Draw a picture or create a model of your happy place.2To know that feeling disappointed is when you feel down. You might feel neglected or let down in some way or by someone.What is meant by being disappointed? Think of other words which mean the same as disappointed. Look at the table below and respond to all of the events when someone can feel disappointed. Create a brainstorm showing all of the things you could advise someone to do to cheer themselves up when they have felt disappointed. Extend your thinking by trying to advise: A young child, a teenager and a middle aged person. How would you differentiate your advice?3To know that feeling rejected is when you feel unloved, unwanted, pushed aside or excluded.Write a list of times when either you or someone else has felt rejected. Discuss this with someone else. Can they think of any other examples? Create a poster to illustrate how people can be rejected. Remember to include examples of young children, teenagers and adults (Everyone feels rejected at some point).Extend your thinking. Prioritize events, in your opinion, rank the different types of rejection starting with the worst. Remember, this is your opinion and there is no wrong answer.4To know that feeling arrogant is when you think too much of yourself. You think you are the best and you look down on others.5To know that feeling generous is when you share yourself and your possessions with others.6To know that feeling selfish is when you only think about yourself. You do not care about the needs and feelings of others.Week 3: Write a list of times when either you or someone else has felt rejected. Discuss this with someone else. Can they think of any other examples? Create a poster to illustrate how people can be rejected. Remember to include examples of young children, teenagers and adults (Everyone feels rejected at some point).Extend your thinking. Prioritize events, in your opinion, rank the different types of rejection starting with the worst. Remember, this is your opinion and there is no wrong answer.Thought storming:How would you feel if?Moment 1Your friend started to ignore you?Moment 2You didn’t get any birthday presents?Moment 3You were last to be picked on a sports team?Moment 4Your friends block you on what’s app? Moment 5You have your hand u but the teacher ignores you?Moment 6You are at school and trying to answer a question and your friends talk over you?Stop and reflect:Stop and think about the last time you were rejected. Answer the following questions in complete sentences:What was happening?How did you feel?What were you thinking?What did you do?What might have made things even better for you?Useful websites:The nurture group networkTwinkleThe school of emotional literacyLSQ’s (Low stakes questions) See stop and reflect sectionThis week’s spellings are:StampAmpleClampCrampTrampSampleShampooAmplifyCampaigncampsiteOur tutor time group reading book is: “The suitcase kid” ................

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