Slide 1 My name is [John Maxwell Team Member] and [brief intro]…Thank you for hosting me today. I am so happy to be here and share with you an important message about YOU! To help us get started, let me introduce you to two of my dear friends. Slide 2 Have you ever heard of John Maxwell? Well Dr. Maxwell is my friend and mentor. He is considered one of the top leadership experts in the world. The author of over 80 books, John has been a New York Times Best Seller and a great influencer to many leaders around the world. As a member of his team, I’ve had the pleasure of learning from John personally. And let me tell you…there is nothing quite like learning from the best. Because John is passionate about leadership and growing the leaders of today and tomorrow, he has made a personal commitment to growing young people. Today, you are participating in YouthMAX Plus, John’s youth leadership development program. His special friend, Nick Vujicic is our YouthMAX Plus Ambassador. Have you ever heard of Nick? Have you seen any of his YouTube videos? Nick was born without any limbs. Yes. That’s right. He doesn’t have any legs or any arms. And although he was born without limbs, Nick has challenged himself to live life to the fullest. He is a successful motivational speaker who shares his personal story and inspires young people to be their best. That’s enough from me…let’s hear more about YouthMAX from Nick. Slide 3 Show Nick’s Video Slide 4 Overview of YouthMAX content (read slide)Slide 5 In this video, Nick will share with you the importance of believing in yourself and how having positive self-esteem determines your success. Nick will share with you his personal story and outline some key points to help you love yourself for who you are. Be sure to pay attention to Nick’s message. We will need Nick’s comments to complete an exercise later in the session and at the end of the series. I proudly introduce to you, my friend Nick. Slide 6Wow! How awesome was Nick’s message! For some of us, this video was a reminder that we are important and valuable. But for others, this may have been the first time we were ever told that we matter. Hear me now. You do matter! You are so important to this world. You are the only one who can be you. And you are the only one who can do what you are here to do. Let’s take a few moments and consider Nick’s message. What were some of the main points he shared? How did that make you feel? What were some of the ideas or thoughts that Nick’s message brought to your mind? Early in the video, Nick asked you a question. Does anyone remember what the question was? He asked, “What are your gifts?” Let’s think about that question together. Next, we are going to complete an activity. Can I have 7 volunteers? Please raise your hand and sit quietly so that everyone can hear the instructions. 114300-26035YouthMAX KIDS ACTIVITY: WHAT ARE GIFTS? **See activity sheet for instructions and set up[Select the volunteers and then distribute one (or two cards depending on how much time you have) to each volunteer.] (asking one of the students): Will you read to the class the gift on your card? And how can you use your gift? (giving the student time to respond) Does anyone else have ideas about how he/she can use their gift? Can you read for us what the definition of your gift is? (student reads back of card) How do you think it would make you feel to use your gift to add value to others? [Repeat this with the remaining student volunteers and class. Highlight how good it makes everyone feel when we use our gifts to help and support each other. Reiterate the importance of identifying your gift and using your gift to add value to others. Remind the students that they should do their best to use their gifts to add value to someone once each day; because by adding value to others, you add value to yourself.]This is a very important question. Have you ever considered this question before? Do you understand what it means? What are “gifts”? For this discussion, “gifts” are our natural ability or talent. Its what we are created to do. Let’s take a few moments and answer this question together. Using the worksheet provided and working independently, I want you to take a few minutes and write down your answer to the first question – What are your gifts? [take 5 minutes]Would anyone like to share their answers? 00YouthMAX KIDS ACTIVITY: WHAT ARE GIFTS? **See activity sheet for instructions and set up[Select the volunteers and then distribute one (or two cards depending on how much time you have) to each volunteer.] (asking one of the students): Will you read to the class the gift on your card? And how can you use your gift? (giving the student time to respond) Does anyone else have ideas about how he/she can use their gift? Can you read for us what the definition of your gift is? (student reads back of card) How do you think it would make you feel to use your gift to add value to others? [Repeat this with the remaining student volunteers and class. Highlight how good it makes everyone feel when we use our gifts to help and support each other. Reiterate the importance of identifying your gift and using your gift to add value to others. Remind the students that they should do their best to use their gifts to add value to someone once each day; because by adding value to others, you add value to yourself.]This is a very important question. Have you ever considered this question before? Do you understand what it means? What are “gifts”? For this discussion, “gifts” are our natural ability or talent. Its what we are created to do. Let’s take a few moments and answer this question together. Using the worksheet provided and working independently, I want you to take a few minutes and write down your answer to the first question – What are your gifts? [take 5 minutes]Would anyone like to share their answers? 088265Gifts aren’t worth much unless we are using them. Considering the gift(s) that you just wrote on your worksheet, which one(s) do you use to add value to others? How do you use that gift to add value? Lets take another few minutes and write down our answers. [take 3 minutes]Would anyone like to share their answers?In the video, Nick shared a startling statistic. He said that over 4,000 young people commit suicide each year in the United States. Of those 4,000 deaths, 25% of them are a result of bullying from their peers. What if each of those young people who committed suicide, or those who consider it, had someone like you in their lives? What if they had someone like you, use their gifts to add value to them? What if? For the final question, I want you to write down your answer to how you plan to use your gifts to add value to others. What NEW ways can you use your gifts to help others? Serve others? Bless others? [take 5 minutes]Great! Wow! Look at this room. Look at the folks around you. We are in a room of gifted young leaders who are committed to using their gifts to add value to others. There is nothing like being the change we hope to see in this world. I am so proud of you. 0Gifts aren’t worth much unless we are using them. Considering the gift(s) that you just wrote on your worksheet, which one(s) do you use to add value to others? How do you use that gift to add value? Lets take another few minutes and write down our answers. [take 3 minutes]Would anyone like to share their answers?In the video, Nick shared a startling statistic. He said that over 4,000 young people commit suicide each year in the United States. Of those 4,000 deaths, 25% of them are a result of bullying from their peers. What if each of those young people who committed suicide, or those who consider it, had someone like you in their lives? What if they had someone like you, use their gifts to add value to them? What if? For the final question, I want you to write down your answer to how you plan to use your gifts to add value to others. What NEW ways can you use your gifts to help others? Serve others? Bless others? [take 5 minutes]Great! Wow! Look at this room. Look at the folks around you. We are in a room of gifted young leaders who are committed to using their gifts to add value to others. There is nothing like being the change we hope to see in this world. I am so proud of you. Slide 7: Read slideSlide 8Using your gifts can not only be life changing for others; it can also be life changing for you. When you don’t use your gifts, you run the risk of living in a prison of fear and failure. Fear has no place here. And failure…failure can be helpful for your journey. We will talk more about the importance of failure in the future. For now, just know that living in a prison of fear and failure will keep you from living to your full potential. Don’t let yourself live here. Use Nick’s 5 choices to help you live your best life. Slide 9: Read slideSlide 10: Read slideSlide 11Never forget…You are important! No matter what anyone says, you are important to this world. We need you to be you! There is only one you. You are everything you believe yourself to be – so believe good things about you! Understand who you are. Once you know and use your gifts to add value to yourself and others, you will be unstoppable. Slide 12: Read slide End the session and thank the group for participating. ................

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