Ms. Nakisha Lee, Instructor Simeon Career Academy

Name of School

SUBJECT: Advanced Accounting

UNITS OR CHAPTERS: Lesson 2/Law of Contracts

CLASS PERIOD: 1st-2nd Period

MINUTES PER CLASS: 45 Minutes September 15-19, 2008

For the Week of


To introduce Law of Contracts as it is stated to recognize the importance of contract in your life., to understand how contracts are made and appreciate the variety and flexibility of contracts.


Upon completion of course, student should be able to:

1. Know the six essential elements of a legally enforceable contract

2. Identify different kinds of contracts

3. Know how to create a valid offer

4. Describe how an offer can be terminated before acceptances

5. Understand the importance of acceptance and consideration to contract formation

6. Know how to determine if someone has the capacity to contract

7. Understand how apparent assent to a contract may be invalidated

8. Identify contracts that are illegal

9. Know when writing is required to prove a contract.

Illinois Content-Area Standards for Business Marketing, and Computer Education

|Standard 6 |Knowledge and Performance |Course Objectives: |Assessment Activities |

| |Indicators | | |

|The competent business, |Performance Indicator |Upon completion of this course, |Bell Ringers |

|marketing and computer education| |students should be able to: | |

|teacher understands and applies |6J. Understands the |____________________ |Class Assignments |

|basic concepts of keyboarding |relationships among contract |2. Identify different kinds of | |

|and computer applications |law, law of sales and consumer |contracts. |Critical Thinking assignments |

| |law. | | |

| | | |Concept Tests |

Five-Day Lesson Plan

Advanced Accounting

Lesson 2/Law of Contracts

Page 2


Textbook: Business Law: Business 2000. By John E. Adamson, published by South-Western, United States.

Equipment: IBM compatible microcomputers

Supplies: Folders, pen, paper for notes and one floppy diskette or USB for data storage.

Software program: Microsoft Office 2003


Lecture, demonstration, individualized self-paced activities, visual aids, and guest speakers.

Day 1: Time Allotted: 25 minutes

General Procedures: Take daily attendance and perform other administrative class duties

Teacher Activities:

1. Introduce Lesson 2, Law of Contracts, using the textbook to explain the different kinds of contracts..

2. Have students open book to designated page to explain the Contract Law Foundations

3. Ask questions to make sure students understand the reading.

4. Remind students that they will have a concepts test, relevant to the lesson on Laws of Contracts. They are to study this lesson as homework through notes and their packet they have taken in class in preparation for the test.

Student Responsibilities: Allotted Time: 20 minutes

1. Students will start their class with a daily bell ringer: “How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?”

2. Students will read lesson two to differentiate between the different kinds of contracts..

3. Students will ask questions to make sure they understand the reading.

4. Students will complete the checkpoint questions after each section.

Five-Day Lesson Plan

Advanced Accounting

Lesson 2/Law of Contracts

Page 3

Day 2: Time Allotted: 25 minutes

General Procedures: Take daily attendance and perform other administrative

class duties

Teacher Activities

1. Introduce Lesson 2, Offer and Acceptance. Using the textbook to explain how an offer can be terminated before acceptance.

2. Have students to turn to the designated page to read the passages of ‘the offer, and offer must be complete and definite.”

3. Ask questions to make sure students understand the reading.

4. Remind students that they will have a concept test, relevant to lesson 2. They are to study their notes and take home packet as homework in preparation for the test.

Student Responsibilities Allotted Time: 20 minutes

1. Students will start their class with a daily bell ringer: “Internet assignment connected to the book. Section 2.1”

2. Students will read lesson two to understand how to create a valid offer.

3. Students will ask questions to make sure they understand the reading.

4. Students will complete the checkpoint questions after section 2.2

Five-Day Lesson Plan

Advanced Accounting

Lesson 2/Law of Contracts

Page 4

Day 3: Time Allotted: 25 minutes

General Procedures: Take daily attendance and perform other administrative class duties.

1. Introduce Lesson 2, Possible Termination of the Offer before Acceptance. Using the textbook to explain how and offer can be terminated.

2. Have students to turn to designated page to follow along the lecture on lesson 2.

3. Ask questions to make sure students understand the reading.

4. Remind students that they will have a concepts test, relevant to Lesson 2 on Monday. They are to study their notes as homework in preparation for the test.

Student Responsibilities Allotted Time: 20 minutes

1. Students will start class with a daily bell ringer “Internet exercise connected with the book, section 2.2

2. Students will read lessons to understand the importance and consideration to contract formation.

3. Students will ask questions to make sure they understand the reading.

4. Students will complete checkpoint exercise and the end of section. For homework they will complete the Thinking Critically at the end of the lesson.

Five-Day Lesson Plan

Advanced Accounting

Lesson 2/Law of Contracts

Page 5

Day 4 Allotted Times: 25 Minutes

General Procedures: Take daily attendance and perform other administrative class duties.

Teacher Activities

1. Introduce Lesson 2 Capacity to Contract. Using the textbook to explain how you determine if someone has the capacity to contract.

2. Have students turn to designated pages to further explain contractual capacity.

3. Ask questions to make sure students understand the lesson.

4. Remind students they will have a concepts test. relevant to lesson 2 when the lesson has been completed.

Student Activities Allotted Time: 20 minutes

1. Students will start class of with a daily bell ringer “Name the six essential elements of a legally enforceable contract?”

2. Students will answer questions based on the lesson.

3. Students will complete the check point question at the end of the section and the thinking critically questions at the end of the chapter which is due before they leave class.

Day 5: Allotted Times: 25 Minutes

General Procedures: Take daily attendance and perform other administrative class duties

Teacher Activities

1. Introduce Lesson 2 Legality of Contracts. Using the textbook to explain how you determine if a contract is illegal.

2. Have students turn to designated pages to further explain how contracts can become illegal.

Five-Day Lesson Plan

Advanced Accounting

Lesson 2

Page 6

3. Ask questions to make sure students understand the lesson.

4. Remind students they will have a concepts test. relevant to lesson 2 when the lesson has been completed.

Student Activities Allotted Time 20 Minutes

1. Students will start class with a daily bell ringer “Internet activity that connects with the book, section 2.3

2. Students will ask questions based on the lesson.

3. Students will complete checkpoints after the section. They will complete the thinking critically after the chapter for homework


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